The cost of diabetes in Canada over 10 years: applying attributable health care costs to a diabetes incidence prediction model

The cost of diabetes in Canada over 10 years:
applying attributable health care costs to a
diabetes incidence prediction model
Anja Bilandzic, MPH (1); Laura Rosella, PhD (1,2,3)

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Abstract                                                                                                                     Highlights
Introduction: Our objective was to estimate the future direct health care costs due to                                       • We created an accessible and
diabetes for a 10-year period in Canada using national survey data, a validated diabetes                                       transparent tool to help health
risk prediction tool and individual-level attributable cost estimates.                                                         decision makers calculate future
                                                                                                                               diabetes costs.
Methods: We used the Diabetes Population Risk Tool to predict the number of new                                              • We predicted the number of new
diabetes cases in those aged 20 years and above over a 10-year period (to 2022), using                                         diabetes cases in Canada in those
2011 and 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey data. We derived attributable costs                                             aged 20 years and above over the
due to diabetes from a propensity-matched case control study using the Ontario                                                 next 10 years (2011/12 to 2021/22) and
Diabetes Database and other administrative data. We calculated total costs by applying                                         linked this with actual individual-­
the respective attributable costs to the incident cases, accounting for sex, year of diag-                                     level health care costs of diabetes.
nosis and annual disease-specific mortality rates.                                                                           • By 2022, 2.16 million new cases of
                                                                                                                               diabetes are expected, correspond-
Results: The predicted 10-year risk of developing diabetes for the Canadian population                                         ing to $15.36 billion in health care
in 2011/12 was 9.98%, corresponding to 2.16 million new cases. Total health care costs                                         costs related to diabetes.
attributable to diabetes during this period were $7.55 billion for females and $7.81 bil-                                    • This tool can model various risk-
lion for males ($15.36 billion total). Acute hospitalizations accounted for the greatest                                       reduction interventions in the popu-
proportion of costs (43.2%). A population intervention resulting in 5% body weight                                             lation; e.g. a 5% weight loss in the
loss would save $2.03 billion in health care costs. A 30% risk-reduction intervention                                          population would save $2.03 billion
aimed at individuals with the highest diabetes risk (i.e. the top 10% of the highest-risk                                      and a 30% risk reduction in the
group) would save $1.48 billion.                                                                                               group with the highest diabetes risk
                                                                                                                               would save $1.48 billion.
Conclusion: Diabetes represents a heavy health care cost burden in Canada through to
the year 2022. Our future cost calculation method can provide decision makers and
planners with an accessible and transparent tool to predict future expenditures attribut-                                 attributable cost per incident case of dia-
able to the disease and the corresponding cost savings associated with interventions.                                     betes in Ontario is approximately $2930 in
                                                                                                                          the first year after diagnosis and $1240 in
Keywords: diabetes, economics, attributable cost, prediction model, incidence, Canada                                     following years.4 Recently, Rosella and
                                                                                                                          colleagues expanded upon this work to
                                                                                                                          include a greater number of direct costs in
                                                                                                                          the province, and found that the mean
Introduction                                                   Canadian health care system. In 2008, it                   attributable cost during eight years of fol-
                                                               was estimated that the cost of hospital                    low-up was $9731 for females and $10 315
The management and prevention of diabe-                        care, physician care and drugs for diabetes                for males.5
tes remains a health priority in Canada.                       was $2.18 billion.2 Looking toward the
With approximately 1.96 million people                         future, the Canadian Diabetes Association                  While work has been done across Canada
living with diabetes,1 and with a growing                      has projected that the overall direct cost of              to estimate the future economic costs of
number expected to develop the chronic                         diabetes will be $3.1 billion in 2020, based               diabetes,3,6 most cost estimates and mod-
condition in the future, considering wide-                     on 3.7 million prevalent cases predicted                   els are complex, not transparent or not
scale strategies to curb the disease is of                     using a specially developed diabetes cost                  readily usable by health decision makers.
great importance. In particular, diabetes                      model.3 At the individual level, Goeree                    With the goal of preventing diabetes, a
presents a significant constraint on the                       and colleagues have estimated that the                     tool that allows decision makers to

