The historic nor'easter of 13-14 March 2010

The historic nor'easter of 13-14 March 2010
The historic nor’easter of 13-14 March 2010
                                             Richard H. Grumm
                                           National Weather Service

1. INTRODUCTION                                         Gloria September 1985 (2.0m), Hurricane
                                                        Donna September 1960 (1.73m), and the
An historic nor’easter affected the East Coast of       nor’easter of 12-13 December 1992 (1.75m). A
the United States on 13-14 March 2010. The              total of 17 tropical storms produced strong storm
storm will be remembered for heavy rainfall             surges. The list of extratropical cyclones
(Fig. 1), flooding, strong winds, and the coastal       includes many memorable East Coast Winter
surge 1. Hurricane force wind gusts were                Storms (ECWS) and famous nor’easters
reported at Kennedy International Airport               including the 31 October 1991 (1.40m), 13
(KJFK) around 0000 UTC 14 March 2010 when               March 1993 “Superstorm” (1.46m), and the 7-8
wind gusts reach 64KTS (74 mph). Islip had 54           January 1996 “Blizzard of 1996” (1.35m) and
KTS winds 2. The strong winds produced                  the 14-15 November 1995 nor’easter (1.24).
widespread power outages, downed trees, and             Storm surges and coastal flooding are often
produced coastal flooding due to a strong storm         overlooked but important aspect nor’easters. The
surge.                                                  storm of 13-14 March produced a surge of 1.28
This storm has been compared to several past
storms. The nor’easters of 12-13 December 1992          As with many nor’easters, this storm produced
and 07-08 January 1996 storms both produced             high winds. The highest gusts were on Long
strong storm surges along the East Coast. Unlike        Island including KJFK (75 mph) and Breezy
this storm, these storms produced areas of heavy        Points (66 mph). Table 1 lists some of the higher
snowfall. Another similar storm, which                  winds reports for the event for gusts over 50
produced heavy rainfall, was the 3-4 March              MPH. The strongest winds were primarily along
1993 event. All of these storms had strong              the coast. However, strong winds and wind
easterly winds with significant u-wind anomalies        damage were reported well into central
north of the cyclone. It was in this general area       Pennsylvania.
where these storms produced the most
significant impact. The 850 hPa winds and u-            This event also produced locally heavy rainfall.
wind anomalies during the peak of the 13-14             Coastal areas received 2 to 3 inches with locally
March 2010 nor’easter are shown in Figure 2.            higher amounts exceeding 5 inches. A higher
                                                        elevation report in southern Pennsylvania
Colle et al (2010) examined storms which                received 6.25 inches of rainfall. Table 2 lists
produced storm surges in New York City. They            rainfall amounts in excess of 5 inches. There
listed all storms which produced storms which           were over 165 reports of 3 inches or more
produced significant surges above the mean-high         observed liquid equivalent precipitation.
water mark (Colle et al. 2010: Table 1)
separating out tropical cyclones (Tab le2: Colle        This paper will provide an overview of the
et al. 2010). The top 3 storms were Hurricane           historic nor’easter of 13-14 March 2010. The
                                                        focus is on the pattern and the significant
 Information provided by Brian Colle SUNY-Stony         weather impacts. A comparison of this storm to
                                                        several notable nor’easters from the published
                                                        literature is presented too.
 KISP 132356Z 08027G42KT 4SM RA BKN010
                                                        2. METHODS AND DATA
OVC016 09/07 A2958 RMK AO2 PK WND
10054/2312 SLP017 P0008 60042 T00940067 10094           The 500 hPa heights, 850 hPa temperatures and
20089 58017 $=                                          winds, other standard level fields were derived
The historic nor'easter of 13-14 March 2010
from the NCEP GFS, GEFS, and the                        Where F is the value from the reanalysis data at
NCEP/NCAR (Kalnay et al. 1996) reanalysis               each grid point, M is the mean for the specified
data. The means and standard deviations used to         date and time at each grid point and σ is the
compute the standardized anomalies were from            value of 1 standard deviation at each grid point.
the NCEP/NCAR data as described by Hart and
Grumm (2001). Anomalies were displayed in               Model and ensemble data shown here were
standard deviations from normal, as                     primarily limited to the GFS and GEFS. The
standardized anomalies. All data were displayed         1.25x1.25 degree JMA data may be used when it
using GrADS (Doty and Kinter 1995).                     becomes available. The NAM and SREF data
                                                        were also available for use in this study.
