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                                        Finance Bill, 2022 has proposed over 80 amendments to the
                                        existing Income-tax Act. The Bill proposes some amendments,
                                        which could have the effect of overruling quite a few Court and
                                        Tribunal rulings.
                                        Taxsutra Editorial Team has compiled a list of rulings that are
                                        likely to be impacted if the amendments take effect as


    1.   Revisionary Powers on TPO’s OVERRULED
         Order [Section 263]
                                              JCB India [TS-26-ITAT-2022(DEL)-TP]
         It is proposed to amend the
                                              Delhi ITAT rejected revisionary jurisdiction over TPO’s order as
         provisions of section 263 of the
                                              well as consequent assessment order passed in conformity with
         Act so as to provide that the
                                              TPO’s order. TPO passed an order and made an adjustment to
         Principal Chief Commissioner or
                                              the ALP of the royalty paid to the AE on one specific model and
         the Chief Commissioner or the
                                              AO passed the final assessment order in conformity with TPO’s
         Principal     Commissioner        or
                                              order. ITAT also held that due to restriction imposed under
         Commissioner who is assigned
                                              section 263(1), learned PCIT had no administrative power to
         the jurisdiction of transfer pricing
                                              revise the order passed by the TPO.
         may call for and examine the
         record of any proceeding under Tata Communications Limited [TS-361-ITAT-2013(Mum)-TP]
         this Act, and if he considers that
                                              Mumbai ITAT set aside the order of CIT observing that CIT did
         any order passed by the TPO,
                                              not have jurisdiction to revise TPO’s order passed u/s 92CA and
         working under his jurisdiction, to
                                              TPO’s order was binding on the AO. The TPO passed an order
         be erroneous in so far as it is
                                              proposing TP adjustment and AO passed an assessment order
         prejudicial to the interests of
                                              in conformity with the ALP determined by the TPO. CIT
         revenue, he may pass an order
                                              invoked 263 since TPO proposed adjustment on certain
         directing revision of the order of
                                              transactions in AY 2007-08 and similar adjustment was required
         TPO. Consequential changes are
                                              to be made in AY 2005-06 and 2006-07 also.
         also be made in the provisions of
         section 153 of the Act.              Essar Steel Ltd [TS-698-ITAT-2012(Mum)-TP]

         These amendments will take Mumbai ITAT held that CIT could not revise TPO’s order u/s
         effect from 1st of April, 2022 263 as TPO functioned separately under DIT. ITAT further
                                             observed that there was no clarity in provisions as to authority
                                             who can revise TPO’s order. Noted that DIT should have
                                             initiated revision proceedings instead of forwarding proposal to


                                                 CIT. Terming the assessment order not erroneous or prejudicial
                                                 to interest of Revenue, ITAT held it in conformity with TPO’s


                                                 Agro Tech Foods Ltd [TS-681-ITAT-2020(HYD)-TP]

                                                 Hyderabad ITAT upheld CIT's revisionary jurisdiction u/s. 263
                                                 in setting aside TPO's order and directing TPO to recompute the
                                                 ALP. ITAT explained that TP order is a part of assessment order,
                                                 amenable to jurisdiction of CIT u/s. 263 and observed that any
                                                 order passed by the AO could be revised by the CIT and the
                                                 order of the TPO u/s 92CA was based on the reference of the
                                                 AO and therefore, it was also part of the assessment record and
                                                 could be revised by the CIT u/s 263.

    2. Clarification on Deductibility of         OVERRULED
                                                 M.M. Aqua Technologies Ltd [TS-645-SC-2021]
         [Section 43B]
                                                 SC distinguished ruling in Gujarat Cypromet and allowed
         Section 43B of the Act provides for     assessee's appeals over disallowance of interest u/s 43B on it’s
         certain deductions to be allowed        conversion into a new loan under an agreement between the
         only     on     actual      payment.    lender and borrower. Held that in the facts of the present case,
         Explanation 3C, 3CA and 3D to           Explanation 3C that was meant to plug a loophole could not be
         Section 43B provide that any            brought to the aid of Revenue based on well-established canons
         interest referred to in these clauses   of interpretation, which came to the rescue of the Assessee. SC
         which has been converted into a         held that Section 43B was not misused by not actually paying
         loan or borrowing or advance shall      interest but by converting interest into a fresh loan and
         not be deemed to have been              thus, bona fide transactions of actual payments were not meant
         actually paid.                          to be affected, any ambiguity in the language of Explanation 3C
                                                 was to be resolved in favour of the assessee.
         The Finance Bill, 2022 proposes to
         amend Explanation 3C, Explanation       CONFIRMED
         3CA and Explanation 3D of by
         clarifying that conversion of           Gujarat Cypromet Ltd [TS-85-SC-2019]
         interest payable under clause (d),
                                              SC reversed Gujarat HC order and ruled in favour of Revenue,
         clause (da), and clause (e) of
                                              upheld AO's disallowance u/s. 43B for conversion of unpaid
         Section 43B, into debenture or any
                                              interest into loan. Noted that the interest liability which accrued
         other instrument by which liability
                                              during subject AY was not actually paid back by the assessee
         to pay is deferred to a future date,


