The Daily Gamecock, Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - Scholar Commons University of South Carolina - CORE

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The Daily Gamecock, Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - Scholar Commons University of South Carolina - CORE
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The Daily Gamecock, Wednesday, July 12, 2017
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UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA                                                       WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2017                                             VOL. 109, NO. 33 ● SINCE 1908

Campus Village work to start in 2018
Mike Woodel                       g u id e s” t o p r e v e nt     vehicle traffic,
@GETHISDOGONETOO                  students from                    Sten sla nd sa id t hat
                                  wa nder i ng t h rough           “it was i mpor t a nt
   Despite a lack
                                  nearby neighborhoods.            for the universit y to
of construction,
                                     Sp e a k i n g f or t he      demonstrate that our
development of new
                                  u n i v e r s i t y, U S C       approach to campus
residence halls i n
                                  associate director of            t r a n s p o r t at io n h a s
the southern portion
                                  public relat ions Jef f          cha nged, a nd t hat
of campus is moving
                                  St e n s l a n d s a id t h e    we are placing more
along steadily, w it h
                                  p r o j e c t ’s p a c e h a s   emphasis on optimized
i n it ia l work on t he
                                  allowed for ample input          s hu t t l e r o u t e s a n d
Campus Village now
                                  from nearby residents,           pedestrian walk ways
expected as early as
                                  e spec ia l ly concer n s        to and f rom cent ral
next summer.
                                  of heav y vehicle and            campus.”
   The project,
                                  foot traffic outside the             A c c o r d i n g
expected to allow for
                                  planned 1,000 -plus-             to Stensland,
eight residence halls
                                  bed Bates North and              construction is
and a parking garage
                                  Bates South facilities.          expected to begin in
on the site of current
                                     “The design                   summer or fall 2018
f ac i l it ie s i nc lud i n g
                                  evolution ref lects the          on t he site of Cl if f
Bates House and
                                  t ypical process for a           Apartments. Work on
Cl if f A pa r t ment s,
                                  large, complex project,          the site of Bates House
was initially unveiled
                                  seeking to be a worthy           is ex pected to st a r t
i n 2 015. L o g i s t i c s
                                  addition to our campus,          t wo years later, and
have evolved si nce,
                                  which involved                   the Carolina Gardens
including a decrease
                                  many stakeholders,”              f a c i l it y a c r o s s t h e
in the capacit y of an
                                  Stensland said.                  street is expected to
expected park ing
                                     R e g a r d i n g             begin construction in
g a r a g e f r o m 3, 0 0 0
s p a c e s t o 9 45 a n d                                                                                                                                   Courtesy of the University of South Carolina
                                  concerns of increased             SEEVILLAGEPAGE4
the hiring of “safet y                                                                                Plans for the Campus Village development, which will include eight residence halls.

Input on                                                                                                Professor awarded grant
new city                                                                                                for stroke research
flag ends                                                                                                                                                understand
                                                                                                                                                         eye and limb
                                                                                                                                                                                  through several
                                                                                                                                                                                  tasks ranging
                                                                                                                                                         movement in              f rom mu nd a ne
Mike Woodel                                                                                                                                              t he se p at ient s ,    a c t i v i t i e s
                                                                                                                                                         Her t er w i l l b e     to complex
   The city of Columbia is one step                                                                                                                      utilizing an upper       simulations that
closer to selecting its fi rst new city                                                                                                                  extremity robotic        require very fast
flag design in over a century after                                                                                                                      apparatus. This          eye and hand
online voting on the final 19 designs                                                                                                                    robot allows             movements and
closed Monday.                                                                                                                                           p a t i e nt s t o b e   qu ick decisions
   After submission and review of                                                                                                                        seated in a chair        about when,
initial designs for the new city flag,                                                                                                                   wh ile hold i ng         where and how to
the fi nal 18 absorbed weeks of input                                                                                                                    onto robot ic            move.
online. Lee Snelgrove, board member                                                                                                                      handles and                 “We can take
of the Columbia Design Leag ue                                                                                                                           brings them              those measures of
(CDL) and executive director of                                                                                                                          i nto a v i r t ua l     limb movement
One Columbia for Arts and History,                                                                                                                       environment. In          or mea su re s of
said the winning design should be                                                                               John Warrington / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
                                                                                                                                                         this environment,        e y e m o v e m e nt
officially adopted by the city before                                                                   Dr. Troy Herter uses robotics and virtual        robot ic motor s         and correlate
the end of 2017.                                         Courtesy of Lee Snelgrove
                                                                                                                                                         can measure              t hose across to
                                                                                                        environment to study stroke patients.
   The idea for a redesign began with                                                                                                                    where a patient’s        difficulties with
                                        One of these finalists will replace
a September presentation by Ted                                                                         John Warrington           Troy Her ter,          hands are in space       da i ly ac t iv it ie s
                                        Columbia’s current city flag (top).
Kaye of the Portland (Maine) Flag                                                                       @JMDUBS6               graduate director         at every moment          and driving
Association. As a vexillologist, or                                                                                            and the head of           in time, how fast        a nd w he r e t he
                                        flag features a multicolored variation
one that studies the symbolism and                                                                         Ev e r y y e a r,   the rehabilitation        they are moving,         leg ions a re i n
                                        of the city seal flanked by corn and
usage of f lags, Kaye measured the                                                                      795,000 people in      sciences division         if they are              t he brain a nd
                                        cotton crops in the middle of a blue
Columbia city flag against the North                                                                    the United States      at t he A r nold          accelerating and         t he d if ferences
                                        rectangle. A 2004 online survey held
American Vexillogical Association’s                                                                     have a st roke.        School of Public          wh at d i rec t ion      in con nect iv it y
                                        by the NAVA placed Columbia’s flag
( NAVA) principles for good f lag                                                                       That’s one every       Health, recently          they are moving.         compared to
                                        85th out of 150 American city flags
design.                                                                                                 40 seconds.            received a                Simultaneously,          nor m a l w it h i n
                                        with a score of 3.83 out of 10.
   The NAVA’s principles of good                                                                           People who          g ra nt f rom t he        an eye track ing         t he brain a nd
                                           “ T he s y mb ol i s m i s d at e d a s
f lag design include simplicit y to                                                                     survive a stroke       American Heart            s y stem records         put together
                                        corn and cotton aren’t specifically
the point of being able to draw the                                                                     often have some        Association               where the patient        t h is pic t u re of
                                        associated with the city much these
flag from memory, employment of                                                                         f or m of mot or       to i nvest igate          is look ing at all       how does t he
                                        days,” Snelgrove said.
symbolism meaningful to the body                                                                        impairment,            t he cor relat ion        times.                   bra i n cont rol
                                           According to Snelgrove, over 540
the flag represents, use of three or                                                                    whet her t hat         b e t w e e n p o s t-       O n c e               movement?
                                        designs were submitted. After the
fewer colors and a lack of a seal or                                                                    be dif f icult y       st roke pat ter ns        the patient              How does t he
                                        field was narrowed down to 19 by the
lettering. According to Snelgrove,                                                                      organizing their       o f       m o t o r       has entered              bra i n i nteg rate
                                        NAVA last month, voters gave online
Kaye’s presentation pointed out that                                                                    eye movement s         impairment and            the virtual              organizat ion of
                                        feedback to the finalists before voting
the current flag violated each of these                                                                 or their ability to    self-repor ted            env iron ment,           eye movement s
                                        closed Monday. Experts convened
four principles.                                                                                        move their limbs       patient disability.       Herter will
   In use since 1912, the current city                                                                  or both.                  To b e t t e r         run them                   SEESTROKE
                                                   SEEFLAGPAGE4                                                                                                                      PAGE2

Brewer transitions into new role with Student Life
  Mike Woodel                               A nna Edwards begins her                  Jerry Brewer. While serving          University Union.                       He will continue working
  @GETHISDOGONETOO                          f u ll dut y as interim v ice             as associate vice president,           T hou g h E d w a rd s w i l l        at USC with the Division
                                            president for st udent life               Brewer oversaw a w ide               not f u lly t a ke over u nt il         of St udent A f f a i r s a nd
     US C ’s D e p a r t me nt of           Monday.                                   variety of USC student life          Monday, Brewer has already              Academic Support and the
  Student Life will see new                    Upon returning Monday,                 services, including substance        transitioned from his position          Department of Student Life.
  le ader s h ip when for mer               Edwards will succeed former               abuse and prevention, Greek          as associate vice president for
  director of student services              a s s o c i at e v ic e pre s ident       life and the Russell House           student life and development.                 SEEBREWERPAGE4