The standardized anomalies computed as:                 Displays will focus on the observed pattern and
                                                        some forecast issues associated with the pattern.
       SD = (F – M)/σ ()
                                                        For brevity, times will be displayed in day and

       Figure 1 Total observed liquid precipitation (mm) from 1200 UTC 12 March through 1200 UTC 15
       March 2010. From the unified precipitation data set. Return to analysis section.
hour format such at 14/0000 UTC signifies 14         Jersey, New York and then southern New
March 2010 at 0000 UTC.                              England. The heavy rain axis in Figure 1
                                                     appears to align well with this feature to include
3. RESULTS                                           the rainfall maximum over the Appalachians of
                                                     Maryland and central Pennsylvania. Wind
i.      Synoptic scale pattern                       reports and damage appear to be well aligned
                                                     with this feature too. The strong easterly jet was
The large scale pattern over North America is        a critical player in this event.
shown in Figure 3. The key features associated
with this event include the ridge with positive      A regionalized view of the PW and PW anomalies
height anomalies over eastern Canada and the         is shown in Figure 8. These data show that the
deep trough with negative height anomalies           strong southerly winds (not shown) in the warm
moving from the central United States (Fig. 3a)      sector taped some deep tropical moisture with 24
which moves over the Eastern United States           to 32 mm PW values wrapping about the series of
(Fig. 3d-f). A strong subtropical jet (Fig. 4) was   cyclones into the Mid-Atlantic region. PW
present at 3250 hPa with 2 to 3SD anomalies in       anomalies of +1 to +3 SDs were present in and
the core of the jet as it moved across the Gulf of   near the region of heavy rainfall. This is best seen
Mexico and up the East Coast.                        between 13/0600 and 14/0000 UTC. The really
                                                     deep moist air with +5SD anomalies and PW
                                                     values over 50 mm never surge into the cyclone.
The precipitable water (PW) and PW anomalies
                                                     Nor were they forecast to do so.
showed a surge of PW along the coast and over
the eastern Atlantic (Fig. 5). The storm was able
to ingest some of this high PW air.                  iii.    Comparison to historic cases

ii.     Regional pattern and anomalies               Colle et al (2010) listed nor’easters and tropical
                                                     storms which produced surges over the mean
Figure 6 shows the NAM 00-hour forecasts of          high water level in New York City. All of the
the surface features from 12/18000 through           events to which this event was being compared
14/1800 UTC. A strong anticyclone was present        to during its evolution are in that Table 1 of their
over New England and to the northeast with           paper. Storms with similar characteristics can
1SD above normal surface pressure anomalies.         and do produce similar weather and weather
Beneath the 500 hPa low (Fig. 3) there was low       impacts. They details will vary as no two storms
pressure over most of the eastern United States      are true analogs of each other.
with -1 to -3 SD surface pressure anomalies. An
initial cyclone moved up the Ohio Valley and         Some key features of the 3-4 March 1993 storm
there were hints of surges of low pressure along     are shown in Figure 9. The 500 hPa heights (not
the coastal zone.                                    shown) had a cut-off low. This event lacked cold
                                                     air and produced heavy rainfall with a maximum
The key to this event and its complex cyclone        in western Maryland at 8.9 inches. The surface
evolutions, not examined here in detail, was the     pattern was remarkably similar to that shown in
strong pressure gradient over the Mid-Atlantic       Figure 6. The 850 hPa jet was equally as
region and southern New England. This was the        impressive though it maximized farther west
area of concern and the area were the strong         then the 13-14 March 2010 event. The storm
easterly flow (Fig. 7) developed.                    produced a 1.03 meter surge in NYC (Colle et
                                                     al. Table 1) on 5 March 1993. The observed
The wind anomalies show the increase in the          precipitation for this event is shown in Figure
winds over time with -5SD u-winds developing         10. The easterly winds produced locally heavy
around 13/0600 UTC and increasing to -6SD            rainfall as the event moved up the Appalachian
over Pennsylvania by 13/1200 UTC. This strong        Mountains. The pattern of heavy rainfall was
u-wind anomaly then lifted slow to the east-         similar and there were local maximums in the
northeast over the next 6-24 hours into New          mountains of 96-100 mm of precipitation.
concept. It should clear to the reader that the
Another similar event, which caused massive         75km GEFS will not pick up the maximum and
coastal storm surge and flooding issues (Colle et   terrain enhanced values that higher resolution
al 2010), was the storm of 11-13 December 1992      models would detect.
