District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break

Page created by Allen Schwartz
District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
„„ Update on Reopening                       will not take place until Fresno County      by Feb. 16, schools will not physically   teacher on campus or remaining in the
   of Schools                                moves to the orange Tier 3 – moderate        reopen until the fourth quarter.          eLearn at My School model. Based
                                             risk – of the state’s risk levels.
Fresno Unified will increase time with                                                    Based on required safety practices,
teachers for students in distance learning   Upon reaching orange, plans call for a       elementary parents will have a choice     See Reopening of schools
following the winter break as it contin-     safe, phased in approach to returning        of in-person instruction with their       Continued on page 2
ues to work toward bringing students         students to in-person learning, begin-
back to campus for in-person learning        ning with 50% of pre-kindergarten
when it is safe to do so.                    through first grade and phasing in 25%
                                             of students at middle and high school
Instruction will resume for students
                                             sites. Once in the orange tier, elementary
following the break on Jan. 12. Note that
                                             schools will slowly phase in additional
Jan. 11 will not be an instruction day but
                                             grades every two weeks.
will be used by teachers for professional
learning.                                    Given the need to maintain six feet of
                                             physical distancing, elementary sites
Upon returning, students in grades 1-6
                                             will have no more than 50% of students
will have 95 minutes of additional live
                                             on campus at one time and middle and
instructional time with their teach-
                                             high schools will have no more than
ers each week, while middle and high
                                             25% of students.
school students will have approximately
35 minutes of additional time per period     Once the county is in the orange tier
per week.                                    and the district can begin phasing in        At Muir Elementary School Nov. 18, paraprofessional Katie Aguilar reads to
                                             in-person learning, additional learn-        students Michael Montufor, left, and Roger Esperanza while paraprofessional
The district continues to work toward
                                             ing time will also be added. If Fresno       Jacqueline Manriguez helps out. Muir is one of five pilot elementary schools with
in-person learning for students, but that                                                 small groups of students learning in person.
                                             County does not reach the orange tier

Portion of Lane Avenue Renamed to Honor Principal Tim Liles
A portion of Lane Avenue that        Liles’ service to both the campus     Liles’ dedication to his students
                                                                                                                                                From left, Fresno Unified
leads into Sunnyside High School     and the community. Superinten-        and the Sunnyside community.                                         Superintendent Bob
was renamed for Tim Liles, the       dent Bob Nelson described Liles                                                                            Nelson, school board
                                                                           “I think that’s so fitting the fact
campus’ beloved principal, on        as “everything we would hope for                                                                           member Valerie Davis
                                                                           that we landed on Tim Liles Way
Nov. 6 during a ceremony in front    in a leader.”                                                                                              and Fresno City Council
                                                                           because it’s the entranceway
of the school.                                                                                                                                  Member Luis Chavez
                                     At the ceremony, Fresno City          to Sunnyside High and we can
                                                                                                                                                celebrate the new sign for
       For video, go to              Council Member Luis Chavez,           always say the road to success                                       a portion of Lane Avenue
       vimeo.com/fresnounified/      who represents the area and was a     goes through Tim Liles Way,”                                         that was renamed Tim
       timlilesway                   student of Liles’, pledged $2,500     Chavez said.                                                         Liles Way on Nov. 6. The
                                     for a scholarship in honor of                                                                              renamed street segment
Liles passed away Sept. 22 from                                            Valerie Davis, who represents the
                                     Liles. Combined with other dona-                                                                           leads into Sunnyside High
a brain tumor. The city of Fresno,                                         Sunnyside area, said, “I still hear
                                     tions, the fund will have a little                                                                         School, where Liles was
by vote of the Fresno City Coun-                                           him in my ears. I still feel him in                                  principal until passing
                                     more than $9,000.
cil, renamed a portion of the                                              my heart.”                                                           away in September.
street Tim Liles Way in honor of     Chavez spoke at the ceremony of

 Administrative Assistant                                                                  Meet Two Outstanding                      Superintendent Message in
                                (Page 5)      Dedicated Employees         (Pages 6-7)                                 (Page 13)                                  (Page 15)
 Wins Award                                                                                Educators                                 Spanish and Hmong
District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

