The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates' Discourse
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doi:10.5477/cis/reis.175.129 The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates’ Discourse La emergencia climática en los debates electorales españoles de 2019: un análisis funcional del discurso de los candidatos David Vicente Torrico Key words Abstract Climate Electoral debates are unmissable events for candidates and voters in • Debate modern societies. In 2019, political leaders held a total of 5 debates • Elections in Spain. To date, environmental policy has been largely forgotten • Emergency in this type of event. However, the growing concern at the social, • Spain media and political level means that there is a likelihood of them being included in the campaign. This study starts with a content analysis to identify the presence of environmental discourses in electoral debates and applies Functional Theory and Framing Theory to determine the content, form and framing used. The results showed a progressive inclusion of the climate emergency into electoral debates, described in terms of ideological confrontation and in economic terms. Palabras clave Resumen Clima Los debates electorales representan una cita ineludible para candidatos • Debate y electorado en las sociedades modernas. En España se han celebrado • Elecciones un total de 5 encuentros entre los líderes políticos durante el año 2019. • Emergencia Hasta la fecha, la política medioambiental ha sido la gran olvidada • España en este tipo de eventos. Sin embargo, la creciente preocupación a nivel social, mediático y político permite augurar su incorporación a la campaña. Nuestra investigación parte del análisis de contenido para detectar la presencia de discursos medioambientales durante los debates, y aplica la teoría funcional y el framing para determinar el contenido, la forma y el encuadre utilizado. Los resultados demuestran una progresiva incorporación de la emergencia climática a los debates electorales, descrita en términos de enfrentamiento ideológico y en clave económica. Citation Vicente Torrico, David (2021). “The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates’ Discourse”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológi- cas, 175: 129-144. ( David Vicente Torrico: Universidad de Valladolid | Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
130 The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates’ Discourse Introduction sults were compared to the findings in similar studies for other countries world- The year 2019 saw a rebirth of environmen- wide, in order to assess the degree of ac- tal awareness. It was also a turbulent time ceptance of ecological awareness among in politics, with two general elections in ba- national politicians. rely seven months. Social movements had taken a leading role at a time of unprece- dented climate action. Theoretical framework The driving force of a new generation, The political discourse of modern demo- which is aware of the Earth’s limits and of cracies cannot be understood without the the need to urgently meet this challenge, involvement of television, a great ally that has attracted the interest of the media. This has allowed candidates to reach out to resulted in an exponential increase in the broad sectors of the population practically media space given to climate change in from its birth. This phenomenon was bap- 2019 (Fernández, 2019), and promoted im- tised by Sartori as video-politics or tele- portant changes in its news coverage. vised politics (1998: 66) and has brought The climate summits held in New York profound changes to parties’ campaign and Madrid; the fires in the Amazon, Aus- strategy. While still resorting to the tradi- tralia, California and the Canary Islands; tional methods such as using posters, ha- the record-high temperatures in Europe ving a presence in public squares, sen- during that summer; the floods in vari- ding election communications and holding ous areas of the Mediterranean basin; rallies, public events are only performed and the ecological collapse of the Mar where cameras are present. This is based Menor, among others have been promi- on the understanding, as Semetko stated nently featured in the news stories in re- (1996: 254), that most voters relate to par- cent months. ties through television, which becomes the This climate for political change and the political agora (Ramonet, 1997). profound changes in the media and so- However, the one campaign event to cial sphere beg the question as to whether which the parties devote special attention the candidates to government in Spain in- is the electoral debate, a dialectical bat- cluded the climate emergency into their tle between the candidates where they electoral discourse for the first time in make their proposals known to the elec- Spanish history. torate directly, without the filter imposed The study begins with a state-of-the- by the media in their daily coverage. These art review on electoral debates in Spain, events are greatly anticipated by the pop- which serves as a starting point to de- ulation and attract viewers in the millions. limit the object of analysis: the electoral They are therefore crucial for parties to ob- debates held in 2019. By using functional tain votes, especially from those members analysis and framing theory, the speeches of the public who are undecided about made by the different participants is stud- which candidate they will support (Mapelli, ied to check whether this topic was in- 2010). cluded in the agenda of the political nar- In Spain, a total of 13 televised elec- rative in a social and media context prone toral debates have been held between the to awareness of the climate emergency, candidates in a run up to a general elec- and if so, what kind of discursive param- tion (Quintas Froure, González Neira and eters were used. Finally, the Spanish re- Conde Vázquez, 2020: 86), the last three Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
