Aberdeen City Council Domestic Abuse Council Housing Policy 2021

Page created by Amber Swanson
Aberdeen City Council Domestic Abuse Council Housing Policy 2021
Aberdeen City Council
     Domestic Abuse
Council Housing Policy 2021
Document Control

Approval Date                11th March 2021
Implementation Date          TBA
Policy Number                TBA
Policy Author(s) and Owner   Lucy McNicol/Kevin Kelly - Derek McGowan
Approval Authority           Operational Delivery Committee
Scheduled Review             12 Months after Committee approval
Changes                      TBA

                                                                        Page 1
Table of Contents

1.Purpose Statement

2. Application and Scope


4.Supporting Procedures

5.Policy Statement



8.Policy Performance

9.Design and Delivery

10.Housekeeping and Maintenance

11.Communication and Distribution

12.Information Management

Appendix 1. Legal Framework
Appendix 2. Useful contact details

                                     Page 2
1 Purpose Statement
1.1   The purpose of this document is to set out Aberdeen City Council’s housing policy with
      regards to dealing with incidents of Domestic Abuse perpetrated in all its forms and
      extending to current and prospective tenants of Aberdeen City Council. It outlines the
      framework of principles for addressing domestic abuse. This is a key policy to reflect
      the aims of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 that came into force in April 2019.
      This Act makes domestic abuse involving a partner or ex-partner, whether physical or
      emotional or coercive control a criminal offence. This policy will reflect the aims of
      Aberdeen’s Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) as well as Aberdeen’s Violence
      Against Women Partnership action plan and strategy. The introduction of this policy
      will help provide support to those experiencing Domestic Abuse, help to reduce the
      risk of harm and to provide safe accommodation.

1.2   In 2018/2019, 272 persons presented as homeless in Aberdeen due to some form of
      domestic abuse. While statistically most of those homeless presentations are by
      females, it is important to recognise that domestic abuse can happen in a range of
      relationships, including LGBT. Primary prevention of Domestic Abuse is a key focus of
      this policy by engaging in wider awareness training, education, challenging attitudes,
      and action to promote gender equality. It is also important to outline actions taken
      against perpetrators and to understand their housing needs should they agree to be
      rehoused. These measures provide an alternative to disrupting families, allowing them
      to stay in their own home, preventing homelessness whilst the police and courts take
      appropriate action against the perpetrator in line with National Safe and Together

1.3   The operation of this policy will always be in accordance with Aberdeen City Council’s
      Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy. A full Integrated Impact Assessment has been
      completed to ensure proper consideration of the impact of the policy on protected

2 Application and Scope Statement
2.1   This Domestic Abuse Policy is intended to include all applicants for housing, current
      tenants, service users and non-tenants living with Aberdeen City Council tenants. The
      principles of this Policy are incorporated into several organisational procedures, for
      example, Housing Management, Homeless, Housing Allocations, Anti-Social Behaviour
      and Repairs and Maintenance. This ensures that we address any form of domestic
      abuse as part of our mainstream services.

                                                                                          Page 3
3 Ownership and Responsibility for this policy
3.1   The Chief Officer Early Intervention and Community Empowerment is the owner of
      this policy and is accountable for discharging it effectively across all Housing services,
      ensuring compliance.

3.2   Responsibility for managing the policy lies with the Chief Officer Early Intervention
      and Community Empowerment.

3.3   Any instances of non-compliance with the policy should be reported to the Housing
      Access and Support Manager and / or the Communities and Housing Area Manager in
      the first instance.

3.4   Feedback on the operation of the policy should be communicated to the Chief Officer
      Early Intervention and Community Empowerment.

4     Supporting Procedures & Documentation
4.1   Supporting processes, procedures and guidance have been drafted to support
      adherence to the policy.

4.2   Supporting processes, procedures and guidance will be provided through the
      Northgate housing management system and where appropriate on our web pages.

4.3   The following are references and links to related policies:

                    Allocation Policy
                    Anti-Social Behaviour Policy
                    GIRFEC

5 Policy Statements

5.1   Equally Safe: Scotland’s strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against
      women and girls has defined domestic abuse as:

      “Domestic abuse (as gender-based abuse), can be perpetrated by partners or ex-
      partners and can include physical abuse (assault and physical attack involving a range
      of behaviour), sexual abuse (acts which degrade and humiliate those experiencing
      domestic abuse and are perpetrated against their will, including rape) and mental and
      emotional abuse (such as threats, verbal abuse, racial abuse, withholding money and
      other types of controlling behaviour such as isolation from family or friends)”

                                                                                               Page 4
5.2   Principles

      This section describes the key policy principles that regulate organisational services in
      relation to domestic abuse within council housing in Aberdeen City.