      reopening of schools                    estudiantes el 12 de enero, después de        dizaje a distancia.                          ias y preparatorias tenían dos grupos de
      Continued from page 1                   las vacaciones. Tengan en cuenta que                                                       10 estudiantes.
                                                                                            Se enviará una encuesta en noviembre a
                                              el día 11 de enero, no será un día educa-
                                                                                            los padres y tutores de primaria, como       El 3 de noviembre, el distrito duplicó
                                              tivo, sino que será utilizado para capac-
on a special grouping of criteria, only                                                     también a los maestros con el propósito y    la cantidad de grupos en los planteles
                                              itación de aprendizaje profesional de
25% of the secondary (middle and high                                                       posibilidades de regresar al aprendizaje     escolares para el aprendizaje en línea.
school) student population will return                                                      en persona cuando el condado alcance el      También, en noviembre el distrito llevó
to campus.                                    Al regresar los estudiantes de 1ro a 6to      nivel naranja. La encuesta permanecerá       a cabo la enseñanza en persona en forma
                                              grado, tendrán 95 minutos de tiempo           abierta hasta el 3 de diciembre.             piloto en cinco de las escuelas primarias
Once the orange tier is achieved, teach-
                                              adicional de instrucción en vivo con sus                                                   para grupos pequeños de estudiantes en
ers will be providing instruction in                                                        El Distrito y los líderes de la Asociación
                                              maestros cada semana, mientras que los                                                     educación especial.
person and via distance learning simul-                                                     de Maestros del Distrito de Fresno lleva-
                                              estudiantes de secundaria y preparato-
taneously.                                                                                  ron a cabo una reunión de foro abierto       Hauv Paus Tsev Kawm Ntxiv
                                              ria tendrán aproximadamente 35 minu-
                                                                                            con los padres, estudiantes y la comuni-     Sij Hawm Qhia rau Cov Tub
A survey was sent in November to              tos de tiempo adicional por período a la
                                                                                            dad el 19 de noviembre para explicar los     Kawm Ntawv
elementary parents and guardians as           semana.
                                                                                            planes. El distrito también llevó a cabo
well as all teachers about intentions and                                                                                                „„ Kev Hloov Tshiab rau Kev Rov
                                              El distrito continúa trabajando hacia el      una reunión virtual de foro abierto con
capabilities for returning to in-person                                                                                                     Qhib Tsev Kawm Ntawv
                                              aprendizaje en persona para los estudi-       el personal interno el 18 de noviembre.
learning when the county reaches the
                                              antes, pero eso no tendrá lugar hasta que                                                  Fresno Hauv Paus Tsev Kawm Ntawv
orange tier. The survey is open until                                                       El distrito comenzó a invitar a grupos
                                              el Condado de Fresno regrese al color                                                      yuav tau ntxiv sij hawm rau cov kws qhia
Dec. 3.                                                                                     pequeños de estudiantes para el regreso
                                              naranja Nivel 3 – riesgo moderado – de                                                     ntawv thiab cov tub ntxhais kawm uas
                                                                                            al plantel escolar el 12 de octubre para
District and Fresno Teachers Associa-         los niveles de riesgo estatal.                                                             tseem kawm nrug deb tom qab lub caij
                                                                                            llevar a cabo su aprendizaje en línea.
tion leaders held a virtual town hall with                                                                                               ntuj so, ua yuav los coj cov tub ntxhais
                                              En cuanto alcancemos el nivel naranja,        El enfoque fue centrado en los estudi-
parents, students and the community on                                                                                                   kawm rov qab mus tom tsev kawm
                                              los planes requerirán un enfoque seguro       antes que mayormente se beneficiarán
Nov. 19 to explain plans. The district                                                                                                   ntawv tim ntsej tim muag thaum muaj
                                              y gradual para el regreso de aprendizaje      de regresar al plantel escolar y tomar
also held a virtual town hall with internal                                                                                              thaum muaj kev nyob nyab xeeb lawm.
                                              en persona para los estudiantes, iniciare-    ventaja del internet del distrito, alimen-
staff on Nov. 18.
                                              mos con el 50% de pre-kinder a quinto         tos y del apoyo personal.
                                                                                                                                         Kev qhia ntawv yuav muaj ntxiv mus
The district began inviting small groups      grado y el 25% de los estudiantes en las
                                                                                            Estos grupos incluyen estudiantes en         tom qab so tas rau lub Ib Hlis Hnub
of students back to campus on Oct. 12 to      escuelas secundarias y preparatorias.
                                                                                            situaciones de personas sin hogar y          tim 12. Nco ntsoov tias Lub Ib Hlis
do their online learning. The focus was       Una vez que regresemos al nivel nara-
                                                                                            bajo el cuidado en hogar de crianza,         Hnub tim 11 yuav tsis yog ib hnub qhia
on students who would benefit the most        nja, las escuelas primarias pasarán grad-
                                                                                            estudiantes aprendices de inglés recién      ntawv tab sis yuav siv los rau cov kws
from returning to campus to take advan-       ualmente a grados adicionales cada dos
                                                                                            llegados y estudiantes con incapacid-
tage of the district’s internet, meals and    semanas.
                                                                                            ades. Las escuelas primarias tenían un       See reopening of schools
staff support.                                                                                                                           Continued on page 10
                                              Considerando la necesidad de mantener         grupo de 10 estudiantes y las secundar-
These groups include students in home-        el distanciamiento físico de seis pies, las
less situations and foster care, newcomer     escuelas primarias no tendrán más del
English language learners and students        50% de estudiantes en el plantel esco-
with disabilities. Elementary schools         lar a la vez y las escuelas secundarias y
had a group of 10 and middle and high         preparatorias tampoco tendrán más del            KEY CONTACTS FOR PARENTS
schools had two groups of 10.                 25% de estudiantes.
On Nov. 3, the district doubled the           Una vez que el condado esté en el nivel             CONSTITUENT SERVICES:
number of cohorts on campuses for             naranja y el distrito pueda iniciar grad-           457-3736 Constituent Services Webpage
online learning. Also in November, the        ualmente el aprendizaje en persona,                 EARLY LEARNING:
district piloted in-person teaching at five   también se aumentará tiempo adicional               457-3682 Early Learning Webpage
elementary schools for small groups of        de aprendizaje. Si para el 16 de febrero,           ENGLISH LEARNER SERVICES:
students in special education.                el Condado de Fresno no ha alcanzado                457-3928 English Learner Services Webpage
                                              el nivel naranja, no se reabrirán las
El Distrito Aumenta Más                       escuelas en forma física hasta el cuarto            FAMILY LEARNING AND TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT CENTER:
                                                                                                  457-3939 Tech Support
Tiempo de Instrucción Para                    semestre.
los Estudiantes                                                                                   FOOD SERVICES:
                                              Basado en las prácticas de seguri-                  457-6250 Free meals sites
„„ Actualización y Reapertura de la           dad requeridas, los padres de primaria
   Escuelas                                   tendrán la opción de instrucción en                 HEALTH SERVICES:
                                                                                                  457-3294 Health Services webpage
                                              persona con su maestro/a en el plan-
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fresno                                                           HOMELESS AND FOSTER CARE:
                                              tel escolar o permanecer en el modelo
aumentará el tiempo con los maestros                                                              Project ACCESS, 457-3359 Project ACCESS webpage
                                              eLearn en My School. Basado en la
para los estudiantes en aprendizaje a
                                              agrupación especial del criterio, solo el           QUESTIONS ABOUT eLEARN AT MY SCHOOL:
distancia después de las vacaciones de
                                              25% de la población de estudiantes de               School phone numbers
invierno, mientras se continúa traba-
                                              secundaria (secundaria y preparatoria)              SOCIAL EMOTIONAL SUPPORT:
jando para traer a los estudiantes de
                                              regresarán al plantel escolar.                      Department of Prevention and Intervention,
regreso al plantel escolar para el apre-
ndizaje en persona cuando sea seguro          Una vez que se logre llegar al nivel                457-3340 Resources
hacerlo.                                      naranja, los maestros estarán propor-               SPECIAL EDUCATION:
                                              cionando la instrucción en persona y                457-3220 Special Education webpage
La instrucción se reanudará para los
                                              simultáneamente, a través de apren-

   Page 2                                          PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                www.FresnoUnified.org
District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

