The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust

The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
Edward's Trust
The Kite
   Sept 2021

Our Work

Stories from
our families

Our Support


Our ET heroes

                                                                           Image: Isabelle Alexander

     Reg. Charity No.1105370 & Company Ltd by Guarantee in England and Wales No.3487577
        Supporting children and families facing loss and surviving bereavement
The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
Welcome to The Kite
 Sept 2021

                                        lens then just take one step at a       strength at a time when only
                                        time without seeing the bigger          outdoor or zoom sessions were
Dear Friends,                           picture. In doing so; in steadily       possible. People have really
                                        pursuing the goal, setting our          embraced this opportunity.
Welcome to our Autumn edition of        sights on the horizon and
The Kite. I hope you have been able     walking towards it we find we           As well as being a Personal Trainer
to have a bit of a break over the       have come so far, without               and Wellbeing Advisor, Sophie is
summer albeit in a different way        realising.                              also a qualified counsellor so we are
than we might normally. I have just                                             really pleased to be able to offer her
                                        One of the highlights for me last
returned from the Isles of Scilly and                                           some additional days working with
                                        month was our filming of bereaved
Cornwall and was struck by the                                                  us as a young people's counsellor.
                                        adults. The courage they showed in
vastness of the ocean (having spent
                                        talking about their experiences of
so much time over the last two year                                             And of course we've had some
                                        grief was truly humbling.
in land-locked Birmingham). So too                                              wonderful fundraising initiatives
with Edward's Trust, I am struck        So in looking back at the steps we      over the last few months. We've
with the vastness of things - the       have made, in June we had a             flown virtual kites, passed virtual
vastness of the pain of loss, the       Trustee induction welcoming 4           batons with international team
vastness of the work in hand and        wonderful new Trustees and              members! We had our annual Golf
the vastness of people's generosity     welcoming back Peter Dent. It was       Day and individuals have supported
and willingness to give.                a great day together and I am so        us with Snowdon climbs, zip wire
                                        encouraged and grateful for such        challenges, triathlons and more.
                           Cornwall     talent and expertise among our
                                        governing body.                         In the vastness of the struggle for
                                                                                many, we persevere with the work
                                        We also welcomed Bindu Parikh to        we do with those who have been
                                        the staff team as our new adult         bereaved; with our supporters at
                                        counsellor. We are delighted to         our back.
                                        have her join us. You can read more
                                        on the next page.                       Thank you.
Sometimes the vastness can be
overwhelming and we need to step        Our wellbeing work with Sophie
back and see it through a smaller       Skipp has gone from strength to
                                                                                               Yvonne Gilligan CEO

  Contact Us                                               Follow us for our latest news and events
  Bereavement Centre: 0121 454 1705                                    /Edwardstrust            /Edwardstrust
  Fundraising: 0121 456 4838                              @Edwardstrust  
The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
Staff Spotlight

Welcoming Bindu - Adult Counsellor
We are delighted to welcome        My career has been a varied       Outside of work, my children
Bindu Parikh to the team.          one. I started off in the         have made me conscious of our
Bindu will be working              banking sector before starting    environmental impact. I have
alongside Sue Drew to support      an asian fashion retail           young grandchildren who keep
parents bereaved of a child of     business which ran for over       me on my toes having been
any age and through any            20 years. I then retrained as a   raised entirely in cloth nappies.
circumstance.                      counsellor and gained
                                   experience in bereavement         I enjoy the outdoors, and the
I am excited to have joined the    counselling during my             Lake District is one of my
Edward’s Trust team and to         training.                         favourite places. I also dabble in
be a part of the important                                           art. I love embroidering
work being done here. I am an      My prior work as a counsellor     peacocks and I have a keen
MBACP accredited adult             has been focused on domestic      interest in Vedic philosophy.
counsellor, with a background      abuse in the charity sector.
in integrative counselling. I      After experiencing my own
believe in a person-centred        bereavement very closely and
approach putting our clients at    taking a career break I have
the heart of the counselling       come back with fresh
process.                           perspective and renewed
                                   passion to the meaningful
I have been so impressed           impact bereavement
since joining the team here at     counselling can provide.
the Edward’s Trust and at the
dedication and passion I have      I have come back with
seen in the whole team. There       fresh perspective and
is a real harmony and focus in
                                     renewed passion to
delivering for our clients and I
feel privileged to join such an    the meaningful impact
energised and experienced               bereavement
team.                                                                  Bindu Parikh
                                       counselling can
                                                                       Adult Counsellor
The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
Our Work - Counselling

