The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School

Page created by Julie Ramos
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
The Harveian

Term 2. 2021-2022
 Dear Parents,
 Welcome to the term 2 edition of the Harveian and I hope you will once again enjoy
 reading about Harvey life. There is lots to report this term, with the welcome return
 of events such as the panto and music showcases, lots of sporting achievement and
 visits from highly successful alumni such as Matt Morsia. This reminded me that I‘m
 getting old as I taught both Matt and Mr Hollier who is pictured in the First X1 in 2002
 with him. Well done to Ollie S of our Year 12, who has taken the editorial reigns for
 this edition and completed a fine job and finally, may I wish all a restful and enjoyable
 festive break.
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
Hello everyone,
Da Vinci had the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo had
The Birth of Adam and now I have my very own
magnum opus – The Term 2 Edition of the 2021 –
2022 Academic Year Harveian. I’d like to thank
Mrs Maull for the bold choice of giving me
creative freedom for the newsletter as well as all
the students and teachers who wrote pieces or
participated in events featured in this term’s
Hope you all have a merry Christmas and a happy
new year,
Ollie S.
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
News & Dates for the
Staff Update: As Mrs Hutchens moves on to a new role elsewhere, we
welcome Mrs Collins as Learning Support Manager for Discovery House!

Term dates (2021-2022):
 •   Term 3 – Tuesday 4th January 2022 → Friday 11th February 2022
 •   Term 4 – Monday 21st February 2022 → Friday 1st April 2022
 •   Term 5 – Tuesday 19th April 2022 → Friday 27th May 2022
 •   Term 6 – Monday 6th June 2022 → Tuesday 19th July 2022

Upcoming events (Term 3):
 • Tue 11 Jan - Y11 GCSE French & Spanish Booster Day -
     Oakwood Park GS
 • Wed 12 and Thu 13 Jan - HPV Vaccinations for Years 8 & 9
 • Tue 18 Jan - Reports Issued Y11, 6th Form Information Evening and
     Y12 NCS Assembly at 12.45pm
 • Thu 20 Jan - Y11 NCS Assemblies Resolution and Victory at
     12.10pm and Discovery and Endeavour at 12.45pm
 • Wed 26 Jan - Parents' Evening Y11
 • Mon 31 Jan → Fri 4 Feb - A-level Mock Exams
 • Fri 4 Feb - Reports Issued Y9
 • Tue 8 Feb - GCSE Information Evening
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
Accelerated Reader
Too much reading going on to mention it all, but the highlight was the
prize draw! Form tutors and English teachers have been giving raffle
tickets to students who impress them with their reading: for
completing an AR book quiz; for telling them about a book they
enjoyed but which didn’t have a quiz; for excellent participation with
the tutor group book reading and discussion.

The winners for this term, who won a voucher for a diner breakfast,

Jess B     7 DJ2

Nadir U    8 DJ3

Ayush P    8 EJ1

Thomas R 7 EJ2

Finton P   8 RJ4

Chester C 7 RJ5

Kinley B   7 VJ1

Ashton H 7 VJ5

               Keep Reading!!
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
Why Read?
Accelerated Reader is used by all key stage 3 students. This
 programme encourages them to read sufficiently difficult
  literature, which they can then quiz on to improve their

 There is a competitive element to the programme,
with awards given to the classes and pupils that read
                      the most!
     Can YOU become one of our coveted word
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
Come to the Library!
The Harvey Grammar School Library is the home of study
             success. There you can find:

   • A stationary shop with all the equipment you need
        • Computers to research and revise from
       • Desks to look over and add to your notes
 • Countless books from classic literature to informative
                       history books

             Make sure you take a visit soon!

