Page created by Mary Bowman
Q. WHEN IS ANNUAL OPEN ENROLLMENT?                                              documents that provide detailed information about the benefit
A. Open enrollment for active and inactive employees, as well as retirees       options for 2018.
and survivors, is from October 30 through November 17, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time (EST). This is the only opportunity for eligible      ▪   Talk to ALEX
employees and retirees to choose their 2018 benefits.                           ALEX will walk you through your benefit plan decisions and provide
                                                                                advice that fits your individual needs. If you’re single and you’re
Q. WHAT ARE THE MAJOR CHANGES TO THE HEALTH PLAN                                worried about just you, ALEX can help. If you have a family and
OPTIONS FOR 2018?                                                               dependents, or if you have special circumstances, ALEX will help you
A. There are no major changes to the health plan options that are offered       compare your options and make the best decision for you.
to employees; the options remain the same: Gold HSA, Silver HSA, Bronze
HSA, and HRA. For those employees who live in a zip code where there is     ▪   Health Plan Evaluator (HPE)
limited access to UnitedHealthcare physicians, the HRA Out-of-Area              ALEX provides guidance and can help you learn more about the
(OOA) option and the Gold HSA OOA option will still be available.               options available to you; however, you may want to see a more
                                                                                detailed view of your options based on your claims history by using
Q. HOW MUCH ARE PREMIUMS INCREASING FOR 2018?                                   the Health Plan Evaluator. If you have been enrolled in a Delta
A. Monthly premiums for the account-based medical options will                  medical option this year- the HPE will have your actual claims data
increase no more than $1 to $7 per month for employees and employees            loaded in and can model out your costs in the 2018 benefit options
who cover children. Employees who cover a spouse will see higher                based on your previous claims experience. If you anticipate changes
increases, but most premiums are rising no more than $25.                       to your usage for this year, you can modify the information to
                                                                                incorporate new or different potential costs.
OPTIONS THAT WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT?                                          ▪   Health Plan 101 Video
A. The only other change is IRS-mandated increases in deductibles               Watch the 5 minute Health Plan 101 Video to learn the basics about
and out-of-pocket maximums of $50 to $100 for most account-                     Delta’s healthcare options. Employees and their spouses/eligible
based medical options. However, Delta is increasing the amount of               same-sex domestic partners who watch the video and are currently
Delta Health Rewards you can earn to help offset this cost. Potential           enrolled in an account-based medical option will earn $50 each for
rewards will increase from $650 to $700 each for employees and                  deposit into their Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) or Health
                                                                                Savings Account (HSA) depending on their medical election. Only
covered spouses. Employees who cover children in the Gold or
                                                                                employees who are currently enrolled in either an HSA or the HRA
Silver HSA or the HRA options will be able to earn $1,100 in rewards,
                                                                                medical option will receive the dollars as it is part of the Delta Health
a $100 increase from 2017. Find more details in the 2018 Open                   Rewards program. The video is accessible from OE headquarters.
Enrollment guide you received in the mail, or on Open Enrollment                Employees and spouses/eligible same-sex domestic partners must
Headquarters (OE HQ) through Deltanet or Self-Service.                          log in separately in order to each earn the Delta Health Rewards
BENEFITS TO ELECT?                                                          ▪   Face to Face Meetings
A. We have provided a number of tools and resources to help you decide          Employees have the opportunity to attend a face to face employee
what options are best for you and your family:                                  meeting or webinar to get their individual questions answered –
                                                                                there are almost 100 sessions scheduled across the Delta system.
▪    Open Enrollment Booklet Mailed to Homes                                    Visit OE HQ for a complete schedule.