Author references:
1. Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
3. Public Health Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Correspondence: Laura Rosella, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, 155 College St., Toronto, ON M5T 3M7; Tel: 416-978-6064; Email:

                                                                                                                      Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Vol 37, No 2, February 2017                                                              49                                                          Research, Policy and Practice
estimate the economic impact of future                      information on the demographics, health        Database (ODD) to identify new cases of
incident diabetes cases on the health care                  status and determinants of health of the       physician-diagnosed diabetes from 01 April,
system would allow for more effective                       Canadian population. It is a nationally        2004, to 31 March, 2012. Three control
planning. From a program perspective,                       representative survey that uses a cross-       subjects without diabetes were matched
being able to quantify how actions today                    sectional study design and is administered     to each person with diabetes; they were
may shape case development and associ-                      on an ongoing basis, with annual data          hard matched on index date (± 30 days),
ated health care spending in the future is                  reporting. It covers 98% of the population     age (± 90 days) and the logit of the pro-
a considerable advantage in evaluating                      aged 12 years and older; exceptions include    pensity score. This score was the pre-
strategies. The objective of this study is,                 people living on Indian reserves and           dicted probability of developing or not
first, to estimate the future 10-year direct                Crown lands, institutionalized residents,      developing diabetes, calculated from a
health care costs due to new diabetes                       full-time members of the Canadian Forces       logistic regression consisting of age, rural-
cases in Canada using national survey                       and people living in particular remote         ity, comorbidity, geographic location and
data and individual-level attributable                      regions.9 The sample size for this survey      neighbourhood income quintile as predic-
costs within the context of a diabetes risk                 was 124 929; after applying exclusion fac-     tive variables.
prediction tool; and second, to apply the                   tors (e.g. respondents aged under 20 years
tool to two hypothetical intervention sce-                  and those with existing diabetes were          During this eight-year follow-up period,
narios aimed at decreasing diabetes inci-                   excluded), the final sample size used in       individual-level direct health care costs
dence in the population.                                    analyses for this study was 90 631, repre-     were tracked annually. These costs were
                                                            senting 21 598 180 people when weighted.       extracted by linking various health care
Methods                                                                                                    utilization databases and following a per-
                                                            Intervention scenarios                         son-level costing methodology specifically
Diabetes risk and incidence                                                                                developed and validated for Ontario admin­
                                                            In addition to baseline estimates (i.e. all    istrative databases.13 These costs were
To estimate the predicted risk and number                   demographic and risk factors as outlined       from the perspective of the health care
of new diabetes cases within the next 10                    above), we ran two hypothetical interven-      system, and included costs from inpatient
years, we used the Diabetes Population                      tion scenarios to examine how implement-       hospitalizations, emergency department vis-
Risk Tool version 2.0. DPoRT 2.0 is an                      ing interventions aimed at reducing diabetes   its (ED), same-day surgeries (SDS), dialy-
updated iteration of DPoRT, a predictive                    risk would affect the incidence of the dis-    sis, oncology clinic visits, fee-for-service
algorithm developed to calculate future                     ease and the cost to the health care           physician and non-physician services, non-­
population risk and incidence of physi-                     system.                                        fee-for-service physicians, prescription med­
cian-diagnosed diabetes in those aged                                                                      ications, laboratory, rehabilitation, complex
20 years and over. DPoRT was derived                        First, we modelled a nontargeted interven-     continuing care, long-term care, mental
using national survey data individually                     tion leading to an average 5% weight loss      health inpatient stays, home care services
linked to a chart-validated diabetes regis-                 in the population. A 5% drop in weight         and medical devices. Attributable costs
try. This cohort was then used to create                    has a positive impact on glycemic and          were calculated as the difference in cost
sex-specific survival models using base-                    cardio­vascular health clinically10 and        between those with and without diabetes.
line risk factors from the survey for diabe-                re­presents a modest and realistic weight
tes incidence. Specifically, we assessed                    decrease for many. This intervention would     Cost calculations
the probability of physician-diagnosed                      reflect a large-scale change, such as a
diabetes from the interview date until cen-                 change in the built environment (e.g. it       We developed a cost calculator to use
soring for death or end of follow-up. The                   has been shown that populations in highly      DPoRT 2.0 incidence predictions and per-
model was developed in the Ontario                          walkable areas have lower overweight and       patient attributable cost values to estimate
cohort and predictions from the model                       obesity prevalence rates11) or the imple-      the direct health care costs attributable to
were validated against actual observed                      mentation of improved nutrition labelling.     diabetes, over a future 10-year period. All
diabetes incidence in two external cohorts                                                                 calculations were sex-specific, reflecting
in Ontario and Manitoba. Variables used                     Second, we ran an intervention scenario        differences in health care use5 and per-
within its two sex-specific models include                  in which those in the highest-risk decile      haps self-care patterns.14 The number of
a combination of hypertension, ethnicity,                   (i.e. those who have a 10-year risk of         incident cases projected to occur each
education, immigrant status, body mass                      developing diabetes ≥ 22.6%) were tar-         year was multiplied by the corresponding
index, smoking status, heart disease and                    geted for an intervention leading to a 30%     per-patient annual cost, dependent on the
income. Full details on the model specifi-                  reduction in their risk. For example, this     time since the diabetes diagnosis, and tak-
cation and validation can be found else-                    approach might consist of a targeted life-     ing into account annual mortality rates,
where.7 The regression model can run on                     style intervention program or a pharma-        which were generated from the age-­
nationally available population health sur-                 ceutical intervention that has proven          specific mortality rates of patients in the
veys and has been updated (DPoRT 2.0)                       efficacy in randomized trials.12               ODD. Mortality rates were specific to year
and used to established prevention targets                                                                 of follow-up. We assumed that deaths
for diabetes.8                                              Attributable cost estimates                    occurred halfway through the year, and as
                                                                                                           such, half of those who died contributed
For this study, we used DPoRT 2.0 to gen-                   To estimate future costs attributed to dia-    costs to that specific year. Because the
erate incidence predictions based on the                    betes, we used results from a recent pro-      individual costing estimates used eight
recent 2011 and 2012 Canadian Community                     pensity-matched cohort study.5 Briefly,        years of follow-up in the analysis, it was
Health Survey (CCHS). The CCHS collects                     this study used the Ontario Diabetes           assumed that the costs attributable to

