Higher education on physical activity and sport: The Movement Sciences graduate as a resource to promote healthy lifestyles in the National Health ...

Ann Ig 2019; 31: 642-648 doi:10.7416/ai.2019.2323

Higher education on physical activity and sport: The
Movement Sciences graduate as a resource to promote
healthy lifestyles in the National Health System
G. Liguori1,4,5, F. Gallé1, V. Di Onofrio2, F. Valeriani3, V. Romano Spica3,4,5,
and WDPP4, and GSMS-SItI5

Key words: Physical Activity, Movement Sciences, Health Promotion
Parole chiave: Attività Fisica, Scienze Motorie, Promozione della Salute

    Currently, physical activity is an important tool that may be useful to improve people health and quality of
    life through sustainable and effective interventions. In order to obtain durable improvements of individuals’
    behaviors, however, consistent changes in services organization and the creation of new opportunities in
    life settings are needed.
    This requires necessarily the involvement of complementary figures with specific competences. Considering
    their peculiar training curriculum, Movement Sciences graduates represent key figures in this context
    and they can operate fully in interventions of health education and promotion, within multidisciplinary
    teams collaborating with the National Health System (NHS), in order to obtain the global undertaking of

The promotion of Physical Activity                               Italian Ministry of Health and the Italian
                                                                 High Institute of Health have recognized its
   Currently, the Italian National Health                        numerous benefits and included PA promo-
System (NHS) is actively involved in                             tion among the recommended strategies in
searching new strategies that combine ef-                        their recent prevention plans and guidelines
fectiveness and economic sustainability. In                      (2-4).
this framework, the promotion of Physical                            The new Essential Levels of Care esta-
Activity (PA), which is a primary health goal                    blished by the Italian Government in 2017
identified by the World Health Organization                      consider PA as an instrument of health
(WHO) on the basis of scientific evidences,                      protection that should be life-long imple-
may represent a valuable economic and                            mented in different settings (school, work,
social investment (1). In light of this, the                     health, community settings). In particular,

  Department of Movement Sciences and Wellbeing, University of Naples “Parthenope”, Naples, Italy
  Department of Sciences and Technologies, University of Naples “Parthenope”, Naples, Italy
  Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Rome, Italy
  WDPP, Working Group Doping Prevention Project: V. Romano Spica, T. Trenti, C. Pasquarella, G. Liguori, P. Fallace.
  GSMS-SItI, Working Group on Movement Sciences for Health, Italian Society of Hygiene Preventive Medicine and Public
Health: S. Calimeri, R. Bono, G. Privitera, L. Fabiani, F. D’Aloisio, G. Baccari, E. Leoni, S. Tafuri, G. Liguori, G. Brandi,
G. Gervasi, A. Dell’Eva, A. Gradilone, C. Frangella, A. La Torre
The Movement Sciences graduate in National Health System                                       643

