The Chronicle - St. Mary's Episcopal Church

Page created by Salvador Diaz
The Chronicle - St. Mary's Episcopal Church
The Chronicle                                           November 2021
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Bellville, Texas 77418

 Dear Saint Mary’s Family,

 A few years ago my brother and I hiked a portion of the Appalachian Trail. We were dead
 tired when we reached a three sided shelter for our last night on the trail. One other soul had
 already claimed a spot when we arrived. Hiking alone and appearing to be in his seventies, he
 immediately struck me as someone who marched to a different drum. Although slow to talk at
 first, the fellow sojourner began to open up. When I asked him what his name was, he said,
 “Well . . ., “ and started to tell a story. Usually when you ask someone for their name they
 respond with, “Hi, I am Bill, or Francis, or Steve, or something.” But this guy began to tell me
 his story. Finally he said, “But you can call me Michael.” I was a little disappointed. I had
 already decided his name had to be Gus. If ever there was a Gus in the world, he was it. He
 shared that he was retired. His Social Security benefits weren’t enough to live a traditional
 life, but allowed him to live like a king on the trail. So, he hiked full time on various trails
 throughout the country.

 I asked him what kind of work he had done. He casually responded, “I am a retired clown.”
 My pulse quickened. I don’t think I have ever met a retired clown. I was also a little alarmed
 as I thought about all the scary clowns in the movies and on the internet. It might be a long
 night. I prodded him to tell me more about his life as a clown. I asked him what it took to be a
 good clown. He quickly answered, “You have to be vulnerable. People think they have to get it
 right all the time. Most have no idea how to be real and vulnerable. When they see a clown
 trip over his own feet, they relax just a little bit. For a moment, they can just be real, and
 human, and vulnerable. That’s why people love clowns.”

 The depth of his answer struck me. I think he hit right at the heart of something vital. We
 work so diligently to hide our faults, or at least manage them, revealing only enough to appear
 humble and sincere. We cover up our failures. Make excuses for our shortcomings. Numb our

 Being real and honest with ourselves and others is absolutely necessary for real joy. I spend a
 lot of time trying to let go of the facade I wear to hide my own feelings of inadequacy, and yet
 am surprised how my own ego covertly tries to keep me from accepting my own shortcom-
 ings. It is hard and continual work. I can’t genuinely accept God’s love for the real me if I
 don’t truly acknowledge the truth of my own brokenness.

 Like a clown, we all trip over ourselves. But most of us try to cover it up like we have it all
 together. Gus the clown, I mean Michael, didn’t seem to have this problem. He genuinely
 accepted who he was and who he wasn’t. Is there something in your life you are trying to hide
 and pretend it’s ok. Growth begins by accepting who we really are. Who you are, is enough.

The Chronicle - St. Mary's Episcopal Church
The Chronicle

                                             Remember in Prayer

     Our Church Family in a Nursing Facility or Homebound : Mildred Weige, Kees
Leenheer, Addie Smith
Sick, hospitalized, other : Vern Scholey, Polita Fraga, Jessica Engler, Don Phillips, Peggy
Beckmier, Brenda Blum, Debra Parker, Sharon Metcalf, Lincoln Tiemann, Greg Giebel, Father Tim
Bucek, Fay Johnson, Phyllis Johnson, George Hail, Clader family, Peggy & Ronald Tipton, Luke
Michael Keaton, Edward Cooper, Joe Ennis, Joe Summerlin, Judy Kaliszewski, Adrienne White-
Florcruz, Sky Lewy, Jane & Robert Olson, David

Our Family in Active Military: Travis Grell, Timothy Hummel, Jason Tolbert, Dane Brochthrup, Ryan
Share, Troy Fisher, Ellis Taylor, Austin Leedy, Kyle Murray, Garrett Langley, Taylor Roberson, Andy Koy,
Brian Watt , Michael Lutz, Ben Klotz, Blake Strieder, Harrison Holcomb
                   For a month’s time, your requested prayer will be offered during the liturgy.

  November Birthdays

  2 Mildred Weige                 Lunch Bunch is Wednesday,
  14 Clay Kistler                  November 10, at 12:15pm.
  23 Austin Dornon
  24 Shaun Grell                  Menu: Fried chicken, baked
  29 Brooks Dornon              beans, green salad, rolls, and des-
  30 Monte Richardson                         sert.


                                  Penny Miller, Susie Kemper,
                                        Wanda Cloud

                                                                                General Fund Account
                                                                                 September 30, 2021
                                                                        Balance forward: $10,324.91 August 31,2021
                                                                        Income $9614.47 September 2021
                                                                        Expenses: ($17,531.36) September 2021
                                      Book Club Meeting                 Balance as September 30, 2021: $2,408.02

                                     A Man Called Ove by                         St. Mary’s Foundation
November Anniversaries                 Fredrik Backman                                 June 2021
5 Mike & Cassie Kasprowicz
21 Tom & Annette Johnson
                                       November 9, 2021                              John J. Milligan
26 Bill & Phyllis Johnson                  6:30pm                                   Endowment Fund
The Chronicle - St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Dear St. Mary’s Family,

I hope you had a chance to stop by or at least order pumpkins from our annual Pumpkin
Patch on Saturday, October 2. We had a great crowd and a lot of fun. The Patch was a
success, making over $11,750!
Sadly, the Austin County Fair Parade was cancelled this year due to rain, but Shaun and
Brooke Grell brought the float up one day so our Pre-K and Kindergarten students could sit
on it and perform their song for the other students and parents.
If you purchased a ticket for the Turkey Drive Thru meal, please remember to come by and
pick it up on Wednesday, November 3, from 5:00-6:30. We will also be selling Nothin’ Bundt
Cakes for $7 in the lower parking lot. Thank you for your support of this annual event.
Please save the date for our annual fundraiser on Saturday, January 29. The theme this year
is Kentucky Derby. Tickets will go on sale in December. Please stop by the office, if you are
interested in attending or donating anything to this fun event.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Lori Collins

               Sunday School News

    Everyone is invited to come to our Advent
   wreath making event during Sunday School
  on November 21. It’s time to get ready for the
  mystery of Christmas! We will start at 9:30 in
  the parish hall. All the supplies you need will
                     be there!

  Mark your calendar for December 19th. The
  children’s Christmas program will be on this
         date during the 10:30 service.

 Mary Ann Johnston

                                                                      November 25-26
The Chronicle - St. Mary's Episcopal Church
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
24 N. Masonic
Bellville, Texas 77418


    Mission Statement:

           Know Christ’s love,
           Follow HIS example
           Grow in HIS grace.

                                                            Day School
      Sunday Services             Vestry and Officers    Board of Trustees
    7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist I        David Charpiot        Lura Charpiot
    9:15 a.m. Sunday School           Senior Warden           President
       For adults & children
   10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist II                             Terrie Hudgins
                                      Marshall Marek        Vice President
        Church Staff                  Junior Warden
                                                            Carey Kokemor
     The Rev. John Campbell                                   Secretary
                                     Caroline Kemper
                                     Treasurer & Clerk     Justin Richardson
          Myra Demel                                           Treasurer
                                      Annette Johnson        Lori Collins
         Carole Tarwater             Graeme Lawrence         Head of School
            Organist                     Pete Vest
                                                            Sara Kramer
                                     Justin Richardson
       Mary Ann Johnston                                   Justin Noviskie
   Christian Education Director         Gana Marek         Neville Remmert
                                                            Brooke Grell
                                                            Chris Masters
The Chronicle - St. Mary's Episcopal Church The Chronicle - St. Mary's Episcopal Church The Chronicle - St. Mary's Episcopal Church
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