The future of investing is investing in the future - SHOKWORKS INC. 2023

Page created by Juanita Castillo
The future of investing is investing in the future - SHOKWORKS INC. 2023
The future of investing is investing in the future

                                                     shokworks .io   ©SHOKWORKS INC. 2023
The future of investing is investing in the future - SHOKWORKS INC. 2023
   Shokworks is a global software development
                                                                     Shokworks is a hands-on partner for
  and investments firm that created the concept                   technology scaleups in late Seed, Series A,
     of “company builder.” As a global company                   and even Series B stages to achieve traction
     builder, Shokworks serves as an engine of                   and scale. We curated our pioneering “scale
  growth for scaleups worldwide through capital                       on demand” offering to effectively
  allocations, engineering teams on demand, and                  accompany scaleups in every phase of their
    “in-kind” contributions in the form of capital                      growth trajectory in real-time.
      advisory and management best practices.

DECK 2023                                            SHOKWORKS                                                  01
The future of investing is investing in the future - SHOKWORKS INC. 2023
                             7 Shokworks was founded2
                                                                                                                                                     7 Opened new offices in Valencia2

 2018                                                                                       2020
                             7 First Partner, TwoWay Sports, the leading sports
                               enterprise with the launch of Liga Dimayor App,                                                                       7 Alejandro Laplana became part of the Board
                               Millonarios Fútbol Club Official App, and                                                                               of Directors and Key Advisors of Unitea2
                               Colombia's National men's soccer Team official App                                                                    7 Partnership with Troop.. $4 . 3 million raised

                               which achieved 2M+ users, 10M+ USD revenue, and                7 Expanded footprint to Dallas and NYC2                  in a seed round2
                               2X APP of the day in Appstore Colombia.

                      7 Partnership with Rivals, a free-to-play              7 New partnerships: TNS, Shimoku,
                                                                                                sports & entertainment gamification                    FreshPeople, Internxt, and Deal Box2
                                                                                                with high impact in the industry,                    7 Miami Tech Week Event Featuring Jake Paul.

                                                                                                developing Web and mobile apps for
                                                                                                the NFL, ESPN, and Tampa Buccaneers

                             2019                                                                        2021                               202 3
                                                                                                                                            o First Innovation Forum, hosted by Shokworks and
       o Partnership with Kinesis, the now Industry                         7 We created the platform for Compass Mining, the                 Deal Box, that reunites our global ecosystem of
      Leader in fully allocated precious metals, as a                         now pioneers in DIY bitcoin mining, the #1 Bitcoin              partners and investors.E
     result of our investments. It’s accessible in 195                    Mining Podcast, and the #1 Bitcoin Mining Newsletter              o Partnership with Reental, the leading European

    countries and became the 10th largest capital-                        out there. With our development they achieved 200x                  R eal Estate Tokeni z ation platform c
   raising vehicle in 2019, with achievements such                          revenue growth; Compass Mining was also publicly                o Alejandro Laplana, becomes Key Investor and
           as $190 million in tokens sold, $6.3B USD                       endorsed by Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter and                 M ember of the Board of Advisors of Compass M ining.
         volume traded to date, and 100,000+ users.
                                        current CEO of Block, as a VIP user.

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The future of investing is investing in the future - SHOKWORKS INC. 2023
Shokworks Metrics

       Founded in
        HQ in Miami
        NYC, Dallas, Madrid, Valencia, Buenos Aires and Caracas

        Products Developed

        Portfolio Companies

        Portfolio Value

       Generated for Clients and Partners
       in Revenue and Cost Savings.

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The future of investing is investing in the future - SHOKWORKS INC. 2023
We Work with
Scaleups           Enterprises

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The future of investing is investing in the future - SHOKWORKS INC. 2023

                      ALEJANDRO Laplana               Daniel Laplana
                               CEO                          CCO

     Oscar Gonzalez   ALEXANDRA      Erick Umanchuk               CARLOS URBINA       JORGE ROJAS
            CTO        BARRETO                pmo                  vp of customer
   vp of engineering
                         COO                                           suCcess

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ComPany builder

                  Seed Capital
   Venture Capital
   Shokworks Company

                            Studio     Accelerator                    Series A Fund        Builder Model

           Number of
           Scaleups           2-4          10+            10+              10+                10+
           Per Year

                           Very High       Low           Low               High
           Program for
           Scaleups and       No           Yes            No              Some                Yes

          Equity Taken      20-90%        6-12%         10-30%            10-30%
                              No           Yes            Yes              Yes                Yes
                              Yes          Yes            No               No                 Yes
           Seed to

           Series A
                           15 months    20 months      20 months           N/A            12 months
           Full Service
                              Yes          Yes            No               No                 Yes
We’re masters in Company Building

                   Helping the world’s most innovative companies and
                    industry leaders break through every challenge.

