THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort

Page created by Thelma Rojas
THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort
June 2019

    Palm Lake Resort Cooroy-
    Noosa is pet friendly because
    we know you are too!

    Open-plan living and lounge
    areas bring spacious comfort
    to our homes

    How to find (and keep!) your
    winter fitness mojo with Milon
THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort

                                                                                                                                   WHAT’S HAPPENING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        WHAT’S ON…
Another shout out from beautiful Cooroy-
Noosa. We are enjoying perfect autumn                                                                                                                                                                                                   June 8-9, Gardening on
weather as I sit down to write this column                                                                                                                                                                                              The Edge: Hosted by the
but we look forward to the official start of                                                                                                                                                                                            Maleny Garden Club Inc and
winter as this newsletter makes its way to                                                                                                                                                                                              held annually since 2005,
you. The nights have cooled off nicely - it's                                                                                                                                                                                           this event will offer a trail of
the perfect weather for sleeping!                                                                                                                                                                                                       six gardens while a market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        will feature specialist plant
Construction in Stage 5 has commenced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and produce stalls, camellia
with the first slab being laid. We are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        flower display, homemade
very excited to see our new designs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        refreshments and a raffle to
come out of the ground and houses be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        support the Maleny Hospital
completed so even more residents can
join our lifestyle community. On that           FREE FEED                                      STAYING                                                                                                                                  Auxiliary. Tickets on sale at the
topic, we have welcomed a handful                                                              CONNECTED                                                                                                                                Maleny Showgrounds Pavilion
of new residents to Palm Lake Resort
                                                                                                                                   ­    HOLE LOT OF FUN!                                                                                and at the entrance to each
                                                Did you know that every home here                                                                                                                                                       of the gardens. Visit www.
Cooroy-Noosa since our last newsletter.         at Palm Lake Resort Cooroy-Noosa               Here are some of the                                                                                                           
We know these people will already be            receives a complimentary meal to be            regular on-site activities               Palm Lake Resort Cooroy-Noosa is thrilled to become a sponsor of our local
enjoying the wonderful lifestyle here:          redeemed in the resort dining area each        we offer here at Palm Lake                                                                                                               June 21, Trading Post
                                                                                                                                        Cooroy Golf Club’s “Hole In One” competition. One lucky golf club member could
                                                week? Fifty-two vouchers are issued            Resort Cooroy-Noosa:                                                                                                                     Rock performs: Catch our
Villa 162 Gary & Jan Figgis                                                                                                             win $500 if they score a hole in one at one of the specified holes on this beautiful
                                                to each home annually and here at                                                       local course. There are about 10 Palm Lake Resort Cooroy-Noosa residents                        very own Palm Lake Resort
Villa 141 – Joe & Veronica Hadley                                                              •   Walking groups                                                                                                                       Cooroy-Noosa resident band,
                                                Cooroy-Noosa, our weekly residents’                                                     already playing regularly at Cooroy Golf Club and the numbers are growing.
                                                dinners are held on Tuesday and                •   Aqua aerobics                                                                                                                        ‘Trading Post Rock’, when they
Villa 41 Bernard & Judith Gort                                                                                                          We wonder if one of them could be the Hole In One competition winner?!
                                                Thursday nights. It’s a great way to meet      •   Lawn & Carpet bowls                                                                                                                  perform again for us on Friday
Villa 6 Norm & Mary McCarthy                                                                   •   Social tenpin bowling                                                                                                                June 21, at 6pm, in the Pavilion
                                                some new neighbours and spend quality
Diary note: We have an Open Day                 time with likeminded local friends. Don’t      •   Billiards                                                                                                                            Country Club. They are a
coming up on June 26 – a Mad Hatter's           forget that there’s also a residents’ bistro   •   Line dancing                    STAY A NIGHT, ON US                                                                                  very popular band in our