(Fig. 11). This storm was associated with cold
air and there was some extremely heavy              The SREF QPF for the 36 hour period ending at
snowfall (2 to 3 feet) in the mountains of          1800 UTC 14 March 2010 is shown in Figure
Maryland and Pennsylvania. This slow moving         17. These data show that the SREF too, with
storm produced a similar Appalachian                higher QPF values, got the general high threat
precipitation maximum and really produced           area quite effectively.
heavy rainfall in eastern New England (Fig. 12).
The pattern was shown at 12/1800 UTC as the         No forecasts of winds and MSLP are presented
rain began in earnest in New England. However,      as they were better than the QPF forecasts and
between 11/1800 and 12/0000 UTC a -5SD u-           would simply show a pattern extremely similar
wind anomaly moved through Maryland and             to the analysis already presented.
Pennsylvania (not shown).
                                                    v.      impacts
The 7-8 January 1996 or Blizzard of 1996 storm
was also similar to this storm. Obviously the       The impacts of this event were dramatic. Along
storm contained cold air and was snow               the coast, high winds (Fig. 19) produced coastal
producing nor’easter. The data here are valid at    flooding and damage to beaches. Inland areas
08/0600 UTC as the surge in NYC peaked              saw tree damage and widespread power outages.
around 08/0600 UTC (Colle et al. 2010). This        Over 500000 families lost power during the
storm had an organized and deep cyclone (Fig        event. Hard hit areas for power loss included
13c) and of course the strong and anomalous u-      New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Rhode
wind anomalies (Fig 13a). This event was faster     Island. Lesser outages were reported in
moving and associated with colder air and thus      Pennsylvania where around 25000 families lost
produced lower overall precipitation amounts        power.
(Figure 14).
                                                    The heavy rains produced flooding. The NWS in
iv.     Forecasts                                   Taunton reported that this event produced some
                                                    of the worse flooding documented history
The event was well predicted by the NCEP            outside of events associated with tropical storms
models and ensemble forecast systems (EFS).         and snow melt. Cranston, RI had a flood of
As with all events there were timing and            record and two other rivers experienced their
location issues which impact the forecasts.         second worse flood since record keeping began.
                                                    This surpassed the Mothers Day 2006 weekend
                                                    event 3. The heavy rainfall in southeastern New
The GEFS forecasts of 1 inch or greater QPF         England was captured by the Stage-IV data (Fig.
from 1200 UTC 09-11 March 2010 are shown in         18) and pubic reports (Fig. 19)
Figure 15. These data show that with
considerable lead time the potential for heavy      Figure 18 shows high resolution QPE data for
rain were predicted for the general region where    the event. These data show where the heaviest
                                                    rainfall fell during this multi-day event. Over
heavy rain was observed. Other probability
                                                    Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the strong winds
forecasts produced similar outcomes using 2         into the terrain played a critical role in the higher
inches and 36 hour accumulations.                   QPE amounts. A similar pattern can be seen in

In general the rain event and affected are was      3
                                                     Data and summary provided by Walt Drag WFO
well predicted. The 9 forecasts of the ensemble
mean QPF (Fig. 16) further support this general
New England. Both regions showed clear and           Heavy rains were another issue, though they
consistent rain shadows. The Connecticut and         were not focused over areas with large snow
Hudson Valleys show up as clear rainfall             water and the rains came over a long period of
minimums in the lower panel of Figure 18. A          time. This and slow steady snow melt for several
similar minimum was present west of the              days ahead of the event precluded major and
Catskills. In the upper panel, the Susquehanna       widespread flooding. Many dodged a bullet. The
Valley and the lee, for easterlies, of the           axis of heavy rainfall (Fig. 1) was well aligned
Alleghenies were also precipitation minimums.        with the anomalous low-level jet and u-wind
                                                     anomalies as shown in Figure 7. Overall, both
4. CONCLUSIONS                                       the SREF and GEFS did well predicting the
                                                     rainfall. Due to resolution issues they lacked,
                                                     though the SREF hinted at, the impact and
A slow moving cyclone produced an historic           localization of the terrain.
