The Effectiveness of Content and - Language Integrated Learning Mehroo Bhoori
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Via Eccettuato 7/B, 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL) Tel. 0142 71091 – 377 7088753 - email: The Effectiveness of Content and Language Integrated Learning Mehroo Bhoori
Lesson Plan for B2 Lesson topic SCIENCE Level of English of class B2 (V Liceo) Number of hours of 3 lessons of 2 hours each; total number of hours: 6 teaching required Content Plastics – A Curse or a Boon? Communication/ oral Start lesson by brainstorming Brainstorming : 1) In your opinion, is plastic a versatile material? 2) What is it used to make? Make a list with your SS 3) What would happen to the economy if we discontinued the use of plastic? 4) How long does a plastic bottle take to decompose? 17/11/2017 2
Lesson Plan Lesson topic SCIENCE Level of English of class B2 (V Liceo) Task type Watch video with subtitles twice (See Page 53) Watch it again with transcript Read transcript again with scaffolding Do vocabulary matching exercises Do a listening exercise by removing keywords and asking SS to write them, so the T is checking understanding and spelling Extra viewing: Video 2 – “Tough Truths about Plastics”: get class to view it while reading the transcript, then get them to read the scaffolding SS discussion based on Listening Comprehension: 1) How long does it take a biodegradable plastic bag to decompose? 2) What is the solution? 3) Do you have a responsibility as a consumer? Grammar through See scaffolding Science 17/11/2017 3
Lesson Plan Cognition Understanding the perils of and raising awareness about plastic, which at the moment is a controversial news item in Italy! Communication/ Get SS to write an essay on “Plastics – A Curse or a Boon?” written (140 – 190 words) Culture Learning about one of the environmental issues and perhaps making a difference, thereby creating and promoting social, cultural and behavioural citizenship values to ensure a more sustainable world 17/11/2017 4
Lesson Plan Outcome The SS have been exercised in all 4 linguistic skills: •Reading comprehension, Grammar and Vocabulary, •Writing •Listening comprehension and •Speaking. Hopefully you have engaged their •Logical-Mathematical •Existential •Linguistic •Naturalistic INTELLIGENCES! 17/11/2017 5
The Three Plastic Bottles lastic_you_throw_away/transcript 17/11/2017 6
TRANSCRIPT IN ENGLISH 00:06 This is the story of three plastic bottles, empty and discarded. Their journeys are about to diverge with outcomes that impact nothing less than the fate of the planet. But they weren't always this way. To understand where these bottles end up, we must first explore their origins. 00:25 The heroes of our story were conceived in this oil refinery. The plastic in their bodies was formed by chemically bonding oil and gas molecules together to make monomers. In turn, these monomers were bonded into long polymer chains to make plastic in the form of millions of pellets. Those were melted at manufacturing plants and reformed in molds to create the resilient material that makes up the triplets' bodies. Machines filled the bottles with sweet bubbily liquid and they were then wrapped, shipped, bought, opened, consumed and unceremoniously discarded. And now here they lie, poised at the edge of the unknown. 01:10 Bottle one, like hundreds of millions of tons of his plastic brethren, ends up in a landfill. This huge dump expands each day as more trash comes in and continues to take up space. As plastics sit there being compressed amongst layers of other junk, rainwater flows through the waste and absorbs the water-soluble compounds it contains, and some of those are highly toxic. Together, they create a harmful stew called leachate, which can move into groundwater, soil and streams, poisoning ecosystems and harming wildlife. It can take bottle one an agonizing 1,000 years to decompose. 