Tea Party – held in conjunction with the        lunch held each Friday as well.                •   Art classes                                                                                                                          community and we can’t wait
Australia's Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser                                                     •   Chair yoga, stretching                                                                                                               to see them back on stage!
                                                                                                                                   Many of our Palm Lake Resort Cooroy-Noosa enquiries come from people in distant
for cancer research. We look forward                                                           •   Meditation                                                                                                                           June 30, Noosa Festival
                                                                                                                                   locations right around Australia. If you are coming to visit us from out of town, freecall
to seeing you there. RSVPs via the Sales                                                       •   Mah-jong & Card nights                                                                                                               of Water: Packed full of
                                                                                                                                   1800 885 851 to arrange a resort tour and a complimentary night’s accommodation on us.
Centre.                                                                                        •   Movie nights                                                                                                                         fun art and music, this event
                                                                                                                                   This offer is subject to availability and conditions apply, but there’s never been a better excuse
Until next month, stay well. Call in and                                                       •   Residents’ dinners              to indulge in a Sunshine Coast stopover to properly inspect our world-class facilities and           splashes in for its fifth year at
say hello - why not take us up on our cake                                                     •   Bistro lunches                  welcoming homes.                                                                                     the Noosa Botanic Gardens
and coffee offer!                                                                              •   Bus shopping trips                                                                                                                   and Lake Macdonald
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Amphitheatre. The festival
                                                                                               •   Happy Hour
Sandy Martin                                                                                                                                                                                                                            offers information displays,
                                                                                               •   Milon gym, with PT
Cooroy-Noosa Sales Manager                                                                                                         CONTACT US                                                                                           wildlife shows and free kids’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        activities. Noosa Landcare
PS. There was an error in last month's                                                                                                                                                                                                  will be giving out free trees to
                                                                                                                                   If you have any questions about Palm Lake Resort Cooroy-Noosa, if you are interested in
edition of "The Essence" newsletter in                                                                                                                                                                                                  Noosa ratepayers. There will
                                                                                               Please note: This newsletter        touring our inspired display homes and world-class facilities, or if you would like to come
relation to our solar offering. Please note,                                                                                                                                                                                            also be a selection of food
                                                                                               is intended to give general         along to one of our special events, simply contact us!
our homes come complete with a 3.0kW                                                           information only. All liability                                                                                                          vendors including the Tewantin
solar system. They are battery ready, but                                                      arising directly or indirectly      Freecall: 1800 885 851 Email:                                            Noosa Lions. Entry to the
the battery is not included.                                                                   from the use of, or for any error   Find us at: 19 Trading Post Rd, Cooroy QLD 4563 Visit:                     Festival is free.
                                                                                               or omission in the information
                                                                                               given, is expressly disclaimed.
THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort
                                                                                                                                OPEN n’t mean crampeed
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                                                        IF THE WALLS
                                                         COULD TALK
                                                    Internal walls and ceilings finished
                                                       with three coats of washable
                                                     paint, in your selection of interior                                                                      ONLY
                                                     colour schemes when buying off                                                                           THE BEST
                                                                  the plan.
                                                                                                                                                          High quality doors and
                                                                                                                                                         door furniture with ceiling
                                                                                                                                                             fans throughout.