                      board                                     Feeling Grateful Even in this Time of Uncertainty
           Keshia Thomas Area 1                                 The holidays are upon us and I want to                        tier of the State’s Blueprint for a Safer                     expand our small cohorts of students who
                     President                                  wish you all a very happy and safe holi-                      Economy. As I’m writing this message,                         are on campuses doing their distance learn-
          keshia.thomas@fresnounified.org                       day season. Does anyone else feel like this                   we have fallen back into the most restric-                    ing each day. These small cohorts provide a
            Liaison Lauren.Lima-Brown
        lauren.lima-brown@fresnounified.org                     year has flown by and felt like 100 years                     tive tier of the state’s guidelines, which is                 safe and reliable space for our students with
                                                                wrapped in one                                                purple or “widespread.” Unfortunately, that                   disabilities, foster and homeless students,
           Valerie F. Davis Area 3                              all at the same                                               means we have some major work to do as                        and our English language learner newcom-
                        Clerk                                   time? We have                                                 a county to control the spread of COVID-                      ers to complete their distance learning each
                                                                been constantly                                               19 before we can safely bring students and                    day. They have access to stable internet,
          Claudia Cazares Area 6                                consumed                                                      staff back for in-person learning. Please,                    healthy meals, and support from our classi-
         Claudia.Cazares@fresnounified.org                      with the global                                               please continue to practice safety by wear-                   fied staff and site leadership in the moment.
            Liaison: McKenzie Rivera                            pandemic, keep-                                               ing your mask, physically distancing from
         mckenzie.rivera@fresnounified.org                                                                                                                                                  We continue to provide assessments
                                                                ing our Fresno                                                those outside of your household, washing                      and crucial services for our students
               Veva Islas Area 4                                Unified family                                                your hands frequently, and getting your flu                   on campuses that absolutely cannot be
           veva.islas@fresnounified.org                         safe, and pivot-                                              shot. Your daily actions make all the differ-
            Liaison: Danielle Claybon                                                                                                                                                       provided through a distance learning
                                                                ing our entire                                                ence to our district being able to return to                  format, and our sports continue to prac-
                                                                educational                                                   our campuses.                                                 tice safely together. All these activities are
           Carol Mills, J.D. Area 5                             system to ensure Robert G. Nelson, Ed.D.                      Having said all of that and feeling the                       happening in line with required safety prac-
           Carolmillsfusd@comcast.net                           high-quality              Superintendent
                                                                                                                              heavy pandemic fatigue right along each                       tices and more. Mandatory mask-wearing,
           Liaison: Michele Rodriguez                           instruction for                                               of you, there are things happening at the                     and increased sanitizing of our learning
        Michele.rodriguez@fresnounified.org                     our students even in a digital format. Every                  district that I’m incredibly grateful to share.               spaces, cafeterias, bathrooms, and buses for
  Elizabeth Jonasson Rosas Area 2                               minute has felt precious, urgent, and heavy,                  First, I’m so grateful to our community for                   our students happen every day, maintain-
    Elizabeth.Jonasson.Rosas@fresnounified.org                  making it feel as though we have never                        supporting our Fresno Unified Scholar-                        ing physical distance, practicing daily self-
           Liaison: Brandalyn Hastings                          had enough time, all the while we have all                    ship Fund. When the pandemic cancelled                        health screenings, and conducting robust
       brandalyn.hastings@fresnounified.org                     endured more in 2020 than seemed imagin-                      our plans to join in-person for our annual                    contact tracing are all happening to support
  Major Terry Slatic USMC (Retired) Area 7                      able to go through in a decade! My hope for                   State of Education luncheon fundraiser, our                   our efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19.
           terry.slatic@fresnounified.org                       you and your loved ones is that this holiday                  teams quickly pivoted to ensure our Class
          Liaison: Michelle Asadoorian                          season you can live in the moment, push                                                                                     Lastly, we are starting the implementa-
                                                                                                                              of 2021 would still be supported by our                       tion of our newly adopted district Vision,
       michelle.asadoorian@fresnounified.org                    the urgency away, and enjoy the precious                      scholarship fund this year. We’re so proud
                                                                moments that are at our fingertips even in                                                                                  Mission, Values and Goals, which the board
                                                                                                                              to share that our community came together                     approved on Oct. 21. Please take a moment
            ADMINISTRATION                                      this craziest of years.                                       to raise more than $50,000 for our scholar-                   to read the vision and mission statements
                                                                As hopefully you heard in our town halls                      ship fund. Those dollars directly support
        Robert G. Nelson, Ed.D.                                 in November, as a district we continue                        dozens of graduating seniors with financial
                                                                                                                                                                                            and watch for more information on the
                                                                to plan for the eventual safe return to                       scholarships as they head off to the college
                Santino Danisi                                  in-person learning on our campuses. We                        of their choice next fall. I cannot thank you
          Chief Financial Officer (interim)                                                                                                                                                 See SUPT. MESSAGE
                                                                believe the time to start phasing in our                      all enough for your donations and support!
                  Nikki Henry                                   in-person instruction will be when Fresno                                                                                   SPANISH and HMONG
              Chief Information Officer                                                                                       Also, we continue to operate and work to                      Continued on page 15
                                                                County reaches the orange or “moderate”
                 Paul Idsvoog
Chief Human Resources/Labor Relations Officer
                 Kurt Madden                                    Message from Nicole Linder, Executive Director, Marjaree Mason Center
              Chief Technology Officer
                  Kim Mecum                                     Building Futures Free of Domestic Violence
               Chief Academic Officer                           Marjaree Mason Center (MMC), Fresno                           ciative of the active partnership with FUSD                   tionship. Safe Dates is an 11-week curric-
              Lindsay Sanders                                   County’s only dedicated provider of domes-                    as we work together to meet the needs of                      ulum-based program presented to middle
              Chief Equity and Access                           tic violence shel-                                            children impacted by the trauma of domes-                     school students. kNOw MORE is a forum
                 Karin Temple                                   ter and support                                               tic violence.                                                 for teens to speak to other teens utilizing
              Chief Operations Officer                          services, is                                                                                                                drama, music, social media and other real-
                                                                                                                              Children staying in emergency and transi-
                                                                guided by our                                                 tional safe housing benefit from FUSD’s                       life situations and statistics of domestic
         BUILDING FUTURES                                       mission to                                                    Project ACCESS. Project ACCESS is a                           violence in teen relationships to demon-
                                                                “support and                                                  primary resource to MMC families by dedi-                     strate the seriousness of the problem, while
                 Amy Idsvoog                                    empower adults                                                                                                              communicating the resources and help that
                  Executive Officer                                                                                           cating a FUSD social worker who helps
                                                                and their chil-                                               children maintain enrollment in school and                    are available.
                 Tony Bernard                                   dren affected                                                 advocates for children’s rights and district                  “Students have a difficult time learning
                  Media Technician                              by      domes-                                                services. Families receive bus tokens, food,                  when they are in crisis and do not know
                    Anne Ellis                                  tic violence,                                                 clothing and housing assistance. Children                     where to turn. The student programs in our
           Community Relations Officer                          while striving                                                who need additional learning support are                      schools continue to meet students where
               Bryce Marshall                                   to prevent and                                                also connected to internal and external                       they are and match them with the resources
            Media Production Specialist                         end the cycle of        Nicole Linder                         resources. Most recently, Project ACCESS                      they need, so students are able to focus on
             Vanessa Ramirez                                    abuse through         Executive Director,                     has been a critical resource helping fami-                    learning once again,” said Leslie Loewen,
             Public Information Officer                         education and       Marjaree Mason Center                     lies secure laptops, tablets, and hotspots for                Fresno Unified campus culture manager.
               Keith Rybaczyk                                   advocacy.” This                                               successful online learning.                                   “We truly appreciate the knowledge and
            Media Production Specialist                         mission has                                                                                                                 services MMC has provided over the
                                                                been the driving force of our work since                      In turn, MMC provides youth education
                                                                                                                              programs to help FUSD students detect                         years and the innovative options they have
                                                                we opened in January of 1979. However,                                                                                      worked with us to create in ever-changing
Building Futures is a monthly publication of Fresno                                                                           the red flags of domestic violence while
Unified School District prepared by the Communications          we cannot do our work alone. We are appre-                                                                                  times.”
Office. To place an ad, contact (559) 457-3733 or email                                                                       learning the components of a healthy rela-

 Non-Discrimination Policy: Fresno Unified School District does not harass, intimidate, or discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, age, creed, religion, political affiliation, gender,
 gender identity or expression or genetic information, mental or physical disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital, pregnancy or parental status, military veteran status, or any other basis protected by law or regulation, in its educational
 program(s) or employment (BP 0410). For the full policy, a list of compliance officers, and Title IX information, go to www.fresnounified.org.

  www.FresnoUnified.org                                              PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                                                                                 Page 3
District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

