Tools and Strategies for Rural Opioid Work - Town Hall Theatre Quincy, CA - Aug. 28-29, 2018 - Plumas County

Tools and Strategies for Rural Opioid Work - Town Hall Theatre Quincy, CA - Aug. 28-29, 2018 - Plumas County
Town Hall Theatre   Quincy, CA

   Tools and
Strategies for
Rural Opioid
       Aug. 28-29, 2018
Tools and Strategies for Rural Opioid Work - Town Hall Theatre Quincy, CA - Aug. 28-29, 2018 - Plumas County
August 28
8:00—Registration opens

9:30— Welcome/Overview - James Wilson, Plumas County Public Health Agency

9:45— Moving communities to embrace a Harm Reduction approach - Matt Curtis, MPH –
     California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS (Town Hall Theatre)
     Scores of studies have shown that harm reduction programs stop the spread of infectious
     disease, reduce overdose deaths, save money, and help people who use drugs access a full
     spectrum of services. But how do we also encourage an understanding of harm reduction that
     embraces its values – which center on promoting safety, connection, and dignity in both
     individuals and through policies – while creating space to address the concerns or discomfort
     many people have with drug use. This session will offer a discussion between the audience
     and a panel of harm reduction practitioners and public health experts in order to explore key
     concepts in the history and practical work of harm reduction and how we might align harm
     reduction with our rural value systems.


11:00—Breakout Session 1

     Accelerating the work of coalitions through networking – Mark Horton, MD, MSPH,
     COSN Accelerator Impact Coach (Town Hall Theatre)
     This session will provide a summary of the California Opioid Safety Network and its
     Accelerator Program, supporting the network of opioid safety coalitions across the
     state. After an overview of the program, Dr. Horton will speak on the value of the
     community working together as a coalition to address the opioid crisis, discuss the ways the
     network is working to support and strengthen the work of the coalitions, and highlight the
     great work that's being done across the four opioid safety strategy domains by the coalitions,
     focusing in particular on coalitions working in rural counties.

     Prevention 201 - Steve Wirtz, Ph. D, and Liz Jones, MPH – California Department of
     Public Health    (West End Theatre)
     CDPH will provide an overview of state efforts around opioids including an update on
     current activities (e.g. academic detailing, harm reduction collaborations, Statewide Opioid
     Safety (SOS) Workgroup Policy Framework), and review of state and local data trends.
     Additionally, the presentation will include a discussion on how to improve state efforts from
     the local perspective.
Bridging urban and rural responses to opioid use and overdose - David Showalter, UC
      Berkeley PhD Candidate (Plumas County Library)
      Opioid use affects communities across the United States, from the biggest cities to the smallest
      towns. What can we learn from policy responses in communities that look very different
      from ours, and how does the place we live shape our efforts to promote safety, health, and
      wellbeing? In this session, David will discuss how programs to reduce harm from opioid use
      have historically been implemented in cities, and how those programs have been effectively
      translated into other communities. David will also share findings from ethnographic research
      with people who use opioids in rural and remote regions of California about what programs
      and services they would like to see in their communities.

12:00: Lunch (provided at the Dame Shirley Plaza)
      Attendees will be given the chance to network with colleagues in rural opioid work, as well as
      plan out future collaborations.

1:30— Reports from Breakout Sessions      (Town Hall Theatre)

1:45 – Bringing Harm Reduction to your Community: Where Do You Start – Taeko Frost,
      DrPH, Western Regional Director – Harm Reduction Coalition (Town Hall Theatre)
      We've heard about what harm reduction is and what it isn't - but where do you start? From
      street-based outreach to mobile sites to community education, creating a supportive
      environment for harm reduction requires listening to your community and getting creative.
      Dr. Frost will discuss some basic models for syringe access, overdose prevention education,
      and care coordination for people who use drugs and approaches to building community
      support from the beginning.

