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                                                                                                                                                                                        The Official Student Newspaper of Georgia Southern University

                                                                              Georqe-Anne                 V75#70
                                                                                 iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii                               MM                                                                 FFEB 2 8 2003
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                                                                                                                                                                                        NNE j*-*»                                                      " UNIVERSITY

                           February 28,2003                        Sports: GSU Baseball defeats Jacksonville, 6-0
                                                                                                                                                                                             Pa e 6
                                Volume 75, No.isfr-^                                                                                                                                           8

                     ON THE INSIDE:

                                                                      Chalk it up to
        i                Covering the campus like a
                              swarm of gnats

                                    Weather                                                                                                                                                    j*t
                                                                                                                                                                                               By April Fordham

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Miscellany Magazine, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           zine, Allison Bennett hopes the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           event raised an awareness of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           magazines existence on campus.
                               Partly cloudy with a high
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Page 2 - Friday, February 28, 2003

                                                                                                                                                                                  CODE, FROM PAGE                                           1
GlMgf-AMl                                                                                    Campus Calendar                                                                           dishonesty, on-campus housing
                                                                                                                                                                                  restrictions and regulations, and other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   seems to be the problem. Most of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   student body as a whole remains clue-
  Williams Center room 2023
        P.O. Box 8001                                                                              Feb. 28                                 March 3                                daily aspects of student life.
                                                                                                                                                                                       "We're making the conduct code
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   less about the potential changes to their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   conduct code.
    Statesboro, GA 30460                                                                                                                                                          more relevant for today's students, as               "What's the point in changing the
                                                                                           Bicentennial Celebration                                                               well as more user friendly," explained           code if no one finds out about the chang-
      How to reach us                            02-26-2003                                   "Blue Front," Performing Arts
                                                                                                                                      Learn About the Jewish                      Associate Vice President and Dean of             es until after they're done?" asked Van
                                                   • Officers issued one traffic           Center, 8 p.m. For more informa-
                                                                                                                                                                                  Students, Dr. Randy Gunter. "We're               Crabtree.ajuniorFrenchmajor. "What
      ADVERTISING:                            warning, assisted six motorists and                  tion, call ext 7999.                       Roots                               taking out some of the verbosity, and            good does that do, to the students or
         681-5418                             one injured person, and responded to
    STORY OR PHOTOS:                          two fire alarms.                                                                             The Russell Union                      adding to it updates and policies con-           the administration? So, how do you get
         681-5246                                                                                                                          Bible Torah &Talmud                    cerning things that were not an issue at         15,000 students' input?"
                                                                                                                                                 4-5 p.m.                         the time it was written, but have since              "I think they could at least put a few
      FAX NUMBER:                                02-25-2003                                       "The Snowball"                             Jews & Medicine                      become major issues on all college               copies in the Union, or something like
         486-7113                                  • A case of harassment was re-             An Evening of Elegance Spon-
                                              ported at the Ceramics & Sculpture                                                                 5-6 p.m.                         campuses."                                       that, so the public can weigh in on the
       E-MAIL TO:                                                                         sored by Alpha Phi Alpha in cel-                          Studio parking lot.                                                                              Being Kosher                            New issues include weapons on               changes," Matthias said.
                                                                                          ebration of Black Awareness Month.
                                                                                                                                                 6 -7 p.m.                        campus, policies concerning alcohol                  So far the only students who've had
      Editorial Board                             • Officers issued two traffic           It will be held in the Russell Union
                                                                                                                                             Miikuah/Baptism                      and drug use, and updates on computer            a sneak peak at the tentative changes
         Tim Prizer                           warnings, investigated two traffic          Ballroom starting at 8:06 p.m. $7 for
                                              accidents, assisted two motorists                                                                  7-8 p.m.                         usage, including new rules regarding             are Kim, who served as SGA's student
       Editor-in-Chief                                                                    Singles and $12 for couples.
                                              and responded to one fire alarm.                                                                                                    copyright violations.                            representative on the task force, the
                                                                                                                                                                                       ' 'The philosophy behind the student        members of SGA, and their subcom-
                                                  Editor's Note: Police Beat appears                                                           Sista to Sista                     code of conduct is developmental and             mittees.
      Amanda Permenter                        in every edition of the George-Anne in                                                    The Lambda Kappa chapter of
                                              an effort to inform the GSU community                                                                                               educational, not punitive," Dr. Gunter               "If they want the most possible
       Managing Editor                                                                                                              Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.
                                              of the amount and nature of crime. All
                                              reports are public information and can             March 1                            will start their Skee Week on Mon-
                                                                                                                                    day with "Sista to Sista". It will give
                                                                                                                                                                                  said. "We're teaching responsible be-
                                                                                                                                                                                  havior, civility, respect for other people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   response, they should post some of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the main changes they want to make,
                                              be obtained at either the GSU Division
        Adam Brady                            of Public Safety or the Statesboro                       Baseball                     minority women on campus a chance
                                                                                                                                                                                  and their property, and appreciation of          maybe in the classrooms, or get some
                                              Police Department.                                    Davidson at GSU                                                               others' differences."                            feedbackfromabiggercross-sectionof
        News Editor                                                                                                                 to discuss current events on campus
                                                                                                       1:30 p.m.                                                                      Usually, the code is revised in a            students, not just the people in SGA,"                                 -All Police Beat information                                                 and around the world. Russell Union
                                                                                                                                                                                  few minor ways every year or two,                Crabtree said.
                                                  is compiled by Lucrecia Johnson,                                                  at 7:08 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                  but an overhaul of this kind is a new                But Gordon feels that all GSU
 It is a desire of The George-Anne
                                                              assistant news editor.       Math students to compete                                                               event for GSU.                                   students have plenty of opportunities
 to prim the news of Georgia South-                The George-Anne strives to keep
 ern University as accurately as                   the campus community up to date           at Georgia Southern                                                                      "We felt it was time to update the           to make their opinions known about the
                                                 on local events. If you have an event                                                                                            conduct code, andmakeiteasierto read,            new revisions, if they really want to.
 possible. If you believe that
 something covered is in error,
 contact the editor at 681-5246
                                                    you'd like to see on the Campus
                                                    Calendar, email Adam Brady at              More than 1,000 middle and high
                                                                                                                                           March 4                                so that students would know what they
                                                                                                                                                                                  can and can't do, with less confusion,"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       "Students just don't pay attention to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   what's going on," she said. "They just
 as soon as possible.                   or bring a                                                                                               explained Dr. Baynes.                            don't give a damn."
                                               press release or synopsis to the George-
                                                                                          school students will meet at Georgia
        Liked By Many,                                                                    Southern University Saturday, March                                                          Some students, like senior broad-               The process ofrevising and updating
                                               Anne office located on the second floor
       Cussed By Some...                       of the Williams Center. GSU sanctioned     1, to complete in the 15th Annual Geor-
                                                                                                                                         Midrash & Parables                       casting major Jen Gordon, welcome the            the code began last semester, and has
       Read By Them All.                            or sponsored events only please.                                                   A lecture by Rabbi Robert                  new changes, and feel that an upgrade  
                                                                                          gia Southern University Invitational
                                                                                                                                    Wolkoff. A conservative Jewish                is long overdue. "The old code was               was appointed toataskforcemadeupof
                                                                                          Mathematics Tournament. Hosted by
                                                                                                                                    perspective. Story telling as a path          really outdated, and didn't pertain to           students, faculty and professional staff,
                                                                                          the Department of Mathematics and
                                                                                                                                    to religious insight. Noon in the             us students here in the twenty-first             by Dr. Linda Bleicken, vice president
                                                                                          Computer Science, the tournament
                                                                                                                                    Russell Union.                                century," she said. "It's about time             of Student Affairs and
                                                                                          is designed to recognize students'