01:54 Bottle two's journey is stranger but, unfortunately, no happier. He floats on a trickle that reaches a stream, a stream that flows into a river, and a river that reaches the ocean. After months lost at sea, he's slowly drawn into a massive vortex, where trash accumulates, a place known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Here the ocean's currents have trapped millions of pieces of plastic debris. This is one of five plastic-filled gyres in the world's seas. Places where the pollutants turn the water into a cloudy plastic soup. Some animals, like seabirds, get entangled in the mess. They, and others, mistake the brightly colored plastic bits for food. Plastic makes them feel full when they're not, so they starve to death and pass the toxins from the plastic up the food chain. For example, it's eaten by lanternfish, the lanternfish are eaten by squid, the squid are eaten by tuna, and the tuna are eaten by us. And most plastics don't biodegrade, which means they're destined to break down into smaller and smaller pieces called micro plastics, which might rotate in the sea eternally. 03:12 But bottle three is spared the cruel purgatories of his brothers. A truck brings him to a plant where he and his companions are squeezed flat and compressed into a block. Okay, this sounds pretty bad, too, but hang in there. It gets better. The blocks are shredded into tiny pieces, which are washed and melted, so they become the raw materials that can be used again. As if by magic, bottle three is now ready to be reborn as something completely new. 03:44 For this bit of plastic with such humble origins, suddenly the sky is the limit. 17/11/2017 7
TRANSCRIPT IN ITALIAN (for the teacher) Questa è la storia di tre bottiglie di plastica. ormai vuote e gettate via. Le loro strade stanno per separarsi con effetti in grado di influenzare addirittura il destino del nostro pianeta. Ma non sono sempre state così. Prima di esaminarne la fine, vediamo l' origine di queste bottiglie. 00:25 Le eroine della nostra storia sono nate in questa raffineria di petrolio La plastica di cui sono composte è stata creata legando chimicamente molecole di petrolio e di gas per farne dei monomeri. A loro volta, i monomeri sono stati uniti in catene di polimeri per farne plastica, sotto forma di milioni di palline, poi fuse e modellate in stampi, all'interno di impianti industriali. Così è nato il materiale elastico che costituisce il corpo delle tre bottiglie. Grazie ad apposite macchine, le bottiglie vengono riempite con bibite dolci gasate,poi vengono impacchettate, spedite, comprate, aperte e consumate e, senza tante cerimonie, gettate via. Ed ora riposano qui,abbandonate nell'ignoto assoluto. 01:10 La bottiglia n. 1, come centinaia di milioni di tonnellate di altra plastica, finisce in una discarica. Questo enorme cumulo cresce ogni giorno: rifiuti nuovi arrivano e si aggiudicano via via altro spazio Mentre la plastica se ne sta lì, schiacciata fra strati di immondizia,l'acqua piovana filtra e assorbe gli elementi idrosolubili contenuti in tale massa di rifiuti e alcuni di essi sono altamente tossici. Insieme creano un composto liquido dannoso, detto percolato, che può pervadere le acque sotterranee, il suolo e i ruscelli avvelenando l'ecosistema e danneggiando la natura. La bottiglia n.1 si decomporrà in un estenuante periodo di 1000 anni 01:54 La bottiglia n.2 fa un viaggio più strambo ma, purtroppo, non meno infelice. Galleggiando, avanza lungo un rivolo che giunge ad un ruscello, ruscello che si getta in un fiume, fiume che raggiunge l'oceano. Dopo aver vagato per mesi in mare, viene trascinata piano in un gran vortice dove i rifiuti si accumulano un posto noto come Grande chiazza d'immondizia del Pacifico. Qui le correnti hanno intrappolato milioni di pezzi di detriti di plastica Questo è solo uno dei cinque vortici di rifiuti plastici presenti nei nostri mari Luoghi dove agenti inquinanti riducono l'acqua in un brodo torbido di plastica. Alcuni animali, come gli uccelli marini, restano intrappolati in questa massa scambiando per cibo i pezzi di plastica variopinta. La plastica li fa sentire sazi quando invece non lo sono; finiscono con il morire denutriti e fanno risalire per la catena alimentare le tossine della plastica. Ad esempio, la plastica viene mangiata dal pesce lanterna e il pesce lanterna dal calamaro e il calamaro dal tonno e il tonno da noi. E la maggior parte della plastica non è biodegradabile ovvero è destinata a scomporsi in pezzi sempre più piccoli chiamati microplastiche, che possono circolare nei mari in eterno. 