The Chinese Educational Cooperation: a case study on the Chinese Government Scholarship System

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The Chinese Educational Cooperation:
a case study on the Chinese Government
Scholarship System
A Cooperação Educacional Chinesa: um estudo de caso sobre o Sistema
de Bolsas de Estudo do Governo Chinês

                                    Jéssica Querino1

DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2525-5584.2020v5n3.55987

                                                                  Date of Recieval:30/10/2020
                                                                 Date of Approval: 05/12/2020

Abstract: This article has the exploratory aim of answering some of the hugest doubts of
undergraduate and graduate university students about living in China while attending
higher education. In this sense, this paper will highlight important aspects concerning the
Chinese education system, explaining how it works so that readers could understand some
differences and similarities between Brazil and the People's Republic of China.
Furthermore, the main reasons for pursuing a postgraduate degree in that country will be
mentioned, taking into account the author's impressions of attending a master's degree
and Ph.D. in that country. For this purpose, a case study on the Chinese Government
Scholarship will be done, emphasizing the Chinese University Program category, a full
scholarship for postgraduate students. Ultimately, the procedure for having a successful
application will be detailed.

Keywords: Scholarship; Education; China; Postgraduate Studies.

Resumo: Esse artigo tem o objetivo exploratório de responder algumas das maiores
dúvidas dos alunos universitários de graduação e pós-graduação a respeito de morar na
China cursando o ensino superior. Nesse sentido, o trabalho dissertará sobre o sistema de
educação chinês, expondo como o mesmo funciona para que os leitores compreendam
algumas diferenças e similaridades entre o Brasil e a República Popular da China. Neste
sentido, mencionaremos os principais motivos para se cursar uma pós-graduação, levando
em consideração as impressões pessoais da autora que cursou mestrado e doutorado no
país. Para essa finalidade, será utilizado um estudo de caso sobre a Chinese Government

   Doctor in International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University (外交学院). E-mail:
Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

Scholarship na categoria Chinese University Program, que é uma bolsa de estudo integral
voltada para alunos de pós-graduação, detalhando o procedimento para se ter uma
candidatura bem-sucedida.

Palavras-chave: Bolsa de estudos; Educação; China; Pós-graduação

1. Introduction
       China is a country that has closed itself off from the world for many years. That is
why unreal stereotypes about this nation are common. Intending to promote cooperation,
exchange, and mutual understanding, the Chinese government has shown considerable
interest in educational cooperation with several countries, encouraging international
students, teachers, and academics - preferably from developing nations – to conduct
research at its universities.
       Given the country's socioeconomic and educational opening, it was observed that,
in recent years, the curiosity of international students to experience a new culture and
quality higher education, combined with the financial incentive that the Chinese
government offers, has increased the number of foreign students enrolled in the
universities of this nation. However, compared to other nationalities, the number of
Brazilians studying in the country is still low. Several reasons could explain this fact, such
as mistaken thoughts concerning the communist regime and airline tickets' high cost.
However, Chinese higher education is gaining more and more prestige. Some of the
country's universities, such as Tsinghua and Fudan, are on the list of the best in the world.
Also, according to data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa,
2018), which is one of the most relevant educational quality tests at the global level -
conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) -,
aiming to measure the educational prestige of institutions in several countries, China
ranked first in the world in terms of good development in the areas of reading,
mathematics, and science.
       In this sense, the article highlights the importance of the international educational
cooperation that China has been developing, making a case study on the Chinese
Government Scholarship program utilizing the Chinese University Program category as
an example. That is a specific modality of the scholarship program for foreigners who
want to attend a postgraduate course, detailing the importance of this financial incentive
for Brazilians who intend to study in the country. Thus, it is hoped that this article will

    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

encourage more Brazilians to pursue postgraduate studies in China and clarify the main
doubts of students regarding the scholarship.
      For this purpose, in addition to the traditional methods of qualitative research, such
as information from official Chinese government websites, reports, books, and scientific
publications, the article will include information based on the author's experience in
China, as a Chinese government fellowship student, for the achievement of her master's
and doctorate degrees.

