Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School

Page created by Florence Douglas
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School
Student Guide
Academic year 2019-2020
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School


Dear Student

As our student, you are the central point of                Management Board
our concern and the reason of existence of
MSM. Therefore, apart from providing you                            Meinhard Gans, MSc
with a high quality education, we also want                         Dean a.i.
to make your stay at MSM a pleasant one.                            Chief Executive Officer
No more - an unforgettable one!

In this guide you will find general information                     Ms. Chantal Muyrers
on the services and facilities you will find at                     Chief Financial Officer
MSM as well as practical information on
living and studying in the Netherlands and

Should you like more personal and detailed
information our enthusiastic staff will be
happy to help you. We wish you good luck
with your educational program at MSM and
a memorable stay in the wonderful city of
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School


General Guide                                           3    Money & Finance                          20
                                                        3.1 The Euro                                  20
1   General information                            4    3.2 Commercial banks                          21
1.1 Building: address & opening hours              4    3.3 Your Bank account                         21
1.2 General rules                                  4    3.4 Tax Forms                                 21
1.3 Education Operations Office                    4    4    Shops                                    21
1.4 Research Department                            4    4.1 Opening hours                             21
1.5 Career, Student and Alumni Services            4    4.2 Markets                                   21
1.6 Information Center                             5    4.3 Supermarkets                              22
1.7 Travel Office                                  7    4.4 Department stores                         22
1.8 Finance Office                                 7    4.5 Shopping centers                          22
1.9 Restaurant                                     7    5    Wining & Dining                          23
1.10 Acccomodation                                 8    5.1 Dutch eating habits                       23
2   Visa and Permits                               8    5.2 Typical Dutch Food                        24
2.1 Residence permit                               8    5.3 Restaurants                               24
2.2 Registration with municipal authorities        8    5.4 Cafés and bars                            26
2.3 International students and part-time job       9    5.5 Dancing                                   27
2.4 MSM Internship Guidelines                      9    6    Travel & Transport                       27
3   Being a student at MSM                        10    6.1 Bicycles                                  27
3.1 Your name in the Netherlands                  10    6.2 Driving a car                             28
3.2 Mailbox and mailbox address in the Netherlands 10   6.3 Rent-a-car                                29
3.3 Phones                                        10    6.4 Public transport                          29
3.4 Post office mail                              12    7    Sports                                   31
3.5 Health and medical care                       12    7.1 Sport & Fitness centers                   31
3.6 Access to MSM facilities with disabilities    13    7.2 Swimming pools                            31
4   In class                                      14    7.3 Other sport facilities                    31
4.1 The class representative                      14    8    Social and Cultural activities           32
4.2 Books and writing materials                   14    8.1 Tourist information                       32
                                                        8.2 Travelling abroad                         32
                                                        8.3 Museums                                   33
Social Guide                                            8.4 Cinemas                                   33
                                                        8.5 Theaters                                  33
1   The Netherlands                               15    8.6 Social and cultural events                34
1.1 General                                       15    8.7 Must sees in Maastricht and surrounding   35
1.2 The Dutch                                     17    9 Religion                                    36
1.3 Government                                    17    10 Holidays & Festivities in 2019 - 2020      37
1.4 Provinces                                     17    11 Dutch habits and language                  39
1.5 Languages                                     17    11.1 The Dutch and their habits               39
1.6 Climate                                       18    11.2 Legislation and drugs                    40
1.7 Daylight saving time                          18    11.3 Useful Dutch words                       41
2   Limburg                                       19
2.1 Maastricht                                    19
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School

General Guide
Introduction to the facilities and services of Maastricht School of Management

1. General information                                      1.3 Educations Operations Office

1.1 Building: address & opening hours                       The Education Office is located on the second and
                                                            third floor and can be found in the following offices:
                                                            EP: 229
Visitors address:                                           MSc: 332
Endepolsdomein 150, 6229 EP Maastricht                      MM: 330
The Netherlands                                             MBA: 329
                                                            Executive MBA: 332
Postal address:                                             Online MBA: 347
PO Box 1203, 6201 BE Maastricht
The Netherlands                                             1.4 Research Department

T: +31(0)43 38 70 808                                       The Research Department is located on the third floor
Fax: +31(0)43 38 70 802                                     In room 350 and room 351.
                                                            1.5 Career, Student and Alumni Services
MSM building opening hours:                                                                                               04
Monday - Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.                      The goal of the Career, Student and Alumni Services
                                                            is to give students and alumni a complete “MSM
                                                            experience” where not only the knowledge on
                                                            management is developed, but also the soft skills and
1.2 General rules                                           attitudes of becoming a good manager and a more
                                                            self-aware person. One of the tools MSM’s uses to
• Lecture hours can vary per program. Please regularly     achieve this is the mentorship program. Maastricht
   check the schedule for any changes. We expect            School of Management uses ‘mentorships’ as a tool
   students to be on time and present in each class.        to make its students familiar with the Dutch way
• You are kindly requested to refrain from smoking         of living and doing business. In return, senior
   in the MSM building at all times.                        managers participating in the mentorship program
• It is not allowed to take food or drinks into the        get personally acquainted with foreign business
   lecturing halls, the Function Hall, the Information      cultures and expertise.
   Center or the Computer Room.
                                                            Preparing for MSM
In case of fire in the MSM building, the fire alarm         During the preparation phase, the admissions
will go off. All students and staff are requested to        office will guide you and advise you in arrival-related
leave the building immediately via the emergency            matters: visa and residence permit for the
exits and gather outside the main entrance. DO              Netherlands, housing and medical insurance,
NOT use the elevator!! You must NOT return inside           information on general facilities, libraries (information
the building before the fire brigade has declared           centers), public transportation, recreation facilities etc.
the area safe. Twice a year, a fire drill will be held to
rehearse the procedure described above.
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School

During your study                                          of management, finance, information technology,
The Student Counselor can assist you on personal           operations, environment, accounting, marketing,
issues. For questions related to your study your first     tourism and economics, enabling students to acquire
point of contact is the Education Operations Office.       in-depth study foundation in management education.
The Educations Operations Office, the Academic
Coordinators and the Student Counselor work
together in monitoring your performance and                Opening hours
well-being during your stay at MSM.                        Monday     8.00 a.m.     - 5.30 p.m.
                                                           Tuesday    8.00 a.m.     - 5.30 p.m.
Where to find the various contact people                   Wednesday 8.00 a.m.      - 5.30 p.m.
Manager Enrollment and Career Services,                    Thursday   8.00 a.m.     - 5.30 p.m.
Ms. Hermina Kooyman                                        Friday     8.00 a.m.     - 5.30 p.m.
T: +31(0)43 38 70 817
Student Services & Alumni Officer, Ms. Denise Dupont       Information Center Staff
E:                                           Manager: Ms. Iris Weijenberg, BA
T: +31(0)43 38 70 885                                      E:
Student Counselor, Ms. Pilar Gonzalez Vigil                T: +31(0)43 38 70 877
T: +31(0)43 38 70 855                                      ID-card
                                                           To use the facilities of the Information Center every
MSM Social events                                          student needs a valid ID-card with a barcode. Your      05
The aim of the social events program is to enhance         ID-card will be distributed during the introduction
interaction between students in and outside the            program. This does not apply to the students taking
classroom environment; to stimulate interaction            part in our short programs.
between the various programs and to expose
students to Western-European culture and                   ICT facilities
traditions. A diverse program of social activities         The ICT-platform in the information Center is
will be set up in collaboration with the Education         equipped with 10 multimedia monitors, internet
Department, the program can be adjusted and                access and many software applications. These can
tailored to the needs of the students the moment           only be used when the ICT-platform is not in use for
a social class representative has been appointed.          classes. We advise you to always bring your laptop
                                                           with you.