    LEASING FOR FALL                                                                      accomplishments in mathematics,
                                                                                          allow outstanding mathematics stu-
                                                                                          dents to meet and compete with each
                                                                                          other, and promote public interest in
                                                                                                                                       Successful Inspirations
                                                                                                                                        Sponsored by A.K. A Sorority Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                  they updated it."
                                                                                                                                                                                      Other students, like Michael Mat-
                                                                                                                                                                                  thias, a freshman majoring in chemical
                                                                                                                                                                                  engineering, are a little more leery about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Enrollment Management. Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Baynes is chairman of the task force.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Other members included: Lee Davis,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the University's attorney, Curt Erwin,
                                                                                                                                    will house a business etiquette seminar
                                                                                          mathematics.                              on how to behave in interviews and            the possible changes, but feel that they         Assistant Director of Housing, John
                                                                                                                                                                                  mightbeo.k, as long as there is adequate         Kim, SGA's student representative,
           2 bedroom, 1 bath • 2 bedroom, 2 bath                                                                                    give resume tips. Casual Business
                                                                                                                                    attire is preferred. Russell Union at         student input.                                   Janelle Lunsford, Activities Coordina-
                                                                                                                                                                                      "You have to be really careful with          tor for Russell Union, and Major Mike
                    3 bedroom, 3 bath »                                                                                             7:08 p.m.
                                                                                                 March 2                                                                          revisions; they tried it with the Bill of
                                                                                                                                                                                  Rights, and even that had a hard time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Russell, Public Safety.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       "Basically, we gutted the old
                                                                                                                                              GSU Chorale                         passing," he said. "Students need to             code and added a new one," said Dr.
   All units close to campus. Lawn care and trash pick-up provided. Pets considered.                   Baseball
                                                                                                                                        Carol A. Carter Recital Hall              know what they're signing on for."               Baynes. "We haven't really changed
                                                                                                       vldson at GSU
                                                                                                                                                  8 p.m.                               Student input will be highly valued         all that much, we've just made it less
                                                                                                        1:30 p.m.
        Please call 764-3697 for more information.                                                                                                                                at this stage in the new code's develop-         complex, andalotmore understandable
                                                                                                                                                                                  ment, but getting it in an efficient manner      to students."

                                                                                                                                                                    UNIVERSITY JUDICIAL BOARD
                            Alcohol and Substance                                                                                                                REQUEST FOR STUDENT NOMINATIONS
                            Abuse Presentation by
                                                                                                                                           The University Judicial Board (UJB) needs your help to fill student positions on the Board for the 2003-
                                                                                                                                           2004 academic year. You are asked to nominate students you feel would be responsible and
                                                                                                                                           conscientious UJB members. All regularly enrolled students who have completed at least 15 hours of
                                                                                                                                           academic credit at Georgia Southern are eligible for appointment provided they meet the following

                                                                                                                                                 (1)    they must not have a disciplinary record for the last two semesters of university attendance;
                                                                                                                                                 (2)    they must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher;

                Tuesday, March 4th at 7pm                                                                                                        (3)
                                                                                                                                                        they must not hold the top executive office in any campus organization;
                                                                                                                                                        they must be a full-time student; and
                                                                                                                                                 (5)    they must be planning to attend Georgia Southern the entire 2003-2004 academic year.
                    Hanner Fieldhouse
                                                                                                                                           If you know students who would be excellent UJB members, please submit their nomination by Friday
                                                                                                                                           March 7,2003. All nominations should include the nominee's full name, social security number, current
           Come see "Greeny," a former                                                                                                     phone number, current GSU P.O. Box number, and a paragraph stating why you think the nominee would
                                                                                                                                           be an effective UJB member. Feel free to nominate as many students as you like. All nominations must
      professional NFL football player, speak                                                                                              be signed by the person making the nomination and must be submitted by Friday, March 7,2003 to:

        about Alcohol and Binge Drinking.                                                                                                                                           Janet O'Brien
                                                                                                                                                                                    Chair, University Judicial Board
                                                                                                                                                                                    P.O. Box 8132
                                                                                                                                                                                    Georgia Southern University

            FREE Mocktails                                                                                                                  Thank you for your help in selecting student UJB members. A complete description of the procedures for
                                                                                                                                            appointing UJB members may be found in The Student Conduct Code, Appendix C.
             will be served
                            at 6pm!                                                                                                         clip here                          clip here                          clip here                            clip here

                                                                                                                                                                                    UJB STUDENT NOMINATION

               Sponsored by:                                                                                                                Nomination by:
      Student Government Assoc.
      The Multicultural Student
      Center                                                                                                                                Phone#                       GSUPOBox#                         Signature                            Date
      University Housing
      Health Services                                                                                                                       NOMINEE (full name):
      Judicial Affairs
      Counciling and Career Devel-                                                                                                          Phone*                             GSUPOBox*                                Social Security #
      Panhellenic Council
    ■ The National Panhellenic                                                                                                              Why do you feel the nominee would make an effective UJB member?
      Interfraternity Council
    ■ University Wellness Council
    ' Minority Advisement Program

                      For more information, please call
                 the Multicultural Student Center at 681-5409
Georgia Southern Commons - Georgia Southern University - Digital Commons@Georgia Southern
Friday, February 28, 2003 - Page 3

                                                bing Jason Meyers, 24, of Mission                                                                  During the assault, the victim suffered
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~7r^_-                                                      f\
                                                four times when Meyers attempted                                                               bruises on her arms where she had been
                    Texas                       to get his mother's purse back.
                                                                                                             Oregon                            pinned down. Earlier, Llanos-Trujillo
                                                    Ozuna and his brother confessed                                                            claimed she must have gotten the bruises
           Knife used in                        and told police the knife had been                   Man sentenced                             from her boyfriend.

       stabbing returned to
         store by suspects
                                                returned to a store where they
                                                and Gonzalez had bought it "for
                                                the sole purpose" of committing
                                                                                                      in sex case
                                                                                                   KLAMATH FALLS - A 27-year-old
                                                                                                                                               The boyfriend has since been deported
                                                                                                                                               to Mexico, and was unavailable to
                                                                                                                                               testify against Llanos-Trujillo.
                                                robberies in various parking lots,            man has been sentenced to almost three
    ' MISSION - After a newly

       purchased knife was used to stab
       a man four times, suspects in the
       attack returned it to a Wal-Mart
                                                Garza said.
                                                    "Sure enough, they (Wal-
                                                Mart) had a knife and receipt with
                                                a signature of one of the suspects
                                                                                              years in prison for attempted rape.
                                                                                                  Richard Llanos-Trujillo was origi-
                                                                                              nally charged with rape. He ultimately
                                                                                              entered a negotiated plea of no contest
                                                                                                                                                o            Texas
                                                                                                                                                 Judge orders man's                                                                     4
    ' store and got their money back,           returning the knife," Garza told The          to attempted rape.
                                                                                                                                                 mouth sealed with
    ' South Texas law officers say.
           A security officer at a McAllen
       mall provided information about
       the suspects' car after the attack
                                                (McAllen) Monitor in Thursday's
                                                    The knife was in a cart marked
                                                "Returns," Garza said.
                                                                                                  The victim, a young woman, was
                                                                                              home alone on May 5, 1999, when
                                                                                              Llanos-Trujillo forced his way into her
                                                                                              home, said Scott Carter, a Klamath County
                                                                                                                                                     duct tape
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      \6                         !~1

       on Sunday. An anonymous tip led              Meyers underwent surgery and              district attorney.                               defendant's mouth to be taped shut after
    - police to a residence in La Joy a, said   was reported in stable condition at               "He forced her into her bedroom, and         the man kept interrupting his lawyer and      seal Wiley's mouth with duct tape.             Steve Hamilton, "so the court duct-taped
       Martin Garza, a spokesman for the        a hospital Thursday, according to             forced her onto her bed and had sex with         the judge during an aggravated assault            "He was being very disruptive and          his mouth until the jury came in. Then I
       Mission Police Department.               his relatives.                                her there," Cartersaid this week. "He inad-      trial.                                        he was trying to fire his second court-        had him removed from the courtroom."
          Omar Ozuna, 18, and his 14-               Ozuna was arraigned Wednes-               vertently left his wallet on the floor. That's        For about 20 minutes Tuesday, Carl       appointed attorney, and I informed him             Hamilton declined to comment on
     ' year-old brother were arrested in        day and jailed in lieu of $75,000             how he ultimately was identified."               Wiley, 36, ignored pleas from state Dis-      that when the attorney is appointed by         the incident or on his client's conviction
       connection with a purse-snatching,       bail on a charge of aggravated                    DNA testing was done and came back           trict Judge Jim Bob Darnell and his own       the court, only the court can fire the at-     later Tuesday for ramming his vehicle
       and a warrant was issued for the         robbery.                                      as a match to                                    mother to keep quiet during a hearing         torney," Darnell said.                         into his estranged wife's car. She was
       arrest of Jason Gonzalez, 19, of            The 14-year-old was not identi-                Llanos-Trujillo, who first claimed the       outside the jury's presence.                      "Mr. Wiley continued to interrupt          not injured.
    'Palmview, who is accused of stab-          fied because he is a minor.                   sex was consensual.                                   Finally, Darnell ordered bailiffs to     him," Darnell said, referring to attorney          No sentencing date has been set.