5.3   Law and Guidance

      We will promote good practice when addressing domestic abuse experienced by our
      tenants as informed by Domestic Abuse: A Good Practice Guide for Social Landlords.
      We will, where possible, endeavour to change the attitudes, behaviours and structures
      that underpin domestic abuse among housing staff, tenants, and the wider community,
      and provide meaningful advice and information to those experiencing domestic abuse.
      See appendix 1 for our legal framework.

5.4   Information and Advice

      We will provide clear information and advice to persons who approach us due to
      domestic abuse about their rights. We will work in partnership with other
      organisations to achieve this objective. The provision of clear detailed advice in
      different formats is a vital element in helping to direct those experiencing domestic
      abuse to agencies who can provide support.

            We will provide detailed information both in print and digitally, on the help
             available, such as housing, financial, substance misuse and family support and
             using social media to raise awareness amongst staff and tenants.

            We will use all means to publicise our policy across our estate and encourage
             those experiencing domestic abuse to disclose incidents of domestic abuse to
             whomever they feel comfortable disclosing to.

            Information will be available in various formats such different languages; font
             sizes and braille and we will also provide tenants with interpreting services.

            Through training and communications, we will raise awareness amongst staff
             and tenants, as well as the broader community.

            We will provide information on 3rd Sector organisations which can provide
             help and support.

            We will make clear in a statement to tenants and the wider community that
             domestic abuse is not acceptable or tolerated.

                                                                                              Page 5
5.5   Prevention and Early Intervention

      We will, through collaboration with the Aberdeen Violence Against Women
      Partnership, endeavour to change the attitudes, behaviours and structures that
      underpin domestic abuse by raising awareness and promote a pro-active partnership
      approach. It is a key element of this policy that we focus on the prevention actions we
      can take to avoid actions which may inadvertently increase risk for those experiencing
      domestic abuse.

            We will, where possible, attempt to identify those fleeing/experiencing
             domestic abuse before a tenancy begins and ask about any history of
             domestic abuse at pre allocation stage. If a history is disclosed, we will
             consider additional safety and security measures within the property.

            We will encourage and support all staff including maintenance, support, and
             carers to report any concerns they may have to the housing teams.

            We will ensure that staff are aware of the national Respect helpline (a free
             confidential helpline for those who want to seek support because they have
             concerns about their own behaviour).

            We will, in all cases of domestic abuse, provide advice and support to tenants
             of their rights, signpost them to specialist support services and advise that
             they can be supported to contact Police Scotland should they want to.

            As a member of Aberdeen VAW Partnership, we will work collaboratively with
             other housing providers and organisations including community planning
             partners, to adopt a joined-up approach to develop effective local strategies
             and activities to prevent and alleviate domestic abuse.

            We will enable tenants to report domestic abuse to us in ways suitable to
             them, including in person, in writing, by telephone, email, customer app or
             through a third party. Examples of third parties are police officer an
             Independent Domestic Abuse Advocate (IDAA) and/or specialist domestic
             abuse service.

            We will ensure that tenants experiencing domestic abuse know that
             they can meet staff in confidence at our offices, or at an agreed choice
             of safe venue. Meetings can be arranged in locations that are accessible
             to the person’s needs. Where possible, staff should identify how and
             when it is safe to contact.

            We will work in partnership with other Aberdeen City Council services, other
             local authorities and third sector organisations to ensure protocols are in place
             to support those experiencing domestic abuse.

                                                                                            Page 6
 We will ensure that, if children, young people and or vulnerable adults are
             affected by domestic abuse, they can access services as early as possible thus
             meeting Aberdeen City Council’s Child Protection Policy and Adult Protection

            We will work with relevant services to ensure that, children and young people
             affected by domestic abuse have their needs identified and addressed, their
             views are listened to and they are involved in decision making. This reflects
             Aberdeen City Council’s commitment to Getting it right for every child

5.6   Staff Training

      We will provide staff training, via a specialist service, on how to recognise the early
      signs of domestic abuse incidents and how to sign post to provide the most appropriate
      help. It is vital that staff are trained appropriately depending on their role within the
      organisation. All frontline staff who have contact with tenants will have domestic abuse
      awareness training to identify any signs that abuse maybe taking place.