                                                                                   SEC MEDIA DAYS BINGO
                                                                                                                                     PAGE 8
                                          Logan Zahner / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
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2        Wedenesday, July 12, 2017

       About The Daily Gamecock
                                 ADAM ORFINGER
                                 Design Director
                                  LOGAN ZAHNER
                                 Senior Designer
                               MARIELA RODRIGUEZ
                                                                                                                                   “This is obviously very high
                                Copy Desk Chief
                                   JOY BRANTON                                                                                     level and sensitive information
                                   Photo Editor
                                     LISA FALTA
                                   News Editor
                                                                                                                                   but is part of Russia and its
                                   MIKE WOODEL
                              Arts & Culture Editor
                                 JENNA SCHIFERL
                                                                                                                                   government’s support for Mr.
                                 Opinion Editors
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                                                                                                                                   Trump – helped along by Aras
                                    DAN NELSON
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                                 ADAM ORFINGER
                                                                                                                                   and Emin [Agalarov].”
                                MADDIE COMPTON
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                                TAYLOR HARRISON
                                  BRYCE WILSON
                                                                                                                                         — Publicist Rob Goldstone in a June 3, 2016, email
                                JOHN WARRINGTON                                                                                              to Donald Trump, Jr., which Trump released
                               VALENCIA ABRAHAM                                                                                                                                    Tuesday
                                  ZOE NICHOLSON
                                  NICK SEMBRAT
                                     NYA GREEN                                                  Courtesy of Tribune News Service
                                   MATTIE HIBBS

                                Faculty Advisor
                                   DOUG FISHER
                                                                                  “It seems like we’re getting more and
                            Student Media Director
                              SARAH SCARBOROUGH
                                                                                  more out-of-state students taking
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                                 ASHLYN MURPHY
                         Student Marketing Manager
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                                                                                  because I have constituents who are
                         Student Advertising Manager
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                                                                                  complaining that they have not been
                         Advertising Representatives
                       CAITLIN DINGLER, ERIN LEE, MORGAN
                         MACLACHLAN, FOSTER SNIPES,
                                                                                  able to get into the university.”
                                 CAMERON WHITE                                        — State Sen. Darrell Jackson, D-Richland,
                                                                                       who requested hearings to address USC
                                                                                         tuition breaks for out-of-state students
                                                                                                                                                                             Courtesy of Tribune News Service
    The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent student newspaper of
    the University of South Carolina. It is published daily during the fall and
    spring semesters and nine times during the summer with the exception of                                                                  “This individual was deemed
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    Gamecock are the author’s and are not the university’s. The Board of                                                                     inadmissible to the U.S. based
    Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of The Daily
    Gamecock. The Department of Student Media is the newspaper’s parent
                                                                                                                                             on information discover ed
    organization. The Daily Gamecock is supported in part by student                                                                         during the CBP inspection. As
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                                                                                                                                             is customary with individuals
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                                                   ARTS & CULTURE
                  OPINION                               PHOTO                                                                            — U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
                                                      Editor’s office:                                                                            spokeswoman Stephanie Malin after Iranian
                                                                                                                                               postdoctoral researcher Mohsen Dehnavi was
                                                                                                        Sarah Supan / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

                                                                                                                 STROKEPAGE1                 stroke survivors.                 the type of behavior and
                                                                                                                                                “[ T he br a i n] is a l l     be able to perform the
                                                                                                            with limb movements
                                                                                                                                             about net works of                t ypes of tasks that we
                                                                                                            and what does this tell
                                                                                                                                             interconnected regions            need to perform.”
                                                                                                            us about rehabilitation?”
                                                                                                                                             that work together as a              Armed with his grant
                                                                                                            said Herter.
                                                                                                                                             single connected unit to          f rom t he A merica n
                                                                                                               Herter w ill also
                                                                                                                                             distribute the processing         Hear t A ssociat ion,
                                                                                                            be performing
                                                                                                                                             power across many                 Herter is attempting to
                                                                                                            neuroimaging on
                                                                                                                                             different areas,” Herter          better understand this
                                                                                                            t he s e p at ient s . T h i s
                                                                                                                                             said. “What are largely           n e u r a l c o n n e c t i v it y
                                                                                                            neuroimaging in
                                                                                                                                             segregated, certain nodes         to benef it post-
                                                                                                            combinat ion w it h
                                                                                                                                             or certain areas within           st roke p at ient s w it h
                                                                                                            t he robot ic dat a a nd
                                                                                                                                             two different networks,           mot or i mp a i r me nt s .
                                                                                                            self-reported disability
                                                                                                                                             say t hose involved in            He recommends
                                                                                                            questionnaires will allow
                                                                                                                                             e y e m o v e m e nt s a n d      undergraduate students
                                                                                                            Herter to put together a
                                                                                                                                             those involved in limb            get involved in research
                                                                                                            more holistic picture of
                                                                                                                                             movements, may actually           by knocking on doors,
                                                                                                            the effects of stroke and
                                                                                                                                             overlap between the two           talk ing to professors
                                                                                                            then this information
                                                                                                                                             and become important              and finding what truly
                                                                                                            can be used, in turn, for
                                                                                                                                             hubs for integrating the          interests them.
                                                                                                            better rehabilitation of
                                                                                                                                             two together to generate

                                                                                                             CORRECTION: Last week’s edition stated that Aramark would receive $252
                                                                                                             million under USC’s new food service contract. In reality, USC will receive
                                                                                                             $252 million under the new contract.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017         3

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4     Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Professor to brief Congress on project                                                                                                                    BREWERPAGE1

                                                                                                                                                Brewer studied political science as an
                                                                                                                                             undergrad and ended up receiving both
                                                                                                                                             of his degrees from USC. According
                                                                                               Three billion passengers worldwide
                                                                                                                                             to the Department of Student Life,
                                                                                               took to the skies last year, according
                                                                                                                                             he has spent 36 years in the field of
                                                                                               to Aerospace A mer ica a nd t he
                                                                                                                                             higher education administration. His
                                                                                               Federal Aviation Administration.
                                                                                                                                             accompl ish ment s i nclude ser v i ng
                                                                                               That number is expected to more
                                                                                                                                             on se ver a l USC com m it tee s a nd
                                                                                               than double by 2035.
                                                                                                                                             development of Greek Village and the
                                                                                                   According to Matolak, present
                                                                                                                                             Strom Thurmond Fitness Center.
                                                                                               aviation communications systems
                                                                                                                                                Edwa rds st ud ied at Clemson
                                                                                               are mostly “legacy” systems that
                                                                                                                                             Universit y as an undergrad before
                                                                                               have seen only minor improvements
                                                                                                                                             receiving two postgraduate degrees,
                                                                                               s i n c e t h e 19 8 0 s . W it h h e a v y
                                                                                                                                             including a doctorate in educational
                                                                                               increases in freight, passenger and
                                                                                                                                             administration, from USC. She joined
                                                                                               d rone f l ight ongoi ng, Matola k
                                                                                                                                             Student Life as the assistant to the
                                                                                               said, legacy systems may not be
                                                                                                                                             associate vice president for student
                                                                                                                                             affairs in 2005. In her role as director
                                                                                                   “It’s env isioned t hat ex ist ing
                                                                                                                                             of student services, her duties included
                                                                                               communications and networks will
                                                                                                                                             super vising operat ions for at hlet ic
                                                                                               not be able to keep up with the
                                                                                                                                             student tickets and Greek life.
                                                                                               demand,” Matolak said. “We’re
                                                         Courtesy of Tribune News Service                                                       I n h is capacit y as associate v ice
                                                                                               look ing at not only ... replacing
This week, David Matolak will brief officials from NASA and Congress on                                                                      president for st udent l ife, Brewer
                                                                                               them with more efficient systems
issues with aeronautical communication in an age of expanding air travel.                                                                    oversaw USC Student Government.
                                                                                               but also using other techniques
                                                                                                                                             T he c u r rent ad m i n ist rat ion of
                                                                                               that haven’t been used in aviation
                                                                                                                                             Ross Lordo said Tuesday that they
Mike Woodel                                     With the NASA-funded project,                  before.”
                                                                                                                                             will remember Brewer fondly as he
                                              M atola k a nd col leag ues w i l l                  The increase in private drone
                                                                                                                                             transitions into his new role.
                                              identify problems and solutions in               fl ights will also be on the agenda.
   USC will be well-represented                                                                                                                 “He has been a g reat mentor to
                                              air traffic management systems.                  One of Matolak’s colleagues will
i n Wash i ng ton later t h is week                                                                                                          everyone that has come through here,”
                                              The award comes as part of NASA’s                be re sea rch i ng way s to detec t
when C ol lege of E ng i neer i ng                                                                                                           st udent body v ice president Da n i
                                              University Leadership Initiative,                unauthorized drones f lying near
and Computing professor David                                                                                                                Goodreau said. “He’s served for decades
                                              which allows university teams to                 a i r p or t s , a nd t he projec t w i l l
Matolak arrives to brief NA SA                                                                                                               here and he’s a breadth of knowledge,
                                              help make American aviation safer                include research into safe drone
leaders and members of Congress                                                                                                              always been so supportive of student
                                              and more efficient. Matolak’s team               fl ights on airport grounds.
about the aims of a $4.4 million                                                                                                             initiatives and really just [provided]
                                              includes researchers from USC,                       “Aviation is one of those areas
research project.                                                                                                                            great guidance for us when we’re trying
                                              North Carolina State University,                 t h at p eople b el ie ve i s c ut t i ng
   A doctoral alumnus of                                                                                                                     to move forward or what the best course
                                              Boise State Un iversit y and t he                edge, a nd i n some way s it is,”
t he Un iver sit y of V i rg i n ia,                                                                                                         of action is and really how to serve the
                                              Minnesota-based company                          Matolak said. “But in the area of
M atola k c a me to Colu mbia i n                                                                                                            students.”
                                              A r c h i t e c t u r e Te c h n o l o g y       communications we’ve got a lot of
2012 a f t e r t e a c h i n g 13 y e a r s                                                                                                     “You could tell that he’s a very smart
                                              Corporation.                                     room for growth, and that’s what
a t O h i o U n i v e r s i t y. W i t h                                                                                                     man,” added student body treasurer
                                                M a t o l a k ’s r e s e a r c h w i l l b e   we’re going to be working on.”
interest in communications and                                                                                                               Merritt Francis. “He’s a very smart
                                              increasingly important as airspace                   Matolak will be in Washington
electromagnetics, he has researched                                                                                                          businessman, but he uses that for the
                                              becomes more and more precious                   for the briefing on Thursday and
aeronautical communication for                                                                                                               advantage of the students, and it’s pretty
                                              with the proliferation of air travel.            Friday this week.
NASA for about a decade and a half.                                                                                                          awesome.”