03:12 Alla bottiglia n.3 viene risparmiata la malasorte delle sorelle Un camion la trasporta in un impianto dove lei e le sue compagne vengono schiacciate, appiattite e compresse in blocchi. Okay, suona brutto anche questo, ma aspettate. Fra poco andrà meglio. I blocchi vengono smembrati in minuscoli pezzi, che vengono lavati e fusi, per ricreare la materia prima iniziale, che può essere riutilizzata Come per magia, la bottiglia n.3 ora è pronta a rinascere completamente nuova. 03:44 Per questo pezzetto di plastica, dalle origini così umili, improvvisamente, non ci sono più limiti. 17/11/2017 8
SCAFFOLDING • Story = (storia) means narrative, but remember History (storia) is the subject you study at school. • To be empty = means unfilled with nothing inside. An adjective. Can be used both attributively e.g. an empty bottle or predicatively: the bottle is empty. • To be discarded = means to be thrown away. A participial adjective. Attributively: a discarded mattress. Verb (intr)The new President promptly discarded the law made by his predecessor. • To diverge = means to separate. To have divergent (adjective)views. 17/11/2017 9
SCAFFOLDING • To be about to = when something is on the verge of happening. I was about to leave when the telephone rang. • Fate = destiny • To be fated to = to be destined to • To understand = the “to” is not the “to” of the infinitive, but in order to understand = it is the infinitive of purpose . e.g. I am studying English to better my future prospects. To what purpose? To better my prospects. • To end up = to finish up 17/11/2017 10
SCAFFOLDING • Chemically bonding = means when the chemicals join or hold together. • All passive verbs using to be + past participle: were bonded, were melted, were wrapped, were shipped, were brought, were opened, were consumed, were discarded. • Poised at the edge of the unknown = set expression on the brink of the unknown, about to plunge into the unknown. • A landfill is where garbage is buried. A dump or rubbish tip is where garbage is thrown. • Rubbish (Br) – garbage (Am) – trash (Am) synonyms 17/11/2017 11
SCAFFOLDING • Brethren = brothers but belonging to a religious group. A congregation in church is addressed as “Dearly beloved brethren” . • To take up space = to occupy space • The plastic sits there = it stays there, it indicates staticity • Being compressed (where it is being compressed) shortened to being compressed. • Amongst = it is formal version of among • Flows = describes the movement of liquid • To flow through = the Po flows through Casale Monferrato 17/11/2017 12
SCAFFOLDING • Highly toxic = very, very toxic. It’s an accepted collocation • To be harmful = to be damaging • Wildlife = undomesticated animals who live in the wild • Move into the groundwater = permeates/filters through groundwater = water table, aquifer • Stream = rivulet , brook, very small and narrow river • It can take = set expression. Takes here describes the time taken. How long will it take you to learn this lesson? • Agonising = is used to emphasise the enormous amount of time it takes for a plastic bottle to decompose or break down.
SCAFFOLDING • To float = not sink in water • Why is the pronoun “He” used to describe a bottle? Shouldn’t it be “it”? It is used because the bottle is personified, the three bottles are referred to as heroes, brethren, brothers. • To be lost at sea = accepted phrase = to be adrift • To be drawn into = pulled into/ attracted to • Accumulates= builds up • A patch = refers to an area • Debris = detritus • Plastic-filled = compound adjective • Gyre = vortex • Pollutant = substance that pollutes.
SCAFFOLDING • cloudy = murky, unclear • to get entangled = to get entrapped • to mistake = to confuse • to starve = to be without food • pass….up = move up • is eaten/ are eaten = passive verbs • most plastics = most + noun • most of it = most +of+pronoun • smaller and smaller = when the comparative adjective is repeated twice it means = increasingly. Therefore the plastic is broken into increasingly smaller pieces which are called micro plastics.