     Review the Open Enrollment booklet mailed to employee homes the
     week of Oct. 2. The booklet provides an overview of what is            ▪   Your family can view information about your benefits without a login
     changing and your 2018 coverage options.                                   at

▪    Online Open Enrollment Headquarters
     Visit the OE HQ site on Employee Self-Service to access many more
     resources, including a library of

as employers like Delta) providing coverage are, in turn, required to report
                                                                                 to the federal government those who are enrolled in their qualifying
Q. HOW DO I ENROLL?                                                              healthcare coverage so that the government knows who should be paying
A. Enroll online via Benefits Direct                                             the individual responsibility payment.
Enrolling for your 2018 benefits is easy.
     ▪ Go to OE HQ either from a link on Deltanet or through                     Q. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR EMPLOYEES?
           Employee Self-Service.                                                A. Employees have a responsibility to comply with the ACA as individuals.
     ▪ Enroll on Benefits Direct any time between Oct. 30 – Nov. 17,             Not providing dependent SSNs could result in incorrect reporting and a
                                                                                 potential for shared responsibility payment to the IRS when taxes are
           2017. Make your elections by 11:59 p.m. EST on November 17,
                                                                                 filed. Under our enrollment system, open enrollment changes will not save
                                                                                 until the Benefits Direct enrollment tool has been updated with a valid
     ▪ Review the online confirmation statement to be sure you have              dependent SSN.
           selected your desired preferences. Confirmation statements
           will not be mailed, so be sure to print a copy of your                Q. IS MY INFORMATION SECURE? HOW WILL DELTA PROTECT MY
           confirmation statement when you complete your enrollment.             PERSONAL INFORMATION?
           You may print one at any time from Benefits Direct.                   A. Yes. The Benefits Direct enrollment tool is accessed by secure log-in.
                                                                                 Also, one of the safeguards we put in place is that the employee and
     ▪ If you have questions about online enrollment, or if you
                                                                                 dependent SSNs are masked in the enrollment tool, which means that the
           experience difficulty enrolling, contact the Employee Service         first five digits are not visible on the screen.
           Center (ESC) at 1-800 MY DELTA (1-800-693-3582), Monday
           through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. International callers should    Q. I CAN’T FIND MY DEPENDENT’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER,
           dial 404-677-8000.                                                    WHAT DO I DO?
                                                                                 A. If you do not have the dependent SSN card, you may find your
Q. WHY DOES DELTA ASK FOR MY DEPENDENT’S SSN? WHY IS                             dependent SSN data on the previous year’s tax return or by contacting the
THIS INFORMATION IMPORTANT?                                                      Social Security Administration (SSA) directly to have a replacement card
A. It’s a federal government requirement. In order to comply with the            ordered at:
requirements of the Affordable Care Act, Delta must request that
employees provide Social Security Numbers for every health and welfare           Q. I’M NOT COMFORTABLE PROVIDING SSNS AND I CHOOSE NOT
eligible dependent so that mandatory reporting can be made to the                TO PARTICIPATE.
government.                                                                      A. If you don’t provide your SSN and the SSNs of all covered dependents
                                                                                 to the sponsor of the coverage, the IRS may not be able to match the
Q. WHAT IS THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (ACA)?                                        Form 1095-C with the individual(s) to determine that they have complied
A. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a United States federal statute,             with the Individual Shared Responsibility provision. This means that the
signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010, enacted with            IRS may assess penalties for not complying with the individual mandate
the goals of increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance for    or may directly contact you for the SSN of your dependents
individuals and the government. The law requires a number of mandates,
subsidies and insurance exchanges, all meant to expand coverage,                 Q. WILL A CONFIRMATION STATEMENT BE MAILED TO ME ONCE
guarantee more choice, reduce costs, and enhance the quality of care for         OPEN ENROLLMENT ENDS?
all Americans. This is sometimes referred to as “healthcare reform” or           A. No, confirmation statements will not be mailed, so be sure to print a
“Obamacare.”                                                                     copy of your confirmation statement when you complete your enrollment.
                                                                                 You may also print one at any time from Benefits Direct.
