The Good Parliament Professor Sarah Childs July 2016 - University of Bristol
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Contents Executive Summary 01 Executive Summary The recommendations in this Report are a blueprint for a more representative and inclusive House of Commons. 03 Recommendations Summary They have the potential to significantly enhance the 06 The Good Parliament: Introduction effectiveness and legitimacy of the House. Institutional leadership will be provided by the newly created Commons 12 The Good Parliament: Recommendations Reference Group on Representation and Inclusion. 42 Appendices 54 Acknowledgements An Unrepresentative House The House of Commons is not as representative as it might be; its membership 57 Bibliography remains disproportionately white, male and elite 59 Endnotes One hundred years ago the Commons contained no women; had only ever returned a handful of minority ethnic men; and was largely filled with men of independent means. Much has changed over the last century. Yet, the House remains unrepresentative and its working practices continue to reflect the traditions and preferences of Members who have historically populated it. The House is, then, at some distance from meeting the international democratic standard for The Good Parliament: ‘truly representative, transparent, accessible, accountable and effective in all its functions’.1 Institutional Deficit Historically the House of Commons has lacked the institutional will to address issues of representation and inclusion Supported by: Members of Parliament are often regarded as individual office-holders. This can obsure a wider institutional responsibility to act. Hence, parliamentary reform is too often the result of individual MPs expending significant time and political capital. This is no longer a satisfactory state. The Good Parliament Report is for the House as an institution to ‘own’. The New Commons Reference Group on Representation and Inclusion To redress its institutional deficiency, the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Rt Hon John Bercow MP, has established a new group of MPs The Commons Reference Group on Representation and Inclusion provides the necessary political and institutional lead to deliver on The Good Parliament. Formally chaired by the Speaker, it is comprised of a small number of Members, male and female, from across the House, and with the Deputy Speakers as Acting Chairs. Acknowledgements: Compiled and written by: The Good Parliament Recommendations Sarah Childs © University of Bristol, 2015 Extracts may not be reproduced without permission. The recommendations contained in this Report will transform who sits in the House, Front cover image: have the potential to significantly enhance Member effectiveness individually and Portcullis House Atrium by Tobias Till, 2012 (WOA 7381) © Parliamentary Art Collection collectively, improve the quality of parliamentary outcomes, and should ultimately Executive Summary image: raise the public’s regard for the House. © Political Studies Association Design: CW-Design: Print: Individual recommendations are explicitly linked to particular actors. This makes Print Services, University of Bristol it easier to hold them and the House to account. THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 1
Recommendations Summary The 43 recommendations in this Report address The Speaker three dimensions of the Diversity Sensitive 1. Secure cross-party support for a concord regarding what constitutes unacceptable and unprofessional behaviour in the Chamber, and more Parliament: widely in the House; formally restate the House’s commitment to the highest standards of Member behaviour at the start of every parliamentary session; and improve sanctions against those who break the rules Dimension 1: Equality of Participation in the House 2. The Speaker’s Office should systematically and comprehensively monitor Ensuring a diverse composition and achieving equality of participation and report the speeches and interventions in debates, questions, private members’ bills and other parliamentary activities by MPs’ sex/gender and Recommendations are made first to the new Reference Group, the Secretary other major social characteristics of State for Women and Equalities, the House of Commons Commission, the Women and Equalities Committee, and the political parties, in order to 3. Permit MPs to be counted at the ‘door’ of the division lobbies when deliver a greater diversity of Parliamentary candidates and MPs. Secondly, accompanied by their children recommendations to the House of Commons Commission, the Procedure 4. Target a representative Parliamentary Press Gallery (Lobby journalists). Committee, political parties, and the Reference Group address what is necessary Neither women nor men should be in receipt of less than 40 percent of lobby to facilitate Members’ effective participation once present in the House. passes by 2020 Dimension 2: Parliamentary Infrastructure 5. Initiate an Inter-Parliamentary Union3 ‘Gender Sensitive Parliament’ audit in 2018 How Parliament organises itself and supports the work of Members Key recommendations are made to the Speaker, the House of Commons The Commons Reference Group on Representation and Inclusion Commission, the Leader of the House, and the Liaison Committee. 6. Publish a series of statements detailing and promoting the role and work Specific recommendations are also made to the Independent Parliamentary of MPs, to both educate the public more about what it is that MPs do, Standards Authority (IPSA). Looking to the likely temporary vacation of the and to explicitly signal the range of characteristics, skills, dispositions, and Palace of Westminster due to the poor condition of the buildings, a series of experiences relevant to the job of being an MP recommendations is made to the Procedure Committee and any new ‘Restoration and Renewal’ body. 7. Engage in various parliamentary and other activities to enhance the supply of, and demand for, diverse parliamentary candidates Dimension 3: Commons Culture 8. Secure a cross-party concord regarding candidate selection for the 2020 Parliament following the boundary review:4 all political parties should seek Making the culture of the House of Commons more inclusive to increase the percentage of its women MPs – at the absolute minimum all parties currently represented in the House should maintain existing Recommendations are aimed at the Speaker of the House, The House of percentages of women MPs Commons Commission, any new ‘Restoration and Renewal’ body, the Women in Parliament All Party Parliamentary Group, and the Works of Art Committee. 9. Introduce prior to dissolution for the 2020 general election statutory sex/ gender quotas to take effect for the 2025 general election if, three months Institutional Readiness2 prior to the 2020 general election, political parties currently represented in Parliament have failed to select at least 50 percent women in a party’s The timing of this Report is highly auspicious: two ‘windows of opportunity’ arise ‘vacant held’ and ‘target seats’. Introduce permissive legislation to allow for in the present moment conducive to Parliamentary action. party quotas for other under-represented groups, where parties have failed to select proportional percentages of candidates from these groups • The centenary of the Representation of the People Act and the Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act 10. Sponsor a measure to gender balance MP membership of the House of • The ‘Restoration and Renewal’ programme for the Palace of Westminster Commons Commission 11. Commission a comprehensive diversity and equality audit of the Independent 2018 is a timely reminder of the promise of equality in parliamentary participation Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA), and submit its findings to the IPSA and representation in the UK. By implementing this Report, much could be consultation (October 2016) realised by the House of Commons within two years. Restoration and Renewal offers an additional opportunity for the House to deliver a new vision for 12. Produce a ‘House Statement’ on maternity, paternity, parental, adoption and Parliament, and in so doing achieve international recognition as the ‘gold standard’ caring leave Good Parliament. 2 THE GOOD PARLIAMENT THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 3