David Vicente Torrico 131 of which took place in 2019, in the context ing of a new electoral debate was a mile- of marked political instability. This figure stone in the history of Spanish television. is comparatively small considering those With audience figures of nearly 13 million, countries with a greater tradition in holding it was the most viewed event to date (Bar- debates (Herrero and Benoit, 2009), and lovento, 2019). may account for the scarcity of research in The emergence of new political forma- the field by Spanish academics. tions in 2015, most notably Podemos and Although some authors have attrib- Ciudadanos, represented the end of the uted the birth of this new format in Spain classic “face-to-face” event, and the explo- to the “face-to-face” debates between ration of new, more dynamic television for- Felipe González and José María Aznar in mats which included more participants. In May 1993 (Quintas Froufe and Quintas this way, the new parties sought to become Froufe, 2010; Castromil and Rodríguez, legitimised through the cameras of Atres- 2019), it was in the early years of democ- media, despite the absence of the then racy in Spain that the first televised po- President of the Government, Mariano Ra- litical battles were held. At that time, a joy, who was only prepared to debate with television show called La Clave hosted the leader of the opposition. an eight-way electoral debate, although Given the breakdown of the two-party the two main candidates to office, Felipe system and the institutional deadlock in González (PSOE) and Manuel Fraga (AP), Spain in 2019, two electoral campaigns chose to send their deputies (Paniagua and five televised debates have been held. Rojano, 2004). It would not be until 2008, This has faced a growing climate of dis- with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero as can- trust and political weariness among the didate for re-election and Mariano Rajoy population (Arceo, Álvarez and Serrano, as opposition leader, that a political de- 2020: 32), whose interest in debates has bate would be broadcast on television notably decreased, as can be seen in Fig- again. After almost 15 years, the hold- ure 1 below: FIGURE 1. Viewing figures of electoral debates on Spanish television Sánchez - Casado - Rivera - Iglesias - Abascal El Debate 4N (04/11/2019) 8,600,000 Sánchez - Casado - Rivera - Iglesias Debate RTVE (22/04/2019) 8,800,000 Rajoy - Sánchez - Rivera - Iglesias Deb4te 2016 (13/06/2016) 10,400,000 González - Aznar El Debate Decisivo (31/05/1993) 10,500,000 Zapatero - Rajoy 2008 Debate (03/03/2008) 11,900,000 Rubalcaba - Rajoy 2011 El Debate (07/11/2011) 12,000,000 Zapatero - Rajoy 2008 Debate (25/02/2008) 13,000,000 0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 14,000,000 Source: STATISTA_ES (2019). Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
132 The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates’ Discourse In addition to the obvious weariness whether the rise in environmental aware- caused by the holding of the general elec- ness in the year of the election (CIS, 2018; tion twice in one year, with abstention European Commission, 2019; Real Instituto rates rising to nearly 40% (Micovic, Alsina Elcano, 2019) and the narrative transforma- and Anaya, 2020: 190), the loss of inter- tions driven by the media ecosystem have est in the most recent debates could also triggered the inclusion of the climate emer- be related to the use of a tightly-controlled gency in the discourse of government can- structure, in which the thematic blocks are didates. agreed in advance, speaking time is limited and candidates’ contributions are more like a succession of prefabricated speeches Objectives and hypothesis than a real confrontation of ideas, with lit- tle room for improvisation (Castromil and The main objective that has guided this re- Rodríguez, 2019; Mapelli, 2010; Soengas search, as noted in the introductory chap- Pérez, 2009). ter, is to identify whether the climate emer- The prior negotiation of the topics of dis- gency was included in the discourse of the cussion has been a characteristic of these candidates to the presidency of the Spa- debates, which has been at the root of the nish Government during the electoral de- little attention paid to environmental deg- bates before the general election held in radation over the past decade, as dem- 2019. onstrated by the studies by Martínez Alier Specifically, the arguments put forward (2011) and Gutiérrez Hurtado (2016). On the by each of the participants will be ana- contrary, when debates are organised, pref- lysed in order to identify which function erence is clearly given to issues that entail ideological confrontation (Castromil and Ro- predominates in the construction of the cli- dríguez, 2020). This contrasts with electoral mate emergency narrative; this will include processes in English-speaking countries, counting the number of attacks, defences where the environmental crisis is highly and proposals made by the different politi- controversial, and opinions are still very po- cal leaders, in accordance with the selected larised. In this regard, some studies have methodology. analysed meetings in the UK (Carter, 2015), A framing analysis will be used to pro- Canada (Jones, 2008; Houle, 2014), the US vide a snapshot of the political debate sur- (Mathiesen, 2016) and Australia (Gascoigne, rounding the climate emergency, taking into 2008; Gurney, 2014), which have pointed to account the content of the messages. The a partisan use of the climate issue (Carter, focus will be on whether the candidates’ 2006). discourse addresses this problem from the The literature highlights two major as- point of view of causes, impacts and/or so- pects: on the one hand, the greatest en- lutions. vironmental threat of our time is generally The initial hypothesis is that the de- absent from the topics of debate; and on bates held in 2019 in Spain saw the de- the other, the paucity of academic publi- finitive inclusion of the climate crisis into cations on this issue, as the elections that the electoral debates, with a marked pre- have been analysed correspond to periods dominance of proposals as opposed to re- in office that have already come to an end. proaches and a mainly economic focus; The study proposed here seeks to provide it prevailed over proposals related to the an update for the state of the art on elec- consumption model, healthcare and secu- toral debates in Spain, but also to ascertain rity. Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