2. The Chinese Educational System
       Education in China is a right for everyone and is very similar to Brazilian and
Western countries in dividing educational cycles (primary, secondary and higher
       Public schools and universities in the country are of the highest quality; however,
due to increased competition and large population, places in the best government
institutions are filled according to the grades obtained in the admission exams.
       In order to enter high school, Chinese students need to take the Zhong Kao. This
test checks students' skills to continue their studies at that stage and determine whether
they will go to the most renowned schools or not. According to their percentages in the
exam, they will be directed to different types of institutions. There are few private schools
in the country, which are generally international schools, attended by privileged class
citizens and international students, such as the children of diplomats. As in Brazil, the
Chinese have twelve years of school education, according to the Compulsory Education
Law of the People's Republic of China of 1986 (义务教育 法 / 義務教育).
       In Brazil, the most important laws that govern the educational system are the
Federal Constitution and the Law of Guidelines and Bases for National Education (Law
No. 9394/96). Unlike in China, Brazilian students who attend high school do not need a
specific test to test their knowledge. In this sense, what determines the type of school the
student will attend is only their socioeconomic condition.
       The economic globalization and changes in the international system have made
Chinese higher education to undergo reforms. The leader Deng Xiaoping was responsible
for reorienting the People's Republic of China’s educational policy and changed the
university admission structure from an earlier recommendation-based approach to an
exam driven process. Before this representative came to power, the higher education in

    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

the country was very centralized. The government was the one that planned and managed
this sector in addition to stipulating the students' curriculum, due to the money they
invested in them, in addition to choosing even where recent graduates should work. With
the advent of the 1978 economic reform, the new system has enabled graduate students
to reach an agreement with prospective employers with reduced Chinese government
intervention and more flexibility in the learning process.
       In this sense, after the Open-Door Policy, Deng Xiaoping realized how
fundamental and strategic education would be to achieve national ambitions such as
modernization, economic development, and social progress. Before, education only
served the political ideology and social stability of the socialist regime. The curriculum
reform, methodological innovations, and the demand for national education assessment
directly benefit all students. According to Yang (2005), this reform process, however, is
not exempt from some problems, such as the uneven expansion in different teaching
modalities, the increase of regional disparities in access and quality of higher education,
and the relationship between the continuity of good traditions and change with the
internationalization of academic education.
       Currently, the Chinese have a test similar to a public assessment along the lines of
the Brazilian National High School Exam (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio- ENEM),
called Gaokao, which is the National College Admission Exam (NCEE). Both exams
cover general and specific knowledge. Among the various strategies adopted by the
Chinese government to boost university study and increase the number of people at those
establishments, the government subsidy stands out even for students to attend private
entities. It is also observed that the country encourages higher education by subsidizing
higher education through the sharing of costs between the government and students since
even in public institutions, students are subject to paying university fees.
       According to the Ministry of Education of The People's Republic of China (MOE,
2020), Chinese education authorities and universities have opened a hotline for financial
aid to underprivileged university students to alleviate their families' concerns about
university financial support. In Brazil, there are also several funding programs for higher
education for students who attend a private university and have difficulties in paying for
their studies, such as the University for All Program (Programa Universidade para
Todos- Prouni), which, like in China, is linked to the Brazilian Ministry of Education and
provides the full or partial scholarship. Therefore, low-income students can take a degree

    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

and can be selected according to the grades obtained in the National High School Exam
        It is worth mentioning that some students have more practical skills in China and
do not have very promising school resourcefulness. Therefore, they opt for technical and
professional courses and schools to enter the labor market without necessarily academic
training, which lasts between 3 and 4 years. Secondary school students who have not
attended the best public schools can also do the Gaokao exam and study at the superior
vocational institution getting a Professional Higher Education. However, this fact is very
unusual, and they opt for more practical jobs, which do not require university training.
        There are also several technical schools and vocational courses in Brazil, which
generally have as a prerequisite the student having completed high school. Technical
schools offer apprentices a technical-level diploma that the Ministry of Education (MEC)
recognizes and makes all the basic requirements of a higher education course, such as
presenting a final course assignment. The vocational courses do not require MEC
approval. Therefore, they do not demand stricter requirements as a mandatory internship,
are more flexible in terms of duration (6-24 months), and do not require course
completion work.
        China has short-cycle colleges, which are a kind of higher technical education (专
科 院校 / 專科 院校) and focused on the labor market. Besides, most traditional colleges
and universities generally last up to four years, offering academic courses for bachelor,
master, and doctoral degrees (Morche, 2013). In China, the academic year has two
semesters, with twenty weeks of classes, and they start from September to January and
after from February to June2.
        According to data from the China Educational and Research Network (CERNET,
2020), there are 3,005 higher education institutions across the country, of which 2,740 are
regular colleges and universities (HEI's) - 1,258 of which are graduate colleges and 1,482
of higher vocational colleges - and 265 colleges for adults. In this list, the institutions of
Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan are exempt.

