The Effect of X Box 360 Kinect-Virtual Reality Intervention on Balance and Gait Training In Stroke Patient": An Interventional Study - Open ...

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532       Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, July 2020, Vol. 11, No. 7

   The Effect of X Box 360 Kinect-Virtual Reality Intervention
      on Balance and Gait Training In Stroke Patient”: An
                      Interventional Study

                                    Nikita Girishbhai Shobhana1, Shweta Rakholiya2
        MPT Neuromuscular Science, 2Assistance Professor, School of Physiotherapy, RK University, Rajkot

    Background: Kinect- based Virtual Reality training that includes auditory and visual stimulation, feedback
    information, repetitions of the same motion that performing rehabilitation exercises. Aim: To Evaluate the
    effect of XBOX 360 Kinect-Virtual Reality training on balance and gait in patient with chronic stroke.
    Methodology: Consent was taken from all 30 subjects for participating in the study. Baseline measurements
    berg balance scale, 6 min walk test and gait parameters will be taken. Patients randomly have divided into 2
    groups. Group A: conventional PT (n=15) 60 min and Group B: conventional PT with Virtual reality XBOX
    360 Kinect (n=15) 60 min. After they will be assessed for post outcome measures. Conclusion: there is
    conclude that virtual reality X box 360 with physical therapy is more effective then only physical therapy
    for improve balance and gait in chronic stroke patients.

    Key Words: Stroke- balance and gait activity -XBOX 360-Virtual reality.

                        Introduction                                the ability to objectively measure behavior in challenging
                                                                    but safe and ecologically valid environments, while
     Stroke, is the second largest cause of death and a
                                                                    gradually increasing the complexity of task and decrease
major cause of disability & handicap. (10,11) In people
                                                                    the support provided by clinicians (1). A number of
recovery of functional ability after stroke is variable and
                                                                    researchers have integrated VR into assessment &
between 30 – 60% of people remain dependent on other
                                                                    rehabilitation of cognitive process, such as visual
for some activities of daily living. (5) Key functional task
                                                                    perception & executive function, and into training of
such as ability to walk has been identified by patient as
                                                                    activities of daily living.
being of great significance. Approximately 50 – 80% of
patient will regain some degree of walking ability after                 One key benefit is VR’s more naturalistic or “real
stroke. (9)                                                         – life” environments. (11) The environment is usually
                                                                    referred as being ‘Immersive’ in which user has a strong
     VR is an advanced technology that can display
                                                                    “sense of presence” by using video capture system where
3D visual images that change rapidly in response to
                                                                    the user view them self or an avatar in the scene. In a
instruction from the user which appears to provide an
                                                                    Non Immersive VR the user interacts with degrees with
answer to this challenge due to its well-known assets
                                                                    environment. In addition, VR can be tailored according
including opportunity for experiential active learning,
                                                                    to the need of the client (1)

                                                                        VR-based systems that use sensor technology to
Corresponding Author:                                               monitor whole-body movements can elicit patients to
Dr. Shweta Rakholiya,                                               perform high-intensity and high-energy movements.
Assistant professor, School of Physiotherapy,                       Kinect- based systems (Microsoft Corp, Redmond,
RK University, Rajkot. (M): 9724779333                              WA) reduce the demand on staff time for intervention
Mail ID:                                 and increase patients’ motivation toward rehabilitation.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, July 2020, Vol. 11, No. 7   533

Kinect- based VR training that includes auditory               or neurological condition, demonstrate inability to
and visual stimulation, feedback information about             follow instructions.
“winning” or “losing,” and repetitions of the same
motion can provide a variable rehabilitation tool that
reduces barriers to individuals performing rehabilitation           • 30 subjects were selected as per selection
exercises. (1)                                                 criteria.
     The most recently released Xbox Kinect system                 • Then Informed consent obtained from the
has an RGB camera and a dual infrared depth sensor             patients.
for the automatic detection of limb and body position
and motion. The system uses these elements to capture              • Patient randomly divided into group A and
data to create a 3-dimensional human body model in             group B.
real time, called an avatar, which allows for patient to
                                                                   • Group A - conventional Physical Therapy with
use their own body as the controls to play a game. The
                                                               Virtual reality XBOX 360 Kinect(1,3,4). (n = 15)
reliable visual feedback from the on-screen player’s
avatar may provide accurate feedback on movement(1).               •     Group B - conventional Physical Therapy(1). (n
                                                               = 15)
    Although the Kinect gaming system has been
shown to be of therapeutic benefit in rehabilitation, the           GROUP A
applicability of Kinect-based VR training to improve
motor function in patients following the occurrence of a           Patients was exposed to two software for XBOX
stroke has not been evaluated. (1)                             360 kinect.

