Elections and electoral laws. Switzerland in comparison (MA seminar)
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Universität Zürich, Institut für Politikwissenschaft Autumn term 2013 Elections and electoral laws. Switzerland in comparison (MA seminar) Lecturer: Daniel Bochsler This version: 15 August 2013 (subject to changes) Which role do elections play in the Swiss political system? How do voters and parties behave? And what is the role of the institutional rules? The Swiss system is awkward in many ways in comparison to other democracies: it combines all- party governing coalitions, excessive federalism, and frequent referendums. And it has one of the most complex electoral systems, with the opportunity of panachage, and with proportional representation (National Council) and majoritarian vote (Council of States), used by the same voters on the very same day. How do voters behave in such a system? And do national elections matter to Swiss voters? Relying on comparative studies of elections, party competition and electoral systems, we study Swiss elections in comparison, mainly to Western Europe. This seminar offers not only an insight into Swiss elections at different level, but also to the comparative literature, and is suited for students interested in Swiss politics and/or in elections. Course requirements - Regular lecture of required readings. Active participation in class. - Assignment 1: class presentation (~12 minutes) - Assignment 2: class participation and discussion of one of the presentations - Assignment 3: term paper Specific files for assignments 1 and 3. Grading Term paper (SA – 60% of the final mark) Presentation (RE – 30% of the final mark) Class participation (MA – 10% of the final mark) Enrolment The seminar is part of the following programs MA Political Science (track Swiss Politics) MA CIS Readings Mandatory readings will be provided electronically on OLAT. Note on further literature: Most readings for student presentations should be available online or in the IPZ library. Some of the most important books are blocked on a special bookshelf (Handapparat) in the library.
Overview over the class schedule and readings (preliminary version) (D) = Student presentation for German-speaker. 18 September: Introduction Class readings: Lutz, Georg and Peter Selb (2007) 'The National Elections in Switzerland', in Ulrich Klöti, Peter Knoepfel, Hanspeter Kriesi, Wolf Linder, Yannis Papadopoulos and Pascal Sciarini (eds.) Handbook of Swiss Politics (pp. 405-434). Zurich: NZZ. Week 2 to 4: A theoretical introduction 25 September: Theory I: social cleavages and the roots of political representation in Switzerland Class readings: Lipset, Seymour Martin and Stein Rokkan (1967) 'Cleavage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments. An Introduction', in Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan (eds.) Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives (pp. 1-64). New York: Free Press. Kerr, Henry H. (1987) 'The Swiss Party System: Steadfast and Changing', in Hans Daalder (ed.), Party Systems in Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Belgium (pp. 107-192). New York: St. Martin's Press. Further literature: (Gruner 1977; Bolliger 2007; Lucardie 2000; Ladner and Brändle 2001; Tavits 2006; Hauss and Rayside 1978; Harmel and Robertson 1985) 2 October: Theory II: Institutions and cleavages Class readings: Taagepera, Rein and Matthew S. Shugart (1989) Seats and Votes. The Effects and Determinants of Electoral Systems. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, pp. 1- 18,61-76. Vatter, Adrian (2003) 'Legislative Party Fragmentation in Swiss Cantons A Function of Cleavage Structures or Electoral Institutions?', Party Politics 9(4): 445-461. Further literature: (Lipset and Rokkan 1967; Bartolini and Mair 1990; Ordeshook and Shvetsova 1994; Taagepera 1999; Clark and Golder 2006; Harmel and Robertson 1985; Bochsler 2010b) 9 October: Theory III: Issue voting Class readings: Thomassen, Jacques and Hermann Schmitt (1997) 'Policy representation', European Journal of Political Research 32: 165-184. Kriesi, Hanspeter and Pascal Sciarini (2004) 'The Impact of Issue Preferences on Voting Choices in the Swiss Federal Elections, 1999', British Journal of Political Science 34: 725- 747. Further literature: (Downs 1957; Aardal and van Wijnen 2005; Enelow and Hinich 1982) 16 October: Paper workshop I Page 2