2:15 – Break

2:30 - Breakout Session 2

      Criminal Justice Innovations - Stephanie Tanaka, Plumas County Alternative Sentencing
      Program – Carol Clancy, PsyD, MSW (Town Hall Theatre)
      This session will touch on two innovative programs integrating harm reduction into the
      criminal justice system. Stephanie Tanaka will present on Plumas’ program that distributes
      naloxone to people incarcerated at the time of their release. The MAT in Criminal Justice
      Learning Collaborative is part of the DHCS MAT expansion project. In this learning
      collaborative, teams made up of criminal justice professionals from 23 California counties
      will be provided training and technical assistance to increase access to MAT through drug
      courts and jails. This program is being implemented by Correctional Health experts at Health
      Management Associates. During this break-out session, Dr. Clancy will provide an overview
      of this new collaborative.

      Provider Education and Academic Detailing - Kassy Picou, PharmD, James Gasper,
      PharmD, BCPP (West End Theatre)
      Taking a cue from pharmaceutical companies, Kassy Picou and James Gasper have been
      working to change provider behavior through brief in-person encounters. Kassy will share
      her experience detailing physicians and pharmacists in Plumas County, and James will
      present on the theory behind academic detailing, and developing the curriculum that’s now
      being used across the state.
Rural Resilience - Dan Henson, AOD Counselor with Sierra County Behavioral Health –
      Vanessa Hanson, Lassen County Health Education Coordinator – Shelly Davis, Siskiyou
      County Public Health Director      (Plumas County Library)
      Leaders in the field in northern California will highlight challenges and successes they’ve had
      in implementing programs in their own counties.

3:30 – Break

3:45— Reports from Breakout Sessions       (Town Hall Theatre)

4:00 – Responding to Objections to Harm Reduction – Alessandra Ross, MPH, California
      Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS       (Town Hall Theatre)
      “Aren’t you just enabling?” “Isn’t that just replacing one addiction with another?” “What I’m
      concerned about is all the needles that will stick my kid in the park.” This session will delve
      into the theories of adult learning, why people object to harm reduction, and how to respond
      to those objections.

5:00 – End of Day 1

                             August 29
8:30 – Welcome/Overview of the day - James Wilson, Plumas County Public Health Agency

8:45 – Scott County response - Malinda Boehler, MSW, LCSW, and Karen Curd – Indiana AIDS
      Education and Training Center (Town Hall Theatre)
      In February 2015, the Indiana State Department of Health announced an HIV outbreak in
      southeastern Indiana. At the time, there were 26 confirmed and four preliminary cases of HIV
      infection. This outbreak, related to the opioid epidemic, continued until there were 188
      confirmed HIV infections in a town of just 4,295 people. Malinda Boehler and Karen Curd
      from the Indiana AIDS Education and Training Center will share their experience assisting in
      the response by identifying and coordinating resources as well as their continued role in
      building community capacity. They will also explore how other rural communities might
      help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks.

10:15 - Break

10:30 – Breakout Session 3

      Sustaining and Building Harm Reduction Programs In Uncertain Times- Melinda Ruger,
      Executive Director – Harm Reduction Services Sacramento (Town Hall Theatre)
      Melinda will present an overview of funding and sustaining harm reduction programs as well
      as creating diverse outreach programs that reach rural communities.
Altering prescribing practices – Mark Satterfield, MD       (West End Theatre)
      Breaking from the belief that treating chronic pain with opioids is safe and effective,
      providers around the country have modified their prescribing habits to improve pain
      management and patient safety while reducing the amount of opioids being prescribed.
      However, altering prescribing practices can be challenging. During this session, Dr.
      Satterfield will discuss the steps taken in Plumas County to reduce opioid prescribing 60% in
      5 years, and describe other important tactics used around the state

      Capacity building in rural areas - Karya Lustig, MA – Center for Health Leadership and
      Practice (Plumas County Library)
      Karya Lustig will present tools developed at the Center for Health Leadership and Practice that
      are being used by opioid safety coalitions across California. These capacity-building tools can
      be utilized by any organization looking to strategically move forward in their work.