            VILLAGEPAGE1                      W heeler H i l l neighb orho o d s ,               “Pickens Street is pretty bad for                         FLAGPAGE1
                                              which both lie along the east side               traffic now. We feel like if they put a
2022. The university expects that             of Pickens Street. Neighborhood                  lot of density on that side, it’s going       by the CDL will now review public
students will be able to move into            input was crucial to the project’s               to make traffic a lot worse,” Wray            feedback before recommending a design
each facilit y t wo years after the           development, as reaction to Campus               told The State in November 2015.              for adoption as the official Columbia city
start of construction, with occupy            Village was not exclusively positive               Through email correspondence,               flag.
dates projected at 2020 for the Cliff         in 2015.                                         Wr a y s a i d M o n d a y t h a t t h e         The designer of the flag recommended
Apartments site, 2022 for Bates and             Speaking for the Wheeler Hill                  ne ig hb orho o d s i nvol v e d wer e        by t he CDL w i l l receive a $2,0 0 0
2024 for Carolina Gardens.                    Neighborhood Association shortly                 “sat isf ied” t hat t he u n iver sit y       prize the Columbia Design League in
  Move-in dates for each facility             after initial plans were unveiled,               properly addressed their concerns             conjunction with the Columbia Flag &
were previously set one year earlier.         Joseph Wray said that traffic along              about Campus Village.                         Sign Company. The proposed flag will be
Stensla nd sa id t he sl ight delay           Pickens St reet cou ld become a                    Stensland said the project does             presented to Mayor Steve Benjamin and
came f rom t ime t he u n iversit y           “night mare” barring universit y                 not yet have a definite price tag,            the Columbia City Council for adoption
spent gat hering input from t he              action in response to neighborhood               but the university expects to fi nd a         this fall.
surrounding Wales Garden and                  concerns.                                        developer by the end of 2017.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017             5

Latest Marvel film is a superhero masterpiece,
Tom Holland performance doesn’t disappoint
                                                     that manages to satisfy nostalgia while         in the sky-like plot in “Homecoming,”          Man who is still trying to figure out
“Spider-Man : Homecoming”                            also offering a fresh take on a well-loved      and this works strongly in its favor.          what it means to be a hero. Throughout
                                                     story.                                          Too often, superhero films feel like           the movie, Peter is desperate to receive
Release Date: July 7                                    Arguably the largest separating factor       they have to constantly raise the stakes       the admiration and respect of Tony Stark
Director: Jon Watts
Runtime: 2 hours 13 minutes
                                          A          between “Spider-Man: Homecoming”
                                                     and all of the other films in the
                                                     Marvel machine is that Spider-Man
                                                                                                     higher and higher until the plot either
                                                                                                          comes across as convoluted, absurd
                                                                                                             or just boring. Rat her t han
                                                                                                                                                    and be like the Avengers, and Holland
                                                                                                                                                    had me pulling for him every step of
                                                                                                                                                    the way. “Homecoming” simultaneously
                                                     is a kid. From his goofy ringtone to                     concerning themselves with            had the funniest and the most touching
Darby Hallman                                        his awkward interactions with his                        making a movie that progresses        moments I’ve ever seen in a superhero
@DARBYHALLMAN1                                       high-school crush, Tom Holland                           t he MCU for ward, Mar vel            film and Holland managed to hit both
                                                     ex udes a charming, enjoyable                           Studios focused on showing off         sides of the spectrum with the same level
   There are few other characters in                 and youthful personalit y that is                           the friendly neighborhood          of finesse.
fiction that have been as simultaneously             impossible not to love. In a universe                            Spider-Man that fans             While Holland clearly stole the show,
loved and tortured as Spider-Man.                    full of super-humans and demi-                                     have loved for over         what was really impressive was that the
Despite being Marvel’s signature hero,               gods, having a film helmed by a                                     half a century.            supporting cast was able to keep up.
Spider-Man has been forced to see two                quirky and imperfect kid from                                           Obv iously, t h is     Everyone from Peter Parker’s nerdy best
cinematic reboots in 15 years and has                Queens is a refreshing change                                        t y pe of sma l ler       friend and sidekick Ned to his crush
been completely left out of the behemoth             of pace.                                                              com i ng-of-age          Liz and even a short appearance from
that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe                   The smaller nat u re of                                            story rests largely      Donald Glover as a street thug, everyone
due to business politics. However, with              the story is also refreshing.                                          on the acting of        in this movie held their own and brought
“Spider-Man: Homecoming,” Spidey                     You won’t find any world-                                              Holland, and he         interesting moments to the story. Even
finally has his chance to shine in the               ending, apocalyptic aliens                                             completely nails        Marisa Tomei, whom the internet has
MCU, and the result is a masterpiece                 invading through a hole                                                it. This is a Spider-

                                                                                                                                                                    Courtesy of Sony Pictures

Artist Spotlight: SZA ends three year
hiatus with debut album, ‘Ctrl.’
Zoe Nicholson

   S Z A’s d e b u t a l b u m ,
“Ct rl,” was a long t i me
coming. The alternative
R & B a r t i s t b eg a n her
t u mu lt uou s c a reer i n
2012. The then-21-year-
old released her first E.P.,
“ S e e . S Z A . R u n ,” a n d
then a follow up “S” on
SoundCloud the following
   Both mixes are messy,
bearing witness to an artist
                                                                                                                   Need eclipse plans?
                                                                                                                   See page 6
who discovered her talent
at age 21 and was fumbling
in the dark for direction.
Inexperience aside, SZA’s
aching vocals and patent
laid back production are
evident even in her early
                                                                                                                                                               Courtesy of Tribune News Service
w o r k s , d e m o n s t r at i n g
her innate ability to turn