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Research, Policy and Practice                                                   50                                               Vol 37, No 2, February 2017
individuals who contributed costs in years                                                   TABLE 1
9 and 10 after diagnosis did so at the same            Health care costs attributable to diabetes, baseline scenario and two hypothetical
monetary value as year 8. As there was a                       intervention scenarios, Canada, both sexes, 2011/12 to 2021/22
downward tendency in health care costs
observed for the first eight years, we con-                                                                                   Incidence (# of      10-year overall cost
                                                                                               10-year riska (%)
                                                                                                                             cases, thousands)         ($, billions)
ducted a sensitivity analysis whereby years
9 and 10 costs were estimated by follow-         Baseline characteristics
ing a linear trend to see the effect of          Overall                                                9.98                        2156                    15.36
changing the individual attributable costs
                                                                   Female                               8.85                        1000                     7.55
on the resulting cost estimates.                 Sex
                                                                   Male                                11.23                        1156                     7.81
Cost distribution by sector                      5% weight loss in population

In order to estimate the burden of costs by      Overall                                                8.67                        1873                    13.33
sector, the mean costs per health care seg-                        Female                               7.79                         880                     6.64
ment over the eight years of follow-up           Sex
                                                                   Male                                 9.64                         993                     6.70
were converted to percentages and multi-
plied by the total costs estimated from the      30% risk reduction in highest-risk group          b

cost calculator.                                 Overall                                                9.02                        1949                    13.88
                                                                   Female                               8.20                         927                     6.97
We performed all statistical analyses using      Sex
SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary,                         Male                                 9.93                        1022                     6.91
NC, USA).                                      Abbreviation: $, Canadian dollars.
                                                 10-year risk of developing diabetes.
Results                                        b
                                                 The highest-risk group has a 10-year risk of developing diabetes ≥ 22.6%.

