The Influencers' Futile Toils: Russia and Turkey in the Balkans - IEMed

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Geographical Overview | Western Balkans

The Influencers’ Futile Toils: Russia and
Turkey in the Balkans

                                                                                                                                                 Geographical Overview | Western Balkans
Dušan Reljić                                                             loniki summit, the EU extended to the Western Bal-
Head of Brussels Office                                                  kans, meaning the former Yugoslavia minus Slovenia
German Institute for International and Security                          (this country being at that moment already at the
Affairs (SWP)
                                                                         gates of the EU) plus Albania, a formal offer of mem-
                                                                         bership once conditions were fulfilled. The motiva-
                                                                         tion was to put an end to the conflicts for Yugosla-
Oddly, the Western Balkans, a region with a popu-                        via’s succession, which in the previous decade had
lation constituting barely 3.5% of the European Un-                      escalated into the first war on the continent since
ion’s total population, regularly manages to attract                     1945, and repeatedly caused division among the
the interest and engagement of all three world pow-                      Western allies. In parallel, the US strategy for the re-
ers – the US, Russia and China –, as well as major                       gion focused on making it part of a continent that
regional actors such as Turkey and the Islamic                           was “whole and free,” meaning that every European
states in the Gulf region.1 The roots of this unlikely                   state should be as much a part of Euro-Atlantic inte-

competition go back to the post-1991 disintegra-                         gration as possible.
tion of non-aligned Yugoslavia. It coincided with the                    Thus, the EU is offering supranational economic, so-
end of the Cold War in Europe and triggered a quest                      cial and political integration to Bosnia and Herze-
among external powers to fill the emerging void in                       govina, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia as
this geopolitically important part of the continent.                     well as Serbia and Kosovo, the so-called Southeast
After all, the region connects the east and west, and                    Europe Six (SEE6). 2 NATO is making a similar offer
north and south of the continent. In modern history,                     in the field of security and defence. For the SEE6,
it has been the arena for conflicts among great pow-                     membership of these two organizations would mean
ers, including the outbreak of the First World War.                      giving up central sectors of national sovereignty in
This competition has persisted to the present day,                       exchange for the promise of rising prosperity and
three decades after the outset of Yugoslavia’s disin-                    unquestionable security.
tegration. In the first place, however, it is the EU that                In the meantime, the EU has enclosed the region,
is still labouring to achieve its long-standing goal to                  leaving only the SEE6 outside of its territory: Croatia
usher into membership the so-called Western Bal-                         became an EU member in 2013. Albania and Mon-
kans, while avoiding the real or imagined risks that                     tenegro entered NATO in 2009 and 2017, respec-
                                                                                                                                                IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019

may entail.                                                              tively, so that there is now a chain of NATO states
Since 1991, the EU has taken it upon itself to be the                    stretching from the Baltic to the Black sea. Essen-
driving force behind settling the conflicts in the for-                  tially, the SEE6 have been economically “swallowed”
mer Yugoslavia. Its most effective instrument was the                    by the EU, and the ring of NATO states around the
promise of membership to the warring parties once                        region isolates it from power projections by third
the conflicts were resolved. In 2003, at its Thessa-                     parties.

1 Bonomi, Matteo and Reljić, Dušam. “The EU and the Western Balkans: So Near and Yet so Far.” SWP Comments, No. 2017/53, December 2017.
2 Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Slovakia are the EU members that are refusing to recognize the secession of Kosovo from Serbia that took
place in 2008. China and Russia are the two members of the United Nations Security Council also withholding recognition.
Stalled Drive for EU Membership and                                              many political and economic flaws these applicants

                                           External Spoilers                                                                still have to overcome, but also because of Brexit,
                                                                                                                            the populist wave, the repercussions of the financial
                                           Map 1 shows several “blank spots” in the Western                                 and economic crises in 2008 and the other facets of
                                           Balkans surrounded by NATO and/or EU Member                                      the EU’s current travails.
                                           States: Serbia with Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovi-                                However, the EU as a pole of attraction in terms of
 Geographical Overview | Western Balkans