LIVING LARGE                                                                                    AIR CARE
                                                                                             Ducted air conditioning to
                                                                                            living areas and bedrooms.
                                                                                                                                                                                $30,000 worth of luxury
                                                                                                                                                                               inclusions come standard
                                                                                                                                                                               with all new homes at Palm
THE LIVING AND LOUNGEROOMS HERE AT PALM LAKE RESORT COOROY-                                                                                                                   Lake Resort Cooroy-Noosa.

                                                                                                                           Pictured, Palm Lake Resort Cooroy-Noosa
                                                                                                                           display home. Inclusions vary. Contact the
                                                                                                                                   Sales Centre for more information.
THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort
                                                                                                                                               THE HOME STRETCH
                                                                                                                                               YOU’VE PROBABLY HEARD ALL ABOUT HOW IMPORTANT STRETCHING IS AFTER A WORKOUT,
On a winter’s morning, the last thing most (normal) people want           having it somewhere visible, so that your finishing line is always
                                                                                                                                               BUT DID YOU KNOW THERE ARE TONS OF REASONS TO INCORPORATE SOME LIGHT STRETCHES INTO
to do is jump out of bed and brave the cold to exercise. To make          front of mind. Stay motivated by training with a partner, who you
matters worse, there is less daylight to make use of, meaning             commit to meeting for regular exercise – it could even be your       YOUR DAILY ROUTINE?
regular walkers or outdoor exercise lovers find it tougher to             dog. If you don’t have a partner who shares your health and
squeeze in the workouts they’d committed to all summer long.              fitness goals (which is likely, seeing as very few people are on     The feeling of a good stretch is one of life’s most simple
                                                                          the exact same journey), consider enlisting the help of a personal                                                                         DID YOU KNOW
                                                                                                                                               pleasures. Whether it’s loosening up a well-worked                      June 21 is the
“Time is a big factor for people not staying motivated to exercise,       trainer to keep you accountable.                                     muscle after exercise or stretching out after a good                  United Nations’
and while this isn’t necessarily always limited to winter, I find that                                                                         night’s sleep, there’s no feeling quite like the release of         International Day of
people are more inclined to use their free time to kick their feet        “Not only will you have someone who is expecting you to turn         a stretch. But, according to aged care physiotherapist                     Yoga?
up during the cooler months,” says Palm Lake Resort personal              up to sessions, but you’ll have a fitness expert who is taking       and member of the Australian Physiotherapy
trainer Chris Malivoire. But, Chris explains, sticking to a regular       responsibility for your fitness journey,” says Chris.                Association, Jennie Hewitt, stretching does a lot
exercise routine is still necessary throughout winter – and not just                                                                           more than simply making you feel good – and there
because we tend to eat a bit more during the cooler months.               Our Milon gym system can somewhat fill the role of a personal        are heaps of reasons why it should be part of your day,
                                                                          trainer. Satisfying two of the main reasons people don’t stay        regardless of your age or mobility.
“The purpose of keeping up with regular exercise is because,              motivated to exercise during winter – time (each circuit of
over time, that habit will turn into a lifestyle,” explains Chris. “You   the Milon gym only takes 17.5 minutes) and ease/comfort –            “According to the American College of Sports Medicine, as
don’t have a break from cleaning your teeth and you shouldn’t             you’ll find it easier to stay committed to your exercise routine     we age, muscles and tendons decrease their elasticity which
have a break from staying fit just because it’s cold outside. Fitness     throughout winter. And the machines are so easy to use, not only     may result in reduced flexibility and increased risk of injury,”
goals should become part of your life and stay with you forever.”         for fitness, but to track your progress.                             says Jennie. “Stretching can help to maintain joint range of
                                                                                                                                               motion, mobility and physical independence.”
To do this, Chris recommends figuring out exactly what it is you          “The tracking mechanisms and statistics are easy to understand       Our bodies are made to move – our muscles are dynamic,
want to achieve on your fitness journey and when. Whether it’s a          and ensure that members are motivated to keep improving,             and it’s great for our joints. Jennie explains that a sedentary
short or long-term goal, Chris recommends writing it down and             week after week – not just during winter, but all year round."       lifestyle can lead to muscle and joint tightness, so even
                                                                                                                                               if you don’t exercise in any other way, stretching is worth
                                                                                                                                               considering. On the flipside, if you are more active or carry
                                                                                                                                               out regular exercise, stretching may assist you to keep
                                                                               HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED                                           participating for longer.

                                                                               Set goals. Goals give you a direction to focus on –             “Like all exercise, there are safe and unsafe ways to stretch.
                                                                               one that’s measurable and has an endpoint.                      You should stretch only until you feel a gentle pulling sensation
                                                                               Choose goals that interest you. You’re more likely              in the relevant muscle group,” says Jennie. “For optimal results,
                                                                               to stay motivated if you’re working towards something           hold the position for 30 seconds, then rest, then repeat. Of
                                                                               that you genuinely want, rather than what other                 course, we want balance – so if you stretch one side of the
                                                                               people want for you.                                            body also stretch the other.”
                                                                               Make your goal public. If you tell someone or                   Daily stretching doesn’t necessarily mean setting aside a
                                                                               write down your goal, you’ve essentially made a                 block of time every day. You can gently stretch your neck
                                                                               promise to keep your word.                                      muscles while letting warm water beat down on your neck
                                                                               Plot your progress. It can be really motivating if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TOP TIPS ON STRETCHING
                                                                                                                                               in the shower, or stop for a moment while climbing the stairs
                                                                               you can see evidence that you’re making progress.               to stretch your calf muscles. Our personal favourite? You can
                                                                               Draw or create a visual representation of how you’re            ease your lower back into the day by stretching for a short                 • Incorporate gentle stretches into your regular
                                                                               coming closer to achieving the goal.                            while before you get out of bed in the mornings. Just 5-10                      daily routine for maximum benefit.
                                                                               Break up your goal. Breaking up a task into                     minutes every day can help, says Jennie. But how can you                    • Lie, sit or hold on to something to ensure you are
                                                                               achievable chunks helps build confidence.                       know if you’re doing it right?                                                 safe while holding the stretch position.
                                                                               Use rewards. Promise yourself some sort of reward
                                                                                                                                               “Stretching should feel good, not painful,” Jennie says. “If you            • Always work within your pain-free threshold.
                                                                               each time you complete a step/task.
                                                                                                                                               have an injury or persistent pain you need specific advice                     If you are experiencing pain, stop and seek
                                                                               Don’t do it alone. Others’ encouragement to keep
                                                                                                                                               about which stretches are suitable for you. A comprehensive                    advice.
                                                                               going can be a big boost to your motivation.
                                                                                                                                               assessment with your physiotherapist will allow you to have a
                                                                                                                                               personalised, safe stretching program.”
THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort

                                                                                                                                           PRETTY FACES Above and right, Live Life Pharmacy in Cooroy already offers
                                                                                                                                           a handy prescription-filling service for our residents but, recently, their staff came
                                                                                                                                           to our resort to host a make-up demonstration with our very interested residents!
Words: Deb, Resort Caretaker                                        been raised since the Island Charity Swim started in 2001 as
                                                                    a dare between two local larrikins Ashley Robinson and Bill
The son of residents Chris and Sue, Clinton Stanley is the          Hoffman. Currimundi Special School principal Alwyn Green is
holder of multiple world records at the World and Australian        overwhelmed by the community support.
                                                                                                                                                                                               UNDER CONSTRUCTION Left,
Downs Syndrome Games, is a Masters Games champion,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Did you know our caravan storage
Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving Club member and the only            “It really shows the size of the heart that the Sunshine Coast                                                             and wash-down bay is under
Down Syndrome recipient of the Baden Powell Award - just to         has as a community,” he says of the event’s success, integrity                                                             construction behind the lawns bowls
name a few achievements!                                            and longevity. Over the years, he explains, the funds have                                                                 green? A temporary storage yard
                                                                    enabled both schools to invest in much-needed equipment and                                                                is available for residents near the
                                                                                                                                                                                               Sales Office on Pearson’s Road.
Clinton took part in the 2019 Island Charity Swim last month, as    programs for their respective students, who have learning and
                                                                                                                                                                                               There’s been lots of activity there
part of the Noosa Masters Swim Team. The 11km ocean swim            physical disabilities – many with high-needs.                                                                              with residents prepping their toys for
began at Mudjimba Beach, went around Old Woman Island                                                                                                                                          a cool mid-year adventure.
and on to Mooloolaba Beach to the finish line. The swim was         “Before this event, our P&C would fundraise $3000 to $5000                                                                                                          CHECKMATES Below, anyone up for a
a test of endurance for the participants and a major fundraiser     per year,” Alwyn says. “It would take years to raise funds for a                                                                                                    game of chess in the library? It’s a great
for the amazing and inspirational children at Nambour and           substantial project.”                                                                                                                                               time of the year to head indoors for our
Currimundi Special Schools (Clinton, 42, being an ex-                                                                                                                                                                                   winter hibernation and what a perfect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        location is our Country Club library for
Nambour Special School student himself).                            Funds from the Island Charity Swim have enabled Currimundi                                                                                                          some peace and quiet and focus for
                                                                    to buy, among other things, a hydrotherapy pool, sensory                                                                                                            your chess game.
According to organisers of the Island Charity Swim, while           playground, gym and fitness centre, and wheelchair bus, while
there’s a start line, a finish line and buoys marking the course,   Nambour Special School has invested in a wheelchair bus,
the message is clear – it’s not a race. Competition is brushed      playground equipment, technology and curriculum resources.
aside at the Island Charity Swim. Instead, community spirit
reigns. Every year the goal is the same - to raise money for        Clinton’s personal goal is to fundraise $3000 to assist with the
the kids at the Currimundi and Nambour Special Schools. The         funding of vital playground equipment and more for these kids.
swimmers, who range in age from 15 to 86 and in skills from         Our Palm Lake Resort Cooroy-Noosa residents took the resort
amateur to elite athletes, are propelled by the knowledge           bus to Mooloolaba Beach to be on the sand to cheer him
their gutsy efforts will raise close to $80,000. Escorted by        home last month. Palm Lake Resort Cooroy-Noosa is proud to         BACK AND FORTH Above, our residents spoke and Palm Lake Resort listened! With
support crew in boats and surf skis (and sometimes humpback         be an all-inclusive place to live. Whoever you are or wherever     such an array of facilities and activities already available within our resort grounds, our
whales, dolphins and turtles), they swim as individuals or in       you come from you, you can be assured that you will be             residents are spoilt for choice. But due to popular demand, we have added two new