                   (Open 8:30 - 16:30)
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
The Harvey Grammar
                            Autumn Showcase
After almost two
years, the Harvey
music showcases are
back! Whilst many
were rusty following
the long break,
everyone took the
Harvey ‘work hard’
spirit to heart.
Adding to the nerves
was a larger
audience compared
to past showcases
however the
performers did very
                                                 The Big Band performed Fly
well and played a
                                                 Me to the Moon, Wipeout
wide range of pieces
                                                 and American Patrol whilst
                                                 the orchestra performed
                                                 Mr Blue Sky and Live and
                                                 Let Die. Those were just
                                                 some of the successes that
                                                 happened during the
                                                 showcase, make sure you
                                                 look out for the Spring
Thanks to George P (Y12) for helping with this
                                                 Showcase in May!
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
A Midsummer Night’s Panto!
   The annual Harvey Grammar
    School pantomime is a high
    point of the school year for
     many, and this year is no
  different, after a two-year gap
since ‘A Knight's Tale’ the whole
 cast were delighted to be back
  and eager to share what they
 had worked on over the past 3
  months. Rehearsals had been
    tough, many complications
   meant that we might not be
 able to perform in the way we
   wanted to, if at all, so when
eventually on the eve of the 9th
     of December we were all
 standing on the stage together
  ready to perform there was a
true sense that we had become
   a family. So, it all began the
 three days went by in a blur of
bad jokes and admittedly dodgy
 dancing. Everyone we spoke to
 said it was a hit and by the end
      of it all we had created
   something that we could be
truly proud of. A few final thank
  you are in order a huge thank
 you to Mr Hancox who oversaw the creation of this panto and looked to make
  this one of the best pantos the school has ever seen, thank you to those who
 saw the panto without you we would not have a panto and thank you to Leo R
        and Jacob T for writing and directing A Midsummer Night’s Panto!

   Massive thanks to Charlie G, who played
   Lysander in the show, for writing this
The Harveian - The Harvey Grammar School
The Harvey Grammar Christmas Carol
Last Monday, for the first time in two years, we were able to hold
the school’s Christmas Carol Service. As always, we were able to
hold it at St Mary and St Eanswythe church. Being 1350 years old,
the church really sets the atmosphere for an excellent carol
service! After a month of tough practice, the Christmas orchestra,
choir, barbershop and brass ensemble did a magnificent job! The
church was full of Christmas cheer that night! Despite COVID
restrictions, we still managed to get a big audience which did a
great job at singing all the carols that were lined up. Whilst COVID
has taken so much from us this year, we still had an excellent
service that put everyone in the Christmas spirit. Thanks again to
everyone who was involved, and everyone who came for being such
a great audience.

Thanks go to George P for writing this article!

Do you want to encourage and support the amount of
things being reused at HGS?

           Do you want to improve the environment of our local
           coastline for local marine and beach wildlife?

Do you want to make HGS students aware of
climate change issues & what they can do to
tackle this issue?
                                  Do you want to create a school
                                  environment that is friendlier to

     Time is the only thing we can’t
 If you want to make a change, make
   sure to visit Mr Towse’s room or
       E52 on a Friday lunchtime!
Recently the
exceptional       Newt Scamander has
wizards of
the Harry         discovered A new fantastic
Potter club
had a visit       beast!
from famed
t and author
Harvey and
the rest of
the club set
out on an
expedition to
find some of
                Whilst Saxon S discovered the fearsome Cenclops
the most        and William D discovered the powerful Liophant,
fantastic       one frightening creature stood out, the
beasts this     He'lldropyouasaurus! This creature has the
                incredible ability to fly with flame wings, can reach
world has       his prey with his small head, cook his own food and
to offer!       warm himself up with his wings. A brilliant find from
                our young wizards!
This term we have had a fantastic team of sixth form students
supporting our year 7 & 11 students with Maths and Science. The
boys have been amazing, not only showing their skills in
their subjects but their patience and kindness.
Thank you to –
Robbie Y, Ross M, Louis B, Cameron P, Arman B, Connor H, Ollie
B, Toby G, Zac D
PSHE Matters
PSHE is a vital part of the schools
education programme and helps children
and young people to stay safe, healthy
and prepared for life's challenges.
Alongside our regular PSHE lessons in term 2 some of the school leadership
team delivered some PSHE related assemblies. Mr Castle spoke to the boys
about accepting failure as a good thing and developing a growth mindset,
whilst Mr Norman looked at the history of the school and how society has
helped shaped the way we learn today.
We were also lucky to have a visit from Uprising UK who spoke to KS4 about
the dangers of gangs and Knife Crime