        All staff who have any contact with tenants including Repairs and Maintenance,
           Senior Personal Carers and support staff will be equipped to identify the early
           signs of domestic abuse, be trained in how to respond to disclosures of domestic
           abuse and be in a position to report such concerns.

        All staff will be encouraged to familiarise themselves with the council’s Guidance
           for Frontline Staff which details how to support those who are currently
           experiencing domestic abuse.

        Front line housing staff will undergo appropriate training so they can provide
           helpful advice and manage the housing options of those experiencing domestic
           abuse which will include the following:

                 •     How to recognise when domestic abuse/ coercive control might be
                 •     How to deal with abuse effectively with disclosures of domestic abuse.
                 •     Responding to children and young people who are experiencing
                       domestic abuse in the family home or in their own relationships.
                 •     Providing information and advice, for example, about the remedies
                       available for addressing abuse.
                 •     Signposting those experiencing domestic abuse to relevant domestic
                       abuse services for further support.
                 •     Recording relevant information and data about reported incidents/

                                                                                             Page 7
Such Training will be embedded in our induction program and future refresher
       training will be available.

5.7   Collaboration

      We will work alongside relevant third sector partner agencies and statutory services to
      ensure that those experiencing domestic abuse of domestic abuse receive consistent
      and effective support.

      We will continue to have a representative from Housing that will sit on multi-agency
      meetings such as Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) to ensure that
      relevant information is shared between partners.

      Housing’s responsibility within the MARAC is to provide relevant information in relation
      to the housing situation of the person who is experiencing domestic abuse, perpetrator
      or any other individual deemed relevant within the referral. The representative for
      housing should give an informed opinion about actions that housing can take to
      mitigate the risk to the person experiencing domestic abuse.

      The MARAC will agree as a collective what actions each agency within the groups is
      responsible for. The representative has the responsibility of progressing any actions
      and updating the chair of the MARAC with outcomes for each of the actions assigned
      to housing. Typical actions include liaising with housing staff to ensure that discretions
      are progressed timeously and any urgent repairs to ensure the safety of an individual
      are raised. The representative also has a responsibility of ensuring up to date record
      keeping of all referrals sent to MARAC.

5.8   Equality and diversity

      We acknowledge that some those experiencing domestic abuse will face additional
      difficulties in recovering from domestic abuse, due to intersecting factors like
      disability, BME identities; mental health; addictions etc. We will endeavour to
      signpost people to relevant supports.

5.9   Approach and Method

      This section describes the key practices that we implement to address the impact
      of domestic abuse in relation to how it impacts users of our service.

      We apply a diverse range of interventions based on a detailed risk assessment,
      considering all possible options available to the individual.

      Many of the actions are embedded within other policies such as:

                                                                                              Page 8
 Allocations.

           Antisocial Behavior Strategy.

           Estate Management.

           Harassment (equality and diversity); and

           Repairs and Maintenance.

5.10 Responding To Incidents

     On receiving a report from any tenant experiencing domestic abuse, we offer a
     personal discussion within a reasonable time scale. If possible, this will be within
     twenty-four hours.

     Whenever this is not possible due to a weekend or bank holiday, we will:

           Refer the person to a relevant support agency; or
           Contact her/him/them on the next available working day.

      We will provide telephone interviews, on request. If possible, we will offer preferred
      sex interviews, on initial contact, as well as taking account of other preferences.
      Where support is required, to aid communication for example, translation services
      will be provided.

      If a report of domestic abuse is received through a third party, for instance, Police
      Scotland, then we will:

           Seek to establish what details have been taken.
           Identify what support has been provided; and
           Clarify what action is expected from us.

      We will ensure that interviews take place in confidential settings and that staff
      who conduct such interviews have received appropriate training.

      After training our staff should know it is important to:

             Empathise with people experiencing harassment.
             Listen attentively and objectively to the details of each case; and
             Assess critically all possible options, interventions, and safety measures.
             Agree an action plan with all parties concerned, monitor the situation and
              review at a frequency agreed with them.

                                                                                              Page 9
5.11 Housing Options

     Those experiencing domestic abuse of domestic abuse will be provided with detailed
     housing option advice including options for staying in their current home with
     additional safety measures. We will also make referrals to other housing providers
     including councils should this be at the person experiencing domestic abuse’s wish.
     Where applicable Aberdeen City Council will use its “Cannot return home procedure’
     which provides temporary accommodation. This is a managed process to re-house the
     person experiencing domestic abuse at the earliest possible time. When we receive a
     report from a tenant experiencing domestic abuse: -

           We will offer a personal or telephone interview at a location suitable to the
            person experiencing domestic abuse. If possible, this will be within twenty-
            four hours. If this is not possible due to a weekend or bank holiday, we provide
            information on relevant support agencies and will make contact on the next
            available working day.