     SEX, FROM PAGE                               1                                                                                            AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, FROM PAGE                                                        1       ZTA,        FROM PAGE                   1
         Center.                                gave for cheating. He asked a male            on you physically. Pettiford closed by               see no problem with Affirmative           whole should not be eliminated from                said Byard. The prizes range
         In Pettiford's speech he discussed     and a female. The female replied, "I          saying "Infidelity occurs in 51 percent          Action as long as it is administrated         an opportunity before they have even           from vitamin supplements to dinner
    .the risks involved in sexual activities    cheated because I was separated from          of relationships on college campuses,            correcdy. A good idea for next year's         had the chance to prove that they are          gift certificates.
     on a college campus. "You can expect       my boyfriend." The male replied, "I           so I urge all of you to be careful and           Black Awareness Program would be to           qualified."                                        In the past, the event has targeted
    'five things from a bedroom experience:     cheated because I was bored."                 think before you have sex."                      invite a speaker on Affirmative Action            "I think that Affirmative Action is        Greek organizations, as they have been
     emotional anxiety, false pursuit of            "Marriage is made legal by having             Antoine Boynton a member of                  so that students and faculty can learn        something that is very needed. Affirma-        requested to put up one representative.
     commitment, unplanned pregnancy,           sex, so therefore every person that you       Alpha Phi Alpha, when asked how he               about Affirmative Action," said Pearl         tive action has affected my life person-       But Byard said future competitions
    .disease, and death," said Pettiford.       have had sex with, you have married.          felt about the program replied, "I feel          Middleton recruitment coordinator for         ally. It is not mere to discriminate against   may target other campus organiza-
         He supported his statements by         In marriage, cheating is punishable by        that it was a great program, he actually         Career Services.                              anyone; it is there to level the playing       tions. The "pageant" was judged by a
     lecturing, showing clips from videos,      death. There are three types of death         talked about issues that others are often            "It is good because certain people        field. Itisnotasiftheblacksthatarehired        panel of six judges, ranging from ZTA
     and also through participation from        thatcanoccurwhen you cheat: relation-         afraid to speak on."                             would not hire minorities if it wasn't        are not qualified, without the affirmative     alumni to local business personalities.
    .the audience members. He urged             ship death, spiritual death, and physical         "The program was a wonderful and             there. On the other hand, I think that        action policies many qualified minori-         The contestants were judged on their
    .college students to have self-respect      death," said Pettiford.                       enlightening experience," said Jeremy            we are in a society where it should not       ties would not even be considered for          "rock star talent," formal wear and
    'from themselves first in a relationship.       Relationship death can occur if the       Mills, another member of Alpha Phi               be needed. People should be hired             interviews," O'neisha Shaw a student           on-stage questions.
     "Women you cannot attract a man by         significant other in the relationship feels   Alpha.                                           based on their performance and not on         at GSU and a DJ for WVGS.                          Tuesday night's winner, Scott Rob-
     using your body, and then ask him          as though they just cannot deal with the          When asked why he decided to                 the color of their skin or their gender,"         When Jeremy Alexander was asked            erts, sponsored by Alpha Tau Omega,
     to respect you for your mind," said        fact that you cheated on them. Spiritual      speak at GSU, Pettiford replied, "I              said Katie Glorieux.                          what should be done to keep Affirma-           gets ZTA's recognition as "Big Man
     Pettiford.                                 death, occurs because an infidelity has       have a passion for sharing this message              When Reggie Brown was asked               tive Action he answered, "We should            on Campus," including a trophy,
    ■ Pettiford's next topic of discus-         accrued that may be morally wrong to          that I myself have lived. Every college          about his feelings concerning affirma-        force the federal government to take           crown and their prize of choice from
     sion entailed audience participation.      your beliefs. In several cases a physi-       student should know this information.            tive action he said, "The playing field       action by being politically active. We         business donations. Brad Yarbrough
    ;The first question that he asked was       cal death may occur. On your night of         If you know better, possibly we would            is not yet equal. A lot of advantages         can use political power by voting. We          of Sigma Chi, Ronan O'Sullivan of Pi
     how many people had cheated in.a           infidelity you may contract a deadly          do better. Sex outside of marriage can           that are available to the majority are not    should also educate ourselves, so that         Kappa Phi will receive prizes as well,
    'relationship. The second question          STD; or in severe cases your date             destroy you physically, mentally, and            available to minorities. African-Ameri-       we can economically climb higher up            as the second and third place winners,
     that he asked was what excuse they         may be emotionally hurt and act out           emotionally."                                    cans, as well as other minorities as a        the ladder."                                   respectively.


                     HEY KID!
                                          Want some Candy?

                                                                                                                                                                         New Bulbs                                                                                              |


                                                                                                                                                                      Variety of Lotions
                                                                                                                                                                       Get ready for Spring Break
                                                                                                                                                                        without spending a lot!!
                                                                                                                                                                                        without spending a lot!!
                     TV's John Candy

                 The Miscellany Magazine of the Arts is seeking submissions in dance,                                                                                                                                                                                           1
               painting, photography, drawing, stage makeup, sculpture, graphic design, ceramics, mixed media,
              visual art, theatrical vignettes, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, prose, plays, original monologues, interior
               designs, fashion/ costume designs, culinary arts/ original recipes, foreign language literary works,
             original musical compositions and songs, spoken word poetry, and freestyle rapping. The Miscellany

             will also be putting out an audio CD. The CD, under development, will include spoken word poetry,
              freestyle rapping, and original musical compositions and songs. Students may submit their musical
               pieces for the CD on audiotape, audio CD, or MP3 files. Spoken word poets and freestyle rappers                                                                                                                                                                  ;
               should sign up on the timesheet posted outside the Miscellany office for a recording session at the
               WVGS 91.9 radio station. Submissions packets can be picked up outside the Miscellany office, by
                the exit doors in the library, and by the information desk in Russell Union. Submissions can be
              dropped off at the Miscellany office, Room 2009 (the door with all the stuff on it) or in the Student                            *,                              IN-T0UCH COMMUNICATIONS                                                                          *
                     Media office, Room 2022; both offices are on the second floor of the Williams Center.
                             Call 681-0565 ore-mail us at for more information.
                                                                                                                                               3                                   1596 CHANDLER ROAD
                  The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 7 th                                                                           3                                  STATESB0R0, GA 30458
                                                                                                                                               n                                       (next to Dingus)
                                                                                                                                               S                                                  912-871-5555                                                                  g