David Vicente Torrico 133 Methodology content of their discourse could refer to their attributes and qualities, such as pre- The methodological design of this study paredness, honesty, and leadership, or started with a content analysis (Berelson, focus on political aspects, such as past 1952) of the speeches made by the can- events, future plans and general goals. didates for the Spanish presidency during In addition, this theory provides a sec- the electoral debates held in 2019: Debate ond level of analysis for each candidate’s a 4 (RTVE, 22 April 2019), El debate deci- speeches, which could be in the form of sivo (Atresmedia, 23 April 2019), Debate a proposal or acclaim, an attack on their a 7 (RTVE, 1 November 2019), Debate a 5 opponent, or a defence and reparation of (Academia, 4 November 2019) and La úl- their image. tima oportunidad (La Sexta, 7 November Given the controversial nature of the 2019). climate crisis, Framing Theory (Goffman, The broadcasts were compiled, and all 1974) was included in the methodological the arguments related to the climate cri- design. This approach reveals the proc- sis were transcribed in full, whether they ess by which an issuer conveys a particu- were presented in the presentation slot, lar view of the facts, supporting their argu- in the golden minute, or in any of the the- ment with ideas that provide a particular matic blocks. A total of 64 fragments were sense of reality. The classification pro- obtained, as part of 32 speaking slots or posed by Snow and Benford (1992) was speeches. They were catalogued accord- used to study the different frames con- ing to the debate in which they appeared, tained in the candidates’ narratives. This the time when they were produced, their classifies the different discourse frames by duration, and the participant who uttered distinguishing between diagnosis, progno- them. sis, and motivation. The treatment of the selected speeches Given that the focus of the study was was based on two theories about the ob- on the political representation of the cli- jectives set out in the previous section: mate emergency, the categories pro- the Functional Theory of Political Cam- posed by Vicente Torrico (2019: 125) were paign Discourse and Framing Theory or used. In these, the author identifies the Framing. discourse about the (anthropogenic and Functional Theory relies on the re- natural) causes and impacts of climate search by the American William L. Be- change (on the ice, ocean, and land sur- noit, who has dedicated a large part of his face) using the diagnostic function; the academic life to the analysis of electoral provision of solutions (mitigation, preven- speeches during the different elections tion, and reaction) using the prognostic held in the United States. Perhaps for function; and the qualities, skills and abili- this reason, as Téllez, Muñiz and Ramírez ties of the speaker (experience, proposals (2010: 257) pointed out, its implementa- and values) with the motivation of the is- tion outside of North America is still rare. suer of the message. Benoit (2007) started from the idea that Table 1 below shows the methodolog- campaign messages allow candidates to ical instrument that was specifically de- distinguish themselves from the other al- signed to meet the needs of the study’s ob- ternatives, to stand out as the most de- ject: the presence, function and framing of sirable option for the largest number of the discourse on the climate emergency in voters, and thus to win elections. The the electoral debates. Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
134 The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates’ Discourse TABLE 1. Template for the analysis of messages Item code Debate analysed Candidate (Party) Time codes Past achievements Acclamation Diagnostic Future plans Discourse Form Attack Frame Prognostic Political ideals Defence Motivation Qualities and attributes Source: Developed by the author. Results Chronology and duration of climate emergency messages This section discusses the results obtained Firstly, the chronological analysis of the re- in the study of the contributions made by sults revealed a progressive inclusion of the political representatives in the electoral de- climate crisis into the agendas of the diffe- bates held in 2019, taking into account their rent political formations. Most of the spee- date and duration, their content and form ches detected in this area took place in the and, lastly, the framework selected to refer meetings organised in November, as can be to the climate emergency. seen in the following Figure. FIGURE 2. Chronology of climate emergency speeches 700 12 600 Number of contributions 10 500 Duration (seconds) 8 400 6 300 4 200 2 100 0 0 22/04/2019 23/04/2019 01/11/2019 04/11/2019 07/11/2019 Source: Developed by the author. During the first electoral process, a to- The debate in which the climate cri- tal of 4 speeches were counted, with an sis had the greatest presence was the overall duration of less than one minute. In one organised by Televisión Española on contrast, 29 speeches on the climate crisis 1 November. All the spokespersons of the were made in the run-up to the re-run of the seven parliamentary groups participated. elections, which means that more than 16 The inclusion of a specific block dedicated minutes were devoted to this issue. to climate change encouraged dialogue Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