1.6 Information Center                                     Scanning and printing facilities are available in the
                                                           Information Center.
The MSM Information Center is a sophisticated
multi-functional resource center where students            Collection, website
have access to a wealth of knowledge that can be           The Information Center contains about 10,000 books.
applied to every aspect of their study. It is a learning   The majority of the academic journals are available
resource center featuring the most advanced online         in electronic format via databases. There is also a
knowledge tools. The ICT-platform is equipped with         growing collection of research papers written by
10 computers and state-of-the-art facilities to deliver    MSM students worldwide, as well as theses and
computer based courses. The Information Center             dissertations. An international thesaurus is used to
specializes in English language literature in the fields   classify the materials.
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School

1.6.1 Information Center portal                         1.6.2 Regulations

The Information Center offers a virtual portal, where   All facilities of the Information Center are available
registered staff and students have access to the        for students and staff, free of charge. A membership
library web catalogue, databases, and several other     card (valid ID-card with barcode) is required to access
facilities. At the beginning of your study program,     the facilities. Students and staff can borrow books
you will receive a login and password via email         and magazines. Dictionaries, newspapers and
to access the Information Center Portal. The            reference textbooks are not available for loan,            06
Information Center works with a library software,       but can be consulted in the Information Center.
V-smart Air. V-smart Air is a web based integrated      Reserved items need to be returned at once. The cost
library software developed by Infor. The Information    of lost material will be charged to the borrower.
Center uses V-smart to simplify the management          The Information Center is a place for study, research,
of the library collection and to provide faculty and    group work and discussion.
students improved access to a wide array of
information resources.
                                                        1.6.3 Services

Facilities available via the portal:                    Information requests
• V-smart Air (Information Center catalogue)            The Information Center accepts information requests
• Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO)                      via phone or e-mail. The Information Center staff
• eBook Business Collection (EBSCO)                     strives to help you as much as possible in finding
• Regional Business News (EBSCO)                        appropriate answers to your questions.
•S cienceDirect (Business, management and
  accounting package)                                   Inter Library Loan (ILL)
• Emerald Management Extra 120                          This service is available for staff and students working
•E BSCO Discovery Service                              and studying at the MSM premises in Maastricht. ILL
  (including the Electronic Title List)                 is a service for borrowing books and obtaining articles
• (accessible at MSM premises only)        from other libraries through a national service.
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School

1.7 Travel Office                                            1.8 Finance Office

For all requests concerning your flights or travel           The Finance Office is located in room 143.
tickets please firstly contact the Admissions Office         The Finance Office is open for students on the
(                                         following days: Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday,
                                                             between 10.00 - 11.00 a.m. and 13.00 - 13.30 p.m.
Loss or damage to luggage
The Travel Officer, Ms. Marlène Nauts, may be of
assistance in case of loss or damage to your luggage         1.9 Restaurant
on arrival.
                                                             The MSM restaurant is located on the ground
How to report loss or damage to luggage at the               floor of the MSM building and is open to staff and
airport                                                      students. Opening hours are listed to the left of the
Report the loss or damage to your suitcase to an             entrance. There is a coffee vending machine in the
airport officer. You will receive a “Property Irregularity   restaurant and in the business lounge on the first
Report (PIR)”                                                floor (study area).
• Complete the PIR carefully
• Have the PIR signed and stamped by an airport             The kitchen staff caters a varied and healthy menu,
   officer                                                   as respectful as possible of religious restrictions.
• Take the completed, signed and stamped PIR to MSM         The prices of the dishes are listed in the restaurant.
•C  ontact the Travel Officer ( for               Please kindly clear the table after your meal and
   assistance                                                place used cups and plates in the designated area.       07
                                                             As in the rest of MSM, smoking is not allowed in
In case of loss of luggage the airport services will         the restaurant.
strive to deliver your luggage within 48 hours at the
address you have indicated in the PIR.
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School

1.10 Accomodation

Every student is responsible for their own travel
and residential arrangements and costs. MSM will
provide you with a list of various accommodation
options and services which can help you to find
accommodation in Maastricht.

2. Visa and Permits

2.1 Residence permit

Tourist Visa / Schengen Visa                                Procedure:
Students staying in the Netherlands up to 90 days           • The Admission and Enrollment Officers inform
need to apply for a Schengen (Tourist) Visa and                students about the admission procedure and
students staying longer than 90 days need to                   asks students to e-mail all documents necessary
apply for a MVV (Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf).           for application for the residence permit.
Application for visa has to be done via one of the          • The Admissions Office sends the documents to
embassies or consulates of the Netherlands in your             the IND (Immigration and Naturalization Service
country of residence. Whether a visa is required               of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice) in       08
depends on your nationality.                                   the Netherlands.
For more information about a tourist visa check:            •W  hen their application is approved by the IND,                                   students can collect their visa (called MVV) in their
                                                               home country and may travel to the Netherlands.
For more information about the MVV check:                   • Upon their arrival, the students can pick up their         residence permit in Eindhoven or Maastricht.
                                                               The dates and location will be indicated in the
Residence Permit                                               IND letter received by MSM and given to the
The Admissions Office will take care of the                    students when they arrive at MSM.
application process for residence permits for
students. Note that residence permits are only
required for students staying longer than three
months in the Netherlands.                               2.2 Registration with municipal authorities

                                                         Students staying longer than four months in the
                                                         Netherlands are required to register at the Municipality
                                                         or City Hall of Maastricht. MSM will make an
                                                         appointment for the entire group of students at the
                                                         municipality. The appointment takes place 3 to 4 weeks
                                                         after arrival in Maastricht. MSM informs the students
                                                         about the date and time in advance. Student will need
                                                         to bring their rental agreement and birth certificate to
                                                         the appointment.
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School