“It was an informative assembly, we learned about the dangers of knife crimes and gangs.
The presenter (Rob) was charismatic and very open of his own
Rob’s open and honest discussions about his past decisions and their
consequences resonated with us, especially in the current climate and
rise in knife crime. They connect with local young people, families and
those on the margins to cause an Uprising of hope and aspiration.
Subsequently, their mission is to inspire community transformation right
across our local area of Kent.
In the future, they are looking for other ways to help young people and
the challenges they face in relation to knife carrying and common knife
crime by raising awareness of jeopardy you put your life at by deciding to carry a knife.”
Hoera and Seth Year 10

In term 2 the Year 10 PSHE lessons focussed on careers education
using the Unifrog programme:
“This term in PSHE we have learned many life skills
that involve writing a curriculum vitae and emailing a
future employer appropriately, to help us with new
things ahead.
 So far, we have been learning how to work on Unifrog to complete quizzes and
find a job personalised to our characteristics. This is important because it will
help us get a job and succeed in the future. I can’t wait to carry on and discover
more about careers and future plans. This unit will help us with our Work
Experience preparation.” Archie 10R1

Year 7 have also been busy during term 2. They were learning about
Difference, Diversity and Inclusion
                               "After studying about Difference and Inclusion I
                               have learnt how sad it must be to have a visual
                               difference. As a result of this, going forwards, I
                               will try to be kind and encouraging to people
                               who look different, especially if I see that they
                               are worried or sad." - Freddie L

"Through this topic on Difference, Diversity and Inclusion I have learnt about
the challenges that people with visible differences and learning disabilities face.
I am going to take this forward by trying to help all people with any disabilities
wherever I can." - Aleks M

"In all parts of the population there will always be someone with a facial
disfiguration or a disability, and our first assumption can be that this is bad in
some way. I have learnt that in movies the 'baddie' can often be decorated
with many features that makes them look different and this can affect how we
view people who have a disfigurement or disability. Doing these lessons has
helped me understand that and that we need to stop thinking in this way. I am
going to support those with visual difference or a disability however I can,
especially by being there for them if I see that they are alone." - Nico P
TERM 3 Themes:
Year 7: Building relationships -
Self-worth; friendships (including
online) and friendship boundaries
Year 8: Identity and relationships - Gender identity; sexual
orientation; relationship boundaries; and an introduction to
Year 9: Healthy Lifestyles - Diet; exercise; lifestyle balance and
healthy choices; and first aid.
Year 10: Addressing extremism and radicalisation - Communities;
belonging; and challenging extremism.
Year 11: UniFrog - Being ahead – Post 16 choices; and Revision and
Exam techniques.

For further information about the curriculum or any specific
comments or questions please contact us via e-mail at:
MFL News
This term has been another busy one for the MFL department!
In November some of our Yr11 students helped with a book review in French and
Spanish where the boys discussed their progress and shared their achievements.
We had lots of speaking activities going on – Yr 7s conducted surveys in French and Yr
13 held a debate in French as to whether 16 year olds should be given the right to vote.
We have our first two Sixth Form Language Ambassadors – Leo and Henry. Both boys
are French and Spanish A level students and have been assisting the MFL department
with Yr 10. We are very grateful for their help and they are doing a fantastic job!
Yr 7s are looking forward to receiving their first letter from students in our partner
school in Boulogne sur Mer after the holidays. Fingers crossed travel restrictions will be
eased in the next few months allowing us to visit.
Well done to all of our Stars of the Term.
Why not try some of the French podcasts below to improve your listening skills over the
Joyeux Noel!
¡Feliz Navidad!

Mrs Wyllie, Miss Perez-Moreno, Miss Hincker & Ms Diaz
Leading Fitness Coach visits The Harvey

The sixth form recently had a visit from the Uk’s No.1 Fitness vlogger and
former student Matt Morsia. Matt has also written a best-selling book and
runs one of the world’s leading fitness YouTube channels – his videos
racked up a whopping 131.8 million views last year!