Frequently Asked Questions about the Reopening of Schools
In anticipation of the district’s eventual   is to keep students with their teacher.       School model. An elementary parent            fast and lunch meal distribution will
return to campus in the second semes-        Based on physical distancing require-         survey is available from Nov. 20-Dec.         continue on a grab and go basis at
ter, Fresno Unified and Fresno Teach-        ments of six feet, secondary sites can        3 at fresnounified.org for families to        designated sites. Students returning to
ers Association (FTA) have worked            only accommodate up to 25% of their           communicate their plans for returning or      campus for in-person instruction will
together to finalize plans for when          student enrollment. Secondary students        remaining in distance learning. Based on      receive their meals on campus during
Fresno County achieves orange tier           that return to in-person instruction will     safety guidelines at the secondary level,     scheduled meal periods.
status, and the district can safely bring    be identified based on a specific criteria:   only 25% of the student population will
                                                                                                                                         What type of health screening will be
students and staff back to in-person                                                       return to campus, based on a grouping
                                             „„ Have an Individualized Education                                                         in place for students and staff? Since
instruction. The district and FTA hosted                                                   of criteria.
                                                Program (IEP)                                                                            last spring, Fresno Unified staff have
two town hall meetings the week of Nov.
                                             „„ Struggled with attendance and/or           Will students be required to wear             been conducting a self-health screen-
16 to provide details about the timeline
                                                connectivity during distance learning      masks when they return to campus?             ing at home prior to leaving for work.
for returning, school schedules, safety
                                             „„ Academically struggling with multi-        Yes. Based on state and local health          That same screening tool will be in place
and health protocols and more. Here are
                                                ple failing grades or is in need of        guidance, masks are required both inside      for students. If an employee, student or
a few frequently asked questions that
                                                additional intervention supports           and outside for students, staff and essen-    essential visitor answer “yes” to any
came from those virtual events. To learn
                                             „„ English language learners, homeless,       tial visitors for ages 2 years old and        of the self-health screening questions,
more about Fresno Unified’s plan please
                                                foster youth                               older. Fresno Unified is supplying five       they should stay home and notify their
review the Strategic Plan for Reopening
                                             „„ At least one parent is an essential        masks to each student and district staff      school site or department. You can find
found on Fresnounified.org.
                                                worker (education is essential)            member.                                       more detailed information on health and
When will Fresno Unified bring                                                                                                           safety protocols by viewing this video,
                                             What will school schedules look like          What additional personal protective
students and staff back to campus for                                                                                                    our self-health screening tool or in our
                                             second semester if Fresno is in the           equipment (PPE) is being provided
in-person instruction? Students and                                                                                                      newest version of the Strategic Plan for
                                             purple/red tier? When students return         to employees? All staff have or will
staff will physically return to campus                                                                                                   Reopening Schools.
                                             on Jan. 12, there will be a shift to daily    receive five Fresno Unified cloth masks.
when Fresno County reaches the
                                             student schedules. To provide more            Additional PPE is provided to health          What if a student or staff member
orange tier. Focused on safety, stability
                                             instructional time for kids, additional       services staff, special education, early      shows COVID symptoms at school?
and access to high quality instruction,
                                             instructional minutes are being added to      learning and athletic trainers. Class-        What happens then? COVID symp-
Fresno Unified does not plan on bring-
                                             the week. Teachers will also have added       room and office kits have been created        toms may include high fever and chills,
ing students and staff back to campus
                                             planning time.                                to include hand sanitizer, wipes, first aid   cough, shortness of breath or difficulty
for in-person instruction until that time.
                                                                                           kit and gloves.                               breathing, congestion or runny nose,
                                             What will school schedules look like
What safety procedures will be in                                                                                                        fatigue, repeated shaking/tremors,
                                             in second semester if Fresno is in            With physical distancing require-
place? When that occurs, all state and                                                                                                   muscle pains or body aches, headache,
                                             the orange/yellow tier? We antici-            ments of six feet, how many students
county safety protocols are required,                                                                                                    sore throat, new loss of smell or taste,
                                             pate adding additional instructional          can be in class? Class sizes will be
including PPE use, self-health screen-                                                                                                   nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. While
                                             minutes when we reach the orange              reduced when we are able to safely
ing, and physical distancing of six feet.                                                                                                some of these symptoms can also indi-
                                             tier and students and teachers return         return some students to campus for
Given that there is no scenario under                                                                                                    cate the common cold or flu, students
                                             to in-person instruction. Schedules           in-person instruction. Based on physi-
which we can provide six feet of physi-                                                                                                  and or staff showcasing any of these
                                             for second semester are available on          cal distancing requirements of six feet,
cal distance for ALL our students, our                                                                                                   symptoms will be sent home. Students
                                             the district website for elementary and       no more than 10 students will be in a
return to school, even in the orange                                                                                                     will be sent to an isolation room until
                                             middle/high schools.                          classroom.
tier, will be in phases, starting with our                                                                                               they have been picked up by parents.
youngest students.                           What professional learning will be            How will teachers provide instruction         Staff/students will have to isolate for at
                                             provided to staff around returning to         with some students physically in class        least 10 days or until they have received
How will students be phased in?
                                             campus in the orange tier? Site lead-         and others continuing with distance           a negative COVID test, symptoms are
Using our phased in approach, after two
                                             ers will provide professional develop-        learning? Technology provides Fresno          resolved and they have gone 24 hours
weeks of orange numbers, the following
                                             ment to teachers on Jan. 11, 2021. This       Unified teachers the ability to simultane-    without a fever and without fever reduc-
Monday 50% of students in pre-kinder-
                                             day will resemble a traditional buyback       ously teach students both on campus and       ing medication. Household family
garten and kindergarten could return and
                                             day to review schedules, timelines and        those who remain at home. This method         members will also need to quarantine
secondary sites could begin phasing in
                                             health/safety protocols. Students will        provides more instructional time for          for a minimum of 14 days.
25% of their enrollment. Two weeks
                                             have the day off.                             students and ensures students receive the
after that, 50% of students in grades 1-3                                                                                                What if there is a positive outbreak
                                                                                           same high-quality instruction whether
could return with secondary continuing       Will families be given a choice of                                                          at school? How will parents and staff
                                                                                           in-person or remote. It also allows more
to phase in up to 25% of their enroll-       sending their student to campus                                                             be notified? As we have seen during
                                                                                           students to stay with their teacher.
ment. Two weeks after that, 50% of           or staying with distance learning?                                                          our small student cohorts, if a student
students in grades 4-6 could return with     Parents will have a choice to keep their      How will transportation be provided           or staff member is having symptoms
a max of no more than 25% of students        student home. Based on required safety        for students? Transportation details are      on campus, they will be immediately
returning at the secondary level.            practices (wearing a mask, physical           being finalized, but we know riders will      sent home. However, this is no indica-
                                             distancing of six feet, etc.) elementary      be required to wear masks and physical        tion of a positive case. Should a student
Why are middle school and high
                                             parents will have the choice of in-person     distance on the bus and at the bus stop.
school students not returning in the
                                             instruction with their teacher on campus                                                    See faqs on reopening
same way as elementary? Our intention                                                      How will meals be served? Break-
                                             or remaining in the eLearn at My                                                            Continued on page 9

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District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

Walk/Run for the Class of 2021 Raises Money for Scholarships
T-shirts and swag bags were handed out
Nov. 12 and 13 to the participants of the       Walk/Run for the Class of
virtual Walk/Run for the Class of 2021,         2021 Top Corporate and
the primary fundraiser for the Fresno
                                                Community Sponsors
Unified Scholarship Fund.
Corporate, community and individual             GOLD LEVEL ($5,000)
sponsors contributed $50,125 through            Fresno Housing Authority
the walk/run for scholarships. Partici-         SIMPBK
pants were invited to walk or run on their      CalViva
own and post photos to #IPledge or send         EECU
to communications@fresnounified.org.            AALRR
                                                Darden Architects
The walk/run fundraising effort for
scholarships is part of the district’s
IPledge campaign launched in Septem-            SILVER LEVEL ($2,500)
ber to highlight the efforts of staff and       Fresno County Superintendent
students to do their part to reduce the         of Schools
spread of COVID-19 and make the most            Blair, Church & Flynn                     Arjen Perry, a special education teacher at Anthony Elementary
                                                                                          School, pledges, "I pledge to give my students the best possible
of virtual learning. The Walk/Run for           Fresno State
                                                                                          education, keeping them interested, happy and emotionally
the Class of 2021 focused on this year’s                                                  supported during these times." What's your pledge? Make the
                                                BRONZE LEVEL ($1,500)
seniors, who have shown resilience                                                        pledge at https://www.fresnounified.org/news/pledge/
                                                Welty Center
despite the impact of COVID-19 on
                                                MeTEOR Education
their final year of high school.
The goal of the campaign is to moti-
                                                TEAM LEVEL ($500)
vate, encourage and connect the Fresno
                                                Central Unified School District
Unified family and larger community
during this time.