                                           na and North Macedonia. Pristina (because of its un-                             economic and political integration is far from being
                                           resolved international status), Belgrade (because of                             substituted by external competitors. Overwhelming-
                                           NATO’s war against Serbia in 1999) and Sarajevo                                  ly, foreign direct investments, financial sector owner-
                                           (because most Serbs in this country see the West                                 ship, remittances from migrant workers and foreign
                                           as the protector of their Croat and Muslim compatri-                             trade stem from the EU, mostly from Germany and
                                           ots and contenders) are not likely to join the Western                           Italy. Trade between the EU and the SEE6 is about
                                           military alliance any soon. Similarly challenging is                             ten to 15 times bigger than with China, Russia or
                                           their bid to enter the EU, not only because of the                               Turkey. About 1.7 million people from the former Yu-

                                            MAP 1                        NATO Member States 1990 and 2009

                                           Source: SWP 2017.

                                            CHART 10                     Western Balkans 6, International Trade. Top Trading Partners 2018

                                                                   Japan 0.6%                                   Rest of the world                                               Value,
                                                                                      India 0.6%                     7.3%                                  Partner
                                                                       Iraq 0.7%                                                                                               million €
                                                                                   Ukraine 0.9%
                                                          Switzerland 1.1%                                                                                 EU 28                51,861
                                                                              USA 2%
                                                                                                                                                           China                 4,138
IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019

                                                                              Turkey 4.2%
                                                                                                                                                           Russia                3,322
                                                                           Russia 4.6%                                                                     Turkey                3,009
                                                                                                                                                           USA                   1,415
                                                                           China 5.8%                                                                      Switzerland             814
                                                                                                                                                           Ukraine                 643
                                                                                                                                    EU 28                  Iraq                    512
                                                                                                                                                           India                   466
                                                                                                                                                           Japan                   407
                                                                                                                                                           Rest of the world     5,264
                                                                                                                                                           World                71,851

                                           Source: IMF, EU DG Trade.
goslavia have migrated to Germany alone. Vienna is                        Surveys have shown that even in a country such as

probably the third biggest Serbian city in terms of                       Serbia, where a majority of the population favours al-
the number of inhabitants of that ethnic origin.                          liances with Russia and overwhelmingly rejects
                                                                          NATO membership, support for joining the EU hov-
                                                                          ers at around 50 percent. In fact, the public opinion
The EU as a pole of attraction in                                         towards the EU in the whole region is contradictory

                                                                                                                                                  Geographical Overview | Western Balkans
                                                                          and shifting. The percentage that approve member-
terms of economic and political                                           ship shot up after each successful step in the EU ac-
integration is far from being                                             cession process, such as the lifting of visa require-
substituted by external competitors                                       ments in 2010, only to fall again when bad news
                                                                          came from Brussels – whether in connection with
                                                                          the euro crisis, the flow of migrants through the Bal-
                                                                          kans, the difficulties in the EU-brokered talks be-
Yet, as long as the Euro-Atlantic integration of the                      tween Belgrade and Pristina, or most recently the
Western Balkans is stalled, Russia, Turkey and the                        Brexit referendum. The foreign policy leanings of the
other external “influencers” have the opportunity to                      Serbs and other Western Balkan nations consider-
act as “spoilers” in the region, mostly through political                 ing EU accession are plainly shaped more by politi-
manoeuvres, public diplomacy and agitation as well                        cal perceptions of current events than by suppos-
as, particularly in Moscow’s case, according to West-                     edly deep-seated preferences and animosities.
ern allegations, through undercover subversion.                           Moscow’s second instrument of influence – south-
                                                                          east Europe’s dependency on Russian energy sup-
                                                                          plies and especially natural gas – is also diminishing.
Three Instruments of Russia’s Influence                                   In 2015, Russia abandoned the planned construc-
in the Region3                                                            tion of the South Stream gas pipeline partly on ac-