  For more detailed information about the Chinese education system, access: Uwe, B; Jiani, Z. (2007,
October). Higher Education in China in the light of massification and demographic change Lessons to be
learned       for       Germany.         Arbeitspapier         Nr.      97.       Retrieved      from

    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

          As reported by the data from the Higher Education Census of INEP / MEC (2018),
there are a total of 2,537 universities in Brazil, of which 299 (11.8%) are public
institutions, whereas 2,238 (88.2%) are private. Table 1 shows a comparison between the
educational system from China and Brazil

                    Table 01: Chinese and Brazilian Educational Systems
    Educational                   China                                      Brazil
    Pre School            3 years (not obligatory)             Early childhood education: daycare
                                                              (about 4 years) + Preschool (3 years)
     Primary /             9 years (compulsory)                       9 years (compulsory)
    Elementary      Primary School (6 years) + Junior
      School      Secondary School or Junior Secondary
                       Vocational School (3 years))
    High          Senior Secondary School or Secondary                     3 years
   School       Vocational School (3 years), entrance with     Does not need any entrance exam
                                Zhong Kao
   Higher                Perform the Gaokao test              Admission through entrance exam /
  Education        Regular Higher Education Institution        ENEM depending on the course.
                 (HEI's) or Higher Vocational Institutions   Variable duration usually up to 4 years
                  Graduation: 3-4 years Master: 2-3 years      Technical courses (18-24 months)
                            Doctorate: 3-5 years
Source: Author’s Elaboration

          Due to the high quality of Chinese education, studying abroad is not a priority of
the government regime for the country's citizens. However, there is a political agenda of
the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the People's Republic of China that encourages
Chinese students to study abroad and then return to the country with the acquired
knowledge3, which has been a successful strategy, especially for postgraduation students,
since many Chinese seek the prestige of studying at the best universities in the world.
          According to the MOE data (2019), the total budget for education spending in
China was 5,017,500,000,000.00 RMB (USD 752,625,000,000.00), of which
1,346,400,000,000.00 RMB (USD 201,960,000,000.00) was invested in higher
education. According to the Transparency Portal (Portal da Transparência, 2019), the
Brazilian government had a budget for the education area of R$ 118,400,000,000.00
(USD 22,496,000,000.00) and the total expenses incurred for the area was
R$ 94.470.000.000,00 (USD 17.949.300.000,004).

  2.     See more on Ministry of Education of The People's Republic of China. (2020). The Overall
Situation of Studying Abroad. Retrieved from
  For more information visit Ministry of Education of The People's Republic of China. (2019). China's
education spending for 2019. Retrieved from

      Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

3. Why Attend a Postgraduate Course in China?
        This section of the article was based on the author's experiences as a Chinese
government scholarship holder for a master's and doctorate. Therefore, it will address
issues regarding the experience in this nation during six-years. After all, what is the
difference between a postgraduate degree in China and Brazil? For such a doubt to be
resolved for readers, it is necessary to answer this question in the first instance.
        The selection process for a master's and doctorate course in Brazil usually takes
place as follows: written exams on general knowledge in the area of interest, an oral test,
evaluation of proficiency in foreign languages, letters of recommendation, presentation
of a research project, and in some cases, requirements for articles published in renowned
scientific journals.
        In China, on the other hand, the selection process for international students is
relatively more straightforward. It does not require examination taking, just a good
research project, letters of recommendation from recognized professionals in the desired
area of study, and language proficiency tests in English or Chinese. Obviously, other
documents are required, but these three elements are the most decisive for obtaining a
scholarship and a successful application.
        The selection process for admission of Chinese students to postgraduate courses
is similar to that of Brazil. Still, it will depend a lot on the university and educational
departments in which the student intends to study. Some universities will require a written
admission test, a research project, and an oral interview. Others will choose only the
interview and project combined with other necessary information needed for the
        There is diplomatic assistance in publicizing the opportunities for Chinese
scholarships by both China and Brazil. Applicants can apply for scholarships through
government education agencies, designated institutions, or Chinese diplomatic missions
in their home countries. Until 2018, the scholarship application procedure was carried out
by the Educational Cooperation Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DCE / MRE).
Still, currently, it is requested directly with the Chinese embassy in Brazil.