nor’easter on 13-14 March 2010. This storm
produced hurricane force wind gusts, high surge,     During the event, high resolution windows from
a storm surge, and heavy rainfall. The winds         the GFS were used (not shown) to produce QPFs
produced widespread power outages due to             for the time of heavy rainfall over Pennsylvania.
downed trees and wires. The winds also               The results of these downscaled GFS runs to 8
impacted coastal regions. The rains were intense     km produced heavy rainfall in many of the
and produced flooding in Pennsylvania, New           terrain focused areas where the rain fell. Due to
York, New Jersey and New England. This was a         uncertainty issues, some of the regions of heavy
high impact event that contained clear and           rainfall from downscaled runs 60, 66 and 72
consistent signals in the NCEP models and EFS        hours in advance did not materialize. But this
to provide a reasonable lead-time on predicting      real-time test showed the value of downscaled
this event.                                          runs during periods of heavy rainfall events.

This storm shared main of the characteristics of     The comparative nor’easter shown here all
many of the significant storms of the winter of      shared some common characteristics. The key
2009-2010. The deep trough moving beneath the        feature they all had in common was strong 850
high latitude ridge is a common theme for            hPa u-winds with u-wind anomalies in the -5 to -
nor’easters and was the case with this event.        6SD range. These common features, often well
This storm lacked cold air and did not produce       predicted could be leveraged to improve rating
significant snowfall. Additionally, this storm       and evaluating East Coast Winter storms.
had strong southern stream jet (Fig. 4) which is     Ensemble forecasts compared to climatology
quite common during an ENSO positive winter.         and model climatologies could be leveraged to
Another feature of many strong cyclonic events       rate nor’easters based on ensemble forecasts. An
was the surge of high PW air (Fig. 5) into the       operational storm rating system from 1 to 5
cyclone.                                             could be used. Threats for key features could be
                                                     made in relation to snowfall threats, rainfall
The storm produced high winds with many              threats, high surf and coastal flooding threats
locations along the coast having near hurricane      and high wind threats. This approach would
forecast winds. Over 500,000 people lost power       eliminate some of the adjectives used to describe
mainly along the coastal zone during the event.      storms.
The strong winds and coastal flooding appeared
to be timed well and linked to the anomalous         The time to produce products to rate and show
low-level easterly jet (Fig. 7). This jet was also   key threats has passed we need such products to
well timed and coincided with the storm surge        evaluate significant threats with discrete
and surf which caused flooding in NYC and            probabilities now.
adjacent New Jersey and along the coast of
southern New England as it lifted to the north
and east.
Clearly, we need to better leverage EFS data to              Events: Preliminary Findings. Wea.
   rate storms and provide probabilistic threat                 and Fore., 16,736–754.
   outcomes. These products need to be made
   available to NWS forecasters to facilitate rapid     Grumm, R.H., and R. Hart, 2001a: Anticipating
   identification of key meteorological threats. Both
                                                           Heavy Rainfall: Forecast Aspects. Preprints,
   planview and point specific displays must be
   provided to forecasters.                                Symposium on Precipitation Extremes,
                                                           Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 66-70.

5. Acknowledgements                                     Grumm, R.H., and R. Holmes, 2007: Patterns of
                                                           heavy rainfall in the mid-Atlantic. Pre-prints,
 Discussion on ensemble displays were conducted            Conference on Weather Analysis and
 before the event with Lance Bosart, SUNY-                 Forecasting,Park City, UT, Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
 Albany. Tim Hewson provided ECMWF guidance                5A.2.
 related to the storm to include ECMWF EFI
 forecasts for New York City. Local support and         Grumm, Richard H. 2000, "Forecasting the
 data summaries were provided by the local NWS
 Office in State College. Thanks to my old friend          Precipitation Associated with a Mid-Atlantic
 John LaCorte for decoding and plotting rain,              States Cold Frontal Rainband", NWA
 snow, and wind reports.                                   Digest,24, 37-51.

