"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto


          “The greatness of a community is most
           accurately measured by the compassionate
           actions of its members.” – CORETTA SCOTT KING

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto
James Russell
                                                      Newsletters et Cetera

Like the boards, management, staff, and residents of all Canadian
condominiums, and indeed, condominiums throughout the world,
2020 was a challenging year. Yet, it was also a year that reinforced
the importance of compassion and teamwork. Pinnacle III is an
outstanding example of what a caring community can achieve.

                                                           CONDOVOICE SPRING 2021   CV   17
"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto
Located at 330 Mill Street South in Brampton, near
          the intersection of Mill St and Grand Circuit Court,
          Pinnacle III rises twelve floors and contains one-
          hundred and forty-one , one and two bedroom suites,
          each with an ensuite laundry. The building’s ameni-
          ties include: Two gyms, billiards, indoor pool, sepa-
          rate women’s and men’s saunas, hobby room, library,
          party room, and an outdoor car wash.

          Suites facing east, overlook Etobicoke Creek or Wa-
          doopikaang Creek, “where the alders grow” as it was
          originally named by the Mississauga, a subtribe of
          the Anishinaabe. The creek, which courses through
          flourishing ravines for much of its journey, stretches
          sixty-one kilometres beginning south of the Oak
          Ridges Moraine and exiting into Lake Ontario at
          Marie Curtis Park.

          Although Pinnacle III wasn’t officially completed un-
          til 1989, Mary Steed moved in to her unit, one of the
          first completed, in September 1988. “I bought my unit
          from blueprints I saw in the sales trailer.” Mary was
          attracted to the building because she had friends who
          lived in Pinnacle III’s sister buildings, Pinnacle I and
          II. “And because I wanted to live maintenance-free,”
          a luxury her house couldn’t provide.

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto
Located at 330 Mill Street South in Brampton,
near the intersection of Mill St and Grand
Circuit Court, Pinnacle III rises twelve floors
and contains one-hundred and forty-one
two and three bedroom suites, each
with an ensuite laundry

Debra Arscott,
Board Secretary

                                             CONDOVOICE SPRING 2021   CV   19
"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto
"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto
The Workplace Violence, Harassment and
                              Discrimination Policy is just one of the
                              corporation’s official documents loaded onto a
                              flash drive which is then given to each Board
                              member for reference and ease of access

“We have a great Social Committee,” says Mary. The credit for       and Donut event, held outdoors and in accordance with physi-
starting that Social Committee goes to the board’s secretary and    cal distancing guidelines. At Easter, one resident cooked din-
long-time resident Debra Arscott, “When we started the Social       ner for any residents who were unable to be with family over
Committee in 2015 there was just the two of us,” and sparse fund-   the holidays. The dinners were delivered to the resident’s doors.
ing. Although the corporation now designates a small portion of     In December, the Social Committee held a ‘virtual’ Poinsettia
the budget for the Social Committee, “We’re almost entirely self-   Basket Draw that awarded a lucky resident a real, non-digital
sufficient,” says Debra. Event fees, bake sales revenue and money   poinsettia. Residents donate generously to the Social Commit-
generated by raffles cover everything from seasonal decorations,    tee’s yearly Food Drive to benefit Brampton’s Regeneration, an
glasses, plates and even the purchase of Pinnacle IIIs BBQ.         organisation whose mission it is to “Break the cycle of poverty
                                                                    in Brampton.”
Pinnacle III’s incredible number of social events include: Sum-
mer Soirees, Ice Cream Parties, Sweetheart Socials, Afternoon       In addition to the Social Committee, Pinnacle III’s active resi-
Teas, Bake Sales, Easter Socials (with Easter Egg Hunts for the     dents also serve on a Decorating Committee, Gardening Com-
kids). December Holiday Socials, St. Patrick’s Day Soup and         mittee, Renovation Committee, a fledgling Library Committee
Sandwich Luncheons, Fall Food Drives, Mother’s Day Teas,            and their Hallway Refurbishment Committee, which has teamed
Community BBQs, Pasta Nights, Halloween Pizza Nights, and           up with a designer to give the buildings’ corridors and lobby a
Trick or Treating for the kids living in Pinnacle III as well as    fresh makeover. Part of that design process involved ‘Reveals’
the neighbourhood buildings.                                        where two different colour, texture and design options were pre-
                                                                    sented to the residents. Easels displaying the various options
Early last year, the Social Committee organised a free Coffee       were set up in the Party Room and residents were invited, on