INFORMATION ON MY DEPENDENTS?                                                    Q. IF I DON’T MAKE A NEW ELECTION FOR 2018 COVERAGE, WILL
A. Under the ACA, the federal government, state governments, insurers,           MY CURRENT ELECTION ROLL OVER TO NEXT YEAR?
employers and individuals are given shared responsibility to reform and          A. Generally, yes. Employees will default to their current coverage, or the
improve the availability, quality and affordability of health insurance          plan option most similar to what they have today, at 2018 premium costs,
coverage in the United States. Starting in January 2014, the Individual          if they do not make an active election during Open Enrollment. However,
Shared Responsibility Provision of the ACA (sometimes called the                 contribution elections to Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Spending
individual mandate) requires each individual to have minimum essential           Accounts do not carryover from the prior year, so employees wanting to
health coverage for each month of the calendar year, or make a payment           contribute to an HSA or FSA will need to make those contribution
to the IRS when filing his / her federal income tax return. All entities (such   elections during Open Enrollment.
It is very important that you do not simply default during Open              Q. IF I SWITCH FROM AN HRA TO AN HSA MEDICAL OPTION THIS
Enrollment without fully exploring your options. The medical option you       YEAR, IS IT TRUE THAT I CAN KEEP MY LEFTOVER HRA DOLLARS
chose last year may not be the best option for the coming year.               TO USE THEM NEXT YEAR WITH MY HSA?
                                                                              A. Yes- participants with an HRA balance on 12/31 who enroll in an HSA
Q. CAN I CHANGE MY ELECTIONS UNTIL THE LAST DAY OF OPEN                       medical option for 2018 can keep their HRA account. The account will
ENROLLMENT?                                                                   become a post-deductible HRA. There are some important things to
A. Yes, enrollment changes can take place anytime during the enrollment       know about how the post-deductible HRA works. Because your account
period. The enrollment period for active and inactive employees, retirees     is tax-advantaged, IRS rules determine when and how your account
and survivors will end at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on November 17, 2017.       balance can be used. Basically, it can be used after you meet the IRS-
The elections you have in effect at that time will be binding for the 2018    required minimum deductible amount for 2018 which is $1,350 for
plan year, unless you later have a qualified life event that permits you to   individual coverage or $2,700 for employee + spouse, employee +
make changes.                                                                 children or employee + family coverage, regardless of which HSA medical
                                                                              option you have elected.
YEAR? CAN I MAKE CHANGES TO MY BENEFITS?                                      The IRS required deductible is not the same as the medical plan
A. If you have a qualified life event during the year, such as your spouse    deductible for all of our HSA medical options. For example, in the Silver
losing his or her job and healthcare coverage or the birth or adoption of a   HSA medical option, the individual deductible is $2,700- which is more
new child, you will be able to make benefit enrollment changes specific to    than the IRS required individual deductible of $1350. Therefore, under this
your life event within 60 days after the event.                               option, the post-deductible HRA will begin to pay your medical expenses
                                                                              half-way through the medical plan deductible, and if your HRA balance is
HEALTHCARE                                                                    that large, would cover the remaining $1,350 of your individual deductible.
                                                                              You will not be able to allocate these funds to cover specific expenses the
Q. WHAT ARE THE IRS RULES FOR HAVING AN HSA?                                  way you can with your Health Savings Account dollars. HRA and post-
1. You must be enrolled in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) to be         deductible HRA funds are both automatically used to cover eligible
    eligible for an HSA. An HDHP is a health insurance plan that usually      expenses as you incur them and are paid directly from UHC. Like an HRA,
    has lower premiums and higher deductibles than a traditional health       your post-deductible HRA is not portable and is forfeited if you leave
    plan. The IRS requires that in order to be eligible to receive the tax    Delta. For additional information view the Post-Deductible HRA FAQ in
    advantages of an HSA, medical plan deductibles are no lower than          the document library on OE HQ.