A former international athlete and local PE teacher, Matt shared some
great training and nutritional advice and more importantly spoke to the
boys about working towards goals, keeping realistic targets in mind, and
enjoying what you do.

The boys questioned Matt about his rise to fame and role as a social media
icon. Sadly Matt failed to mention the highlight of his time at The Harvey –
playing for the 1st XI football team alongside a young and sprightly
goalkeeper; Mr Hollier !
Year 12 Btec Sport Students Visit to Christ Church
Sixth form students from the Harvey recently visited Christ Church University where they took part
in a series of mock interviews as part of their Btec Sport Course. Having completed a unit of work
based around careers in sport, the boys were invited to apply for a fictional position within the
campus sports centre. Students from the university then set our boys a rigorous series of interview
activities, that included a survival group task, a health and safety scenario test and a practical sports
leadership demonstration. Assessments were made following each of the tasks and at the end of the
morning Issac E. was crowned champion and told ‘your hired!’

Since we returned in September, the footballing season has made up for the depleted
campaign that was the 2020/21 one, with well over 100 fixtures played in terms 1&2.

It’s been a successful one for all age groups as well, with plenty of football to be played after
Christmas for teams who are involved in the league finals day &/or still in their County Cup
competitions. Those A teams who finished their league group phase in the top 2, will face
the other school at Ashford United in early January for the league title.

Updated league standings can be found on the website but as of 13/12.
At the time of writing, Freddie F (14) leads his Yr7 teammate Harrison I (11) at the top of the
goal scoring charts. Ryan S (Yr8) has stepped up from the B team to that of the A team well,
scoring vital goals for both sides so far – 11 in total. There’s still plenty of games for some of
those lower down the charts to make a push for the Golden Boot though.


This season has been a great and successful season for the boys. Two terms in and the
team are already clicking together and putting on great performances wining an incredible
six games out of nine, only losing once and drawing two games and so a great start for the
We have a great Goalkeeper Oliver R, a good shot stopper keeping out many goals. With a
rugby background he has smashed the role of stepping up and being the A Team
Goalkeeper and should be very proud of himself just like we are. To top it off Oliver is
supported by a great defence.
Much credit to our top goal scorer Freddie F who is doing a great job. Always dangerous in
and around the box, keep up the good work. Supported by his striker partner Beau M they
have scored lots of goals between them, making them a great duo.
Every single player in our team is doing great and supporting each other. We have many
options in our team and a variety of players to choose from. All with different attributes that
play an important role.
The team has had a great start to the season always improving and persevering. Early in the
season we drew 3-3 with the North School in a league game. We were 2-0 down however
kept at them drawing 3-3, a close tie in one of our more recent games, we faced them in the
KSFA cup once again 2 weeks later. But this time we beat them an amazing 6-3 knocking
them out of the cup. A great victory over the North School. This shows great improvement.
(Report by Sammy R)


14 B team football report
This season has been a very successful year so far for the B-Team. We finished second in
our league only losing 2 games, against A teams from other schools in Shepway and
Ashford. Not only that, but we have also made it quite far in the cup beating Archbishops on
penalties and coming from 2-0 down to beat Dover Grammar. The team is feeling really
good now and I believe we could go on and win the cup.
We definitely haven’t had a problem scoring goals this season with our highest scoring game
being a 5-0 in over Wye school (thanks to 2 goals from Toby grove). Our defence has been
rock solid as well with a few special mentions going to Isaac Guck, Mikey Drury, James
Cavanagh, Felix Robinson, and Xavier Curtis.
Another special thanks to those who have
filled in when we needed them most.
They have also contributed to our season,
so they deserve a praise as well.
After all that though how could we forget
the people who managed us to this point.
Mr Castle, Mr Cowling and Mr Carey have
all helped us on our journey this season,
so we all are grateful for them as well.
Hopefully we can march on through the
season and try and one up ourselves next

Thanks Sam R (captain)
*Sadly the U14B team lost their recent county cup semi final 5-2 against a very strong
Farrington’s school from Bromley. Two more goals from Toby Grove weren’t enough to see
them progress to the final