2.3 International students and
part-time jobs

As international students in the Netherlands, you      Students are allowed to do a traineeship without a
might want to take a part-time job. It is important    permit if the traineeship is part of the curriculum
to take a number of legal issues into account as       of the study program and they receive ECTS for the
depending on the nationality of the student there      traineeship.
are some restrictions.
                                                       For more information about our internship policy,
Only citizens from the EU/EEA Switzerland and          students are requested to familiarize with the MSM
Japan do not need a work permit to work in             Education and Examination Regulations (EER).
The Netherlands.
                                                       For more information, the following website may
Citizens of all other countries need a work permit.    be helpful:
Dutch immigration law restricts the number of
hours international students may work (with a work     while-studying
permit). They may either do seasonal full-time work
(only in June, July and August) or work part-time
throughout the rest of the year, but no more than      2.4 MSM internship guidelines:
16 hours per week. It is up to the employer of the
international student to apply for the work permit     Based on the terms and conditions mentioned in the
for the student.                                       EER, students can apply to do an internship as part    09
                                                       of their thesis. More information is provided in the
Students who are in the Netherlands solely for study   introduction weeks.
reasons can conclude a relatively cheap student
medical insurance but as soon as a student starts
a part-time job, he/she is an employee and
immediately will have to take out the more
expensive Dutch basic health care insurance.
Student Guide Academic year 2019-2020 - Maastricht School

       “Besides being a beautiful country,
         the Netherlands is a business hub of
         Europe, with MSM as the multicultural
         portal of business education.”

        Hesham Mohammed Abdo Sharf from
        Yemen, MBA33

3. Being a student at MSM                                  Mailbox address
                                                           Your full mailbox address in the Netherlands is:
3.1 Your name in the Netherlands                           (Yours):                       (Example):
                                                           Mr./Mrs./Ms. ...               Ms. A.L.O. Powell
You will be asked to fill in your name on many forms.      Mailbox...                     Mailbox 048
In the Netherlands, one’s family name is the main          Program (MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA) MBA                                 10
name used in all formal and official correspondence.       P.O. box 1203                  P.O. box 1203
If you have more than one family name, we advise           6201 BE Maastricht             6201 BE Maastricht
you to choose the name that should be mentioned            THE NETHERLANDS                THE NETHERLANDS
on identity cards, diplomas and other documents.           T: +31...                      T: +31(0)43 38 70 808
Always write your names in the same order in order         Fax: +31...                    Fax: +31(0)43 38 70 802
to avoid unnecessary confusion later.

                                                           3.3 Phones
3.2 Your mailbox and mailbox address in
the Netherlands                                            General rules
                                                           It is simple to make a phone call in or to the Netherlands.
Mailbox                                                    The basic rules for phone numbers are the following.
Mailboxes are available for students participating         A typical phone number in Maastricht looks like this:
in programs with a duration of more than three             +31(0)43 38 708 08
months. These boxes are for individual use and are         Country code:      +31 (The Netherlands)
located on the ground floor, in room 024.                  Area code:         (0)43 (Maastricht)
In order to facilitate the delivery of your mail, please   Local number: 38 70 808
inform your friends and family of your mailbox number.
Only mail mentioning your mailbox number will be           In order to dial this number from within the Netherlands,
deposited in your mailbox during your stay at MSM.         leave out the country code and INCLUDE the zero:
When you return to your home country, all mail will        043 38 70 808.
be forwarded to your home address during the first         To dial this number from outside the Netherlands,
two months after your departure. After two months,         start with two zeros (00), dial the country code, and
the mail will be returned to the sender.                   SKIP the zero (0) in brackets: 003143 38 70 808.

The same rules apply for mobile phones. A mobile        Mobile phones
phone number looks like this: +31(0)6 123 45 678.       If you would like to have your own phone, we advise
                                                        you to buy a so called prepaid mobile phone. There are
Decoding phone numbers:                                 several shops in the city center of Maastricht where
+31	Any number starting with 0031is a phone            you can buy prepaid phones. A few examples are:
          number in the Netherlands.
+32 	Any number starting with 0032 is a phone          T-Mobile
          number in Belgium.                            Kleine Staat 13, Maastricht
+31(0)43 	All numbers with a +31(0)43 area code is a   T: 0800 7123,
          Maastricht land line.
06 	All numbers starting with 06 are mobile            Vodafone
          phone numbers.                                Muntstraat 6, Maastricht
0900 	Numbers preceded by 009 will charge an           T: 0800 0094,
          extra fee. They are often used for informa-
          tion lines, as well as government offices.    KPN
          A recording will indicate the extra fee per   Muntstraat 13, Maastricht
          minute.                                       T: 0800 0402,
0800 	Numbers starting with 0800 are free of
          charge, but please note that if you call      Telfort
          from a mobile phone, the conversation         Grote Staat 38, Maastricht
          may still charge you for the number of        T: 0800 1707,
          minutes, so be careful.                                                                                11

Note: All phone calls (including local calls) cost
money. Local calls, regional calls or calls to mobile
phones and foreign countries all apply different
rates. To call abroad from the Netherlands, dial
00 followed by the international country code.

Important phone numbers                                    Rules and reimbursements
112 	General emergency number for                         The following information will facilitate the use of
                     alerting police, fire department      your insurance. In case of illness, please make an
                     and ambulance.                        appointment with the MSM General Practitioner (GP).
0900 8844            General police number.                Make sure to take your insurance policy documents
0900 9292 	Information on public transport                with you to the appointment and show your insurance
                     in the Netherlands, including         policy to the GP. If you wish to see a specialized doctor,
                     door-to-door itineraries.             you still need to go to the GP first, as GPs only may
+31(0)30 23 00 023 	Information on international          direct you to the relevant specialist (please find the
                     train travel (NS international).      relevant information below). In such cases the insurance
1888                 Phone directory enquiry (KPN).        company requires a written and signed statement
0900 8418            International directory enquiries.    from the referring doctor (see the conditions in your
+31(0)43 38 70 808 General phone number MSM.               insurance certificate). First settle the doctor’s bill (and, if
                                                           necessary, the pharmacy’s bill) and keep all bills and
                                                           receipts. Please make and keep photocopies of all bills.
3.4 Post office mail
The nearest post office is located at the Stationsstraat   If you are unable to attend lectures due to illness
60 in Maastricht. There are several smaller post           or toothache, please inform (or have someone else
offices and post service points scattered over town.       inform) your Program Coordinator as soon as possible.
Mailboxes are orange and have two slots; the slot          As mentioned earlier, you should see a General
marked “streekpost” (local post) is reserved for           Practitioner (family doctor, “huisarts” or “dokter”)              12
delivery in the zip code areas indicated on the mail-      before receiving a referral to a specialist; it is not
box, and the slot marked “overige bestemmingen”            possible to go to a specialist directly.
is reserved for delivery elsewhere (rest of the
Netherlands and foreign destinations). If you plan         General Practitioner:
to send a parcel, we advise you to enquire the most        Gezondheidscentrum “de Heerderrein”
suitable service at the post office. Parcels can be        Doctor van Sint Fiet
sent by airmail or express mail.                           Rijksweg 72A7, 6228 XZ Maastricht
                                                           T: +31(0)43 36 73 737 (Press 3 in the menu to speak
                                                           with the assistant to make an appointment)
3.5 Health and medical care                      
                                                           When you contact Doctor van Sint F iet you need to
Health Insurance                                           mention that you are an MSM student and don’t forget
According to Dutch law all foreign residents are           to bring a copy of your insurance policy with you to
requested to have adequate health insurance.               your doctors appointment.
Everyone coming from outside EU who studies at
MSM will receive a basic medical insurance from            Following dentist can be consulted:
MSM for the duration of their study in the                 Dentist Kies 22A
Netherlands. Students from within EU are expected          De Beente 22A, 6229 AV Maastricht
to arrange their medical insurance themselves. All         T: +31(0)43 36 18 111
students must be insured immediately upon their
arrival in the Netherlands. The insurance arranged         Dentist which can be consulted as well is:
through MSM has been specially designed for                Tandarts Praktijk Wyck
international students. It must be taken into              Hoogbrugstraat 27. 6221 CN Maastricht
account that the medical insurance provided by             T: +31(0)43 32 11 893, E:
MSM is only for the student him- or herself.     