The predicted 10-year risk of developing
diabetes for the Canadian population as        very different from estimates assuming                              population, including sex-specific estimates,
a whole is 9.98%, corresponding to             equal costs for years 8, 9 and 10. Because                          as well as region-specific costs. The ability
2 156 000 new cases between 2011/12 and        the total difference was approximately                              to predict incident cases annually also
2021/22. The risk is higher among males        $15.96 million, we determined that using                            allows users to calculate costs per year in
than females (11.23% vs. 8.85%), with          the originally proposed costing methodol-                           the future and costs by year of follow-up
males representing more new cases over-        ogy was appropriate.                                                for any number of years ranging from one
all. The estimated total health care cost of                                                                       to 10.
these new cases is $15.36 billion.             In terms of distribution of costs, the larg-
                                               est proportion of health care spending                              Because this is a new cost methodology
If a population-level (small impact and        goes to acute hospitalizations: approxi-                            that focusses on the development of inci-
large reach) intervention was put in place     mately 43.2% ($6.64 billion). The second                            dent diabetes cases, it is difficult to com-
that resulted in an average body weight        largest share is for physician costs, which                         pare these estimates with previously
loss of 5% in the population, the 10-year      represent 21.9% ($3.37 billion) of all                              projected costs. Previous Canadian esti-
predicted risk of developing diabetes would    costs. Prescription medications and assis-                          mates have used varying health care costs
drop to 8.67%, resulting in 1 873 000 cases    tive devices account for 16.9% of costs                             associated with diabetes, and have either
developing in this time period (Table 1).      ($2.60 billion); followed by home care,                             focussed on projected costs per year based
This reduced number of new cases would         nonphysician care and long-term care
                                                                                                                   on prevalent cases3,6 or have retrospec-
cost $13.33 billion, resulting in a savings    ($1.05 billion); other inpatient services
                                                                                                                   tively reported on cases that have already
of $2.03 billion when compared with            ($0.88 billion); and ED, SDS and outpa-
                                                                                                                   occurred.15-17 The report Economic Burden
baseline characteristics.                      tient clinic services ($0.83 billion) (Figure 1).
                                                                                                                   of Illness in Canada, 2005−2008 (EBIC)
                                                                                                                   offers comprehensive cost estimates for a
In contrast, if an intervention targeting      Discussion                                                          variety of conditions, including diabetes.2
those with the highest predicted risk (the
top 10% of the highest-risk group) in the      Between 2011/12 and 2021/22, new cases                              Our cost methodology differs from that
population were carried out, the overall       of diabetes are estimated to result in                              used in EBIC in that EBIC used prevalence-­
risk of developing diabetes would be 9.02%.    $15.36 billion in Canadian health care                              based costs while we used incidence-­
This would translate to 1 949 000 new          costs, almost two-thirds of which will be                           based costs. In addition, we estimated
cases, at a total cost of $13.88 billion       spent on acute hospitalizations and physi-                          attributable costs; our costs represent the
(Table 1). Compared with the baseline          cian services (65.1%). This study intro-                            difference in health care costs that are
scenario, $1.48 billion in direct health       duces a novel way of estimating future                              directly attributable to diabetes, while
care costs would be averted.                   health care costs attributable to new cases                         EBIC only generates overall cost of illness.
                                               of diabetes. The linkage of an incidence                            This is achieved by using a propensity-
When we estimated costs for years 9 and        prediction model with individual-level                              matched cohort design.5 Finally, EBIC did
10 using a linear trend based upon years       attributable costs allows for estimates to                          not couple these estimates with predic-
1 to 8 of observation, the results were not    be derived for different segments of the                            tions on future cases and therefore did not