The U15s have had a very good season so far, collecting all 15 points from their five league games,
scoring 22 goals in the process. The most impressive, a 5-1 home win v Norton Knatchbull to secure
the 100% record and top spot in the table. Unfortunately, their run in the Kent Cup was cut short by
Dane Court in some very tricky conditions away from home – no doubt a learning curve for the boys.
The squad still have an opportunity for some silverware this year in the League Final in January,
which will be a rematch against Norton Knatchbull. They will no doubt take some confidence from
their league form into that game. Coach Hark had the following to say:
“Overall, I’m really pleased with the lads so far this season. They have played some brilliant football
at times and have certainly developed as a group over the course of the season. There is a lot of
competition for places in the squad – we have used over 20 players already. It’s great to see this
enthusiasm and it bodes well for the future. I am hopeful that the boys can cap off their season in the
League Final – if they can hit the performance levels I know they are capable of, I have no doubt they
will bring the trophy back to HGS.” (Report by Mr Hark)

The Harvey U16B team finished their season on a high, with a hard fought 4-3 victory at
home against Wye. After somewhat of a stop-start and up-down season, with 5 fixtures
spread across 2 terms, and results significantly varied, it was a real pleasure to see the B
Team come away with such a well-earned win in their last game of the season. The result
was nothing more than what our boys deserved, after a season of continued dedication, hard
work and positive attitudes, despite results sometimes going against them.
The Sports Department would particularly like to thank Team Captain Tye H for his help and
leadership over the season.
The U16A team continued their season with a close 3-2 cup semi-final defeat away to King
Ethelbert School in the French Cup. On a poor pitch, and in the face of a vocal home crowd,
the boys gave everything to draw level twice, but just couldn’t get themselves ahead in the
game. They now continue with a game in the Invicta Trophy third round against Charles
Dickens School. (Report by Mr Towse)

It’s been a tough season this year for our most senior of teams, with lessons hampering the
availability of some of the squad on a weekly basis. Those who have been consistently
involved have worked well though, pushing all of our opposition in every game.
Highlights include an early season come from behind victory against Norton Knatchbull,
along with draws with Dover Grammar, Oakwood Park & in the annual fixture against The
Old Harveians’ Association.
Captain Lewis C has marshalled the troops well, whilst Jacob C-W has put in man of the
match performances in a handful of games. He & Luca B are top scorers for the season.
Our cup season is still going strong as we head into Term 3, so fingers crossed we can go
deep into Terms 3&4 with the season, at which point our attention turns to preparation for
the biannual tour of America. (Report by Mr Walton)

2nd XI football report
Overall, a good football season so far for the 2nd XI with 6 wins picked up out of 10 games,
and 3 losses only coming to those who will be challenging for the title come the season’s
end. 3 wins on the bounce at the start of the season brought positivity for the rest of the
season, all of which being comfortable victories, one of which characterised by 4 goals for
Maxwell in the season opener against QES. A rare goal for captain Yeomans in a 2-0 win
was followed by another in the following game against Langton, with this one ending in a 5-2
loss (an unfair score line given the balance of play). A further 2 losses on the trot after this
game hindered the team’s chances, of which one being a very unlucky loss to Tunbridge
Wells. A return to form following this game however has seen 3 wins out of 4, greatly
assisted by a few year 11 players who didn’t look out of place, with Latty scoring a hattrick in
a 4-0 win over Oakwood Park, with the return fixture another comfortable 2-0 win the
following week. With a good second half of the season the title remains a possibility for the
2nd XI. By Arthur Y (Capt)

Team Captains
Well done to the various team captains for their age group football teams. Your hard work &
organisation on & off the field of play was greatly appreciated by the PE Department.

