STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand

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STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Education New Zealand


STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Statement of Intent 2018-2022


Message from Board Chair........................................................................................................... 3
About Education New Zealand..................................................................................................... 5
Government priorities................................................................................................................... 7
Our operating environment .......................................................................................................... 9
Our outcomes framework ........................................................................................................... 12
Our operating intentions ............................................................................................................ 14
Our organisational development ............................................................................................... 22
Appendix One: Our statutory functions ........................................................................................ 27
Appendix Two: Glossary and abbreviations ................................................................................ 27

STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Education New Zealand

As the only government agency focused solely        International education is also one of New
on international education, Education New           Zealand’s key exports, supporting 33,000
Zealand (ENZ) is working at the intersection of     New Zealand jobs and contributing $4.4
industry, government and students to ensure         billion to GDP.
that New Zealand benefits from international
                                                    Unprecedented global demand for
education now and in the future. This
                                                    international education over the past five
Statement of Intent 2018-2022 (SoI) sets out
                                                    years has seen rapid growth in international
ENZ’s future focus with a refreshed set of four
                                                    student numbers, and significant increases in
strategic priorities.
                                                    earnings from New Zealand’s international
As we go to print on this SoI the Government        education activities. Over the past two years,
has just completed consultations on a new           ENZ and other government agencies have
International Education Strategy and is still       focused their efforts on value and quality in
consulting on potentially substantial changes       international education, and on encouraging
to immigration policy settings that might           more regional growth and market diversity.
affect international student demand. The            As a result, the sector has undergone
Strategy will set the strategic direction for the   rebalancing from high volume to high value
sector as a whole for the period of this SoI.       and we are now in a good position to achieve
Immigration policy changes could likewise           further, sustainable growth.
have material impact. As both the Strategy
                                                    We will provide the thought leadership
and immigration policies are yet to be finalised
                                                    needed to ensure the sector remains successful
I note that it might be necessary for ENZ to
                                                    in an increasingly crowded market. New
review our internal strategy and our priorities
                                                    Zealand’s education providers will need to
relatively quickly. This document has been
                                                    continue to build and maintain strong and
prepared on the basis of existing policy
                                                    enduring relationships, add value beyond
                                                    simple transactions and deliver an exceptional
New Zealand relies on international trade,          student experience.
global partnerships and the exchange of ideas
                                                    I would like to acknowledge the work of other
to prosper. International education, whether
                                                    government agencies who are committed to
Kiwis studying abroad, international students
                                                    supporting international education. We will
coming to New Zealand or New Zealand
                                                    continue to work with the sector and with
institutions and businesses providing services
                                                    agencies to grow a sustainable international
offshore, plays a vital role in strengthening
                                                    education sector that delivers the widest
links between New Zealand and the rest of the
                                                    possible benefits for New Zealand.

 Charles Finny│Board Chair                           Philip Broughton│Board Member
 7 June 2018                                         7 June 2018

STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Statement of Intent 2018-2022

STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Education New Zealand


Our purpose is to take New Zealand’s education experiences to the
world for enduring economic, social and cultural benefits.

Who we are                                                     Foreign Affairs and Trade or with New
                                                               Zealand Trade and Enterprise.
ENZ is a Crown Agency and the only New
Zealand government agency solely focused on                    Our statutory functions are shown in
international education. Our role is to provide                Appendix One.
a range of marketing, promotion and
                                                               Who we work with
representation functions to give effect to the
Government’s goals for international                           We work with New Zealand’s diverse
education. The Ministry of Education and the                   international education providers, including
Ministry of Business, Innovation and                           universities, institutes of technology and
Employment are our monitoring agencies.                        polytechnics (ITPs), industry training
                                                               organisations, private training establishments
In New Zealand, we have staff in Auckland,
                                                               (PTEs), English language schools (ELS) and
Wellington and Christchurch. Offshore we
                                                               schools. We also work with education agents,
have staff in Brazil, Chile, China, Germany,
                                                               and organisations that export education
India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Republic of
                                                               services, such as publishers, consultancy
Korea (Korea), Saudi Arabia, Singapore,
                                                               services and education technology businesses.
Taiwan, Thailand, the United States of
America and Viet Nam. ENZ’s offshore staff                     We engage with international students 1 at all
are usually co-located with the Ministry of                    stages of the student journey – from those who

 International students are non-residents of New Zealand and   ENZ counts international PhD students, exchange students, NZ
have expressly entered New Zealand with the intention of       Aid students, foreign research postgraduate students and full
study or have enrolled with a New Zealand provider offshore.   fee-paying international students as international students.

STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Statement of Intent 2018-2022

are just beginning to dream about a New           performance. The Board meets regularly to
Zealand study experience through to alumni        carry out governance functions and address
enjoying successful careers all around the        major challenges that impact on international
globe.                                            education in New Zealand.
Through the Prime Minister’s Scholarship          On the Board’s behalf, the Audit and Risk
programme, we work with New Zealand               Committee monitors the financial and risk
students by supporting overseas study             management of ENZ.
opportunities that help develop their
                                                  The Human Resources/Organisation
international skills.
                                                  Development Committee assists the Board in
The next four years                               fulfilling its responsibilities regarding human
                                                  resources and organisational development
ENZ has a lead role in ensuring that the
                                                  policies and practices.
international education sector thrives both
now and in the future. We will be thought         Several special advisers to the Board help
leaders and strategic partners for other          guide and shape the Board’s work and ensure
agencies and international education              connections with the strategic direction of
providers. We will do this by:                    other agencies. The special advisers are:
                                                  • the Chief Executive of the Ministry of
•   leading international education thinking
•   promoting New Zealand’s quality education
                                                  • the Chief Executive of the Ministry of
•   growing sustainable international education
                                                    Foreign Affairs and Trade
•   developing global citizens
                                                  • the Chief Executive of the New Zealand
More details about these activities are             Qualifications Authority
contained in pages 15 to 24.                      • the Deputy Chief Executive Labour, Science
                                                    and Enterprise from the Ministry of
Our Board
                                                    Business, Innovation and Employment
ENZ’s Board is made up of between five and        • the Deputy Chief Executive Immigration
seven members appointed by the Minister of          New Zealand from the Ministry of
Education. The Board is responsible for the         Business, Innovation and Employment
governance of the organisation, including
setting its strategic direction and monitoring

Diagram 1: Governance of ENZ

STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Education New Zealand


The Government’s main                                      New Zealand’s international
priorities                                                 education
We support the Government’s goals for                      International Education Strategy to 2030 3
sustainable economic development and
                                                           The Government will launch a new
education that equips students for the 21st
                                                           International Education Strategy in 2018/19
century. International education plays a key
                                                           to ensure ‘A thriving and globally connected
role in building the human and social capital
                                                           New Zealand through world-class
that will lead to improved wellbeing and
                                                           international education’. This new strategic
higher living standards for New Zealanders.
                                                           direction and activity will be guided by the
International education supports the                       following goals:
Government’s vision for a high-quality, fair
                                                           • Delivering excellent education and student
and inclusive education system that provides
                                                             experience – ensuring that international
all New Zealanders with learning
                                                             students are made welcome, safe and receive
opportunities and prepares them for the
                                                             a high-quality education in New Zealand.
future 2. It does so by enabling students to
                                                           • Achieving sustainable growth – maintaining
access specific expertise and learning
                                                             a diverse, high-value and high-quality
experiences, and to engage with people from
                                                             international education sector that shares
diverse backgrounds and viewpoints. These
                                                             its benefits across all of New Zealand.
learning experiences help to develop the
                                                           • Developing global citizens – strengthening
knowledge, attitude and skills required for
                                                             New Zealand’s connections with the rest of
responsible and active global citizenship in our
                                                             the world, and developing the skills
connected and complex world.
                                                             students need to live, work and learn in the
International education is one of New                        wider world.
Zealand’s most valuable exports. Our focus on
                                                           The development of the strategy was co-led
value over volume supports the Government’s
                                                           by ENZ and the Ministry of Education, in
goal of sustainable economic development.
                                                           partnership with the Ministry of Business,
Our work with the regions aims to ensure that
                                                           Innovation and Employment, the New
all of New Zealand accrues the widest possible
                                                           Zealand Qualifications Authority, Tertiary
benefits from international education.
                                                           Education Commission and the Ministry of
We support the responsible management of                   Foreign Affairs and Trade.
the Government’s finances by ensuring we
                                                           We have aligned our strategic themes with
deliver our work programme efficiently and
                                                           the new International Education Strategy to
effectively, and by delivering value for money.
                                                           show the contribution we intend to make
                                                           towards achieving each of the overarching

2                3
                                                            This Statement of Intent includes calendar year and financial
education/information-releases/education-portfolio-work-   year information. A calendar year is show as a single year, such
programme/                                                 as 2018, while dates such as 2018/19 refer to a financial year.

STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Statement of Intent 2018-2022

New Zealand’s education system                  Tertiary Education Strategy
The 2016 Performance Improvement                The Tertiary Education Strategy 2014-2019
Framework review endorsed our foundation        outlines six strategic priorities that support
approach to our establishment and               the shared outcomes for the New Zealand
acknowledged that ENZ has become the New        education system. We work with New
Zealand expert in international education.      Zealand’s other education agencies and with
Over the next four years, we will continue to   tertiary education providers to realise the
deliver education providers and businesses,     strategic priority of ‘Growing international
other government agencies and decision-         linkages’, and to support the priority of
makers with authoritative, targeted             ‘Strengthening research-based institutions’.
information and intelligence that gives New     We do this by providing support to tertiary
Zealand a competitive edge and provides a       education providers to build their
strategic influence on the government’s         international capability, and by assisting
agenda for international education.             tertiary education providers to promote
Education System Stewardship                    student mobility.

ENZ is one of New Zealand’s education           In 2018/19, we will contribute to the review
agencies that have the stewardship of New       of the Tertiary Education Strategy to ensure
Zealand’s education system. Over the next       that tertiary education continues to benefit
three years we will engage with the other       from the international connections, shared
education agencies on the Education Portfolio   knowledge, and enhanced teaching and
Work Programme, contributing our specialist     research that international education brings.
insight and expertise in international

STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Education New Zealand

 International education in New Zealand
 Student mobility                                                New Zealanders studying offshore
 International students studying with New                        In 2016, 4.3% of New Zealand university
 Zealand providers                                               students undertook a period of study
                                                                 overseas 5. We will work with other
 In 2017, 125,392 4 international students were
                                                                 government agencies, such as the Ministry of
 enrolled with a New Zealand education
                                                                 Education, and with education providers to
 provider, a 5% decrease on the previous year.
                                                                 help create an environment that encourages
 The overall decrease in international student
                                                                 more New Zealanders to take up international
 enrolments in 2017 was driven by a 26%
                                                                 study opportunities and develop their
 decrease in the unfunded PTE sector and a
                                                                 international capabilities.
 17% decrease in the funded PTE sector. This
 was partially offset by increases in the school                 We administer the Prime Minister’s
 (+9%) and university (+7%) sectors.                             Scholarships for Asia and the Prime Minister’s
 International student enrolments at ITPs                        Scholarships for Latin America, which enable
 decreased by 1% between 2016 and 2017.                          New Zealanders to enhance their
                                                                 international skills through a period of study
                                                                 in those regions. In 2016/17, we funded Prime
                                                                 Minister’s scholarships for 377 New Zealand
                                                                 The value of the industry
                                                                 The estimated 2017 value of international
                                                                 education in New Zealand is $4.4 billion. 6
                                                                 This makes international education New
                                                                 Zealand’s fifth most valuable export after logs,
                                                                 wood and wood articles (worth $4.7 billion) 7.
                                                                 The industry’s value includes both
                                                                 international student attraction and education
                                                                 delivery offshore.
                                                                 In 2016, the average economic value per
                                                                 international student was $32,100, a 26%
Figure 2: Regional distribution of international students 2017

   Export Education Levy and Tertiary Single Data Return,        6
                                                                   2017 International Student Enrolment Summary – as at 31
 Ministry of Education.                                          August 2017.
   New Zealand International Education Benchmark, September      7
 2017.                                                           new-highs-in-2017

STATEMENT OF INTENT 2018-2022 - E.48 - Education New Zealand
Statement of Intent 2018-2022

                     New Zealand international student enrolments by sector










              2013                2014             2015                2016                      2017

                            Schools      PTE      ELS       ITP       Universities

increase from the $25,540 per international             New Zealand. We will use our experience and
student in 2014. We continue to focus on                market insight to inform policy settings and
sustainable growth in the average economic              practices that affect international education.
value per international student.
                                                        We will work closely with the Ministry of
Detailed intelligence and insight on                    Education, the New Zealand Qualifications
international education in New Zealand can              Authority, the Ministry of Business,
be found on ENZ’s intelligence portal,                  Innovation and Employment, and other
IntelliLab.                                             agencies to influence policies that affect
                                                        students’ and education providers’ decision
The wider New Zealand
                                                        making, and to reduce barriers to sustainable
environment                                             development of international education.
Influencing policy development and
                                                        Telling the international education story in
                                                        New Zealand
New Zealand’s policy environment for
                                                        Many New Zealanders are unaware of the
international education is complex. It affects
                                                        benefits of international education for New
not only student mobility flows to and from
                                                        Zealand students and communities. Students
New Zealand, but also the attractiveness of the
                                                        studying outside their own country increase
sector to new education providers and
                                                        international connections between countries
                                                        by building lifelong friendships and networks,
Immigration and education policy settings,              and strengthen their understanding of other
both during and after study, and the                    cultures. We will continue to build New
recognition of New Zealand qualifications               Zealanders’ awareness of the value of
internationally, affect New Zealand’s                   international education across New Zealand.
attractiveness to potential international
students. At the same time, policy settings
need to deliver the best overall outcomes for