When you go to the dentist all bills need to be paid       MSM facilities and resources are accessible for
directly. Afterwards you need to fill in the claim form    persons with disabilities and include:
which you need to sent together with the bill to
AON for reimbursement                                      Main access             The main entrance door to MSM is accessible
                                                           through a small permanent ramp.
In case of emergency, call the national emergency
number 112. You will be asked whether you need an          Lift
ambulance, the police or the fire department and           All floors are reached by an elevator, which is directly
will then be connected to the relevant service.            accessible from the parking lot and has room enough
If you need to speak to the police but it is NOT an        for a wheelchair.
emergency, please call 0900 8844.
                                                           Teaching Rooms
Pharmacy                                                   80% of the teaching rooms are accessible by wheel-
You need to present a prescription from a doctor/GP        chair and their space can be easily arranged to host
in order to receive medication. The doctor/GP will         people with physical disabilities.
indicate if and how often the pharmacist may renew
the prescription. When a pharmacy (“apotheek”) is          Conference Hall
closed, a notice on the door will indicate the address     Accessible on the ground floor and the basement,
and telephone number of a pharmacy offering after-         the hall has enough room for a wheelchair in the
hours service.                                             rear of the hall.
When you go to a pharmacy all bills need to be paid        Function Hall
directly. Afterwards you need to fill in the claim form    Easily accessible on the second floor and with a
which you need to sent together with the bill to           small platform specifically for hosting a wheelchair.
AON for reimbursement.     Toilet
                                                           One accessible toilet designed to accommodate
                                                           people with physical disabilities.
3.6 Access to MSM facilities for persons
with disabilities                                          Canteen
                                                           Accessible on the ground floor and with enough
Maastricht School of Management (MSM) promotes             room for a wheelchair. The outside patio areas are
an inclusive and nondiscriminatory policy and              accessible through small permanent ramps.
recognizes that it has clear obligations towards all
its students to ensure that persons with disabilities      Library
are afforded equal opportunities to study within the       Easily accessible and with enough room for a wheel-
organization. Therefore MSM has worked in order            chair. The printer location is specifically arranged
to make any reasonable alterations to the school           in order to be accessible and usable by people in a
premises required to ensure that these are accessible      wheelchair.
and safe for persons with disabilities and that a person
with a disability would not be at any substantial
disadvantage compared to a non-disabled person.

4. In class

4.1 The class representative                             4.2 Books and writing materials

The class representative is elected by the students of   Some courses require a textbook. You can purchase
the respective programs. His or her tasks may include:   required textbooks either from the InfoCenter or          14
•R  eporting to the Program Coordinator on issues       you can order them yourself (hard copy or electronic
   concerning the course, the group as a whole or        version). Costs will vary based on the textbook being
   individuals in particular.                            used. There are also a limited number of textbooks
• Thanking guest speakers and hosts of                  available in the library. The set of other materials is
   organizations during work visits on behalf of         provided once, usually during the introduction
   MSM and the students.                                 period, and contains the following items: a writing
•M  eeting with representatives of MSM at regular       pad, a ballpoint and an information booklet. Other
   intervals to discuss practical matters concerning     materials you would like to use are for your own
   the study-environment at MSM.                         expense and can be bought in local stores.

Social Guide
Introduction to living in the Netherlands and Maastricht

1. The Netherlands                                       Major cities
                                                         Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht all
1.1 General                                              belong to the large Randstad conurbation which has
                                                         a population of 8.2 million (almost half of the entire
The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy             Dutch population), making it one of the largest
with a parliamentary system. It forms part of the        metropolitan areas in Europe. This intense
Kingdom of the Netherlands, which consists of the        urbanization is due not so much to the four main
Netherlands itself and six islands in the Caribbean:     cities themselves, but to the high number of
Aruba, Curação and Bonaire, just off the Venezuelan      medium-sized cities and towns.
coast, and St Eustatius, Saba and St Maarten, located
southeast of the Virgin Islands.                         The major cities of the Netherlands all have a
                                                         distinctive character, even though they are located
The Netherlands are sometimes referred to as             quite close to each other. With its historic center,
‘Holland’. Holland is part of the names of the two       majestic buildings, museums and unique canal ring,
western coastal provinces, North and South Holland,      Amsterdam attracts many tourists. The Hague, Delft,
which have played a dominant role in the country’s       Haarlem, Utrecht, Groningen and Maastricht also
history.                                                 boast their share of historic buildings, museums,
                                                         traditions and attractions. Rotterdam is renowned        15
Situated between the North Sea, Belgium and              for its strikingly modern architecture, as exemplified
Germany, the Netherlands is roughly 300 km               by the Erasmus Bridge, known locally as the ‘Swan’.
(+/- 190 miles) from north to south, and about
200 km (+/- 120 miles) from east to west. The capital    Gateway to Europe and the rest of the world
city is Amsterdam, while the government is located       Thanks to their location on the estuaries of two
in The Hague. Amsterdam is also the largest city, with   major European rivers, the Rhine and the Meuse,
a population of approximately 1.140.339 in 2019.         the two provinces of North and South Holland are


                       8            9                      Germany
              2                                                                                                                      Berlin
                      Netherlands                                                                                         h
     7            5                                                                                      Brussels        Maastricht
                  3                          1   Maastricht         7    The Hague
                                             2   Amsterdam          8    Lelystad