    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

       As already mentioned at the beginning of the text, there are still unrealistic
perceptions about the People's Republic of China, especially regarding the communist
political regime. Therefore, the student who wishes to study in the country must have an
open mind and willing to experience a different culture. One will find that many of the
stereotypes in force about that nation are obviously unreal.
       According to data from the Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE), the number of
international students who graduated from higher education institutions in the country in
June 2020 was equivalent to 172,571. In the coming spring semester, 333,072 foreign
students have already been selected to study in China in 2021. The most recent statistical
report on international students in China (MOE, 2018) points out that approximately
492,185 foreign students from 196 countries study in 1,004 Chinese institutions,
excluding international students from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan from this list.
Students from the Asian continent account for 59.95% of international students in China,
while Africans are in second place with 16.57%, Europeans in third with 14.96%,
Americans in fourth with 7.26%, and finally, those in Oceania with only 1.27%. The
number of Brazilian students is relatively low compared to other foreigners in the country
due to cultural and language barriers. Data from the MOE (2018) also report that 258,122
international students were enrolled in undergraduate programs, 85,062 in postgraduate
courses, of which 25,618 were pursuing doctorates while 59,444 were masters. Finally,
63,041 international students (12.81%) received scholarships from the Chinese
       Higher education in China is of the highest quality, as shown in this article's first
session. Chinese professors are highly respected and regarded professionals in society.
Some professors in the field of International Relations, for example, are members of the
Chinese Communist Party or have a doctorate at renowned world institutions such as
Oxford, Harvard, and Science Po, for instance. Besides, some Chinese universities are in
the ranking of the best institutions in the world, such as Tsinghua University (Beijing),
Fudan University (Shanghai), and Peking University (Beijing). Tsinghua University is
considered the best Chinese higher education institution. In 2017, it overtook the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as the best university to study computer
science, engineering, and chemistry (Paulk, 2017).
       Concerning classes, it is noted that, generally, foreign graduate students who
benefit from the Chinese University Program scholarship have classes with only other

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foreigners taught in English, which is a great advantage, taking into account the
complexity of Mandarin. Thus, Chinese professors teach Mandarin classes to foreigners
who benefit from this scholarship to facilitate students' daily communication with the
locals. On the other hand, bachelor students cannot be included in the Chinese University
Program category since it is only aimed at master's and doctoral degree studies. They
must study Mandarin and only take the course in Chinese since they usually learn with
Chinese bachelor's students5.
        It is possible to enter a Chinese university without a scholarship. However, in this
case, the requirement is that students support themselves, which is practically unviable
due to the high costs of housing, food, transportation, study materials, and school fees, all
of which are funded by the Chinese government full scholarship. It is estimated that
429,144 (87.19%) of international students pay for their studies (MOE, 2018).
        The Chinese Government Scholarship seeks to be very interdisciplinary with
Brazilian students and grant scholarships for several knowledge areas. Therefore, in some
universities like which the author studied, China Foreign Affairs University (外交学
院) it is common to have a very diverse class and only one student representative from
each country per classroom, but this is not a general rule.
        The classwork, tests, and articles that international students have to write are
submitted in English. In addition, class debates and presentations are a very enriching and
transformative experience, as one learns a lot about China and the country of classmates,
in addition to also providing a personal development when seeing the world with the
perception of the other, learning to listen more and judge less, being a real opportunity
for transformation.
        Besides, being a foreigner in the country makes oneself a representative of the
same in several events, offering students unique life opportunities. For instance, this
author had the chance to be the Brazilian spokesperson for the UN China, giving two
speeches at the 2018 International Youth Eco Movement on a Greener China, promoted
by Chinese institutions and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
(UNCCD). Contacts with politicians, ambassadors, diplomats, intellectuals from different
areas of knowledge, and students from other parts of the world open a great door of
opportunities for students' personal and professional development.

 Bachelor students can be beneficiaries of the Chinese Government Scholarship in several different
modalities. However, the Chinese University Program is only for postgraduate students.

