The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School

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The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
The Heard News
                         Spring 2020

                         Class of
                        we love you.

“I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I
believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles.”
								Audrey Hepburn
The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
Dear Bison,

    TABLE OF                                   While the 2019-2020 school year was inter-
                                      rupted by this unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic,

                                      we wanted to look back and remember the good
                                      times--and there were so many.
                                               For the first seven months of this school
                                      year, students, faculty, and families created wonder-
                                      ful memories here at The Camp.
    4-11   SCHS 2019-2020                      It is more important than ever to reflect on
           The good times in photos   the things that brought us together. The crazy tribe
                                      at pep rallies and games. The athletes who nev-
                                      er gave up. Homecoming parades and basketball
    12-16 BISON NEWS                  games. The students who were a part of our many
                                      clubs and organizations. Our amazing band. The
                                      cheerleaders and dance team. The students who
                                      gave all they had in each class and never gave up.
    17-20 World and Local             You did it all together.
                                               Our seniors are on the minds and in the
                                      hearts of us all. It isn’t fair, but we are all still cheer-
                                      ing you on to the next part of your journey. We
    21-25 Editorials and Reviews      see you. We have watched you grow into amazing
                                      young men and women as you walked the halls of
                                      Station Camp High School. We have seen you strug-
                                      gle and succeed, falter and then stand up straight
                                      and face your challenges with eyes wide open. And
                                      while you have every right be disappointed in the
                                      outcome of the year, the best is yet to come, really.
                                               So please, Bison, look back on the smiles
                                      and laughter and know we will be together again
                                      soon.			MROD

The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
The Heard Staff
                                          Section Editors

         Jonah Dittes               Kelly Kaczmarek                Shelby Mills                   Wesley Keller
        World & Local                Entertainment                 Photography                      Sports
            SCHS                        Editorals                    Editor

Reporters:								                                                                 Photographers:
Bralen Baker		          Max Garcia		             Kady Thompson		                   Jayana Villalobos
Bo Birdsong		           Jack Hanning		           Jayana Villalobos		               Shelby Mills
Chance Clendenin        Kelly Kaczmarek          Matthew Woodward		                Allie Ferrell
Zeke Cook		             Wesley Keller
Madison Croxford        Landon Klapwyk
Kaylie Dickens		        Abbie Luther
Jonah Dittes		          Janie Petty
Alexandria Ferrell      Abbie Rollins
Faith Gambrell
 Advisor: Mendy Rodriguez

Mission Statement:
The Heard’s primary purpose is to inform the student          We do not own any of the pictures placed in this newspa-
body and faculty about issues concerning Station Camp         per it is our intention to respect all digital property used
High School, our community, and the world in a way that       for The Heard.
is credible, accurate, and provides our readers with truth.

The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
looking back...
    Photo Credits: Shelby Mills, Haley Reynolds, and Allie Ferrell

The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
on memories we made.

The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
The Heard News - Class of 2020 we love you - Spring 2020 - Station Camp High School
An Exclusive with
Julia Hall
          Julia Hall, Station Camp’s first solo female
commander and senior during the 2019-2020 school year,
gives us an inside look into her inspiration for joining
JROTC, what she has learned through it, and more.

1. What first got you interested in
         I knew a friend who was a year older than me in
the program and she seemed to like it a lot so I
thought I would join.

2. What have you learned through                               together, then I realized they do because of the shared passion they have
the program? What were the                                     for the JROTC program and that’s something that really inspired me the
greatest challenges?
          I learned a lot of personal skills and just how to
better manage the skills I already possessed such as time      5. What prompted you to take Mr. Massey to
management and organizational skills. I’ve also learned
quite a few life skills through this program like how to       the military ball?
change a tire, change the oil in a car, and CPR. My greatest                                                             Inviting Mr. Massey
challenge was probably realizing I can’t do everything                                                          was actually an idea that
myself. Another thing I learned through this program and                                                        Sergeant Harville brought
                                                                                                                to me because he knew
in my position was to never be surprised, just be prepared.
                                                                                                                a little more about him
                                                                                                                then I did. I wanted to
                                                                                                                invite someone who could
3. Can you talk a bit about being the                                                                           relate something to all the
commander of the unit this year?                                                                                cadets, which is really a
                                                                                                                difficult task when you’re
What was being the first solo female                                                                            speaking to over 80 cadets,
                                                                                                                not even including the
commander like?                                                                                                 dates and guests. With
          Since I’ve been in the program there have been at
                                                                                                                his career history, he was
least two or more Battalion Commanders, but
                                                                                                                definitely the best choice
this year it was just me. There were times where it was
challenging, but I didn’t apply for the position thinking                                                       and did an excellent job.
it was going to be easy. I definitely couldn’t have done it
without the leadership working around and with me the
entire time. It was probably my best experience in high        6. As a senior, how has the Covid-19 pandem-
school and I loved every second of it.
                                                               ic affected you personally?
                                                                           It’s just been a strange time for everyone but during this pandem-
4. During your time in JROTC, how                              ic, it’s given me more time to
                                                               prioritize things I might have not had time for between school and work.
have you been influenced by your                               Nonetheless, I’m ready for everything to go back to normal.
          Sergeant Harville and Colonel Overby have defi-
nitely been the biggest inspiration for me in my
                                                               7. What are your plans for the future?
                                                                        I plan to attend Tennessee Tech on an ROTC scholarship and
position, and in general. They’re the main reason I
                                                               major in business. I decided to pursue ROTC and future military service
decided to pursue my position in the first place because
                                                               because I have a passion to serve and lead others, and for me, this was the
of the time and effort they put into me and my character
                                                               best way I feel I could do just that.
development, I was able to realize what I could achieve. I
would also say have to say I’ve never seen two men with
completely different personalities work together so well
Boolin’ with Bullen                                                                         an education class and really enjoyed
Bralen Baker                                                                                it, so I decided to make education
         If you haven’t had the privilege                                                   my minor. I really wanted to become
of being a student of SCHS Biology                                                          a marine biologist, but could never
teacher Coach Bullen, you are missing                                                       afford out-of-state tuition to attend a
out. He offers a relaxed and friendly                                                       coastal school.”
environment for the kids and truly                                                              His first education position was
cares that you know your stuff when                                                         teaching science to 8th graders at
you leave his class.                                                                        Smyrna Middle School for 4 years.
         So what is a day in the life of                                                    Luckily, he decided to move up to
Bullen like? His morning starts off                                                         the high school level.
walking his dog and pouring his first                                                                  Coach Bullen loves teaching
cup of coffee. If he has time in the                                                        Biology. He’s been a “science nerd”
morning he whips up some smackin’           “When I was still in high school, I got         for a long time, but he would also
pancakes, one of his all time favorite      hired as a sales associate at a local record    like to offer and teach a Forensics
foods. When it’s time to go to school,      store. I worked there for about 10 years,       class.
this true lover of music jams to the        eventually becoming a manager for the                      A good way to end the day
good stuff.                                 store. I started college at 25 because the      is knowing he’s done the best he can
   “It changes all the time. Usually I      music retail business was being killed by       do.
have my iPod plugged in, and it just        digital music and I knew that my shop                      “A good day in the class-
shuffles between the thousands of           would not stay open forever. I stayed           room can be a lot of different things.
songs I have on there. Long live the 80’s   with the record store until I was hired         I guess I feel most confident when
new wave!”                                  into my first teaching position at age 30.”     my students are excited and involved
         Before all of the teacher busi-              He graduated from MTSU with           in the material or lesson. A good day
ness, he worked at a record store. He       a degree in Biology.                            could also be just a day that I feel
has over 3,000 vinyl records and CD’s                 “I entered college with no real       like I have reached a student or made
in his personal collection. One thing       plan as to what I would do upon gradu-          them smile and have a better day
he loved about his job was simply the       ating. I knew I wanted to major in Biolo-       themselves.
“free music and records that would play     gy but was not real sure what I’d do with                  Thank you for all the good
throughout the store.”                      my degree. My first year at MTSU I took         memories Coach.