David Vicente Torrico 135 on this issue, with a total of 12 speeches grammes, at around 2.5 % of the broad- of 9 minutes in length. In contrast, the de- casting time. bate with the lowest number of study units With regard to the distribution of time ac- was the one held on 22 April at the head- cording to political groupings, it should be quarters of the Academia de las Ciencias noted that only the Partido Socialista Obrero y las Artes de Televisión de España, the Español, the Partido Popular, Ciudadanos first of the series analysed, in which only and Unidas Podemos participated in all of one of the candidates mentioned the cli- the programmes. They therefore had a clear mate crisis, for just 26 seconds. The av- advantage over the other parties analysed, erage length of the debates analysed was which had less television exposure. For ex- around 2 hours, while the average time ample, Vox only participated in the November dedicated to discussing the climate emer- debates, and the leaders of Esquerra Repub- gency barely exceeded 3 minutes, so it licana de Catalunya and the PNV were only was only tangentially present in the pro- featured in the Debate a 7. TABLE 2. Speeches and duration by political party 22/04/2019 23/04/2019 01/11/2019 04/11/2019 07/11/2019 TOTAL PSOE 1 (0:26) 1 (0:02) 2 (0:50) 3 (1:50) 2 (0:45) 9 (3:53) PP 0 (0:00) 0 (0:00) 2 (1:10) 3 (0:46) 1 (0:30) 6 (2:26) Cs 0 (0:00) 1 (0:17) 2 (0:50) 0 (0:00) 2 (0:45) 5 (1:52) UP 0 (0:00) 1 (0:13) 2 (1:00) 2 (0:45) 2 (0:45) 7 (2:43) VOX — — 2 (2:30) 1 (0:15) 1 (1:15) 4 (4:00) ERC — — 1 (1:45) — — 1 (1:45) PNV — — 1 (0:55) — — 1 (0:55) Source: Developed by the author. Table 2 above shows that, despite not at- climate emergency in all the debates ana- tending the first two debates, Vox was the lysed. The opposition parties, that is, the political party that spent the most time talk- Partido Popular and Ciudadanos, did not ing about the climate, with a total of 4 min- address this issue in two of the debates utes, closely followed by the Partido Social- studied here, and their speaking time was ista Obrero Español, which was the one with significantly lower in the overall count. the highest number of speeches (9). The na- Beyond the quantitative data, which tionalist parties only spoke about this issue in makes it possible to establish a hierarchy one of their speaking slots, but their speech in terms of the parties’ interest in including was longer than the average of the other the climate emergency into their agendas, parties’ messages, which was around half a the electoral debates had a predetermined minute. The speech given by Gabriel Rufián structure that had two particularly impor- (ERC) was particularly remarkable, which as tant points: the introduction and the closing almost two minutes long in a single block. speech, also known as the “golden minute”. Moreover, the Partido Socialista Obrero It is therefore necessary to point out the dif- Español was the only party to address the ferences in this respect. Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
136 The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates’ Discourse The first group to refer to the climate Content and form of climate emergency emergency outside the body of the de- messages bate was Unidas Podemos, at the meeting held on 23 April. They would later repeat In terms of message content, the study this strategy, appealing to their desire for a shows the predominance of political issues green country in the closing minute of the (90%), well ahead of party qualities and attri- last debate. The Partido Socialista Obrero butes (10%), as candidates mainly opted for Español made a similar appeal during the acclaim (75%) as a way of addressing vo- introduction stage of the third debate. ters, as can be seen in the following image. FIGURE 3. Classification of messages by content and form 2% 2% Content 11% 11% Form 50% 23% Attributes and qualities (7) 19% 19% 23% Acclaim (48) 50% Political ideals (12) Attack (15) Past achievements (13) Defensa (1) 20% 20% 75% 75% Future plans (32) Source: Developed by the author. The attribution of qualities such as respect ship in combating the climate crisis. The other for the environment has become evident in parties that displayed their environmental val- the debates only prior to the re-run of the ues on this point were the Partido Popular general election. It was mainly used by Vox and Ciudadanos, with 1 speech each. (3), a party which participated for the first time The regional parties and Unidas Po- in this type of event and used it as a form of demos, for their part, did not refer to the at- self-introduction to its potential voters. tributes and qualities of either their leaders The Partido Socialista Obrero Español, or the values of the groups they represent which held the presidency on both occasions, in any of their speeches, as the following used 2 speaking slots to showcase its leader- Table shows. TABLE 3. Distribution of speeches on attributes and qualities Attributes and PSOE PP Cs UP VOX ERC PNV TOTAL qualities Acclamation 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 Attack 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 4 Defence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source: Developed by the author. Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
David Vicente Torrico 137 The party headed by Santiago Abascal The Partido Socialista Obrero Español (Vox) used this function to attack left-wing opposed this idea. Sánchez pointed out parties and denounce the ideological ap- that the fight against climate change is one propriation of the climate change agenda of his party’s top priorities and accused the and the lack of knowledge about environ- capitalist economic model of causing the mental issues, to ultimately define itself as a collapse of the Mar Menor ecosystem. “conservative party” (note the pun). María Jesús Montero (PSOE): Pedro Sánchez’s Iván Espinosa de los Monteros (Vox): I am as- government has shown clear signs that climate tonished that we could not talk about illegal im- change is a priority for us. migration because we were going to talk about climate change. It is something that is always im- Pedro Sánchez (PSOE): We are seeing it in the posed by the left, and the left is not talking about collapse of the economic model implemented by climate change. the Partido Popular in the Mar Menor in the Mur- cia region, where it has been in power for more The politicisation of the climate emer- than two decades. gency was also pointed out by the spokes- persons of the Partido Popular and Ciu- The next function, in terms of the number dadanos, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo and of times it was used, was to do with politi- Inés Arrimadas, respectively, both of whom cal ideals and general goals desirable for denounced that it was interpreted as a left- the population. These types of claims were wing issue and contrary to progress. found in all political debates, particularly in the meeting with the parliamentary spokes- Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo (PP): On climate change, which they said everyone is now getting persons held at the beginning of November very flashy about, is actually the new agenda of the (6) and in the meeting with the candidates of left with the new environmentalism. It is very good. the 5 major parties (3). The appeal to major environmental ob- Inés Arrimadas (Cs): It is perfectly possible to jectives was used on at least one occa- make the care of the environment compatible with economic growth [...]