Administrative Assistant Wins
Fresno County Educator Award
Annette Montague, admin-                                  High School, was a finalist
istrative assistant for school                            in the administrator cate-
leadership, was named                                     gory.
Employee of the Year for
                                                          The awards are given annu-
Fresno County on Nov. 22.
                                                          ally by the Fresno County
Montague was selected as                                  Superintendent of Schools
one of three finalists from                               Office. Montague quali-
among classified employees                                fied after winning a Fresno
throughout Fresno County                                  Unified Excellence in Educa-
school districts. The awards                              tion award in February.
were aired on ABC30.
                                              Montague, a 26-year veteran of several
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Montague        departments, can be relied upon to be
heard her name announced while watch-         calm, collected and confident, even
ing from home. (She and the other finalists   during challenging situations and crises.
had pre-recorded acceptance speeches.)        As the executive assistant in the School
                                              Leadership Office, she works directly
She later reflected on the shock she felt
                                              with school sites as well as families and
when she heard her name and on what
                                              community members.
the award means to her.
                                              She understands that many families
“I thought how truly humbled I am by
                                              have trouble navigating the district’s
this award. This is about giving the
                                              system. She has a sense of urgency to
very best service to our staff, schools,
                                              solve problems, especially when they
students, and families. It’s what I strive
                                              directly involve a child’s education. Her
to do all the time and what I think we all                                                Carla Maya, a parent at Centennial Elementary School,
                                              sincere concern and caring for district     pledges, "I pledge to have a little space for my kids to
need to do,” Montague said.
                                              families, community members and her         have during video calls."
Rebecca Wheeler, principal at Hoover          colleagues is evident.

  www.FresnoUnified.org                            PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                          Page 5
District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

                                         dedicated employees

     Employees Find New Ways
         of Supporting Students
                    during Pandemic

                                                                                          Lupe Martinez,
                                                                                       plant coordinator
                                                                                      at Tehipite Middle
                                                                                         School, uses a
                                                                                      special sanitizing
                                                                                         tool on Nov. 19.

         Crystin Puentes, a counselor at Tehipite Middle School,
         works with Angelica Barajas as she does her online learn-
         ing on campus on Oct. 13.

                                                 Campus safety assistant Demiree Garcia talks with Wishon
                                                 Elementary School fourth grader Matthew Molina during a
                                                 lunch break on Oct. 13. The safety assistants help to encour-
                                                 age and engage the small groups of students who have been
                                                 invited to do their online learning at their campus.
         Robinson Elementary School
         kindergarten teacher Joe
         Dawson has built an elaborate
         teaching space at his class-
         room to get the most out of
         distance learning.

                                                                                    Cheslie Odom, special education teacher at Robinson El-
                                                                                    ementary School, tries to keep online learning lively and fun.

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District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

                                        dedicated employees

                                                                                            Bus driver Hector Arevalo sanitizes his bus between
                                                                                            trips, one of the many safety protocols the district has
                                                                                            implemented as it has brought small groups of stu-
                                                                                            dents back to campus.

        Licensed vocational nurse Patricia Harris helps
        a student at Muir Elementary School on Nov. 18.
        The student is part of a small group on campus
        for learning.

                                                                  Administrative secre-
                                                                  tary Leticia DeSan-
                                                                  tiago works with co-
                                                                  athletic director Brett
                                                                  Mar in the Goal 2 of-
                                                                  fice, helping to coor-
                                                                  dinate athletics and
                                                                  activities in different
                                                                  formats due to CO-

       Donna Kossian, library media technician at Starr El-
       ementary School, works on a protective book cover
       on Nov. 19. Although schools are closed for most stu-
       dents, they can use the district’s Destiny internet site
       to check out books and pick them up on Thursdays.                    Jessica Avina, a school psychologist at Robinson Elementary
                                                                            School, works with a student online on Nov. 17.

www.FresnoUnified.org                      PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                            Page 7
District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

Focus Groups Helping the District Implement New Strategic Plan
As the district moves forward on a stra-           intellect, and leadership of our students         „„ We strive to ensure that all feel loved,           „„ Expand student-centered and real-
tegic plan surrounding its newly adopted           by providing an excellent, equitable                 valued, informed, and heard.                          world learning experiences
vision, mission, values and goals, it              education in a culturally proficient envi-        We Value Positive Behavior                            „„ Increase student engagement in their
held 18 virtual focus groups with 487              ronment.                                                                                                   school and community
students in November.                                                                                „„ We promote all individuals to grow
                                                                    Values                              intellectually, emotionally, morally,              Staff
In December and January, the district              We Value Learning                                    socially, and culturally.                          „„ Increase recruitment and retention
will hold additional focus groups with                                                               „„ We demonstrate a passion for life                     of staff reflecting the diversity of our
                                                   „„ We provide high quality teaching and
parents and staff.                                                                                      rooted in respecting and understand-                  community
                                                      learning that involves challenging
The Fresno Unified Board of Educa-                    and relevant experiences to produce               ing one another.                                   Families
tion adopted the vision, mission, values              critical, collaborative, and solution-         „„ We prepare our students to play
and goals on Oct. 21 after hearing                    oriented thinkers.                                active roles in building positive                  „„ Increase inclusive opportunities for
from more than 66,000 constituents.                „„ We create learning experiences that               communities.                                          families to engage in their students’
                                                      support a wide range of ability and                                                                     education
                                                                                                     We Value Accountability
The vision, mission, values and goals                 are focused on improving every day
will guide the district as it develops                with constructive and consistent               „„ We have a responsibility to action
objectives during the second semes-                   feedback.                                         and own the consequences of our
ter with departments and schools. The              „„ We emphasize learning is enjoyable,               actions.
development of objectives is the second               engaging, and interactive.                     „„ We measure and reflect on outcomes
phase of the strategic plan to ensure the          „„ We know all individuals can learn                 to improve the quality of our work.
district’s goals guide program evalua-                and we demonstrate that by having              „„ We use evidence-based methods and
tions and the allocation of resources.                high expectations and a growth                    make data-informed decisions.
                                                      mindset.                                       „„ We own the intent and the impact
                  Vision                                                                                of our actions at all levels of Fresno
Fresno Unified School District – where             We Value People and Our Community                    Unified.
students, families and staff are valued            „„ We create a welcoming place where                                  Goals
and empowered to achieve their great-                 diversity, equity, and inclusion are           Student
est potential.                                        at the forefront of all our decisions
                                                      to create a place where people are             „„ Improve academic performance at
                Mission                               treated with respect and compassion.              challenging levels
We nurture and cultivate the interests,

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District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