SCAFFOLDING • To be spared = to be saved, to be excluded from • To be cruel = to be brutal • A plant = a factory • To be squeezed = to be compressed • To sound = to seem to the ear • Pretty bad = pretty means quite, it is used in informal English • Hang in there = informal expression to say wait a moment
SCAFFOLDING • To be/to get better: to be = describes state/to get = describes action. E.g. to be married describes the state of being married and to get married describes the action of getting married. • To be shredded = reduced to tiny irregular bits • As if by magic = accepted phrase used to show surprise amazement….poof! • Humble origins = accepted phrase/collocation • The sky is the limit = accepted phrase which means there is no limit.
WORD BUILDING To explore (regular verb) • Exploration (noun) • Explorer (noun) • To be explored (adjective/passive) To conceive (regular verb) • To be conceived = passive verb = in this context it does not mean to be born but to be generated, to be manufactured. • To be conceived (adjective/passive) • Conception (noun)
WORD BUILDING To pollute (v) • Pollution (n) • Pollutant (n) • to be polluted (adj) • to be polluting (adj) To starve • Starvation (n) • to be starved of (fig)
VOCABULARY MATCHING - EX.1 Match the letters, a,b,c, to the numbers 1,2,3 and then guess the Italian meaning and write the word in the third column. a.empty 1. casts b. discarded 2. joining c.diverge 3. separate d.outcomes 4.fused e.impact 5. Strong f.fate 6. strongly affect g. end up 7.thrown away h.conceived 8. destiny i. bonding 9.finish up j.were melted 10. unfilled k.moulds(Br. 11. manufactured Eng.)/molds(Am.Eng)
EX.1 ANSWERS Match the letters, a,b,c, to the numbers 1,2,3 and then guess the Italian meaning and write the word in the third column. a.empty 1. casts K a. Vuoto b. discarded 2. joining I b. Gettato via c.diverge 3. separate C c. Divergere d.outcomes 4.fused J d. Risultato e.impact 5. strong L e. Avere un impatto su f.fate 6. strongly affect E f. Destino g. end up 7.thrown away B g. Finire h.conceived 8. destiny F h. Concepito i. bonding 9.finish up G i. Legando j.were melted 10. unfilled A j. Fusi k.moulds(Br. k. Stampi 11. manufactured H Eng.)/molds(Am.Eng)
VOCABULARY MATCHING EXERCISE Match the letters, a,b,c, to the numbers 1,2,3 and then guess the Italian meaning and write the word in the third column. l.resilient 12.were packaged m.were wrapped 13. result n.were shipped 14. were purchased o.were bought 15. casually p. were consumed 16 remain q. were discarded 17. were rejected r. unceremoniously 18. verge s. lie* 19. waiting t.poised 20. Were drunk 21. the u.edge mysterious/unfamiliar v.the unknown 22. were transported
EX.1 ANSWERS Match the letters, a,b,c, to the numbers 1,2,3 and then guess the Italian meaning and write the word in the third column. l.resilient 12.were packaged M l. resiliente m.were wrapped 13. result D m. avvolti n.were shipped 14. were purchased O n. furono spediti/inviati o.were bought 15. casually R o.furono acquistati p. were consumed 16 remain S p. furono consumati/ bevuti q. were discarded 17. were rejected Q q.furono eliminati/scartati r. in modo informale (senza r. unceremoniously 18. verge U tante cerimonie) s. lie* 19. waiting T s. Rimanere t.poised 20. Were drunk P t. in attesa 21. the u.edge u.orlo mysterious/unfamiliar V v.the unknown 22. were transported N v.l’ignoto
Tough truths about plastic pollution ut_plastic_pollution/transcript?language=en#t-49045 17/11/2017 24
TRANSCRIPT IN ENGLISH 00:11 I'm a visual artist, and I'm also one of the co-founders of the Plastic Pollution Coalition. I've been working with plastic bags, which I cut up and sew back together as my primary material for my artwork for the last 20 years. I turn them into two and three-dimensional pieces and sculptures and installations. Upon working with the plastic, after about the first eight years, some of my work started to fissure and break down into smaller little bits of plastic. And I thought, "Great. It's ephemeral just like us." 00:44 Upon educating myself a little further about plastics, I actually realized this was a bad thing. It's a bad thing that plastic breaks down into smaller little bits, because it's always still plastic. And what we're finding is that a lot of it is in the marine environment. I then, in the last few years, learned about the Pacific garbage patch and the gyre. And my initial reaction -- and I think this is a lot of people's first reaction to learning about it -- is, "Oh my God! We've got to go out there and clean this thing up." So I actually developed a proposal to go out with a cargo ship and two decommissioned fishing trawlers, a crane, a chipping machine and a cold-molding machine. And my intention was to go out to the gyre, raise awareness about this issue and begin to pick up the plastic, chip it into little bits and cold mold it into bricks that could potentially be used as building materials in underdeveloped communities. 