                                                                          count of the EU’s strict conditions, alongside high
Alongside its strategic and economic displacement                         construction costs and uncertain price trends for
from southeast Europe after the fall of the Berlin                        fossil fuels. The Western Balkan countries are mem-
Wall, the instruments of Russian leverage in the re-                      bers of the EU’s Energy Community and have agreed
gion are becoming less and less effective. The first                      to adopt its acquis. This has prevented Russia’s
instrument was always more imagined than enacted:                         Gazprom from using South Stream to expand its
although Serbs, Montenegrins and Slavic Macedo-                           predominance in southeastern Europe.
nians share Slavic roots and the Orthodox religion                        Moscow’s third - and most effective - instrument of
with Russia, and while memories of historical allianc-                    influence in the region relates to Serbia, and is the
es with Russia continue to play an important role in                      threat to use its Security Council veto if the West
the construction of their identities, the region’s nu-                    attempts to make Kosovo a member of the United
merous ethnic minorities, such as the Hungarians                          Nations. This is the only critical tie between the two
and Albanians, are indifferent to tales of historical                     states. Moscow is keen to draw Serbia further from
and religious ties with Russia. On the contrary, over-                    the West because no politician who wants to suc-
stated closeness to Russia breeds ethnic tensions                         ceed in Serbian politics can risk losing Russia’s
                                                                                                                                                 IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019

that no one government in the region can afford, in                       support over the Kosovo conundrum. A sign of Mos-
light of the determination to join the EU. Also, many                     cow’s advancement in this respect would be for
Orthodox Slavs in the region view Russia with scep-                       Serbia to raise its military and security cooperation
ticism, as a great power whose actions, as demon-                         with Russia to the same level that it has with the US
strated by a number of episodes in the past centu-                        and NATO. According to Russian figures, there were
ries, have not always being supportive of their goals.                    22 Serbian military exercises with NATO in 2015,

3 For a detailed analysis see Reljić, Dušan.“The impact of Russia.” In Lange, Sabina; Nechev, Zoran and Trauner, Florian (eds.). Reports EUISS
Resilience in the Western Balkans. Paris: EUISS Report No.36, August 2017.
and two with Russia. The numbers have not changed                      lomatic effort in a political rapprochement with Ser-

                                           significantly since then.                                              bia, particularly in the context of opening channels
                                                                                                                  of communication between the more politically con-
                                                                                                                  servative Bosnian Muslim leaders and Belgra­         de.
                                           Turkey: Dissonance between Ambitions                                   Parallel to this, Turkey gave special focus to strength-
                                           and Capabilities4                                                      ening its economic and cultural influences in the
 Geographical Overview | Western Balkans

                                                                                                                  whole region. The political gains that Turkey accom-
                                           The Balkans is especially important for Turkey’s re-                   plished during the times of crises and war in former
                                           lations with the EU and presence on the European                       Yugoslavia started dissipating in times of political
                                           continent in general. Simply put, there is no point in                 stabilization in the region. There are five main rea-
                                           Europe to which Turkish political and other influ-                     sons for this:
                                           ence reaches further west than Bosnia and Herze-
                                           govina. Consequently, Turkey acted as a fierce ally                    — Turkish public diplomacy did not convince the
                                           to Bosnian Muslims during the war in Bosnia and                          political actors in the region that its interests
                                           Herzegovina and later wholeheartedly supported                           and goals would also benefit those communi-
                                           the pursuit of Kosovo Albanians for secession from                       ties that were not marked as potential Turkish
                                           Serbia. In this manner Ankara gained standing and                        political “clients” in the region from the very be-
                                           influence among those population groups that it                          ginning, e.g. Muslims of various ethnicities;
                                           considered from the very beginning to be inclined to                   — The “Leitmotif” of the Turkish public diplomacy
                                           re-establish close ties with Turkey after the collapse                   discourse directed at the Western Balkans, fo-
                                           of Yugoslavia and the end of the Cold War. In his                        cusing on a romantic and rose-tinted interpreta-
                                           speech at the opening ceremony of the conference                         tion of the history of Ottoman rule in the region,
                                           “Ottoman legacy and Balkan Muslim Communities                            rekindled resentments and stirred suspicion in
                                           today” held in Sarajevo in October 2000, former                          many parts of the region, rather than fostering