Weeks 6 to 8: the chain of representation 23 October: Voters I: Issues and radicalisation Class readings: Kedar, Orit (2005) 'When Moderate Voters Prefer Extreme Parties: Policy Balancing in Parliamentary Elections', American Political Science Review 99(2): 185-199. Lachat, Romain (2006) 'A Tale of Two Councils. Explaining the Weakness of the SVP in the Upper House of the Federal Parliament', Swiss Political Science Review 12(4): 77-99. Student presentations: 1. Directional voting: Rabinowitz, George and Stuart Elaine Macdonald (1989) 'A Directional Theory of Issue Voting', American Political Science Review 83(1): 93-121. Christin, Thomas and Tobias Schulz (2006) 'Is Consensual Politicizing Being Punished in Switzerland?', Swiss Political Science Review 12(4): 101-130. 2. Who are the new right voters? McGann, Anthony J. and Herbert Kitschelt (2005) 'The Radical Right in the Alps. Evolution and Support for the Swiss SVP and Austrian FPÖ', Party Politics 11(2): 147-171. Lachat, Romain and Peter Selb (2005) 'Schweiz', in Hanspeter et al. Kriesi (ed.), Der Aufstieg der SVP. Acht Kantone im Vergleich (pp. 41-58). Zürich: NZZ Verlag. Further literature: (Powell 2004; Przeworski et al. 1999; Weßels 2007; Lutz 2006; Lachat and Selb 2010; Merrill and Grofman 1999; Aardal and van Wijnen 2005; Adams et al. 2005; Downs 1957; Hinich and Munger 1994; Knutsen and Kumlin 2005; Schofield and Sened 2005; Van der Eijk et al. 2005; Lewis and King 1999; Meguid 2005, 2008; Ezrow 2007, 2010) Knowledge, campaigns and voting: (Marquis 2010; or Lachat 2000) 30 October: Voters II: social change and inequalities Class readings: Lijphart, Arend (1979) 'Religious vs. Linguistic vs. Class Voting: The "Crucial Experiment" of Comparing Belgium, Canada, South Africa, and Switzerland', American Political Science Review 73(2): 442-458. Oesch, Daniel and Line Rennwald (2010) 'The Class Basis of Switzerland’s Cleavage between the New Left and the Populist Right', Swiss Political Science Review 16(3): 343- 371. Student presentations: 1. Families and voting: Fitzgerald, Jennifer (2011) 'Family Dynamics and Swiss Parties on the Rise: Exploring Party Support in a Changing Electoral Context', Journal of Politics 73(3): 783-796. 2. Social groups and turnout: Bernhagen, Patrick and Michael Marsh (2007) 'The partisan effect of low turnout: Analyzing vote abstention as a missing data problem', Electoral Studies 26: 548-560. Oesch, Daniel (2006) Redrawing the Class Map: Stratification and Institutions in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179-96. Further literature: (Hug and Trechsel 2002; Bartolini and Mair 1990; Bartolini 2000; Elff 2007; Knutsen and Scarbrough 1995; Oskarson 2005; Rokkan 2000, Kapitel 4; Wernli 1998; Bühlmann and Freitag 2006; Nicolet and Sciarini 2006; Nicolet and Tresch 2009; Bornschier 2010) Page 3
6 November: Voters III: how parties compete for the voters Class readings: Hug, Simon and Tobias Schulz (2007) 'Left-Right Positions of Political Parties in Switzerland', Party Politics 13(3): 305-330. Bochsler, Daniel and Pascal Sciarini (2010) 'So Close But So Far: Voting Propensity and Party Choice for Left-Wing Parties', Swiss Political Science Review 16(3): 373-402. Student presentations: 1. Voting advice applications: Ladner, Andreas, Jan Fivaz and Joëlle Pianzola (2012) 'Voting advice applications and party choice: evidence from smartvote users in Switzerland', International Journal of Electronic Governance 5(3-4): 367-387. Louwerse, Tom and Martin Rosema (2011) The Design Effects of Voting Advice Applications: Comparing Methods of Calculating Results, ECPR General Conference. Reykjavik. Walgrave, Stefaan, Michiel Nuytemans and Koen Pepermans (2009) 'Voting Aid Applications and the Effect of Statement Selection', West European Politics 32(6): 1161-1180. 