                                                                                                              Trustus debuts ‘Sex on Sunday,’
heartbreak into a beautifully
sad melody.
   T h e s i n g e r ’s d e b u t                                             Courtesy of RCA Records
g a r nered t hou sa nds of
                                       the artist struggled with          exhausted, you get the sense

                                                                                                              offers social commentary
listens, eventually leading
                                       her debut a lbu m, even            the years-long battle to
t o her s ig n i n g at Top
                                       exclaiming to Twitter last         create this album left the
D a w g E nt e r t a i n m e nt ,
                                       fall that she was “quitting        artist fatigued, evident in
home of Kendrick Lamar
                                       music.” Fortunately, the           her tired vocals throughout         Jenna Schiferl
a nd Schoolboy Q, t wo
                                       since-deleted tweet never          the album.                          @JENNASCHIF
years after her debut on
                                       came to fruition. But, the            “Supermodel” is perhaps
SoundCloud.                                                                                                      T h i s y e a r, t h e Tr u s t u s
                                       conflicts SZA faced when           the rawest on an album
   A f ter sig n i ng w it h                                                                                  Theat re has feat ured iconic
                                       making “Ctrl” is evident on        stripped of superficialities,
Top Dawg, SZA’s sound                                                                                         pl a y s s u c h a s “ T he Ro c k y
                                       the album, which released          SZ A sp out s a nger,
evolved to a more refined,                                                                                    Horror Show,” festive holiday
                                       last month. The soulful            desperation and depression
orchest rated place t hat                                                                                     per for ma nces such as “The
                                       diary is reminiscent of a          at an ex over a light melody.
allowed her to stretch her                                                                                    Great A merican Trailer Park
                                       Frank Ocean project: laid          She oscillates the entire
wistful tone into something                                                                                   Christmas Musical” and even a
                                       back tracks tinged with            song, “I’m w rit ing t his
deeper. With the release                                                                                      musical comedy interpretation
                                       sadness, all accompanied           letter to let you k now /
of “Z” in 2014 under Top                                                                                      of the cult classic film “Grey
                                       with the smoothest vocals          I’m really leaving” in the
Dawg, SZA’s music had                                                                                         Gardens.”
                                       full of feeling.                   opening lines to “but I need
changed from a dejected                                                                                          However, t he late st
                                          “Drew Barr y more” is           you” by the chorus.
20 - s o me t h i n g m a k i n g                                                                             installment at Trust us, “Sex
                                       t he a lbu m’s si ngle a nd           SZA’s soft voice coats
music on a laptop to an                                                                                       on Sunday,” explores modern
                                       SZA’s best track to date.          the often times depressing
artist with enough wisdom                                                                                     themes through sex —
                                       Named after the singer’s           and somet imes profane
to ex per t ly convey t he                                                                                    something that is still often
                                       favorite actress and muse,         w it h a s we e t ne s s t h at
emotions she struggled to                                                                                     considered cult urally taboo.                     Courtesy of Singing Fox Creative
                                       the tune expresses the same        lets her hard truths and
on her earlier endeavors.                                                                                     “Sex on Su nday ” is a social
                                       self-doubt a nd emot ive           pa i n f u l re velat ion s go
   Although a muted attempt                                                                                   comed y ab out a n a s ser t ive          continued.
                                       yearnings SZA expresses            down smooth. Her ability
at the raw vulnerability of                                                                                   dominatrix trying to fit in with             The play was w rit ten
                                       frequently, but the guitar-        to soar on a solo ballad or
this year’s “Ctrl,” “Z” has a                                                                                 conservative neighbors.                   by Ch isa Hutch i nson, a n
                                       he a v y p r o d u c t io n a nd   effortlessly collaborate with
few strong tracks. “Childs                                                                                       It made it s Tr ust us debut           accomplished play wright and
                                       stronger-than-usual vocals         artists is indicative of the
Play,” featuring a mellow                                                                                     Ju ly 7 a nd, accord i ng to              graduate of Tisch School of the
                                       m a ke SZ A’s plea more            vulnerability SZA allows
Chance the Rapper expertly                                                                                    Trustus artistic director Chad            Arts.
                                       fervent, more honest than          to be heard, her profound
weaving through the beat                                                                                      Henderson, has been met with                 “Her plays are topical, they
                                       her earlier work.                  honesty rendering any song
on his verse, is a tale of                                                                                    a warm audience response so               e x a m i ne s o c ia l i s s ue s , a nd
                                          I n spi red by m a ny of        a success.
hea r tbrea k t hat move s                                                                                    far.                                      the characters are incredibly
                                       Ba r r y more’s f i l m s a nd        Hopefully, after her tour
languidly over a nineties                                                                                        “O u r aud ience have been             relatable. I had the opportunity
                                       other classic rom-coms,            with Bryson Tiller, SZA
beat. “Babylon” is another                                                                                    laughing out loud and enjoying            to read some of Chisa’s work
                                       her album harkens back             will embark on a lighter,
c ol l ab, t h i s t i me w it h                                                                              a bawdy play t hat no ot her              af ter request ing it f rom her
                                       to days of brooding                happier chapter of her music
Kendrick Lamar, and it’s                                                                                      theatre in town could get away            directly, and I felt that SEX
                                       h igh school roma nce,             career. But until then, she
another standout, as well as                                                                                  with producing,” Henderson                ON SUNDAY would be a great
                                       but her insecurities and           has gifted the world an
“Warm Winds” with Isaiah                                                                                      said. “Trustus is a safe place            summer f it for our int imate
                                       revelations about a push-          exquisitely sincere album
Rashad.                                                                                                       f or t he e x plor at io n of t he        50 -seat Side Door Theat re.
                                       pull relationship evokes a         t hat ser ves as a perfect
   After the release of “Z,”                                                                                  personal and political, and this          It exa m i nes t aboos a nd t he
                                       much more mature vibe.             anathema to the soulless
SZ A went rad io silent.                                                                                      show fits the bill. People are
                                       And it’s not only a doomed         pop f looding our radio
Embarking on what would                                                                                       having a great time, and telling
                                       rel at ion s h ip t h at SZ A      waves.                                                                               SEETRUSTUSPAGE6
become a three-year hiatus,                                                                                   their friends not to miss it,” he
The Daily Gamecock, Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - Scholar Commons University of South Carolina - CORE
6    Wednesday, July 12, 2017