13. Undertake a review for the provision of a crèche facility on the Parliamentary Liaison Committee Estate (in addition to the nursery) 28. Require the House Service to provide comprehensive and systematic 14. A rule change should be sought whereby any select committee witness diversity data in respect of select committees witnesses at the end of each panel of three or more must be sex/gender diverse if, by the end of the 2015 session, and establish annual rolling targets for witness representativeness parliament, select committees are not reaching a 40 percent sex/gender threshold amongst witnesses Procedure Committee 15. Introduce sex/gender quotas for the election of select committee chairs prior 29. Ensure that House rules and structures, institutions, nomenclature and to the 2025 general election if, by 2024, the percentage of women chairs is culture are diversity sensitive and inclusionary less than 40 percent 30. Prohibit single-sex/gender select committees, and encourage political parties 16. Revise the dress code to ‘business dress’ or ‘national costume’ to be mindful of wider representativeness in the election of members to committees The House of Commons Commission 31. Introduce greater predictability in the scheduling of House Business 17. Recognise the House’s collective responsibility for enhancing representation 32. Review the establishment of a ‘Division Time’, whereby multiple votes could and inclusion by formally taking note of the establishment of the Commons be taken together at a particular point of the parliamentary sitting Reference Group on Representation and Inclusion In the context of the expected temporary decant from the Palace of 18. Support the production of comprehensive website materials showing that a Westminster for Restoration and Renewal: diversity of people are, and can be, MPs 33. Trial sittings of the House based around ‘normal business hours’ 19. Support the development of a residential ‘Introduction to being an MP’ Programme for under-represented groups 34. Trial opportunities for remote voting by MPs physically present on the Parliamentary Estate 20. Re-design the parliamentary identity pass 35. Trial new formats for Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) 21. Maximise Member opportunities, capacities and capabilities via Continuous Professional Development (CPD) The new Restoration & Renewal Body The Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and 36. Trial new layouts in any decant Chamber, and review provision of a new Equalities Chamber for the return to the Palace of Westminster 22. Immediately commence Section 106 of the Equality Act 2010 (which requires 37. Provide for flexible committee and other meeting rooms in a restored Palace political parties to provide data relating to parliamentary candidates) 38. Provide for inclusionary social spaces for MPs in a restored Palace 23. Clarify the status and effectiveness of the Access to Elected Office Fund for 39. Provide sufficient toilet capacity across the Parliamentary Estate supporting disabled people to stand for election as local councillors or MPs5 Works of Art Committee The Women and Equalities Committee 40. Abolish the ‘10 year dead’ rule, whereby only individuals who have been 24. Call the Secretary of State for Women and Equalities before the Committee dead for at least a decade are represented in the artworks in the Palace of regarding commencement of Section 106 of the Equality Act 2010 Westminster 41. Commit to diverse artwork in a restored Palace of Westminster The Leader of the House of Commons 25. Put before the House a motion to establish the Women and Equalities The Women in Parliament (WIP) All Party Parliamentary Group Committee as a permanent select committee of the House, by amending Standing Order No. 152 42. Campaign for male MPs to sign up to #nomoreallmalepanels 26. Set the recess dates for each parliamentary session, at least one session in advance Political Parties 27. Abolish party conference recess and sitting Fridays 43. Engage in various activities to increase the supply of, and demand for, diverse parliamentary candidates 4 THE GOOD PARLIAMENT THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 5
The Good Parliament: Introduction “First, we are behind the curve The UK Parliament is facing urgent Arguments for diverse representation Diversity Sensitive This is not because women’s political “It is not the job of oil rigs to questions about its workings,6 worth,7 in politics are multi-dimensional:12 the representation is settled in the UK, or compared with working practice and how the Palace of Westminster’s under-representation or marginalisation Parliaments Approach that the House of Commons is already reflect society; it is not the job in much of industry, and the crumbling condition might be of key social groups is unjust when gender sensitive. It is not. Rather the of oil rigs to push for laws and The Inter-Parliamentary Union has repaired.8 In responding, advocates of there are obstacles that limit political DSP approach acknowledges that charitable and public sectors, developed a globally influential ‘Gender regulations to improve families’ parliamentary democracy in general participation.13 In the House of women are not the only group under- and that is a problem. Secondly, Sensitive Parliaments’ framework lives; and the world does not and the House of Commons in Commons, as is the case for many represented in politics and Parliament, if we act differently and change that has been employed to identify look at the people who work on particular would be usefully guided of the world’s parliaments, individual, and that these other exclusions should the culture and working practices international best practice. A Gender oil rigs for an example of what by the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s institutional, and structural features also be acknowledged and rectified. Sensitive Parliament (GSP) is a political here, we can change how definition of parliamentary good constitute significant barriers for For a parliament to be truly inclusive, our culture should be. But it is institution that responds to the ‘needs practice. The Good Parliament is one securing diversity amongst elected attention to diverse exclusions and others operate. We should do and interests’ of both women and men the job of Parliament to do those that is ‘truly representative, transparent, representatives.14 Reforms to make to intersectionality and within-group that, because we are here to in terms of its ‘structures, operations, things... what business do we accessible, accountable and effective parliaments more representative are differences is necessary. change and improve the United methods and work’.21 A GSP is one having asking big business and in its many functions’.9 This Report also made on the grounds that there Kingdom.” that has removed the ‘barriers to big employers to do something contains recommendations that is a link, albeit not a straightforward Three dimensions critical to realising a women’s full participation’ and offers together have the potential to make one, between ‘who’ is present in our representative and inclusive House of we are simply not willing