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . 1

                                                                                                                                                                                        Friday, February 28, 2003 - Page 4

Emmitt has great chances of moving on
                                     On Thursday, Dallas Cowboys        feel sad Emmitt Smith fans. Like         for. Smith said he wants to play             This would be a fit for Smith because        Smith rushed for 975 yards
                                 controversial owner Jerry Jones cut    recent history, once a star player       for a team that can win the Super            of his game-breaking skills, and he      last season. The reason has a lot
                                 the 13-year veteran from Florida.      defects to another team he does          Bowl. Here are some teams that               will be closer to his alma mater.        to do with the offensive line. Two
                                    The NFL's all-time leading          well. Sometimes, the player does         would give Emmitt a shot at another              *San Francisco 49ers: Garrison       of the five starters on the Cowboy
                                 rusher believes he can play at least   better now than before.                  Super Bowl:                                  Hearst is not the answer. His tal-       offensive line were rookies, one is
                                 two more seasons. "In my mind, I           Players such as Jerry Rice and           ♦Indianapolis Colts: Edgerrin            ent is declining as we speak. Also,      a second year player, and another
                                 think I'm a 1,300-yard back, and I     Joe Montana performed at the             James is declining after injuries to         the 49ers offense has "too much          is a converted defensive lineman.
                                 will be out to prove that," Smith      same level with their new team.          both knees. James Mungro is incon-           finesse". New 49er coach Den-            The Cowboys were ranked 19th in
                                 said.                                  Montana, who took the 49ers to           sistent. The Colts need a running            nis Erickson is all about physical       rushing offense and SO"1 in total of-
                                    He will have to -prove it for       four Super Bowls (winning them           back to compliment Peyton Man-               football (see Oregon State). Thus,       fense. It was his worst season since
                                 another team.                          all), led the Kansas City Chiefs         ning and Marvin Harrison.                    the shoe fits.                           his rookie season.
                                    Age and contract were the rea-      to the AFC Championship Game.                *Tampa Bay Buccaneers: The                   *New England Patriots: The Su-           Emmitt will be back!
                                 sons the Cowboys released him.         Rice, one of the greatest receivers      defending Super Bowl Champions               per Bowl XXXVI Champions need                If the shoe fits, he'll bring the
                                 Smith turns 34 in May and is due       to wear a NFL jersey, was the 49ers'     can't win another one with Marvin            a running back. Their play off hopes     magic!
                                 a base salary of $7 million next       go-to receiver. Recently, he led the     Pittman. He rushed for 718 yards             were shattered when they could not           Dennis Hightower is a sports
                                 season with a salary cap figure of     Oakland Raiders to the Super Bowl        this past season. Although he did            run the football. Tom Brady can't        writer of the George-Anne and the
                                 $9.8 million.                          before falling to Tampa Bay.             well in the playoffs and the offensive       make miracles happen. If Smith           station manager of WVGS. He can
                                    It is a sad, but it was coming          Emmitt Smith will be fine. It will   line was mediocre at best, Pittman           signs here, the Patriots are a Super     be reached at hightower 12181 @h
                                 sooner or later. However, don't        all depend on what team he plays         will be cut if he does not improve.          Bowl contender.                

NOTICE                                                                  Eagles wipe out Jacksonville, 6-0
                                                                        By Eli Boorstein                         for much of the Eagles' 12 hits.
                                                                                                                 Sophomore second baseman James
       Spring 2003                                                          Going into the conference season
                                                                        this weekend, the Georgia Southern
                                                                                                                 Payne was perfect from the ninth
                                                                                                                 spot, going 4-for-4 and finishing

       Regents' Test                                                    baseball team needed a strong team
                                                                        effort to give them momentum go-
                                                                                                                 just a home run shy of batting for
                                                                                                                 the cycle.
                                                                        ing into the Southern Conference              Freshman shortstop Adam De-
                                                                        games.                                   Loach entered the game with just
February 28-March 5 & March 8                                               That was exactly what they           three hits in 18 at-bats, but had the
                                                                        got on Tuesday, using a mixture          breakout game of his short career
Students registered to take the Regents' Test for Spring                of strong pitching and timely hit-       with a 3-for-4 night. TheStatesboro
Semester 2003 can go to WINGS to view or print your
Spring "detailed" schedule of classes for the date, time, or            ting to shutout Jacksonville 6-0 in      native came through with some key
location of the test.                                                   a non-conference tilt at J.I. Clements   at-bats against Georgia last week-
       You must bring the following items to the test:                  Stadium.                                 end, and has now hit safely in four
•   Several sharpened #2 pencils
                                                                            Junior left-handers Dennis Dove      straight games.
•   Several pens (blue or black ink)                                    and Scott Tolbert combined to si-             "Going up to UGA, I hit the
•   Picture ID                                                          lence the Dolphin bats throughout        ball well and it gave me a lot of
•   Electronic or printed dictionary - (may only be used
    during the last 15 minutes of the essay section)                    the night. Dove, who improved            confidence," said DeLoach. "Being
For sample tests and more information, visit the Regents'
                                                                        to 2-0 on the season, struck out a       a redshirt freshman, [the pitchers]
Testing Program website at                       season-high 10 batters and allowed       don't know a lot about me, so they
Would you like to learn more about the Regents' Test or
                                                                        just one hit in seven innings of work.   come right at me."
brush up on some test-taking skills before you take the                 Tolbert came out of the bullpen to            Georgia Southern (7-3) started
exam? If so, the Academic Success Center would love to                  pitch the final two innings.             their scoring by posting two runs
help you! Anyone wanting to attend a workshop should
call 681-5371 for more information.                                         At the plate, it was the bottom      in the bottom of the second inning.
                                                                        of the batting order that accounted      Brandon Williams reached base on
                                                                                                                 a fielder's choice before moving to
                                                                                                                 second on a single from DeLoach.
Don't get pierced or TATOOED anywhere                                                                            Payne then took the 0-2 pitch from
                                                                                                                 Dolphin hurler Ryan Courson and
                                                                                                                 drove it to the wall in left-center
until you come and                                                                                               field for a two-run triple.
                                                                                                                      The Eagles then turned in some
see us;                                                                                                          clutch hitting in the third as they
                                                                                                                  scored twice more to bring their lead
                                                                                                                 to 4-0. Following a pair of ground
                                                                                                                  outs, Grant Burruss reached base
                                                                                                                  on a walk. Matt Hammond then
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LaVene Bell/STAFF
                                                                                                                  connected on the Courson pitch and
                                                                                                                  hit it high over the wall in right for       The Eagles earned a non-conference victory against Jacksonville
                                                                                                                  a two-run home run.                          University. The Eagles begin conference games this weekend with a
                                                                                                                      "[Courson] had been around               three-game series against Davidson.
                                                                                                                  the strike zone all night," said
                                                                                                                  Hammond. "He threw me a lot of               Gilligan then followed that up with a   innings on the mound. Deel and
                                                                                                                  fastballs, and then I got a good pitch       single to plate Payne from third.       Bobby Bowman closed the game
                                                                                                                  and took a good swing."                          The bats for Jacksonville (3-6)     out in relief.
                                                                                                                      After Courson was chased from            were not nearly as hot as the Eagles'      Up next for Georgia Southern
                                                                                                                  the ballgame one out into the fourth,        were, as Clint Hart, Rob Hudson,        will be a three-game set with SoCon
                                                                                                                  Josh Deel came in with runners on            and Brett Nagy each accounted one       foe Davidson this weekend at J.I.
                                                    * Over 9 years of piercing                                    first and third. But Rocky Baker             of the Dolphins' three total hits.      Clements Stadium. There will be
                                                      experience by Rick!                                         took Deel's first pitch of the game              Courson saw his record drop to      a doubleheader on Saturday starting
                                                                                                                  down the line in left to drive in            0-2 on the season as he was credited    at 1:30 p.m. with a single game on
                                                    • More than 1^,000 piercings                                                                                                                       Sunday, also at 1:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                  DeLoach with a double. Brendan               with all six of the GSU runs in 3 1/3
                                                      on file!
                                                    ♦ New needle every time!
                                                    • Navel piercings always $30!
                                                    * Eyebrow and noses always #25
                                                      with hoop!                                                    The
      Tattoos by Jesse
     • Six years of experience
     * Single-use needles
                                                                                                                    Savannah Music Festival's hip, happenin',
                                                                                                                    late night hang in the intimate setting of
     * Autoclave on site                                                                                            SCAD's Orleans Hall. Enjoy jazz with
     • Members of the Alliance of                                                                                   Cyrus Chestnut, Marcus Roberts, and
                                                                                                                    Wycliffe Gordon; rock with Cool John
       Professional Tattooists                                                                                      Ferguson and Drink Small; let the good
                                                                                                                    times roll with zydeco queen Rosie Ledet;
                                                                                                                    relax with local songstress Kristina Beaty;
        We also carry...                                                                                            and step into a new musical world
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* Lava lamps
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                                                                                                                                                                                  H e a L T H
                                                                                                                    or call 912-234-FEST (3378)
Check out the newly remodeled Cloud 9!
Friday, February 28, 2003 — Page 5