         shall also not be deemed to have rather was sought to be adjusted in the further loan. Observed
         been actually paid.              that the statutory Explanation 3C was squarely applicable to
                                          present case. SC remarked that, “It appears that the attention of
                                               the High Court was not invited to Explanation 3C, we are, thus,
         This amendment will take effect       of the view that the AO has rightly disallowed the deduction as
         from April 1, 2023 and will           claimed by the assessee.”
         accordingly apply in relation to      Pennar Profiles Limited [TS-219-HC-2015]
         the assessment year 2023-24 and
         subsequent assessment years.          HC reversed ITAT order, held interest liability converted into
                                               loan was not interest payment, thus subject to Sec 43B

    3. Business Reorganization Modified        CONFIRMED
         Return of Income
                                               Dalmia Power Limited & Anr [TS-785-SC-2019]
         [Section 170A]
                                               SC ruled in favour of assessee companies and restored HC
         The Finance Bill, 2022 proposes       Single Judge order allowing revised return filed beyond Sec.
         to insert Section 170A to enable      139(5) timeline, pursuant to NCLT approved amalgamation
         the entities going through            scheme. Sets aside HC division bench order. Directs Revenue to
         business reorganization, for filing   consider the revised return filed by assessees and complete the
         of modified returns for the period    assessment after taking into account the Schemes of
         between the date of effectivity of    Arrangement and Amalgamation as sanctioned by the NCLT.
         the order and the date of issuance
                                               Deep Industries Limited [TS-1056-HC-2021(GUJ)]
         of final order of the competent
         authority.                            Gujarat HC allowed Assessee's writ petition, held revised return
         The proposed Section 170A has         filed physically pursuant to NCLT approved scheme of
                                               arrangement beyond the time-limit stipulated u/s 139(5) shall
         an over-riding effect on Section
                                               be considered for conducting assessment. HC observed that
         139 and provides that in case of a
                                               NCLT passed the order for sanction of scheme of arrangement
         business reorganisation, where
                                               for demerger on a date later than the date within which the
         prior to the HC / ITAT / or
                                               revised return could be filed and held that as the delay was
         Adjudicating Authority’s order,
                                               not caused due to omission or wrong statement, the provision
         any return of income has been
                                               of Section 139(5) were not applicable and the revised return
         furnished by the successor under
         the provisions of Section 139 for     even though filed physically and not electronically, as required,
                                               shall be considered. HC quashed the assessment order passed
         any assessment year relevant to
                                               and orders a fresh assessment after considering the revised
         the previous year to which such
                                               return and if needed, permit the Assessee to file the return
         order applies, a modified return in
         the prescribed form and manner        electronically in a week's time. HC remarked that the Assessee


          can be furnished by the successor       could have been saved from this ordeal, if it was permitted to
          within six months from end of the       revise the return in an electronic mode after NCLT passed its
          month in which the order                order approving the scheme of arrangement.
          (competent authority such as
                                                  Padma Logistics & Khanij Pvt. Ltd. [TS-248-ITAT-2020(Kol)]
          NCLT         in      case      of
          merger/demerger) was issued.         Kolkata ITAT held assessee was eligible to claim set-off of
           The amendment will take effect brought forward losses transferred from a division of the
                                               demerged company in the revised return of income u/s. 139(5),
          from April 1, 2022.                  noted that all the conditions stated in sec 72A(4) r/w sec
                                               2(19AA) had been fulfilled. Assessee revised its original return
          Taxsutra Note: The amendment
                                               pursuant to High Court's sanction of demerger showing nil
          uses the term “successor” – income by claiming set off of losses u/s. 72A(4) of the division
          however, basis a reading of the of the demerged company, which was denied by the AO on
                                               various grounds. ITAT discarded AO's reasoning that assessee's
          memorandum,          the intention
                                               revised return was invalid as it was filed after issue of intimation
          seems to be to cover all cases of u/s. 143(1) accepting the returned income in the original return.
          business reorganization (such as Observed that it was impossible for the assessee to file a revised
                                               return before issue of Sec.143(1) intimation, as the High Court
          demerger) – hence, in the absence
                                               sanctioned the demerger subsequent to which assessee was
          of clarity, we have for the time qualified to claim the set off of losses. Further rejected AO's
          being listed all rulings that may be reasoning that assessee did not file a loss return u/s. 139(3),
          impacted assuming that demerger noted that at the time of filing of original return, the losses of
                                               the demerged division did not belong to assessee and hence, it
          is also covered by the scenario.     was not having any loss to be carried forward.