Outreach into
                                  Planning my day to spend the
Schools                           maximum time seeing young
                                  people and the least time in           I just wanted to say a
I’m Lindy and I joined            Birmingham traffic is tricky.         massive thank you, you
Edward's Trust in October         This means seeing multiple               have really made a
2020 after four years             people at the same school or         difference to these young
delivering school counselling.    clustering schools that are           people and we really do
I split my time between           close to each other.                        appreciate it.
counselling at the Trust and in                                               Head of 6th form.
schools.                          School staff have often
                                  noticed that a young person is
The biggest challenge is          struggling and made the
working out who to offer this     referral. Working in school
service to. Demand is always      means I have less
bigger than my capacity.          involvement with families, so I
Some of the young peopIe          always make contact before
whom we support are very          the sessions start and am
disadvantaged so don't have       available to be contacted at
anyone to bring them to           any point if there are
Edward's Trust as they have       concerns.
lost the main care-giver in the
family. Those are the young       Summer holidays mean a
people we prioritise. Others      disruption to the work. I
may be in exam years and          mitigate this by offering         Lindy
again we prioritise them so       keeping in touch sessions and     Children & Young People's
                                  seeing young people face to       Counsellor
the learning they miss is
minimum.                          face here at the Trust.

              Working in a School you have less control of your
              environment and one of the things I am particularly mindful
              of is leaving the young person at the end of a session in
              such a place that they can go straight back into the
The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
Our Work - Wellbeing

                                                                      Here is some feedback from
'Mindful words'                                                        Bethany's taster session:
                                 They were able to say things
 Sometimes people come
                                 that I needed to hear, words
 across us, resonate with
                                 that offered solace, hope and         The session was just
 what we do and pull all
                                 articulation of my feelings that I    what I needed. I loved
 the stops out to work with
                                 didn’t know how to express.           your choice of poems
 us. One of those people is
                                 Reading of novels, plays and          and your facilitation
 poet Bethany Rivers.
                                 poems, writing my diary and my        was calmly inspiring. It
 Having gained funding
                                 own poems – they saved my             was also a joy to be
 from the Arts Council we
                                 life, giving me safe space and        part of the group and
 have been delighted that
                                 time to discover and express          you've helped me face
 she is able to offer poetry
                                 what I needed to.                     the blank page again.
 workshops to those who
                                                                       Feeling engaged in the
 have been bereaved. Here
                                                                       world once more.
 is her story.
                                 Bethany is running two free
I was twelve when my father
                                 courses on Mindful Words in
died. I had nobody to talk to.
                                 October, each is six weeks
But every night, before going
                                 long, looking at words that
to sleep, I wrote my diary.
                                 help soothe and express.
Pages and pages and pages
                                 They are aimed at anyone
of diary. I poured my heart
                                 who has experienced a
out. I wrote so many poems
                                 bereavement. All are held on
about anguish, without really
                                 Zoom, commencing
knowing what a poem was.
                                 Thursday 7th October 7.30 –
                                 9.30 pm and Saturday 9th
Over the years, I came across
                                 October 10.30 am – 12.30
many poems that were like
balm to the soul. Poems are        Contact Bethany for further
the perfect container for the        information or to book:
strongest of emotions, and it
fits on a page.
The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
Stories from families
who have received our support