                                           Turkish Foreign Minister and later Prime Minister                        commonality;
                                           Ahmed Davutoglu claimed that it was only during
                                           the Ottoman era that the Balkans had a central role
                                           in the world’s politics. In his vision, the countries in               The political gains that Turkey
                                           the Balkans could escape the destiny of being on
                                           the periphery or a victim of geostrategic competition                  accomplished during the times of
                                           of great powers, by re-establishing their success                      crises and war in former Yugoslavia
                                           from the Ottoman period.                                               started dissipating in times of
                                                                                                                  political stabilization in the region
                                           There is no point in Europe to which
                                           Turkish political and other influence                                  — Turkey has not achieved substantial progress in
                                           reaches further west than Bosnia                                         the field of trade and investments in the West-
                                           and Herzegovina                                                          ern Balkan regions and has been unable to catch
IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019

                                                                                                                    up with Germany, Italy, Russia, and, more re-
                                                                                                                    cently, China, who remain its main external eco-
                                                                                                                    nomic partners;
                                           Around 2010, when peace consolidations and the                         — Turkey has not significantly progressed on its
                                           quest for EU membership was on the top of the                            path towards EU membership, whereas West-
                                           agenda in the region, Turkey also invested much dip-                     ern Balkan countries consider EU membership

                                           4 Cf. Bošković-Mitrović, Marija; Reljić, Dušan; and Vračić, Alida. “Elsewhere in the Neighbourhood: Reaching Out to the Western Balkans.”

                                           In Çevik, B. Senem; and Seib, Philip (eds.). Turkey’s Public Diplomacy. Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2015.
as the paramount goal of their domestic trans-        or able to invest enough political and financial capital

  formation and foreign policy: the capability of       to match the region’s already existing level of inte-
  Turkey to present itself as an example of suc-        gration with the EU.
  cessful “Europeanization” has regressed;
— Turkey’s domestic conflicts and its tarnished re-
  cord regarding human rights and the rule of law       Russia and Turkey’s toils to gain a

                                                                                                                    Geographical Overview | Western Balkans
  has diminished its international image, and, con-
  sequently, the country does not currently have        decisive standing as geo-political
  potential to act as an example for modernization      “influencers” in the Western Balkans
  and development in the eyes of the majority of        will remain futile as long as the EU
  the population of the Western Balkans.
                                                        credibly pursues its enlargement
                                                        goals in the region

Russia and Turkey’s toils to gain a decisive standing   Recommended Bibliography
as geo-political “influencers” in the Western Balkans
will remain futile as long as the EU credibly pursues   Bonomi, Matteo. “Off Track. The EU’s Re-engage-
its enlargement goals in the region. However, should        ment with the Western Balkans.” IAI Papers
the presently narrow and restricted approach taken          19/08. Rome: IAI, April 2019.
by the EU and its most important Member States to-      Hake, Mariya and Radzyner, Alice. “Western Balkans:
wards integrating the SEE6 persist, the other “influ-       Growing economic ties with Turkey, Russia and
encers” might gain more traction. But they have a           China.” Bank of Finland, BOFIT, Institute for Econ-
long way to go in terms of strengthening their trade        omies in Transition, Bofit Policy Brief 2019/01.

relations, financial ties and human interaction with        Helsinki: Bank of Finland, 2019.
the SEE6. Even if the authoritarian political models    Reljić, Dušan. “South-East Europe needs zero-priced
emanating from Moscow and Ankara resonate today             capital to boost growth.” Euractiv. Brussels, 14
in significant parts of the population in SEE6, there       November 2018.
are no indications that Russia and Turkey are willing

                                                                                                                   IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019
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