                                                                    1. Kinect Sports.
    ·   Study type: Interventional Study                           Kinect Sports consists of 6 sports, including
                                                               Bowling, Boxing, Track and field, Table tennis,
    ·   Study setting: Rajkot city                             Volleyball and Soccer (football). Players can also play
                                                               improving mini-games. The game includes interactive
    ·   Sample size: 30
                                                               cut scenes, music that plays in replays and highlights
    ·   Study duration: 6 weeks.                               while playing the sports.

    CRITERIA FOR SELECTION                                          2. Kinect Adventure:

    Inclusion Criteria:                                            Kinect Adventures uses full body motion to allow
                                                               the player to engage in a variety of mini games, all of
    •   Age: 40 – 60 years.                                    which feature jump-in, jump-out multiplayer play. Each
    •   Gender: male and female                                mini game lasts about three minutes. While most of the
                                                               mini games are co-operative in two player mode, Reflex
    •   Chronic stroke patient: more than 6 months             Ridge is a competitive game. The object of all the mini
                                                               games is to get the highest number of adventure pins,
    • Could walk independently or with a guide (with
                                                               which are collected in different ways.
or without an assistive device) for 10 m.
                                                                    GROUP B
    •    With a MMSE rating >24.
                                                                   ROM exercises, Balance training, Gait training: 3
    Exclusion Criteria:
                                                               days per week, 60 min
    •   Uncooperative patient.
                                                                    Outcome measures
    • Subjects with any progressive, critical or long
                                                                    Berg Balance Scale.
term illness, an unstable cardiovascular, musculoskeletal
534    Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, July 2020, Vol. 11, No. 7

    6 Min Walk Test.                                              Pre intervention, baseline characters BBS, 6 min walk
                                                                  test, gait parameters of both groups were matched using
    Gait parameters - step length, stride length, cadence
                                                                  statistical tests.
                        Results                                        The data was analyzed in SPSS version 21.0 windows
    The effect of Virtual reality using X BOX 360 Kinect          was used for the statistical analysis. Accordingly, paired
on postural control and gait calculated and entered in            t test was used for Intra group analysis for 6 min walk
MS-EXCEL. It analyzed and graphs were made in                     test and gait parameters and Wilcoxon test for BBS and
MS-EXCEL sheets. Before beginning with analysis,                  Unpaired t Test for Inter group analysis and p-value less
                                                                  than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.


                                            Post         PRE                         POST
Outcome Measure                 Pre Mean                                                                        P-value
                                            Mean         Standard Deviation          Standard Deviation

BBS                             43.73       50.13        4.11                        3.70

6 MWT                           53.06       62.53        4.46                        4.73

STEP LENGTH                     43.86       59.53        5.39                        8.36                       0.000

STRIDE LENGTH                   85.33       108.13       10.54                       14.62

CADENCE                         87.2        102.46       10.54                       10.94

   Intra group analysis of group A in Table 1 suggest that there is significant difference in all the outcomes after 6
weeks of Virtual reality X box 360 and conventional therapy.


                              Pre                          PRE                         POST
Outcome Measure                           Post Mean                                                              P-value
                              Mean                         Standard Deviation          Standard Deviation

BBS                           44.06       48.6             4.19                        3.35

6 MWT                         52.8        59.26            3.25                        3.55

STEP LENGTH                   44          55.53            3.56                        5.12                      0.000

TRIDE LENGTH                  82          91.13            6.33                        6.05

CADENCE                       87.46       95.8             8.83                        7.60

   Intra group analysis of group B in Table 2 suggest that there is significant difference in all the outcomes after 6
weeks of conventional therapy.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, July 2020, Vol. 11, No. 7    535