            Agile Teams          Cutting-Edge          Capital     Leadership


DECK 2023                                  SHOKWORKS                             07
Capital Advisory             Company Builder
                              Technology Services          Software Innovations
                              Cost Effective Scaling       Capital Allocation
                              IT Transformation

                              Mitigate Risk

                              Build Better, Faster

                              Repeatable Process

                              Create Exponential Value

            our partners

                              Domain Expertise
            Mature Businesses

                              Know - How
                  Strategic Investors

                              Assets and Unique
           Proven Founders

DECK 2023                         SHOKWORKS                                       08




            Inf ra

               FrontEnd                         Virtual


DECK 2023                                     SHOKWORKS                                      09
technological domainS

                           Blockchain                         Tokenization
                            and NFT

             Ar tificial
                                         and Vir tual                        Fintech
                                           Reail ty


                           Internet of                        Architecture

                             Things                            and Digital






DECK 2023                                   S H O KWO R K S                            10

                                              Talent as

                                              a Service                                              Go-to-Market

                                      Augmentation                                              MVP
            Teams on
             Demand               Managed
                                                                                            Human Capital
                                  Teams                                                     Investment

                             Project Rescue                                        Scaleup Advisory

                        Support                                                Capital
                        Outsourcing                                            Efficiency

DECK 2023                                                  SHOKWORKS                                                11
Web/Mobile                                                 Technical
                                              Development                                                Audit

                                           UX/UI Design                                               Digital

                                       Cloud Infrastructure                                        Cloud
Custom Software                        Development                    Digital                      Migration
   Development                                                Transformation
                                   Blockchain                                                CRM & ERP
                                   Development                                               Implementation

                          AR & VR                                                      Platform & Data
                          Applications                                                 Integration

                    AI, Machine
                    Learning, Big Data                                           Cybersecurity

              Internet of things                                            Analitycs & Business
              (IoT)                                                         Intelligence

 DECK 2023                                            SHOKWORKS                                                      12
As seen on

                 Unitea Unveils Board
                 of Directors Featuring       Local Innovators Take Home
                    Industry Titans of         Awards at Dallas’ State of
                   Music, Marketing,
          Entrepreneurship 2022
                      and Business


                  Dallas’ Shokworks Co-              15 Technology
                 Launches International,           Investments Every
              Startup Should Make
                 Co-Living Properties for
       As Soon As Possible

                     Digital Nomads

DECK 2023     SHOKWORKS                                                     13
O U R AWA R D S / R e co g n i t i o n

                                                                                                      Rising Entrepreneur of
             2X APP of the day in    #2 APP in Enter taiment                   IHRMS Best new
                                                                                                      the Year and Investor of
              Appstore Colombia
    in Appstore Colombia
                 product in technology

                                                                                                        the Year Alejandro


                                                                              Stellar Community         Alejandro Laplana
             Barclays Entrepreneur    Tech Nation (Winner                      (Winner) Stellar       Zabarain OUTSTANDING
             Award 2021 (Winner)      2020) Rising Stars 3.0
                Community Fund #9

 DECK 2023                                                      SHOKWORKS                                                        14
Our Successes

                                                           Now everyone can mine bitcoin

                Compass Mining is revolutionizing the way people mine Bitcoin, as a Bitcoin-first company, they are on a mission to support
              decentralized growth of hash rate and strengthen network security. They have developed a platform that makes mining Bitcoin
             accessible to everyone, and their goal is to empower individuals to take an active role in the mining process, learn more about the
            technology and explore the potential of Bitcoin mining. With Compass Mining, mining Bitcoin is no longer a prohibitive venture but
                                                            rather a profitable opportunity for all.

                           The Problem                                                                         The Solution:

   sl High barriers to access to the necessary machines and                           Compass Mining and Shokworks developed a platform that makes
        infrastructure make it difficult for both institutional                        Bitcoin mining accessible to everyone, by providing a one-stop-
                  and retail investors to participatel                                   shop for the necessary hardware and hosting locations and
   Pl The 24/7 management required for successful mining                                removing the barriers and complexity that have traditionally
           further adds to the complexity and makes it an                              hindered mining for individuals and institutions. With its user-
                    unattractive venture for many.                                      friendly interface and value-added services such as monthly
                                                                                               billing, customers can now mine Bitcoin easily.