                                                                                                               Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Vol 37, No 2, February 2017                                                 51                                                                Research, Policy and Practice
FIGURE 1                                                                 attributable cost estimates did become
                                                  Distribution of total 10-year direct health care costs attributable                                   available in the future, the cost calculation
                                                        to diabetes ($ billions), Canada, 2011/12 to 2021/22                                            method could easily be adapted to include
                                                                                                                                                        these region-specific costs.
                                                                                                                                                        Second, this method uses average attribut-
                                                                                                                                                        able costs by sex and year of follow-up.
      Direct health care costs ($ billions)

                                                                                                                                                        As such, it cannot account for costs
                                                                                                                                                        averted within specific subgroups, who
                                                                                                                                                        may be using more or less health care
                                                                    3.37                                                                                than the average. For example, in an inter-
                                                                                                                                                        vention aimed at a high-risk group, it is
                                                                                                                                                        likely that these people spend more health
                                                                                                                                                        care dollars than the average, but their
                                                                                                  1.05                                                  averted cost calculated will not reflect this
                                                                                                                     0.88                0.83
                                                                                                                                                        (i.e. it will be underestimated using this
                                                                                                                                                        method). Efforts to produce estimates that
                                                                                                                                                        are defined to more specific populations
                                              Inpatient (acute    Physician   Prescription   Home care, non-    Inpatient (other)      ED, SDS,
                                               hospitalization)               medication,     physician care,                       outpatient clinic   would enable more accurate estimates,
                                                                                devices       long-term care                           (dialysis,
                                                                                                                                       oncology)        particularly when modelling intervention
                                                                                                                                                        scenarios for certain target groups.
Abbreviations: ED, emergency department visits; SDS, same-day surgery.
Note: Figures have been rounded.
                                                                                                                                                        Third, the model does not account for
                                                                                                                                                        future changes in health care spending or
allow for intervention planning or esti-                                                       for the evaluation of different policy
                                                                                                                                                        inflation. It is assumed that diabetes case
mates on future cost burden.                                                                   options and can assist in determining how
                                                                                                                                                        management will remain the same through
                                                                                               best to move forward with chronic disease
                                                                                                                                                        2022 and that current models of care will
Strengths and limitations                                                                      prevention activities. For example, in
                                                                                                                                                        continue to be applied and used in the
                                                                                               Canada, there are dozens of promising
This methodology has unique strengths.                                                                                                                  same way. Given the window of 10 years,
                                                                                               policy choices and interventions aimed at
First, the costs are based on actual                                                           healthy living being led through federal,                this assumption is likely appropriate.
observed health care cost data from a pro-                                                     provincial and regional partnerships.18                  Longer prediction periods would need to
spective cohort over eight years of obser-                                                     Such programs could benefit from a tool                  address potential changes to care and
vation. Therefore, these are not projected                                                     that would factor in context-specific popu-              management.
estimates only, but instead reflect the real-                                                  lation characteristics to evaluate the most
ity of contemporary diabetes costs to the                                                      appropriate and feasible intervention                    Finally, our estimates do not account for
health care system. The use of attributable                                                    strategies from an economic and health                   the costs associated with diabetes that are
cost as a metric is also advantageous as it                                                    perspective. Further applications could                  not related to health care, including indi-
represents the excess cost of disease                                                          include providing information on the out-                rect costs, out-of-pocket costs and costs
beyond average spending, due to the com-                                                       comes of improved treatment and disease                  not captured in administrative databases,
parison with the group without the dis-                                                        management strategies. Since these                       as well as emotional and social costs for
ease. Using total costs based only on the                                                      approaches can lengthen life and possibly                patients and other caregivers. It is esti-
diseased population can overestimate the                                                       reduce costs, this information, combined                 mated that direct health care costs only
spending on disease and can provide                                                            with the effect on incidence, could offer                account for 17% of total costs attributable
inflated evaluations.2                                                                         insight into the combination of both treat-              to diabetes,3 so it is crucial to consider
                                                                                               ment and prevention approaches.                          these additional expenses in future
Second, this method is simple to apply                                                                                                                  research.
and can be used by a variety of end users.                                                     The simplicity of this model does mean
This is the aim of the tool itself—to be                                                       that several assumptions had to be made                  Conclusion
accessible and transparent for use within                                                      and must be acknowledged. First, the cost
applied settings, such as provincial minis-                                                    estimates are derived from a study that                  The goal of this work is to provide health
tries of health and regional health bodies.                                                    was based on Ontario data and thus the                   decision makers with a readily usable tool
Being able to model intervention scenar-                                                       attributable costs used for national esti-               that will allow them to make cost estima-
ios, unique to the user’s program goals                                                        mates assume that health care spending is                tions up to 10 years in the future. Health
and region, is an added benefit for health                                                     similar in other provinces and territories.              planners and policy makers who focus on
planners and decision makers who seek to                                                       However, it is known that differences exist              preventing diabetes at the population level
estimate the economic offsets of various                                                       across jurisdictions, including within the               can use this tool to evaluate different
diabetes prevention strategies. Being able                                                     general care and management of diabetes,17               intervention strategies with customized
to estimate the cost averted, in addition to                                                   as well as in provincial coverage for services           incidence and cost predictions, which will
the number of cases prevented through                                                          and products such as medications and                     assist them in determining the most
customized intervention strategies, allows                                                     assistive devices.19,20 If province-specific             appropriate actions for the future.