to do The late Jo Cox MP10 ‘a positive example or model to the membership of the House more political institutions and the quality Commons guided the development of society at large’.22 Box 1 below ourselves?” representative; enable Members to be and legitimacy of our democratic the recommendations in this Report:23 summarises the questions to be asked Jess Phillips MP20 more effective in their parliamentary processes and outcomes.15 This is of a parliament in order to determine work, both individually and collectively; not to say that only female MPs can Dimension 1: Equality and whether it is gender sensitive. and to enhance the representational ‘stand for’ women, or that only Black Participation within the House relationship between the British public, and Minority Ethnic (BME) MPs ‘act Box 1: Members, and the House of Commons for’ minority ethnic groups. Nor is Dimension 1 asks the question of Inter-Parliamentary Union Gender as an institution. this about the quality of constituency how a diverse group of MPs might Sensitive Parliament Questions representation achieved by individual be selected for, and elected to, Four compounding principles MPs. Instead it points to a measure Parliament and how, once present, Is your Parliament Gender Sensitive? underpin the Report: of the representational relationship they are enabled to become effective at the aggregate level; between the 1. How many women are there in your participants across Parliament’s 1. A greater diversity of MPs should be institution of Parliament and the people Parliament? What positions do they core activities: representation and hold? present in the House of Commons, that it seeks to represent, descriptively, interest articulation, legislative scrutiny, not least in terms of class, disability, substantively and symbolically.16 2. Are there laws to support gender and executive accountability. This ethnicity, sex/gender, and sexuality11 equality? Does your Parliament have dimension addresses in particular “If you put eight Conservative gender equality objectives and a When inclusive, a parliament has the the composition of the House of men round a table and ask gender equality plan of action? Are 2. An inclusive, effective and potential to become a much more Commons,24 and MPs’ participation them to discuss what should workplace policies in tune with men representative Parliament is about effective political institution. This may and women’s realities? across the House leadership, and in its be done about pensions, more than simply increasing the be due to: (i) a greater awareness of various committees. 3. Are gender considerations integral you’d get some good answers. diversity of Members elected to the the public’s multiple needs, interests, to the work of Parliament? Restoring incentives to save. House; it also requires their equal and perspectives; (ii) consideration Dimension 2: Parliamentary and effective participation therein of a more expansive set of issues 4. Is the Parliamentary culture non- Infrastructure Ending means testing. Raising sexist? Are there facilities suited to and interests; (iii) more informed the retirement age. But what 3. The House of Commons has an decisions, as different talents and skills men and women? Dimension 2 takes a critical look at you’re less likely to get is a important symbolic role to play in and perspectives and experiences, 5. Are men shouldering their gender the way in which Parliament facilitates powerful insight into the massive British society, over and above its provide new insights and question equality responsibilities? the work of Members and whether unfairness relating to women’s substantive role: it should embody ‘group think’ and the dominant ways 6. How sensitive are political parties this privileges a particular type of the principle of equality and fairness, of doing things;17 and (iv) enhanced to gender? MP – explicitly or implicitly. It covers pensions... We need people acting as a ‘role-model’ institution legitimacy, as the public feel better everything from the buildings and from diverse backgrounds to Source: IPU 2011, 117 represented by parliament, as a furniture of Parliament to the official inform everything we do, to give 4. The responsibility of delivering consequence of better descriptive and rules and working practices that The Good Parliament is very much us the benefit of their diverse on The Good Parliament resides symbolic representation, and a greater underpin the array of Members’ informed by the IPU’s GSP framework, experience, to ensure that we with the House of Commons as responsiveness to them.18 parliamentary activities. It includes however it takes a broader approach an institution. In other words, the provisions for MPs by IPSA, the stay in touch with the reality of to issues of representation by utilising House should acknowledge its There is, moreover, an incongruity in Independent Parliamentary Standards life in Britain today.” a Diversity Sensitive Parliaments collective responsibility to redress a parliament which is unequal and Authority. (DSP) approach, created as a result of David Cameron MP19 current limitations in representation exclusionary when, as a legislature, it research that underpins this Report. and inclusion makes laws on such issues. 6 THE GOOD PARLIAMENT THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 7
Dimension 3: Commons Culture of the parliamentary nursery (2010); Table 1: ‘RAG’ Analysis of the UK House of Commons: Representation and Inclusion more diverse representation in the Dimension 3 acknowledges that the artwork that adorns the walls of Dimension Measure Red Amber Green official, written-down rules never tell Portcullis House and the Palace; and, Equality of Participation Diversity of MPs 32 the whole story about how institutions unbeknownst to many, the sex quota Women’s House leadership positions33 function on the ground – this is what written into the Standing Orders for might be thought of as the ‘normal the election of the Deputy Speakers Women’s participation (internal structures; committees) way of doing things’. It is, admittedly, (2010).31 Many of the changes that Infrastructure Standing Orders34 frequently hard to pin down informal gave rise to these ‘Amber’ measures Calendar & sitting hours institutional norms, practices and culture. notably required the expenditure of 35 That said UK parliamentary culture, as considerable personal and political Equalities & diversity body (policy) elsewhere, is not fixed but an evolving capital over sustained periods of Equalities & diversity body (institutional) phenomenon, subject to change. time. Only in a single instance does Parliamentary buildings & spaces the Commons unambiguously score ‘Green’. Note that the one item scoring Childcare & child-friendly provisions ‘Green’ – the Women and Equalities How diversity sensitive is Maternity & parental leave Committee (WEC) – is both a very the House of Commons? recent creation (2015), and is not a Culture House commitment & action plan 36 permanent feature of the House. Chamber culture (PMQs & ‘set pieces’) In important ways the House of Commons in 2015 is more descriptively The House of Commons is not an representative of the society it seeks unchanging institution. In recent years a There have also been changes to transform the House of Commons. to represent than previously. All of number of reforms addressing diversity the hours of the House to limit late It is more appropriate to conceive of the main political parties are publicly of participation and representation have night sittings (over a longer period of a process – of the House becoming committed to the principle of diverse been implemented. These include: “I want to see a Parliament that time),43 and some MPs are involved a better Parliament over the next few