                                                   Totality Awesome
                                      Ways to celebrate the solar eclipse
                                   a nd ex h ibit s spec if ic to       Columbia, SC                        When: 10 a.m.-1:05 p.m.              location will provide a pair
Mattie Hibbs
@TDGARTS                           space, ast ronomy a nd               When: 8-11 p.m.                     Cost: Varies                         of safety glasses to viewers.
                                   eclipses, as well as access          Cost: $10                           A t ic ket to t he fe st iv a l
Thursday, August 17:               to the Telescope Galler y            A night of rock tributes to         i nclude s ent r y to t he           E v e n t : To t a l E c l i p s e
Event: Syzygy: The Solar           and Boeing Obser vator y.            set the tone for the eclipse.       Carolina Firef lies game,            Tailgate at SC State Fair
Eclipse Plays                      You will receive solar eclipse       You can get tickets from            wh ich w il l be br ief ly           Where: The South Carolina
Where: Tapp’s Arts Center,         glasses.                             Ticket F ly or t he Mu sic          suspended as t he eclipse            State Fair, Rosewood Drive
1644 Main St. Columbia,                                                 Farm box office.                    passes in a “Total Eclipse           and George Rogers Blvd
SC                                 Event: Arts & Draughts                                                   of the Park.” Tickets for the        Columbia, SC 29201
When: 7 p.m.                       Where: Columbia Museum               Sunday, August 20:                  STEM festival as well as the         When: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Cost: $15                          of Art                               Event: Tot al Eclipse: A            game can be found on the             Cost: Free admission /$5
This event will premier a          1515 Main St, Columbia,              Space Odyssey                       Carolina Firef lies official         parking per car
series of six short plays in       SC                                   Where: The Nickelodeon              website.
honor of the solar eclipse         When: 7-11 p.m.                      Theatre                                                                  Event: Soda City Eclipse
crossing pat hs w it h             Cost: $9 ($5 for members)            When: 6-8:45 p.m.                   E ve n t : P u bl i c L ec t u re:   Viewing Festival
Columbia. Costs include            T he event i ncludes l ive           Cost: $10                           “Laying the God Particle             Where: Historic Columbia
ent r y into t he show and         music, food and art                  The Nick will be showing A          to Rest,” Dr. Craig Roberts          Speedway, 2001 Charleston
a recept ion w it h t he           activities.                          Space Odyssey on the eve of         W here: Darla Moore                  Hwy. Cayce, SC
play wrights from 9 to 10                                               the eclipse day.                    School of Business, Room             When: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
pm.                                Event: Public Lecture, Dr.                                               101                                  Cost: $10
                                   Sarbani Basu                         E v e n t : S u m m e r ’s E n d    When: 5:30 p.m.                      A full day of music, food,
Friday, August 18:                 W here: Darla Moore                  Solar Run                           D r. C r a ig R ob er t s i s a      drink s and art. View ing
Event: Pre-Eclipse Weekend         School of Business, Room             Where: Saluda Shoals Park           Professor a nd Sen ior               glasses included.
at the South Carolina State        101                                  When: 6-9 p.m.                      Physicist at the A rgonne
Museum                             When: 7 p.m.                         Cost: $30 ($5 if you do not         National Laboratory.                 Event: Eclipse on the
W here: Sout h Ca rol i na         Cost: None                           participate in the run)                                                  Congaree River
State Museum                       Dr. Basu is a professor at           This 5k run/walk includes           E ve nt: E clipse V ie wing          W here: Congaree R iver,
301 Gervais St. Columbia,          Yale University. She is chair        food, a pa rk pa ss a nd a          Stations                             Cayce, SC
SC 29201                           of Yale’s the Department of          t-shirt.                            Where: multiple locations            When: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
W hen: Fr id ay, A u g u st ,      Astronomy.                                                               on campus                            Cost: $99
18-Sunday, August 20, 10                                                Monday August 21:                   W h e n : D u r i n g e c l ip s e   K ay a k t r ip f rom Cayce
a.m.-10 p.m.                       Saturday, August 19:                 Event: iMAGINE STEM                 (between 1:13 and 4:06 p.m.)         to Sandy Run. Includes a
Cost: $15                          Event: EclipseFest 2017              Festival of the Midlands            Cost: None                           v ie w i n g of t he e c l ip s e ,
Admission includes entry           W her e: Mu s ic Fa r m              W h e r e :      S p i r i t        Ten solar telescopes will be         lu nch, d r i n k s a nd sola r
to both permanent exhibits         Columbia, 1022 Senate St,            Communications Park                 set up around campus; each           glasses.

         SPIDERMANPAGE5                   worker into a ruthless villain in a very   sound-design went a long way in                             TRUSTUSPAGE5
                                          believable way. Even as he commits         making the alien weapons Vulture and
   labeled as “Hot Aunt May,” brought     terrible acts, the viewer always has a     his goons use immensely threatening.       masks we wear in public and private. It’s
unexpected emotion and humanity           level of understanding of why he is        Even though it’s a superhero movie         also a story about how chaos can ensue
to the film as a single mom who is        doing what he is doing.                    and we know that everything will           when the public and the private collide,”
concerned for her only child.                The f ilm’s biggest strength is         mostly be OK in the end, I still found     Henderson wrote in an email.
   While the whole cast impressed,        definitely its characters, but it still    myself wrapped up in the story and            ‘Se x on Su nd ay ’ add re s se s topic s
a special mention should be made          succeeds as an action movie. Some          concerned for Peter whenever events        including desires, fetishes and taboos in
for Michael Keaton, who played            might be disappointed in the lack of       took turns for the worst.                  relation to how they shape societal norms.
Spider-Man’s rival, Vulture. Going        huge set pieces and grand-scale action       With a heart-warming story, likable      Henderson noted that although the play
into the film, I really hadn’t thought    and explosions found in other Marvel       characters, incredible acting and even     might appear to be slightly outlandish, it
much about Vulture, as the trailers       films, but the cinematic choices made      the oh so rare strong third act, it is     is ultimately one that audiences can relate
didn’t show much about him, and           in “Homecoming” are perfect for the        truly difficult to find a something        to.
Marvel films have an ongoing history      story and Spider-Man as a character.       negative to say about “Spider-Man:            “This show presents real people dealing
of mediocre villains. After seeing the       Peter is still trying to figure out     Homecoming.” With a short but              with real confl ict. It’s a rom-com at times,
film, Vulture has to at least be in the   how to use his abilities and he isn’t      exciting appearance in “Civil War”         which also makes it easily digested,”
conversation for the best MCU villain     incredibly powerful and it shows in        and now a solo movie that rivals the       Henderson said.
yet. Through brilliant pacing and         the film. The filmmakers would often       best of the MCU, Holland’s Spider-            A f ter a sold-out weekend, “Sex on
Keaton’s incredible acting, we see        use somewhat chaotic camera angles         Man is sure to be here to stay, and        Sunday” will continue at Trustus through
Adrian Toomes slowly change and           to show the clumsy nature of Peter’s       in my opinion, his return can’t come       Sunday. Tickets can be purchased online
escalate from a respectable blue-collar   web-swinging and fighting and the          soon enough.                               or at the box office.

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The Daily Gamecock, Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - Scholar Commons University of South Carolina - CORE
Wednesday, July 12, 2017        7

                  Sin City
               breaking out in

                                                                                                                                                       Madison MacDonald / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Sindarius Thornwell has impressed Clippers coaches and executives with his toughness on defense, in addition to averaging 16 points per game on the other end.
                                                     on the opposite team. He asked for the         surprise many in Columbia, as the             Monday night, and he’s caught the
Adam Orfinger
@AORFINGER                                           challenge,” Clippers Summer League             former Gamecock averaged 2.1 steals           attention of Clippers head coach Doc
                                                     coach Sam Cassell said of Thornwell,           and 1.0 blocks per game on his way            Rivers as well as executive Lawrence
   Sindarius Thornwell has burst onto                who is averaging 16 points, 4.0 rebounds       to SEC Player of the Year honors as a         Frank.
the NBA Summer League scene, having                  and 1.7 steals in three games. “To see         senior.                                          “He can score,” Rivers said. “But what
turned in two strong performances                    him go out there and put forth the effort        After a down game against Utah,             I like more about him is his toughness.”
on nat ional T V in his f irst t hree                and take on the challenge to guard a guy       Thornwell bounced back Monday night              “He just k nows how to play the
professional games.                                  like Ingram was huge.”                         against Milwaukee, scoring 18 points          game, and that toughness and that
   The LA Clippers guard made waves in                  For Thornwell, he thought he was just       and grabbing seven rebounds in another        competitiveness, I thought that’s what
his debut, scoring 26 points and getting             doing what he’s supposed to do.                win for the Clippers, making them 3-0         stood out to me,” Frank added. “... You
to the foul line 18 times in an overtime                “I’ve always guarded the best wing          heading into the tournament. Thornwell        embrace someone who just kind of
win against the Los Angeles Lakers,                  throughout college and so I felt like I        played the entire fourth quarter for LA,      embraces competition.”
featuring former top-three picks Lonzo               should have been on him,” Thornwell            helping the team to a 29-18 advantage in         Now having won their first three
Ball and Brandon Ingram. Though                      said. “When he got going, that’s when          the final 10-minute period.                   games, Thornwell and the Clippers will
Ingram wound up with 26 points of                    I stepped up and took the challenge. It          Cassell and Gamecock fans aren’t the        await the Summer League tournament,
his own, Thornwell was lauded for his                was good.”                                     only ones paying attention to Thornwell       which ends with the title game on July
aggressive defense and toughness.                       Cassell described Thornwell as a            anymore. The Lancaster native was the         17.
   “You don’t ask to guard the best player           pitbull, a comparison that shouldn’t           focal point of an LA Times column

                                                                                                     Answering questions from
                                                                                                     USC’s first depth chart
                                                                                                     Adam Orfinger                   2016 season.                 G a mecock s 41 sack s
                                                                                                     @AORFINGER                          Let’s see what kind of   allowed in 2016.
                                                                                                                                     answers there are to the        Donell Stanley will
                                                                                                        Ahead of Thursday’s
                                                                                                                                     questions we still have      take over at left guard
                                                                                                     SEC Media Days
                                                                                                                                     after t he dept h chart      after a 2016 season in
                                                                                                     appearance, Will
                                                                                                                                     release.                     wh ich he played just
                                                                                                     Muscha mp released
                                                                                                                                         Will the re-shuffled     seven snaps, injuring
                                                                                                     S o u t h C a r o l i n a’s
                                                                                                                                     of fensive line be           h is a n k le on Sout h
                                                                                                     preseason depth chart
                                                                                                                                     better?                      Carolina’s f irst series
                                                                 Courtesy of Tribune News Service    over t he weekend,
                                                                                                                                         Zack Bailey was one of   against Vanderbilt. A
          Marcus Spears (second from left) and the SEC Nation crew talk in front of                  putting fans and analysts
                                                                                                                                     the SEC’s best offensive     guard in high school,
          Williams-Brice Stadium ahead of South Carolina’s season opener in 2014.                    alike into a frenzy.
                                                                                                                                     l i nema n la st sea son,    where he became a top
                                                                                                        For a lot of teams, the
                                                                                                                                     despite playing for one      300 recruit, Stanley will