. And no, you don’t sion by all parties, although it was the Par- need to be a communist and hinder economic tido Socialista Obrero Español (5) that most growth, or to say, as some have said, that capi- often used this function in its speeches, talist economic growth is incompatible with envi- ahead of Unidas Podemos (2), as the fol- ronmental protection. lowing statistics show. TABLE 4. Distribution of speeches on political ideals Political PSOE PP Cs UP VOX ERC PNV TOTAL ideals Acclaim 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 12 Attack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Defence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source: Developed by the author. Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
138 The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates’ Discourse Political leaders agreed on this point, Pedro Sánchez (PSOE): We live in the middle of and noted that the climate emergency is a climate emergency. It is no longer possible to real, as it is already being felt in our envi- talk about the economy, consumption, healthcare, ronment. They all called for immediate ac- and employment without talking about the limits of the environment. tion so that both the country and the planet become green and sustainable. There were Irene Montero (UP): I am here because I have therefore no differences in the discourse three children and I want them to live in a coun- around the general objectives. try where they can breathe clean air [...]. We are going to continue fighting for Spain to be a femi- Gabriel Rufián (ERC): The films that many of us nist country, for it to be an ecological country. have been watching for years always start in the same way, with a scientist who issues a warning, Issues related to hard politics, that is, con- and nobody listens. Well, they are here, they are structions based on past performance and here. We only have one planet, and sometimes proposals to be developed for the next term, we act as if we had two or three. were at the core of the debate, and their pres- Inés Arrimadas (Cs): Yes, there are many, many ence was a constant in all the blocs analysed. people concerned about the quality of the air With regard to policies implemented in their children breathe. Of course, climate change the past, the discourse revolved around par- is something that we are already seeing in our ties with experience in government. Thus, the country and on our planet. Yes, there are many Partido Socialista Obrero Español and the people who are concerned about the overuse of Partido Popular dominated this section with plastic. 5 references each, while the regionalist par- Aitor Esteban (PNV): I believe that there is no way ties and Ciudadanos, which had a presence back in the great green transformation; in fact, I in city councils and regional coalition govern- think that Europe will be promoting it, and I be- ments, only dedicated one speaking time slot lieve that we must do so. to this issue. TABLE 5. Distribution of speeches on past achievements Past PSOE PP Cs UP VOX ERC PNV TOTAL achievements Acclaim 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 7 Attack 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 6 Defence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source: Developed by the author. The most commonly used function to Pedro Sánchez (PSOE): During the last 15 mon- refer to the policies that had been imple- ths, the Spanish Government has done unprece- mented was through acclaim (7), by prais- dented and very powerful work to fight climate ing the government’s performance. The so- change. We have approved an Energy and Cli- cialist discourse showcased the valuable mate Plan [...]. And we have approved a fair tran- sition strategy for the mining basins and for the measures adopted during their 15 months thermal power stations that are at risk of closure in government, such as the Plan de Energía and their areas. y Clima (Energy and Climate Plan) and the Estrategia de Transición Justa (Fair Transi- The debate on past performance also tion Strategy). served as a spearhead for attacking political Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
David Vicente Torrico 139 rivals. It is within this context that the words the opposition for having blocked his Cli- of the Partido Popular’s speakers should be mate Emergency Law, while Adriana Las- interpreted, as they responded to their op- tra (PSOE) recalled the benefits of Madrid ponents by pointing out that their party was Central, now in question after the change of responsible for the major environmental ad- party in the capital’s local government. vances to date. Gabriel Rufián (ERC): We proposed a Climate Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo (PP): You should Emergency Law, as has already been presented start by recognising that it was the PP in 1996, in the Parliament of Catalonia, and an attempt just look at the number of years that have elap- was made to establish it, which, by the way, was sed, that was the first to create a Ministry of the taken to the Constitutional Court by the PP, PSOE Environment, which was headed by Isabel To- and Ciudadanos. cino. And it was in 1997, in Spain, also with the Adriana Lastra (PSOE): One of those measures PP in power, that party you say is so anti-green, was Madrid Central, and here the three right-wing that the Kyoto Protocol was signed. So, let’s parties together wanted to reverse Madrid Central. start with that, shall we? That would be the basic This was a big mistake, as all international organi- point to start discussing this issue. sations have said, and therefore, what I ask you to Pablo Casado (PP): There are no lessons you do is to rectify and commit yourselves to rectify it for the sake of the health of the people in Madrid. can give us in environmental matters, Mr. Sán- chez. We created the first Ministry