The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...

Page created by Clarence Klein
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all
generations including your youngest talent
© 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...
Bibliography & Articles:

  “The Power of Moments” Chip Heath & Dan Heath -

  Managing for Happiness – by Jurgen Appelo –

  The Ultimate Guide to Remote Teamwork –

  The Joy of Work – by Bruce Daisley -

  The Ultimate Guide to Remote Teamwork –
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...
What’s changed? The good news for some

          % of ecommerce growth between 2009 and 2021

    30%                                                               Sources
                                                                      • McKinsey Analytics
                                                                      • Forrester Research
                                                                      • OECD




                                                        % UK   % US
             2009        2019         2020
          2009         2019         2020           UK          USA
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...
What’s changed? The bad news for some
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...
Generations in the workforce today

               Generation Types            Dates

                Silent Generation              1925 to 1945

                Baby Boomers                   1946 to 1964

                Generation X                   1965 to 1980

                Millennials (Gen Y)            1981 to 1996

                Generation Z                   1997 to 2009

                                Source: Office of National Statistics (UK) and Pew Research Center (USA)
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...
The Silent

Born 1925 to 1945
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...

Born 1946 to 1964
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...
True or False?
Older generations
like Silents and Baby
Boomers can’t use
technology as well
as Millennials and
Generation Z
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...
The Winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize for Chemistry
include one Baby Boomer and two Silents

   John Goodenough      Stanley Whittingham         Akiro Yoshino
       Aged 97                Aged 77                 Aged 71
The Generation Game: Getting the best out of all generations including your youngest talent - 2021 Henry Rose Lee. Unauthorised copying strictly ...
Generation X

Born 1965 to 1980

Born 1981 to 1996
Generation Z

Born 1997 to 2009
True or False
Choose  1 answer
Which generation of workers
is the least loyal today?
a) Generation X?
b) Millennials?
c) Generation Z?

It’s Generation Z
                         for engaging

© 2021 Henry Rose Lee. All rights reserved.
Choose 1 answer
Which is more important
for young talent when they
go after a job or
a) Culture?
b) Money?
c) Flexibility?
Money is the #1 Priority for Millennials (and Gen Z)
when they are choosing a job

        63%                      52%                                   50%

    #1 Money (Pay)       #2 Culture (great place to       #3 Flexibility (in training,
                          work and right values)           career, advancement &
                                                             work: life balance)

                                                      Source: Deloitte Millennials Survey Report
True or False?
 Millennials & Gen Z
 naturally build a
 community in the

Younger talent is different from older talent

       They are tech-          They are interested              Their most important
         savvy and             in money and what                community is online
     comfortable WFH            it can do for them

                                                     Sources: PWC, Deloitte, McKinsey, Gallup etc.
Millennials (and Gen Z) want to progress or they’ll leave…

   Percent of Millennials and Gen Zs who plan to leave their current
   organisations in the next two years for the following reasons:

            34%                 33%                 27%                          15%

            43%                 35%                 28%                          23%

   Dissatisfied with     Not enough        Lack of learning              Lack of
    pay / financial    opportunities to   and development            appreciation and
       rewards            advance           opportunities                 value
                                               Source: Deloitte 2019 Global Millennial Survey Report
The genie is out of the bottle – remote working is here to stay
Remote Working does provide benefits

        35%                      21%                       41%                            12%

Increased Productivity   Increased Profitability   Reduced Absenteeism              Reduced Attrition

                                                   Sources: Gallup, Harvard, Stamford, GW Analytics 2020
Choose 1 answer
What’s the number 1 challenge of
remote working for employees?

a) Missing structure & routine

b) Missing in-person discussions

c) Missing in-person collaboration
What do people miss when working remotely?

             75%                     32%                      21%

   I miss work conversations   I miss the structure   I miss collaborating
     and working colleagues      and routine of a      with other people
           around me                workplace

                                                      Source: Vodafone Survey April 2020
More bad news about remote working…

                                      Source: Ezra April 2021
Gen Z (16 to 24) struggles most with remote work

    Generation Z most struggle with:
    •   Being productive
    •   Knowing they’ve done a good
    •   Getting ongoing development
    •   Getting question and issues
    •   Managing their mental health

                                                   Sources: Harvard, McKinsey, Forbes 2020
Breakout #1: How can you engage young talent by
building community?
Engaging every generation by building community spirit

                                          Maximise the following:

                                          • FAST Comms

                                          • Induction & Onboarding

                                          • Reverse Mentoring &

                                          • Socialisation
Breakout #2: How can you engage young talent by maximising
collaboration and contribution? And how can you “sell” it to leaders?

        Group 1                    Group 2                  Group 3
  Building collaboration     Building contribution      Managing upwards
Group 1: Maximising Collaboration

                                    Set up Projects

                                    Run mixed teams

                                    Rotate roles

                                    Give feedback & coaching
Group 2: Maximising Contribution

                                   Goals and OKRs

                                   Roles and responsibilities


                                   Recognition & Celebration
Group 3: Managing upwards

                            Understand your leader’s goals

                            Match your leader’s style

                            Do next issue avoidance

                            Provide a business case
Cyndi Williams CEO of Quinn

                  "There are three things that people consider
                  when deciding whether to stay or leave.

                  The first is, am I growing and learning?

                  The second is, do I have friends in the company?

                  The third is, am I making an impact …does
                  something in the world get better as a result of
                  the time I'm spending here?”
Thank You
Thanks very much – any questions?

 © 2021 All copyright in these slides and this presentation belongs to Henry Rose Lee.
 Copying, reproduction, transmission and broadcast without permission is strictly prohibited. All rights are reserved.
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