Fresno Unified Food Services Department Feeding more than Students
From the first day of school closures due              For video, go to vimeo.com/
to COVID-19 in March, the district’s                   fresnounified/foodservices
food services staff stepped forward to
                                                chance to regroup as they worked from
fill a gap for not
                                                home during the initial COVID-19 shut-
only students,
                                                down, Food Services employees headed
but their fami-
                                                to the front lines.
lies and even
the community.                                  “We’ve truly been there since Day 1,
                                                doing all this hard work serving not just
                                                our students but families, the commu-
campuses were
                                                nity, adults, needy adults, the home-
closed, the
                                                less and even Creek Fire evacuees,”
district estab-
                                                said Amanda Harvey, director of Food
lished grab-
and-go food             Amanda Harvey
distribution        Director of Food Services   “So, it’s been such a great experience for
from 23 school                                  our staff, to be just really the stars right
sites. The district is currently dispens-       now, to do this for our community.”
ing food from 47 elementary schools,
                                                When families drive up to get meals,
11 middle schools and five high schools.                                                       Carla Garcia, a food services assistant,   Vanessa Pacheco, a food services
                                                “they see a familiar face in a time of
Early in the pandemic, as people lost           complete unknown,” Harvey said.                said it’s been rewarding to serve others   assistant, said the school meals some
                                                                                               during the pandemic.                       families get are their only of the day.
their jobs and lives were disrupted,
                                                On average, Food Services is serving
Fresno Unified leaders decided they
                                                20,000 breakfasts and 20,000 lunches
would not turn away anyone who
                                                every day at its elementary sites.
showed up at a school site for food.
Some days, the district distributed as          Nutrition services assistant Carla Garcia
many as 60,000 meals in a day.                  said it’s been rewarding to be part of the
                                                “big picture in the world” and truly serv-
For the first time ever, the district has
                                                ing those reeling from the pandemic.
recently begun distributing weekend
meals on Fridays for those families who         “It’s very motivational to see the smiles
want them, and also for the first time,         you can put on peoples’ faces just by
a week’s worth of breakfast and lunch           handing out food,” Garcia said.
meals were provided on Nov. 23 at the
                                                Vanessa Pacheco, also a nutrition
start of the Thanksgiving break.
                                                services assistant, said she knows that
Superintendent Bob Nelson singled               many of the students they provide food
out the Food Services staff during the          to have little at home and are struggling
Nov. 9 board meeting: “They have truly          financially.
stepped up as huge leaders in our district
                                                “It makes me feel good knowing I am
and community during this pandemic.”
                                                helping the community out,” Pacheco
While many district employees had a             said.

         faqs on reopening                      ing for all.
      Continued from page 4
                                                How will parents/staff be notified
                                                if someone at our school/work is
or staff confirm positive, close contacts       confirmed COVID positive? When an
(those who were within six feet, with-          individual is confirmed positive, only
out a mask for more than 15 minutes)            close contacts (within six feet, with-
will be notified and instructed to self-        out a mask for more than 15 minutes)
quarantine for a minimum of 14 days.            are notified. Two confirmed cases in a
To ensure an individual’s health privacy        classroom within 14 days triggers class
in this above scenario, close contacts are      notification and potential return to 100%
the only ones notified. Should two indi-        distance learning. Three confirmed
viduals in a class or three individuals         cases in a school site within 14 days
at a school confirm positive within 14          triggers school notification and poten-
days, Fresno Unified will work with the         tial return to 100% distance learning.
Fresno County Department of Public
Health to message to families and deter-        See faqs on reopening
mine potential returns to distance learn-       Continued on page 16

  www.FresnoUnified.org                               PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                                Page 9
District Adds More Instructional Time for Students after Break
december 2020/ january 2021

Board of Education to Discuss Fresno High Warrior Mascot
The district has been gathering informa-    students, alumni, parents and several         mascot, and research on Native Ameri-        try. All feedback was provided back to
tion and opinions from various stake-       Native American community leaders.            can mascot discussions around the coun-      the board to discuss on Dec. 9.
holders on the Fresno High School
                                                 Fresno High held a virtual town
mascot following the circulation
                                                 hall for all students on Nov. 9 and
of two petitions – one opposing
                                                    the district held a virtual town
the use of the Warrior mascot
                                                      hall open to the entire commu-
image and one in support of it.
                                                       nity on Nov. 12.
The Fresno Unified Board
                                                        Those listening to the
of Education is expected
                                                       town hall heard from peti-
to discuss the mascot and
                                                       tion authors, alumni, and a
determine the next steps on
                                                    parent, and had the opportunity
the issue at the Dec. 9 board
                                                    to submit live feedback and
                                                    comments through the Q&A
Leading up to that discussion, a district         feature on Microsoft Teams Live.
team made up of leaders from Fresno
                                            All comments were collected, along
High, and the Equity and Access,
                                            with feedback from the student town
Communications and Indian Education
                                            hall, the two small listening sessions, the   In January 2020, Fresno High School — the city's first high school — celebrated
departments conducted two small listen-
                                            petitions, conversations and comments         its 130th birthday. The board of education will discuss the school's Warrior mascot
ing sessions in September and Octo-
                                            from social media regarding the Warrior       this month.
ber, hearing directly from Fresno High