representation. Over the last two in the Workplace Equality Networks years.46 is representative of the country decades parties have put in place • An amendment to the Equality (WENs) which have been established that we live in...The number selection processes designed to Act 2010 which extended the Sex for House employees.44 Finally, and as For each recommendation a deliver a more representative group of Discrimination (Election Candidates) of MPs who are from different recommended by the 2014 Women responsible decision-maker (actor candidates.27 There have been some Act 2002 until 2030. This is the law ethnic, religious and social in Parliament APPG Report, and or institution) is identified. They have notable successes, particularly in 1997 that permits the use of sex/gender backgrounds, and the number of noted above, a Women and Equalities ownership of this recommendation (Labour: sex/gender) and 2015 (Labour, quotas by political parties Committee was established following and they are responsible for taking disabled people in Parliament, is Conservative and the Scottish National • The Speaker’s Parliamentary the 2015 general election. action on it. Where the likelihood not as high as it should be.” Party: age, ethnicity, sex/gender and placement scheme (for people from of a reform being introduced looks sexuality). The lack of working class Maria Miller MP25 disadvantaged backgrounds)37 less favourable a secondary actor representation has become a more high and/or compounding or alternative profile political concern over the last • Permitting the celebration of civil Recommendations for recommendation is identified. Explicitly decade.28 partnerships within the House38 The Good Parliament linking each recommendation to “Our democracy is worse off if • Repeal of Section 141 of the Mental a particular actor or institution Table 1 documents the diversity This Report offers a ‘menu’ of practical parents, women, and disabled Health Act 1983, which stated that within the House, and in whose insensitivities of the current UK House solutions – 43 recommendations – to people don’t think the life an MPs detained on grounds of mental remit the recommendation falls, of Commons according to the three address the diversity insensitivities that illness might be required to vacate along with identifying more than MP is for them....[but] this isn’t dimensions of equality of participation, remain in the UK House of Commons. their seat39 one possible recommendation just about MPs...over 2000 parliamentary infrastructure, and In some instances these restate reflects past experience of reform Commons’ culture. It uses traffic • The creation of a fund to support or revise recommendations from staff are employed by the at Westminster.47 It has proven all light colours to signal whether the disabled people with additional previous Inquires and Reports, not House of Commons alone. The too easy for parliamentary reforms – Commons is doing badly (red) or costs they may face when standing least the 2010 Speaker’s Conference unpredictable hours, difficulties including those likely to be effective well (green). Amber signals there has for election as a councillor or MP40 on Parliamentary Representation and with widespread support – to with Parliament sitting during been some improvement but that and the 2014 Women in Parliament • The establishment of the nursery ultimately fail to be adopted or fully school term time, and childcare considerably more needs to be done.29 APPG Report, Improving Parliament.45 on the parliamentary estate in implemented. Reticence to act might The preponderance of ‘Red’ in the The recommendations are specific issues matters just as much to September 201041 derive from party or other reasons, Table underlines just how far the and technical, and target the short, them.” such as executive/legislative relations House of Commons has to travel.30 • Provision for childcare vouchers medium and longer term with a mix or positional advantage. At other times Melanie Onn MP26 The ‘Amber’ items reflect recent for MPs42 of soft and hard measures. No one the intent might be present but there improvements: the establishment recommendation will be sufficient to 8 THE GOOD PARLIAMENT THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 9
is a collective failure to take ownership Reference Group, Mr Speaker made The ‘Restoration and Renewal’ (R&R) of the problem and its solution. For concrete his longstanding commitment process for the UK Parliament is an these reasons, the recommendations to parliamentary representation, and additional opportune moment for in this Report are grouped not by made it more likely that the promise consideration of reform of the House the expected effect they will have of the 2010 Speaker’s Conference of Commons. The Director of the on the House according to the three on Parliamentary Representation Hansard Society, Dr Ruth Fox, has dimensions of The Good Parliament, would be realised. It also immediately spoken of R&R constituting a ‘once- but by the responsible parliamentary meets one of the key measures of the in-a-150-year opportunity’.52 Any new actor or institution. This approach will IPU’s Gender Sensitive Parliament, body established to manage R&R must make it much easier in the future to and redresses a clear institutional keep the principles of representation hold particular actors and Parliament deficiency at Westminster: the lack of and inclusion firmly in its sights. With as a whole to account. an official Parliamentary group made an explicit commitment to diverse up of Members whose very purpose representation and inclusionary politics, Underpinning the Report’s approach, is to address the representation and decisions could be taken, and action and indeed many individual inclusion agenda within Parliament. set in train, that would see the House recommendations, is then the principle A good many of the recommendations of Commons become a globally of institutionalisation: Parliament’s in this Report are targeted at the recognised ‘best practice’ Diversity diversity insensitivities should not be Reference Group, and it is expected Sensitive Parliament in the very near thought of as the responsibility of that this Report will inform its future. those individuals negatively affected Programme of Action for the rest of by them, or those MPs prepared to the 2015 Parliament. By also holding expend personal and political capital other parliamentary actors to account on them.48 Nor can reform be handed the Reference Group is uniquely over solely to the political parties; positioned to act as an institutional their interests might at times conflict catalyst for change.50 The Reference with the House as an institution. The Group will be in place following the commitment to The Good Parliament 2016 Summer recess. is for the House to sign up to as an institution. Of course, the historic It is a felicitous moment to act. 2018 preference for regarding MPs as will mark the centenary of both the individual office-holders reflects the Representation of the People Act, individual mandate Members receive and the Parliament (Qualification of from the electorate. This in turn Women) Act. The first Act abolished explains the apparent reluctance nearly all property qualifications for of them to embrace an institutional men, thereby enfranchising most identity, making it harder for Members working class men, and gave the vote to accept a collective responsibility. to women aged over 30 with property. Nevertheless, the House of Commons The second permitted women to stand is the pinnacle of UK parliamentary as candidates and be elected as MPs. democracy and it functions on a daily If Mr Speaker was to initiate an Inter- basis as an institution. Parliamentary Union ‘Gender Sensitive Parliament’ audit of the House of The necessity of an institutional Commons on the 100th anniversary of response to the ongoing diversity these Acts (Recommendation 5 of this insensitivities and deficiencies in the Report) this would be a significant and House of Commons was the reason high-profile move by the House.51 The that one key recommendation was UK could become the first parliament made to the Speaker, the Rt Hon John from an advanced democracy to Bercow MP prior to the publication of undergo this international assessment. this Report: the establishment of a new If the Commons reached the standard parliamentary body, The Commons of a ‘best practice’ parliament, the Reference Group on Representation IPU would showcase its achievement and Inclusion.49 By creating the around the world. 10 THE GOOD PARLIAMENT THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 11