2. Voters, candidates and MPs: Leimgruber, Philipp, Dominik Hangartner and Lucas Leemann (2010) 'Comparing Candidates and Citizens in the Ideological Space', Swiss Political Science Review 16(3): 499-531. Portmann, Marco, David Stadelmann and Reiner Eichenberger (2012) 'District magnitude and representation of the majority's preferences: Evidence from popular and parliamentary votes', Public Choice 151: 585-610. Further literature: (Van der Eijk et al. 2005; Meguid 2005; McGann 2002) Weeks 9 to 13: The awkward Swiss institutional order 13 November: One electorate or many? Class readings: Caramani, Daniele (2004) The Nationalization of Politics. The Formation of National Electorates and Party Systems in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 15-43, 116-7, 125. Bochsler, Daniel and Pascal Sciarini (2006, 11 October) Allmählicher Abschied vom Kantönligeist. Tages-Anzeiger, p. 10. Stojanović, Nenad (2006) 'Do Multicultural Democracies Really Require PR? Counterevidence from Switzerland', Swiss Political Science Review 12(4): 131-157. Student presentations: 1 (D). Swiss political landscapes and voting behaviour: Steenbergen, Marco (2010) 'Decomposing the Vote: Individual, Communal, and Cantonal Sources of Voting Behavior in Switzerland', Swiss Political Science Review 16(3): 403-424. Giger, Nathalie, Jochen Müller and Marc Debus (2011) 'Die Bedeutung des regionalen Kontexts für die programmatische Positionierung von Schweizer Kantonalparteien', Swiss Political Science Review 17(3): 259-285. 2 (D). Parties in a multi-level setting: Deschouwer, Kris (2006) 'Political Parties as Multi-Level Organization', in Richard S. Katz and William Crotty (eds.) Handbook of Party Politics (pp. 291-300). London: Sage. Ladner, Andreas (2004) 'Typologien und Wandel: Die kantonalen Demokratien im letzten Drittel des 20. Jahrhundert', Swiss Political Science Review 10(4): 3-32. Page 4
Further literature: (Carrubba and Timpone 2005; Reif and Schmitt 1980; Armingeon 1998; Selb and Pituctin 2010; Bochsler and Wasserfallen 2013) 20 November: Federalism and consociationalism Class readings: Lachat, Romain and Hanspeter Kriesi (2012) Strategic voting in multi- member majoritarian systems: the case of Swiss regional government elections. Barcelona/Zurich: Universitat Pompeu Fabra/University of Zurich. Monroe, Burt L. and Amanda G. Rose (2002) 'Electoral Systems and Unimagined Consequences: Partisan Effects of Districted Proportional Representation', American Journal of Political Science 46(1): 67-89. Student presentations: 1. Cantonal inequalities: Selb, Peter (2006) 'Multi-Level Elections in Switzerland ', Swiss Political Science Review 12(4): 49- 75. Samuels, David and Richard Snyder (2001) 'The Value of a Vote: Malapportionment in Comparative Perspective', British Journal of Political Science 31: 651-671. 2 (D). Swiss government coalitions: Vatter, Adrian (2000) 'Consensus and direct democracy: Conceptual and empirical linkages', European Journal of Political Research 38: 171-192. NZZ-Serie 'Hat die Konkordanz Zukunft?', http://www.nzz.ch/dossiers/uebersicht/schweiz- konkordanz-2.47150 Further literature: (Caluori and Hug 2005; Vatter 2006; Bochsler and Sciarini 2006b; Bochsler and Bousbah 2011) 27 November: Paper workshop II 4 December: Who sets the rules of the game Class readings: Boix, Carles (1999) 'Setting the Rules of the Game: The Choice of Electoral Systems in Advanced Democracies', The American Political Science Review 93(3): 609-624. Pukelsheim, Friedrich and Christian Schuhmacher (2004) 'Das neue Zürcher Zuteilungsverfahren für Parlamentswahlen', Aktuelle Juristische Praxis 5: 505-522. or (in English): Pukelsheim (forthcoming) Representing Districts and Parties: Double Proportionality. Augsburg: University of Augsburg. Student presentations: 1. List apparentments: Leutgäb, Peter and Friedrich Pukelsheim (2009) 'List Apparentments in Local Elections - A Lottery', Homo Oeconomicus 26(3/4): 489-500. Bochsler, Daniel (2010) 'Who gains from apparentments under D’Hondt?', Electoral Studies 29(4): 617-627. 2 (D). Shall courts intervene in elections? BGE 129 I 185 Grüne vs. Stadt Zürich + NZZ, 19.12.2002; Katz, Richard S. (2011) 'Democracy as a Cause of Electoral Reform: Jurisprudence and Electoral Change in Canada', West European Politics 34(3): 587-606. Further literature: (Gallagher and Mitchell 2005; Colomer 2004) Proportionality in Switzerland: (Lutz and Zila 2010) Page 5