    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

       The scholarship students' routine is relatively intense, with classes in the morning,
afternoon, evening, sometimes even on weekends. Holidays are not very common, as in
Brazil, which has several festivities related to religious matters. There are only a few
holidays, usually national and non-religious, and summer and winter vacations at the end
of each semester. However, every end of the month, Chinese universities provide cultural
activities free of charge for students to have the chance to visit the country's historical
monuments, such as the Great Wall of China, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven,
the Forbidden City, which are world heritage sites classified by UNESCO, as well as
opera and tea houses, kung fu, theaters, among other entertainments.
       What do Universities expect from an international student? In order to maintain
the scholarship, students will have to make an effort not to fail any subject and dedicate
themselves to obtain good grades. If there is a lack of commitment on the part of the
student, their full scholarship will be subject to being cut; foreign scholarship holders are
periodically submitted to semiannual performance evaluations by the Chinese
Scholarship Council. Therefore, the Chinese government scholarship is for serious
students who aim for excellence and have a great research interest.
       BRICS is also an important reason to study in China, as such multilateral
cooperation is so beneficial for Brazil. China is the largest buyer of Brazilian
commodities. It is very significant that Brazilian students research the BRICS, cooperate
with the Chinese in the educational field, understand the country's reality, and overcome
both nations' internal vulnerabilities in the technological, scientific, and commercial
       Ultimately, the Chinese are very curious and thirsty for knowledge and exchange
of ideas, so they finance research for students from different parts of the globe. To gain
more respect and consideration from the natives, one must at least strive to learn to speak
their language and be interested in the local culture. There is a lot to learn from the
Chinese people's experience, who is very hardworking and committed to making the
country progress.

4. The Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC)
       The Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) is the institution responsible for
administering all Chinese government scholarship programs. This institution is also a

    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

partner of the country's Ministry of Education. Currently, about 289 Chinese universities6,
in partnership with the CSC, offer several enrollments in higher education courses for
foreigners in different areas of knowledge and academic levels, such as international
relations, law, medicine, history, engineering, fine arts, economics, literature,
management, philosophy, education, science, agriculture, among others7.
           The Chinese government offers a range of scholarship programs. However, the
scholarship that will be focused on here will be the one that the author was a beneficiary
of, that is interesting for outstanding students in their fields of study, who intend to follow
a more academic area developing exclusive research lines for postgraduate students, that
is the Chinese University Program, which will be discussed in the last section of this
           Except for airline tickets, in Brazil's case - because depending on the country, the
CSC grants round-trip transportation to China- this financing covers housing expenses on
university facilities or a cost subsidy for students who want to live outside the university
campus. Besides this, it also provides books and study materials, modest health insurance,
monthly fees exemption, and a certain monthly amount for personal expenses - depending
on what the student is studying. Undergraduate students receive around 2,500 RMB
(USD 381), while the master's degree 3,000 RMB (USD 457) and the doctorate 3,500
RMB (USD 534)8.
           Therefore, it is clear that the Chinese government has invested and provided
substantial financial support to attract international students, fostering the exchange of
knowledge and collaboration in the educational, academic, and scientific fields. In this
sense, it is observed that China is putting into practice some principles of win-win
cooperation, which would be a cooperation of mutual benefits, that is strategically
important in its peaceful development policy through the dissemination of its culture with
the world favoring principles of an international order based on multipolar values while
maintaining socialism with Chinese characteristics9.

  See detailed information about this institution and the types of scholarships offered by the Chinese
government at the Chinese Scholarship Council. (2020). Introduction to Chinese Government Scholarships.
Retrieved from
  Read more about universities and programs that accept international students with Chinese government
scholarships at and .
  According to the quotation of December 3, 2020, 1 RMB = 0.15 USD.
  Read more about socialism with Chinese characteristics at Jiang, Z.M. (2002). On the Construction of a
Fairly Well-off Society and the Creation of a New Situation in the Socialist Cause with Chinese Features.
In a Report of the Central Committee to the 16th National Convention of the Representatives of Communist

    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

5. The Chinese Government Scholarship Application Process in the Chinese
     University Program Category
          After all, what does it take to pass the Chinese government scholarship selection
process in the Chinese University Program category? In addition to the basic requirements
set out in the selection procedure notice that can be found on the Chinese Embassy
website in Brazil10 and on the CSC page (Campus China, 2020), it is necessary to have
some criteria in mind.
          Although the study of foreign languages, unfortunately, is not part of the reality
of a significant portion of Brazilian society, and still a privilege of a few, this is a
fundamental factor in the life of any student who wishes to apply for a scholarship abroad
and obviously, opens paths and future opportunities. In that sense, the first prerequisite
for getting a scholarship in China would be to be fluent in Chinese or English and take
Chinese proficiency tests like HSK (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì) and English proficiency
tests like IELTS Academic (International English Language Testing System), which is
one of the most accepted and respected international exams, the TOEFL (Test of English
as a Foreign Language) or the PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English Academic).
          The Chinese government has a strong interest in awarding scholarships and
funding research. Therefore, they seek outstanding students who end up becoming
representatives of Brazil and specialists in their research area. Thus, the second most
important advice and determining factor to pass in the scholarship selection process is the
research project/study plan, since many Chinese universities do not require a motivational
          A good research project has to analyze the Chinese scenario, verifying whether
the theme of international cooperation between Brazil and China in the proposed item
would benefit the financing country in a bilateral or multilateral scope. Besides, a
successful project must bring the element of innovation. Writing on frequently repeated
or heavily studied topics is not the best option, as recruiters will generally not be