11:30 – Lunch (on your own)

1:00— Reports from Breakout Sessions       (Town Hall Theatre)

1:15 – Implementing harm reduction in Small Town U.S.A. - Andrew Woodruff, MPH, Plumas
      County Public Health Agency Director (Town Hall Theatre)
      Harm Reduction is a new idea to a lot of small communities, and education about it is often
      needed. Additionally, the task of implementing these services can seem daunting, with fear of
      community opposition ever-present. During this session, Andrew will discuss community
      building and planning for harm reduction programs and share challenges and successes in
      implementing services.

2:15 – Close

     Optional Activities
Morning Yoga – August 28, 7:00 a.m.
     Start your morning off right with Plumas County Public Health’s Megan Mansfield at the
      Quincy Yoga and Wellness Center located in the Plumas Pines Shopping Center next to
      Paradise Grill at 86 East Main Street in Quincy, CA. Megan will lead a morning sessions
      beginning at 7 a.m. on Tuesday. No cost for conference attendees.

Reception/Mixer – August 28, 5:00 p.m.
      Get to know your peers from around the region! Reception will also include a silk-screening
      workshop, Harm Reduction Trivia, and complimentary pre-dinner snacks.

Nature walk/run – August 29, 7:00 a.m.
      Plumas County Public Health hosts will offer a guided tour of one of Quincy’s favorite local
      trails. This beginner-friendly trail will take you just right out of town and back to the Town
      Hall Theatre in time for the opening session of Day 2. Those interested can meet at the
      Town Hall Theatre at 7:00 a.m.
Presenter Bios
James Wilson, Health Education Coordinator II, Plumas County Public Health Agency, is the lead for the Northern Sierra Opioid
Safety Coalition and Northern Sierra Harm Reduction. Over the last few years, James has assisted several counties in getting harm
reduction services implemented. Native to Plumas County, James is delighted to have so many visit his home town for this conference.

Matt Curtis, MPH, is a Harm Reduction Specialist with the California Department of Public Health, where he works to expand access to
healthcare and supportive public policies for people who use drugs. Matt has worked in the harm reduction field for nearly 20 years,
including in New York, Eastern Europe, and Asia before relocating to California in early 2017.

Steve Wirtz, Ph.D, is Chief of the Injury Surveillance and Epidemiology Section, Safe and Active Communities (SAC) Branch, California
Department of Public Health. He is a licensed psychologist and research scientist. He manages the Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention
Initiative, Crash Medical Outcome Data Project, Essentials for Childhood Initiative, Fatal Child Abuse and Neglect Surveillance Program,
California Violent Death Reporting System, Alcohol and Other Drug State Epidemiological Workgroup among others. Dr. Wirtz has been
Principal Investigator for several research projects and regularly publishes and provides trainings. He is also active in the Sacramento
community as a Commissioner on the First Five Sacramento Commission.

Liz Jones, MPH, is a Health Education Consultant with the Safe and Active Communities (SAC) Branch, California Department of Public
Health. She has her Master’s in Public Health with an emphasis in Community Health Promotion and Behavioral Science. She currently
supports the Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention (PDOP) Initiative on multiple projects including academic detailing, local coalition
work, the education campaign, the Statewide Opioid Safety Workgroup Task Forces, naloxone activities, and much more. Previously she
worked as a Community Health Promotion Specialist with the County of San Diego’s Department of Public Health’s Maternal, Child, and
Family Health Services Branch.

David Showalter, is a PHD Candidate in Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley, and President of the Board of Directors of
Needle Exchange Emergency Distribution (NEED). David’s research focuses on drug use and drug policy, particularly opioid use and
injection drug use.