Earth Day                                                                                  3 ways to take action for the
Celebrates                                                                                 planet while social
50th Anniversary                         graduate student named Denis Hayes.
                                                    After putting together a staff of
                                                                                           1. Eat more plants- and save
         On April 22, people around      85 passionate environmental activists
                                                                                           leftovers to reduce waste. If
the world took time out from the         and thousands of volunteers, they chose
pandemic to celebrate and advocate       the date of April 22nd for this yearly            your produce goes bad, try
for planet Earth.                        holiday. The date was picked to ensure            composting!
         The first Earth Day was         college students could participate as
celebrated in 1970, after the tireless   it falls after spring break, but before           2. Do an eco-friendly activity:
efforts of Senator Gaylord Nelson of     exams.                                               *plant a wildflower garden
Wisconsin. He was hoping to add                     This year, due to the coronavi-           *make a bee condo
momentum to a fledgling conser-          rus, the activists and Mother Earth ad-              *do yoga
vation movement that was sparked         vocates had to rise up online. Kathleen              *build a bird feeder
by Rachel Carson’s bestseller Silent     Rogers, president of Earth Day Network
Spring.                                  explained, “Whether it be coronavirus
                                                                                           3. Start a garden exchange in
        Nelson knew he needed            or our global climate crisis, we cannot
                                                                                           your neighborhood through
the support of college students who      shut down.”
had influenced other movements                      Our own Earth Day activist just        social media
including the anti-Vietnam protests.     happens to be Coach Bullen!
He enlisted the help of a Harvard
Station Camp’s Four                          to more than just dogs and teachers.
                                                 “Students have been able to get
Legged Friends                               hands on and real world experience.
Jayana Villalobos                            Students have also gotten pet jobs with
     Some people don’t realize that there    help from the experience Doggy Day-
are four-legged friends attending the        care provides.”
school, just like you! Renee Maynard,            With the experience comes great
our small/large animal science teacher,      learning opportunities. Each student
runs a program called Doggy Daycare.         gets their own assigned job that rotates.
It is a place teachers can bring their       “Students have learned great responsi-
dog for a spa-like day while they are at     bility.”
work.                                            Doggy Daycare has had so many
     Doggy Daycare makes sure to give        different breeds of dogs.
your dog a day full of fun while making          “We have had a Spring Doodle, Shi-
sure your pup gets clean.                    htzu, Husky, German Shepherd, Great
     Our teachers have busy schedules        Dane, a Gordon Setter, and so many
and sometimes they don’t have time to        more.”
bathe or groom their dogs. Thankfully,           A great program brings challenges.
Doggy Daycare has your back.                 So many people want their dog to be in
     We bathe, file nails, brush teeth,      the Doggy Daycare.
give several walks, and ferminate                “The main challenge that we have
them,” said Maynard.                         had is scheduling and overlapping.
     Doggy Daycare has been a program        Teachers schedule last minute and we
at SCHS for a while and this year has        are usually booked. It’s best to schedule
been a good year for them.                   ahead of time.”
     “It has been a thing for 3 years now.       Maynard couldn’t be happier being
It has actually become more successful       the one running Doggy Daycare.
this year than last.”                            “My favorite thing is being around
      Doggy Daycare has been beneficial      the dogs all day.”