01:41 I began talking with people who actually had been out to the gyre and were studying the plastic problem in the marine environment and upon doing so, I realized actually that cleaning it up would be a very small drop in the bucket relative to how much is being generated every day around the world, and that actually I needed to back up and look at the bigger picture. And the bigger picture is: we need to find a way to turn off the faucet. We need to cut the spigot of single-use and disposable plastics, which are entering the marine environment every day on a global scale. 02:17 So in looking at that, I also realized that I was really angry. I wasn't just concerned about plastic that you're trying to imagine out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean -- of which I have learned there are now 11 gyres, potentially, of plastic in five major oceans in the world. It's not just that gyre of plastic that I'm concerned about -- it's the gyre of plastic in the supermarket. I'd go to the supermarket and all of my food is packaged in plastic. All of my beverages are packaged in plastic, even at the health food market. I'm also concerned about the plastic in the refrigerator, and I'm concerned about the plastic and the toxins that leach from plastic into us and into our bodies. 17/11/2017 25
TRANSCRIPT IN ENGLISH 02:54 So I came together with a group of other people who were all looking at this issue, and we created the Plastic Pollution Coalition. We have many initiatives that we're working on, but some of them are very basic. One is: if 80 to 90 percent of what we're finding in the ocean -- of the marine debris that we're finding in the ocean -- is plastic, then why don't we call it what it is. It's plastic pollution. Recycling -- everybody kind of ends their books about being sustainable and greening with the idea of recycling. You put something in a bin and you don't have to think about it again. What is the reality of that? In the United States, less than seven percent of our plastics are recycled. And if you really look into it, particularly when it comes to plastic bottles, most of it is only down-cycled, or incinerated, or shipped to China. It is down-cycled and turned into lesser things, while a glass bottle can be a glass bottle again or can be used again -- a plastic bottle can never be a plastic bottle again. 03:51 So this is a big issue for us. Another thing that we're looking at and asking people to think about is we've added a fourth R onto the front of the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle," three R's, and that is “Refuse”. Whenever possible, refuse single-use and disposable plastics. Alternatives exist; some of them are very old-school. I myself am now collecting these cool Pyrex containers and using those instead of Glad and Tupperware containers to store food in. And I know that I am doing a service to myself and my family. It's very easy to pick up a stainless-steel bottle or a glass bottle, if you're travelling and you've forgotten to bring your stainless-steel bottle and fill that up with water or filtered water, versus purchasing plastic bottled water. 04:35 I guess what I want to say to everybody here -- and I know that you guys know a lot about this issue -- is that this is a huge problem in the oceans, but this is a problem that we've created as consumers and we can solve. We can solve this by raising awareness of the issue and teaching people to choose alternatives. So whenever possible, to choose alternatives to single-use plastics. We can cut the stem -- tide the stem of this into our oceans and in doing so, save our oceans, save our planet, save ourselves. 05:06 Thank you. (Applause)