    4.                                          OVERRULED
          Clarification on allowability of Cess
          & Surcharge as expenditure            Sesa Goa Limited [TS-163-HC-2020(BOM)]
         ( [Section 40(a)(ii)]
                                                  Bombay HC held that Education Cess and Higher and
          The Finance Bill, 2022 proposes to      Secondary Education Cess was allowable as a deduction.
          amend Section 40(a) by inserting        Rejected Revenue’s stance and clarified that reference to any
          Explanation 3 to clarify that for the   'cess' was made by the legislature in Sec. 40(a)(ii). Referring to
          purpose of this sub-clause, the term    the Income Tax Bill 1961 as introduced in the Parliament, HC
          ‘tax’ shall include and shall always    noted that 'cess' was in fact included in Sec.40(a)(ii), however
          deemed to have included any             the same was omitted [while enacting the Act] pursuant to
          surcharge or cess, by whatever          recommendation made by Select Committee. Remarked that
          name called, on such tax.               since the deletion of expression cess” from the Income Tax Bill,
                                                  1961, was deliberate, there was no question of reintroducing


         Taxpayers claimed deduction of        this expression in Section 40(a)(ii) and that too, under the guise
         cess and surcharge on the grounds     of interpretation of taxing statute.
         that ‘cess’ was not specifically
                                               Chambal Fertilisers And Chemicals Ltd. [TS-489-HC-2018(RAJ)]
         covered under Section 40(a)(ii) and
         therefore,      an      allowable Rajasthan HC held that education cess could not be disallowed
         expenditure.                      under the provisions of section 40(a)(ii). Relied on the CBDT
                                           Circular No. F. NO. 91/58/66-ITJ(19) Dt. 18th May, 1967
         The     amendment       is   made where the word ‘cess’ had been deleted from the said section
         retrospective to make clear the and noted that only taxes paid were to be disallowed for AY
         position irrespective of the CBDT 1962-63 and onwards.
         Circular No. 91/58/66-ITJ(19) dt.
         May 18, 1967                      Sicpa India Private Ltd [TS-154-ITAT-2020(DEL)]

         This amendment is effective           Delhi ITAT deleted disallowance u/s 40(a)(ii) w.r.t deduction
         retrospectively from April 1, 2005    claimed on account of education cess on income-tax, dividend
         and will accordingly apply in         distribution tax and fringe benefit tax. Opined, perusing the
         relation to the assessment year       CBDT circular dated 19.05.1967, that ITO disallowing the cess
         2005-06       and     subsequent      paid by the assessee was not correct and the Select Committee
         assessment years                      had decided to omit the word 'cess' from the clause and its
                                               effect was that only taxes paid were to be disallowed in the
                                               assessment for the year 1962-63 and onwards. Held that
                                               education cess was not a disallowable expenditure u/s 40(a)(ii)
                                               having been expressly excluded therefrom.

                                               Philips India Limited [TS-326-ITAT-2020(Kol)]

                                               Kolkata ITAT held that Education Cess and Higher and
                                               Secondary Education Cess on income tax was allowable as a
                                               deduction. Clarified that no reference to any 'cess' was made by
                                               the legislature in Sec.40(a)(ii) and thus, deduction for the same
                                               was allowable.


                                               Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd [TS-1129-ITAT-2021(Kol)]

                                               Kolkata ITAT held that education cess was not deductible u/s
                                               40(a)(ii) as education cess was additional surcharge as per the
                                               Finance Acts. ITAT took note of the provisions of Finance Act
                                               of 2004 and 2011 as per which the education cess was an
                                               additional surcharge levied on the income-tax. ITAT held that


                                                the   issue   was squarely covered by SC ruling in K.
                                                Srinivasan where surcharge and additional surcharge were held
                                                to be a part of the income-tax. ITAT observed that the SC ruling
                                                and the provisions of Finance Act, 2004 and the relevant
                                                provisions of Section 2(11) and (12) of the subsequent Finance
                                                Acts were not brought to the knowledge of the two HCs
                                                (Rajasthan and Bombay in Chambal Fertilizers and Sesa Goa
                                                respectively) and thus, decided the issue in favour of the