 Junior Jade McDougal

SCHS: DECA in Chattanooga                                The written events were held on     Kya Dyer- Integrated Marketing Cam-
Abbie Rollins                                  Thursday, March 5th. After the competi-       paign Product IMCP 3rd
          Station Camp High School DECA        tion, there was an aquarium dance where                Abbie Rollins, Brooklyn Rippy,
students competed at the state convention      the students could explore the famous         Neeli McEwen- Community Awareness
on March 4-7 in Chattanooga. Schools           Chattanooga Aquarium and a dance              PMCA- 8th
from all over the state attended and Station   party down stairs.                                     Micah Marasigan- Food Mar-
Camp brought a strong presence.                          The role plays competitions were    keting FMS Top 8
          The competition is divided by dif-   held on the morning of Friday, March                   Maddox Marlin- Food Market-
ferent business categories: written projects   6th. The rest of the day, the whole DECA      ing FMS 6th
and role plays.                                chapter had free time until the dance                  Kirsten Webb- Marketing Com-
          The written projects are complet-    where the mini awards were presented.         munications MCS the 4th
ed before the convention and can either        Mini awards are for role players; they                 Audrey Baird, Kathryn
be a 10 page paper with a test or a 20 page    either get one if they placed high on their   Mouchette- Hospitality Services HTDM
paper. Students, either an individual or       test or their role play.                      6th
groups up to three, get to choose the topic.             Congrats to all of the competi-              Katie Kirkham- Hotel and
          The topics for the roleplays are     tors who placed at the conference:            Lodging 6th
given at the competition and one person                  Eliana Safer-Start Up Business               Ezekial Cook-Sports and Enter-
has 15 minutes to prepare and a team has       Plan ESB 1st                                  tainment HLM 3rd
30 minutes. Roleplayers take a test and if               Marguerite Oakey, Stephon                    Jaiden Buzako, Paige Giese-
there is one competitor, he or she will have   Price, Briley Hitt- Integrated Mktg. Cam-     Buying and Merchandising BTDM 4th
two roleplays and if it’s a group, they will   paign Service IMCS 6th                                 Zoe Cantrell- Financial Literacy
have one. The role play a student or group               Bailynn Ballard, Thomas Curlee-     Project PMFL 3rd
gets depends on the category chosen.           Business Services Operations BOR 6th                   Hannah Sutt- Innovation Plan
For example, if a student is in Food and                 Shannon Long, Kaitlyn Moore-        EIP 2nd
Marketing, they will not be given a retail     Career Development PMCD 5th
situation.                                     Payton Buzako, Meghan Abbott- Com-
          While the students were there,       munity Giving 2nd
they were given practice times and dates to              Nick Valdez, Olivia Blevins,
get ready for the competition. If they were    Paige Roberson- Sales Project PMSP 4th
not practicing, they would have free time                Param Vyas- International Busi-
to go and explore the city of Chattanooga,     ness Plan IBP Top 8
within the limits.                                       Colin Smith- Hospitality and
                                               Tourism HTPS 3rd
                                                         Elizabeth Baltz, Karissa Fitts,

Baskin Robbins donates ice cream to
                                                                       local organizations and residents
                                                                                 The Baskin Robbins in Hendersonville
                                                                       donated ice cream in April to Hendersonville Hospital’s
                                                                       doctors, nurses, and cafeteria workers. The store is owned
                                                                       by Hendersonville resident Teresa Gravelle, who also owns
                                                                       the store in Madison.
                                                                                 “It was my way to say thank you to them for
                                                                       working so hard during this crisis. My friend Ann John-
                                                                       son's husband Chip is a doctor there and they were my
                                                                       connection to the donation,” Gravelle said.
                                                                                 In addition to providing ice cream for the essen-
                                                                       tial workers at the hospital, she is also bringing a little joy
                                                                       to the elderly in the community.
                                                                                 “We also helped First Baptist Church with a
                                                                       donation to Park Place Retirement for a BR Sundae Party.
                                                                       Grace and her husband picked up the tubs and their staff
                                                                       scooped and served the sundaes to the resisdents.
                                                                       Thursday we are helping the Webster Family supply the
                                                                       staff with sundaes for the staff at The Hearth.”
                                                                                  Baskin Robbins is a bright spot in many people’s
                                                                       day during the quarantine, and Gravelle said she is “just
                                                                       helping to make everyone smile and bring some cheer to
Baskin Robbins owner, Teresa Gravelle (R) and employee Sydney Shuman
                                                                       the community.”

 The Heard Staff would like to thank our advertisers for the 2019-
 2020 school year- Baskin Robbins,
 Zaxby’s, and the Keller family--we couldn’t have done it without
 you! If any family or business is interested in sponsoring our
 newspaper, please contact Mendy Rodriguez

Congratulations Class of 2020
      & remember the YoYoYo’s!!!

