The impact of COVID-19 on office space usage in the Middle East - November 2020 - Deloitte

The impact of COVID-19 on office space usage in the Middle East - November 2020 - Deloitte
The impact of COVID-19
on office space usage in
the Middle East
November 2020
The impact of COVID-19 on office space usage in the Middle East - November 2020 - Deloitte

To help identify the impact of COVID-19 on office space
usage in the Middle East, Deloitte captures sentiment from
companies in relation to the evolving nature of their bricks
and mortar requirements, work from home (WFH)
experience and policies during the current COVID-19

This survey was conducted in October 2020 and the
findings are based on responses from senior executives
across a range of industries.

© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Key findings

                                                                 Reduction in staff numbers                                                                    WFH policies are expected to
                                                               due to the COVID-19 business                                                                  become more flexible with 75%
                                                                impact is the primary reason                                                                 of the respondents saying their
                                                                 among the respondents for                                                                     company is expected to have
                                                                  considering a reduction in                     Focus/productivity                          some form of WFH policy in the
                                                               office space in the future. 44%                   was ranked as the                          next 12 months. By comparison,
      23% of the respondents                                    of those expecting to reduce                      most important                            only 20% of the respondents had
      said they are looking to                                 space currently occupy offices                                                                 a WFH policy before COVID-19
                                                                                                                   reason for staff
     reduce their office space.                                   of more than 3,000 sq m.                                                                     restrictions came into effect.
                                                                                                                attending the office.

                                                                                        Investment Management                                                                       The WFH policy transition
                                                                                      companies comprise 67% of                                                                     over the next 12 months is
                                         18% expect to                                                                                       The relative
                                                                                      the respondents considering                                                                  expected to vary by industry.
                                     relocate in the same                                                                               importance of having
                                                                                           increasing their office
                                     city when their lease                                                                              office space varied by
                                                                                          footprint in the future.
                                           expires.                                                                                            industry.
                                                                                       Growth in the industry and
                                                                                       new hiring are the primary
                                                                                       drivers of increasing space.

© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                 Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020   3
23% of the respondents said they are looking to reduce their office space.

Expected change in space requirements when current                                 Expected change in space requirements for
lease expires
    No change       Space reduction        Space increase                            No change   Space reduction   Space increase




 Note: Percentage may not total to 100 due to rounding

© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                          Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020   4
18% of the respondents expect to relocate in the same city when their lease expires.

                                                             Professional services firms   We want to move to a more
                                                             i.e. legal, consulting and    premium space and healthy
                                                             architects represent the      office building for our staff.
                                                             majority of the respondents
                                                                                           - Investment Management company currently
                                                             considering relocation when   occupying 500 to 1,000 sq m space
                                                             their lease expires.

                                                             The current office size for
                                                             the majority of the
                                                             respondents considering       Reasons for relocation:
                                                             relocation is 250 sq m or
                                                             less.                         • Cost reduction
                                                                                           • Headquarters presence
                                                                                           • Unhappy with building

© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                            Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020   5
Reduction in staff numbers due to the COVID-19 business impact is the primary reason among
                the respondents for considering a reduction in office space in the future. 44% of those
                expecting to reduce space currently occupy offices of more than 3,000 sq m.

Reasons for considering reduction in                                         The size of the current main office   Respondents considering a reduction
office space                                                                 among respondents expecting to        in office space
                                                                             reduce space
    Downsizing due to COVID-19 business impact                                 More than 3,000 sq m                  Professional services – legal, consulting, architecture
    Work from home policy                                                      1,500 to 3,000 sq m                   Oil and Gas
    Cost optimisation                                                          1,000 to 1,500 sq m                   Conglomerate
                                                                               250 to 500 sq m                       Investment Management
                                                                                                                     Real Estate and Construction

                            13%                                                                 11%                                        11%


                                                                                      22%                 44%                                                        44%

                                                                                                22%                                        22%

  Note: Percentage may not total to 100 due to rounding
© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                                     Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020   6
Investment Management companies comprise 67% of the respondents considering increasing
                their office footprint in the future. Growth in the industry and new hiring are the primary
                drivers of increasing space.

Expected increase in office space requirement                                                                  Size of current main office among respondents expecting
                                                                                                               to increase space
    0-25% space increase         25-50% space increase         More than 50% space increase                      250 to 500 sq m   500 to 1,000 sq m   More than 3,000 sq m

                 17%                                                                                                                          17%

                                                                      Expected increase in space (industry):
                                                                      - Investment Management
                                                        50%           - Banking, financial services and                            17%
                                                                         insurance (BFSI)

       33%                                                                                                                                                                67%

   Note: Percentage may not total to 100 due to rounding

© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                          Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020   7
Focus/productivity was ranked as the most important reason for staff attending the office.


                                                                  Licensing reqiurement

                                                                          Client interface
         Reason for staff attending the office



                                                 Ad-hoc collaboration and communication

                                                      Access to technology/filing systems

                                                                               Social Hub


                                                                                             0%     5%              10%             15%              20%            25%             30%               35%               40%                45%

                                                                                                  % of the respondents ranking the reason for office space as ‘most important’ (Rank 5)

Note: The respondents were asked to rank each workplace function from 1 to 5 in ascending order of importance. Responses were not mutually exclusive – multiple workplace functions could receive the
same rank.
© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                            Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020    8
The relative importance of having office space varied by industry.