The Good Parliament: Recommendations The Speaker Speaker Recommendation 2 Commons – given its current sitting be set for 2020. In the meantime, data “When waiting in the Chamber (Short term) hours, Members with young children should be published annually on the using Parliament’s nursery or another Parliament website for sex/gender and for several hours to speak in Speaker Recommendation 1 The Speaker’s Office should local childcare facility may very well other social characteristics of Lobby an all-day debate I asked if I (Short term) systematically and comprehensively find themselves caring for their children members, disaggregated by pass monitor and report – on an could dive out to make sure Secure cross-party support for a whilst also working in the House.68 type, and media organisation. In this concord regarding unacceptable annual basis – speeches and my son had eaten and was told way the public can be made aware and unprofessional behaviour in interventions in debates, questions, that I would invalidate my claim “The perception of parliamentary Speaker Recommendation 4 of how different media organisations the Chamber, and more widely in private members’ bills and other to speak if I did as ‘it’s about (Medium term) are faring. Within three months a culture as aggressive was parliamentary activities by sex and the House; formally restate the scheme should be put before the choices’.” frequently cited as a barrier House’s commitment to the highest other major social characteristics60 Target a representative Administration Committee to target a to participation in the written standards of Member behaviour Parliamentary Press Gallery (Lobby Rupa Huq MP62 parity Lobby. Such a scheme might, at the start of every parliamentary It must not be the case that some journalists). Neither women nor men evidence we received, on for media organisations in receipt of session; and improve sanctions MPs feel excluded from participating should be in receipt of less than 40 our online forum and in our more than one pass: (i) set a ‘rolling against those who break the rules in Chamber debates or other percent of lobby passes by 2020 target’: no new passes will be given to discussions around the country.” parliamentary activities. Full data “When my daughter was born an organisation unless passes issued Speaker’s Conference 201053 Much is said – and reported – about should be gathered by the Speaker’s The public receives its representations 18 years ago, during Divisions I to women for that same organisation the style of politics that characterises Office to determine the veracity of of Parliament mediated by journalists. had to leave her in the Lib Dem have reached the 40 percent minimum; the House of Commons Chamber. anecdotal claims that some MPs are It is through their lenses and pens Whips Office with members of or (ii) set an ‘end point target’: where Without wishing to reduce the staying away from the Chamber whilst that what is happening in the an organisation fails to reach 40 staff in their early 20s...things “[Eleanor Laing MP] agreed with passion, deliberation and debate others are said to dominate particular House is received. A homogenous percent female by 2020, the total parliamentary occasions and activities. Parliamentary Press Gallery risks a have improved slightly since me from the Chair that it was too of the Chamber, unprofessional, number of passes will be capped at sexist and exclusionary language If such differential participation is narrow representation of parliamentary then.” often the case that some male the point where they reach 40 percent and behaviour should have no established, a review should be politics, offering a particular ‘take’, MPs fail to listen to their female female.72 Where a media organisation Tom Brake MP63 place in the House.54 Reflecting the undertaken to consider new standards or at worse, a distorted account.69 only receives one pass at any one time counterparts, but she hoped that and sanctions. Political concerns – those not shared concerns of some MPs identified there should be an expectation that this would be overcome with in previous academic studies and by the Lobby – might also simply go over time, the sex/gender of holder “persistence”....Even before this parliamentary inquiries, and for both Speaker Recommendation 3 unreported. Independent research switches between women and men. symbolic and substantive reasons, (Short term) has made clear that women MPs are depressing episode another Tory the Speaker should: (i) secure cross in receipt of less coverage, and at the MP felt compelled to refer to my Permit MPs to be counted at the Speaker Recommendation 5 party agreement, by working with same time, highly critical and gendered “stockings” in a passing remark ‘door’ of the division lobbies when (Medium term) party leaderships and the whips, media copy.70 on my way into the debating accompanied by their children64 to uphold professional standards Initiate the IPU Gender Sensitive chamber that very morning. by all Members;55 (ii) regularly and Table 2 below details the skewed Parliament audit As the 2015 BBC documentary Inside formally remind the House of these;56 composition of Parliamentary Lobby Small victories like this one, the Commons65 laid bare, the House and (iii) police all transgressions, journalists.71 This shows considerable Initiating the process of an IPU audit especially with the active support of Commons is far from a child-friendly and if necessary introduce new improvement from the 1980s, but of the House of Commons would of the Deputy Speaker, make a institution – the image of Jenny Willott sanctions. Statements relating to reveals that men currently constitute mark out the UK as the first advanced difference.” MP running to the division lobbies with sexist language and behaviour, the nearly 75 percent of all Lobby democracy to subject its Parliament her toddler was a powerful one. The principle of diversity and equality, and journalists. to a Gender Sensitive Parliament Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh MP61 long-standing tradition of disallowing non-harassment should be explicitly evaluation. The first step involves children in the lobbies (they were until included in the concord.57 To address the over-representation of a self-assessment audit and the recently thought of as ‘Strangers’) men in the Lobby a clear target should identification of a monitoring body. was overturned in the last Parliament Members should be reminded by the MPs Jo Swinson and Duncan of Erskine May, the Guide to Hames ‘rule breaking’, and carrying Table 2: Female Parliamentary Lobby Journalists, 1983-2015 Parliamentary Practice: ‘good their baby through the lobby.66 Whilst temper and moderation are the Number of Number of Percentage of one could increase the age of children characteristics of parliamentary Lobby members women women permitted to be taken through the language’ (emphasis added).58 This Lobbies, it is preferable that a rule is 1983 135 7 5.2% reminder of professional standards introduced allowing MPs accompanied applies beyond MPs’ relations with 1993 209 28 13.4% by their young children to be counted each other, to interactions with 2003 188 32 17.0% at the ‘door’ of the Lobby.67 This parliamentary and personal staff, reform simply reflects the reality of the 2015 171 44 25.7% and Lobby journalists.59 working conditions in the House of Source: Dod’s Parliamentary Companion, various years 12 THE GOOD PARLIAMENT THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 13