       Gallatin and Hendersonville Locations Only

Life interrupted                                                                                 is a reminder that there is so much to be
           Looking back now, no one could                                                         grateful for that we may have forgotten
have truly anticipated the toll Covid-19                                                          about in the rush to succeed.
would have on our lives. In a very short                                                                     We will look back on this time
period of time, life as we knew it came to a                                                      and remember. We will remember the fear
screeching hault.                                                                                 of this invisible enemy- Coronavirus or
           One moment teachers and                                                                Covid19. But even more, we will remem-
students alike were just trying to make it                                                        ber all the amazing humans that stepped
to March 13th-spring break- and the next                                                          up and made a difference: doctors, nurses,
thing we knew, this “bug” had entered the                                                         custodians, food workers, teachers, police
United States and was spreading rapidly.                                                          officers, paramedics, researchers, and many
           Granted, there were news stories                                                       more that worked night and day to keep
that a mysterious virus from China was                                                            the rest of us safe.
making many people sick, and some were                                                                       For you, the world is grateful.
dying. And curiously, it originated from a
market selling exotic animals. But China is                                                         COVID-19 Vs. The Arts
so far away--so we carried on.                                                                      Landon Klapwyk
           There were lessons, quizzes, and                                                                    During this pandemic, most
tests. Soccer, tennis, baseball, and softball     realized seniors wouldn’t get to experience       businesses have temporarily suspended
were getting started. Plans for beach get-        the rites of passage that all teens are enti-     their services for fear of spreading the
aways were still in place. And March Mad-         tled to.                                          virus.
ness was on every sports lover’s mind. That                 The class of 2020 is on our minds                  Large crowds are not per-
was the rude awakening that really opened         often. Even though they are strong young          mitted, so events have been cancelled
our eyes. Is it even possible to cancel such a    men and women, we feel like we need to            throughout the next couple months and
huge event? Oh, yes, it is.                       make it better for them, somehow make             will continue to be cancelled as long as
           Then, like dominos, all live events,   this time special like it is supposed to be.      this crisis continues.
from concerts to festivals to sports games        Any idea of celebration seems like a con-                    Concerts have been postponed
quickly toppled. Vacations of a lifetime?         solation prize. Heartbreaking, unfair, and        and cancelled. Fortunately, many artists
Trips to see relatives? Cruises? Camping?         disappointing come to mind. So our hearts         have provided free concerts during the
Parties? Senior celebrations? Hit the pause       are with them and we know they will go on         quarantine. Broadway is shut down at
button.                                           to accomplish amazing things.                     this time, and most smaller theaters
           Suddenly, our worlds became                      And then something very strange         have shut down as well. Art galleries
very small. This whole experience may             began to happen. A few silver linings began       have cancelled exhibits and some art
have brought you and your family closer           to emerge. Reports from around the world          museums have closed for the time be-
or made you realize you can’t wait to get         revealed that nature was responding well to       ing.
away from them--or maybe both. The                the sudden drop in human activity; i.e. less                 Yet GameStop refused to shut
stay at home order could feel like a dream        pollution. The cleaner air and water came         down, stating it’s a necessary good.
come true (no school work) or a long,             just in time for the 50th anniversary of          They were going to stay open to provide
mind-numbing stream of netflix and Tik            Earth Day. Ironic that is takes a pandemic        all the gamers with the cure to their
Tok. We may have never known of Carol             to clean up the world a bit.                      boredom. But even the mighty fall, and
Baskin if not for this virus.                               Another bright spot during this         GameStop has announced they will be
           Kroger, Lowes, and Walmart be-         uncertain time is the sound of children           closing all their U.S. stores.
came the only vacation spots away from the        playing outside again. Once empty neigh-                     Movie theaters are being hit
confinement of home. And even though              borhood streets area now scattered with           hard too. Once the virus gained crisis
you felt like you were risking your life, it      bicycles, scooters, kids, dogs and even,
                                                                                                    status, anything drawing a crowd shut
just felt so good to be out of the house. Our     believe it or not, adults.
                                                                                                    down. It seemed that the entertainment
yards will never look better than they do                   The same adults that never have
                                                                                                    industry was done for when the coro-
right now.                                        time to relax, now do. The “rush” to always
                                                                                                    navirus reached the big leagues, so the
           Unprecedented. Most of us have         be doing something--working, driving,
                                                                                                    only logical step for the entertainment
never gone through a pandemic, let alone          cooking, cleaning, helping, guiding, wor-
                                                                                                    industry was to go the way of Netflix or
prepared for one. Where do I buy rubber           rying--was lifted temporarily. Millions of
                                                                                                    any streaming service and release the
gloves? Masks? Can that person in line            Americans got a chance to just slow down.
                                                                                                    movies early online.
behind me infect me and lead to my death?                   Of course, these few positives do
                                                                                                               All movies that were in the
Will I spread it to my parents or grand-          not make up for the crushing impact on so
                                                                                                    theater at the time the pandemic started
parents? Scary. So most of us followed the        many lives. We know that many have lost
                                                                                                    have been released and are ready to pur-
basic guidlines and shamed those who did          their loved ones to this insidious virus.
                                                                                                    chase or rent. From Pixar’s new Onward
not.                                              Many have lost their jobs, and many need
                                                                                                    to The Invisible Man, this new way of
           It seemed cool to have a nice long     help. But, when we hear laughter and see
                                                                                                    releasing blockbusters might have to
break from academic stress until many             people enjoying the beautiful weather, it
                                                                                                    stay while this outbreak persists.
Tales of a Taco Bell                                                                             What did you do during the stay at
                                                                                                 home order?
Employee: Working
                                                                                                 tiktok, insta, snapchat, netflix, a
during a crisis                                                                                  little homework, cheetos, more
Kelly Kaczmarek
                                                                                                 cheetos, more netflix, slept, took
          “You’re out here risking your life
so I can get a couple tacos, it’s the least                                                      a walk, video games, more video
I can do” is what one customer told me                                                           games, rolled my eyes at old peo-
after handing me a $5 tip. For working in                                                        ple on TikTok, music, more netflix,
a Taco Bell drive thru, I’ve been getting a                                                      wore pajamas 24/7, laughed, cried,
surprising amount of tips recently. And
                                                                                                 zoomed, read, pretended to read,
the reason is obvious: since this pandemic
started, simply being in a public place is a     highly-trafficked surfaces, such as door
                                                                                                 more snacks, more tiktok...#overit
risk. Many customers feel this act is worthy     handles, card readers, and even the pumps
of at least a couple extra dollars; I’m not      at the gas station.                                 Re-opening TN Economy
complaining.                                               I think a little more caution could          First week in May
          Apart from the health risk, simply     serve us all well into the future. Often I                  Restaurants:
adjusting to the additional precautions all      notice customers using hand sanitizer af-              *Wear masks and gloves
service champions have to partake in was         ter we return their cards/cash. The people                 *50% occupancy
a challenge. Our restaurant makes sure           around me are extra careful if they sneeze                 *tables 6 ft. apart
that we change our gloves very frequently,       or cough to do so into their elbow.                        *bar area closed
especially after coming into contact with                  I consider myself to be lucky that                *no live music
money or credit cards. To protect the work-      I am able to work amid school shutdowns                    Retail stores:
ers and customers alike from exposure, we        and stay-at-home orders; it                            *Wear masks and gloves
use trays to hand out food, which are then       certainly is interesting to be                      *customers should wear masks
washed after every use.                          considered an essential critical                           *50% occupancy
          I remember another customer            infrastructure employee.                                  *one way aisles
who commented that the virus                               For those who are                          through stores
was going to change how we                       not as lucky, I wish the you best, and that
go about in our daily lives. As                  everyone is able to remain safe and healthy
for myself, I feel much more                     until this crisis is over.
cautious about coming into contact with
The financial impact of                          $2.3 trillion to relieve the
Covid 19                                         economic stress during this
Jonah Dittes
                                                     With the unstable na-
           The Covid-19 pandemic has put         ture of things during this
the global economy in dire circumstances.        pandemic, only time will
With the severity of the health crisis, clos-    tell if these decisions will be
ing of nonessential businesses and stay-at-      effective. For now, we can
home orders have effectively shut down a         only focus on getting over
large portion of the economy.                    this health crisis.
    The economic downturn was notice-
able before Covid-19’s pandemic status, as
China quarantined 600 million people in
order to combat the virus. China’s role as a
supplier to several businesses was sud-
denly compromised, and the stock market
    Now, with the U.S. being the new epi-
center of the pandemic, millions of people
are left unemployed or unable to work.
Twenty-two million Americans have filed
for unemployment benefits in the last four
weeks; and the Paycheck Protection Pro-
gram has run out of money.
    The government has announced a $2
trillion relief package for the virus, and the
Federal Reserve has set aside an additional
                                                                                                         Photo credit: MarketWatch
Ignoring Global Warming               “This is due to humans emitting                    If we don’t begin to take
will not save the planet              more carbon into the atmosphere            action soon, children of the future
Jayana Villalobos                     hence it being absorbed into the           will only know what certain ani-
        Did you know that more        ocean. Every year 2 million tons are       mals are from pictures.
than a million different species face absorbed.”                                         There are little things we
potential extinction due to global             The National Resources De-        can do that can help combat this
warming? Global warming is hap-       fense  Council   explains how global       change. Northwestern Facilities
pening, and it is happening fast; we warming happens and why many                gives us a few suggestions:
need to act now.                      natural disasters seem to occur now                *Replacing one regular light
        Global warming is the long more than ever: “When the Earth               bulb with a compact fluorescent
term rise in the average temperature absorbs the sun’s energy or when            light bulb will save 150 pounds of
of the earth's climate system.        atmospheric gases prevent heat re-         carbon dioxide a year
        According to the govern-      leased by Earth from radiating into                 *You can save 2,400 pounds
ment’s NASA site, “The planet’s       space (the greenhouse effect), the         of carbon dioxide per year by re-
average surface temperature has       planet heats up. As the earth heats        cycling just half of your household
risen 1.62 degrees fahrenheit since   up, it collects, retains, and drops        waste
the late 19th century.”               more water, changing weather pat-                  *Keeping your tires inflated
                                      terns and making wet areas wetter          properly can improve your gas
                                      and dry areas drier.”                      mileage by more than 3 percent. Ev-
                                                                                 ery gallon of gasoline saved keeps
                                                                                 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of
                                                                                 the atmosphere
                                                                                         *It takes a lot of energy to
                                                                                 heat water. Use less hot water by
                                                                                 taking shorter and cooler showers
                                                                                 and washing your clothes in cold
                                                                                 or warm instead of hot water (more
                                                                                 than 500 pounds of carbon dioxide
                                                                                 saved per year).
                                                                                         *You can save 1,200 pounds
                                                                                 of carbon dioxide if you reduce
                                                                                 your garbage by 10%.
                                                                                         *Moving your thermostat
                                                                                 down just two degrees in winter
                                                                                 and up two degrees in summer
That may not sound like a big                      With our planet heating up,   could save about 2,000 pounds of
enough number to make a differ-           our ice melting, and oceans acidify-   carbon dioxide a year
ence, but the “slight” degree change      ing, lives are in danger.                      *A single tree will absorb
has led to Greenland losing an aver-               Iberdrola, a global energy    one ton of carbon dioxide over its
age 286 billion tons of ice every year    leader, reports “Human activity,       lifetime. Simply turning off your
between 1965 and 2016.                    the consumption of fossil fuels, the   television, DVD player, stereo, and
        NASA said that the sea level      acidification of the oceans, pol-      computer, when you're not using
has risen 8 inches in the last centu-     lution, deforestation, and forced      them, will save you thousands of
ry. The lasting effects of this is det-   migrations threaten life forms         pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
rimental to our oceans and marine         of all kinds. It is estimated that
life.                                     1/3rd of corals, freshwater mol-       The time is now to start taking
        “The acidity of the ocean         luscs, sharks and rays, 1/4th of all     care of our environment.
waters has increased 30 percent           mammals,1/5th of all reptiles, and
since the industrial age,” said NASA.     1/6th of all birds are headed toward
Opinions and Reviews
                                                                                                is much easier now to be a vegetarian or vegan, and
                                                                                                even those who are meat eaters are more conscious
                                                                                                of how much meat they consume. In fact, 90% of