    $1,305 for individual coverage and $2,700 for employee + spouse,
    employee + children, or family coverage.                                  Q. CAN I HAVE A LIMITED-PURPOSE FLEXIBLE SPENDING
                                                                              ACCOUNT (LPFSA) IF I ELECT AN HSA MEDICAL OPTION?
2.   You cannot be covered by another plan that is not an HDHP. This          A. Yes, you can have a LPFSA with your HSA. Because both accounts are
     means that you cannot be covered under a spouse’s non-HDHP plan,         tax-advantaged, IRS rules determine when and how your account balance
     Medicare, or Tricare, and still be eligible to contribute to an HSA.     can be used. Your LPFSA can be used to pay for eligible vision and dental
     (For more information on Medicare and HSAs see the document              expenses at any time during the plan year and can be used to cover
     titled Active and Turning 65 Fact Sheet On OE HQ)                        medical and prescription drug expenses after you meet your annual
                                                                              deductible. You must meet your full annual deductible before your LPFSA
3.   Another requirement to be eligible to contribute to an HSA is related    can be used to reimburse you for medical and prescription drug expenses.
     to “First Dollar Coverage”: First dollar coverage refers to benefits
     where the plan's copay or coinsurance is available from the start,       Q. CAN I HAVE A LIMITED-PURPOSE FLEXIBLE SPENDING
     regardless of the deductible. With an HSA plan, first dollar coverage    ACCOUNT (LPFSA) IF I ELECT AN HSA MEDICAL OPTION AND I
     is only available for certain preventive care benefits, such as an       HAVE A POST- DEDUCTIBLE HRA?
     annual physical or certain drugs considered preventive based on IRS      A. Yes, you can have a LPFSA with your HSA and post-deductible HRA.
     guidance. Other than preventive care, you will have to satisfy your      However, if you have a post-deductible HRA with your HSA and LPFSA,
     deductible before any copayment or coinsurance benefits can go           your post-deductible HRA dollars will automatically be used first to cover
     into effect.                                                             medical and prescription drug expenses once you have met the annual
                                                                              IRS required deductible of $1,350 for individual coverage or $2,700 for
For more information on HSAs visit OE HQ or visit and look            employee + spouse, employee + children or employee + family coverage.
for Publication 969.                                                          UnitedHealthcare will automatically use your post-deductible HRA dollars
                                                                              to pay your portion of expenses once you have met the IRS required

deductible. Of course, the same expense cannot be covered twice under           a choice about where we receive services, but when we do it’s important
the post-deductible HRA, LPFSA or the HSA.                                      to consider the options carefully.

For more details on how the post-deductible HRA will work with the              When you receive certain diagnostic imaging services such as CT scans
LPFSA please review the FSA Summary document available on OE HQ.                (“cat scans”) and MRIs at a hospital, they are more expensive than if you
                                                                                received the same services at an alternate facility such as a free-standing
Q. WILL I RECEIVE NEW MEDICAL ID CARDS AFTER OPEN                               diagnostic imaging center.
A. UnitedHealthcare will print and mail a new medical ID card to those          Participants in the Delta Account-Based Medical Plan will be charged a
whose enrollment has changed (i.e. you enroll in a different plan), to          surcharge of $250 when they receive these types of services at a more
newly enrolled participants, and to those who change their covered              costly facility, such as a hospital, when the same services could have been
dependents for 2018; otherwise, your current card will remain valid in          rendered at an alternate facility such as a freestanding diagnostic imaging
2018.                                                                           center.

Q. ARE THERE CHANGES TO THE ANNUAL MAXIMUM                                      Preventive care services such as mammograms and colonoscopies are not
CONTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED IN A HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT IN                            subject to the additional surcharge. Also, when a participant has been
2018?                                                                           admitted to the hospital for inpatient care, such services received at the
A. Yes. The contribution maximum for employee only coverage is                  hospital will not be assessed the surcharge.
increasing to $3,500 annually in 2018. Likewise, the contribution
maximum for employee + spouse, employee +child(ren), and employee +             This $250 surcharge applies to Network and Non-Network Services for
family is increasing to $6,900 annually in 2018. You may also contribute        non-hospitalized patients and must be paid in addition to the annual
an additional $1,000 if you are or will be at least age 55 by the end of        deductible and coinsurance amount for the applicable covered service.