Party         of         China.        Retrieved         from
   On the website of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Brazil, it is possible to find the notice
with all guidelines and information for Brazilian students to apply for scholarships offered by the Chinese
Scholarship Council in the Chinese Government Scholarship category. See more at:
Embaixada da República Popular da China no Brasil. (2020). Chinese Government Scholarship Program
for the 2019/2020 Academic Year. Retrieved from

    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

interested in funding research that already has several things written about. Therefore,
candidates must analyze the area of knowledge they wish to study and look for possible
knowledge gaps. The project must show why your study should be chosen in addition to
being plausible and clearly demonstrate why you, among many other candidates, deserve
to be a Chinese government scholarship holder.
       This author, for example, was contemplated by the Chinese Government
Scholarship / Chinese University Program twice: in her master's degree, she analyzed the
Brazilian engagement with the BRICS during the Lula government, and in her doctorate,
she increased the scope of the research, observing how the party politics of Lula (PT),
Rousseff (PT), Temer (MDB) and Bolsonaro (PSL) governments affected the Brazilian
engagement with the BRICS. The BRICS is of great interest to China, and a Brazilian
view on the subject is highly relevant to the country's government, fostering win-win
       Ultimately, a successful research project must be structured as follows: having an
abstract, an introduction with objectives that can be general and specific, a justification
for the research, a realistic methodology, a literature review that demonstrates the debate
of the leading authors on the topic to be addressed, including criticisms and positive points
on the subject, and a bibliography or bibliographic survey on the topic, which will give
more strength to your project.

6. Final Remarks
       Thus, it is observed that the educational cooperation between Brazil and China is
still mild when compared to a large number of commercial investments between both
countries. As explained previously, China has a strong interest in getting in-depth
knowledge about the pedagogical and Brazilian idiosyncratic processes. However, there
is also a lack of incentive from the Brazilian government to attract Chinese who wish to
study at their universities so that this collaboration takes place more reciprocally -
breaking stereotypes and cultural, conversational, and social barriers that, in a way, create
resistance to Brazilian students and their families to choose China as a prominent
destination to pursue a postgraduate degree abroad.
       As observed when comparing the Chinese educational system with the Brazilian
one, there are several similarities between them regarding schooling time, adding up to
twelve years spent in elementary and high school. Nevertheless, China has some

    Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais, v. 5, n. 3, dez./2020, pp. 01-15.

Querino. The Chinese Educational Cooperation

differences, such as the requirement for a test to enter high school, Zhong Kao, and the
existence of vocational schools since primary school. In China, the best schools are
public, and they are highly competitive, whereas, in Brazil, private institutions from
kindergarten through high school provide students with a better degree of knowledge.
       Concerning higher education, a relevant aspect is that the ministries of education
of China and Brazil help provide subsidies for the payment of university fees to low-
income students, also encouraging education in private institutions. Besides, it is noted
that China spends significantly more than Brazil on education expenses, as shown at the
end of section 2.
       Due to China's policy of opening up to the world and the financial incentives
provided by Chinese government scholarships, students worldwide have sparked interest
in studying in this country. Compared to Brazil, the selection and admission process for
students in postgraduate courses is relatively more straightforward. Also, studying in
China generates a range of opportunities for personal, professional, and academic
development, in addition to the chance to learn a new idiom, such as Mandarin, which is
the third most spoken language in the world, and therefore makes a big difference on a
student's curriculum.
       Therefore, this article encourages Brazilian students to consider China as an
excellent opportunity to pursue a postgraduate course, considering all aspects mentioned
in the body of the text regarding the prospects of available scholarships, such as the
Chinese Government Scholarship in the postgraduate category of the Chinese University
Program. The country has universities that are among the best globally; the professionals
who teach are highly qualified and command the English language, facilitating
communication with international students. Also, the learning environment is
multicultural, and the student will leave postgraduate school with the feeling of being a
global citizen.
       Ultimately, the Chinese government's win-win educational cooperation model
allows China to export its culture to the world and demystify stereotypes and offer the
opportunity to share scientific and cultural knowledge between nations.


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