The monitoring body would be the A composition of women and men life, a job description sets out the key in various ways’. Hence it should: new Commons Reference Group on reflects the principle that any new roles and responsibilities alongside ‘contain general principles and ‘Throughout the Inquiry, Representation and Inclusion. The body addressing representation and required and expected candidate main objectives and tasks, rather Members consistently referred IPU directly supports Parliaments in inclusion must itself be diverse.76 It characteristics, experiences and skills. than highly detailed prescriptions’. to the benefits and flexibilities of conducting assessments and makes follows the ‘40, 40, 20’ rule; that no Being an MP is widely thought of as To date this Speaker’s Conference life as a Member of Parliament at visible ‘best practice’ and ‘model one sex/gender should be represented distinct from other occupations or Recommendation has not been acted Westminster...Many MPs noted Parliaments’; the House of Commons at less than 40 percent, and no one professions. MPs will often emphasise upon. should seek such a standard. To begin sex/gender represented at more than that there is no one ‘ideal’ type of MP. that it gives them considerable this process in the centenary year of 60 percent (this rule also allows for There is seemingly a broad consensus In conjunction with political parties and flexibility and satisfaction...if women first gaining the right to vote those who reject binary identities). that it is up to the individual MP to experts inside and outside the House, this were more widely known and to sit in the House of Commons The Speaker is the official chair of weight the various dimensions of an including the Education Service and amongst the general population, would be most fitting, and would the Commons Reference Group on MP’s work: representing constituency Outreach, the Commons Reference this Committee believes more add to the other commemorative Representation and Inclusion but his interests and their constituents’ Group on Representation and Inclusion celebrations already in place for Deputies will be acting chairs. The individual interests (case work), should produce a statement that diverse candidates would be 2018.73 Deputy Speakers are in addition to parliamentary scrutiny (written and oral speaks to the non-political citizen, encouraged to step forward.’81 the ordinary committee Members. questions, membership of a Public revealing to ordinary people what By handing over the active chairing Bill or select committee or All Party MPs do in Parliament and in the to the Deputy Speakers, Mr Speaker Parliamentary Groups, for example), constituency,86 and showing that being The Commons “I have generally been able is importantly signalling the group’s and party work, in the constituency an MP is something that all can aspire Reference Group autonomy from any Speaker as an and in Parliament. to.87 This would address in a new to get home on a Thursday to on Representation individual.77 way the aforementioned Speaker’s pick up my 10-year old...we ‘The five key components The main political parties represented Conference recommendation for the and Inclusion are sometimes able to flex our of being an MP: (1) working The Reference Group will liaise with at Westminster already outline – albeit House to create a job description working days and plan around party and House leaders, including to lesser and greater degrees – what whilst at the same time taking seriously with and for local people The Commons Reference Group on our home life. I think my little Whips, key Committees and their they are looking for in parliamentary MPs’ reluctance to define what (constituency work); (2) the Representation and Inclusion has the chairs, (e.g. Procedure, Liaison, candidates, as noted in the 2014 might be taken to constitute a ‘job 10 year old thought to himself: potential to deliver significant symbolic publicly perceived aspects: Administration, and the Women and Women in Parliament APPG Report.83 prescription’, and therefore something ‘I’m a bit better off than many and substantive improvements speaking in the Chamber, being Equalities Committee), backbench In some instances these criteria were they could not support. The cross- others’.” within the House. Its very existence on select committees, taking part Committees, party Groups, and developed explicitly to address a party agreement will have additional symbolises that the House of relevant APPGs, not least the WIP commitment to equal opportunities symbolic value: demonstrating in a Karin Smyth MP82 in all party parliamentary groups Commons – as an institution – takes APPG. It will also work closely with in party processes of candidate non-partisan way, and to audiences (APPGs), seeking amendments, seriously diversity insensitivities and the Clerk of the House, the Director selection.84 These party candidate beyond existing party members, what deficiencies, issues of representation speaking in the House and General, the Workplace Equality descriptors are to be welcomed; they it takes to be an elected representative and inclusion, and, indeed, elsewhere, issuing press Networks, and the wider House enable party members to consider at Westminster. The Reference parliamentary effectiveness and releases; (3) work[ing] for your Service, including, the Education, if they have the requisite credentials Group should instruct political parties standing. Substantively, the Group’s and Outreach and Engagement to be successful in the parties’ represented in the House, and permit political party; (4) using the role remit is to take the lead for delivering, teams. Externally it should liaise with recruitment processes. other civil society actors, to cross- to pursue particular interests; in a systematic and sustained fashion, relevant civil society groups.78 The reference this statement on the public The Good Parliament agenda. It (5) being an employer.’79 Reference Group will be supported by What of the member of the public pages of their websites. provides political and institutional a secretariat of procedural, subject- contemplating the work of an MP? leadership, and will act to ensure that based and administrative support. It is at the stage prior to someone Commons Reference Group on individual parliamentary actors, as joining a political party that the House Representation and Inclusion “Next time you see an image of well as the House collectively, fulfil Commons Reference Group on of Commons has an important role their roles in implementing necessary Recommendation 7 an almost empty Chamber, take Representation and Inclusion to play. It should act to both educate reforms. The Group will draw up (Medium Term) a moment to consider where the public more about what it is that a Programme of Action for each Recommendation 6 MPs do, and explicitly signal the range Engage in various parliamentary else MPs may be and what parliament, and will report to the (Short Term) of characteristics, skills, dispositions, and other activities to enhance the they could be doing – whether Speaker on an annual basis. They Publish a series of statements and experience that makes for ‘good’ supply of, and