      reopening of schools                  deb lwm tus, cov tsev kawm ntawv              menyuam nyob rau Elementary nrog rau         Lub Kaum Hli Hnub 12 kom lawv tau
      Continued from page 2                 elementary yuav tsis muaj ntau tshaj          lawv cov kws qhia ntawv txog ntawm seb       ib qho chaw kawm online. Qhov no yog
                                            li 50% ntawm cov tub ntxhais kawm             yuav ua li cas thiab kev yuav tuaj rov qab   rau cov tub ntxhais kawm uas tsim nyog
                                            nyob hauv tsev kawm ntawv tuaj ua ke          tau li cas kom tuaj kawm tau kom pom         txais kev pab los ntawm siv/txais inter-
qhia ntawv rau kev kawm ua hauj lwm.
                                            thiab cov tsev kawm theem nrab thiab          ntsej pom muag thaum uas lub nroog           net zoo, zaub mov noj thiab txhawb nqa
                                            theem siab yuav tsum tsis pub ntau tshaj      rov qab mus cuag theem kob kab ntxwv.        los ntawm cov neeg ua hauj lwm.
Thaum rov qab los lawm, cov tub
                                            25% ntawm cov tub ntxhais kawm.               Daim ntawv soj ntsuam no tseem yauv
ntxhais kawm qib 1-6 yuav muaj 95 feeb                                                                                                 Cov pab pawg no suav nrog cov tub
                                                                                          qhib txais txog ntua lub 12 hlis tim 3.
ntxiv ntawm lub sij hawm kawm ntawv                                                                                                    ntxhais kawm nyob tsis muaj tsev thiab
                                            Thaum lub nroog txav mus rau theem
nrog lawv cov xib fwb qhia ntawv txhua                                                                                                 cov menyuam ua nyob nrog niam qhuav
                                            kob kab ntxwv lawm cov tsev kawm              Hauv Paus Tsev Kawm Ntawv thiab
lub lim tiam, ho cov tub ntxhais kawm                                                                                                  txiv qhuav, cov tuaj tshiab kawm lus
                                            ntawv yuav pib qhia ntawv kom tim             Fresno Teachers Association cov kws
theem nrab thiab theem siab yuav muaj                                                                                                  Askiv thiab cov menyuam xiam oob
                                            ntsej tim muag tau, yuav muab sij hawm        qhia ntawv koos haum tau tuav lub rooj
li ntawm 35 feeb ntxiv rau ib chav kawm                                                                                                khab los yog muaj kev tshwj xeeb. Cov
                                            kawm ntxiv rau cov tub ntxhais kawm.          sib tham hauv town hall uas yog tham
rau ib lim tiam.                                                                                                                       tsev kawm theem qis coj 10 tus tub
                                            Yog Fresno County tsis ncav cuag theem        rau hauv virtual nrog cov niam txiv, cov
                                                                                                                                       ntxhais kawm thiab tsev kawm theem
Hauv puas tsev kawm ntawv tseem ua          kob kab ntxwv ua ntej Lub Ob Hlis Hnub        tub ntxhais kawm thiab cov peej xeem
                                                                                                                                       nrab thiab theem siab muaj ob pab
hauj lwm rau qhov kom mus kawm              tim 16, cov tsev kawm yuav tsis rov qhib      hauv zej zog thaum Lub Kaum Ib Hlis
                                                                                                                                       ntawm 10 leej.
tau kom tim ntsej tim muag rau cov          kom txog thaum lub quarter thib plaub.        Hnub tim 19 los piav qhia txog lub hom
tub ntxhais kawm, tab sis qhov ntawd                                                      phiaj. Hauv paus tsev kawm ntawv kuj         Lub Kaum Ib Hlis Hnub tim 3, hauv paus
                                            Raws li kev xyaus nyab xeeb, cov
yuav tsis muaj txog thaum Lub Nroog                                                       muaj lub rooj sib tham hauv virtual nrog     tsev kawm ntawv ntxiv ob npaug ntawm
                                            niam txiv uas muaj menyuam kawm
Fresno pauv mus rau theem 3 – ua yog                                                      lawv cov neeg ua hauj lwm thaum Lub          cov tsev kawm ntawv ua kawm online.
                                            rau Elementary yuav muaj kev xaiv
kob kab ntxwv -pheej txoj hmoo ua yuav                                                    Kaum Ib Hlis Hnub 18.                        Tsis tas li ntawd lub Kaum Ib Hlis, hauv
                                            seb yuav cia lawv cov menyuam tuaj
- ntawm lub xeev cov kev pheej hmoo.                                                                                                   paus tsev kawm ntawv tau sim qhia tim
                                            kawm rau tom tsev kawm ntawv kom              Hauv paus tsev kawm ntawv pib caw ib
                                                                                                                                       ntsej tim muag coj ib pawg me me rau
                                            tim ntsej tim muag nrog lawv tus kws          pawg tub ntxhais kawm ntawv rov qab
Thaum ncav cuag kob kab ntxwv lawm,                                                                                                    tsib lub tsev kawm ntawv theem qis rau
                                            qhia ntawv los sis kawm txuas ntxiv           tuaj rau tom tsev kawm ntawv thaum
txoj kev npaj hu rau kev nyab xeeb, hais                                                                                               cov tub ntxhais kawm tshwj xeeb.
                                            rau nram tsev uas yog siv eLearn
txog qhov rov qab los ntawm cov tub
                                            ntawm My School tus qauv. Raws li
ntxhais kawm rov qab mus kawm tim
                                            kev npaj cov tshwj xeeb, tsuas yog 25%
ntsej tim muag, pib nrog 50% ntawm
                                            ntawm cov tub ntxhais kawm theem
pre-kindergarten mus txog qib ib thiab
ntawm cov tub ntxhais kawm hauv tsev
                                            ob (theem nrab thiab theem siab) yuav
                                            rov qab los hauv tsev kawm ntawv.
                                                                                                                            Important Dates
kawm theem nrab thiab theem siab mus
rau li 25%. Yog tias thaum twg peb mus
                                            Thaum peb mus cuag theem kob kab                  December 21- January 8               Winter Break
rau kob kab ntxwv lawm, cov tsev kawm
                                            ntxwv lawm, cov kws qhia ntawv yuav
ntawv theem pib yuav maj mam coj cov
                                            muab kev qhia ntawv kom tim ntsej tim
                                                                                              January 11                           Professional Learning for Staff
qib siab zog ntxiv tuaj txhua ob lub lim                                                      January 12                           Return to School (Online)
                                            muag thiab kev kawm nrug deb ib txhij.
tiam twg.
                                            Ib daim ntawv soj ntsuam twb tau muab             January 18                           Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Raws li qhov xav tau kom saib xyuas
                                            xa thaum lub Kaum Ib Hlis rau cov                 February 8 and 15                    Presidents Days Holidays
tau txhua leej txhua tus kom nyob nrug
                                            niam txiv thiab cov saib xyuas ua muaj

  Page 10                                        PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                www.FresnoUnified.org
december 2020/ january 2021

For Performing Arts Students, the Show Must Go On - Virtually
Distance learning has not suppressed the                                                                                           “Fresno Unified has definitely made a
creativity of Fresno Unified students.                                                                                             good decision to fund this program. The
                                                                                                                                   students’ reactions are beautiful. The
Throughout the district, students and
                                                                                                                                   students with the most severe needs have
staff are finding ways to participate in
                                                                                                                                   the most fun. Oh, and they’re learning to
visual and performing arts. Examples
                                                                                                                                   listen and develop an awareness about
                                                                                                                                   music too.”
At Edison High School, students from
                                                                                                                                   At Roosevelt School of the Arts, students
the Tiger Theatre Company competed
                                                                                                                                   in the Showcase and directing classes
in the Drama Teachers Association of
                                                                                                                                   presented ”The Longest Day Project -- a
Southern California Theater Festival,
                                                                                                                                   Melodrama in 4 Acts” virtually on Nov.
held virtually. This year, Joshua Corey
                                                                                                                                   12. Seniors wrote, directed, and acted in
and Sarah Debord placed with their
                                                                                                                                   their first virtual production. The show
performance of “Uncle Vanya” by Anton
                                                                                                                                   was inspired by a skit by Jimmy Fallon,
Chekhov. Annie Cooper, Riley Randel
                                                                                                                                   Kristen Wiig, and Will Ferrell.
and Bella Anooshian placed in Graphics
Design for “Once on this Island.”                                                                                                  Kratt and Leavenworth elementary
                                            Leavenworth Elementary School students presented virtual band and orchestra            band and orchestra students put together
The Tiger Theatre Company competes          concerts.                                                                              some great Flipgrids to share their love
every year in this festival, though it is
                                                                                                                                   of music. In many of the videos, family
outside Southern California and is not
                                            classes are participating in music        program in Lois Henderson’s class.           members could be seen enjoying their
a performing arts school like the other
                                            instruction through the Play with Us                                                   performances.
competitors.                                                                          Henderson said Play with Us has been
                                            program, which uses United Sound
                                                                                      an exciting addition to the school week.     The virtual band and orchestra concerts
“This year, the kids have really stepped    curriculum.
                                                                                                                                   were led by music teacher Harmony
up through the challenges of performing                                               “Students with moderate to severe
                                            Through Play with Us, a trained special                                                Mendez. The Flipgrids premiered for
virtually,” said theater teacher Bianca                                               disabilities, typically, have limited
                                            education music teacher provides a                                                     students at the Quarter 1 celebration on
Ankrum.                                                                               access to the experts in the arts. The
                                            weekly interactive videoconference                                                     Oct. 30.  
                                                                                      accommodations and modifications that
At middle and high schools, students        music class for middle and high school
                                                                                      have been made in these classes make         Students and teachers are also work-
with moderate to severe disabilities in     students. Sequoia Middle School has
                                                                                      this program accessible and enjoyable        ing on a virtual art exhibit expected to
Alternative Learning Pathways (ALPs)        been having great success with the
                                                                                      for our students,” Henderson said.           premier in January.