Mahmoona and her son                    I was also referred to a
Mohsin received support                 counsellor in order to come to
                                                                               Sometimes people who
from Edward's Trust. Here               terms with my own grief. Until
                                        then I hadn't begun to grieve.         receive support from
is their story:
                                                                               Edward's Trust would
My journey with Edward's Trust          I will never be able to thank          rather give feedback in
started back in 2017 when my            Sue, my son's counsellor and           more creative ways:
husband passed away suddenly            Karen, my counsellor enough
                                                                               Here is a wonderful drawing
at the age of 45 due to a brain         for all their support and advice.
                                                                               one of our young people's
haemorrhage. At the time my son
                                                                               counsellor's received when
was only 3 1/2 years old.               They have helped my son
                                                                               they had their last session.
                                        come to terms with his
As we struggled with my late            Father's death and they have
husband's family, we were forced        helped me deal with questions
to move in with my parents in           which arise as we both
Birmingham. I not only lost my          process grief and re-adjust to
love, my soul mate, the father of       life as we know it now.
my child. We also lost our home
and our business.                       With Edward's Trust
                                        organising Father's Day
Life became challenging and             workshops, days out to
financially difficult, trying to come   Weston-super-Mare and
to terms with so many changes,          group therapy with similar
our life had literally been turned      aged children, they have
upside down. I managed the best         helped us both accept the loss
I could, but it was affecting my        and process grief in a holistic If you have been supported by
son in many ways, both at home          way.                            Edward's Trust and would like to
and at school.                                                              share your story, please get in touch.

Thankfully we were referred to                 Thank you for getting me through this sadness and
Edward's Trust through pastoral                          helping us both smile again.
support at School. It was a such a
relief to talk to someone who                 I will forever be grateful for all the amazing support
could understand and help us                 and advice Edward's Trust has provided us both with.
cope with his feelings and
behaviour without being                                       Mahmoona & Mohsin
The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
Our Impact

We provide a holistic approach to supporting our families and working to
    promote greater wellbeing has such a positive impact on them.

Children and Young People

     low                      high             low                     high
   wellbeing                wellbeing        wellbeing               wellbeing

  At the start of receiving support from   6 months after receiving support from
             Edward's Trust                           Edward's Trust


      low                     high             low                     high
    wellbeing               wellbeing        wellbeing               wellbeing

  At the start of receiving support from 6 months after receiving support from
             Edward's Trust                         Edward's Trust
The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
'31 IN 31'
October Fundraising Challenge

It is the 3rd year of our October Challenge month...
We hope you will join us.
Sign up.. Have fun and raise money for us at the same time.....

 31 challenges in 31 days
    All ideas welcome: football* baking*origami*jigsaws*reading books*drinking only water*
                                 write 31 letters* Go vegetarian*
    Be creative for every day * 31 day social media break * Take 31 items to the charity shop
                             *No alcohol for 31 days *Anything else

 What challenge will people sponsor you to do?
  How can you raise money for Edward's Trust?
                                                                                         ELP U
                                                                         I N  U  S & H       V E D
                                                                      JO                  EA
                                                                                   T BER
                                                                      SUP  P O  R            W ST
                                                                             I E S  I N THE
                                                                     FAMIL              NDS

      In 2019 you raised £6,000
     In 2020 you raised £10,000
  How much can you raise in 2021 ??
The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
Our work - Fundraising