                                                                                    Grossman couldn't                                                                           U.S. and Columbia tie in FIFA
                                                                                                                                                                                World Youth Championships
                                                                                    wait to get to NFL
                                                                                    Associate Press
                                                                                                                                 Bloomington, has spent the last few
                                                                                        INDIANAPOLIS-Rex Grossman                weeks grooming his skills with former
                                                                                    didn't finish his Florida career the way    NFL quarterback Steve DeBerg in
                                                                                    he wanted.                                  Tampa. While Grossman won't partici-
                                                                                        There were still records to set,        pate in the 40-yard dash, he will throw
                                                                                    awards to win and rings to earn. Still,     in the RCA Dome, where he played in
                                                                                    he couldn't pass up a second chance for     two state championship games with
                                                                                    an NFL career.                              Bloomington North.
                                                                                        Grossman returned to Indiana, his            "I want to throw, that's my specialty,"
                                                                                    home state, Friday for the NFL's annual     Grossmansaid. "Thatwhat'sIdo.That's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Special Photo
                                                                                    combine less than two months after          I will do in the NFL."
                                                                                                                                                                                The United States and Columbia ended in a scoreless tie in the FIFA
                                                                                    announcing he would leave Florida a              Notre Dame wide receiver Arnaz
                                                                                                                                                                                World Youth Championships Wednesday.
                                                                                    year early so he could pursue his NFL       Battle, a former quarterback himself,
                                                                                                                                                                                Associated Press
                                                                                    dream.                                      will do something different.                                                              international shutout.
                                                                                        "From a competitive standpoint, I            After moving to wide receiver in               The United States under-20 men's          Colombia played the final 10 min-
                                                                                    wanted to come back and achieve all the     2001, Battle emerged last season as             soccer team drew a scoreless tie with     utes ofthe game down a man, afterAgui-
                                                                                    goals I hadn't yet," he said. "But I was    the Irish's most consistent receiving           Colombia on Wednesday as it continues     lar Abel received his second caution of
                                                                                    too excited to play in the NFL."            threat.                                         to prepare for the FIFA World Youth       the match in the 81st minute.
                                                                                        Grossman considered leaving Flori-           He's hoping to follow in the footsteps     Championship.                                 The United States leaves Thursday
                                                                                    da a year ago but decided to return in an   of another ex-Hoosier quarterback, An-              Ricardo Clark gave the United         morning for the Madeira International
                                                                                    effort to pursue both a national champi-    twaan Randle El, who was Pittsburgh's           States its best chance to score in the    Tournament, where it will play host
                                                                                    onship and the Heisman Trophy.              second-roundpicklastyearandexcelled             final minute, but his header went just    Portugal on March 3. The youth
                                                                                        A subpar season in the Gators' first    as a receiver and punt returner last            wide of the right post. U.S. goalkeeper   championship starts March 25 in the
                                                                                    year withoutcoach Steve Spurrierelimi-      season.                                         Steve Cronin recorded his fifth U-20      United Arab Emirates.
                                                                                    natedboth opportunities. Florida didnot          Battle, however, said he patterns
                                                                                    win the Southeastern Conference title,      himself after Steelers receiver who             BUSH TO  NCAA CHAMPS: Remember
                                                                                    and Grossman, the Heisman runner-up         switched from quarterback, Hines
                                                                                    as a sophomore, wasn't even invited         Ward.                                           your responsibilities as role models
                                                                                    back as a finalist.                              "That's a guy who's very physical,         Associated Press
                                                                                        Even with the unfulfilled hopes,        has made the transition and has become                                                    to get to where they are, and they're
Junior Amber Tiggs was named the Southern Conference Student-Athlete
                                                                                    though, Grossman knew he couldn't           a Pro Bowler," Battle said. "Hopefully              WASHINGTON - President                wondering about the example they 're
of the Week for her performance on the field and in the classroom.
                                                                                    stay.                                       I can get with a team, become comfort-          Bush asked Ohio State's football          setting."
                                                                                        "I thought about it last year and I     able and be able to do some good things         players and other NCAA champions              It was a familiar message from
Amber Tiggs named TIAA-CREF                                                         didn't think I was ready," he said. "This   early in my career and progress into a          to remember their responsibilities as     Bush, who exhorts winning teams
                                                                                    year I was ready and I couldn't pass it     starting spot."                                 role models.                              that visit him to be good role
SoCon Student-Athlete of the Week                                                   up twice."                                       Battle said he had no intention of             "I guarantee you there's a bunch      models.
G-A News Service                                                                        And because Grossman believes he        playing quarterback.                            of junior high kids in the state of           "You're a champ on the field, and
                                             She was named to the 2003 Southern                                                                                                 Ohio wondering what it's like to be       now you have a great opportunity to
                                                                                    has nothing to hide during this week's           Grossman, on the other hand, is
    SPARTANBURG, SC - Geor-                  Conference All-League team for her                                                                                                 a champion," Bush said Monday,            be achampion off the field, by setting
                                                                                    thoroughexamination by 32NFL teams,         comfortable playing his part, even
gia Southern women's track and field         performance in the weight throw.                                                                                                   with Ohio State's team standing           good examples, by showing people
                                                                                    he won't.                                   if it means throwing to Battle at the
athlete Amber Tiggs has been named              This was the fifth time she had                                                                                                 behind him.                               that there is such thing as a compas-
                                                                                        On Friday, he measured in at 6-foot-1   workouts.
the TIAA-CREF Southern Confer-               been named to the Southern Confer-                                                                                                     Portland's women's soccer team        sionate society," Bush said.
                                                                                    and 217 pounds, slightly taller than some        Grossman saidDeBerghelped make
ence Student Athlete of the Week.            ence All-League team in her career.                                                                                                and Southern California's women's             Bush ribbed his brother Jeb, the
                                                                                    people expected.                            his release a little quicker, his footwork
    Tiggs, a junior from Cartersville,       Additionally, Tiggs placed sixth in                                                                                                volleyball team also were present at      governor of Florida, who delivered
                                                                                        "It was no surprise to me," he joked.   a little better and his study habits a little
GA, placed second in the weight              the shot put at the SoCon Champi-                                                                                                  the White House, as was UCLA's            on his losing Fiesta Bowl bet Sunday,
                                                                                    "I've been 6-1 for a while now. I know      stronger.
throw at the Southern Conference             onships with a distance of 41 feet,                                                                                                men's soccer team.                        donning an Ohio State football jersey
                                                                                    how tall I am."                                  Grossman is just hoping that scouts
Indoor Track and Field Champion-             8.75 inches.                                                                                                                           "I know there's a lot of young        for part of a session at the National
                                                                                        Grossman also was one ofthe few top     hold him in high enough regard he can
ships in Johnson City, TN, on Feb-              Also receiving strong consid-                                                                                                   ladies who are growing up wondering       Governors Association meetings in
                                                                                    players who announced he would work         now achieve his next goal, being taken
ruary 22 with a throw of 54 feet,            eration were Western Carolina                                                                                                      whether or not they can be champs,"       Washington. Jeb Bush was on the los-
                                                                                    out Sunday with the quarterbacks. Most      early in the first round.
10.25 inches.                                women's track and field athlete                                                                                                    Bush said.                                ing end of a bet with Ohio Gov. Bob
                                                                                    projected first-rounders are instructed          "You've always got to prove your-
   Tiggs maintains a 3.62 GPA                Laura Tieszen and Davidson base-                                                                                                       "And they see the championship        Taft after the Buckeyes beat Miami
                                                                                    not to work out by their agents.            self," he said. "Every time you step on
overall while majoring in finance.           ball player Sam Navarro.                                                                                                           teams from USC and University of          31 -24 in last month's Fiesta Bowl for
                                                                                        But Grossman, who grew up in            the field, you have to prove yourself."
                                                                                                                                                                                Portland here, girls who worked hard      the national championship.

Georgia State
sweeps softball
G-A News Service

    Atlanta, Ga. - The Georgia South-
ern (7-6) softball team fell to Georgia
State (2-7) Tuesday afternoon 3-2
and 4-2 at Bob Heck Field.
    Freshman Lindsey Jones led
off the hitting for the Eagles as she
                                                    Upcoming Events
belted a single to left field to start off