Mock Meats: Fad or the Future?                                                                  those who ordered the Impossible Whopper were
                                                                                                meat eaters. As a country I believe we are becom-
Kelly Kaczmarek                                                                                 ing more health and environmentally conscious,
           Mock meats, from impossible          ents on its label. In addition, the plant-      contributing to an ongoing decline of meat sales and
burgers to meatless meatballs, have become      based Beyond and Impossible burgers             leading to this rise in mock meats.
all the rage in recent years as the sales of    contain a higher level of sodium than a                     Fast food places make up only a part of
plant-based meat have risen nearly 40%.         real beef patty, about 16% of the daily         this shift. Vegetarian meat is usually a store-bought
The word vegan is no longer strange and         sodium intake. It is no wonder those in         frozen or refrigerated food made from soy, wheat
unfamiliar with more restaurants and gro-       the meat industry often cite these statistics   gluten, vegetables or a combination of those three
cery stores than ever offering vegetarian and   to create distaste for the mock meats com-      main ingredients. These options are often healthier
vegan options.                                  peting with their business.                     than fast food. Even so, “The key thing is that any
           However, some are against this                   It is worth noting that the         food that has been highly processed should be eaten
rise in vegan meats, arguing that they          plant-based and meat burgers have similar       mindfully – so not necessarily avoided completely,
should not be praised as a healthy source of    amounts of calories and protein, with the       but I wouldn’t recommend a vegan sausage weekly
protein.                                        plant-based options actually having less        due to the high salt content and most likely list of
                                                saturated fat and zero cholesterol com-         additives and preservatives,” reports The Guardian.
                                                pared to their meat counterpart.                            At the end of the day, we must realize
                                                            With this in mind, it appears       not all vegan meats are made the same. A burger
                                                that mock meat has some benefits over           or other fast food item is not the healthiest choice
                                                real meat options at fast food places, but      whether it is plant-based or made from meat. The
                                                in the grand scheme of protein options          vegan meats at the store may be a healthier, more
                                                they are both not a healthy choice because      affordable and easy dinner for families looking to
                                                of their additives and preservatives. So        curb their meat consumption, but it is best to always
                                                while it is interesting as a vegetarian to      check the label for the protein, sodium, and fat
                                                once again eat a burger from Burger King,       content. And we mustn’t forget about tofu, beans,
                                                I understand that it is not that healthiest.    mushrooms, lentils- a galore of options to choose
         One concern for many is how                        The benefit that should be noted    from instead of meat. I hope anyone reading this
processed many vegan meats are, with the        is how these options can help ease the          will take away that eating less meat is easier than
famous Beyond Burger listing 18 ingredi-        transition into eating more plant-based. It     ever, and we have mock meats in part to thank.