Education New Zealand

The international environment                      international education. These countries will
                                                   continue to be major competitors because they
There are currently an estimated 5 million
                                                   offer similar opportunities and benefits as
globally mobile students. By 2025, this is
                                                   New Zealand, and typically have greater
expected to increase by between 40 and 60%,
                                                   resources for attracting international students.
to 7–8 million. The number of internationally
mobile students is driven by a range of            However, as more countries recognise and
demographic, economic, social and cultural         value the social and economic contribution
factors. The most important of these factors is    that international education brings, there has
growth in the number of people aged 18-25          been rapid growth in quality education supply
who belong to the global middle class and          from both traditional and non-traditional
come from countries without sufficient             competitors. This includes an increase in
education infrastructure to support their          English-taught courses in non-English
aspirations.                                       speaking countries in Asia and Europe.
International education is thriving                With intensifying competition for
Over the past five years, the rapidly growing      international students, New Zealand needs to
number of people with the motivation and           remain competitive and compare favourably
resources to participate in higher education       with its competitor countries in terms of
created unprecedented demand that far              education quality, cost and ease of access.
exceeds the supply of quality places available     Changing the way education services are
globally. International education in New           delivered
Zealand and other countries with strong
                                                   Globally, education is a rapidly changing field
education infrastructure is currently thriving
                                                   with increasingly flexible programmes and
because of this growth in student mobility.
                                                   modes of delivery. This creates opportunities
Demand will decrease beyond 2025                   and risks for New Zealand’s international
                                                   education sector as learners at all levels
Our current projections suggest global demand
                                                   demand greater flexibility and education
will continue to drive growth in international
education for the next 7-10 years, but beyond
this, significant challenges are emerging. These   International education in New Zealand
include the changing demographics of major         primarily involves fee-paying international
markets such as China and India, and rapid         students attending ‘bricks and mortar’
growth in supply of quality education from         institutions in New Zealand and we expect
both traditional and non-traditional               this to continue over the next four years.
competitor countries.                              However, in the longer term, sustainable
                                                   growth will depend on how well education
From around 2025, the youth population in
                                                   providers adapt to changes in education
many countries that have historically been
                                                   demand, and in particular, how well they can
important student markets will begin to
                                                   deliver education services to the doorstep of
decline, while at the same time some
                                                   their international students through various
traditional markets will have become major
                                                   forms of transnational education (TNE).
study destinations in their own right.
Competition is intensifying
New Zealand has traditionally regarded
Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and
the United States as its competitors in

Statement of Intent 2018-2022


Our outcome ‘New Zealand international           grow awareness of New Zealand and attract
education activities provide enhanced social,    high-quality students. We will capture the
cultural and economic benefits’ contributes to   hearts and minds of international students
the Government’s goals of sustainable            and their families by delivering consistent
economic development and education that          story-telling around New Zealand’s distinctive
equips students for the 21st century. Together   education experience.
with government agencies and international
                                                 Encouraging innovation and diversification
education partners, we are working to ensure
                                                 will ensure the long-term, sustainable growth
the benefits of international education are
                                                 of international education. We will continue
shared across New Zealand.
                                                 our work to diversify New Zealand’s student
The diagram on the next page sets out our        attraction markets, and the variety of
medium-term strategy. It provides an             programmes international students come to
overview of what we will do towards              New Zealand to study. We will also continue
achieving our outcome and how we will            to focus on diversifying where international
measure the impact of what we do.                students study in New Zealand to enable a
                                                 more even distribution of the benefits of
To ensure New Zealand benefits from
                                                 international education.
international education now and in the future,
we will lead the international education         Encouraging New Zealanders to spend time
industry in thinking and implementation by:      studying overseas and making international
• taking a future focus to identify the          students welcome in New Zealand will
  opportunities and competencies required for    contribute to the development of global
  international education to thrive in the       citizens. We will support activities that enable
  long-term                                      New Zealanders to share their ideas, culture
• taking a strategic focus to influence and      and knowledge with the world, building
  drive policy alignment across regulatory       international connections and capabilities.
                                                 We will also work to continuously improve
• providing intelligence and insight that
                                                 our own insight, expertise and ability to work
  enables education providers, other
                                                 with students, education providers, other
  government agencies, stakeholders and
                                                 government agencies and stakeholders to
  ENZ to make better informed decisions.
                                                 increase the benefits of international
Positioning New Zealand’s distinctive            education to New Zealand, and ensure we
education brand for quality and value will       have the right platforms and tools to do so.