                                                               What’s Next?
                                                                       Chinese and Wine Night at
It has been great to get out       Another big Thank you to            Chung Ying Cantonese on
and about in the community         Louise Wright for gathering         Thursday Sept 16th.
and attend some face to face       family and friends to run, walk,
events again.                      skip, cycle and crawl 4 miles in
                                   Billy’s memory raising £694.
Congratulations to Dan and
Rebecca Shandley on their          We've also had so many other
wedding and who chose us to        events that have been taking
raise funds for on their special   place out in the community,
day. We wish you every             including a 3 Peaks climb by
happiness Mr & Mrs Shandley!       Alex & Izabela, a pedometer
                                   challenge from Mike Bevan of
Our local schools have been        Dains Accountants, and a
                                   triathlon from Jonathon            Buy your ticket here:
back out fundraising for us
and using young people’s
mental health as a focus; St.
George’s carried out a ‘Walk,      One of our wonderful families      sept
Talk & Support’ event and          hosted a motorbike ride, raffle
                                                                      Don’t forget, October is only
raised a wonderful £2,175.69.      and quiz in memory of their
                                                                      around the corner and our ‘31 in
                                   son Elliott on what would’ve
                                                                      31’ Challenge is back by popular
Our Virtual Kite race was just     been his 25th birthday. And
                                                                      demand! For more details go to
as popular this year and we        huge thanks to Gladys Hatton
sold 160 personalised kites        who couldn’t wait to host her
which all entered our virtual      annual garden party (after
                                                                      This year we are also excited to
race to the finish line.           Covid stopped this from
                                                                      announce our Christmas Jumper
                                   happening last year). Jaspers
                                   Rainbows never cease to            Day taking place on 10th
                                   amaze us and they couldn’t         December, we would love you
                                   wait to raise another £213 to      to sign up in your place of work
                                   add to their £10,510 ET total!     or school and help us to support
                                   We are so grateful for the         even more bereaved families
                                   support of so many of our          across the West Midlands this
                                   local supporters!                  Christmas time!
                                                                               Lucy Goodway
                                                                               Engagement Manager
The Kite Edward's Trust - Edward's Trust
Our support
 Corporate Supporter Spotlight

                                                                   It is so important to support
 Metro Bank
                                                                   bereaved families from
                                                                   Edward's Trust due to the
In October 2020, Metro Bank        They raised a wonderful
                                                                   fact the loss of a loved one(s)
decided to choose Edward's         £1,846 to support bereaved
                                                                   in our family is sadly so
Trust to be their Charity          families across the West
                                                                   inevitable and has or will
Partner. They made this            Midlands which equates to 33
                                                                   touch us all at some point.
decision via their connection to   hours of bereavement support!
the ‘Business over Breakfast’
                                                                   Hearing and seeing what
Networking group that both         Thank you Metro Bank, you
                                   have certainly made a huge      Edward's Trust do and the
Metro and ET are members of.
                                   difference to our work!         support they give is so
The staff at the Birmingham
Metro Store signed up to join
                                                                   commendable and all
our ‘Lunch & Learn’                                                families should be getting
Programme and fell in love                                         support with loss and grief.
with us from there on.                                             For this reason alone we love
                                                                   supporting Edward's Trust
They had numerous meetings                                         and hope to forge a long
about ways to support us, and                                      lasting relationship to help
make a difference to our vital                                     and support such a
work. They decided that a trip                                     wonderful cause.
to the top of Snowdon would
be a big challenge for them to                                     It was so worthwhile
take on. On Sunday 1st August                                      climbing Mt Snowdon and
8 staff from the Birmingham                                        raising so much money for
store donned their walking                                         Edward's Trust; sore limbs,
boots to reach the summit of                                       blistered feet and all that
Mount Snowdon, and by all                                          comes with it. We would do
accounts, they had a blast!                                        it all again without hesitation!

                                                                   Gavin Conner
                                                                   Customer Service
                                                                   Representative, Metro Bank
Our Edward's Trust