relay teams of up to six people. More than $1 million has           welcomed warmly into our community.                                table tennis tables in the back room. Judging by the early interest in the new tables, there
                                                                                                                                       might be quite a competitive group of resident players among us!
THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort
                                                                                                                                                                                            10 FREE
If there’s one type of resident we love here at Palm Lake Resort
it’s the furry four-legged variety. When the actual kids grow
large enough to fly the coup, our pet dogs can fill in a big void
left by the children’s departure. The joy of owning a pet isn’t
new to most Australians - we have one of the highest rates of
pet ownership in the world.
                                                                                                                                                                                            OF GOLF
Here at Palm Lake Resort, we’ve built our resorts to be pet
friendly because we know just how important pets are for the
majority of our residents. Most Palm Lake Resorts offer safe fully
fenced off-leash dog runs complete with seating for owners           3. Mental health
and water for dogs. Palm Lake Resort pooches can roam                In a similar way to benefitting heart health, pet owners
free in these dog runs, enjoying a spot of exercise while also       generally have better mental health. Pet owners report less
getting that important social interaction with their four-legged     depression and appear to cope with grief, stress and loss
neighbours. Research has proven that there are actually many         better than non-pet owners. Pets love routines and routines are
health benefits of pet ownership. Here are the Top 5 reasons         good for people too. Pets encourage you to wake, eat, play,
why you should celebrate your favourite fur baby – or think          exercise and sleep at regular times. Routines give your days
about getting yourself one...                                        purpose and structure which are supportive factors to manage
                                                                     conditions such as depression and anxiety. Taking care of a
1. Exercise                                                          pet can also remind you to take better care of yourself.
It’s an obvious one – owning a dog means you’ll likely                                                                                                                                          limited time only
increase your own level of exercise which is a benefit for your      4. Companionship and social benefits
health. Walking the dog is a wonderful way to tick two boxes
– exercising your pooch and getting yourself out into the great
                                                                     It’s a fact – dogs provide companionship and give pet owners
                                                                     immense pleasure without the demands of human relationships.
                                                                                                                                                 WITH YOUR COOROY-NOOSA HOME
outdoors for some incidental exercise as well. Fresh air, vitamin
D and social interaction are all bonuses. In fact, our pets are
                                                                     However, if you are a social butterfly, your dog will also give
                                                                     you plenty of opportunity to mix with others - dogs enhance              COME & PLAY FOR FREE VALUED UP TO $1000
such positive influences on our lives that one study found that      social connectedness and social skills because they tend to be
Australian ownership of cats and dogs saved approximately            great conversation starters in social settings. If you’ve been in
$3.86 billion in health expenditure over one year.                   the vicinity of a Palm Lake Resort dog run later in the afternoon,
                                                                     you’ll know the pets are enjoying a social get together with         Pelican Waters Golf Club is one of Queensland’s most
2. Heart health                                                      their four-legged friends just as much as their pet owners are!      prestigious courses; a Greg Norman design with lush fairways,
Studies show that having a canine companion is linked to                                                                                  devious water hazards and challenging bunkers. Let us treat
lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol and decreased              5. Safety                                                            you to 10 free rounds of golf, with buggy, to welcome you to
triglyceride levels, which contribute to better overall              Dogs can make us feel safe while we’re home alone and they
cardiovascular health and fewer heart attacks.                       keep an eye on the house while we’re out.                            the resort when you purchase a new home at Cooroy-Noosa!

                                                                                                                                                 Limit 10 rounds per purchased home. Non transferable. Rounds valid until 31 December, 2022. Offer subject to change without notice.
THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort
                                                                                     Homes Open
                                                                                       7 Days

Live a world class country club lifestyle
                       At Palm Lake Resort, we bring you the best in designer living.
  Each resort boasts a luxurious world class country club with gold standard features including a ten pin
 bowling alley, movie theatre, championship undercover bowls green, indoor and outdoor pools, exclusive
 Milon gym, sauna, spa and more. Plus enhance your lifestyle further with $30,000* of luxury inclusions as
                                      standard with all new homes.

 Contact us today to arrange your personal tour of our beautiful display homes, country clubs and resorts.

                 Master Builders Association Award Winning Resorts 2017 for Best Resort,
               Best Country Club and Best Home and 2018 Best Sporting and Leisure Facility
THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort THE ESSENCE - Palm Lake Resort
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