Education New Zealand

Statement of Intent 2018-2022

Education New Zealand


Our outcome: New Zealand international education activities provide
enhanced social, cultural and economic benefits

What will we do to achieve this?                  We will work with the Ministry of Education
                                                  and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
In order to achieve our intended outcome, and
                                                  in the area of international diplomacy, and in
our four-year excellence horizon, we have
                                                  particular, leadership of NZ Inc efforts
identified four strategic priorities that shape
                                                  offshore to advance educational opportunities,
our activities as the ‘go to’ agency for
                                                  the promotion of education internationally
international education.
                                                  and the use of diplomatic activities such as
Lead international education in                   Free Trade Agreement negotiations.
thinking                                          Lead information and intelligence
We will lead the future thinking of the
industry and collaborate with other agencies      We will continue to develop international
to give effect to the government’s goals for      education information and intelligence that
international education. This will then drive     meets the needs of education providers,
the activities undertaken by ENZ and other        businesses and government, and which gives
agencies to support sustainable growth of the     New Zealand a competitive edge.
                                                  In 2016/17 we launched an online intelligence
Inform and influence government                   hub for use by education providers and other
agencies in support of international              agencies. We will continue to develop and
education                                         refine our intelligence and insight so that we
We will collaborate closely with other agencies
to create an environment in which                 • information and intelligence provision on
international students receive a consistently       international education’s markets, student
high-quality education and a positive student       experiences and products
experience in New Zealand. We will work to        • information and intelligence provision on
ensure that the social, cultural and economic       the current state of international education,
benefits of international education are             both in New Zealand and globally
understood and shared across New Zealand.         • the future thinking of the industry.
We will take a strategic focus to influence
policy alignment across regulatory agencies in
support of international education.
We will operate as NZ Inc offshore, working
interactively with other New Zealand agencies
and supporting each other’s activities to
promote New Zealand.

Statement of Intent 2018-2022

ENZ’s ‘virtual classroom’ at the Thailand Education Fair August 2017

Promote New Zealand’s quality                                          We will deliver integrated digital advertising,
                                                                       social media and public relations campaigns in
                                                                       ENZ’s priority markets. These campaigns will
We will capture the hearts and minds of                                focus on student attraction across priority
international students and their families by                           sectors within each market, combining our
delivering consistent story-telling around                             global brand messages with country-specific
New Zealand’s distinctive education                                    content. All our activity will encourage
experience. This story-telling will reinforce                          students to visit our student attraction website
that New Zealand is an open, welcoming                        This
country that provides students with a diverse                          website directs enquiries and interest from
range of rich and rewarding education                                  potential international students and their
experiences to prepare them for the future.                            families through to institutions and agents.
Promote the New Zealand education                                      We will continue to evolve our database
brand                                                                  marketing programme to ensure we capture
We will use an updated ‘Think New’ brand                               details of high-quality student and parent
strategy to position New Zealand’s distinctive                         prospects across our website and other
and high-quality education offering. We will                           channels. We will then engage and convert
communicate this quality education message                             these prospects through the MyStudyNZ
to high-value potential students across a range                        matching service and ongoing
of channels, with the goal of raising their                            communications, tailored to their preferences
awareness and preference for New Zealand.                              and study interests.

Education New Zealand

Our database marketing programme will also                                advocacy for a New Zealand education and
be used to give us insight into which channels                            recruit them to provide authentic story-telling
are delivering the strongest engagement and                               to others about their New Zealand education
conversion to study in New Zealand. These                                 experience.
insights will be used to inform our channel
                                                                          We will encourage education providers to use
strategy for 2018/19 and beyond.
                                                                          our brand activity, marketing campaigns and
Education agents will be integrated into all of                           the New Zealand Story as support for their
our marketing activity. A new agent training                              own promotional activity. We provide
platform will ensure agents deliver our brand                             marketing support to the sector by providing
story, the unique benefits of a New Zealand                               the ‘Think New’ brand and ENZ’s Brand Lab
education, key messages about our regional                                marketing toolkit for use in promotional
strengths, and set clear and realistic                                    activities. These tools are targeted at providers
expectations for a satisfying student                                     seeking to attract international students to
experience. A revamped Education New                                      New Zealand, and deliver education services
Zealand Recognised Agents (ENZRA)                                         offshore.
programme will ensure ENZ and education
                                                                          ENZ will also deliver other promotional
providers have access to strategic agent
                                                                          activities in specific markets, including:
partners around the world who are champions
for a New Zealand education.                                                   •    search engine marketing
                                                                               •    social media
All our attraction marketing activity will be                                  •    education agent seminars
integrated with our overall student journey                                    •    media and education familiarisation
strategy. We will ensure our brand promise is                                       visits to New Zealand
supported through our student experience                                       •    public relations
initiatives. We will work with current and                                     •    education fairs
former international students to foster their

Impact: The economic value from the international education sector is
Indicators of success:
The economic value 8 from New Zealand’s international education sector.