SEC analyst “excited                                                                                 depth chart is a pretty
                                                                                                     big a n nou ncement ,
                                                                                                     a s it p r o v id e s a l o t
                                                                                                     of i nsight i nto t he
                                                                                                                                     of the conference’s worst
                                                                                                                                     front fives. Bailey, who
                                                                                                                                     started every game in
                                                                                                                                                                  be back to his natural
                                                                                                                                                                  position after working
                                                                                                                                                                  as a right tack le last
                                                                                                                                     2016 at left guard, has      summer.
about Gamecocks”                                                                                     upcoming season. Under
                                                                                                     Muschamp, however,
                                                                                                     that hasn’t been the case
                                                                                                                                     moved to right tackle,
                                                                                                                                     taking over for Malik
                                                                                                                                     Young. Young is moving
                                                                                                                                                                     W it h St a n ley back
                                                                                                                                                                  in his normal position,
                                                                                                                                                                  four returning starters
                                                                                                     for the Gamecocks.
Adam Orfinger                        Marcus Spears took the          what t hey want to do                                           across to lef t t ack le,    and more experience,
                                                                                                        The latest two-deep
                                     t ime to pra ise Sout h         offensively. They have                                          filling the void of Mason    the Gamecocks should
                                                                                                     d id n’t i nc lude m a ny
                                     C a r o l i n a Tu e s d a y,   put together something                                          Zandi, the only senior       be better t his season
   C o l l e g e f o o t b a l l’s                                                                   surprises, which is fi ne.
                                     par t ic u larly on t he        on offense that I think                                         from last year’s group.      after allowing the most
talk ing season has                                                                                  However, it didn’t really
                                     offensive side of the ball.     has the potential to be                                             The center and right     sacks in the conference
begun, and even though                                                                               answer any questions.
                                        “ I ’m exc ited ab out       something special. You                                          guard positions remain       in 2016. The biggest
South Carolina players                                                                               Mu s c h a mp d id n’t
                                     S o u t h C a r o l i n a ,”    get the defense to come                                         filled by Alan Knott and     question mark may be
a nd W i l l Mu scha mp                                                                              g ive away which way
                                     Spea rs sa id Tuesday.          with it, and it could be                                        Cory Helms, a pair of        Bailey, who was stellar
won’t take the podium                                                                                he’s leaning on some
                                     “ You’re not goi ng to          a team here in a couple                                         fifth-year seniors who       last season, but takes
at SE C Me d i a D a y s                                                                             position battles, listing
                                     go into Columbia with           years that has the talent                                       struggled at times last      on a new challenge in
u nt i l T hu r s d a y, t he                                                                        three first-team running
                                     a g uaranteed v ictor y.        to compete for the East.”                                       season. E x per ience        2017.
Gamecocks are getting                                                                                back s, including A .J.
                                     You’re goi ng to have             Spears, who played                                            should be a big help,           Who’s the starting
some attention.                                                                                      Tu rner, wh ich seems
                                     to play really good             defen sive l i ne u nder                                        but the jury is still out    running back?
   As reported by The                                                                                odd, as R ico Dowdle
                                     defense in order to             defensive coordinator                                           on t he l i nemen who
St ate’s Josh Kenda l l,                                                                             clearly beat out Turner
                                     stop them from doing                                                                            cont r ibuted to t he
SEC Net work analyst                                                    SEESPEARSPAGE8               m idway t h rough t he                                       SEEQUESTIONSPAGE8
The Daily Gamecock, Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - Scholar Commons University of South Carolina - CORE
8         Wednesday, July 12, 2017

                                Will Muschamp SEC Media Day Bingo
                                                                                                                                                        Talks about
                                “Effort,                                                      “We’re not                                                 Jamyest
                              toughness,                                      One word                                 Wears black
                                                                                               where we                                                  Williams
                              discipline”                                      answer                                 Gamecock polo
                                                                                              need to be”                                               immediate

                             “You either                                      “Beat the                                                                  Mentions
                                                                                              “That team                      Takes
                              get better                                       East” or                                                                Frank Martin
                                                                                              up north”                      jab at
                              or you get                                      “Win the                                                                  and Dawn
                               worse.”                                          State”                                                                    Staley

                                                                               Criticizes                                 Deflects
                             “Taking the                                                                                                                  “Boom!”
                                                                              secondary                                   question
                              next step”
                                                                                                                        about Florida

                                                                                                                        Pays tribute
                            Defends                                          Asked about                                                                 Disregards
                                                                                                                        to a coach
                         Deebo Samuel                                       lack of 5-star   “No comment”                                                advanced
                                                                                                                       he previously
                         or Skai Moore                                         recruits                                                                     stats
                                                                                                                       worked under

                                                                            Uses more than                              Talks about
                         Looks worried                                       six synonyms      Refuses
                                                                                                                        winning in-                       Takes jab
                         talking about                                        for the word    to name a
                                                                                                                      state recruiting                     at Dabo
                         special teams                                         “adversity”   quarterback

                                                                                                                SPEARSPAGE7                     best at the position for the upcoming
                                                                                                    Will Muschamp at LSU, isn’t sold on           “From a skill position standpoint,
                                                                                                    the South Carolina defense, though.         they have one of the best teams in
                                                                                                      “The concern is defense personnel-        the conference,” Spears said. “You
                                                                                                    wise,” Spears said. “Will [Muschamp]        talk about Rico Dowdle. I think Jake

                                                                                                    will put those guys in position where       Bentley is going to be a stud, coach’s
                                                                                                    they are not overexposed, but we know       son, knows the game, loves the game,
                                                                                                    in this conference you have to stop         has a little bit of wiggle where he can
                                                                                                    people.”                                    get out of the pocket and can sling it.
                                                                                                      The Gamecocks allowed over 400            And when he slings it, he’s slinging it
                                                                                                    yards per game in 2016, rank ing            to Bryan Edwards, he’s slinging it to
                                                                                                    seventh in the SEC, and f inished           Deebo Samuel and (Hayden Hurst).
                                                                                                    eighth in the conference by giving up       The offensive line is big and physical.”
                                                                                                    26.5 points per contest.                      Bentley, Samuel and Hurst will
                                                                                                      Spears lauded praise on the offense,      address the media Thursday alongside
                                                                                                    however, calling quarterback Jake           Muschamp in Hoover, Alabama.
                                                                                                    Bentley one of the conference’s three