                                             3   ‘s-Hertogenbosch   9    Zwolle

                                             4   Arnhem             10   Assen
    Belgium                1                                                                    Madrid
                                             5   Utrecht            11   Groningen                                        Rome
                                             6   Middelburg         12   Leeuwarden

         still very important for the Dutch economy. With                     Holland from the North Sea. Work on the project
         Rotterdam being Europe’s biggest seaport, and                        began after the disastrous floods of 1953, and                  16
         Amsterdam Schiphol one of Europe’s largest                           ended in 1997 with the completion of a storm surge
         airports, the Netherlands is an important gateway                    barrier in the Nieuwe Waterweg. The barrier uses two
         between Europe and the rest of the world.                            enormous hinged gates that can be lowered in
                                                                              severe weather to close off the 360-metre-wide
         Struggle against the sea                                             waterway. It protects the one million inhabitants of
         The Netherlands is a low-lying country, with about                   the greater Rotterdam area from flood without
         26 percent of its area and 60 percent of its population              harming the environment.
         below sea level. Most of the country is very flat,
         except the foothills of the Ardennes in the south-                   International scope
         east and a hilly region in the central part of the                   The Netherlands is a founding member of the EU,
         Netherlands. Significant areas have been gained                      NATO and the OECD, and has signed the Kyoto
         through land reclamation and preserved using an                      Protocol. The Hague area is home to more than
         elaborate system of polders and dikes. Polders are                   80 international organizations (including NGOs)
         flat stretches of land, surrounded by dikes, where                   working in the fields of peace, justice and security.
         the water level is controlled artificially. From the                 The Hague hosts in total nine international courts
         16th century onwards windmills were used not just                    and tribunals: Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts
         to keep the land dry, but to drain entire inland lakes.              of Cambodia, International Court of Justice,
         The Netherlands’ unique appearance is character-                     International Criminal Court, International Criminal
         ized by large numbers of bridges, dikes, windmills                   Tribunal for Rwanda, International Criminal Tribunal
         and pumping stations.                                                for the former Yugoslavia, Permanent Court of
                                                                              Arbitration, Permanent Court of International
         The crowning achievement of Dutch water                              Justice, Special Court for Sierra Leone, and the
         management is the Delta Project, a chain of dams                     Special Tribunal for Lebanon. As a result, the city
         protecting the provinces of Zeeland and South                        has been dubbed ‘the legal capital of the world’.

1.2 The Dutch                                              The two Houses have four rights: the right to set a
                                                           budget; the right of interpellation; the right to put
The Dutch are the native inhabitants and dominant          questions to ministers and state secretaries; and the
ethnic group (79 percent) of the Netherlands. They         right of inquiry. The House of Representatives has
are also the tallest people in the world. The average      two additional rights: the right of amendment and
height for a Dutchman is 1.84 meters (just over 6 feet),   the right to propose legislation.
while women average 1.74 meters (almost 5 foot 7).

Winning the struggle against the sea has created           1.4 Provinces
a can-do attitude that is typically Dutch. Since
controlling water requires many parties to meet            The Netherlands is divided into 12 provinces, each of
and plan together, the Dutch have learned to work          which enjoys a limited independence. The executive
as a team and adopt pragmatic solutions. European          authority is the Provincial Council, of which the
partners and the broader international community           King’s Commissioner is the Chairman (in the
regard the Dutch as bridge builders and often ask          Province of Limburg the King’s Commissioner
them to serve as such.                                     is called the Governor). The 12 provinces are:
                                                           North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht, Zeeland,
Dutch society is egalitarian, individualistic, and         Noord-Brabant, Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe,
modern. Education, hard work, ambition and                 Overijssel, Gelderland, Limburg and Flevoland. Each
ability are valued; things considered non-essential        province consists of several municipalities governed
or excessive are not. The Dutch are proud of their         by elected municipal councils and an appointed
cultural heritage: a rich history in art, architecture     head known as the Mayor (“Burgemeester”).               17
and technological advancements, and involvement            Dutch Mayors are appointed by and responsible to
in international trade and affairs.                        the Minister of the Interior, through the King’s
                                                           Commissioners of the Province.

1.3 Government
                                                           1.5 Languages
The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with
a parliamentary system. This means that the                Dutch is the native language of more than 23 million
government includes not only the ministers and the         people in the Netherlands and Belgium.
state secretaries, but also the monarch (currently         Throughout the Netherlands the Dutch language is
King Willem-Alexander). The monarch is also the            used in schools. Dutch is used widely in government
head of state.                                             and education in the former colony of Suriname, and
                                                           in Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles, which are
The Netherlands is a representative democracy and          part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
its parliament (Staten Generaal) is made up of two         In Indonesia, many lawyers and historians speak
Houses. The Senate (Eerste Kamer) has 75 indirectly        Dutch due to historical ties. Afrikaans, which is
elected members, who only have the power of                spoken in South Africa, is an offshoot of Dutch.
veto in the legislative process. The House of              Dutch has also influenced other languages,
Representatives (Tweede Kamer) has 150 members             especially in shipping, waterworks and agriculture.
elected directly by the citizens of the Netherlands.       Dutch is taught at around 200 universities around
It scrutinizes the government and proposes                 the world. In French-speaking Belgium, northern
legislation. Members of both Houses serve a                France and Germany, many pupils choose Dutch as
four-year term.                                            their second language. In 1980, the Netherlands

       “I have never been to a country that
         would experience all seasons in five
         minutes, rain, snow, heat and cold,
         very interesting.”

        Morgan Kapeya Mwesa from Zambia,

and Flanders founded the “Nederlandse Taalunie”             compared to all the other provinces. Limburg on the
(Dutch Language Union), which promotes the Dutch            other hand has annually 1550 hours of sun and has
language worldwide and draws up rules for spelling          on average the least rainfall compared to the other
and grammar. A separate language, Frisian, is spoken        provinces.
in the province of Friesland. This officially recognized
language is the native language of around 470,000                                                                   18
people. It is similar in some ways to English and the       1.7 Daylight saving time
Scandinavian languages.
                                                            During the summer time, the Netherlands, together
                                                            with 70 other countries, such as the United States,
1.6 Climate                                                 Mexico, Chile or Namibia and European Union,
                                                            applies daylight saving time. This means for the
The weather is often unpredictable in the Netherlands       academic year 2019 - 2020 that on Sunday, 27
and is a favorite topic of conversation among the           October, 2019 at 3.00 a.m., the clock will be put one
Dutch. The Netherlands has a maritime climate, with         hour backwards and on Sunday 29 March, 2020 at
cool summers and moderate winters. The average              2.00 a.m., the clock will be put one hour forward.
temperature during winter is between 0 °C and
6 °C and during summer the average temperature
is between 20 °C and 25 °C. The average annual
temperature is 10 °C (50 °F). Clouds generally appear
every day, and in the winter months there are frequent
occurrences of fog and rainfall. The average annual
rainfall is about 79 cm (31in). In the eastern and south-
eastern regions, winters are a few degrees colder and
summers a few degrees warmer. Statistics show that
the Noord-Holland, the province in the West of the
Netherlands has the most sun (1662 hours)