    Actual 2016                       Target 2018                          Target 2020                         Target 2022

    $4.47b 9                          $4.6b                                Increase                            Increase

The percentage of prospective students in priority markets who rank New Zealand in the top three
preferred countries 10.

    Actual 2016/17                    Target 2021/22

    13%                               Increase

  ENZ commissions a full economic value analysis (EVA) of the international education sector biennially. In alternate years, ENZ reports
an estimated industry value based on the most recent EVA and current year student enrolment figures.
  Education New Zealand: New Zealand International Education Snapshot – 2016 Full Year.
   ENZ measures the preference of prospective students in priority markets as part of its regular brand monitoring activity. ENZ reports
the result annually, although the target is focused on an increasing trend over a four-year period.

Statement of Intent 2018-2022

Grow sustainable international                    • sharing of best practice in international
education                                           education across education sectors within
                                                    the region(s)
Drive diversification
                                                  • supporting capability building and
Diversification of markets and products             increasing co-ordination for international
remains a priority. ENZ will continue to            education providers within the region(s)
develop an evidence-based approach to             • identifying and working to remove regional
investment in global promotional activities,        barriers and constraints to growth in
whereby the mix of investment between               international education
globally focused digital marketing campaigns      • support for high-impact investment
and in-country market activities is informed        projects.
by the effectiveness of promotional channels
                                                  The activities will be designed to:
in each market.
                                                  • increase awareness of the importance of
ENZ’s investment in destination marketing
                                                    international education on a regional basis
and promotion will continue to be
                                                  • support specific growth initiatives
underpinned by our annual activity planning
                                                    appropriate to that region.
process. We will regularly review and
prioritise markets to ensure we continue to       Support industry development
maximise the benefit for New Zealand, and         We will undertake activities to continue to
ensure we have the agility to take advantage of   build the international education sector’s
emerging opportunities.                           capability. The activities will evolve to reflect
Continue regional diversification                 ENZ’s value proposition and feedback from
within New Zealand                                our annual industry survey. Activities may
New Zealand’s regions are well placed to offer
rich and diverse experiences and opportunities    • developing and providing tools for use by
to international students and we will actively      the sector 11
promote their distinctive education offerings.    • organising seminars, conferences or
We want to ensure that all of New Zealand           professional development for the
accrues the widest possible benefits from           international education sector, or a specific
international education.                            subsector
                                                  • providing co-funding for international
We will continue to work with education
                                                    education projects
providers, local government/regional economic
                                                  • supporting regional providers and agencies
development agencies and communities to
                                                    to develop their own distinctive education
support and encourage the growth of
                                                    stories and student experience programmes.
international education and its contribution to
business and economic growth in the regions.
Support for regions will be based on a
partnership approach and will vary based on
growth potential, local capability, and
potential for impact as an enabler for economic
growth. Activities will include:

     IntelliLab, Skills Lab, The Brand Lab

Education New Zealand

Understand international education                            necessarily linked to a specific location. We
capacity and capability                                       envisage our support will vary from project to
                                                              project, and may include:
We will develop a more in-depth
understanding of the capacity and capability                  • providing market intelligence
for international education in New Zealand so                 • providing advice on the steps involved in
that we can identify both the opportunities                     exploring a potential opportunity
for, and the barriers to, sustainable growth.                 • supporting a delegation visit to explore
We will encourage providers to collaborate                      opportunities in a market
with partners so they can benefit from                        • helping a New Zealand provider to
opportunities that exceed the capacity or                       undertake due diligence of a proposed deal
capability of a single provider.                              • providing support to investigate a potential
                                                                new market.
We will also continue to work with the
education sector to identify and develop                      We will work with other New Zealand
opportunities for education delivery offshore.                government agencies to promote government
Most of the offshore activities undertaken by                 to government relationships that support
education providers are project based and not                 international collaboration and partnerships.

Impact: The number of international students in regions 12 is increased.
Indicator of success:
The number of international students enrolled to study outside Auckland.