                                                                                                      CONDOVOICE SPRING 2021   CV   21
"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto
a floor by floor basis, to view the designs                                                                           management, the Board was able to avoid
and vote on their preferences. A member                                                                               burdening owners with a lump-sum spe-
of the Hallway Refurbishment Commit-                                                                                  cial assessment.
tee was present to monitor the flow of
residents and collect any voiced com-                                                                                 The Board and management’s main
ments. The Board’s President, Dan Kev-                                                                                communication vehicles are newsletters,
eza, expects the refurbishment to take an                                                                             hardcopy update flyers - available in five
estimated five years – from planning to                                                                               locations throughout the building - and
implementation.                                                                                                       electronic screens installed last Novem-
                                                                                                                      ber in each of their two elevators. To en-
Pinnacle III’s Board meets monthly, al-                                                                               courage feedback and suggestions from
though their in-person meetings have                                                                                  residents and staff the Board and man-
been replaced by SKYPE get-togeth-                                                                                    agement positioned a suggestion box in
ers. The board is made up of Dan Kev-                                                                                 the main lobby.
eza, President; Debra Arscott, Secretary;
Helen Senzen, Treasurer, and directors                                                                                Recounting the early stages of the pan-
Darrel Johncox and John Belford. Assist-                   onto a flash drive which is then given to                  demic, Dan says, “Some other buildings
ing the Board is Property Manager Chris                    each Board member for reference and ease                   went to the extreme of not allowing any
Poland as well as a live-in superintendent                 of access.                                                 visitors, which we looked at. We were
and contracted security, landscaping and                                                                              made to understand that none of the Cov-
cleaning staff.                               Recent board-initiated Information Meet-                                id restrictions were enforceable at a condo
                                              ings for residents were held to discuss                                 level and we heard negative feedback from
Every member of the board is required their Pipe Relining Project and a Reserve                                       our residents, so we decided this option
to sign the corporation’s Director’s Code Fund Study. The relining project allowed                                    was not suitable for our building.” Nor
of Ethics as “we have a responsibility and the building to avoid replacing the cop-                                   was an in-person AGM practical, “Our
higher accountability,” says Dan. The per, domestic water risers, which were                                          2020 AGM was postponed due to Cov-
Workplace Violence, Harassment and beginning to corrode. Although a recent                                            id. When restrictions were loosened we
Discrimination Policy is just one of the Engineering Report dictated a large Re-                                      tried to schedule one but we were unable
 JCO 2020-v1.qxp
corporation’s      2020-07-09
               official       9:41 AM
                        documents       Page 1serve Fund outlay, through good fiscal
                                   loaded                                                                             to find a facility that could accommodate

                                                                      JCO & Associates have specialized in the refurbishment of condominium
                                                                      common elements since 1989. We provide GENERAL CONTRACTING
                                                                      or full service DESIGN/BUILD solutions including design, budgets,
                                                                      reserve fund analysis, documentation and construction management. We
                                                                      pride ourselves in providing the highest quality of service and workmanship
                                                                      and bring value engineered solutions that won’t compromise your design.

                                                                      Please visit our web site at www.jcoandassociates.com to view our current
                                                                      and past projects or contact us at 905-727-8818.

JCO is a member in good standing with ACMO (Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario), CCI (Canadian Condominium Institute), IDC (Interior Design of Canada) and
TCA (Toronto Construction Association). All our work is guaranteed and can be certified by a Performance Bond issued by Zurich Insurance for performance, material and labour.

22    CV      CONDOVOICE SPRING 2021
"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto
our numbers. Some of our owners have no      • The installation of new MUAUs              the amenities rooms when open. We even
computers or limited computer skills so        (Make-Up Air Units)                        have one resident, who has taken it upon
we were hoping for an in-person AGM.                                                      himself to sanitize all the railings on a
We have now scheduled both 2020 and          The spectacle of the MUAUs being hoist-      regular basis,” says Dan.
2021 AGM‘S in April. These will be con-      ed onto the roof by a huge crane provided
ducted at the same time via video unless     the neighbourhood with a bit of excite-      When asked how residents responded to
restrictions change.”                        ment and plentiful photo opportunities.      the nearly year-long restrictions, Dan re-
                                             Upcoming projects include roof and ga-       plied, “Feedback was mostly positive and
Although Pinnacle III successfully col-      rage repairs.                                we only had a handful of incidents where
lects and disposes of recyclable material,                                                people refused to comply. I thought this
surprisingly, the Regional Municipality of   “Right from the beginning of Covid, we       was very remarkable for ten months of
Peel, with a population of more than 1.5     have tried to mirror the Region’s pro-       restrictions. Most residents self police
million and encompassing 1.2 million ki-     tocols,” says President Dan Keveza of        themselves and others.”
lometres, does not have an organic collec-   last year’s pandemic. The Board closed
tion program, so Pinnacle III’s residents    all common element amenities and al-         Consistent with Pinnacle III resident’s
must mix wet waste with their garbage.       though a few were opened with capac-         commitment to caring for their neigh-
Pinnacle III was part of the Peel’s pilot    ity limitations they were closed again       bours and the wider community, many of
program for collecting batteries and elec-   when Peel Region returned to a lock-         the residents pointed lights out their win-
tronics but the pilot was suspended last     down. Elevator usage was restricted to       dows in the worldwide ‘Shining a Light’
year.                                        two persons at a time unless the pas-        campaign to thank frontline healthcare
                                             sengers were from the same suite. Mask-      workers.
In addition to Pinnacle III’s current cor-   wearing in the common elements was
ridor refurbishment project, the corpora-    made mandatory to comply with health         Dan is confident that the commitment
tion has recently completed:                 directives.                                  and spirit that the Board, management,
• Retrofitting the parking garage and                                                     staff and residents of Pinnacle III dis-
   building exteriors with LED lighting      “Our cleaners and superintendent were        played during the dark days of 2020 will
• The installation of new heating loop       instructed to sanitize high touch areas      get them through any challenges that lay
   booster pumps with VFDs (variable         on a regular basis. Hand sanitizer was       ahead, after all, as Dan says, “We are one
   frequency drives)                         placed at our concierge desk as well as in   big community.” C V

                                                                                                      CONDOVOICE SPRING 2021   CV   23
"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto "The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate - actions of its members." - CORETTA SCOTT KING - CCI Toronto
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