                                                     Monday, March 3rd • Russell Union
game one. Freshman Shanita Black
reached first on a fielding error by
Georgia State's second baseman
Emily Pritchett. The Lady Panthers
put the next two batters away with                4-5pm • Bible Torah & Talmud - Rituals surrounding the
a strike out and a line drive to the              sacred texts. How do we study them? Interpret them? A
shortstop. Blackand Jones advanced
                                                  panel discussion from the perspective of Jews and Luther-
one base on a pass ball and scored
on a single to right by A.J. Street.              ans.
The freshman hit 2-for-4 on the day
with two RBI.
                                                  5-6pm • Jews & Medicine - What is the balance between
    Georgia State answered by
scoring a run in the second off a                 faith and science? A lecture by Rabbi Yosef Edelstein; an
solo homerun by third baseman                     Orthodox Jewish perspective.
Meghan McCoy. After three and
a half scoreless innings sophomore
Tiffany Urena came in to pitch for                6-7pm • Being Kosher - Finding G-d in the kitchen; an
Street with two outs and runners at               informal discussion of Kosher laws. Come sample Kosher
first and second. Urena gave up a                 food.
single to State's Beth Miller to give
the Lady Panthers the lead at 3-2.
    Despite the Eagles two hits in                7-8pm • Mikuah/Baptism - A panel discussion on the his-
the top of the seventh the team was               torical connection between Mikvah and Baptism and what
unable to score leaving one stranded
                                                  these rituals mean to Jews and Baptists.
as Black lined into a double play to
end the game.
    Georgia Southern gave up a run
in the bottom of the first and third
to trail Georgia State 2-0 in game
                                                      Tuesday, March 4th • Russell Union
two. The Eagles loaded the bases
in the fourth with a pair of singles
                                                                  12 Noon
and a walk. Urena sacrifice flied to                                                                                                           By 6th grade, an alarming number of girls lose interest
left field to score Black. A single               Midrash and Parables - a lecture by Rabbi Robert Wolkoff,
by junior Christi Aitken loaded the
                                                                                                                                                in math, science & technology. Which means they won't
                                                  a conservative Jewish perspective.
bases for the second time of the                                                                                                               qualify for most future jobs. That's why parents have to
inning. Freshman Carolynn Chin
grounded out to the pitcher scoring               • Storytelling as a path to religious insight.                                                  keep their interest alive, in every way we can.
pinch runner Courtney Jones.                      • Learn about the Jewish roots of New Testament parables.
    The Lady Panther's Jennifer Hes-
ter hit the teams' second homerun
of the day scoring teammate Alisia
Narodowski to give State a 4-2 win
                                                                                                                                              It's her future.Do the math!
in game two.                                        All of these events will happen the Russell Union.
    Georgia Southern travels to Utah,
                                                      Check the information desk for room location.
Friday, February 28 - Sunday, March
2 for the Red Desert Classic. GSU
will first take on Brigham-Young
Friday at 1 p.m. and then Utah
                                                        Sponsored by Hillel & Coordinated Religious Ministries                                                                                                               ^ Girl Scouts
State at 3:30 p.m. Both times are
Friday, February 28, 2003 - Page 6 \

Movie Review:
By V.A. Patrick Slade
                                                                                        Life of David Gale'
                                                                                        many of the scenes. He also shows             The director Alan Parker and
                                                                                                                                                                                           Bands in the Boro
                                                                                                                                                                                               Feb. 28                                                  barriers, making him a prime candi-
                                            zine. What she encounters is a David                                                                                                                     screenwriter Charles Randolph are                            Retrievers -1 University Plaza,                          date for a long-lasting and successful
                                            Gale that is ready to confess the details   this earnestness that is so sad, yet
                                                                                                                                  very conscious of every minute de-                       681-2444: CLOUDED MlNDS                                      music career. His lyrics range from
    There is only one word to describe      of his last years and the crime he is       commendable. He plays David Gale
                                                                                                                                  tail. This is evident from the extreme                       This band has been playing gigs                          sensitive and alluring to gutsy and
Kevin Spacey's newest film, and that        on death row for. What she doesn't          to the hilt, and the audience members
                                                                                                                                  close-ups and other shots employed                       for about four years together. Playing                       erotic. The one thing that all of his
is "Wow!"                                   bargain for is what she uncovers, and       can't help but root for the underdog
                                                                                                                                  throughout the film.                                     great covers and awesome originals,                          tunes have in common is the fact that
    Featuring non-stop action, and a        this fact will mean freedom for David       that is within this character.
                                                                                                                                       With a twisting and turning story,                  this band is no doubt one of the 'Boros                      they are solid pop hit material.
storyline that is full of twist and turns   Gale. In an attempt to save his life            Kate Winslet brings this newness
                                            she must put together all the clues and     to Bitsy Bloom. She doesn't convey        the film is ever so mindful to keep                      favorites
the audience will not soon forget, "The
                                            find the missing parts to find out what     her as the "regular" story hungry re-     the audience guessing until literally                        Buffalo's-120 Lanier Dr., 681-
Life of David Gale" is remarkable to
say the least. This movie brings about      really happened the night the murder        porter that has no heart. Number one,     the last minute. The director and                        3030: FOUR STORIES
                                            happened.                                   the character isn't written that way,     screenwriter are also mindful to                             This band has been playing gigs
an important message without boring
                                                The acting in this film is great.       and number two, Winslet has this grace    make a point about the United States                     for about foour years together now.
the audience to tears. It also showcases
                                            Spacey delivers one of the finest per-      about her that is undeniable. Bloom       death penalty and how misconstrued                       Playing great covers and awesome
a fine group of actors.
                                            formances of his career. He conveys         comes off as a reporter who is looking    it can be. They do this very overtly,                    originals, this band is no doubt one
    The story follows an honest, hard-
                                            Gale as a weak man that is looking for      out for the betterment of her subject     but with its message in place, the audi-                 of the 'Boro's favorites.
working reporter by the name of Bitsy
Bloom, played by Kate Winslet (Ti-          some kind of assistance from behind         and not the story itself. Winslet also    ence can go for the full ride without                         March 1
                                            bars. But what he does with David's         has a unique spin, that is not wanting,   missing a message in the midst. The                         Buffalo's -120 Lanier Dr., 681-
tanic) that is given the story of death                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Special Photo
                                            weakness is remarkable. He makes            but she is in need of something and       movie is beautifully written with very                   3030: CHRIS MITCHELL
row inmate David Gale, played by
                                            his weakness very relevant as well as       her stories help fulfill that need. Her   sympathetic moments as well as edge                         Chris Mitchell is a fully developed,                      Chris Mitchell, who plays at
Spacey. She must go to Texas where
                                            mask it with this strength that is under-   acting is very realistic, and it makes    of your seat thrills.                                    world-class vocalist. His finely tuned                       Buffalo's on Friday, releases his
he awaits the lethal injection and get
                                            cover, yet very prevalent throughout        for a credible character.                      This movie is a must see.                           voice can cross a multitude of genre                         first solo album on April 13.
his exclusive story for "News" maga-

                              BATTLE OF THE BANDS
                              PARTICIPANTS NEEDED!
                                                                                                                                  In Theaters Feb. 28
                        WVGS's annual Battle of the Bands is
                      coming soon, and we need YOU to sign up!

                      It's not just metal anymore! Have an indie
                      band? Like to play good old rock and roll?
                     Impress your friends and perform on stage!

                                  Only serious applicants please!                                                                       'Poolhall Junkies'                                        'Cradle 2 the Grave'                                                        'Spider'
                                                                                                                                      This movie being released in                             Rap star DMX stars in this ac-                                  This is a psychological thriller
                                                                                                                                  limited theaters has an all-star cast,                   tion-packed story of a gang leader                            about a man (Ralph Fiennes), trying
                      Stop by the office (Second Floor of the                                                                     including Allison Eastwood, Chazz                        whose daughter is kidnapped by a                              to piece his life back together, living
                   William Center, room 2018), or send an email                                                                   Palminteri, Rick Schroder, Rod Stei-                     international criminal because of a                           in London's East End after his prema-
                         to and sign up!                                                                          ger, and Christopher Walken. This                        diamond heist he is involved in. Jet                          ture releasefrom a mental institution.
                                                                                                                                  is the story of a compulsive gambler                    Li also stars, as a government agent                           Writing in a journal, the man tries to
                     Any questions, call 681-5507 and ask for                                                                     (Callahan) who has managed to over-                      who, along with the help ofher father's                       discover the truth about his mysteri-
                                 Chuck or Nuwan.                                                                                  come his obsession, but is drawn back                    gangsters and the local police tries to                       ous past and the death of his mother
                                                                                                                                  into the world ofpool-shooting when                     find the daughter.              '<                             (Miranda Richardson), even as he
                                                                                                                                  he needs to try to save his brother.                                                                                   still struggles with his fragile sanity.