  5.     Amendment & Clarifications on          Mylan Laboratories Limited [TS-691-ITAT-2019(HYD)]
         Allowability    of     Expenditure
                                                ITAT Hyderabad dealt with the question of allowability of the
         [Explanation 3(i) to Section 37(1)]
                                                claim of litigation costs of Rs.141.50 Cr. u/s 37(1) where the
         Finance Bill, 2022 proposed to         assessee claimed it as business expenditure while the Revenue
         amend Section 37 by insertion of       treated it as payment of penalty for infringement/violation of
         Explanation 3 to clarify that the      EU Treaty in law, hence not eligible for deduction. The assessee
         expression “expenditure incurred       had claimed it to be disgorgement/compensatory, whereas the
         by an assessee for any purpose         Revenue had pleaded that it was only by coincidence that the
         which is an offence, or which is       penalty levied by EU was also exactly the same amount which
         prohibited      by    law”    under    was received by the assessee from its foreign business co-
         Explanation 1 to Section 37. As        developer. Revenue argued that it is not disgorgement because
         per clause (i) to Explanation 3, the   the assessee received the sum from the foreign business co-
         aforementioned expression shall        developer, the payment by the assessee is to European
         include an expenditure for any         Commission. ITAT agreed with the Revenue that it cannot be
         purpose which is an offence            treated as disgorgement or compensatory in nature. ITAT also
         under, or which is prohibited by,      noted that assessee’s contention that such amount was paid on
         any law for the time being in force,   account of commercial expediency and was business loss which
         in India or outside India              was not examined by the Revenue, and set aside the order to
                                                allow it as business loss if the income was offered to tax earlier.
         This amendment is proposed to
         come into effect retrospectively       Taxsutra Note: In the wake of the proposed amendment, the
         from April 1, 2022 and will            observation of ITAT gains more significance in the cases where
         accordingly apply in relation to the   it is established that an expenditure is incurred for any purpose
         AY 2022-23 and subsequent AYs.         which is an offence or an act prohibited by law outside India.


         Amendment & Clarifications on CONFIRMED
         Allowability                   of
                                           Kap Scan and Diagnostic Centre Pvt Ltd [TS-5878-HC-
         Expenditure [Explanation 3(ii) to
                                           2010(PUNJAB & HARYANA)-O]
         Section 37(1)]
                                                 Punjab & Haryana HC overruled ITAT order allowing deduction
          Finance Bill, 2022 proposed to
                                                 for commission paid by the Assessee (a diagnostic centre) to
         amend Section 37 by insertion of
         Explanation 3 to clarify that the       private doctors for referring patients for diagnosis. HC referred
                                                 to CBDT Circular No.772 of 1998 explaining that assessee
         expression “expenditure incurred
                                                 would not be entitled to deduction of payment made in
         by an assessee for any purpose
                                                 contravention of law or opposed to public policy or of unlawful
         which is an offence, or which is
                                                 nature. HC relied on MCI guidelines whereby a doctor was
         prohibited      by     law”    under
                                                 prohibited from taking commission for referring patients for
         Explanation 1 to Section 37. As per
                                                 medical treatment and opined that when receiving commission
         clause (ii) to Explanation 3, the
                                                 was illegal, giving commission was also illegal and accordingly,
         aforementioned expression shall
         include and shall be deemed to          disallowed commission payments made by Diagnostic Centre to
                                                 private doctors in lieu of radiological referral cases.
         have      always     included     the
         expenditure incurred by an              Liva Healthcare Limited [TS-499-ITAT-2016(Mum)]
         assessee to provide any benefit or
         perquisite, in whatever form, to a      Mumbai ITAT denied deduction u/s 37 for expenses
         person, whether or not carrying on      incurred towards doctors' foreign tours. Rejected Assessee's
         a business or exercising a              stand that such sponsored travel programs helped in
         profession, and acceptance of such      strengthening relations with doctors, which in turn helped in
         benefit or perquisite by such person    generating more and more business for assessee-company.
         is in violation of any law or rule or   Noted that spouses of doctors were also accompanied to
         regulation or guideline, as the case    overseas trips and the arrangements included cruise travel to
         may be, for the time being in force,    island, gala dinners, cocktails, entertainment etc. and
         governing the conduct of such           hence overseas trips were merely to entertain doctors
         person.                       abroad and lure doctors to solicit business for the assessee by
                                       unethical , illegal and prohibited means and hence should be
         The Memorandum Explaining the discouraged.
         Finance Bill, 2022 referred to
         Mumbai ITAT ruling in Macleods          Ochoa Laboratories Ltd. [TS-366-ITAT-2017(DEL)]
         Pharmaceuticals Ltd.      [TS-963-
                                                 Delhi ITAT disallowed 50% of sales promotion expenses
         ITAT-2021(Mum)] where after
                                                 as assessee (a pharma company) could not establish
         extensively discussing the law on
                                                 the allowability of it’s claim. Noted that out of total sales
         the subject, ITAT recommended the
                                                 promotion expenses, more than 50% was incurred
         constitution of a larger bench to
                                                 on Dermacon conference” at Hyderabad, which included
         consider the issue of deduction on
                                                 expenditure on the sponsoring of doctors such as hotel stay,