2018 and eligible to make catch-up contributions. Keep in mind that             Remember, when you use outpatient services, both you and Delta pay
when it comes to the annual IRS maximum contribution limits that both           less if the service is less expensive.
the money that Delta deposits and the pre-tax money you deposit count
towards the annual maximum contribution limit.                                  Q. HOW WILL I KNOW IF THE PLACE I AM RECEIVING SERVICES IS
                                                                                A FREESTANDING FACILITY?
Q. WHY IS DELTA ENCOURAGING PARTICIPATION IN HEALTH                             A. If your doctor gives you an order for an MRI or other diagnostic
SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSA) MEDICAL OPTIONS?                                          imaging, you can quickly check to see what in-network facilities you have
A. HSAs encourage people to take better control of their health and be          available to you and if they are freestanding by visiting and
smarter healthcare consumers. This is important for all of us, since Delta      using the Find a Doctor search function. This tool allows you to locate
is self-insured and we cover the cost for all medical claims together. By       facilities within your area and will clearly identify them as freestanding.
enrolling in an HSA medical option, employees have the opportunity to           You can also download the Health4me app, which will allow you to
make tax-free contributions from their pay checks to a health savings           access the provider search, ID cards, claims and account information, and
account administered by Optum Bank. Contributions are also made by              more from your mobile device. On the mobile app you can sort your
Delta to an employee’s HSA based on the employee’s participation in             results by freestanding facilities.
Delta Health Rewards and whether or not the employee covers children
under the medical plan. These tax-free contributions can be used to help        For assistance in locating a facility, you can talk to the doctor ordering the
pay for eligible medical, prescription drug, dental and vision expenses. It’s   procedure, or you can contact Delta Health Direct at 877-912-1820.
a great savings vehicle with significant tax advantages, and your account
is available now or in the future – when you may need more healthcare.
The funds can also be used to pay Medicare and Medicare supplemental
                                                                                DELTA HEALTH REWARDS
plan premiums. An HSA is not a “use-it-or-lose it” account. It is yours to      (Applies to active and inactive employees enrolled in
keep, even after you leave Delta. That is not the case with the HRA             an account-based medical option)
                                                                                THERE IS STILL TIME TO EARN DELTA HEALTH REWARDS
                                                                                SAVINGS ACCOUNT OR IN YOUR HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT
A. The cost of receiving certain services can vary significantly by the
facility in which you choose to receive the services. We don’t always have
                                                                                ACCOUNT IN 2017

Q. WHAT IS THE DELTA HEALTH REWARDS PROGRAM?                                  Personal health information is protected by privacy laws. None of your
A. Delta Health Rewards is a voluntary rewards program designed to            individual health details will be shared with Delta - ever.
provide financial incentives to encourage you to become more engaged in
improving your health. Active and inactive employees and spouses and,         The health survey is a questionnaire that was created by health experts.
through the end of 2017, same-sex domestic partners enrolled in a Delta       All of the questions included are intended to create a health risk score
account-based medical option can earn dollars by completing certain           (known as your Rally Age) for each individual based on the answers
health actions each year. Retirees and COBRA participants are not eligible    provided. This risk score is intended to help create awareness of the areas
for Delta Health Rewards.                                                     of an individual’s personal health or lifestyle behaviors that might benefit
                                                                              from increased attention or proactive changes to live longer, healthier
Q. WHAT IS THE MEASUREMENT PERIOD FOR DELTA HEALTH                            lives. Delta does not receive your answers. The answers go to
REWARDS IN 2017?                                                              UnitedHealthcare who may use them to reach out to you through the
A. Delta Health Rewards began on Jan 1 and ends on Dec 31 in 2017. The        Delta Health Direct program. This program is administered by
rewards you earn in 2017 are applied real-time, meaning funds are             UnitedHealthcare nurses, specialists and wellness coaches. There are
received shortly after completion of health actions.                          many disease management and health improvement programs offered by
                                                                              this service and it is included in the fee we pay UnitedHealthcare. Since
Q. ARE THERE CHANGES TO THE DELTA HEALTH REWARDS                              you pay for this service as part of your healthcare premium, Delta wants
PROGRAM FOR 2018?                                                             you and your spouse to have every opportunity to hear about and use