demand for, diverse scrutinising Government on should, via the Backbench Business detailing and promoting the role representatives. This was the clear parliamentary candidates committee, seek an annual debate on Select Committees, raising and work of MPs, to both educate statement of intent of the Speaker’s the floor of the House. issues for debate in Westminster the public more about what it is Conference (Recommendation 14): • Seek biennial parliamentary that MPs do, and to explicitly signal ‘A description of the main functions debates at the time of International Hall, working on behalf of The Commons Reference Group the range of characteristics, skills, of a Member of Parliament should Women’s Day to discuss the individual constituents facing on Representation and Inclusion is dispositions, and experiences be drawn up, agreed between the diversity of parliamentary candidates difficulties, dealing with party comprised of a small membership: relevant to the job of being an MP parties and published.’85 Note, this selected by political parties for the 9 MPs, women and men, from across matters, campaigning, or running recommendation acknowledged that subsequent general election88 the House reflecting party balance, a busy office as an employer.” How do you know if you want a such a description ‘should not remove and should include Members from particular job? How do you know if you the scope for MPs to approach the • Seek amendment – at the Sir Paul Beresford MP80 other under-represented groups.74 can do a job? In most other walks of job of representing their constituency earliest opportunity – to any Parties nominate members.75 14 THE GOOD PARLIAMENT THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 15
new employment law (in the the House should maintain existing Parliament have failed to select The general debate over quotas is well spirit of Speaker’s Conference percentages of MPs92 at least 50 percent women in a rehearsed.100 In summary, critics will Recommendations 36, 37 and party’s ‘vacant held’ and ‘target state that they are unfair and offend the 38) to give approved prospective The Government’s legislation to seats’.95 Introduce permissive principle of merit,101 whilst advocates parliamentary candidates who are reduce the size of the House to 600 legislation to allow for party quotas will query the meritocratic nature of employees the right to request a Members constitutes, on paper, an for other under-represented groups, current selection processes,102 and reasonable amount of unpaid leave opportunity that could be seized to where parties have failed to select provide international evidence that during working hours, and the right deliver a parity Parliament in 2020. proportional percentages of quotas work.103 The diffusion of quotas to work flexibly for the purposes of Crudely, if the political parties selected candidates from these groups96 is documented in Chart 1 below. campaigning at a general election equal numbers of women and men and or by-election, or to receive a candidates in the seats they expect The 2010 Speaker’s Conference There may always be residual grant from the state equivalent to to hold and, or are very likely to win at concluded that solutions to address resistance to the idea of quotas in the minimum wage for the period the next general election, then all other the under-representation of one group principle, but the evidence in respect of sometimes known as the short things being equal, the Commons in in Parliament might not be appropriate sex/gender quotas – in the UK104 and campaign 2020 would overnight constitute a sex/ for another under-represented group. globally – is in the same direction sex/ gender parity Parliament. If the parties There is considerable academic gender quotas (when well designed) • Amend the Sex Discrimination selected women and men from a range and civil society consensus that deliver increased numbers of women (Election Candidates) Act 2002 of backgrounds the House would also the most effective intervention for into legislatures.105 There is a 10 either: (i) to remove the sunset be more representative across other women’s under-representation is the percentage point difference between clause; or (ii) to revise the sunset dimensions as well. ‘quota-plus’ strategy.97 Quota-plus countries using sex/gender quotas clause so that it is triggered only refers to the introduction of sex/ and those that do not.106 And of those when women and men constitute This is no doubt rather fanciful. Factor gender quotas alongside supply- countries with more than 30 percent no less than 40 percent of MPs for in incumbency and the number of side interventions such as training, women Members of Parliament, over two consecutive Parliaments openings for new candidates will be mentoring, and additional funding. 80 percent use some kind of quota.107 far fewer. Indeed, unless explicit action Turning to BME representation, there Close to home, the positive impact of • Commission a report into the is taken the boundary review more is some talk of quotas but there is as legislative quotas can be seen in the sexist, racist, disablist, classist, and likely constitutes a challenge to a more yet no substantial public appetite for March 2016 election in the Republic homophobic treatment of MPs by representative Commons. This is the them.98 Consideration of ‘All working of Ireland. This saw 35 women the print media at the midpoint of view of some senior women Members class’ quota appears to be growing, Members (TDs) elected, resulting in this, and each, Parliament89 and some civil society actors. All although like BME quotas there is no an overall percentage of women TDs political parties should seek to increase demand akin to those for sex/gender of 22 percent. Compared with 2011, • Commission data detailing the the percentages of their women MPs. quotas.99 Research on sexuality and when there were only 25 women percentage of MPs from under- The minimum that the parties must representation frequently privilege TDs, this constitutes an increase of represented groups acting as official do is to sign up to a commitment cultural change amongst the public 40 percent.108 That there was also spokespeople for their parties in the that there will be no decline in the and political parties. In respect of a 90 percent increase in the number national press, and participating in percentage of women selected in their disability arguments tend to emphasise of candidates demonstrates that the key TV political programmes90 party’s held and target seats for the enhancing the resources made creation of an artificial demand for 2020 general election, compared with available to disabled persons seeking women candidates – via quotas – had • Ask the Consultative Panel on the 2015 general election. (A target selection as parliamentary candidates. a positive impact on the supply pool Parliamentary Security to report on seat is one where the party came 2nd what more can be done to protect or 3rd by a margin of 5 percent or less.) Chart 1: The Adoption of Sex/Gender Quotas over Time MPs from social media violence, As Baroness Anne Jenkin puts it, ‘no and what more can be done to woman left behind’.93 Political parties Number of Countries protect the children of MPs from currently represented in the House only media intrusion91 by male MPs should publish a target 90 for the number of women MPs they are 80 Commons Reference Group on seeking to elect in 2020. 70 Representation and Inclusion Recommendation 8 Commons Reference Group on 60 (Medium Term) Representation and Inclusion 50 Recommendation 9 40 Secure a cross-party concord (Longer term) regarding candidate selection 30 for the 2020 Parliament following Introduce prior to dissolution in 20 the boundary review: all political 202094 statutory sex/gender quotas parties should seek to increase to take effect for the 2025 general 10 the percentage of its women election if, three months prior to 0 MPs – at the absolute minimum the 2020 general election, political 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 all parties currently represented in parties currently represented in Source: Table 6.1 from Paxton and Hughes, 2016 16 THE GOOD PARLIAMENT THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 17