of the Envi- Plans for the future notably present in ronment, we ratified Kyoto, we ratified Paris, we the discourse produced by the different po- ratified the UN Millennium Development Goals. litical formations (32), and they were partic- We are the ones who have enabled, for example, ularly prominent in the debates in which the Mr. Arias Cañete to be the world leader in the main candidates did not participate, that is, fight against climate change. those held on 1 and 7 November, with the Blocked proposals were also included parties’ deputies occupying the lecterns in in this space. Gabriel Rufián (ERC) blamed front of the cameras. TABLE 6. Distribution of speeches on future plans Future PSOE PP Cs UP VOX ERC PNV TOTAL plans Acclaim 5 3 3 9 0 1 5 26 Attack 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 5 Defence 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Source: Developed by the author. The most proactive group was Unidas companies. This point was shared by the Podemos (9), followed by the Partido So- socialist party, which described it as a dis- cialista Obrero Español (6). Podemos made suasive measure and were committed to the creation of a public energy company its developing the plans already approved in flagship measure. It alluded to this measure previous months; they highlighted the ben- in all the meetings held in November. Po- efits in terms of job creation and support for demos also stressed the need to impose areas threatened by the change in the en- green taxation, which punishes polluting ergy model, such as the mining basins. Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
140 The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates’ Discourse Pablo Iglesias (UP): And finally, Article 128, the we can sanction them. But you are first and fore- real patriotic article that everyone forgets: all the most focused on sanctioning rather than helping. wealth of the country will be subordinated to the general interest. What do we propose to do? A Ana Pastor (PP): This is a responsibility of our ge- public energy company that looks the electricity neration towards future generations, and that is oligopoly in the face, serves to lower electricity why I believe that we should reach a great agree- bills, and serves to undertake an ecological tran- ment at parliamentary level to respect the environ- sition by relying solely on renewables. ment and to make a transition, but always a res- pectful transition. Irene Montero (UP): And those companies that are polluting should pay. Inés Arrimadas (Cs): We need national agree- ments to talk about the environment. For 40 years María Jesús Montero (PSOE): Environmental we have seen the PP and PSOE say one thing in taxation that acts as a deterrent to behaviour opposition and then never do anything in govern- that is harmful to people’s health. ment. We need national agreements. Pedro Sánchez (PSOE): We want to promote a fair ecological transition, I insist, in all those pro- vinces and regions that are going to be affec- Frames used to refer to the climate crisis ted by the paradigm shift in the energy model [...] and thus specifically avoid depopulation and The study of the frames used by the partici- face the demographic challenge. pants in the electoral debates held in 2019 All the opposition parties in the cham- in Spain can provide an accurate snapshot ber considered that the new tax proposals of how the climate crisis was defined by the would be a threat to the economy and em- political leaders. ployment, and they agreed on the need to The electoral discourse addressed this reach a national consensus on the climate situation proactively. Proposing solutions emergency. occupied most of the screen time, spe- cifically 61%. The second frame accord- Albert Rivera (Cs): Mr. Sánchez has forgotten ing to the number of repetitions was mo- that the PSOE’s attack on diesel will benefit the rich. 17 million people, families, drivers [...]. Pre- tivation, that is, a party’s position on the pare your pockets, citizens, because if Sánchez threat and its predisposition to face it, gets to power, he will put his hand in your poc- which amounted accounted for 23% of the kets. speeches made. The diagnostic frame was also prominent; this frame, related to how Iván Espinosa de los Monteros (Vox): In Spain candidates pointed to the origin and con- there are 17, 17 automobile production plants sequences of the climate crisis, which were and many ancillary industries that make their li- identified in 14% of the cases, as can be ving from this. There are hundreds of thousands of jobs that depend on this [...] and the mere seen below. explanation that you are going to ban diesel Looking at the classification of these ap- because of ecological measures, theoretically, proaches by political formation, it can be is generating unemployment, is generating jo- seen that the parties with the greatest parlia- blessness. You, in your ignorance, every time mentary representation were also the most you speak, you make the price of bread rise. likely to take a stance on the climate emer- Rocío Monasterio (Vox): It turns out that those gency. The Partido Socialista Obrero Español you are going to penalise are precisely those and the Partido Popular (4) accounted for who have no savings, the weakest, the working more than half of the motivation frame. How- classes, and Vox’s role is protecting all of them. ever, all political formations participated in First let’s help them make the transition and then the construction of this frame at some point. Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