         freebies to medical professionals      Air/railway travel, car expenses for doctors who attended
         u/s 37 and opined that co-ordinate     the conference for which assesse filed no documentary
         bench’s decision in PHL Pharma         evidence in support of its claim for sponsoring of doctors and to
         [TS-12-ITAT-2017(Mum)] did not         explain how the expenses incurred on the family members of
         reflect correct legal position and     the doctors were incurred wholly and exclusive for the purpose
         large number of other co-ordinate      of business. Held that providing free air travel, stay and food in
         bench decisions either following       hotels, local car conveyance etc. for prescribing medicines of
         said decision or the line of           the assessee was akin to giving commission and certainly in
         reasoning in the decision of PHL       contravention of the public policy.
         Pharma had not considered that
         said deduction was hit by
         Regulations, 2002 of Indian            Aristo Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. [TS-445-ITAT-2018(Mum)]
         Medical Council Act, 1956.
                                                Mumbai ITAT allowed deduction u/s 37 in respect of freebies
          This amendment is proposed to         given to doctors, rejected Revenue's stand that since payments
         come into effect retrospectively       were made in violation of MCI regulations, they were illegal and
         from April 1, 2022 and will            hence did not qualify for deduction in view of Explanation to
         accordingly apply in relation to the   Sec 37(1). ITAT observed that the MCI Regulation, 2002
         AY 2022-23 and subsequent AYs.         provided limitation/curb/prohibition only for medical
                                                practitioners and not for pharmaceutical companies. Further,
                                                remarked that The CBDT could not provide casus omissus to a
                                                statute or notification or any regulation which had not been
                                                expressly provided therein and since the same created a burden
                                                or liability or imposed a new kind of imparity, could not be
                                                reckoned retrospectively.

                                                PHL Pharma P. Ltd. [TS-12-ITAT-2017(Mum)]

                                                Mumbai ITAT allowed deduction u/s 37 in respect of freebies
                                                given to doctors. Rejected Revenue's stand that since payments
                                                were made in violation of MCI regulations, they were illegal and
                                                hence did not qualify for deduction in view of Explanation to
                                                Sec 37(1). ITAT observed that the MCI Regulation 2002
                                                provided limitation/curb/prohibition only for medical
                                                practitioners and not for pharmaceutical companies and could
                                                not have any prohibitory effect and further held that such CBDT
                                                circular which created a burden or liability or imposed a new
                                                kind of imparity, could not be reckoned retrospectively.
                                                Referred to the nature of expenses incurred and held them to


                                       be in the nature of sales and business promotion, which had to
                                       be allowed

                                       UCB India Pvt. Ltd. [TS-5615-ITAT-2016(Mumbai)-O]

                                       Mumbai ITAT held that Circular No.5 of 2012 providing for
                                       disallowance of expenditure by pharma companies on gift
                                       articles to doctors, was prospectively applicable, not applicable
                                       to AY under consideration and deleted ad hoc disallowance of
                                       gift articles to doctors as sales promotion expenses. Further,
                                       held that when there was no dispute that the expenditure was
                                       for purpose of business and the gifts display the logo of the
                                       assessee company, Revenue’s assumption that a part of these
                                       gifts might have not been used for the purpose of business, was
                                       based on mere surmises and presumptions.

                                       Pfizer Limited [TS-559-ITAT-2019(Mum)]

                                       Mumbai ITAT allowed Sec. 37 deduction w.r.t Brand Reminder'
                                       articles provided to Medical Practitioners, rejected Revenue's
                                       stand that the expenses were unethical as per Indian Medical
                                       Council (IMC) guidelines & regulations and hence not deductible
                                       u/s 37 as specifically stated in CBDT Circular 05/2012 and held
                                       that MCI guidelines were not applicable to pharma companies.
                                       Rejected Revenue's contention that the expenses were against
                                       public policy and noted that there was no written or oral
                                       agreement which bound the Medical Practitioner to prescribe
                                       only assessee's medicines. Further acknowledged assessee's
                                       submission that articles given for brand reminder could not be
                                       equated with the gift as the same was not given for the
                                       exclusive benefit of the receiver and the doctors who receive it
                                       derived little or no material benefit out of it, and noted that the
                                       articles were of nominal value, not capable of influencing the
                                       decision of such highly skilled medical practitioners. Held that
                                       the expenses incurred were akin to advertisement and sales
                                       promotion expenditure incurred in any other business and could
                                       not be disallowed for reasons cited by the AO.

                                       ICARUS Health Care P Ltd [TS-107-ITAT-2021(CHNY)]


                                       Chennai ITAT allowed deduction u/s 37(1) in respect of
                                       expenses incurred by way of gifts to doctors and remarked that
                                       guidelines issued by MCI shall not be binding on the pharma
                                       companies until and unless, the legislature passes any Bill and
                                       were exclusively binding on the doctors only. Separately, ITAT
                                       observed that Revenue failed to take note of the ledger account
                                       submitted by the assessee to verify the credit card transaction
                                       in relation to travel expenses claimed u/s 37(1) and directed AO
                                       to verify the said facts.