                                                                            This July we were delighted that
                                                                            our wonderful Ambassador
                                                                            Richard Page decided to go
Is it a bird? Is it a                                                       ahead with our annual golf day,
plane?                                                                      after Covid caused us to cancel
                                                                            last year.
No, it's Sue Caldicot
                                                                            This July, Richard was back with
on a zip wire!
                                                                            a vengeance and wanted to
                                                                            make it bigger and better than
 On 1st August, our fab
                                                                            ever! With the help of Patron
 volunteer, Sue Caldicott and her
                                                                            David Christie and Ambassador
 wonderful family decided to                                                Sarah Bradshaw, our 13th
 brave the skies in Wales and                                               Annual Golf Day was a huge
 take on the fastest Zip Wire in                  'Team Caldicott'          success. Lockdown rules
 the world as a challenge to raise                                          restricted us slightly but the
 money to support bereaved                                                  event got off to a great start (not
 families at Edward’s Trust.               Is it a birdie? Is it a          our usual shotgun start, but a
                                                                            staggered one) with around 100
 They raised a wonderful £620 in           plain?                           players and 25 teams we
 the process! Sue has done so              No, it's Richard Page            managed to raise a phenomenal
 much for us since we supported                                             £11,890!
 her family through the sad loss           on a golf course!
 of her beautiful grandson;                                                 We had some wonderful
 Joshua. Thank you to our lovely                                            auction and raffle prizes and
                                                                            our new venue at Olton Golf
 Sue and family.
                                                                            Club was a huge hit! Thanks to
                                                                            all the wonderful sponsors that
                                                                            help make this event possible!
                                                                            We are truly grateful!

Isabelle Alexander (Sue's granddaughter)
                                            Richard Page & David Christie
                                                                              Lucy Goodway &
                                                                              Ambassador, Sarah Bradshaw
Let's Talk

Edward's Trust                       In-house film-making                 Many of our long-standing
films - The voices of                                                     supporters will know that we
                                Last time I told you that I was           have sold charity Christmas
adults                          developing my film-making skills          cards for many years.
                                and I have made a couple more.            However, it is not cost
In the last edition we told you
                                One video about 'Take A                   effective so we have taken
about our Young People's videos
                                Moment' - our wellbeing work,             the difficult decision that we
and we are now really pleased
                                has recently won a national               will not be selling them this
to let you know that we have
                                award; the Scottish Power                 year. There will be other ways
been busy making our new
                                Foundation for the innovation             to give at Christmas which
series of bereaved adult films.
                                category. You can watch it here.          will be announced soon. We
                                                                          do hope you are not too
The editing process will take a
                                                                          disappointed with this news.
while, but we are really pleased
to be able to offer this new suite
of resources to help people
better understand the issues
around different types of
bereavement and how they can
best support friends and family
                                     Another was made to illustrate a
who have been bereaved.
                                     poem by Bethany Rivers who is
                                     running some workshops for us
                                     (see p.4) You can watch it here.


                                                                        Helen Tomblin
                                                                        Comms & Marketing
Partnership work

                                                                                They are specialist trained
                                                                                midwives supporting families
Referrals - Bereavement Midwives                                                bereaved during pregnancy.
                                                                                and our counselling team have
                                      We pride ourselves on the working         developed a close working
Our admin team is the first
                                      partnerships we have established          relationship with them, to
point of contact for anyone who
                                      with other organisations that we          ensure that the transition of
wants bereavement support so
                                      have developed through taking             care from one organisation to
here is a bit more about its
                                      numerous referrals.                       the other can happen

The Edward's Trust admin office       One of our partnerships is with the
                                                                                The Midwives value being able
can be a hive of activity.            Bereavement Midwives based at
                                                                                to refer families to Edward's
We take many calls from               the many hospitals around the
                                                                                Trust knowing that the families
bereaved families who wish to         West Midlands.
                                                                                they have been supporting will
refer themselves for counselling,
                                                                                continue to have the
and also from third party               Working with Edward's Trust             appropriate support they need
referrals, such as GP’s, Police,        has been a huge benefit to both         to help them with their
Hospitals, Schools and                  myself and the families that I          ongoing grieving process.
Hospices.                               support. Knowing that I have one
                                                                                                    Kate Barsby
                                        referral to make and that the                       Senior Administrator
We offer a kindly voice and a           family will be contacted and
listening ear to take the details
                                        commence their counselling within a number of weeks, following
from the person calling to help
                                        the death of their baby, really helps to reassure me that they are
us to consider how we can best
                                        getting the individualised help and support that they need. We
support them through our
                                        have good relationships with excellent communication links
counsellors, signposting to
                                        continually ensuring that the families are at the forefront of what
another organisation or directing
                                        we do.
to resources on our website.                                    Holly Haden, Specialist Midwife for Bereavement