the Level “Collective prevention and public         dance halls). This implies the involvement of
health” provides for activities of “Promotion       complementary figures that should integrate
of physical activity and health safeguard           their specific occupational competencies.
of physical activity” with multiple actions,        The PA promotion is a priority that should
including: “Promotion and activation of             be developed in a combined context in which
programs aimed at enhancing the practice            the key figures from healthcare and other
of physical activity in the general popula-         settings may build together targeted policies
tion and in risk groups, by promoting the           (3, 4, 6, 8, 9).
development of opportunities and support
from local communities”; “Preventive pro-
grams of physical activity shared among             The graduate in Movement Sciences
health services, educational institutions and
employers”; “Promotion of counseling on                 In 1998, Law n.178 established in Italy
physical activity from health personnel”;           the Degree Course in Movement Sciences
“Informative and educational campaign tar-          (Class 33 – Degrees in Movement and Sport
geted to the general population or to specific      Sciences), with the aim of educating pro-
groups”; “Promotion of structured programs          fessionals able to “comprehend, plan, and
of exercise for subjects at risk”; “Prevention      manage educational, recreational, athletic,
and fight against doping” (5).                      or compensatory-adaptive-preventive phy-
    The employment of movement in public            sical activities” (10).
health programs represents an ambitious                 With the new university organization of
and complex goal that may be reached, in            2004 (Ministerial Decree n. 270), which
the perspective of health promotion, not            introduced the model 3+2 years (bachelor’s
only through the sensitization of citizens          degree + master’s degree), the path of the
regarding health benefits of PA, but also           studies in Movement Sciences enhanced
through essential social, economic and              through three master’s degree courses with
political interventions that should allow its       specific addresses: Degree Class LM67
implementation. The promotion of PA as a            “Sciences and Techniques of Preventive
tool for fighting inactivity and determine          and Adaptive Physical Activity; LM68
health should be therefore considered as a          “Sciences and Techniques of Sport”; LM47
priority shared by different subjects in health     “Organization and Management of Services
and social policies, in line with a multidisci-     for Sport and Physical Activities” (11).
plinary approach (2, 6, 7).                             The Movement Sciences graduate re-
    Hence, it is necessary to identify a global     presents a professional figure with peculiar
strategy that may favor the construction of         competencies which originate from an exclu-
convergences and agreements regarding               sive educational path including bio-medical,
common objectives by involving the higher           psycho-pedagogical, economic and legal di-
number of qualified stakeholders (1).               sciplines, in addition to those devoted to mo-
    The promotion of PA requires methodo-           vement and sport. He promotes movement
logies accurate, updated and suitable for the       and educates people to the adequate practice
international context and the local demands.        of PA, contributing to the psycho-physical
It finds applications for preventive purpo-         wellbeing (primary prevention), to the im-
ses not only in exercise settings (stadiums,        provement (secondary prevention) and to the
gyms, swimming pools, thermal facilities,           maintaining of health (tertiary prevention) in
parks), but also in healthcare facilities (ho-      subjects with different age and conditions,
spitals, clinics, elder centers) or in schools      even those of vulnerability, disability and
and other social environments (oratories,           social disadvantage (7). He should not be
644                                                                              G. Liguori et al.

confused with the physiotherapist, whose         evaluate programs of preventive and adap-
job is to heal sick people.                      tive PA aimed at enhancing the movement
    The educational program of the degree        resources of individuals, on the basis of their
courses in Movement Sciences incorpora-          characteristics and conditions.
tes elements of health and body education           The document explicated the concept
together with basics of management, in or-       and the principles of Adapted Physical
der to favor the individual and community        Activity (APA) as a tool for reconditioning
empowerment and enhance PA as a special          health after rehabilitation, in order to “fight
and sustainable vehicle to disseminate the       hypomobility, favor socialization and pro-
culture of “movement for health”, as stated      mote healthier lifestyles”. It suggested the
by WHO guidelines (1, 12-14). Graduates in       introduction of APA in the national and
Movement Sciences can play an important          local planning through the development
role in promoting health in the educatio-        of a network including selected facilities
nal setting, particularly in primary school.     and institutions (gyms, sport centers, sport
The lack of specialist teachers in Physical      associations) recognized and certified by
Education in the primary schools of various      the National Health Service and able to
European countries makes children particu-       guarantee the quality and the safety of APA
larly vulnerable to the problem of inactivity.   programs (17).
Primary school children represent the most          Considering his education, the Movement
sensitive group for education to healthy         Sciences graduate has the adequate skills
lifestyles, since the predisposition to the      to conduct health promotion activities;
pleasure of being active can be consolidated     his competencies confer him an important
during these years. School based interven-       role in the fight against doping and in the
tions of physical activity promotion have        education of people to the correct use of
shown beneficial effects on motor habits of      supplements. He can work in team with
children and a qualified physical education      healthcare professionals promoting health
teacher plays a fundamental role in this con-    effects of movement and applying adequa-
text, representing a resource that would be      tely the APA to the different settings and
well compensated in terms of public health       targets, and represents a resource for public
(15, 16).                                        health (18). His role of educator in health
    The negotiating table held by delegates of   promotion strategies is widely recognized
Movement Sciences and Physical Therapy           and is currently under certification by inter-
graduates in 2013 at the Ministry of Health      national institutions (7).
produced a document which defined the               Table 1 shows the current regulations re-
professional roles of the two categories,        garding the role of the graduates in Sciences
complementary and contiguous, with the aim       and Techniques of Preventive and Adaptive
of “realize their own duties in a perspective    Physical Activity in the Italian NHS.
of collaboration”. In this document, the
work environment of Movement Sciences
is referred to individuals who are healthy,      Conclusions
at risk or affected by stabilized chronic di-
seases, with preventive and re-educational          Currently, physical activity is the most
goals. A particular place is reserved to fra-    important available evidence-based techno-
gile persons with special movement needs.        logy to improve health and quality of life
The graduate in Sciences and Techniques of       through sustainable interventions. In order to
Preventive and Adaptive Physical Activity is     obtain durable improvements of individuals’
the professional who can plan, manage and        behaviors, however, consistent changes in
The Movement Sciences graduate in National Health System                                                                                             645