Is it right for
professional athletes to earn
a higher salary than military                      Members of the military receive some                            However, it is still unacceptable
men and women?                                     benefits: free education, health and den-            and shameful that we view these famous
Maddie Croxford                                    tal care, and special home loans and dis-            athletes, who are parading their own
           On average, big-name athletes           counts. But with all they do for our safety          name around and making millions in
make $2.1- $6.5 million a year. Whether            and rights, they deserve much more than              salary, as superior to the men and women
they are just walking out of a winning             the meager pay they receive.                         serving our country.
season, or if all they did was ride the                                                                            We teach our kids that money
bench, many make an amount of money                          Many believe that comparing                and fame make you important. The real
the average person would kill to have.             the salaries of such different careers is            heroes are the men and women that do
However, while they are playing the games          not reasonable. Retired Master Ser-                  all of the behind-the-scenes work of go-
they love, military men and women are              geant Ben Croxford from the Air Force                ing to different countries to fight for our
risking their lives to protect the luxuries        explained, “You cannot compare the sala-             lives while willingly risking theirs.
we are so fortunate to have. With all of           ries of these two professions. The salaries
these sacrifices comes a salary starting at        come from two completely different plac-
only about $19,660.                                es. We also don’t choose our job because
           Although service members’ sal-          of the money, we do it for the country.”
aries may increase with higher rankings,                     A professional athlete’s salary
it comes nowhere close to what it should           comes from ad and media companies,
be. It is easy to look past these men and          as well as from millions of fans who pay
women that are giving their lives to our           to watch their games. The money to pay
country because you never know who                 the military simply comes from federal
they are unless you see them in a uniform.         government and tax revenue- two com-
Society has made it seem almost okay that          pletely different places.
we overlook these heroes. Their paychecks
allow them to get by, but not comfortably.
                                                                      Photo credit: WorldFinance