                                                                                                              QUESTIONSPAGE7                       South Carolina returns nearly all of
                                                                                                                                                last year’s roster, so it’s unlikely that
                                                                                                       Rico Dowdle stole the show last
                                                                                                                                                the Gamecocks will lead the nation in
                                                                                                    year after getting a chance to play,
                                                                                                                                                true freshman starters again, but top
                                                                                                    averaging just under 85 yards per
                                                                                                                                                recruits like Jamyest Williams and Shi
                                                                                                    game and relegating A.J. Turner to
                                                                                                                                                Smith should find the field this fall.
                                                                                                    backup duties. Dowdle is fighting
                                                                                                                                                   Williams, the team’s top recruit
                                                                                                    for his job again though, as North
                                                                                                                                                for the 2017 cycle, figures to factor
                                                                                                    Carolina transfer Ty’Son Williams is
                                                                                                                                                in as a cornerback fairly quickly, as
                                                                                                    eligible this season, and he’s gotten
                                                                                                                                                Rashad Fenton is listed as a starter
                                                                                                    rave reviews from players and coaches.
                                                                                                                                                despite well-documented struggles
                                                                                                       Muschamp said Williams runs with
                                                                                                                                                last season. Smit h is facing a far
                                                                                                    a similar one-cut style to Dowdle, and
                                                                                                                                                more crowded position group, but
                                                                                                    quarterback Jake Bentley described
                                                                                                                                                his versatility should be enough to
                                                                                                    W il l ia ms as a n ex plosive, a ng r y
                                                                                                                                                get him some playing time, possibly
                                                                                                                                                ahead of more experienced players who
                                                                                                       Williams broke out during t he
                                                                                                                                                haven’t produced, like Terry Googer,
                                                                                                    spring game, turning 11 carries into
                                                                                                                                                currently listed as a starter in three-
                                                                                                    83 yards and a touchdown in his fi rst
                                                                                                                                                wide sets.
                                                                                                    public showing since his freshman
                                                                                                                                                   A s t he Gamecock s cont inue to
                                                                                                    year in Chapel Hill. Williams, the No.
                                                                                                                                                at tempt to rebu ild t he pass r ush
                                                                                                    22 back in the 2015 class, had just 19
                                                                                                                                                that was a staple in the three 11-win
                                                                                                    carries for 57 yards during his one year
                                                                                                                                                seasons, defensive linemen Javon
                                                                                                    in blue and white.
                                                                                                                                                K inlaw and MJ Webb could play
           Turn to The Daily Gamecock’s Classifieds in print
                                                                                                       Turner isn’t expected to be much
                                                                                                                                                immediately, if either proves to be
                                                                                                    of a factor in the competition, as the
           or online for roommates, jobs, apartments, automobiles,                                                                              disruptive in practice. K inlaw is a
                                                                                                    sophomore had fewer carries than
           Spring Break travel, tutoring, announcements,                                                                                        JUCO transfer, and Webb enrolled
                                                                                                    Dowdle in six of the final seven games
           and much more.                                                                                                                       early, so both have a leg up on most of
                                                                                                    of 2016, receiving zero touches against
                                                                                                                                                the 2017 class.
                                                                                                    UMass and Florida.
           Visit our website,,                                                                                         Will we see another depth chart
                                                                                                       Dowdle likely has the edge here
           to create your account and to place your ad.                                                                                         through the season?
                                                                                                    over Williams, thanks to three 125-
                                                                                                                                                   From the opener against Vanderbilt
                                                                                                    plus yardage performances during the
                                                                                                                                                through the regular season finale at
                                                                                                    latter half of last season, but Williams’
      For more info:                                                                                                                            Clemson, Muschamp’s depth chart
                                                                                                    skill set makes him a strong candidate                                                                                                                   didn’t change a single time, continuing
                                                                                                    for a healthy helping of carries, if not
      803-777-3888                                                                                                                              to list Donell Stanley as a starter
                                                                                                    a few starts.
                                                                                                                                                while he nursed an ankle injury all
                                                                                                       How will the new guys factor in?
                                                                                                                                                season and listing three first-team
                                                                                                       The Gamecocks will start practice
                                                                                                                                                quarterbacks all year long.
                                                                                                    July 27, so only the early enrollees are
                                                                                                                                                   It’s possible we could get another
                                                                                                    listed on this depth chart. Of the six
                                                                                                                                                depth chart before the Gamecocks
                                                                                                    early enrollees, only two cracked the
                                                                                                                                                take the field Sept. 2, but watching the
                                                                                                    two-deep, with OrTre Smith listed
                                                                                                                                                games will likely be the best indication
                                                                                                    as a second-team receiver and Jaylin
    The University of South Carolina is an equal opportunity institution.                                                                       of who’s playing, just like last season.
                                                                                                    Dickerson a second-team safety.
The Daily Gamecock, Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - Scholar Commons University of South Carolina - CORE
Wednesday, July 12, 2017   9

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017 10

                                                                                                                                  Keep Confederate
                                                                                                                                  symbols off of
                                                                                                                                  Statehouse grounds
                                                                                                                                  Bryce Wilson
                                                                                                                                  Second-year finance student

                                                                                                                                     July 10 marked the          of history. And that’s
                                                                                                                                  two-year anniversary of        what viewing the past
                                                                                                                                  the decision to remove         through a stark reality
                                                                                                                                  the Confederate f lag          instead of rose-colored
                                                                                                                                  from the Statehouse            glasses is. W hen we
                                                                                                                                  grounds.                       bu ild st at ues of t he
                                                                                                                                     The bill was signed         men who betrayed this
                                                                                                                                  by t hen-governor              cou nt r y a nd fought
                                                                                                                                  Ni k k i Ha ley i n t he       against it to keep their

 Stop consuming negative news                                                                                                     wake of the shooting
                                                                                                                                  of nine black church
                                                                                                                                  attendees by a white
                                                                                                                                                                 slaves, what message
                                                                                                                                                                 are we sending?
                                                                                                                                                                    W h ich br i ng s me
                                                                                                                                  supremacist. Still angry       to my nex t poi nt as
                  Isabelle            I came across a lot of bad news. I
                                      mean a massive amount, defi nitely
                                                                                         news causes the limbic system to be
                                                                                         triggered, which in turn creates a
                                                                                                                                  about the removal of           to why t he f lag had
                  Carroll             the vast majority of every news site               high level of cortisol and, therefore,
                                                                                                                                  t he f lag, t he Sout h
                                                                                                                                  Carolina Secessionist
                                                                                                                                                                 to come dow n f rom
                                                                                                                                                                 t he Statehouse. The
                 Second-year public I visited. Not only about terrorism,                 increases stress levels. To put it
                                                                                                                                  Pa r t y held a ra l ly        Civil War was fought
                                      bad news about everything under                    simply, bad news causes stress.
                 relations student                                                                                                Monday where for a             for slavery. It was not
                                      the sun you can imagine.                              Some bad news is unavoidable.
                                                                                                                                  day, they returned the         a wa r of “Nor t her n
                                         Family killed by wife? Saw it.                  We do need to know about major
                                                                                                                                  flag to the Statehouse         a g g r e s s io n ,” a nd it
   Imagine turning on the evening Frat pledge killed by brothers? Yep.                   world events that are occurring
                                                                                                                                  grounds.                       was not a war for
news. What do you see?                Infant stuffed in duffle bag? Got it.              around us if they will affect our
                                                                                                                                     However, t here is          states’ rights. If t he
   Most likely, you imagined some What I had trouble finding was any                     lives or decision making.
                                                                                                                                  t he realit y t hat t his      Confederac y was so
headlining stor y about a tragic type of good news. In fact, I found I                      But that story about a baby dying
                                                                                                                                  group and many other           concerned with states’
shooting or yet another terrorist had to search pretty hard to find any                  from being left in a hot car too
                                                                                                                                  sout her ners have to          rights, then why did
attack. It seems that news is made up worthwhile positive news stories.                  long? Stop reading it. Try reading
                                                                                                                                  face: The removal              they not change their
almost entirely of the unfortunate       This is a problem. Not only can                 this story on a group of people who
                                                                                                                                  of t he f lag was long         const it ut ion to g ive
events that go on in our world, and bad news possibly cause those with                   saved a family from drowning this
                                                                                                                                  overdue, and it should         mor e r i g ht s t o t he
not so much the good ones.            mental illnesses such as depression                past Saturday. Not only will it stop
                                                                                                                                  have never been flown          st ate? T here were
   Recent ly I w rote a n a r t icle or an x iet y to fall into a worse                  your stress levels from rising but it
                                                                                                                                  at t he Statehouse to          few c h a nge s to t he
about how the enormous coverage state, but even those of us who                          will restore your faith in humanity
                                                                                                                                  start with.                    c on st it ut ion of t he
of terrorist attacks seems to be don’t suffer from such illnesses are                    and stop the toxic cycle that is bad
                                                                                                                                     You see, the flag was       Confederac y t hat
increasing the amount of terrorism. falling victim from the ongoing                      news.
                                                                                                                                  not flown at the capitol       advanced states’ rights.
When researching for that topic onslaught of bad news. Distressing
                                                                                                                                  during the Civil War              A nd how cou ld it
                                                                                                                                  or even immediately            be a war of Northern