     Actual 2016        Actual 2017            Target 2018    Target 2019              Target 2020              Target 2021

     49,133 13          50,690 14              Increase       Increase                 Increase                 Increase

Impact: The economic value per international student increased.
Indicator of success:
The economic value per international student 15.

     Actual 2016                    Target 2018               Target 2020                          Target 2022

     $32,100                        Increase                  Increase                             Increase

   All of New Zealand, excluding Auckland.                    15
                                                                 Calculated by dividing the total economic value (from the
   Education New Zealand: New Zealand International Student   biennial EVA) by the number of international student
Enrolments – 2016 Full Year.                                  enrolments.
   Education New Zealand: New Zealand International Student
Enrolments – 2017 Full Year (provisional).

Statement of Intent 2018-2022

Develop global citizens                              We will continue to work with education
                                                     providers, student groups, government
International education brings people together
                                                     agencies, local government and community
from all parts of the globe to share ideas, skills
                                                     groups to ensure the overall student
and knowledge, and in doing so creates
                                                     experience – from recruitment through to
enduring friendships. International education
                                                     advocacy activities after graduation – builds
enables New Zealanders to feel at home in the
                                                     on New Zealand’s positive and distinctive
world, and the world to feel at home in New
                                                     brand of education.
                                                     We will collect feedback from international
Support student experience and
                                                     students to ensure that their expectations are
Placing students at the centre of our approach
                                                     Telling the story
is vital if we are to stay abreast of current and
future needs and trends, and ensure New              International education needs to operate with
Zealand continues to present an attractive,          an accepted social licence in New Zealand.
compelling proposition to internationally            This will help New Zealand maintain a
mobile learners.                                     reputation for being a welcoming place for
                                                     international students.
In 2017/18, we developed a student journey
strategy and over the next four years we will        We will broaden understanding of the value of
continue to bring the international student          international education by New Zealanders,
experience and student voice into key                particularly the social, cultural and economic
decision-making to ensure consistent                 benefits. To do this we will continue to tell the
standards of high-quality education, pastoral        international education story and improve our
care and living experience are the mark of           understanding of New Zealanders’ perceptions
international education in New Zealand.              of international education.

We will develop a Student Experience digital         We will develop and launch a digital media
platform to provide consistent, relevant and         centre that showcases the breadth and quality
accessible information for international             of international education in New Zealand.
students, via a single trusted source. It will       This will help both telling the story within
serve as a ‘one-stop shop’ for content from NZ       New Zealand, and in supporting ENZ’s in-
Inc partners and other organisations, tailored       country and other digital activities to promote
for an international student audience.               New Zealand’s education internationally.

Education New Zealand

Administer scholarship programmes                                         and maintain links between academic
for New Zealanders                                                        institutions, promote the high quality of the
                                                                          New Zealand education system and
We will help New Zealand students build life-
                                                                          encourages student mobility.
long friendships and networks in Asia and
Latin America by administering the Prime                                  Administer scholarships for
Minister’s Scholarships for Asia and the Prime                            international students
Minister’s Scholarships for Latin America.
                                                                          We will administer the New Zealand
These scholarships enable New Zealanders to
                                                                          International Doctoral Research Scholarships
enhance their skills through study offshore
                                                                          that fund top international students to come
across a wide range of courses and
                                                                          to New Zealand to undertake PhD study.
international locations.
The presence of skilled New Zealanders
studying internationally also helps to establish

Impact: International students have a positive experience.
Indicator of success:
The proportion of international students who were satisfied or very satisfied with their overall
experience 16.

 Target 2017/18             Target 2018/19          Target 2019/20          Target 2020/21           Target 2021/22

 Revised measure            ≥ 85%                   88-95%                  88-95%                   88-95%

Impact: New Zealanders value the social and cultural benefits that
international education brings.
Indicator of success:
Awareness of the contribution of international education to New Zealand 17.

 Actual 2016/17          Target 2021/22

 56% 18                  Increase

   Measured by surveying international students. This measure applies to any sectors surveyed in 2018/19 as not all sectors are surveyed
every year. Recent sector results are published in Education New Zealand's Annual Reports.
   ENZ commissions research (including both qualitative and quantitative approaches) to identify New Zealanders’ perceptions of
international education. The target is focused on an increasing trend over a four-year period.
   Percentage of research participants who endorse or support international education.