Are you in a TOXIC relationship?
                                                                                   Physically abusive relationships between partners are the most heart
Janie Petty                                                             wrenching ones due to the physical and mental pain, and eventually, scars.
           When most teenagers think of toxic relationships, they       Many people do not come forward about being abused by their partner, and
think of a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship that is physically or      that could be for many reasons, such as money issues in a marriage, losing
emotionally abusive. However, any sort of relationship- family,         friends, or losing the “only person that loves them.”
friendships, and love- can turn toxic.                                             Emotions a person in an abusive relationship would experience
           Friendships that are toxic usually become that way over      include fear of the other person or even losing them, believing abuse is normal
time, mostly from spending too much time together. Spending a lot       for the relationship, embarrassment from others (family, friends, peers, etc.),
of time together would give that person the advantage to manipu-        low self-esteem by losing confidence over a time length, and hope that they will
late you into doing something they wanted you to do, making you         eventually change because they “love” you.
feel worse about yourself, or even making you become a different                   No one ever really changes, and if they have enough anger issues
person.                                                                 to put their hands on you once, they will end up doing it again. Many victims
           Some signs to look for would be if you give more to them     that are in this situation say the words “he/she will do better.” It is best to
than they give to you, you do not like checking your phone because      leave because that person does not deserve to take your self respect and your
it makes you feel worse, and it is a very big issue if you compete      confidence from you, and that is exactly what they do every time they put their
with them. The most toxic friendships result from jealousy towards      hands on you.
one another.
           For example, if your friend asked you to “stop trying so      Signs of a physically abusive relationship:
much,” that would mean they are jealous of your appearance. It          •    Slapping      •     Smacking
could be nothing you did, and they might just feel incomplete with      •    Pushing       •     Kicking
themselves. If you lose trust for them, there would be no point         •    Grabbing •          Choking
in staying in the friendship because it will never be a long lasting    •    Shaking
relationship between the two of you. The best advice is to always
watch what is happening around you, and never expect the best.           “As a little girl I was scared of monsters. My parents told me
  More signs of a toxic friendship:                                       they didn’t exist. How I wish they would have told me the
•    You don’t enjoy spending time with them                               whole truth. Monsters do exist; they’re just not hiding in
•    You know they talk badly about you                                                               closets.”
•    You don’t think they have good intentions
•    They tend to get mad at you a lot                                                                                 “You don’t know what’s
•    They do things that would upset you, and choose to keep doing              “If you walked away                     right or wrong. You’ve
     it                                                                                  from a                        been told ‘you’re crazy’,
           Toxic relationships between a boyfriend or girlfriend are                                                   ‘you´re overreacting’ so
                                                                               toxic, negative, abusive,
very hard to get away from for most people. Some do not see a way
out, or they feel that they are just overreacting. Most relationships            one-sided, dead-end                    many times you start-
that are toxic are more on the emotionally abusive side than the                    low vibrational                     ed to believe that’s the
physically abusive side because people see it as okay as long as they         relationship or friendship                         truth”
do not put their hands on their significant other.                                   — you won.”                       - Anna Akana, So Much I Want
           Emotionally abusive partners are hard to see through                                                        to Tell You: Letters to My Little
because they could be so unbelievably horrible to you, and then do
                                                                                      - Lalah Delia                                  Sister
something sweet and act like what they did that upset you does not
matter anymore. For example, if he/she is screaming at you because                         Songs to listen to to help with the
you were speaking to a person of a different sex than you, and then
apoligizes later for it, then it is toxic.                                                    closure of the relationship:

Some signs of an emotionally toxic relationship:                                  Holding out for a Hero by Elise         Every Storm (Runs Out of
•  They always find something wrong with your appearance or                       Lieberth                                Rain) by Gary Allan
   how you may act                                                                Be Alright by Dean Lewis                Break Even (Falling to Pieces)
•  They take away your self confidence in tiny comments                           What Hurts the Most by Rascal           by The Script
•  They are excessively jealous                                                   Flatts                                  Used to Be AJ Mitchell
•  They are controlling                                                           Ruthless by MarMar Oso                  Let It All Go by Birdy and
•  They never take responsibility                                                 Closure by Blake McGrath                RHODES
•  Always making you question yourself                                            Pain Won’t End by Luvlilk               Love in the Dark by Adele
                                                                                  I Don’t Want You Back by AJ             Wasting All These Tears by
                                                                                  Mitchell                                Cassadee Pope
 “The scars from mental cruelty can be as deep and                                Changes by XXXTENTACION                 Blue Bird by Zachary Knowles
  long-lasting as wounds from punches or slaps but                                So Cold by Ben Cocks                    Scared by Jeremy Zucker
are often not as obvious. In fact, even among women                               Paralyzed by NF                         July by Noah Cyrus
 who have experienced violence from a partner, half                               Lie by NF                               Better Off Gone (Acoustic
  or more report that the man’s emotional abuse is                                Coaster by Khalid                       Version) by Logan Mize
                                                                                  If You Want Love by NF                  It’s Ok by Tom Rosenthal
      what is causing them the greatest harm.”                                    Apologize by OneRepublic
                                                                                  Wait by M83
    - Lundy Bancroft, Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of                   I Hope Gabby Barrett
                    Angry and Controlling Men
Parasite: The Movie                          most cases, they’re memorable for many
                                             elements of their personality.
With No Genre                                           I have nothing but glowing
                                             praise from my end. I thought the
Landon Klapwyk
                                             language barrier would be a hassle to
Letterboxd: landklap
                                             deal with, but it’s easy to get used to. The
           Set in modern day South Korea,
                                             setting of South Korea provides a very
the story of Parasite follows a struggling
                                             different cultural experience for viewers
lower class Kim family working their way
                                             as well.
into the rich society by taking over jobs
                                                        It’s a modern day masterpiece
for the Park family. But before long, they
                                             that I can’t believe I waited this long to
begin to get tangled into a dangerous,
                                             watch. If you have any passing interest
even deadly situation.
                                             in film, watch this movie. It won Best
           I am at a loss for words.         Picture at the Oscars and is the high-
           Usually that happens when the     est-rated movie on Letterboxd; both
movie ends, but this one was different; I
                                             achievements are well deserved.
became speechless early on.
           I was on board and impressed.
However, there were so many plot twists
and turns right away, I felt overwhelmed-
-but I held on and it was worth it.           The Dear Hunter:                                  piece that details the setting, to a bombastic
                                                                                                song that marks a major character choice.
           There are themes of social
class, respect between a fellow man,          Weaving Narrative                                 And a major character introduction being
                                                                                                “The Pimp and the Priest”. But the story cre-
the connection of family, a black and
white worldview, and a warning to never       Through Song                                      scendos with the song, “His Hands Matched
                                            Landon    Klapwyk                                   His Tongue”, an emotional ballad sung with
scheme your way to riches, for it never
                                                       The    indie  scene has  been  a grow-   no spare heart. It follows a long walk home
works in the end. The movie is smart and
                                            ing  medium      for awhile  now   and,  despite    as the main character thinks about before he
sets the stage for these characters and
this brilliant plot. 				                   how    ironic  that  statement  is, this develop-   knows it, his mother will die and he won’t
           The lives of the characters, and ment has given rise to all kinds of bands           know anything about the life outside of the
the stark difference in the way of life     with the passion to make something truly sheltered one he’s lived his whole life.
between the rich Park family and the        exceptional.
poor Kims builds suspense and, strange-                While many artists make fan-
ly, great affection for members of both     tastic  music,   few come close to the level
families.                                   of ambition     that  a small band called The
           One part thriller, and one part  Dear    Hunter    has. With a strong sense
comedy, the audience is taken on a wild,    of planning     and   attention to detail, The
emotional rollercoaster ride. Living in     Dear    Hunter    has  made  a series of concept
abject poverty, the Kims, one member of     albums.    A  concept    album  is an album that
the family at a time, weasel their way into explores   a  theme    or story through   its dura-
the home of the very successful Parks.      tion.
Each is hired as an employee to “serve”                Casey Crescenzo was originally
the family. But things suddenly go horri- in the band The Receiving End of Sirens.
fyingly wrong.                              After May of 2006, Casey left the band to
           The movie, for how serious it    pursue a project that he wanted to dedicate
is, is surprisingly comical at times with   all his time to: The Dear Hunter and its                      Act II: The Meaning of, and All
clever dialogue and interestingly slap-     series of albums, called Acts.                      Things Regarding Ms. Leading provides a
stick comedy. It’s that surprise comedy                The sixth and final part of the          deep look into someone discovering the
that makes me unable to classify a movie series has yet to be released, and has no              world for the first time. As foreshadowed in
like this into a single genre.              set release date. And while the story isn’t         the previous album, the mother of the main
            All involved in this movie,     finished, what parts of the series have been character leaves him all alone. He boards a
from the make-up and hair team to the       released have reached highs most bands              train to take him to the city, where he meets
director himself, pull no punches. 		       only dream of.                                      a woman (Ms. Leading), he falls in love with
           The actors are putting their all            The story begins in Act I: The           her. He then finds out the woman he fell in
into this film, from the deceiving nature Lake South, The River North, it’s a short             love with is “cheating” on him. Act II focuses
at the beginning, to the absolute fear of   album but sets the tone and major motifs of on the idea of experiences, and feeling over-
every character towards the third act.      the rest of the series. The songs build upon whelmed, the feeling of love and intimacy.
From the smallest role to the core cast of each other from the slow and methodical This is very evident in the song “The Bitter
characters, most everyone in the movie      acappella beginning to foreshadow many Suite III: Embrace” focusing on the major
is memorable for something, and in          things to come, then a playful instrumental elements of the album.