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TODAY'S QUOTE                                                                                                                   Covering                       the          ca mp u s Iike                       a       s w a r rn,         of       gnats
                  "Nothing in life is to be
                   feared, it is only to be
                       -Marie Curie
         Friday, February 28, 2003
                                                                                                                                                            Classi                                                                                                                                                                         Page 7
                                                                                                                                                               FISHBOWL by Robert Witchger

            Crossword                                                                                                                                                                                         VCACV<       WVis/V   ovST   oNto                       A.
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            22 Playwright Hart        49                                       50                ■>•                52             :,3
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            29 Cacophony                    58   £9                60                   61                                         62        63    64
            30 Conceited one

                                      6-3                         66
            34 Long way off                                                                                         6
            36 High peak
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            38 Paycheck
            39 Computer
                                                                                                                                                             PAUL                                                                                                      BY BILLY O'KEEFE                                 WWW.MRBIUV.COM
            41 Still
                                     © 2003 Tribune Media Services, Inc.                                                                     01/29/03        MB. ROSSBER6 ASKED US TO,
                                     All rights reserved.
            43 Book ID                                                                                                                                       1UCH HOa HOW TO USE A
            44 Limit                                                                                                                                         COMPUTER. M¥ NAME'S JENNCE.
            46 Circle part           5 Avoided a                  Solutions
            48 Algonquian              straight answer

                language             6 Shamelessly                3        S   K1 3          1         s       N 3       a         O 3         a   O
            49 Pittsburgh pro        7 Commute                    A b O A                              a       3    a    3         N O 0 N
            51 Eighth mo.            8 Set an arbitrary           >l V 3            U fl                        A V 1              1     1     3   n

                                                                               ■ '.
            53 CIA forerunner          punishment                                                a                  m                              s
                                                                  S        1   N    3 Ifl              N        3        V         W V         [
            54 Outskirts             9 Moral of the                                        3 s a
                                                                                             V   a
            55 Teheran's place         story
            57 Thailand, once       10 Balanced
                                                                  s s          O                 n
                                                                                           a 3 'i 3 3  V                                       1   s
            60 Bill changers?       11 Cellist Ma                 3        3   a oM 3 a vB a 3 a a                                            O    a
            65 Unattractive         12 Sisters                    3        1   i ! J-BJ- 3 AHH 3 c                                            0    m
                fruit?              13 Important times            H        3   N a V ]|d l vBJa V                                              3   V

            66 Bathe                21 Met highlight              1 S            i 0 3 3   N I aB)d                                            V 1
            67 Rest period
            68 Showdown
                                    25 Castle protector                        ■3 m V 0    3 a 3
                                    26 "The Silence of
                time?                  the _"                     S S          O m   s a 3 Z V 3 a V                                           1   s
                                                                               A m   s 3 a v   a V i

            69 Fulda feeder         27 In progress                V N                                                                          1   1
            70 Tusk material        28 San Diego                  a n          0 A               3 K            i   *          3   3     i     3   n
            71 Diver Louganis          player                     3                 S            m     V a                                     d   V
            72 Lairs
                                                                           N   A
                                                                                                                    a          H S       i
                                    31 Opening bars
            73 Tightly              32 Monica of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        fT'S FUNrW BECAUSE THE NAMES SOUND THE SAME/
                stretched              nets                       45 Entertained in                                 58 Composer
                                    33 Acacia and                    style                                             Stravinsky