Mark Horton, MD, MSPH, is a physician and public health professional with eighteen years’ experience in the clinical practice of
pediatrics, and over fifteen years’ experience directing state and local public health agencies. He was appointed to the position of Chief
Deputy Director over Public Health Programs for the California Department of Health Services in 2005. In 2007 he was appointed State
Public Health Officer and the first Director of the newly created California Department of Public Health, where he served until early 2011.
Dr. Horton has also served as the Deputy Agency Director for Public Health Programs and Health Officer for the County of Orange Health
Care Agency, Vice President for Community Programs at San Diego Children's Hospital and Health Center, and State Public Health Officer
and Director of Health for the state of Nebraska. He currently is a health leadership consultant working with the Center for Health
Leadership and Practice at the Public Health Institute in Oakland, California. Dr. Horton received his Medical Doctorate from St. Louis
University School of Medicine. After two years of pediatric residency at Northwestern University, he completed an ambulatory pediatric
fellowship as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholar at Duke University. He received his Master of Science in Public Health
degree from the University of North Carolina School Of Public Health. He is a diplomat of the American Board of Pediatrics and a Fellow
of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Taeko Frost, DrPH, is the Western Regional Director at Harm Reduction Coalition, a national organization that promotes programs and
policies that support people who use drugs. Based on Oakland, CA, Dr. Frost oversees training and capacity building services for states
west of the Mississippi and most recently conducted a statewide needs assessment of syringe service programs (SSPs) to identify barriers to
expanding harm reduction services and opportunities for capacity building services. Prior to her role at Harm Reduction Coalition, Dr.
Frost was the Executive Director of an SSP in New York City and built up the program from a volunteer-run outreach-based SSP to a $1.8
million multi-service organization over the course of 10 years.

Dan Henson, CAODC is a proud 25-year member of the local recovery community and for the last 8 years has been employed with
Sierra County as a Substance Use Disorder Counselor. Prior to counseling Dan worked with the Sierra County Victim-Witness Services
Office as an Alcohol and Drug Intervention Specialist. Dan identifies the distribution of naloxone and subsequent eight successful overdose
reversals in Sierra County the highlight of his career to date and sincerely believe there is much more to do in rural communities to
reduce harm and encourage freedom from addiction.

Vanessa Hanson, Lassen County Public Health has over 5 years of experience in social services and Alcohol and Drug as a case
manager. Vanessa oversees the projects efforts to prevent overdoses in Lassen County.

Shelly Davis, MN BSN-RN PHN CCHP, is Director of Public Health for Siskiyou County, Director of Nursing, and the Director of Inmate
Health. She has a Master’s degree in Nursing Leadership and a certification in Healthcare Administration, and is a recent graduate from the
Sierra Health Foundation Leadership Program as well as a Ford Family Foundation Scholar.
Stephanie Tanaka, Alternative Sentencing Program Manager at the Plumas County District Attorney’s Office, coordinates, develops,
and oversees programs and services for criminally involved offenders, including pretrial release, diversion programs, and the jail naloxone
education and distribution program. Stephanie has helped Plumas County in creating multiple programs such as the Alternative
Sentencing Program and Day Reporting Center, among other distinctions in the field. Stephanie helps the Criminal Justice Partners in
Plumas County to address and adapt to the ever-changing world of criminal justice.

Carol Clancy, PsyD, MSW, is a Psychologist who has been working in Correctional Health for the past 17 years. She has been a Principal
for Health Management Associates for the past year, where she has consulted with jails nationally. Prior to that she was a Clinical Services
Manager for the Mental Health and SUD services at San Mateo Jail, where she worked for sixteen years. She began working on the MAT in
County Criminal Justice Learning Collaborative when the project began in May.

Kassy Picou, PharmD, is a retail pharmacist at Rite Aid Pharmacy in Quincy, CA. She moved to California from Saint Louis, MO where
she attended Saint Louis College of Pharmacy earning her Doctorate of Pharmacy. Dr. Picou focuses on building personal connections
with her patients while practicing in a small town retail setting. She is very motivated to promote a healthier community by providing
academic detailing in Plumas County.

James Gasper, PharmD, BCPP, is a psychiatric and substance use disorder pharmacist for the California Department of Health Care
Services. His present initiatives include expanding access to treatment for substance use disorders, implementing the availability of
naloxone, and improving the safety of opioid analgesics. Beyond his work for the Department, he serves as a consultant for the UCSF
Clinician Consultation Center Substance Abuse Warmline and as a clinical pharmacist for the El Dorado Community Health Center’s
Complex Care Clinic for patients with chronic pain and opioid addiction.