Table 1. Regional regulations regarding the role of graduates in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adaptive
Physical Activity in the Italian NHS

Region                                                                                        Reference
                        Document                                                                    Subject
                        Regional Council Deliberation n.700/2018                                    Regional Plan of Prevention 2014-18. Program
                        h t t p : / / b u r a . r e g i o n e . a b r u z z o . i t / 2 0 1 8 / 4 - Action n. 9 “Promotion of exercise through the
                        Speciale_101_12_10.pdf                                                      creation of a network of territorial gyms”- Approval
                                                                                                    of regional guidelines for exercise promotion.
Basilicata              /                                                                           /
                        Regional Council Proposal of Law n.204/2017                                 Projects aimed to reach the social wellbeing through
                        http://www.consiglioregionale.calabria.it/upload/ physical activity and sport. Recognition of paths and
                        istruttoria/DOSSIER/DOS1538NRG1.pdf                                         health gyms and institution of regional week of sport
                                                                                                    and wellbeing.
                        Regional Council Deliberation n.194/2018                                    Regional guidelines for Local Health Authorities on
                        fi l e : / / / C : / U s e r s / u t e n t e / D ow n l o a d s / D E L I - the promotion of adapted physical activity in indivi-
                        B E R A _ D E L L A _ G I U N TA _ R E G I O NA L E _ duals with stabilized non-transmittable diseases.
                                                                                                    Interventions for the promotion and the development
                        Regional Law n.18/2013                                                      of sport and physical-educational-recreational
                        file:///C:/Users/utente/Downloads/LEGGE_REG._ activities.
                        Regional Council Deliberation n.2127/2016                                   Approval of the “Regional addresses for physical
                        http://bur.regione.emilia-romagna.it/dettaglio- activity promotion and prescription of exercise in
Emilia Romagna
                        inserzione?i= fcdb4e8c4df54 2518cc3f2fcda62- persons with chronic diseases” and “Ethical code of
                        d6f2                                                                        gyms and sport associations promoting health”.
Friuli Venezia Giulia   /                                                                           /
Lazio                   /                                                                           /
Liguria                 /                                                                           /
                        Brianza Health Safeguard Agency. Regional Council Acknowledgement of the clinical management project
                        Deliberation n.315/2018                                                     “Active and healthy aging in Brianza Health Safe-
                        https://www.ats-brianza.it/it/albo-pretorio/1877. guard Agency: prevention of chronic diseases” and
                        html?field=filename0                                                        approval of interest manifestation to became part of
                                                                                                    the list of gyms promoting health active in the area
                                                                                                    of Brianza Health Safeguard Agency”

                                                                                        Prescription of exercise as instrument of prevention
                        Regional Council Deliberation n.IIX/2056/2011 –                 and therapy in Lombardia
                        February 2014
                        regional Council Deliberation n.1118/2017                       Projects to support the promotion of physical ac-
Marche                  http://www.norme.marche.it/Delibere/2017/                       tivity *
Molise                  /                                                               /
                        regional Council Deliberation. Proposal of Regional             Initiatives aimed to reach the social wellbeing through
                        Law n.231/2016                                                  the structured and adapted exercise. Establishment
                        http://arianna.consiglioregionale.piemonte.it/ariaint/          of paths and health gyms, General States of sport
                        TESTO?LAYOUT=PRESENTAZIONE&TIPOD                                and wellbeing and institution of the regional week of
                        OC=TESTOPDL&FASEITER=PRESENTAZION                               sport and wellbeing.
                        regional Council Deliberation n.212/2018                        Regulation regarding the recognition, the conduction,
                        http://www5.consiglio.puglia.it/GissX/XSa-                      the promotion and the safeguard of adapted physical
                        gArchivio.nsf/(InLinea)/provv.amm.-102-X/$File/                 activity.
                        regional Council Deliberation n.44-34/2017                      Adoption of operational addresses regarding the
                        h t t p s : / / w w w. r eg i o n e . s a r d eg n a . i t /    promotion/prescription of physical activity and the
Sardegna                documenti/1_386_20170925161151.pdf                              prescription of exercise for persons with chronic
                                                                                        diseases, in implementation of action P-1.3.3 of the
                                                                                        Regional Plan of Prevention 2014-2018.
646                                                                                                             G. Liguori et al.