2. Limburg                                                2.1 Maastricht

Limburg is a remarkable province. It is rich in nature,   Maastricht is the oldest city of the Netherlands and
culture, history, and possesses an innovative business    the capital of Limburg. Maastricht’s history, like that
sector. The province unites tradition with progress.      of its surrounding region, goes back to Roman times
                                                          when the Romans chose the spot as the best place
Of the 12 provinces in the Netherlands, Limburg is        to cross the river on their way from Cologne to the
the most European in character. Limburg shares a          French coast. Remains of the Roman forum on the
longer border with Belgium and Germany than it            site of the “Onze Lieve Vrouweplein” can still be
does with the rest of the Netherlands. Everyday life      viewed in the Cellar Museum of Hotel Derlon.
in Limburg has always involved contact with regions       At the end of the Roman period, Maastricht’s
that are today located outside the national borders.      history is characterized by its religious role within
Limburg’s geographical location and history mean          the Christian Church. Maastricht became a bishopric
that cross-border cooperation is a must. Limburg is       in the 4th century. In Carolingian times, the bishopric
a member of four different Euroregions. Together          moved from Maastricht to Tongres and Liège.
with its German and Belgian neighbors, Limburg
is taking on challenges in a variety of fields. It is     By the 13th century, Maastricht had become a city
Limburg’s ambition to continue to develop as a            with two masters, often enemies: on the one hand,
model European region within the European Union.          the Duke of Brabant and on the other, the Prince
After all, this is a region where people visit family     Bishop of Liège. This situation was to endure until
and friends across the border, where people shop,         the end of the French Ancien Régime in 1795.
go to school, enter hospital, and find a job in another   Despite a measure of political stability, Maastricht      19
country.                                                  remained from 16th to the 19th century an attractive
                                                          place. The city was conquered by the Spaniards in
                                                          1579 and by the Dutch Republic in 1632. The Dutch
                                                          Republic replaced the Spanish King as Duke of
                                                          Brabant while Liège retained its privileges.

       “Maastricht is not just a city to visit
         again, it’s my home now. MSM is not
         just a business school anymore but
         rather has become part of us wherever
         we go and whatever we do.”

        Daniel Antonio Mazzini Rodriguez from
        Peru, MBA33

During the reign of the French king Louis XIV, the       3. Money & Finance
city was once more subjected to the rigors of siege
warfare. It was at this time that d’Artagnan, the        3.1 The Euro
musketeer made famous by Alexandre Dumas,
was killed here.                                         The Netherlands is one of the European Union member
                                                         countries that changed its currency to the Euro on           20
Following the depredations of World War II and           January 1, 2002, in accordance with the Treaty of
the German occupation, the city rose to European         Maastricht. Other countries that have converted to
eminence in the 1990s, becoming the site of the          the single European currency are: Andorra, Austria,
famous Treaty of Maastricht (also known as the           Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Treaty on European Union responsible for the             Greece, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania,
creation of the European Union).                         Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Portugal,
                                                         San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Vatican
The Basilica of St Servatius on Vrijthof square and      City. Although the Vatican, Andorra, Monaco and San
the Onze Lieve Vrouw basilica on the Onze Lieve          Marino are not EU member, they have still adopted
Vrouw square and many other churches, including          the Euro due to currency unions with member states.
the Protestant church St Jan, also located on Vrijthof   Montenegro and Kosovo (also not part of the EU) have
square, are treasures of the past. Vrijthof square,      adopted the Euro unilaterally. These countries have
bounded on the east by its great churches, features      the same bank notes but slightly different looking
on its southern side the former residence of the         coins. There are seven bank notes: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,
Spanish Governor, the “Spaans Gouvernement”.             200 and 500 Euro notes, and eight coins: 1 and 2 Euro
Maastricht is known for its museums, its old walls,      coins and 1, 2 ,5, 10, 20 and 50 (Euro) cent coins. In the
its underground fortifications, its monumental Town      Netherlands 1 and 2 Euro cent coins are no longer in
Hall built between 1659 and 1669, as well as its many    use. However, if you have these type of coins you are
17th and 18th century patrician houses, its narrow old   still allowed to pay with it. The coins have two faces:
streets, the “St. Pietersberg” (Mount St Peter’s) with   the common Euro face showing the amount, and a
its extensive underground labyrinth.                     national face. Although the coins look different, they
                                                         can be used in any of the countries that have introduced
                                                         the Euro. E is the symbol of the Euro. The official
                                                         abbreviation for the Euro is EUR. For more information
                                                         about the Euro please check

3.2 Commercial banks                                       4. Shops
On weekdays, most commercial banks are open                4.1 Opening hours
from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. At the Central Station
in Maastricht, you will find a so-called Grens             General shop opening hours in Maastricht are as
Wisselkantoor (GWK) where you can change money.            follows:
The GWK is open from Monday until Saturday from            Monday       1.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.
10 am to 5 pm.                                             Tuesday      10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
                                                           Wednesday 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
                                                           Thursday     10.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m.
3.3 Your Bank account                                      Friday       10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
                                                           Saturday     10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
If you are staying in the Netherlands for longer           Sunday       12:00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. (Koopzondag)
than three months, you can open a bank account.            From Tuesday until Saturday the shops open between
The bank handling the account of students staying          9.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m.
on the basis of a residence permit is:
                                                           Koopzondag (= Shopping Sunday)
ING Bank 		                                                Shops in the city centre are allowed to open on
Stationsstraat 60: (Mon 12:00 - 18:00, Tu - Fri 8:30 -     Sundays from 12:00 noon, with the exception of
18:00, Sat 8:30 - 17:00). You will need to bring a valid   25 December (Christmas Day), 26 December
ID, address ofresidence in NL, Dutch phone number,         (Boxing Day) and 1 January 2020 (New Year’s Day).
MSM admission letter and BSN (social) number               The shops in the centre are also closed on 23 to 25           21
(if available).                                            February 2020 (Carnival), 13 April 2020 (Easter Day)
                                                           and 1 June 2020 (Pentecost).
Vrijthof 45: (Mon - Fri 9:00 - 18:00,
Thu 9:00 - 20:00, Sat 9:30 - 16:00)
An appointment and the BSN number is needed at             4.2 Markets
this branch before you can open a bank account.
Tel: +31(0)20 22 88 888                                    Market days in Maastricht take place twice a week, on                                                 Wednesdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, a large part
                                                           of the market sells fabrics and clothing, and all other
                                                           accessories for making your own garments. On Fridays
3.4 Tax Forms                                              the market is largely focused on food, with a special
                                                           fish section. Markets are held from 8.00 a.m. until 3.00
Students living in the Netherlands for more than           p.m. on the Market Square, in front of the City Hall.
one year will receive a tax form. In case you have
questions about your tax form, you can contact             Every Sunday morning there is a market at La Batte in
the tax office at the following address:                   Liège (Belgium). This famous street-market stretches
                                                           over a mile along the Meuse river. The Batte market
Tax office                                                 typically runs from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. One can
Terra Nigrastraat 10, 6216 BL Maastricht                   purchase (international) food products, plants, tools,
tel: 0800 0543                                             birds, textiles, books, records, all sorts of gadgets, toys
This is a general telephone number of the tax office       and sweets. Here, a boisterous crowd mixing all classes
in Maastricht. You can phone it to ask all your            and nationalities stroll in a friendly atmosphere.
questions (also in English).