 Columbia laws make it illegal
                                                                                                                                  f ol low i n g it i n t he     aggression when the
                                                                                                                                  Reconst r uct ion era.         Confederates fi red the
                                                                                                                                  It did not fly from the        first shots of the war at

 to be homeless in city
                                                                                                                                  Statehouse until 1961.         Union soldiers in Fort
                                                                                                                                  Some say it was as a           Sumter in Charleston?
                                                                                                                                  centennial mark of the         Su re, most of t he
                                                                                                                                  Civil War, but really,         fighting was done on
                                               Sections 14-3 and 14-97 of our            the cit y council today), but all
                                                                                                                                  the raising of the flag        Southern soil, but that
                  Linden                    municipal code bot h prohibit
                                            begging — the former makes it
                                                                                         of the laws that allowed it to be
                                                                                         enacted in the fi rst place are still
                                                                                                                                  represented Southern
                                                                                                                                  defiance of the Civil
                                                                                                                                                                 was partly because the
                                                                                                                                                                 Confederate military
                  Atelsek                   illegal to beg in several specific
                                            ways and places, and the latter
                                                                                         a reality for homeless people in
                                                                                         this city.
                                                                                                                                  R ight s movement .
                                                                                                                                  Raising the flag wasn’t
                                                                                                                                                                 was too weak to push it
                                                                                                                                                                 to Northern territory,
                  Fourth-year               prevents begging while loitering.               I a m not say i ng t hat t here
                                                                                                                                  about preser ving              with the exception of
                                            T he r e a r e s o m e r e a s o n ab le     shouldn’t be certain reasonable
                  psychology student                                                                                              heritage — it was about        Gettysburg and several
                                            restrictions in the two laws, of             restrictions on things like loitering
                                                                                                                                  trying to preserve the         smaller battles.
                                            course — one makes it illegal                and begging — as I pointed out
                                                                                                                                  institutionalized racism          The removal of the
                                            to touch someone w it hout                   earlier, there are defi nitely some
    Most USC students probably                                                                                                    t h at h a d b e c o m e a     Confederate flag from
                                            their consent while begging or               sections of the laws I’ve named
don’t have a reason to know it, but                                                                                               foundation of Southern         t he St atehou se wa s
                                            purposefully put yourself in the             above that are necessary. Nor am I
we live in a city that has historically                                                                                           lifestyle.                     a br ight sp ot i n a n
                                            way of a car while begging to                implying that every section of the
done almost everything possible                                                                                                      We c a n’t c h a n g e      otherwise dark history
                                            make someone stop. But when                  municipal code I cited is currently
to criminalize homelessness.                                                                                                      the past, but we can           of racial relations in
                                            all the restrictions are combined,           religiously and brutally enforced
    We were brief ly brought into                                                                                                 learn from it to make          t he Sout h. It is t he
                                            they make it difficult to panhandle          — police officers who refused to
the national spotlight in 2013                                                                                                    a br ighter f ut u re.         right of g roups like
                                            at all. While begging is obviously           enforce the 2013 anti-homeless
when our city passed a measure                                                                                                    T h at i s s o m e t h i n g   the Secessionist Party
                                            not an ideal for m of income,                law were one of the main reasons
that would make homeless people                                                                                                   else that groups like          to express themselves
                                            criminalizing it can have ver y              it was scrapped.
in Colu mbia choose bet ween                                                                                                      the Secessionist               and what they consider
                                            negative effects: In Toronto, they              But even if parts of the code are
being shipped off to a shelter 15                                                                                                 Party need to realize.         key elements of their
                                            found that outlawing panhandling             necessary, all of these laws taken
miles from downtown or being                                                                                                      There is a difference          heritage, but what I
                                            led to a 2000 percent rise in tickets        in combination mean that, even
shipped off to jail. The measure                                                                                                  between preservation           hope is that they can
                                            issued to homeless people, as                if police officers aren’t enforcing
was hailed, even on Fox News,                                                                                                     and celebration. A re          relate to minorities and
                                            well as pushing male youth into              t hem a l l t he t i me , t here’s a
as an attempt to make it illegal                                                                                                  t he C i v i l Wa r a nd       others who do not view
                                            prostitution and drug dealing.               constant legal threat to homeless
to be homeless. The Director                                                                                                      the Confederacy part           the flag as a symbol of
                                               Under Sec. 14 -152, we also               people in the city of Columbia.
of t he Nat iona l Law Center                                                                                                     of American history?           heritage, but of hatred
                                            impose a curfew on youth under 14            They can’t legally sleep in public.
on Homelessness and Povert y                                                                                                      A b s o l u t e l y, a n d     and oppression.
                                            being in public places after 8 p.m.,         They can’t legally hang around
described the law as “extreme,                                                                                                    t herefore we should              Or in the very least
                                            which can be a tough citation to             too long in public. They can’t
[and] highly disturbing.”                                                                                                         still learn about them.        if they choose to fly a
                                            avoid if you’re a kid with nowhere           legally ask for money or food in
    Fortunately, the city council                                                                                                    But we can educate          Confederate flag, they
                                            else to go. Sec. 14-105, our anti-           most situations.
ca me to t heir senses on t hat                                                                                                   ou rselves about t he          could at least fly a white
                                            “urban camping” law, makes it                   But most of them have nowhere
front after pushback from both                                                                                                    C i v i l Wa r w it h o u t    one, because that was
                                            illegal to sleep, lie or sit down for        else to go. Sometimes, shelters
advocates for the homeless and                                                                                                    celebrating those who          the real last flag of the
                                            an extended period of time, or               are full or otherwise inaccessible.
city officials and voted to reverse                                                                                               were on the wrong side         Confederacy.
                                            store your belongings on public              Sometimes, you can’t find a friend
the measure they had approved
                                            property like streets, sidewalks             who will let you crash on their
unanimously only a month before.
                                            and parks — so it’s technically              couch. So t he combinat ion of
Unfortunately, we’re in just one
of many cities that’s been trying
                                            legal to be homeless, as long as you         all of Columbia’s anti-homeless           LETTER TO THE EDITOR
                                            stand up all the time. Or at least           laws — particularly the anti-urban
to make it even harder than it
                                            it would be, if we didn’t have sec.          camping law — means that they             REQUIREMENTS
already is to be homeless — and
                                            14-97, which prevents loitering.             are constantly forced to be in
all t he laws t hat made up t he
                                               Last but not least , i n 2014             violation of the law, at the mercy
f r a mework for ou r “ex t reme
                                            we enacted a law that — while                of police discretion. And having
and highly disturbing” attempt                                                                                                       Letters to the editor       your letter will not be
                                            it doe sn’t spec if ic a l ly t a rget       an arrest on your record makes it
to detain homeless people in a                                                                                                      must not exceed              published until the
                                            or g a n i z at io n s t h at f e e d t he   even more difficult to get a job, or
remote shelter against their will                                                                                                   300 words. Students          writer implements
                                            homeless — certainly impacts                 it can get you fired from a job you
are still on the books.                                                                                                             must include their           necessary changes
                                            them heavily, requiring groups of            have. A conviction is even worse.
    T he 2013 law i ncent iv iz ed                                                                                                  full name, major and         or provides reputable
                                            more than 25 people to request a             Either can make it a challenge to
going to the shelter by essentially                                                                                                 year. Faculty and staff      sources for any facts
                                            permit for public space in advance,          find housing or qualify for help.
t h reaten i ng homeless people                                                                                                     must include their           in question. Letters
                                            as well as pay a fee of $120. For               So being homeless even for a
w it h e n f or c i n g p a r t s of t he                                                                                           full name, position          are edited for clarity,
                                            small organizations that still draw          night can keep you homeless for a
municipal code that were already,
                                            more than 25 homeless people                 long time to come, when you’re in          and department.              style and grammar.
and still are, law in Columbia.
                                            who need a meal, that fee can be             Columbia, South Carolina.                  Community members
The National Coalition for the
                                            prohibitive, particularly if they               It’s a high-stakes game to be           must include their full       Email submissions to
Homeless names several common
                                            want to do it more than once.                visibly poor in this city. And it’s        name and applicable           opinion@
t y pes of laws that are used to
                                               So, while t he 2013 measure               past time to stop implementing             job title. Verifiable
criminalize homelessness — and
                                            was quickly voted down, the fact             laws t hat make it even worse              statements of fact            or mail them to
Columbia is guilty of five out of
                                            remains: Not only did our city               and start repealing the ones that          must include at               The Daily Gamecock
the six: anti-panhandling laws,
                                            council vote for it unanimously              criminalize homelessness in the            least one source; if          1400 Greene Street
a nt i- c a mpi ng law s, loiter i ng
                                            (and three council members who               first place.                               we cannot verify a            Columbia, SC
measures, curfew laws and feeding
                                            voted for the 2013 law still sit on                                                     statement of fact,           29225
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