List apparentments: (Pukelsheim and Schuhmacher 2011; Bochsler 2010a, 2010c) 11 December: Direct democracy and party politics Class readings: Trechsel, Alexander H. and Pascal Sciarini (1998) 'Direct democracy in Switzerland: Do elites matter?', European Journal of Political Research 33: 99-124. Bowler, Shaun, Stephen P. Nicholson and Gary M. Segura (2006) 'Earthquakes and Aftershocks: Race, Direct Democracy, and Partisan Change', American Journal of Political Science 50(1): 146-159. Student presentations: 1. Direct democracy as a party vehicle? Kriesi, Hanspeter (2006) 'Role of the Political Elites in Swiss Direct-Democratic Votes', Party Politics 12(5): 599-622. Ladner, Andreas and Michael Brändle (1999) 'Does Direct Democracy Matter for Political Parties? An Empirical Test in the Swiss Cantons', Party Politics 5(3): 283-302. 2. Direct democracy and opinion formation Sciarini, Pascal and Anke Tresch (2011) 'Campaign Effects in Direct-Democratic Votes in Switzerland', Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 21(3): 333-357. Further literature: (Selb et al. 2009; Trechsel 2007) 18 December: Round‐up of the seminar 29 December 2013: Deadline for term papers Page 6
References Aardal, Bernt, and Pieter van Wijnen. 2005. "Issue Voting." In The European Voter: A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies, ed. J. Thomassen. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Adams, James F., Samuel III Merrill, and Bernard Grofman. 2005. A Unified Theory of Party Competition. A Cross-National Analysis Integrating Spatial and Behavioral Factors. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Armingeon, Klaus. 1998. "Es gibt sie doch, die Schweizer Wahlen! Die Unterschiedlichkeit des Wahlverhaltens zwischen Kantonen im internationalen Vergleich." In Schweizer Wahlen 1995, ed. H. Kriesi, U. Klöti and W. Linder. Bern: Haupt. Bartolini, Stefano. 2000. The Political Mobilization of the European Left. 1860-1980. The Class Cleavage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bartolini, Stefano, and Peter Mair. 1990. Identity, Competition, and Electoral Availability. The Stabilisation of European Electorates 1885-1985. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bernhagen, Patrick, and Michael Marsh. 2007. "The partisan effect of low turnout: Analyzing vote abstention as a missing data problem." Electoral Studies 26:548-60. Bochsler, Daniel. 2010a. "L'union fait la force: les apparentements de listes au sein de la gauche." In La recomposition de la gauche. Analyse du vote PS et Verts en Suisse, ed. S. Nicolet and P. Sciarini. Genève: Georg. ———. 2010b. Territory and Electoral Rules in Post-Communist Democracies. Houndmills: Palgrave. ———. 2010c. "Was bringen Wahlallianzen? Links-grüne Parteien und deren Listenverbindungen im d'Hondtschen Verhältniswahlrecht der Schweizer Nationalratswahlen von 1995 bis 2007." Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 41 (4):855- 73. ———. 2010d. "Who gains from apparentments under D’Hondt?" Electoral Studies 29 (4):617-27. Bochsler, Daniel, and Karima Bousbah. 2011. "Volkswahl und Konkordanz. Freiwilliger Proporz in den direkt gewählten Kantonsregierungen." Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 3 June, 13. Bochsler, Daniel, and Pascal Sciarini. 2006a. "Allmählicher Abschied vom Kantönligeist." Tages-Anzeiger, 11 October, 10. ———. 2006b. "Neue Indikatoren zur Bestimmung der arithmetischen Regierungskonkordanz." Swiss Political Science Review 12 (1):105-22. ———. 2010. "So Close But So Far: Voting Propensity and Party Choice for Left-Wing Parties." Swiss Political Science Review 16 (3):373-402. Bochsler, Daniel, and Fabio Wasserfallen. 