A. Yes! In order to make Delta Health Rewards more personal to you,           these programs.
Delta will be offering additional health actions in 2018 such as
recommended preventive cancer screenings, 2.0+ BMI improvement, and           You can be assured that the information provided through the health
participation in specific programs for diabetic support/compliance,           survey is not used now, and will never be used, to deny coverage for any
maternity support, spine and joint “Centers of Excellence” and cancer         individual based on a chronic condition he/she may have, or may develop
support.                                                                      over time. Delta has never denied coverage for pre-existing conditions,
                                                                              and does not intend to start now (and could not do so in any event). This
Just as in 2017, 2018 rewards will be applied real-time, so make sure you     practice is not allowed by any employer or health plan in the future as
complete all health actions by November 30, 2018. This will give the          healthcare reform restricts this.
rewards program time to process your completed actions and make your
deposit before the end of the calendar year – so that appropriate W-2         Q. WHEN WILL I KNOW MORE ABOUT DELTA HEALTH REWARDS
reporting can be finalized by January. Stay tuned in 2018 for more detailed   FOR 2018?
information on the 2018 Delta Health Rewards program.                         A. Information about the 2018 Delta Health Rewards year will be mailed
                                                                              to your home and available online in mid-November.
A. We’re working together to build a healthier Delta. Our Delta Health
Rewards program encourages you to “know your numbers” for key health
                                                                              Q. ARE THERE ANY CHANGES TO THE DENTAL OPTIONS FOR 2018?
measures and get regular preventative care, both of which can help you
                                                                              A. There are no changes to the dental options for 2018.
manage risks and lead to a better quality of life. This is a great way for
you to take your health into your own hands, and it can also help you earn
                                                                              Q. WILL PREMIUMS CHANGE FOR 2018 DENTAL COVERAGE?
dollars to pay for your medical costs.
                                                                              A. Premiums are increasing by no more than $1-$2 per month for the
                                                                              Basic option and $3 - $6 per month for the Comprehensive option
We have many stories now of people making meaningful changes in their
                                                                              depending on which coverage level you elect.
lives that have dramatically improved their health and wellbeing – we
even have a few stories of people whose lives were saved because they
                                                                              Q. WILL I RECEIVE A NEW DENTAL ID CARD FOR 2018?
got their annual physical. Healthier employees are better able to focus
                                                                              A. ID cards are not required and are not sent by MetLife. But, if you want
their attention and energy on serving our customers and over the long run,
                                                                              one, you can print your own ID card beginning in 2018 by logging on to
improved health will slow the rate of increase in our healthcare spending.
                                                                              HOW CAN I FIND PARTICIPATING DENTISTS?
                                                                              A. You can log on to or call 1-855-700-
A. Your participation in Delta Health Rewards, including biometric
                                                                              7992 to find a participating dentist. Make sure you log on to the site with
screenings and the online health survey, is voluntary and confidential.
                                                                              your MetLife user ID and password to have access to the most recent list
of dentists available to you. If you don’t log on, you will not be recognized   A. Under the Standard Option, optional STD benefit payments begin after
as a Delta plan member and will access the general site which may not           you have been absent for seven calendar days due to a non-work-related
display all dentists available to you.                                          illness or injury, or pregnancy and your Certified Time balance has been
You can also find a dentist with the MetLife mobile App. Search “MetLife”       Under the 30 Day Option, optional STD benefit payments begin after the
in the iTunes App Store or Google Play to download the App. Then, use           30th day of your approved absence due to a non-work-related illness or
your MetLife log on information to locate participating dentists in your        injury, or pregnancy and after your Certified Time balance has been
area. You can also use the App to view your plan summary and claims.            exhausted. Your optional STD coverage will begin no earlier than the 31st
                                                                                day of your approved absence.