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Research, Policy and Practice                                                                                                       52                                        Vol 37, No 2, February 2017
Acknowledgements                                7.   Rosella LC, Manuel DG, Burchill C,           16. Dawson KG, Gomes D, Gerstein H,
                                                     Stukel TA, PHIAT-DM team. A popu-                Blanchard JF, Kahler KH. The eco-
Dr. Laura Rosella is supported by a                  lation-based risk algorithm for the              nomic cost of diabetes in Canada,
Canada Research Chair in Population                  development of diabetes: develop-                1998. Diabetes Care. 2002;25(8):1303-7.
Health Analytics. This work was sup-                 ment and validation of the Diabetes
ported by the Canadian Institutes of                 Population Risk Tool (DPoRT). J              17. Simpson SH, Corabian P, Jacobs P,
Health Research Operating Grant from the             Epidemiol Community Health. 2011;                Johnson JA. The cost of major comor-
Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and               65(7):613-20.                                    bidity in people with diabetes melli-
Diabetes (funding reference number 126615).                                                           tus. CMAJ. 2003;168(13):1661-7.
The funders had no direct role in the anal-     8.   Rosella LC, Lebenbaum M, Li Y,
ysis, interpretation, writing or submission          Wang J, Manuel DG. Risk distribution         18. Pan-Canadian Public Health Network.
of this manuscript.                                  and its influence on the population              Towards a healthier Canada - 2015
                                                     targets for diabetes prevention. Prev            progress report on advancing the
Conflicts of interest                                Med. 2014;58:17-21.                              federal / provincial / territorial frame­
                                                                                                      work on healthy weights. Available
The authors disclose no conflict of             9.   Statistics Canada. Canadian Community            from:
interest.                                            Health Survey user guide: 2012 and               -2015/index-eng.php#initiatives
                                                     2011-2012 microdata files. Ottawa (ON):
Authors' contributions                               Statistics Canada; 2013.                     19. Canadian     Diabetes    Association,
                                                                                                      Diabète Québec. Diabetes: Canada at
                                                10. Canadian Diabetes Association Clinical
LR conceived the manuscript. LR and AB                                                                the tipping point: charting a new
                                                    Practice Guidelines Expert Committee.
contributed to analytic plan and interpre-                                                            path. Toronto (ON): Canadian Diabetes
                                                    Canadian Diabetes Association 2013
tation. AB prepared data and ran all analy-                                                           Association and Diabète Québec; 2011.
                                                    clinical practice guidelines for the
ses. AB drafted the manuscript and LR
                                                    prevention and management of dia-             20. Canadian Diabetes Association. The
edited and critically reviewed the final
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                                                    2013;37(suppl 1):S1-S212.                         Canadians with diabetes [Internet].
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