4.3 Supermarkets                                         Casa
                                                         This furniture/novelty/grocery store offers almost
Dutch supermarkets offer a wide range of products.       anything your heart desires at a very reasonable
The main national chains are Albert Heijn, Plus,         price. Casa is located at the Mosae Forum.
Jumbo, Aldi and Lidl. Albert Heijn and Jumbo sell
a lot of different products of the top brands.           Media Markt
Prices at Albert Heijn are above average while           This large electronics store sells nearly everything
prices at Jumbo and Plus are average.                    from DVDs to refrigerators. It is located in Wyck
Aldi and Lidl are the cheapest supermarkets.             near the Meuse river (Franciscus Romanusweg).

Supermarkets closest to MSM are:                         Kruidvat
• Albert Heijn (AH), Burgemeester Cortenstraat 8         Although not a department store, the Kruidvat is
• Albert Heijn (AH), Scharnerweg 110                     an excellent drugstore to find all kinds of products,
• Albert Heijn (AH to Go), Stationsplein 29              mainly related to personal hygiene. There are several
• Albert Heijn (AH), Plein 1992 52                       shops in Maastricht: Grote Staat, Markt, Mosae
• PLUS, De Beente 86                                     Forum shopping center and Wyckerbrugstraat.
• PLUS, De Mandel 7.02
• Lidl, Baron van Hövellstraat 77-85                     ETOS
• Aldi, Volksplein 34b                                   Drugstore where you can buy everything you need
• Jumbo, Roserije 303                                    for personal hygiene, such as shampoos and
                                                         deo-dorants, but also cosmetics and over the
                                                         counter drugs such as painkillers. There are several    22
4.4 Department stores                                    Etos shops in Maastricht including on: Spilstraat,
                                                         Scharnerweg, Brusselse Poort and Dorpstraat.
Up market department store (Achter Het Vleeshuis         Action
26). Clothes, food, furniture, books, cosmetics, etc.    Large assortment: decoration, pets, DIY, fashion &
                                                         household textiles, food & drink, fun & multimedia,
HEMA                                                     cleaning and household products, office & hobby,
Small department store situated in the city center       fun & games, garden & outdoor, personal care and
Grote Staat 10 and in the Brusselse Poort 54. Much       seasonal goods for an extremely attractive price.
cheaper than Bijenkorf.                                  Located on Scharnerweg 66, Tongerseweg 57 and
                                                         Burg. Frans Cortenraadstraat 18.
The most popular furniture chain in Europe is situated
in Heerlen Woonboulevard, a quick train ride from        4.5 Shopping centers
Maastricht station. In de Cramer 142, Heerlen.
                                                         In addition to the many shops in the city center,
Kwantum                                                  Maastricht also has two shopping centers, Entre
Kwantum, situated in the Brusselse Poort 77 sells        Deux and Mosae Forum. Both have mostly shops
lights, mattresses, tables, bed-sheets, etc.             dating back to the end of 2006. Outside the city
                                                         center, you can find the shopping center Brusselse
Blokker                                                  Poort (Brusselsepoort 65 Maastricht).
Sells household items. Blokker is situated in
Brusselse Poort, Voltastraat en Plein 1992 and in
the city center.

Maasmechelen Village is a popular shopping center         5. Wining & Dining
in Belgium. In this outlet center, you will find the
biggest and brightest brands in fashion. Prices on        5.1 Dutch eating habits
collections at Maasmechelen Village outlet are at
least 33% lower than those offered on the same            The Dutch normally take three meals a day. Two
collections in boutiques in the previous year. More       meals (breakfast and lunch) are cold and are mainly
information about Maasmechelen Village can be             bread based. Breakfast: bread and butter or margarine,
found at:                     topped with cheese, thinly sliced cold meat, peanut
                                                          butter or a sweet spread such as jam, honey or
Another outlet center is situated in Roermond and         chocolate sprinkles. Much the same for lunch with a
can be easily reached by train. It offers big discounts   possible addition of soup, salad or fruit.The evening
on over 170 designer brands. More information             meal typically consists of potatoes and vegetables
about Designer Outlet Roermond can be found at:           combined with a relatively small serving of meat or              fish. For dessert, the Dutch generally eat a kind of
outlet-roermond/                                          pudding made with milk or another dairy product.
                                                          This traditional food is also the most economical in
                                                          Holland. Vegetables especially are plentiful, of high
                                                          quality and comparatively cheap. Products that are
                                                          not cultivated in the Netherlands are available
                                                          through the European Common Market.

                                                          Plenty of other foods are available as well, as a result   23
                                                          of the historical link between the Netherlands and
                                                          Indonesia, and the presence of many ethnic groups.
                                                          Dutch tastes are becoming more international all
                                                          the time: rice and pasta dishes are now standard in
                                                          most Dutch homes. You will find imported tropical
                                                          food, vegetables and fruit sold in many shops,

whereas tropical cooking ingredients can be found            Hollandse Nieuwe / Fresh raw herrings
at special (mostly) East-Asian grocery shops called          Maatje
“Toko”. There are also several shops with Turkish or         Lekkerbekje                Fried fish (mostly whiting)
North African owners that sell meat that is prepared         Mosselen	                 Mussels, a particular kind of shell-
and handled according to the Islamic beliefs.                                         fish caught in the North Sea
                                                             Stamppot	               Mashed potatoes mixed with
Some addresses in Maastricht:                                                         vegetables, served with meat
• Toko Bandung, Akersteenweg 78                              Stroopwafels             A waffle made from two thin
• Toko Senang Hati, Meerssenerweg 61 D                                                 layers of baked dough with a
• Amin Markt, Boschstraat 87                                                           caramel-like syrup filling in the
• Afrikana, Grote Gracht 55                                                            middle.
• Le Souk, Maastrichter Heidenstraat 4                       Uitsmijter	              Sandwich with ham or bacon
• Ugur Bakkaliyesi, Boschstraat 77                                                     and two fried eggs
•A mazing Oriental, Laag Gubbelstraat 38                    Oliebollen	              Fried balls of dough, similar to
• Persia, Boschstraat 103                                                              doughnut, sometimes made with
• San-Wah, Sint Antoniuslaan 37                                                        apples and currants, traditionally
•M osae Turquoise, Laag Mosae Forum 15                                                eaten on New Year’s Eve.
  (Turkish shop)                                             Ontbijtkoek 	A Dutch spiced cake. Rye is its
                                                                                       most important ingredient,
                                                                                       coloring the cake a light brown.
5.2 Typical Dutch Food                                                                 It is often spiced with cloves,
                                                                                       cinnamon, ginger, succade and           24
Dutch                    English                                                       nutmeg.
Appelflap                Pastry with pieces of apple         Pannekoek                 Large pancake covered with pow-
Boerenkool met worst	Green cabbage, mashed                                             dered sugar, jam or syrup
                      potatoes and sausage                   Slavink en rode kool	Balls of minced beef rolled in
Bitterballen          crunchy deep-fried meatballs                                     bacon with red cabbage and
                       typically containing a mixture                                   potatoes
                       of beef or veal (minced or            Vlaai                      Typical (fruit) pie from Limburg
                       chopped), beef broth, butter,         Zuurkool	                 Sauerkraut usually mixed with
                       flour for thickening, parsley, salt                              mashed potatoes served with a
                       and pepper.                                                      large smoked sausage
Drop	                 Licorice: a black, chewy kind of      Zuurvlees / Zoer vleisj	Sour Beef Stew. Typical Limburg
                       candy with a sweet and/or salty                                  dish
                       taste. You can buy it in hundreds
                       of different types. None of them
                       taste as the ones you can get         5.3 Restaurants
                       outside the Netherlands
Erwtensoep / Snert     Famous Dutch pea soup for cold       Nearly all restaurants will reserve a table for you
                        winter days (main course)            if you phone in advance. For popular restaurants,
Flensjes                Very small thin pancakes             especially in the weekend, this is advisable. In general,
Hagelslag               A very Dutch product,               restaurants fall into several categories on the basis of
                         used abroad only as cake            price. Of course there are also relatively inexpensive
                         decoration, but the Dutch eat       restaurants that serve French-style food, and Chinese
                         it on sandwiches. They come         restaurants that are expensive, but in general the
                         in chocolate and many other         categories are as follows.