                                                                                Q. WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO ENROLL IN THE 30 DAY SHORT-TERM
A. Yes. Delta is partnering with a new vision administrator, EyeMed in          A. Flight attendants and ground employees with less than 40 days of
2018. EyeMed offers enhanced vision benefits and has over 91,000                Certified Time are eligible to enroll in the 30 Day Option.
providers including LensCrafters, Pearle Vision, Target Optical, and Sears
Optical.                                                                        Q. WHY ARE EMPLOYEES WITH 40 OR MORE DAYS OF CERTIFIED
                                                                                TIME NOT ELIGIBLE TO ENROLL IN THE 30 DAY OPTION?
Q. WILL PREMIUMS CHANGE FOR 2018 VISION COVERAGE?                               A. The 30 Day Option provides a less expensive premium because
A. Yes. Premiums will decrease slightly from 2017 premiums across all           participants wait for 30 days for benefits to begin. Employees with 40 or
tiers. Employees will enjoy more benefits at a lower price.                     more days of Certified Time already receive a reduction in their Optional
                                                                                STD premiums because their optional STD benefit payments will not
Q. WILL I BE ABLE TO SEE MY CURRENT VISION PROVIDER?                            begin until at least the 41st day of their approved disability absence – after
A. Yes, but you will want to make sure your current vision provider is in       their Certified Time is exhausted.
EyeMed’s network, or you will likely pay a higher out-of-pocket expenses
Visit and click on Find a Provider. In the choose          Q. IF I HAVEN’T ENROLLED IN OPTIONAL STD COVERAGE IN THE
network box, select Insight.                                                    PAST, WILL I HAVE TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF INSURABILITY (EOI)
                                                                                IF I ENROLL THIS YEAR?
Q. WILL EYEMED HAVE ANY OTHER NEW BENEFITS?                                     A. Eligible employees who have waived coverage previously and elect to
A. Yes. Employees enrolling in the 2018 vision option will receive an           enroll during this fall’s Open Enrollment will be required to provide EOI.
increased allowance for frames, a discount on non-prescription
sunglasses at Sunglass Hut, and for the ability to use both the contacts        Q. IF I’M CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN THE STANDARD OPTION, WILL I
and frames allowances in the same calendar year, just to name a few. Visit      NEED TO SUBMIT EOI TO ENROLL IN THE 30 DAY OPTION?
OE HQ to see all EyeMed has to offer!                                           A. Employees who are enrolled in the Standard Option will not be
                                                                                required to provide EOI if they elect the 30 Day Option during an Open
Q. WILL I RECEIVE A NEW VISION ID CARD FOR 2018?                                Enrollment period.
A. ID cards are not required, but they will be sent by EyeMed in the
welcome packet just in time for the new plan year.                              Q. WHAT IF I SWITCH FROM THE 30 DAY OPTION TO THE
                                                                                STANDARD OPTION DURING OPEN ENROLLMENT?
DISABILITY (For Flight Attendant and Ground                                     A. Employees who are enrolled in the 30 Day Option and elect to enroll in
Employees)                                                                      the Standard Option during this fall’s Open Enrollment will be required to
                                                                                provide EOI.
                                                                                Q. WHY SHOULD I ENROLL IN OPTIONAL STD COVERAGE?
A. Your banked Certified Time is automatically applied beginning on the
                                                                                A. Just as preventive care can help prevent future illness, disability
first day of your approved absence as long as the absence is longer than 7
                                                                                coverage can help prevent financial hardship if you become disabled. If
calendar days and you have at least 6.01 days of Certified Time. This
                                                                                you become disabled due to a non-work-related injury or illness, the first
allows you to preserve other forms of paid time off like PPT and vacation
                                                                                seven days of your absence may be covered by any available Paid
in the event of extended illness.