                 Nice friends?
                                    35 Cashing in
                                                                  47 Milk part
                                                                  50 Overhauled
                                                                                                                    59 Medicinal plant
                                                                                                                    61 Tied
                                                                                                                                                            CAPTAIN RlBMAN                                        Iraq My Brain                                                                    by Sprengelmeyer & Davis
             2   Animal hide        37 Round legume               52 Ploy                                           62 Kind of Dodge
                 Pelvic bones
                                    40 Pinochle display           56 Effrontery
                                                                  57 Warbled
                                                                                                                    63 Jolly old salts
                                                                                                                    64 Actress lone
                                                                                                                                                             S^ HOW DO
                                    42 Workout leaders
                                                                                                                                                               VOU THINK WE
                                                                                                                                                             SHOULD DEAL WITH
                         1 Special                                For more information, rate cards, sample
                                                                  publications, contact: David Brennaman,
         SPECIAL:       You can get one platinum                  Advertising Director, ADS, (912) 681-5418;
         FUBU shirt for $30 dollars or two for $50                or Bill Neville, Student Media Coordinator,
         dollars. Call for Eddie at 871-3680.                     (912)681-0069.
                 10 G-A Action Ads                                The newspaper makes every reasonable
                                                                  effort to present correct and complete
             Q STUDENTS BEWARE                                    information in advertisements. However,
         ATTENTION - The George-Anne screens                      the advertiser is responsible for proofing
         all advertisements prior to publication.                 the ad upon publication and should notify
         The newspaper strives to accept ads for                  the newspaper immediately in the event of
         legitimate products and services only.                   an error. The newspaper is not responsible
         Students are urged to exercise caution
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         when replying to ads — particularly those                liability for adjustments is limited to the
         which require a credit card number, other                amount of space the error occupied in
         personal information, or money in advance                the ad. Further, the newspaper is not
         of the delivery of a product or service.
                                                                  responsible for any damages caused
         Students are also urged to report to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Place.
                                                                  due to an ad's omission from a particular                                                                                                               90 Education                    Bowen Building at Fair Road Park.      For
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         $600!!  May 5 - Aug. 5.    Sublease 1
         newspaper any suspicious offers which                    edition and its responsibility solely is to                                                                                                                                             more information call 912-764-5637.
         they might see in an ad. Remember, if                    reschedule the ad in the next regular
                                                                                                                                                                  20 Announcements                          FUN & STUFF Visit our Web site for list                                                      BR. Private bathroom, 1/2 utilities. Call
         an offer seems too good to be true, it                                                                                                                                                             of things to do that are educational and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 150 Lost & Found                        Phaedra 681-1477.
                                                                  edition at the regular advertising rates.                                                 PAINTBALL MARKER for sale. Spyder
         probably is.                                             CLASSIFIED ADS: Free classified ads                                                                                                       fun. On-line at                                                    SUMMER SUBLEASER           needed for
                                                                                                                                                            Special Edition includes 200c hopper,                                                         LOST: Ladies watch Relic brand silver
                                                                                                                                                                                                            funstuff/                                                                                    Statesboro Place Apartment.     Private
         FREEBIE INFO               ALL FREE                      from students, faculty and staff must be                                                  mask, 9 oz. tank. Not made anymore.                                                           with blue face. Lost between Foy and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         bedroom and bath. $385/month, internet
                                                                  non-commercial in nature and submitted                                                    Asking $200. Call Chad or email chad_c_                                                       COBA. If found contact Erin at 688-2078
         student and faculty ads to be run in
                                                                  in writing, with the name of the sender,                                         Nego. Fun!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      130 Garage Sales                    thanks! Reward offered!                        and cable. Call Shannon 486-3086.
         the George-Anne must have a NAME,
         P.O. BOX and PHONE NUMBER. Ads                           local address, and phone number. No free                                                  THE AMERICAN Red Cross needs you!               YARD/BOOK       SALE   off  Fair Road
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                                                                  we don't take dictation. One free ad per                                                  in volunteering or becoming a member for        1/2 Catherine Ave. Look for Brick Fence,                                                     FEMALE ROOMMATE needed SAugust
         information. NO EXCEPTIONS.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FOR SALE:       Used washer and Dryer,
                                                                  person per week. Commercial classified                                                    one of the students committees here on          Saturday, 7:30 AM-11:00AM March 1st.          Bluebird School Bus, Acer Computer, HP         thru Deccember hoping to locate a 2/bed
         STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: The                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    place together if intersted please call 541-
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         newspaper       of    Georgia    Southern
                                                                  insertion.                                                                                ONLINE FILING Firm:       Do your taxes         SUMMER INTERNSHIPS Earn $3000                                                                1 ROOM AVAILABLE in 4 bedroom
         University, owned and operated by
         GSU students and utilizing the facilities                CIRCULATION           INFORMATION:        Mail                                            online at www.absolute for            to $7000++ and gain valuable business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      180 Musical                        Townhouse Apt in Hawthorne II #102,
                                                                  subscriptions are not availabel at this time.                                             a minimal fee of $9.95 for 1040EZ and           experience working for the Official                                                          fully furnished, share with 3 females, price
         provided by GSU. The newspaper is the                                                                                                                                                                                                            ORION NEEDS a new bass player! If
                                                                  However, readers may visit our web site                                                   $14.95 for 1040. Free E-File!                   Campus       Telephone       Directory.                                                      negotiable. Please call 1-800-866-2831
         oldest continuously d in Bulloch County                                                                                                                                                                                                          you're experienced and listen to heavy
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         and Statesboro, Ga. The ideas expressed                                                                                                            INTERESTED IN photography?       Fun,                                                         music, call 681-2739 to set up an audition.
         herein are those of the editor or the                    Visit It is the goal of                                                B&W, color, critiques, and much more.           Marketing opportunity. GREAT RESUME           This job will pay!                             MALE, NON-smoker wanted now to
         individual authors and do not necessarily                the newspaper to have its edition placed                                                  The student Photographic Society is             BOOSTER! Call Paul at AroundCampus,                                                          share nice 2 bedroom house with senior
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BASSIST AND drummer needed for
         represent the views of the Student Media                 on-line within 24 hours of publication.                                                   meeting Thursday Feb. 27th @ 7:00 PM            Inc.        1-800-466-2221      ext.288.                                                     engineering student. E. Main St., 5 min.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          versatile rock band. P.A. and bookings are     drive from GSU. $235/mo plus 1 /2 utilities.
         Committee, the administration, the faculty               Breaking news will be placed on-line as                                                   3rd floor Foy Building                
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          no problem. 871-3686.                          Call Aaron 764-5037 or 706-540-8252.
         and staff of Georgia Southern University,                warranted. The George-Anne is distributed                                                                                                  JOB OPPORTUNITY: Statesboro-Bulloch
         or the University System of Georgia. The                 free of charge on the Georgia Southern
                                                                                                                                                                     40 Autos for Sale                     • County Parks and Recreation Department,                 190 Personal
         George-Anne is published three times                     University campus through delivery sites                                                                                                   Part-time position, Head Tennis Coach.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        290 Travel
                                                                                                                                                            1991 CHEVY Caprice Big Body, New
         weekly during the academic year and five                 located in campus buildings, at off-campus                                                                                                 This position calls for the Head Tennis      JOE, I Love You and you mean the world
                                                                                                                                                            Paint,  Brand   New Top-end Stereo,
         times     during summers. Any questions                  sites, and in residence halls.                                                                                                             Coach to be able to teach adult and youth    tome! Love your baby!
                                                                                                                                                            Flawless Interior, Strobe Head;lights,                                                                                                       FUN & STUFF VisitourWeb
         regarding content should be directed to                  NOTICE: Readers may pick up one                                                                                                            tennis lessons for beginner, intermediate,
         the editor at by phone at 912/681-5246
                                                                                                                                                            Dual Flowmaster Exhaust. Call Danny
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and advance players. The Head Coach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           220 Rentals & Real Estate                     site for list of places to visit and things to
                                                                  free copy, and a second for a roommate                                                    404-457-9696                                                                                                                                 do that are both educational and fun. On-
         or fax at 912/486-7113. Readers may                                                                                                                                                                 will facilitate league play for adults and
                                                                  or acquaintance, at distribution sites.                                                   1999 FORD Windstar LX, AM/FM/CASS/                                                            3BR AND 6BR house available August
         also send electronic messages to the                                                                                                                                                                coordinate all youth and adult tennis                                                       line   at
                                                                  Additional copies are 35 cents each and                                                   CD, PW, PL, PB, PS, factory alarm system,                                                     1st. 764-6076.
         newspaper staff by visiting our web site at
                                                                  are available at the Williams Center.                                                     new tires. $7250. Call 829-4996.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             tournament. The Head Coach must work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NEED AN apartment for summer? Call
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         funstuff/                                                                                                                                                                           well with adults and youth. Knowledge of
                                                                  However,        unauthorized   removal     of
         OFFICES, MAIL, PHONES: Room 2023, F.                                                                                                               2002 TOYOTA Forerunner for sale!                 tennis rules is a must. The hours per week
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          me ASAP 912-604-4671.        Only $235/                      310 Wanted
         I. Williams Center. The George-Anne, P.O.                additional copies from a distribution site                                                Excellent condition! Loaded with leather                                                      month. Private room/bathroom, room and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             will be approx. 15-20 hours. Pay rate
         Box 8001, Georgia Southern University,                   constitutes theft under Georgia law, a                                                    interior, power windows, sunroof, CD                                                          apt. fully furnished, pool, washer/dryer,      COLLEGE STUDENT looking for another
                                                                                                                                                                                                             will be based on applicants' experience.
         Statesboro, Ga. 30460. 912/681-5246                      misdemeanor offense punishable by a                                                       player, silver exterior. $28,500. Call 489-                                                   dishwasher. Located behind Statesboro          student who can cut hair. Call 512-8344.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Applications will be accepted at the Honey
         (News) or 912/618-5418 (Advertising) or                  fine and/or jail time. Editors will seek to                                               1967 before 9:00PM.
         912/486-7113 (Fax)                                       have any person(s) who removes more
                                                                                                                                                            88 CAPRICE CLASSIC 305 engine Plow
                                                                  than the authorized number of copies from                                                 Master pipes, clean interior, AC, $2500.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             1 Rip Us Off.
               ADVERTISING INFORMATION                            distribution sites prosecuted to the full                                                 DeeJay 512-8598.
         The George-Anne reserves the right to                    extent of the law.
                                                                                                                                                            93 TOYOTA Tercel, maroon, new tires
         refuse any advertisement.                                 NOTE: We gratefully acknowledge the
                                                                                                                                                            and     battery, power steering,  clean
         DISPLAY AD DEADLINE: The deadline                        theft of our slogan - "Liked by Many,
                                                                                                                                                            interior, looks new, runs great. $1950/
         for reserving space and submitting
         advertising copy is Noon, one week prior
                                                                  Cussed by Some, Read by them AM"
                                                                  - from Robert Williams of the Blackshear
                                                                                                                                                            OBO. Call Noman @ 912-8189 or email              ■    That's right - you heard right. Rip us off. Get something for nothing. Say hello to a                                              ■
         to the intended publication date.                        Times. Call Bob and he can tell you who                                                                                                    I    friend. Find a roommate. Get a job. Find a home for a litter of kittens. Buy a wombat.                                             «
                                                                   he stole it from originally.                                                             60 Business OP£ortunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                             I    Or sell your Beamer (right, like you expect us to believe that you - and not your folks                                            J
                                                                                                                                                            LOCAL WINDOW Cleaning Company
                                                                                                                                                            now hiring.    No experience necessary.          ■    - actually have the title to that BMW). Regardless of your purpose (or even if you                                                 «
            WW/r                                      ^           --
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ■                                                                                                                                       ■
                                                                                                                                                            Will train. Must be willing to travel. No
                                                                                                                                                            overnight. Call Marianne at 842-9336 TTR              are a congenital liar like the Beamer owner), Georgia's liveliest classified ad section
                                                                                                                                                            or F 11-5. Must have own transportation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             "    is for you. Students, faculty and staff can have their 20-word action ads published                                                II
                                                                                                                                                                        $250/day Potential                   ;    for nothing (non-commercial listings only, please). Fill out the little rectangles below,                                          ;
                                                                                                                                                                        Training Provided
                                                                                                                                                                                                             |    and send your ad to G-A Action Ads, POB 8001, GSU or drop them by our offices in                                                   j
                                                                                                                                                                         Local Positions
                                                                                                                                                                     1-800-293-3985 ext 312
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ■    the Williams Center, Room 2023. You MUST include your name and P.O. Box                                                            ■
                                                                                                                                                             80 Computers & Software                         ■    number to qualify for a freebie. Remember, keep it short: students, faculty and                                                    I!
                                                                                                                                                            FOR SALE - NEC Computer 450 Pentium
                                                                                                                                                                                                             I    staff must pay 200 per words for those which exceed the 20-word limit. And, please                                                 I
                                                                                                                                                            II Processor, 3.5 and CD-ROM Drive,
                                                                                                                                                            word, excel, powerpoint databases Asking
                                                                                                                                                                                                             I    - no telephone calls... at this price we don't take dictation.                                                                     J
                                                                                                                                                            $300. 764-3370.
                                                                                                                                                            COMPAQ ARMADA 4130T w/ docking
                                                                                                                                                            station, built in speakers, Microsoft Excel,
                                                                                                                                                            Powerpoint, Word, Office, Cardworks,
                                                                                                                                                            Outlook Express, CDROM 3.5 floppy,
                                                                                                                                                            case. Good condition, $300. Call 688-

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