6. REFERENCES                                           Hart, R. E., and R. H. Grumm, 2001: Using
                                                           normalized climatological anomalies to rank
Colle, B.A., F. Buonaiuto, M.J. Bowman, R.E.
                                                           synoptic scale events objectively. Mon. Wea.
  Wilson, R. Flood, R. Hunter, A. Mintz, and D.
                                                           Rev., 129, 2426–2442.
  Hill, 2008: New York City's Vulnerability to
  Coastal Flooding. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 89,       Junker, N.W., R.H. Grumm,R.H. Hart, L.F
  829-841.’                                                Bosart, K.M. Bell, and F.J. Pereira, 2008:
Colle, B.A., K. Rojowsky, and F. Buonaiuto, 2010:          Use of normalized anomaly fields to
  New York City Storm Surges: Climatology and              anticipate extreme rainfall in the mountains
  an Analysis of the Wind and Cyclone Evolution.           of northern California.Wea. Forecasting,
  J.Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 49, 85-100.                   23,336-356.

Doswell,C.A.,III, H.E Brooks and R.A. Maddox,           --------, M.J. Brennan, F. Pereira, M.J. Bodner,
       1996: Flash flood forecasting: An                     and R.H. Grumm, 2009: Assessing the
       ingredients based approach. Wea.                      Potential for Rare Precipitation Events with
       Forecasting, 11, 560-581.                             Standardized Anomalies and Ensemble
Doty, B. E., and J. L. Kinter III, 1995: Geophysical         Guidance at the Hydrometeorological
       data and visualization using GrADS.                   Prediction Center. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
       Visualization Techniques Space and                    90, 445–453.
       Atmospheric Sciences, E. P. Szuszczewicz
       and Bredekamp, Eds., NASA, 209–219.              Lackmann, G. M., and J. R. Gyakum, 1999: Heavy
                                                           cold-season precipitation in the northwestern
Grumm, R.H. and R. Hart. 2001:                             United States: Synoptic climatology and an
      Standardized Anomalies Applied to                    analysis of the flood of 17–18 January 1986.
      Significant Cold Season Weather                      Wea. Forecasting, 14, 687–700.
Figure 2. GFS 00-hour forecasts showing 850 hPa winds (KTS) and 850 hPa wind anomalies. Data are valid at a) 0000 UTC 13 March, b) 0600 UTC
13 March, c) 1200 UTC 13 March, d) 1800 UTC 13 March, e) 0000 UTC 14 March, and f) 0600 UTC UTC 14 March 2010

         Neiman, P.J., F.M. Ralph, A.B. White, D.E.                               Overland Precipitation Impacts of
            Kingsmill, and P.O.G. Persson, 2002: The                              Atmospheric Rivers Affecting the
            Statistical Relationship between Upslope                              West Coast of North America Based
                                                                                  on Eight Years of SSM/I Satellite
            Flow and Rainfall in California's Coastal
                                                                                  Observations. J. Hydrometeor., 9,
            Mountains: Observations during CALJET.                                22–47.
            Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 1468–1492.
                                                                         Stuart, N.A., and R.H. Grumm, 2006: Using
                                                                                 Wind Anomalies to Forecast East
             ______ , _____, G.A. Wick, J.D. Lundquist,                          Coast Winter Storms. Wea.
                   and M.D. Dettinger, 2008:                                     Forecasting, 21, 952–968.
                   Meteorological Characteristics and
Figure 3. As in Figure 2 except for 500 hPa heights (m) and height anomalies over North America.
Figure 4. As in Figure 2 except 250 hPa winds and 250 hPa wind anomalies.
Figure 5. As in Figure 2 except for precipitable water (mm) and precipitable water anomalies. Return to text.