Alessandra Ross, MPH, Injection Drug Use Specialist for the California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS, coordinates
the state’s efforts to prevent HIV infection and improve the health & wellness of people who inject drugs. Alessandra has worked in HIV
prevention since the beginning of the epidemic. Her previous experience includes managing the training department at Gay Men’s Health
Crisis in New York, and assisting the Harm Reduction Coalition in establishing their Training Institute. She has worked with two different
teams to help set up needle exchanges in Eastern Europe.

Malinda Boehler, MSW, LCSW, earned a Bachelor of Social Work (98) and a Master of Social Work (99) from Indiana University School
of Social Work. She practiced an Infectious Disease Clinic as an HIV Care Coordinator for nearly 10 years before accepting a position at
the Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center-IN. In addition to her role as Director of MATEC Indiana, Malinda is also the Director of
Infectious Disease Services at Eskenazi Health. She is also a member of the Marion County Public Health Department’s Ryan White
Planning Council (Part A/Part C) and the Indiana State Department of Health’s HIV Services Planning and Advisory Council. Beyond work,
all waking hours are spent with her husband of 25 years, Robert, and their two children – James(7) and Moira (5).

Karen Curd, Program Manager at the Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center (MATEC) in Indiana, started her role at MATEC
in 2011 as the HIV Training Coordinator. Prior to MATEC, Karen worked for the Marion County Public Health Department in
Indianapolis, Indiana as a Disease Intervention Specialist and the STD Screening and Surveillance Coordinator.

Melinda Ruger, Executive Director of Harm Reduction Services Sacramento, has been providing intensive outreach, risk reduction
education, case management, and HIV/HCV testing and syringe access services to the Sacramento Region since 1993. Melinda’s
educational background includes a degree in Psychology and CSU Sacramento’s BSW Program. Melinda has presented Building Trust
Through Authentic Outreach at The National Coalition To End Homelessness Conference in Washington DC and designed and
implemented CDPH-OA approved curriculum Project Empower. Project Empower provides high impact HIV prevention education with an
emphasis on injection drug use and individuals engaged in street based sex-work. Melinda has twelve years of experience in business
management organizational development.

Karya Lustig, MA, is the deputy director of the Public Health Institute’s Center for Health Leadership and Practice. With more than 20
years of experience as a learning and development practitioner, she drives her work from the foundations of social justice and equity.
Creating opportunity for all individuals and families to live, work and play in healthy communities is the passion behind all of her work.

Mark Satterfield, MD has been Plumas County Public Health Officer since 2014 and continues to practice as an emergency
physician. He attended medical school at UC San Francisco followed by a Family Medicine Residency in Ventura. Dr. Satterfield’s passion
for public health developed early as he came to understand how much better outcomes were from preventing disease rather than treating
it once manifest. As a founding member of the Northern Sierra Opioid Safety Coalition, his interest extends to our current need to
prevent substance use disorder as well as treat it effectively to optimize outcomes.

Andrew Woodruff, MPH, Director of Plumas County Public Health Agency, received his BA from UC Santa Cruz in Molecular Biology
and Women’s Studies and his MPH from UC Berkeley School of Public Health, Infectious Disease Division. Before coming to Plumas
County, his public health career focused on STD and HIV prevention, Family Planning and primary care. He has worked for the Plumas
County Public Health Agency for 3.5 years, and has been the Acting Director of the agency for 11 months. He loves practicing public
health in rural California and welcomes visitors.
Conference Map
     As is the case in many rural counties, Plumas County does not have a single setting
     that can accommodate a conference of this size. To meet the needs of attendees,
     organizers decided to utilize multiple locations in downtown Quincy. Main sessions
     will take place in the Town Hall Theatre, with breakout sessions in the West End
     Theatre and the Plumas County Library conference room. Tuesday’s lunch and close-
     of-the-day mixer will take place at the Dame Shirley Plaza. All locations are within
     walking distance of the Town Hall Theatre and are ADA Compliant.

                                              Court Street



                                                             Jackson Street

                               Dame Shirley Plaza

                               West End Theatre

                               Town Hall Theatre
                               Plumas County Library

*Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The views expressed in written
conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and
Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
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