Now we are through the constraints of Covid, Coach Skelton has returned to The Harvey
and continues to work with the boys on a Monday night after school. During term 1 Year 7
have been targeted and we are developing a squad to work with. As well as team players
other students of all abilities are encouraged to come along and take advantage of this great
opportunity to receive professional coaching. In term 2 the Coaching will be opened up to
year 8 with large numbers being encouraged to attend. Identified players will also have the
opportunity for some professional coaching to improve their personal performance. Report by
Mr Dawson

With our Sports Hall out of action because of exams we would like to thank Coach Skelton
for inviting the boys up to Sellindge Tennis club to experience some training on their newly
laid courts. A freezing evening but the boys enjoyed the yellow ball experience on a full sized
With 35 KS3 boys attending Basketball club on a Thursday after school we are hoping to
continue to develop the game again at The Harvey. A combination of potential team players
and recreational players have turned up regularly for the coaching, with an aim to develop
effective play whilst learning the rules regulations and tactical side of the game. A real focus
and emphasis has been placed on developing but also enjoying the game.
In term 2 we hope to continue the development. The years 7 and 8/9 squads will be
specifically prepared for the basketball leagues which start in term 3. We also want the
recreation side to develop with some of our 6th form players becoming involved on a
Thursday after school Leading and continuing to promote the emphasis of games play.
Report by Mr Dawson

                              SPORTS LEADERS
This term a selection of year 8/9 students have completed the application form to join the
Sports Leaders Team. Their efforts and hard work in curricular and extra-curricular activities
since the return from COVID restrictions, and some very strong application letters, has made
the selection process very simple. The team now comprises of 20 boys from each year
Their commitment this year will be to support the Shepway Sports Trust with their
programme of Primary School Sports Events. The majority of these will take place at the 3
Hills Sports Centre which is close to school and the group will be supervised by a member of
our school staff at each event. We have placed real emphasis on the planning of these
events to ensure the boys miss the minimum amount of lesson time and where possible
never the same morning or afternoon session, whilst experiencing a range of experiences
and Leadership activities.

Later in the year some nationally recognised Leadership and Officiating Awards will be
available for the boys to qualify in. This will lead to Leadership opportunities at Level 3
events (Kent County) in particularly with Handball, Tennis, Sports Hall and Track and Field
Athletics. This really is a big achievement and throughout the year we look forward to seeing
them continue to develop in terms of confidence and more importantly their Leadership
This year is going to be a busy one for the Harvey Grammar Sports Leaders team. Already
committed to a large number of Shepway Primary competitions throughout the year and
awaiting commitment at District and County School games competitions. The year 9 team
that has already started with the first event of the year, a primary Multi Sports Competition at
the 3 Hills. It was a challenging start for the boys, but they applied themselves well and
worked sensibly and maturely throughout.

    Harvey Grammar School Sportsman of the Term

                                    Ryan S (Yr8)
                 Stepped up from the B to the A team
                 & is currently top of the Golden Boot
If you have competed or been successful outside of school, please let us know so we can
celebrate it with the rest of Team Harvey.
  At the start of last year, the Harvey Sports Journalism YouTube channel was created on
 which a majority of sporting fixtures including Football, Basketball, Hockey and Rugby are
 recorded, edited and uploaded to the public allowing people to really see what goes on in
 the Harvey Grammar Sports Department. You can also find the Harvey Sports “How To”
  series that were produced by staff members during Lockdown, as a means to learn new
                                         sporting skills.
  If you would like to watch some of the sporting fixtures which are already on the channel,
please go to YouTube and search Harvey Sports Journalism or copy and paste the following
                                    link into your browser

                      FOLLOW US ON TWITTER
  To keep updated on all things sport at The Harvey, follow us on Twitter. Find details on
                 fixtures, results, trips & everything else @HGSSport.
                                   Own a local business?
                                 Know someone who does?
        Would you or they be interested in sponsoring or donating to Harvey Sports?
   We compete in local, regional, county & national competitions, not to mention the full &
  extensive extra-curricular programme we run within school. This gives the boys as much
                 opportunity to participate, have fun & develop as possible.
 We want to continue to do this, whilst inspiring more boys to get involved. The prospect of
              pulling on a new Harvey sponsored kit would help this no end.
            Contact Mr Cowling ( or Mr Walton
                     ( for more details.

                               HGS SPORTS KIT
A reminder that below is the PE & Sport kit for your lessons at The Harvey. All available
online from Ambition Sport.
If for whatever reason you cannot bring in any of these items for your lessons, a note from
your parent to explain the situation along with an alternative is required.
You can also read