                                                          Group A              Group B
                           Group A        Group B
Outcome Measure                                           Standard             Standard       T value         P-value
                           Mean           Mean
                                                          Deviation            Deviation

BBS                        50.13          48.60           1.29                 1.40           3.77            0.001

6 MWT                      62.53          59.26           2.38                 2.92           3.07            0.005

STEP LENGTH                59.53          55.53           3.81                 3.04           3.28            0.003

STRIDE LENGTH              108.13         91.13           10.01                3.70           4.95            0.000

CADENCE                    102.46         95.80           3.90                 3.67           5.01            0.000

    Inter group analysis in table 3 suggest that group            the in-depth research as there have been several motion
A shown significant improvement than group B. There               tracking devices introduced by gaming industry, like
is more significant improvement in balance and gait in            Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3 eye and Microsoft XBOX
patients with chronic stroke.                                     360 Kinect & if these techniques can be used for home
                                                                  based upper extremity rehabilitation. The results are
    However, for the BBS, 6 min walk test and gait
                                                                  promising and test results show that the techniques
parameters the intervention group demonstrated
                                                                  meet the requirements and already proved to help in
significant improvement as compared with the control
                                                                  rehabilitation.(7) VR training may have contributed to
                                                                  the improvements in balance and gait function observed
                     Discussion                                   in the participants by encouraging more interest,
                                                                  concentration on the task, fast response, repetition of
     In the result of the study, group A - shows more             exercise, motivation for patients, provide feed to patients
significant difference than group B. Previous studies             during exercise and other side alternative to programs of
have reported improved upper extremity function                   repetitious exercise that are often performed in front of
in patients with stroke following use of VR gaming                a mirror that can provide low intrinsic motivation(1,2) In
systems. (1) Hsin-Chieh Lee suggested, VR balance                 the present study, a combination of 2 games (the Kinect
training by using Kinect for Xbox games plus the                  Sports and the Kinect adventure) was used for stroke
traditional method had positive effects on the balance            patients. The programs required active movements, and
ability of patients with chronic stroke. The VR group             the participants usually performed the active movements
experienced higher pleasure than the ST group during the          of the hip, knee, or ankle, as well as the lower extremity.
intervention. (2) Pohl, concluded that the stroke related         There measure BBS, 6 min walk test and gait parameters
impairments are powerful modifiers of performance in              scores. That the VR had a positive effect on improving
a 6-minute walk test. Motor deficits of lower limb and            participation in balance and gait. Group B had 15
decrease balance contribute to the distance travelled by          patients performing conventional physiotherapy in this
an adult in 6 minutes. (6) Albert de Graaf investigated           ROM, Balance training in weight bearing and weight
536     Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, July 2020, Vol. 11, No. 7

shifting exercises weight bearing with reach out, and                 Study can be done to know effect of Virtual reality
in Gait training walking forward, backward, sidewalk,             Xbox 360 exercise in patients with Parkinsonism or
obstacle walk. Which all exercises are done in VR                 other neurological disorders.
with feedback and in form of game so patient become
motivation and feedback and also they also like to do                                        Conclusion
exercise with game.                                                    Virtual reality training using X box 360 Kinect as
                                                                  effective therapeutic approach for improving balance
     Balance and gait is improved in virtual reality
                                                                  and gait in stroke patients in rehabilitation. Their level of
group reason could be Virtual reality training is given
                                                                  experienced by VR group was higher than conventional
in simulated environment providing visual input like
                                                                  physical therapy group. So there is conclude that virtual
subject can recognize their body on screen through
                                                                  reality X box 360 with physical therapy is more effective
Kinect and can move body part in order to play different
                                                                  then only physical therapy for improve balance and gait
games, auditory input were also provided, subjects were
                                                                  in chronic stroke patient.
instructed for each game and continuous live feedback of
their progress are provided through speakers, they were                Source of Funding: Self
appreciated for their gains in every move, Somatosensory
feedback is also provided to subjects by keeping hand on               Conflict of Interest: Nil
patients paretic arm to move it in right direction and also
                                                                       CTRI No: CTRI/2019/10/021499
through trunk belt which gives feedback for, appropriate
movements in different directions which work on proper               Ethical      Clearance:       Ethics   Committee,     RK
dissociation of trunk during game. Therefore, all three           University.
components necessary to improve balance are provided
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