David Vicente Torrico 141 TABLE 7. Distribution of frames by political party Frame PSOE PP Cs UP VOX ERC PNV TOTAL Motivation 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 15 Diagnosis 3 2 1 1 2 0 1 10 Prognosis 11 5 6 8 2 2 5 39 Source: Developed by the author. The discourse on motivation was marked support in the energy transition, which ranged by the dialectical confrontation between the from the promise made by the government two main blocs that make up the Spanish to invest in areas affected by the reduction in political landscape. Conservative parties carbon emissions, such as the mining basins, positioned themselves as defenders of the to the demand for subsidies for the renewal of capitalist economic model and opposed the cars, promoted by Vox. appropriation of the climate agenda by their Concerning transport-related emissions, opponents. In contrast, the progressive par- Unidas Podemos and the PNV defended ties echoed social mobilisations and were the use of the railway as the backbone of committed to a change of energy paradigm the country, while Esquerra Republicana de to ensure sustainable development. Cataluña advocated the promotion of local When discussing the diagnosis of the cli- businesses. mate crisis, the public representatives em- Finally, the leaders of the two main par- phasised the current consumption model, ties stressed the need to adopt national which is responsible for the high level of agreements on environmental issues that pollution, the abuse of plastic, the inefficient allowed them to face the climate challenge use of transport, and the overcrowding of together, a demand supported by the can- cities and tourist areas. Only Vox blamed didates of Ciudadanos and Esquerra. these problems on the current legislation, where bureaucratic hurdles prevent efficient use of resources. Discussion and conclusion There was also a high degree of con- sensus on the impact of the climate crisis The results confirmed the starting hypothe- among the different political parties. They ses: that the climate emergency has been considered it a cross-cutting problem, affect- included in the discourse of electoral deba- ing consumption, employment and health. tes broadcast on television as an economic The proposed solutions, contained in the issue that raises important conflicting ques- prognostic frame, were presented in eco- tions between right-wing and left-wing blocs. nomic terms. Green taxation became the main The main findings that support these as- battle horse of the five majority parties, as the sertions are presented below, and they are measures announced by Unidas Podemos compared with the relevant literature. and the Partido Socialista Obrero Español met with opposition from the right-wing par- H1. The chronological study showed that ties, who argued that taxes will generate more the climate crisis was gradually intro- poverty and unemployment. Another point duced in the Spanish political agenda. was raised concerning the economic sphere, In the last elections, held in Novem- Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
142 The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates’ Discourse ber, the number of speeches on this the fact that acclaim was the most used issue increased sevenfold, from 4 in technique, as Herrero and Benoit (2009: the previous elections to 29 in the last. 70) noted, attacks from the conserva- This development is also evident in tive bloc were evident in all content va- terms of time devoted to this topic, as riants, especially about plans for the fu- the cumulative number of speeches ture. The identification of this strategy grew exponentially from one minute in used by the opposition coincided with April to 16 minutes in the most recent the findings by Téllez, Muñiz and Ramí- debates. rez (2010: 256). In addition to the statistical data, the In addition, the appropriation of the fight qualitative study reflected the grea- against the climate emergency by left- ter importance of the climate emer- wing parties was specifically raised in the gency in the repeat election, as this is- debates analysed here, in an exercise of sue appeared once in the introductory political polarisation that was consistent speech and twice in the “golden” or with Ryan’s (2017: 283) proposals. closing minute. Moreover, of two of the H3. The most recurrent frame in political debates held in November organised discourse is prognosis, and it appea- by television channels, included a spe- red to be linked to the economic va- cific block on climate change, thereby riable. This framework brings Spanish reinforcing the importance of the cli- politics in line with debates in Canada mate crisis among politicians and their (Houle, 2014) and Australia (Gurney, voters. 2014), where the dialectical dispute has This increased attention to environ- taken the form of a referendum on the mental issues is new for Spain’s elec- economic and labour proposals by the toral debates since climate change had party in power whether past or future. been largely absent from recent cam- It remains to be seen whether the po- paigns, as Gutiérrez (2016: 142) po- litical, media and social interest in this inted out. For this reason, despite the issue will be maintained in the next de- significant delay compared to other bate. Even if it is no longer in the candi- Western democracies, the inclusion dates’ agenda, the climate emergency of this issue in the political discourse is certainly here to stay. must be considered a successful step in actions related to the climate emer- gency. This has been the case for more Bibliography than a decade in Australia (Gascoigne, 2008) or Canada (Jones, 2008), where Arceo Vacas, Alfredo; Serrano Villalobos, Olga and the climate issue already played a de- Álvarez Sánchez, Sergio (2020). “Frames of ref- cisive role among candidates, or more erence for the electoral Debates of the 2015 and recently in Great Britain (Carter, 2015), 2016 general elections in Spain: credibility as the sustenance of satisfaction with politicians”. Zer, with the growth of the Green Party 25(48): 105-125. and David Cameron’s environmentalist Barlovento (2019). Los debates electorales en TV measures. (1993-2016). Madrid: Barlovento Comunicación. H2. The content and forms used by can- Benoit, William L. (2007). Communication in Political didates to refer to the climate emer- Campaigns. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. gency revealed that this issue has be- Berelson, Bernard (1952). Content Analysis in Com- come considerably politicised. Despite munications Research. New York: The Free Press. Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, July - September 2021, pp. 129-144