TRANSCRIPT IN ITALIAN (for the teacher) 00:11 Lavoro nel campo delle arti visive e sono anche co-fondatrice della Plastic Pollution Coalition. Ho lavorato con le buste di plastica, che negli ultimi 20 anni ho ritagliato e ricucito come materiale principale per le mie opere. Le ho trasformate in elementi bi e tridimensionali in sculture e installazioni. Lavorando con la plastica, dopo più o meno i primi otto anni, alcune delle mie opere hanno iniziato a creparsi e rompersi in pezzetti di plastica più piccoli. E ho pensato, "Bene. E' effimero proprio come noi." 00:44 Documentandomi un po' di più sulla plastica, ho capito che in effetti questa era una cosa negativa. E' una cosa negativa che la plastica si rompa in pezzetti più piccoli, perché rimane sempre e comunque plastica. E quello che stiamo scoprendo è che molta di questa plastica è nell'ambiente marino. Poi, negli ultimi anni, ho scoperto il Pacific Garbage Patch e il vortice. E la mia reazione iniziale - e credo che sia la prima reazione di molte persone quando ne vengono a conoscenza - è stata, "Oh mio Dio! Dobbiamo andare là fuori e ripulire." Quindi in effetti, ho sviluppato la proposta di uscire con una nave da carico e due pescherecci non più in uso, una gru, una trituratrice e una macchina modellatrice a freddo. E la mia intenzione era andare al vortice, fare opera di sensibilizzazione su questo argomento, iniziare a raccogliere la plastica, tagliarla in piccoli pezzi e modellarla a freddo in mattoni che potrebbero potenzialmente servire come materiale da costruzione presso comunità sottosviluppate. 01:41 Ho iniziato a parlare con le persone che avevano effettivamente visto il vortice e che stavano studiando il problema della plastica nell'ambiente marino, e nel farlo, mi sono resa conto che ripulirlo sarebbe stata solo una piccola goccia in un oceano, in confronto a quanto viene generato nel mondo ogni giorno, e che dovevo fare un passo indietro e guardare al panorama generale. E il panorama generale dice che abbiamo bisogno di trovare un modo per chiudere il rubinetto. Dobbiamo bloccare il flusso della plastica monouso e usa e getta, che entra ogni giorno nell'ambiente marino su scala globale. 02:17 Quindi, considerando ciò, ho anche capito di essere molto arrabbiata. Non ero preoccupata solo per la plastica che state cercando di immaginare là fuori, nel bel mezzo dell'Oceano Pacifico - riguardo alla quale ho appreso che al momento ci sono 11 di questi vortici nei 5 principali oceani del mondo. Non mi preoccupa solo quel vortice di plastica, è il vortice di plastica nei supermercati. Vado al supermercato e tutto il mio cibo è confezionato con la plastica. Tutte le mie bevande sono confezionate con la plastica, persino nei negozi salutisti. Mi preoccupa anche la plastica nei frigoriferi e mi preoccupano la plastica e le tossine che passano dalla plastica nel nostro organismo. 17/11/2017 27
TRANSCRIPT IN ITALIAN (for the teacher) 02:54 Così ho incontrato un gruppo di persone che erano tutte interessate a questo argomento e abbiamo creato la Plastic Pollution Coalition. Ci sono molte iniziative alle quali stiamo lavorando, ma alcune sono molto semplici. Una è: se dall' 80 al 90 percento di quello che troviamo nell'oceano - dei detriti marini che troviamo nell'oceano - è plastica, allora perché non lo chiamiamo per quello che è? E' inquinamento plastico. Riciclaggio -- tutti finiscono i loro libri sulla sostenibilità e sull'ecologia con l'idea del riciclaggio. Metti qualcosa in un cassonetto e non ci pensi più. Ma che ne è in realtà? Negli Stati Uniti, ricicliamo meno del sette percento della nostra plastica. E se lo analizziamo da vicino, in particolare nel caso delle bottiglie di plastica, la maggior parte è riciclata a bassa qualità, o incenerita, o spedita in Cina. Si ricicla a bassa qualità trasformando in cose più piccole, mentre una bottiglia di vetro può essere di nuovo una bottiglia, o può essere riutilizzata, una bottiglia di plastica non può più tornare ad essere una bottiglia. 03:51 Quindi per noi, questo è un grosso problema. Un'altra cosa che osserviamo e alla quale chiediamo alla gente di pensare è che abbiamo aggiunto una quarta R davanti alle tre R di Ridurre, Riutilizzare, Riciclare, che è Rifiutare. Quando possibile, rifiutare la plastica monouso e usa e getta. Le alternative esistono. Alcune sono della vecchia scuola. Io stessa sto prendendo questi contenitori Pyrex usandoli al posto dei contenitori Glad e Tupperware per conservare gli alimenti. E so che sto rendendo un servizio a me stessa e alla mia famiglia. E' molto facile prendere una borraccia di acciaio inossidabile, o una bottiglia di vetro, se viaggi e hai dimenticato la tua borraccia di acciaio inossidabile e riempirla di acqua, o acqua filtrata, invece di comprare dell'acqua imbottigliata in plastica. 