           Where there is a risk to safety there will be access to emergency temporary

           We will ensure priority transfers to secure permanent accommodation as
            early as possible.

           We will collaborate with other housing providers to maximise re housing

           We will support those experiencing domestic abuse of domestic abuse to
            transfer tenancies into their names.

5.12 Action Against Perpetrator

     We will consider the following actions against the perpetrator where appropriate:

    We will look to offer alternative accommodation to perpetrators who are willing to
     move on a voluntary basis if they are engaging with housing staff.

    We will look to convert the Scottish secure tenancy of the perpetrator to a short
     Scottish secure tenancy where there is a conviction committed in or around the
     tenancy that the perpetrator remains a tenant of. Furthermore, we shall consider
     remedies against the perpetrator based on their antisocial behaviour and the
     associated legislation.

    We will, in exceptional circumstances, raise an action to seek possession of the
     tenancy against perpetrators where there is sufficient evidence of a relevant ground
     for repossession.

                                                                                         Page 10
5.13 Supporting Those experiencing domestic abuse of Domestic Abuse During a

     The coronavirus outbreak brought new challenges and increased risk for people living
     through domestic abuse. The Scottish Government and COSLA’s joint guidance
     highlights that support should continue to be made available throughout lockdown
     restrictions. Aberdeen City Council is committed to ensuring that those experiencing
     domestic abuse of domestic abuse can access safe accommodation with support during
     a pandemic emergency.

      We will map out clear routes for emergency support for those wanting to leave an
       abusive setting which are tailored to the current circumstances.

      We will endeavour to provide the safest accommodation possible for people
       requiring this due to domestic abuse.

      We will ensure that refuge services which have to close or cease referrals due to a
       pandemic, will continue to be sustained and that service users can be rehoused

      We will brief Housing Staff on how to handle domestic abuse cases sensitively, what
       support they should be offered and how to support vulnerable residents in their

      We will explore using different methods of communication to ensure that those
       experiencing domestic abuse of domestic abuse feel safe to seek support.

5.14 Complaints and Appeals

     Aberdeen City Council welcomes complaints and comments, as well as positive
     feedback, as these provide information to help us to improve our services. We use a
     Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) developed by the Scottish Public Services
     Ombudsman (SPSO) and supported by the Scottish Housing Regulator. The CHP allows
     for most complaints to be resolved by front line staff within a five-day limit (first stage).
     If the complaint is complex, a detailed investigation will be made by a manager within
     a twenty-day limit (second stage).

     At the end of the second stage, our response will be made by a director. If the customer
     remains dissatisfied, she/he/they may then refer the matter to the SPSO.
     At each stage, Aberdeen City Council will advise the customer how the complaint will
     be taken forward and which agency is most appropriate to deal with the complaint.
     Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.

                                                                                               Page 11
5.15 Policy Review

      Due to the sensitive nature of the subject, Aberdeen City Council will ensure that this
      Policy will be reviewed annually to take account of any changes in the following: -

              Applicable legislation
              Regulations and guidance
              Changes in the organisation
              Continued best practice.
              Review of Local Outcome Improvement Plan

       A complete review will be undertaken annually. We will also consult with our tenants
       and other housing providers, elected members and third sector organisations in
       accordance with our Tenant Participation Strategy.

5.16 Confidentiality and General Data Protection

      We recognise the importance of confidentiality to those who experience domestic
      abuse. A protocol will be developed which sets out the importance to ensure that any
      information or data shared is confidential and how it will be stored and shared between
      the partner organisations. We will promote the availability of private interview rooms
      and ensuring that those experiencing domestic abuse are not required to disclose the
      reason for their visit in public areas or repeat their stories to different members of staff.

6 Definitions
6.1   Domestic Abuse

      Domestic abuse (as gender-based abuse), can be perpetrated by partners or ex-
      partners and can include physical abuse (assault and physical attack involving a range
      of behaviour), sexual abuse (acts which degrade and humiliate those experiencing
      domestic abuse and are perpetrated against their will, including rape) and mental and
      emotional abuse (such as threats, verbal abuse, racial abuse, withholding money and
      other types of controlling behaviour such as isolation from family or friends). In the
      majority of cases it is experienced by women and is perpetrated by men.