Criteria for referrals
   Parents bereaved, or about to be bereaved, of their son or daughter – whatever the age of their child or
   cause of death.
   Children and young people aged between 4 – 24 years who are bereaved, or are about to be bereaved, of a
   parent, grandparent, significant carer, sibling or friend. The age at time of enquiry will determine whether a
   service can be provided.
   Bereaved parents/carers of a child or young person who is currently accessing support through Edward’s
   Trust and who also require support with their grief.
Closing Note

                                                                         "I’m Vicky and a Mum to three
 We had a wonderful Trustee induction day last month when we             wonderful boys and a Labrador, I
 welcomed 4 new Trustees to the team and welcomed back to the            have 16 years’ experience in HR
 Board of Trustees Peter Dent, the charity's founder. They have so       and am now the Chief People
 much to offer and we are looking forward to working with them.          Officer for The Binding Site in
 Here they are to introduce themselves!                                  Edgbaston. As a Trustee, I want
                                                                         to help this fantastic Charity
"Hi, I'm Chris Hurley. I live       "I’m Áine Gallagher, founder of      continue to make a difference to
locally in Bournville and am a      Sana Vita Health where we offer      so many lives and use my
Chartered Accountant. I have        1.1 Personal Training, Yoga          experience to assist with that
recently retired and spent the      classes and Nutrition and            journey."
majority of my working career       Mindset Coaching. I have been a
                                    volunteer for Edwards Trust for      Vicky Morbey
as an investor and was co-
                                    5 years now, fundraising and                         - Cheryl Pidler
Chairman of LDC's investment
committee for the past decade       being a member of the ‘FOET’
and I was also responsible for      volunteers team. Edward's Trust
the finance, marketing and risk     is very close to my heart and a      "I’m Cassius. I am a minister with
functions. I have been a non-       wonderful charity to be a part of,   the Wesleyan Holiness Church.
executive director on many          so to become a Trustee, is an        For my day job I am currently the
SME boards for the past 20          absolute honour and I can’t wait     Finance Development Worker
years.                              to get started."                     for the Black Country with
                                                                         Transforming Communities
I am looking forward to playing                                          Together in the Church of
my part in helping the Board                                             England, Diocese of Lichfield.
and the wider team. I hope to                                            I have been married to Vanessa
bring my skills from the world                                           for 23 years and we both lead
of commerce and investment to                       Áine Gallagher       the LVE Haiti charitable project
aid, and complement the Board,                                           set up after
the development of Edward's                                              the
Trust."                             Reach Volunteering describe the      earthquake
                                      role of Trustees as being the      on 12
                                     'guardians of purpose', making      January
                                      sure that all decisions put the    2010."
                                    needs of the beneficiaries first.                   Cassius Francis
 Chris Hurley
For bereavement support from Edward's Trust contact:
                (0121) 454 1705
                                      But if you need emergency support for bereavement or mental health, contact:

                                                      Cruse Bereavement Care:
                                                      (Birmingham and Solihull):
                                                                   0121 687 8010
                                               (Mon, Weds, Fri 9am-5pm, Tues, Thurs 9am-8pm, Sat, Sun 12pm-5pm)

                                                              Online Grief Chat

                                                   Samaritans: 116 123 (24/7)
                                                CALM 0800 585858 (5pm-12am)
                                             Birmingham Mind 0121 2623555 (24/7)
                                                      For young people:
                                             Young Minds Text: YM to 85258 (24/7)

                                              Our Promise:
We'll never pass your information to anyone who isn't directly working on our behalf and will keep your
  details safe and secure. We promise not to get in touch too often and you can change the way we
communicate with you at any time by sending an email to or give us a
                                        call on 0121 456 4838.

Contact Us                                           Follow Us for our latest news and events
Bereavement Centre: 0121 454 1705                                 /Edwardstrust                 /Edwardstrust
Fundraising: 0121 456 4838                                               

3, Vicarage Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3ES
You can also read