Most expensive:                                        La Bodega
• French (Frans)                                       The only real Spanish tapas bar in the center of
• Japanese (Japans)                                    Maastricht, with the atmosphere of Spain, delicious
                                                       main and side dishes and exquisite Spanish wines and
Reasonably priced:                                     beers. Platielstraat 9.
• Italian (Italiaans)
• Greek (Grieks)                                       Pêt Thai
• Argentinean (Argentijns)                             Traditional Thai style cooking. A fine selection of
• Indonesian (Indonesisch)                             delicious Thai dishes and some dishes from Isaan -
• Mexican (Mexicaans)                                  the North East of Thailand - are on the menu.
• Indian (Indiaas)                                     Boschstraat 93.
• Thai (Thais)
• Chinese (Chinees or Chinees-Indisch)                 Pieke Potloed
• Mediterranean grillroom (shoarma)                    On the nice patio you can enjoy typical dishes from
                                                       Maastricht. Sporenstraat 5.
Tipping is not obligatory but most people will
round off the amount of the bill, adding between       Preuverij
5 and 10 percent to the total.                         Reasonable dishes for a low price. Kakeberg 6.
Below you can find a few examples of good and
reasonably priced restaurants:                         Reitz                                                    25
                                                       Reitz once won the “best fries in Europe” award and
Café Charlemagne                                       continues to serve fresh, cheap, delicious and
Good dishes, such as the Salad Charlemagne and the     undeniably Belgian fries at the marketplace on a
Satéhtje Marcus (sate), set it apart from the rest.    daily basis. Be prepared to wait in line. Markt 75.
Onze Lieve Vrouweplein 24.
Eetcafé de Branding                                    An excellent Belgian restaurant with a good atmosphere
Great Indonesian food for a very reasonable price.     and very affordable dishes. Due to its popularity,
Also Surinam Roti. Koestraat 5.                        reservation is necessary. St. Bernardusstraat 12.
Gio’s Cucina Casalinga
This restaurant serves true Italian dishes and has a   Also check the websites and
very friendly staff. The setup is unusual however: for information and ratings on
there is no menu (only a waiter’s explanation of the   almost all restaurants in Maastricht. The websites
different dishes), you cannot make a reservation and   are available in English.
you can only pay cash. Vrijthof 29A.

Grand Café de Perroen
This place is a grand café and restaurant. Different
rooms entice its customers with different
atmospheres and they serve good food at reasonable
prices. Vrijthof 34-35.

5.4 Cafés and bars                                          Cafe Cliniq
                                                            At night, this is a very popular student bar. During
Below you can find some examples of cafés and bars          the day you can eat here for a reasonable price.
where you can have a small bite, some drinks and            Platielstraat 9A.
a good time. Please note that these are only a few
examples. The best way of getting an impression on          Derlon Hotel Bar
what Maastricht has to offer, is to just go into town       Located in the foyer of the Derlon Hotel, this bar is
and experience the city for yourself.                       popular during the weekend, especially on Friday
                                                            when there is a DJ. It has a wonderfully relaxed
Coffeelovers                                                atmosphere. Onze Lieve Vrouweplein 6.
Coffeelovers, in the Céramique area, serves a large
variety of very good coffees and has an excellent           Café Falstaff
lunch menu. Coffeelovers also has three other               De Falstaff has a relaxed atmosphere and is ideal if you
branches in Maastricht: one in the Visitors’ Center         just want to sit down and chat with your friends. They
of Maastricht University at Bonnefantenstraat 2, one        proudly serve a large assortment of specialty beers
situated on Glacisweg 26 in front of the St. Pietersberg,   and even have a beer menu. St. Amorsplein 6.
one on the first floor of Centre Ceramique, and One
in a bookstore at Dominikanerkerkstraat 1,which is          John Mullins Irish Pub
situated in a beautifully renovated building that used      A big Irish Pub, John Mullins boasts a great
to be a church. Corner Ruiterij/Plein 1992.                 atmosphere and authentic Irish personnel. There
                                                            is live music on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Every
Café Ipanema                                                                                                           26
                                                            Tuesday, there is a pub quiz. Wycker Brugstraat 50.
Ipanema is a relatively new and trendy café,
beautifully situated on the riverside of the river
                                                            The Shamrock
Meuse on the ground floor of the Bonnefanten
                                                            Another café with an Irish touch. Here you have the
Museum. In addition to its good breakfast and lunch
                                                            possibility to play on the football table, pool table,
menu, this café also serves fine tapas. You can also
                                                            and dartboard. The Shamrock is often positively
sit outside on the terrace. Avenue Céramique 250.
                                                            crawling with international students.
                                                            Brusselse-straat 49.
Café Sjiek
This is a bistro, where you can eat delicious regional
                                                            Take Five
and other dishes. During the summer you can sit
                                                            Take Five is the typical trendy little spot to hang out;
outside on the terrace located across the street
                                                            it offers fantastic international lunches and good
from the restaurant. It is not possible to make
                                                            value for your money. Bredestraat 14.
reservations. Sint Pieterstraat 13.

Café Zuid                                                   De Twee Heeren
This bar is situated in the Céramique area, near the        Funky music abounds here and it is also a good
Public Library. Here you can have nice drinks and           place to eat: try the saté with French fries.
tapas. During the summer months it is a perfect place       On Tuesdays, mostly international students
to relax and have a drink, as they have a nice terrace      visit this bar. Platielstraat 17-19.
facing the Meuse river. Plein 1992-15.

Café Zondag
This popular, trendy bar is situated in Wyck. During the
weekend this place features a superb atmosphere, great
parties, and attracts many people. Wycker Brugstraat 42.
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