04:35 Immagino che ciò che voglio dirvi qui - e so che voi sapete molto su questo argomento - è che questo è un grosso problema negli oceani, ma è un problema che abbiamo creato noi come consumatori e che possiamo risolvere. Possiamo risolverlo con un'opera di sensibilizzazione sull'argomento e insegnando alle persone a scegliere delle alternative. Quindi, quando possibile, a scegliere alternative alle plastiche monouso. Possiamo fermare - aiutare ad arginare questa marea nei nostri oceani, e nel farlo, salvare i nostri oceani, salvare il nostro pianeta, salvare noi stessi. 05:06 Grazie. 17/11/2017 28
Extra Reading • Economia circolare, Corepla: "Cresce la raccolta della plastica nel 2016 (+6,9%)" economia-circolare-corepla-cresce-raccolta-della-plastica- nel_p13bmcxNozY9aJaDNrzXjN.html • Riciclo rifiuti, l'Italia al 76,9%, è la prima in Europa 2017/10/09/riciclo-rifiuti-litalia-al-769-e-la-prima-in- europa_f8468cf1-0625-4a3b-b47c-e50a01eed7ec.html
Lesson Plan Lesson topic History – The Bombing of Hiroshima – The Second World War Level of English of class C1 Number of hours of 8 teaching required Content The Devastating Effects of Atomic Warfare Communication/ oral Have a debate in class: Should nuclear weapons be banned? Should countries who have nuclear weapons have the right to stockpile them for use as a deterrent? Can the use of an atomic bomb ever be justified? “If you want peace, prepare for war”. Si vis pacem, para bellum (from a statement found in Book 3 of Latin author Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus's tract De Re Militari (4th or 5th century), although the idea which it conveys also appears in earlier works such as Plato's Nomoi (Laws). Discuss in class. Task type Key words Answering questions on the text Filling the gaps Listening True/ false Grammar through Linkers (connettivi), cohesive devices (meccanismi di History coesione) and collocations (combinazioni lessicali) 17/11/2017 30
Lesson Plan Cognition Using war as strategy on the political chessboard Why are wars fought? What is the aftermath of war? The invention of the bomb, Faust’s bargain? Communication/ After the debate and discussion write an essay written on “If you want peace, prepare for war”. Si vis pacem, para bellum. Culture Developing an understanding regarding the Pacific theatre in the Second World War Outcome At the end of the lesson SS can answer: What is the biggest difference between a conventional and an atomic bomb? Who invented the atomic bomb and which country was the first to use it? During which war was the atomic bomb used for the first time? Where is the city of Hiroshima located? Did the bombing of Hiroshima have any effect on the progression of the war? 17/11/2017 31 nuclear-lessons/index.html 17/11/2017 32
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Alberto Angela Hiroshima dopo lo scoppio 17/11/2017 52
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6 Problems with our School System 17/11/2017 75
TRANSCRIPT IN ENGLISH There is a growing feeling today that something is wrong with our system of education. But what is it? Well, we send our children to school to prepare them for the real world, which is changing very, very fast. But our schools haven't changed much for hundreds of years. In fact, thought leaders from around the world agree that the current system of education was designed in the Industrial Age, mainly to churn out factory workers. And this Industrial Age mentality of mass production and mass control still runs deep in schools. Industrial Age values. We educate children by batches and govern their lives by ringing bells. All day long, students do nothing but follow instructions. Sit down, take out your books, turn to page 40, solve problem number three, stop talking. At school, you're rewarded for doing exactly what you're told. These are Industrial Age values that were really important for factory workers. Their success depended on following instructions and doing exactly what they were told. But in today's