6.2   LGBT Community

      The LGBT community (or LGBTQ community or GLBT community), also referred to as
      the gay community, is a loosely defined grouping of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender.

                                                                                                Page 12
6.3   Coercive Control

      Coercive control is a form of psychological abuse whereby the perpetrator exerts
      power over another person. It is a pattern of acts of threats, humiliation and
      intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten the person
      experiencing domestic abuse. This controlling behaviour is designed to make a person
      dependent by isolating them from support, exploiting them, depriving them of
      independence and regulating their everyday behaviour.

6.4   MARAC

      (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) is a regular, local, confidential meeting to
      discuss how to help those experiencing domestic abuse at high risk of being murdered
      or seriously harmed. This is a Police Scotland initiative which brings partners together
      to identify and manage circumstances faced by the person experiencing domestic
      abuse, perpetrator, and their children, and share information.

6.5   Safe and Together Principles

      The Safe and Together principles have been designed to create better outcomes for
      children and families exposed to domestic abuse perpetrator’s behaviour. The three
      principles include:
          1. Keeping child Safe and Together with the non-offending parent.
          2. Partnering with non-offending parent as default.
          3. Intervening with perpetrator to reduce risk and harm to child.

7 Risk
                 Risk                         Low (L), Mitigation
                                              (M), High
Strategic        That we do not take action L           Having a clearly defined policy
                 to tackle domestic abuse in            together with detailed and
                 all its forms.                         robust      procedures     and
                                                        processes will help staff to
                                                        identify case off domestic
                                                        abuse and provide appropriate
                                                        help and support.
Compliance       That we are not compliant L            The new policy clearly outlines
                 with       legislation  and            the agreed principles through
                 guidance which could open              which all Aberdeen City Council
                 the council up to litigation           domestic abuse incidents will
                 and intervention by the                be dealt with. It is also

                                                                                           Page 13
Scottish Housing Regulator               compliant       with     current
                  and other bodies.                        legislation guidance.
Operational       That the way we deal with M              This policy will ensure our staff
                  incidents of domestic                    provide a consistent and robust
                  abuse is inconsistent and                approach in dealing with
                  ineffective.                             incidents of domestic abuse.
Financial         That we are not consistent L             The policy ensures as far as
                  or robust in managing our                possible that a consistent and
                  housing stock.                           robust approach is taken to
                                                           managing all forms of Domestic
Reputational      Inconsistent      decision L             Clearly setting out the policy
                  making on individual cases               principles, procedures, and
                  due to the lack of a clear               actions on how we deal with
                  policy could lead to                     incidents of domestic abuse
                  reputational damage to                   will help to eradicate this risk.
                  the Council.

8 Policy Performance
8.1   The factors that will determine whether the policy is effective will be an increase in
      disclosing of domestic abuse, with successful support and interventions for those
      experiencing domestic abuse of domestic abuse.

8.2   The criteria/indicators that will be used to monitor and demonstrate performance are
      set out as follows: -

      The ongoing responsibility for the operation of this Policy lies with the Director of
      Customer Service and the Chief Officer Early Intervention and Community
      Empowerment. All relevant employees have a responsibility to ensure that this Policy
      is applied as instructed. We will develop a performance management framework to
      monitor the effectiveness of this and other policies aimed at reducing domestic abuse.
      We will monitor the following indicators: -

           Numbers of reports of domestic abuse
           Letting area incident occurred
           Gender of the perpetrator/person experiencing domestic abuse
           Ethnic Groups
           Disabilities
           Relationship dynamics/sexuality of perpetrator/person experiencing domestic
           Case Outcomes

      We will also gather and monitor data against the nine Protected characteristics: -

           Age

                                                                                           Page 14
   Disability
         Gender reassignment
         Marriage and civil partnership
         Pregnancy and maternity
         Race
         Religion and belief
         Sex
         Sexual orientation

8.3   Performance data will be reported annually to the Operational Delivery Committee.

9 Design and Delivery
9.1   Local Outcome Improvement Plan

      The Local Outcome Improvement Plan also has aims and targets linked to domestic

      1. Reduce the number of children who are witness to Domestic Abuse by 2022

      Key Improvement Measures

      1. Number of Health Visitor enquiries that indicate domestic abuse in the home.
      2. Number of domestic abuse reports with children regarded as present.


      1. Increase awareness of domestic abuse by 2021.
      2. Reduce number of children who are witness to domestic abuse by 2022.
      3. Decrease number of reported incidents by 30% by 2026.