Figure 6. NAM 00-hour forecasts of mean-sea level pressure (hPa) and pressure anomalies. The data shown are form 00-hour NAM initialized
at at a) 1800 UTC 12 March, b) 0000 UTC 13 March, c) 0600 UTC 13 March, d) 1200 UTC 13 March, e) 1800 UTC 13 March, f) 0000 UTC 14 March,
g) 0600 UTC 14 March, h)1200 UTC 14 March, and i) 1800 UTC 14 March 2010.
Figure 7. As in Figure 6 except for NAM 850 hPa winds (kts) and u-wind anomalies. Winds have been thinned showing every 3 grib point.
Figure 8. As in Figures 6 & 7 except for NAM PW and PW anomalies. Return to text.
Figure 9. JRA analysis with NCEP/NCAR bases anomalies of conditions at 1800 UTC 04 March 1993 showing a) 850 hPa u-winds and u-wind
anomalies, b) 850 hPa v-winds and v-wind anomalies, c) mean sea level pressure and anomalies, and d) precipitable water and anomalies.
Figure 10. As in Figure 1 except for 1200 UTC 3-6 March 1993.
Figure 11. As in Figure 9 except valid at 1800 UTC 12 December 1992.
Figure 12. As in Figure 10 except valid for 1200 UTC 10-13 December 1992.
Figure 13. As in Figure 9 except valid at 0600 UTC 8 January 1996.
Figure 14. As in Figure 9 except valid 1200 UTC 6 to 1200 UTC 9 January 1996.

        KJFK 132351Z 08035G64KT 5SM -RA BR
        BKN014 OVC021 09/07 A2949 RMK
             AO2 PK WND 07064/2347 SLP986
        P0000 60033 T00940072 10111
             20094 56026
        KJFK 132351Z 08035G64KT 5SM -RA BR
        BKN014 OVC021 09/07 A2949
        KJFK 140051Z 09035G48KT 10SM -RA
        BKN014 OVC020 11/08 A2952 RMK AO2
             PK WND 08055/0041 SLP995 P0001
            Town                 State     MPH       LST     AM/PM
NYC/JFK ARPT                      NY        75      833         PM
EAST MILTION                      MA        69      1251       AM
JONES BEACH STATE                 NY        67      350         PM
BREEZY POINT                      NY        67      330         PM
BLUE POINT                        NY        67      302         PM
FIRE ISLAND                       NY        67      700         PM
FORT LEE                          NJ        66      634         PM
AMITY HARBOR                      NY        66      621         PM
BAYVILLE                          NY        63      435         PM
JONES BEACH ISLAND                NY        63      240         PM
WHITE PLAINS                      NY        62      629         PM
FARMINGDALE                       NY        60      636         PM
GROTON/NEW LONDON                 CT        59      812         PM
TETERBORO                         NJ        59      859         PM
SHIRLEY                           NY        56      340         PM
SHIRLEY                           NY        56      539         PM
YARMOUTH                          MA        56      1157        PM
FALMOUTH                          MA        56      155        AM
CALDWELL                          NJ        55      605         PM
PELHAM BAY PARK                   NY        55      515         PM
WESTHAMPTON BEACH                 NY        55      502         PM
NEWPORT                            RI       55      110        AM
WESTERLY                           RI       55      100        AM
ISLIP                             NY        54      346         PM
BROOKLINE                         MA        54      1249       AM
BOSTON                            MA        54      344         PM
NYC/CENTRAL PARK                  NY        53      345         PM
EAST SETAUKET                     NY        53      445         PM
SOUTHAMPTON                       NY        53      625         PM
NANTUCKET                         MA        53      141        AM
BERGENFIELD                       NJ        52      605         PM
HARWICH                           MA        52      705         PM
VINEYARD HAVEN                    MA        52      1050        PM
WRENTHAM                          MA        52      136        AM
JERSEY CITY                       NJ        50      621        AM
WEST ISLAND                       MA        50      201         PM
BARRINGTON                         RI       50      1200       AM
Table 1. Maximum wind gust 13-14 March 2010 based NWS public
information statements. Value of 50 mph or more shown . Return to
Figure 15. NCEP GEFS forecasts of 1 inch or more of precipitation for the 24 hour period ending at 1200 UTC 14 March 2010. The 3 2 panel
images are from 1200 UTC forecasts initialized on a) 09 March, b) 10 March, and c) 11 March 2010. Upper panels show the probability of 1
inch or more QPF and the ensemble mean 1 inch contour. Lower panels show the ensemble mean QPF (shaded) and each members 1 inch
contour. Return to text.