                                       Eli Lilly & Co (India) Pvt Ltd [TS-680-ITAT-2015(DEL)]

                                       Delhi ITAT allowed deduction u/s 37(1) for expenditure
                                       incurred on free samples given to doctors/medical practitioners,
                                       took note of assessee’s contention that free samples were
                                       distributed to doctors/medical practitioners in pursuance to
                                       their specific requests, thus it could not be treated as ‘gifts’ so
                                       as to trigger the hazards of CBDT circular.

                                       Dupen Laboratories Pvt Ltd[TS-730-ITAT-2015(Mum)]

                                       Mumbai ITAT allowed deduction u/s 37 for expenditure
                                       incurred on distribution of free samples of medicines to
                                       physicians and that the expenditure was solely incurred for
                                       business purpose and the object of distributing free samples
                                       was to inform physicians about curative value of medicines and
                                       to create confidence amongst medical practitioners and the real
                                       person who can create market for medicines were medical

                                       Solvay Pharma India Ltd [TS-21-ITAT-2018(Mum)]

                                       Mumbai ITAT allowed deduction u/s 37 in respect of
                                       advertisement and publicity expenses, rejected Revenue's stand
                                       that expenditure was made in violation of Medical Council of
                                       India's (MCI) regulations. ITAT held that CBDT circular could not
                                       impose a burden on the assessee by enlarging the scope of a
                                       different regulation issued under a different act. ITAT further
                                       held that in absence of any express provision either under the
                                       provisions of Income Tax Law or the MCI Regulations, CBDT
                                       could not provide casus omissus to a statute or notification or


                                                any regulation which was not expressly provided therein and no
                                                offence of law was brought on record which prohibited the
                                                pharmaceutical company not to incur any development or sales
                                                promotion expenses, also observed that free sample of
                                                medicine was only to prove the efficacy and to establish the
                                                trust of the doctors on the quality of the drugs and it does not
                                                amount to provision of 'freebies' to medical practitioners

                                                Cipla Ltd. [TS-938-ITAT-2021(Mum)]

                                                Mumbai ITAT allowed expenditure incurred on gifts, freebies
                                                etc. given to medical professionals deductible, further held the
                                                CBDT Circular No. 5/2012 to be prospective in application.
                                                Pursuant to survey conducted on Assessee, Revenue found
                                                Assessee had claimed expenditure incurred by way of gifts,
                                                freebies, travel allowance monetary grants or advantage in kind
                                                from pharmaceutical companies in contravention of MCI
                                                guidelines and reassessment proceedings were initiated
                                                Revenue had relied on the CBDT Circular contending the same
                                                to be clarificatory in nature and disallowed said expense which
                                                was confirmed by the CIT(A)

 7.      Bonus & Dividend Stripping             OVERRULED

         [Sub-Section (8) of Section 94,        Adar Poonawalla [TS-240-ITAT-2017(PUN)]
         Explanation to Section 94]
                                                Pune ITAT allowed assessee's claim of set-off of short-term
         The existing provisions pertaining     capital loss (STCL) from sale of HCL technologies Ltd. (HCL)
         to the prevention of tax evasion       shares against long term capital gain (LTCG) from sale of City
         through bonus stripping and            Park Pvt. Ltd. (City Park). Noted that the transaction was
         dividend stripping do not apply to     genuine and not pre-planned to set-off against capital gains and
         units of Infrastructure Investment     clarified that scope of Bonus stripping u/s 94(8) is applicable
         Trust     (InvIT),   Real     Estate   only to 'units' and not 'shares' of listed company.
         Investment Trust (REIT) and
                                                B G Mahesh [TS-7021-ITAT-2013(BANGALORE)-O],
         Alternative Investment Funds
         (AIFs). Further, the existing          Bangalore ITAT upheld CIT(A)’s order wherein CIT(A) had
         provisions of bonus stripping are      observed that the provisions of section 94(8) were applicable
         not applicable to securities.          only to "units" which meant units of Mutual Funds only basis
                                                Explanation in section 94(8) which clearly defined "securities" as
         The Finance Bill, 2022 proposes
                                                including "stocks and shares" and defined "units" to have the
         to amend sub-section (8) of


         Section 94, to extend applicability   same meaning as assigned in Explanation to section
         of bonus stripping provisions to      115AB,wherein, "units" were defined as units of Mutual Funds
         ‘securities’.   The      amended      only and therefore negated applicability of provisions of section
         Explanation to Section 94             98(4) to securities, which included shares. Further, CIT(A)
         redefines "units" to include units    observing that in a similar provision introduced to curb dividend
         of InvIT, REIT and AIFs. Thus, the    stripping i.e. section 94(7) of the Act, both units and securities
         Bill also proposes to extend the      were included whereas "bonus stripping" was introduced vide
         provisions of bonus stripping and     Section 94(8) was made applicable to only units and hence it
         dividend stripping provisions to      was legislative intent to exclude the shares of companies from
         aforementioned units.                 the ambit of the bonus stripping. Accordingly, ITAT concurred
                                               with CIT(A)’s stand that “there is no legislative authority to deny
         These amendments will take            the loss intentionally created by the assessee; for what the law
         effect from April 1, 2023 and will    has not envisaged and has specifically excluded cannot be read
         accordingly apply in relation to      into the same by the Assessing Officer.”
         the assessment year 2023-24 and
         subsequent assessment years.