      Key Improvement Measures

      1. Number of awareness raising events tackling domestic abuse across Aberdeen City.
      2. Percentage of secondary schools with mentors with violence prevention scheme in
      3. Number of reported Domestic abuse incidents.

9.2   Design Principles of Target Operating Model

      Customer Service Design - The activities undertaken to date and the planned next.
      steps promote an understanding of the circumstances of Domestic Abuse on those who
      experience it and to ensure that personalised support is available to them.

      Organisational Design - Improved use of resource in the system.

                                                                                        Page 15
Governance - Overseen by Director of Customer Service, Chief Officer Early
      Intervention and Community Empowerment and the Operational Delivery Committee.

      Workforce - Clarity of expectations and statutory duties.

      Process Design - Monitoring arrangements will ensure that any weaknesses in the
      policy are quickly addressed.

      Technology - The policy will include improvement in the use of technology to deliver
      the most effective service and makes use of wider partnership support when

      Partnerships and Alliances - Significant partnership work is key to addressing the
      needs of those affected by domestic abuse and are committed to building on existing

9.3   The policy design and fonts adhere to the Corporate design template.

10 Housekeeping and Maintenance
10.1 The policy should be reviewed on an annual basis or earlier if any legislative, guidance
     or operational issues arise.

10.2 New supporting documentation and procedures will be drafted to reflect and support
     this policy. This may include performance management reports and the Northgate
     housing management system.

11 Communication and Distribution
11.1 The current policy and any appropriate changes are consulted upon with service uses,
     staff and elected members and other stakeholders. Final changes may be reported to
     committee where appropriate and updated policy documents are placed on our
     website. If applicants request it, we can provide the document in other formats such
     as different languages or fonts.

12 Information Management
12.1 The information gathered is stored on our housing management system Northgate. The
     information is shared with housing staff who are required to make comments and
     approve a course of action in relation to the Domestic Abuse Case.

                                                                                          Page 16
Appendix 1

Legal Framework

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018.

Human Rights Act 1998.

Data Protection Act 2018.

Equality Act 2010.

Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection (Scotland) Act 1981.

Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

Housing (Scotland) Act 2001

Appendix 2

Important Contact Details
Marischal College Customer Service Centre
Marischal College Ground Floor
Broad Street
Aberdeen AB10 1AB
Mastrick Customer Access Point
Spey Road
Aberdeen AB16 6SH

Woodside Fountain Centre
Marquis Road
Aberdeen AB24 2QY

Tillydrone Community Campus
Hayton Road
Aberdeen AB24 2UY

Grampian Women’s Aid
The Gatehouse
Quarry Road
AB16 5UU
Tel 01224-593381

                                                            Page 17
Citizens Advice Bureau
41 Union Street
Aberdeen AB11 5BN
Tel 01224-569750

Aberdeen Cyrenians - Ending Violence and Abuse Aberdeen (EVAA) Service
Archibald Simpson House
27-29 King Street
AB24 5AA
Tel.: 0300 303 0903 (option 4)
Email: evaa@weareac.org
Website: https://www.aberdeen-cyrenians.org

Advocacy Service Aberdeen
Aberdeen Business Centre
Willowbank Road
AB11 6YG
Tel 01224 332397

Police Scotland
North East of Scotland Divisional Headquarters
Queen Street
Aberdeen AB10 1ZA
Tel emergency call 999/Non-emergencies call 101

NHS Grampian
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Foresterhill, Aberdeen,
AB25 2ZN
Tel: 0345 456 6000
Urgent Medical Advice Evenings, Weekends or Holidays
Call 111 or for serious accidents and emergencies call 999

The Adult Duty Social Work Team
0800 7315520 between 8.30am and 5pm.
Out of hours social work can be contacted between 5pm-8.30am on the same number.

Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline
24hours- 0800 0271234

Shakti Women’s Aid
0131 475 2399
There is no office in Aberdeen. They provide specialist advice/support for BME women, children,
and young people experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse from a partner, ex-
partner, and/ or other members of the household.

                                                                                                  Page 18
Homelessness Helpline
0800 917 6379 (24 hours).
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm. An emergency service operates from 5pm to 8.30am
Monday to Friday. During weekends and public holidays, we provide a 24 hour service.

Translation Service

Duty Social Work Team
0800 7315 520
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm
This is a freephone number
Postal address
Adult Social Work Duty Team
Aberdeen City Council
Business Hub 3
Ground Floor South
Marischal College
Broad Street
AB10 1AB

                                                                                       Page 19
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