DECK 2023                                                                 SHOKWORKS                                                                       15
               12K+ Customer                     $5MM

              Net Revenue
              Worldwide                    Fixed Assets

             2021 + 2022 YTD

                             #1 Bitcoin
          #1 Bitcoin Mining
                           Mining Podcast

            Compass Mining was publicly endorsed by Jack Dorsey, former
            CEO of Twitter and current CEO of Block, as a VIP user.

DECK 2023                 SHOKWORKS                                                   16
Colombia's National Men's Soccer Team

       Colombia's National Men’s Soccer Team was one of our first partners through TwoWay Sports. The team represents Colombia worldwide
         in CONMEBOL and is in the FIFA World Rankings. The team has a dedicated national and international fan base, which the product
                                   helped cover and engage fans throughout the entire Russia 2018 World Cup.

 The Problem: Develop an application that can fulfill Colombia's               The Solution: The official application that Shokworks delivered
     National Soccer Team's fanbase needs, creating highly                      allowed users to stream Colombia’s international matches in
             engaging, sticky, and useful features.
                           real- time. The chat/community option "Wall Tricolor" let users
                                                                                express their support to the team via voting options as they
                                                                                could share their ideal lineups for every match in the "Once
                                                                                              Ideal” feature along many others.

DECK 2023                                                          SHOKWORKS                                                                     17
10M+ USD   Ran Successfully   2M+ Users    2X APP of the
             Revenue   Through the 2018               day in Appstore
                          World Cup


                       Official Colombian Team App.

DECK 2023               SHOKWORKS                                       18

                                        “I am a 30 year veteran of pioneering technology products and have been pushing the
                                        edge of international development and economics since it was possible. I have never
                                        had a better experience than working with Shokworks. There's not enough space to
                                        share all of the reasons but here are a few that quite frankly are all you need to know
                                        whether a growth start up or a F500 enterprise: US time zones, perfect English, everyone
                                        is high integrity, pleasant and goes above and beyond, as technically cutting-edge as
                                        anyone in Silicon Valley or beyond, proactive communicators, emotional ownership of
               Paul Kirchoff            the effort at all levels - from CEO to CTO to Developers and QA members as well.

            Chairman & CEO EPX.GLOBAL
                                        Cost effective for this level of talent is an understatement.I am bombarded by BS talent
                                        shops 24/7 like all tech leaders but these guys are who you are looking for. That's all
                                        there is to it. If you are considering Shokworks, do yourself a favor and shut down other
                                        conversations and start moving headcount to them because they are a partner that can
                                        invent, build and scale."

DECK 2023                                                    SHOKWORKS                                                              19
“As the CTO at Troop, a new shareholder activism platform for retail investors, I can
                        confidently say that Shokworks has been an invaluable and great technical partner
                        for us. They have helped us think through our architecture and roll out mobile
                        apps, and have been instrumental in rapidly staffing our team as we scale up and
            Zen Yui     down. Their experienced architects have been a great resource for our new startup
            CTO Troop   technical team to bounce ideas off of, and have helped us build a platform that is
                        connecting everyday investors to activism that impacts their daily lives."

DECK 2023                                SHOKWORKS                                                              20
“As one of the cofounders of Omigo App, a consumer app for social networking
                                             and online advertising, I couldn't be happier with our decision to partner with
                                             Shokworks. They have been instrumental in helping us build and test our
                                             product, and we're excited for the upcoming beta launch. The event hosted by
            Patrick Ramsey                   Dealbox and Shokworks was a great opportunity for us to connect with other
              CO-FOUNDER OMIG,
                                             entrepreneurs and partners, and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges
             8 cHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD of
                       coder%                and opportunities in our industry."

DECK 2023                                                       SHOKWORKS                                                      21
Shokworks Newsletter

                      Shokworks On The Mic Podcast

  What ’ s new      Industry Insight Articles

                   Forbes Technology Council

                 SDBCF Innovation Forum

DECK 2023               SHOKWORKS                      22
L e t ' s g e t

            in touch

            Email us at:

            s a l e s @ s h o kwo r ks . i o

            to scale up your bussin ess!

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