 8.       Disallowance under Section 14A       OVERRULED
          on Non-Accrual of Exempt
                                               CHETTINAD LOGISTICS (P) LTD [TS-5361-SC-2018-O]
          Income [Section 14A]

          The Finance Bill, 2022 proposes      SC dismissed SLP filed against Madras HC ruling [TS-5269-HC-
                                               2017(MADRAS)-O] which had upheld non-applicability of
          to amend Section 14A(1) to
                                               Section 14A to facts where exempt income was not earned
          include a non-obstante clause in
                                               during the year. Accordingly, it was observed that since no
          respect of other provisions of
          the Income-tax Act and provide       exempt income was earned in relevant AY by assessee, invoking
                                               of provisions of Section 14A was not correct. Therefore, SC
          that no deduction shall be
                                               dismissed the SLP against the Madras HC order.
          allowed in relation to exempt
          income,         notwithstanding      OIL INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT BOARD [TS-5058-SC-2019-
          anything to the contrary in the      O]
                                               SC dismissed the SLP filed against the Delhi HC ruling [TS-
                                               7416-HC-2018(DELHI)-O] which had upheld the order of Delhi
                                               ITAT wherein disallowance u/s 14A was held not to be
                                               applicable in the absence of exempt income.
                                               GVK Project and Technical Services Ltd [TS-5137-SC-2019-

                                               SC dismissed the SLP filed against the Delhi HC order which
                                               had upheld the ITAT order, wherein, applicability of Section


                                       14A disallowance was answered in negation by the ITAT,
                                       absent exempt income earned by the assessee during the AY.

                                       Cheminvest Limited [TS-504-HC-2015(DEL)]

                                       Delhi HC reversed ITAT's special bench ruling, held no Sec 14A
                                       disallowance in respect of interest expenditure attributable for
                                       making strategic investments, absent earning of exempt income
                                       therefrom. Observed that assessee made strategic investment
                                       in shares of Max India limited out of the borrowed funds, but
                                       did not earn any dividend income in the subject AY. Ruled that
                                       since no exempt income was earned, there could not be any
                                       disallowance u/s 14A.

                                       McDonald's India Pvt. Ltd [TS-680-HC-2018(DEL)]

                                       Delhi HC held that disallowance u/s. 14A could not be invoked
                                       in absence of any exempt income earned by assessee. Observed
                                       that the earlier rulings required reconsideration while referring
                                       to rulings where the AO had himself restricted the disallowance
                                       u/s. 14A to the amount of exempt income.

                                       Holcim India (P) Ltd [TS-640-HC-2014(DEL)-O]

                                       Delhi HC quashed disallowance of entire expenditure of an
                                       investment company and held Sec 14A invocation was not
                                       justified. It observed that assessee made investment by
                                       purchasing substantial number of shares, thereby securing right
                                       to management, however, rejected Sec 14A invocation as there
                                       could be possibility of sale of shares by private placement etc.
                                       resulting in taxable income.

                                       Lakhani Marketing Incl [TS-5342-HC-2014(PUNJAB AND

                                       Punjab & Haryana HC held that CIT(A) as well as the Tribunal
                                       were right in allowing deduction of interest liability out of other
                                       income and the claim of the revenue to disallow the same under
                                       section 14A of the Act was not justified since there was no
                                       receipt of exempted income for the concerned assessment
                                       years (dividend from shares), Section 14A of the Act could not


                                                be invoked. The Revenue contended that the assessee had
                                                invested in shares of M/s Lakhani Marketing Incl. which had
                                                yielded dividend income and was not forming part of total
                                                income by virtue of Section 10(33) of the Act and hence interest
                                                liability claimed for deduction from the income was
                                                impermissible. The assessee stated that there was no dividend
                                                income and in such a situation, provisions of Section 14A of the
                                                Act had no applicability.