2013. "Switzerland: Moving towards a nationalized party system." In Regional and National Elections in Western Europe. Territoriality of the Vote in Thirteen Countries, ed. R. Dandoy and A. H. Schakel. Basingstoke/Houndmills: Palgrave. Boix, Carles. 1999. "Setting the Rules of the Game: The Choice of Electoral Systems in Advanced Democracies." The American Political Science Review 93 (3):609-24. Bolliger, Christian. 2007. Konkordanz und Konfliktlinien in der Schweiz, 1945 bis 2003. Bern: Haupt. Bornschier, Simon. 2010. Cleavage Politics and the Populist Right. The New Cultural Conflict in Western Europe. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Page 7
Bowler, Shaun, Stephen P. Nicholson, and Gary M. Segura. 2006. "Earthquakes and Aftershocks: Race, Direct Democracy, and Partisan Change." American Journal of Political Science 50 (1):146-59. Bühlmann, Marc, and Markus Freitag. 2006. "Individual and Contextual Determinants of Electoral Participation." Swiss Political Science Review 12 (4):13-47. Caluori, Ladina, and Simon Hug. 2005. "Changes in the Partisan Composition of the Swiss Government. 1891, 1919, 1929, 1943, 1959, 2003, . . .?" Swiss Political Science Review 11 (3):101-21. Caramani, Daniele. 2004. The Nationalization of Politics. The Formation of National Electorates and Party Systems in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Carrubba, Cliff, and Richard J. Timpone. 2005. "Explaining Vote Switching across First- and Second-order Elections. Evidence from Europe." Comparative Political Studies 38 (3):260-81. Christin, Thomas, and Tobias Schulz. 2006. "Is Consensual Politicizing Being Punished in Switzerland?" Swiss Political Science Review 12 (4):101-30. Clark, William R.., and Matt Golder. 2006. "Rehabilitating Duverger's Theory. Testing the Mechanical and Strategic Effects of Electoral Laws." Comparative Political Studies 39 (6):679-708. Colomer, Josep M., ed. 2004. Handbook of Electoral System Choice. Houndmills: Palgrave. Deschouwer, Kris. 2006. "Political Parties as Multi-Level Organization." In Handbook of Party Politics, ed. R. S. Katz and W. Crotty. London: Sage. Downs, Anthony. 1957. An Economic Theory of Democracy. New York: Harper. Elff, Martin. 2007. "Social Structure and Electoral Behavior in Comparative Perspective: The Decline of Social Cleavages in Western Europe Revisited." Perspectives on Politics 5 (2):277-94. Enelow, James M., and Melvin J. Hinich. 1982. "Ideology, Issues, and the Spatial Theory of Elections." American Political Science Review 76 (3):493-501. Ezrow, Lawrence. 2007. "The Variance Matters: How Party Systems Represent the Preferences of Voters." Journal of Politics 69 (1):182-92. ———. 2010. Linking Citizens and Parties. How Electoral Systems Matter for Political Representation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fitzgerald, Jennifer. 2011. "Family Dynamics and Swiss Parties on the Rise: Exploring Party Support in a Changing Electoral Context." Journal of Politics 73 (3):783-96. Gallagher, Michael, and Paul Mitchell, eds. 2005. The Politics of Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Giger, Nathalie, Jochen Müller, and Marc Debus. 2011. "Die Bedeutung des regionalen Kontexts für die programmatische Positionierung von Schweizer Kantonalparteien." Swiss Political Science Review 17 (3):259-85. Gruner, Erich. 1977. Die Parteien der Schweiz. Bern: Francke. Harmel, Robert, and John D. Robertson. 1985. "Formation and Success of New Parties. A Cross-National Analysis." International Political Science Review 6 (4):501-23. Hauss, Charles, and David Rayside. 1978. "The Development of New Parties in Western Democracies Since 1945." In Political Parties: Development and Decay, ed. L. Maisel and J. Cooper. Beverly Hills/London: Sage. Hinich, Melvin J., and Michael C. Munger. 1994. Ideology and the Theory of Political Choice. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. Hug, Simon, and Tobias Schulz. 2007. "Left-Right Positions of Political Parties in Switzerland." Party Politics 13 (3):305-30. Page 8
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