Valley PBS Program Featuring Fresno Unified Teachers is a Hit
Parents have embraced                                                                            kindergarten students as it       shirt and blue paper and sponge paint
Reading Explorers, a                                                                             is often difficult for children   for the pants.
program for children pre-                                                                        that young to sit and learn
                                                                                                                                   Early learning literacy coach Karina
kindergarten to third grade                                                                      in front of their laptop or
                                                                                                                                   Lara in one of her episodes introduced
featuring Fresno Unified                                                                         tablet. Some of the district’s
                                                                                                                                   the focus for the week – dental health.
teachers. The program is                                                                         preschool students are as
                                                                                                                                   She also discussed strategies that chil-
available every morning                                                                          young as 3.
                                                                                                                                   dren can use to calm themselves, using a
before online learning starts.
                                                                                                That work includes the             Calm Down Wheel she spins to demon-
Reading Explorers is a                                                                          Valley PBS shows. For              strate the different ideas.
partnership with Valley                                                                         example, preschool literacy
                                                                                                                                   The episode included an intentional
PBS featuring hand-picked                                                                       coach Claudia Readwright
                                                                                                                                   message with embedded vocabulary and
exemplary and entertaining                                                                      in one of her episodes intro-
                                                                                                                                   learning for the week, sorting pictures
Fresno Unified teachers. It is                                                                  duced artist Grant Wood,
                                                                                                                                   with the children of healthy and non-
on Channel 18 and streamed Sidney Vang, a literacy coach for the district, teaches a lesson whose passion was painting
                                on Valley PBS for second graders. The Reading Explorers pro-                                       healthy foods, singing and chanting
on Valley PBS Facebook gram offers lessons every morning before online learning starts people and the countryside.
                                                                                                                                   with the students in English and Spanish
Live and www.valleypbs.org for pre-kindergarten through third grade.                            His works include “Amer-
                                                                                                                                   about brushing teeth and using Chomp-
from 7:30-8:45 a.m. every                                                                       ican Gothic,” a man and
                                                                                                                                   ers the dinosaur puppet to model how to
weekday. Different teachers                                                                     woman in front of a country
                                                                                                                                   brush and floss.
offer 15-minute lessons for pre-school, comments from parents expressing home. Readwright explains how Wood
transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, their gratitude, said Deanna Mathies, used his sister and dentist as models for           Reading Explorers Schedule
first grade, second grade and third grade. executive officer for the Early Learning the painting.                                  Pre-kindergarten – 7:30 a.m.
                                           Department.                                                                             Transitional kindergarten – 7:45 a.m.
The programs have been an especially                                                During the episode, the children chanted
                                                                                                                                   Kindergarten – 8 a.m.
useful tool for Fresno Unified families The district’s Early Learning Depart- and sang songs, including a chant about
                                                                                                                                   First grade – 8:15 a.m.
with preschoolers through kindergar- ment is working hard to provide new a crow. The art activity was creating a
                                                                                                                                   Second grade – 8:30 a.m.
teners, based on emails and Facebook ways to engage its preschool through scarecrow, using a ruler to make a plaid
                                                                                                                                   Third grade – 8:45 a.m.

  www.FresnoUnified.org                          PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                               Page 11
december 2020/ january 2021

                                     Linked learning spotlight
Fresno High Combines Work-Based Learning, Academic Rigor
Fresno High School’s first cohort of         completed in 2021 will house Warrior
students from a new International Bacca-     Entertainment, Construction & Design,
laureate (IB) careers-related program        and HVAC programs. The building will
will graduate in June, another milestone     include a video production suite with
for the district’s original high school.     recording studio, sound studio, and
                                             stage; presentation center; and construc-
When Fresno High added the Career-
                                             tion and HVAC shops and individual
related Programme in the spring of 2018,
it launched an opportunity for students
to develop career-critical skills within a   Fresno High IB Career Programs:
challenging academic framework.
                                             Construction, Design, and
The program combines coursework              Architecture Technology
from the IB diploma program with a           (C.D.A.T.) Academy
hands-on and individualized curricu-
                                             „„ Students can begin the program as
lum. Each program provides students
                                                early as ninth grade by enrolling in
the opportunity to participate in industry
                                                the Engineering, Construction, and
work-based learning experiences, such                                                    Students from Fresno High School’s construction program installed a Little Free
                                                Design course
as internships, industry certifications,                                                 Library box at Heaton Elementary School in September 2019. The construction
                                             „„ Can focus on one of the areas in their
career-focused certifications, guest                                                     program is among several offered through the International Baccalaureate pro-
                                                senior year
speakers, and job shadow events.                                                         gram that combines work experience with rigorous academics.
                                             „„ Also offers the only HVAC tech-
“Our program is young compared to               nician program for high school
others in the district, but the founda-         students in the Valley through a dual    Last March, Fresno High’s Women              Ayanna Moore, a senior CDAT Acad-
tion is strong. The purpose of the career       enrollment partnership with Fresno       in Construction team of four female          emy student.
program is to ensure students realize           City College’s HVAC technician           construction students won the annual
                                                                                                                                      In alignment with IB’s goal that students
their career aspirations, their definition      program; students who earn a grade       WIC Build Competition for best
                                                                                                                                      contribute to their community, construc-
of success, and most importantly, their         of C or better in the course are guar-   doghouse.
                                                                                                                                      tion students worked with Reading
full potential. We want to make sure            anteed a seat in the FCC program;
                                                                                         “Being a female student in the construc-     Heart, Every Neighborhood Partner-
that every enrolled student has a plan,         2019 graduates Michael Barrios and
                                                                                         tion course use to be intimidating but       ship and district departments to build
whether that plan is a four-year college        Alexx Brown have graduated from
                                                                                         then I realized that I’m just as good, if    eight Little Free Libraries for the eight
or university, a CTE program at the local       the city college program and are now
                                                                                         not better, than the male students. I make   district high school regions. In addition,
community college, or straight to work,         certified pre-apprentice in HVAC
                                                                                         sure that I have a voice in the construc-    27 CDAT students helped three families
they will be prepared,” said Keisha             technology
                                                                                         tion of any project I’m involved in.         build their homes through a partnership
Shabazz, career program coordinator.         „„ Students can earn college credits,
                                                                                         There needs to be more women repre-
                                                industry certifications, CPR and Stop
A new, two-story career technology                                                       sented in the construction field, from       See cte spotlight
                                                the Bleed Certifications, and an IB
education building expected to be                                                        laborers to project management,” said        Continued on page 14
                                                CP Diploma

Sunnyside High School Team Wins Esports League Tournament
Sunnyside High Team 2 took first place       the Sunnyside library and pick up their     Esports is a booming industry with           production, streaming and management.
in the districtwide esport sports league     medals and prizes. They had not seen        numerous job opportunities beyond            More than 200 colleges and universi-
tournament, which concluded Nov. 14,         each other since March, when school         being a player, including game design,       ties are actively recruiting and providing
battling in League of Legends.               closed, and had never met the freshman      coding, testing, sales and marketing,        scholarships for esports players.
                                             of the team, Yufang Yang. They only
About 100 students from 11 district high
                                             recognized him from his voice.
schools and the Center for Advanced
Research and Technology (a partner-          The tournament was the culmina-
ship between Fresno and Clovis unified       tion of the fall season for the Fresno
school districts) participated.              Unified eSports League – FUeL –
                                             which attracted more than 130 students
Placing second was Team 2 from
                                             competing on 27 teams representing
DeWolf High School and third was
                                             their high schools.
Team 1 from Sunnyside.
                                             The championship tournament was
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, all
                                             broadcast on the Battlefy online plat-      Team 2 for Sunnyside High School won the districtwide esports league tourna-
team members competed on their own
                                             form, where other students and the          ment in November. Students are, from left, Steven Touch, Justin Her, Jet Xiong,
from their homes. The winning team                                                       Kory Heu, coach Alan Gurrola and Yufang Yang.
                                             community could watch the games.
was able to gather briefly to celebrate at

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