 9.      Validity of Proceedings Against        OVERRULED
         Predecessor Company [Section
                                                Maruti Suzuki India Limited [TS-707-SC-2019-TP]
                                                SC dismissed Revenue’s appeal challenging HC-order quashing
         The period of time involved in
                                                assessment framed in the name of non-existent amalgamating
         concluding         a       business
                                                company (Suzuki Powertrain India). SC noted that AO was
         reorganization is a long-drawn
                                                informed about company’s closure pursuant to amalgamation,
         process and is not time-bound,
                                                still notice was issued u/s 143(2) in the name of erstwhile entity.
         and often the reorganization is
                                                Further, called the notice a substantive illegality and not a
         from a preceding date. The
                                                procedural violation of the nature adverted to in Section 292B.
         income tax proceedings and
                                                It also went onto clarify that participation in the proceedings by
         assessments are carried on and
                                                the assessee in the circumstances could not operate as an
         often     completed      qua    the
                                                estoppel against law.
         predecessor entities only, during
         the pendency of the court              Dimension Apparels Pvt Ltd [TS-610-HC-2014(DEL)]
         proceedings. Various Courts have
         held such proceedings and              Delhi HC invalidated the assessment as assessee was ‘non-
         consequent assessments illegal as      existent’ by virtue of amalgamation. Going by the lines of
         the predecessor assessee ceases        section 170(2), it held that assessment for period prior to
         to exist in the midst of a perfectly   'succession' date must be made on successor (i.e 'amalgamated
         valid and legal proceeding.            company') when predecessor could not be found. Further held
                                                that framing of assessment against non- existing company a
         The Finance Bill, 2022 with a view     jurisdictional defect, not procedural and not curable u/s 292B.
         to clarify about the validity of
         assessment proceedings with            Spice Entertainment Ltd [TS-475-HC-2011(DEL)]
         regard to concluding business
                                                Delhi HC held that once it was found that assessment was
         reorganization under the Income-
                                                framed in the name of non-existing entity, it did not remain a
         tax Act, proposes to insert
                                                procedural irregularity of the nature which could be cured by
         Section 170(2A) which provides
                                                invoking the provisions of Section 292B of the Act. It further
         that the assessment or other
                                                held that it was obligatory upon the AO to substitute the
         proceedings        pending       or


         completed on the predecessor in   successor in place of the amalgamating company while framing
         the event of a business           the assessment. AO completed the assessment in the name of
         reorganization, shall be deemed   the amalgamating company (Spice Corp Ltd) despite being
         to have been made on the          informed about its amalgamation with M/s MCorp Private
         successor.                        Limited).

         The amendment will take effect    Accenture Solutions Private Limited [TS-09-ITAT-2022(Mum)-
         from April 1, 2022.               TP]

                                           Mumbai ITAT allowed Assessee's appeal, quashed assessment
                                           order passed in the name of non-existent entity for being
                                           jurisdictionally defective. Observed that despite prior
                                           information of amalgamation with the Revenue which
                                           was recorded in the draft and final assessment order, the
                                           assessment was made in the name of the merged entity whereas
                                           the DRP passed directions in the name of successor
                                           entity. Revenue passed the final order in the name of
                                           the merged entity. Rejected Revenue’s contention that the
                                           Assessee participated in the assessment proceedings.


                                           Vedanta Limited [TS-608-HC-2021(MAD)]

                                           Madras HC dismissed writ petition against reassessment, held
                                           proceedings to be valid since the error of issuing the notice u/s
                                           148 in the name of a non-existent entity was rectified by the
                                           Revenue during the course of proceedings and PAN was not
                                           incorrectly mentioned. Held that where the notice was
                                           communicated to an unknown person, alien to the Assessee,
                                           then Section 292B could not have helped the Revenue but
                                           where the notice was intended to be issued to a person to
                                           whom it was to be issued and such person acknowledged
                                           the PAN and responded to correspondences then there was no
                                           reason to disbelieve the Revenue that the name mentioned
                                           wrongly was a mistake to be fit within the provisions of Section


 10.     Faceless Assessments [Section          CONFIRMED
                                                Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd. [TS-19-HC-2022(DEL)]
         Section 144B is proposed to be         Delhi HC allowed the writ petition preferred by Bharat
         overhauled by substitution of sub-     Aluminium Company Limited, held that Assessee has a vested
         sections (1) to (8). Sub-section (9)   right to personal hearing in a faceless assessment proceedings,
         that    renders      the    faceless   thus, the personal hearing shall be given if an Assessee asks for
         assessment void if conducted in        it which cannot depend upon the facts of each case. Expounded
         contravention of the procedure         that the word 'may' in Section 144B(7)(viii) should be read
         contained in Section 144B is           as 'must' or 'shall', thus, held that the requirement of giving a
         proposed to be deleted from its        reasonable opportunity of personal hearing is mandatory.
         very       inception.        Section
         144B(6)(viii) proposes that where
         the request for personal hearing
         has been received, the income-tax
         authority of relevant unit ‘shall’
         allow such hearing, through
         National Faceless Assessment
         Centre, which shall be conducted
         exclusively      through       video
         conferencing or video telephony,
         including      use       of      any
         telecommunication        application
         software which supports video
         conferencing or video telephony,
         to the extent technologically
         feasible, in accordance with the
         procedure laid down by the Board

         This substitution of sub-sections
         (1) to (8) of Section 144B will take
         effect from April 1, 2022 whereas
         Section 144B(9) is deleted
         retrospectively from April 1, 2021

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