                                                                              Ad-hoc                                                Access to
                                                                         collaboration and   Creativity/   Development/           technology/                                   Focus/                 Licensing
                                                      Social hub          communication      inspiration      training           filing systems       Client interface        productivity           requirements
Banking, financial services and
insurance (BFSI)
Consumer – transportation, hospitality,
retail, wholesale, automotive

Government and Public Services

Investment Management

Oil and Gas

Real Estate and Construction

Technology, Media and

Note: The respondents were asked to rank each workplace function from 1 to 5 in ascending order of         Key: % of the respondents ranking the workplace function as four or five.
importance. Responses were not mutually exclusive – multiple workplace functions could receive the same
rank.                                                                                                       Less than 20%         20-40%           40-60%            60-80%            80-100%              100%

© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                    Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020    9
WFH policies are expected to become more flexible with 75% of the respondents saying their
                company is expected to have some form of WFH policy in the next 12 months. By comparison,
                only 20% of the respondents had a WFH policy before COVID-19 restrictions came into effect.

WFH policy before COVID-19                                                   October 2020 WFH policy                              Expectations of WFH policy over the
restrictions (before March 2020)                                                                                                  next 12 months

    No policy                          Less than once per week                 No policy                Unlimited                   1-2 days per week             No policy
    1-2 days per week                  2-3 days per week                       1-2 days per week        2-3 days per week           Unlimited                     2-3 days per week
    Unlimited                          3-4 days per week
                                                                               3-4 days per week        Less than once per week     Less than once per week       3-4 days per week
    4-5 days per week
                                                                               4-5 days per week                                    4-5 days per week

                                      3%                                                                3%                                                3% 3%
                                 3%                                                                8%
                            5%                                                                                                                    13%
                                                                                              8%                     30%                                                       28%


                                                80%                                                                                               18%                       25%

  Note: Percentage may not total 100 due to rounding
© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                    Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020   10
WFH policy transition over the next 12 months is expected to vary by industry. Investment
                Management* companies with 25 to 50 employees or less in their main office form the highest
                proportion of respondents who expect to have no WFH policy over the next 12 months.

No WFH policy before COVID-19 restrictions                                         Expectations of no WFH policy over the next 12 months -
(before March 2020) - 80% of total respondents                                     25% of total respondents
     Investment Management                                                           Investment Management
     Banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI)                                Banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI)
     Real Estate and Construction                                                    Professional services – legal, consulting, architecture
     Professional services – legal, consulting, architecture                         Government and Public Services
     Oil and Gas                                                                     Real Estate and Construction
     Holding company
                                                                                     Consumer – transportation, hospitality, retail, wholesale, automotive
     Consumer – transportation, hospitality, retail, wholesale, automotive
     Government and Public Services
     Marketing and communication

                                                  3% 3%                                                                        10%
                                             6%                      22%
                                       6%                                                                            10%

                                  13%                                                                             10%                                  50%


                                                              16%                                                              10%

 Note: *Investment Management includes Asset Management and Private Equity firms
 Percentage may not total 100 due to rounding
© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                                   Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020   11
What the respondents have to say about workplace requirements and plans of their companies
                regarding work from home policies.

  “Work from home or work in the office is                                   “I believe there will be flexibility in regards   “There is not enough innovation in making it
  based on what the employee prefers, not                                    to the shape of the workplace. The old            possible to work from home. Some staff do
  what is enforced. However, 95% of the team                                 school design of desks and working stations       not have large spaces at home; health, safety
  choose to work in the office everyday. Only                                should be replaced with new trendy/lifestyle      (appropriate seats) and technical equipment
  5% prefer to continue working partly from                                  offices. Moreover, it's the productivity of the   are additional factors.”
  home and see an advantage in their                                         employee that counts at the end of the day”.
  productivity.”                                                                                                               — Architecture company
                                                                             — Hospitality company
  — Financial Services company                                                                                                 “Companies depend on the office for
                                                                             “We want to reconfigure the office space, to      company culture and productivity. Ideas,
  “We expect to reduce office space as we are                                allow more collaboration areas and install        innovation and creativity do not work over
  decreasing the employee number due to the                                  high tech equipment within our meeting            video call.”
  reduction in the workload and current                                      rooms for video calls.”
  market conditions.”                                                                                                          — Asset Management company
                                                                             — Investment Management company
  — Construction and Engineering company

© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                                        Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020   12
Key contacts

Robin Williamson
Head of Real Estate
Deloitte Middle East
Oliver Morgan
Head of Real Estate Development
Deloitte Middle East
Manika Dhama
Real Estate Development
Deloitte Middle East

If you would like to receive future reports and insights to the real estate market, please contact

© 2020 Deloitte Professional Services (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.                                                      Middle East Office Survey Q4 2020   13
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