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doi:10.5477/cis/reis.175.129 La emergencia climática en los debates electorales españoles de 2019: un análisis funcional del discurso de los candidatos The Climate Emergency in the 2019 Spanish Electoral Debates: A Functional Analysis of the Candidates‘ Discourse David Vicente Torrico Palabras clave Resumen Clima Los debates electorales representan una cita ineludible para candidatos • Debate y electorado en las sociedades modernas. En España se han celebrado • Elecciones un total de 5 encuentros entre los líderes políticos durante el año 2019. • Emergencia Hasta la fecha, la política medioambiental ha sido la gran olvidada • España en este tipo de eventos. Sin embargo, la creciente preocupación a nivel social, mediático y político permite augurar su incorporación a la campaña. Nuestra investigación parte del análisis de contenido para detectar la presencia de discursos medioambientales durante los debates, y aplica la teoría funcional y el framing para determinar el contenido, la forma y el encuadre utilizado. Los resultados demuestran una progresiva incorporación de la emergencia climática a los debates electorales, descrita en términos de enfrentamiento ideológico y en clave económica. Key words Abstract Climate Electoral debates are unmissable events for candidates and voters in • Debate modern societies. In 2019, political leaders held a total of 5 debates • Elections in Spain. To date, environmental policy has been largely forgotten • Emergency in this type of event. However, the growing concern at the social, • Spain media and political level means that there is a likelihood of them being included in the campaign. This study starts with a content analysis to identify the presence of environmental discourses in electoral debates and applies Functional Theory and Framing Theory to determine the content, form and framing used. The results showed a progressive inclusion of the climate emergency into electoral debates, described in terms of ideological confrontation and in economic terms. Cómo citar Vicente Torrico, David (2021). «La emergencia climática en los debates electorales españoles de 2019: un análisis funcional del discurso de los candidatos». Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 175: 129-144. ( La versión en inglés de este artículo puede consultarse en David Vicente Torrico: Universidad de Valladolid | Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, Julio - Septiembre 2021, pp. 129-144
130 La emergencia climática en los debates electorales españoles de 2019: un análisis funcional del discurso de los candidatos Introducción climática, el relato político ha apostado por in- corporar este asunto a su agenda y, en caso El año 2019 ha supuesto, además de un de ser así, bajo qué tipo de parámetros dis- ejercicio convulso en lo político, con dos cursivos. Por último, presentamos una com- procesos electorales en apenas siete me- parativa de los resultados obtenidos en clave ses, el renacer de la conciencia ecologista. nacional frente a los hallazgos presentados Los movimientos sociales han liderado una en estudios similares que se han desarrollado reivindicación en favor del medioambiente en otras latitudes del planeta, a fin de com- sin precedentes en nuestra historia. probar el grado de aceptación de la concien- cia ecológica entre los políticos nacionales. El empuje de una nueva generación, cons- ciente de los límites del planeta y de la nece- sidad de afrontar de manera urgente este Marco teórico desafío, ha atraído el interés de los medios de comunicación, cuyo espacio dedicado al El discurso político de las democracias mo- cambio climático ha crecido de manera expo- dernas no puede entenderse sin la necesaria nencial durante el último ejercicio (Fernández, participación del medio televisivo, un gran 2019), y ha impulsado importantes modifica- aliado que, prácticamente desde su naci- ciones en su cobertura informativa. miento, ha permitido a los candidatos acer- carse a amplios sectores de la población. Las cumbres del clima celebradas en Este fenómeno, bautizado por Sartori como Nueva York y en Madrid; los incendios del vídeo-política o política televisada (1998: 66), Amazonas, de Australia, de California y de ha supuesto un profundo cambio en la es- Canarias; los récords de temperatura re- trategia de campaña de los partidos, que, gistrados en Europa durante el verano; las sin abandonar los métodos tradicionales, inundaciones en varios puntos de la cuenca como la pegada de carteles, su presencia en del Mediterráneo; el colapso biológico del las plazas públicas, el envío de propaganda Mar Menor, etc., han protagonizado el relato electoral o los mítines electorales, condi- medioambiental durante los últimos meses. cionan estos actos a la presencia de una Teniendo en cuenta este clima de cam- cámara, conscientes de que, como afirma bio político, pero también de profundas Semetko (1996: 254), la mayor parte del transformaciones en el ámbito mediático y electorado se relaciona con los partidos a social, cabe preguntarse si los candidatos través de la televisión, que se convierte en el al Gobierno de España han incorporado, ágora central de la política (Ramonet, 1997). por primera vez en la historia, la emergen- No obstante, si hay un acontecimiento de cia climática a su discurso electoral. campaña al que las formaciones dedican una En esta investigación comenzamos con especial atención ese es la celebración del una revisión del estado de la cuestión en debate electoral, un combate dialéctico en- torno a la celebración de los debates elec- tre los candidatos en el que dan a conocer torales en España, que sirve como punto sus propuestas sin el filtro que establecen los de partida para delimitar nuestro objeto de medios de comunicación en la cobertura dia- análisis: los debates electorales celebrados ria. Estos eventos generan una importante durante el año 2019. A través del análisis expectación entre la población, logrando con- funcional y de la teoría de los encuadres, pro- gregar a audiencias millonarias, por lo que re- ponemos el estudio de los discursos pronun- sultan cruciales para conseguir obtener el ciados por los diferentes participantes para voto de los ciudadanos, especialmente entre comprobar si, en un contexto social y mediá- aquellos que aún no se hayan decantado por tico favorable a la lucha contra la emergencia ningún candidato (Mapelli, 2010). Reis. Rev.Esp.Investig.Sociol. ISSN-L: 0210-5233. N.º 175, Julio - Septiembre 2021, pp. 129-144
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