Figure 16. GEFS ensemble mean QPF accumulated for the period ending at 1200 UTC 15 March 2010 from forecasts initialized at a) 0000 UTC 10
March, b) 1200 UTC 10 March, c) 0000 UTC 11 March, d) 0600 UTC 11 March, e) 1200 UTC 11 March, f) 1800 UTC 11 March, g) 0000 UTC 12 March,
h) 0600 UTC 12 March and i) 1200 UTC 12 March 2010.
Figure 17. As in Figure 15 except NCEP SREF showing 36-hour probability of 2 inches or more QPF ending 1800 UTC 14 March
and accumulated QPF and each members 2 inch contour from SREF initialized at 0900 UTC and 2100 UTC 12 March 2010.
Figure 18. Stage-IV precipitation (mm) upper panel for the Mid-Atlantic region lower panels is
for New England. Due to the period of precipitation the Mid-Atlantic region data ends at 1800
UTC 14 March and the New England data at 1800 UTC 15 March 2010. Return to text.
county                          location                 rain         state
YORK                                SOUTH BERWICK                  9.09          me
ROCKINGHAM                                EPPING                   7.73          nh
UNION                                  ELIZABETH                   7.63          nj
YORK                                  SOUTH ELIOT                  7.6           me
YORK                                 WELLS BEACH                   7.55          me
ROCKINGHAM                               EXETER                    7.52          nh
STRAFFORD                                 DOVER                    7.4           nh
ESSEX                                   BEVERLY                    7.13          ma
STRAFFORD                               DURHAM                     6.92          nh
PLYMOUTH                                KINGSTON                   6.52          ma
YORK                                      WELLS                    6.28          me
YORK                                 CAPE NEDDICK                  6.27          me
YORK                                 CAPE NEDDICK                  6.27          me
ADAMS                                  CASHTOWN                    6.25          pa
MIDDLESEX                             CAMBRIDGE                    6.23          ma
YORK                                  KENNEBUNK                    6.2           me
MIDDLESEX                            SOUTH AMBOY                   6.08          nj
ROCKINGHAM                             STRATHAM                    6.05          nh
ROCKINGHAM                            GREENLAND                    6.04          nh
MIDDLESEX                          SOUTH BILLERICA                 5.85          ma
ROCKINGHAM                            PORTSMOUTH                   5.79          nh
MIDDLESEX                         NORTH TEWKSBURY                  5.77          ma
BRISTOL                                  NORTON                    5.76          ma
BRISTOL                                 DIGHTON                    5.76          ma
STRAFFORD                          EAST ROCHESTER                  5.64          nh
ESSEX                                   PEABODY                    5.57          ma
MIDDLESEX                               KINGSTON                   5.52          ma
PROVIDENCE                         WEST GLOCESTER                  5.51          ri
STRAFFORD                               MADBURY                    5.5           nh
MIDDLESEX                                HUDSON                    5.5           ma
ROCKINGHAM                             DEERFIELD                   5.37          nh
ROCKINGHAM                            NORTHWOOD                    5.2           nh
ESSEX                                   NEWARK                     5.17          nj
HUDSON                              NORTH BERGEN                   5.16          nj
MIDDLESEX                         SOUTH PLAINFIELD                 5.12          nj
MIDDLESEX                                GROTON                    5.09          ma
PASSAIC                              WEST MILFORD                  5.06          nj
WINDHAM                                 STERLING                   5.04          ct
ROCKINGHAM                         WEST HAMPSTEAD                  5.03          nh
NASSAU                                 MILL NECK                   5.02          ny
MIDDLESEX                              DEEP RIVER                  5.02          ct
NASSAU                               EAST MEADOW                   5.01          ny
CARROLL                          MOULTONBOROUGH                       5           nh
Table 2. Locations with 5 or more inches of storm total precipitation based on NWS
reports. Data includes County, Town, rainfall (in) and the State. Return to text.
Figure 19. Public reports of rainfall (in) and wind gusts (mph). Return to text.
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