                        regional Assembly Proposal n.417/2018      Interventions for the promotion of adapted physical
                        http://w3.ars.sicilia.it/DocumentiEsterni/ activity and institution of health gyms.

                        Regional Law n.16/2017 art.56 “Attività Motorie”     Programmatic and corrective dispositions for the year
Sicilia                 http://www.iusetnorma.it/normativa/legge_re-         2017. Regional Stability Law.
                        gionale_sicilia_n_16_del _11_agosto_2017_di-
                        regionale.asp                                        Rules regarding the promotion and safeguard of
                        modifying the Regional Law n.29/2014                 physical activity and sport.
                        regional Council Deliberation n.903/2017             Development of actions to support the active aging
                        http://www.sds.firenze.it/materiali/Stili_di_vita/   of the Tuscany population: update of organizational
                        Delibera_n.903_del_07-08-2017.pdf                    addresses for adapted physical activity and addresses
                        http://www.sds.firenze.it/materiali/Stili_di_vita/   for the adoption of initiatives to support physical
                        Delibera_n.903_del_07-08-2017-Allegato-A.pdf         activity in the community.**

Trentino alto adige     /                                                    /
                        Regional Council Deliberation n.562/2018             Regulations for the exercise of the fitness centers and
                                                                             health gyms referred to the Regional Law n.19/2009
                                                                             “Regulations for the promotion and development of
                                                                             sport, movement and recreational activities”.
                                                                             Further modifications and integrations to the Regio-
                        Regional Law n.5/2017                                nal Law n.19/2009 “Regulations for the promotion
                        http://leggi.crumbria.it/mostra_atto.                and development of sport, movement and recreational
                        php?id=185258&v=FI&m=5                               activities”.
Valle D’aosta           /                                                    /
                        Regional Law n.8/2015                                General dispositions about physical activity and
                        Regional Council Deliberation n.925 del 23.6.2017
                        (Bur n.67 del 18.7.2017)                             Approval of requirements and procedures needed
                        https://www.claudiosinigaglia.com/wp-content/        to obtain the certification of “health gym” and
                        uploads/2017/10/DGR-925-.-palestre-della-salute.     addresses for prescription and administration of
                        pdf                                                  exercise- training aspects, as reported in the Regional
                                                                             Law n.8/2015
* regarding APA programs for elder people supervised by graduates in Movement Sciences or persons trained by institutions reco-
gnized by the Italian National Olimpic Committee
** professionals figures qualified for proposition and supervision of APA are graduates in Movement Sciences and in Physical

services organization and the creation of new                      involvement of complementary figures with
opportunities in life settings are needed.                         specific competences. Therefore, the inclu-
    The goal of facilitating the change – make                     sion of movement professionals in inter-
healthy choices simple – can be reached by                         ventions of health education and promotion
motivating persons towards the regular prac-                       implemented by multidisciplinary teams
tice of PA and by establishing an alliance for                     collaborating with the NHS is becoming ne-
health that may encourage the adoption of                          cessary for the global undertaking of citizens.
an active lifestyle (19).                                          Moreover, these interventions may conjugate
    The application of exercise programs                           the promotion of PA with other issues, such
within health promotion policies and pre-                          as the promotion of correct nutrition or ac-
ventive interventions is going to favor the                        tions against harmful substances.
The Movement Sciences graduate in National Health System                                                                  647

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Corresponding author: Prof. Giorgio Liguori, Department of Movement Sciences and Wellbeing, University of Naples
“Parthenope”, Via Medina 40, 80133 Naples, Italy
e-mail: giorgio.liguori@uniparthenope.it
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