of women.109 In other words, women For example: in appointing selection by parties and election House of Commons is sitting, and will put themselves forward in greater parliamentary members of the to the House of Commons. IPSA returning to his wife, children and numbers when quotas are integrated House of Commons Commission make commitments to support ‘MPs Labrador on the weekends is an into the system of candidate selection. under section 1(2) (d) of the House working from two fixed locations’ and old-fashioned and masculinised of Commons Administration Act to provide ‘appropriate support for model of an MP.118 Given the current Commons Reference Group on 1978 and external members of the MPs’ families’.113 IPSA are currently parliamentary calendar and sitting Representation and Inclusion Commission under section 2B of that consulting on the MPs’ Scheme of hours of the House of Commons, the Act, the House should ensure that at Business Costs and Expenses.114 single-parent MP, the MP who wants Recommendation 10 least two are men and two women. An Equality Impact Assessment to reside with their family as much as (Short Term) This rule change would have an is to be ‘developed during the possible, and the MP with a partner Sponsor a measure to gender additional symbolic effect: in fulfilling consultation period’. IPSA add: working in London, will want to have balance MP membership of the the IPU’s ‘sharing responsibility’ ‘there will be a full assessment of their children with them in London House of Commons Commission principle, a male dominated House any changes that we make to the when the House is sitting, and in the of Commons Commission would rules following consultation’.115 In constituency at the weekends and The House of Commons Commission be demonstrating its institutional line with a recommendation of the during recess. A regime of business ‘is responsible for the administration commitment to a Diversity Sensitive 2014 Women in Parliament APPG costs and expenses that does not and services of the House of Parliament. Improving Parliament Report, this support such arrangements will likely Commons’.110 The current sex/gender Report recommends a comprehensive skew the supply pool of candidates composition of the Commission is Commons Reference Group on diversity and equality review that to those who follow a more traditional highly unfortunate; none of the MPs Representation and Inclusion feeds into IPSA’s current consultation. family model or those who have on the Commission are female. Box 2 outlines diversity sensitive independent means.119 IPSA should in Recommendation 11 Such a state of affairs cannot easily principles that should inform IPSA’s its 2016 review reflect on the adequacy (Short Term) be defended in 2016. To prevent review of MPs’ Business Costs and of the accommodation ‘uplift’ for this happening in the future, a rule Commission a comprehensive Expenses. children, and the rules regarding change should be introduced. A diversity and equality audit of partner and child travel between the gender-balanced House of Commons the Independent Parliamentary In previous reviews of IPSA’s provision constituency and Westminster. There Commission should be achieved by Standards Authority (IPSA), and for MPs the claim that MPs’ pay and is qualitative evidence to suggest that 2020, at the latest. Accordingly, and submit its findings to the IPSA conditions do not affect the diversity some MPs are having to supplement in a similar fashion to the requirements consultation (October 2016) of the supply pool of parliamentary these allowances with their own that the Speaker and Deputy Speakers candidates was challenged by gender funds.120 are comprised of both women and Any pay and expenses regime must equality experts and some women men MPs,111 the Reference Group work for all MPs; pay and expenses MPs.116 Subsequent academic ii. Defend the principle that should seek a rule change that must not constitute a barrier to a more research established for the first ‘connected parties’ can be requires a mixed MP Membership.112 diverse group of individuals seeking time that there was a significant legitimately employed by MPs as ‘motherhood gap’ in Parliament.117 part of a wider commitment to Problematic gendered assumptions the principle of family Box 2: Diversity Sensitive Principles and MPs’ Business Costs and Expenses continue to underpin the system of The expenses and pay regime for MPs should neither explicitly nor implicitly MPs costs and expenses, working to In 2014-15 IPSA report that there discriminate against certain groups of people. This is for reasons of equality and the detriment of the parent MP – male were 171 connected parties employed fairness, but also because to do so would likely negatively impact the supply pool of and female; and there are unintended by MPs and that 25 percent of MPs candidates seeking election. Given the difficulty of determining this relationship, the consequences of existing rules and employed a connected party.121 It is precautionary principle should come into play practices that particularly affect clear from qualitative evidence that Any expenses and pay regime for MPs should be explicitly designed to facilitate the working class MPs, and MPs without the right to employ a connected party effective work of an MP at both Westminster and in the constituency additional private wealth. is valued by many MPs and by the Within this overarching commitment to the ‘effective’ MP, MPs’ resilience, and that of connected party.122 This right should their family, should be central The following general principles should be maintained as it is one way in which inform the Audit commissioned by some MPs – like other small family IPSA should always act to ensure the retention of a diversity of MPs; where issues of the Commons Reference Group on businesses – manage their work/ retention are identified, measures should be implemented to directly address these Representation and Inclusion: life balance and family commitments. MPs’ experiences of housing, travel and security are likely mediated by their gender It should be noted that IPSA find and other identities, not least ethnicity, disability and sexuality, as well as their family i. Defend the principle of the family there is no ‘substantive evidence of situations and support sufficient funds for misconduct in the employment of MPs should not feel obliged to supplement their pay and expenses costs with their family accommodation in the connected parties’.123 own private income; being an MP should be affordable by people from across socio- constituency and Westminster, economic backgrounds and for familial travel between iii. Seek the equitable publication of IPSA should be cognisant of the media context within MPs live and work; and Westminster and the constituency costs incurred by MPs in respect recognise that some groups of MPs, such as women, LGBTQ or BME MPs, of their children. That is, like might receive more hostile coverage; and that some groups of MPs may be more The traditional image of an MP residing the additional costs incurred for concerned about the possible impact of the media on their families in a London pied-à-terre when the reasons of disability or additional 18 THE GOOD PARLIAMENT THE GOOD PARLIAMENT 19
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