The Deer Hunter cont’d
           Act III: Life and Death con-
                                            Top Five Starbucks
tinues right where Act II left off with     Drinks
the main character in the army and          Abbie Luther
experiencing the horrors of war. 		         1.Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino.
From the first song to the last, this is               This drink is for people who have
the bleakest album of the series, but       a sweet tooth. With having the choice to
it’s also a personal favorite. The main     make this drink caffeinated or non caffein-
character loses his platoon in a battle     ated, it hits the spot anytime. Made with
and wanders across various people,          dark caramel and whatever choice of dairy/
a woman who enjoys killing soldiers         non dairy you would like, it includes whip
with poison, a man with a messed up         cream, caramel, and crunch pieces that are
world view who steals from dead bod-        placed at the bottom and top of this drink.
ies because they won’t need the items
now. When the main character almost         2.Honey Citrus Mint Majesty (Medicine
dies from mustard gas, he listens to a      Ball)
single voice, the voice being another                 For when you are under the
soldier saving him from death. The          weather this is the drink for you. This drink   5.Mango Dragonfruit Refresher
person who saves the main character         includes both Peach Tranquility and Jade                   For the people who like fruity
turns out to be his half brother-- the      Citrus Mint tea, which are both caffeinated.    drinks, this one’s for you. The refresher
squad commander is both of their fa-                  Depending on what size the drink      by itself comes with water, mango dragon
thers. And after the tragic death of his    is, it comes with a certain amount of honey.    fruit juice, and dragon fruit pieces. You
half brother, the main character ends       The tea is then brewed with water and           can also get this drink made with lemon-
up deciding to poison the father with       lemonade.                                       ade instead of water. Or you can make it
poison he gained from The Poisoned                                                          with coconut milk, like the famous pink
Woman.                                                                                      drink.

          The standout of the album
are the closing tracks “Son”, “Father”,
and “Life and Death”. The maincon-
cepts are of taking one’s life through      3. Chai Tea
killing them and then taking their                    If you like more simple non-caf-
life through stealing their identity. Its   feinated drinks, the Chai tea can be iced,
themes are intricate and Casey brings       hot, or can be made as a frappuccino--all
a subtlety to the music and to the sto-     of which are really good. No matter which
rytelling that is honestly breathtaking.    drink form you choose, it comes with dairy/
          While this is only halfway        non-dairy, whichever you prefer. All get
through the story, the next albums add      topped off with cinnamon but the frappuc-
to the dense tale and the complexity        cino is the only one to get whipped cream.
of the music. They will remain to be
discussed for another time.                 4.Starbucks Doubleshot on Ice
          The Dear Hunter is an artist                This drink is for the people who
and band that takes the welding of          need a lot of caffeine fast. With a tall
music and stories to a higher level and     getting two shots, grade getting three shots,
doesn’t stop acceling. Each song is         and a venti getting five shots.
purposeful and expresses the themes                   The drink includes the same
each album tackles masterfully.             pumps of classic syrup as shots. It then gets
          This is the height of class and    shaken up creating a foamy texture and is
a display everyone should experience.       topped off with 2% milk.
It won’t be for everyone, but if a mix of
indie, rock, some acoustic, and many
more experimental styles sounds up
your ally, take a chance on this band,
and you will never regret it.

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