world, how far can you get by simply following instructions? The modern world values people who can be creative, who can communicate their ideas and collaborate with others. But our children don't get a chance to develop such skills in a system that's based on Industrial Age values. Lack of autonomy and control. At school, our children experience a complete lack of autonomy and control. Every minute of a child's life is tightly controlled by the system. But in today's world, if you're doing important work, then you're managing your own time. You're making your own decisions regarding what to do and when to do it. But life at school looks very different. The system is sending a dangerous message to our children, that they are not in charge of their own lives. They just have to follow whatever is laid down, instead of taking charge and making the most of their lives. Experts believe autonomy is incredibly important for children. It's no wonder then that our children are bored and demotivated by school. Can you image how you would feel if you were told exactly what do to for every minute of your life?
TRANSCRIPT IN ENGLISH Inauthentic learning. Most of the learning that happens in schools today is not authentic, because it relies on memorization and rote learning. The system defines a generic set of knowledge that all children must know. And then, every few months, we measure how much has been retained by administering exams. We know that such learning is not authentic because most of it is gone the day after the exam. Learning can be much deeper and more authentic. It can be so much more than just memorization and retention. But that's the only thing we measure and test scores are the only thing we value. This has created an extremely unhealthy culture for students, parents, and teachers. Children are going through endless hours of tuitions, staying up all night memorizing useless facts that they will forget very soon. No room for passions and interests. We have an extremely standardized system, where each child must learn the same thing at the same time in the same way as everyone else. This doesn't respect the basic fact of being human, that each of us is unique and different in our own way. We all have different passions and interests. And the key to fulfillment in life is to find your passion. But do the schools of today help our children find and develop their passion? There seems to be no room in the current education system for the most important questions in a child's life: What am I good at? What do I want to do in life? How do I fit into this world? The system doesn't seem to care. There are so many greatly talented people who failed in the traditional school system. Fortunately, they were able to overcome these failures. But not everyone can. We have no measure for how much talent, how much potential goes unrecognized in the current system. Differences in how we learn. Each of us is also different in how we learn, in how much time we take to learn something, and what tools and resources work best for us. But the system has no room for such differences. So, if you're a bit slow in learning something, you are considered a failure, when all you needed was a bit more time to catch up. Lecturing. In the current system, children are lectured for more than five hours a day. But there are a few big problems with lecturing. Sal Khan from Khan Academy calls lecturing "a fundamentally dehumanizing experience. 30 kids with fingers on their lips, not allowed to interact with each other." Also, in any given classroom, different students are at different levels of understanding. Now, whatever the teacher does, there are bound to be students who are either bored because they're ahead, or confused because they're behind. Because of the Internet and digital media, our children have at their fingertips all the information in the world. Technology has made it possible for anyone to learn anything, but for fear of losing control, the system is not leveraging these incredible resources. Our system of education, which evolved in the Industrial Age, has become outdated and ineffective. If we want to prepare our children for the modern world, if we want learning to be effective and engaging, then there's no doubt that we need to fundamentally change our system of education.
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