                                                                                Personal Time (PPT) and/or vacation. Certified Time, if you have at least
                                                                                6.01 days, may also be used beginning on the first day of your approved
                                                                                absence and is payable until exhausted. Without optional STD coverage,
                                                                                you will have no pay protection after your Certified Time is exhausted
until long-term disability coverage begins after 26 weeks of your
approved disability absence. Can you afford to go several months without              Q. HOW DO I CHANGE MY BENEFICIARY FOR BASIC AND
pay protection? If you are not enrolled in Optional STD and decide to                 OPTIONAL LIFE INSURANCE?
enroll during Open Enrollment, you will need to provide EOI.                          A. Open enrollment each year is a good time to review your beneficiaries.
                                                                                      It is also important for you to update your beneficiaries when you have life
OPTIONAL LIFE INSURANCE AND GROUP ACCIDENT                                            event changes such as marriage or divorce. If you do not, your life
                                                                                      insurance benefit may not be paid to the person(s) you intend – like an ex-
(AD&D) INSURANCE                                                                      spouse instead of your current spouse. To add, change or delete your
                                                                                      basic life and optional life insurance beneficiaries, log on to
                                                                             You can also complete and mail a paper
                                                                                      beneficiary form found on the HR Benefits page on DeltaNet.
A. There are no changes to optional life insurance coverage for 2018.
                                                                                      As the employee, you are automatically the beneficiary for your spouse
There are also no rate increases this year, but your premium for optional
                                                                                      life and child life insurance benefits.
life insurance coverage will change in 2018 if your age on your birthday in
2018 ends in a zero or a five. If your age in 2018 ends in a zero or five (for
                                                                                      Q. DO I HAVE TO SUBMIT AN EOI AND ANSWER HEALTH
example, if you turn 45 or 50 years old), you will be moving into a new
                                                                                      QUESTIONS TO ENROLL IN AD&D AND PRIVATE PILOTS ACCIDENT
five-year age bracket on your birthday and your optional life premium will
increase at that time.
                                                                                      A. No. EOI or proof of good health is not required to enroll in or increase
                                                                                      AD&D and private pilot’s accident insurance.
                                                                                      Q. HOW DO I CHANGE MY BENEFICIARY FOR GROUP ACCIDENT
                                                                                      INSURANCE AND PRIVATE PILOT’S ACCIDENT INSURANCE?
A. We encourage you to complete the online MetLife SOH form during the
                                                                                      A. If you wish to change your beneficiary for group accident insurance and
Open Enrollment period as you may be immediately approved for your
                                                                                      private pilot’s accident insurance log on to https://secure.visit-
requested life insurance coverage increase; however, if you are unable to
                                                                             You can also complete and mail a paper
complete the online MetLife SOH during the Open Enrollment period, you
                                                                                      beneficiary form found on the HR Benefits page on DeltaNet.
can request a paper SOH form, also referred to as the MetLife EOI form, at
the end of your enrollment period by calling the Employee Service Center
(ESC) at 1-800 MY DELTA (1-800-693-3582), Monday through Friday, 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. International callers should dial 404-677-8000. You
must return the paper MetLife Statement of Health form to MetLife within
30 days from the date you receive the paper form.

The information in this publication is only a summary of the benefit plans and other employee programs offered to employees, retirees, and survivors of Delta
Air Lines and its subsidiaries. The eligibility rules of the plans and programs described vary and not all employees and retirees may be eligible for the programs
and plans described here. For a complete discussion of eligibility rules, please refer to the plan or program documents or the summary plan descriptions located
on Benefits Direct. If any conflicts arise between this publication and any plan or program documents, the plan or program documents will control.

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