Statement of Intent 2018-2022


ENZ’s current capabilities, systems and                Our people
processes position us well to make a significant
                                                       Our values create the foundation for ENZ and
contribution towards New Zealand’s
                                                       support the ‘Think New’ brand we use to
international education goals. Since our 2016
                                                       promote international education. They are:
Performance Improvement Framework
review we have strengthened our intelligence           • Think Bold
and insight capabilities and our understanding         • Think Open
of international students’ expectations,               • Think Team
preferences and experiences.                           We will continue to develop our approach to
We will ensure our organisational                      ensure we have a global team with the
development activities are well aligned with           flexibility and agility to ensure ENZ is fit for
our long-term strategy and support the                 purpose. This includes ensuring we have
efficient and effective delivery of our activities.    people with the appropriate capabilities in the
Some of the activities we will deliver over the        right locations to deliver on the organisational
next four years require new skills, platforms or       demands highlighted in ENZ’s PIF review.
tools. We will address these gaps to ensure we         We evolve our People Strategy to ensure it is
can deliver on our long-term strategy.                 appropriate to the needs and business model of
We will work within the spirit of the whole-           ENZ. The key elements of the current
of-government directions for procurement,              Strategy are:
information and communications technology              1. planning and resourcing
(ICT) and property to ensure we have efficient         2. employee engagement and performance
and effective back-office services. We will               improvement
measure our efficiency and effectiveness by            3. developing our people
monitoring the ratio of administration                 4. recognising and rewarding our people.
expenses to core operating expenses.
                                                       We will lead staff engagement initiatives to
 Measure                           Target 2018-2022    improve staff wellbeing and ENZ’s
 Ratio of administration           13-18%.
 expenses to core operating                            As most of our work is project based, we will
 expenses.                                             also build a flexible resourcing model to
                                                       enhance our speed and agility.
                      Actual results
                                                       Our organisational performance measures are
                                                       reflected in individual performance
         2013/14     2014/15      2015/16    2016/17

Education New Zealand

 Measure                            Target 2018-2022       Our technology

 Core unplanned turnover.           < 11%.                 We will continue to implement our roadmap
                                                           for ICT. Successful implementation of the
              Actual results for the year ending           roadmap for ENZ will mean that ENZ is
  15%                                                      ‘business led, technology enabled’.

                                                           Technology underpins the delivery of our
                                                           services globally. Establishing and then
   5%                                                      leveraging off an appropriate ICT platform is
                                                           key to ENZ being able to achieve its goals. We
           30-Jun-15        30-Jun-16          30-Jun-17
                                                           have the infrastructure in place to be a
                                                           globally connected and communicating
Good employer matters                                      organisation, including global data
We recognise the need for a diverse workforce              connections, document management system
to effectively deliver services to our                     and customer relationship management
stakeholders. We provide equal employment                  system. These support the sharing of
opportunities to make the most of the talents              information and knowledge and encourage
of all of our people.                                      collaboration, particularly between ENZ’s
                                                           onshore and offshore staff.
Our status as a good employer will be assessed
against the elements and criteria set out by the           During 2018/19 we will continue to develop
Human Rights Commission. Over the next                     our digital platforms and support services as
four years we will continue to ensure that all             part of our data driven, digital approach to
elements are in place and working well                     global marketing and promotion. This is
through our People Strategy.                               intended to create a seamless international
                                                           student journey from registering interest
We will continue to run an employee                        through to graduation and post-study.
engagement survey. We will develop and
implement solutions for areas of improvement               Our expertise
identified through the survey.                             As part of our move towards an investment
                                                           model, we will redevelop the investment
 Measure                    Target 2018-2022
                                                           approach underlying the Country Activity
 Employee engagement        Top quartile of the staff      Plan process to drive greater market, product
                            engagement                     and regional diversification. This supports our
                            performance index for          move towards an investment model where we
                            the public sector.             allocate our resources to achieve maximum
                                                           impact for a given level of risk. We will use
 Actual results
                                                           data and in-market intelligence to continually
 2014/15: In the top quartile of government
                                                           review and refine our business activities, and
 agencies that complete the same survey.
                                                           to inform our decisions about future
 2015/16: The survey launch was postponed until            investment. This will enable us to predict with
 the first quarter of 2016/17.                             greater accuracy and certainty the activities
 2016/17: In the top quartile of the staff                 that will result in the greatest possible return
 engagement performance index for the public               on our investment.

Statement of Intent 2018-2022

 Measure                                                                                         Target 2018-2022

 Identify and actively manage a targeted portfolio of markets that drives current
 opportunities and creates future market positions:
 •     Country Activity Plans (CAPs) document business activity and investment for each
       ‘promote’ and ‘explore’ market                                                                    100%
 •     Country team reviews completed three times per year.                                              100%

Our systems and processes
Capital and asset management intentions
The value of our capital assets is minor. The table below summarises the forecast value of our assets
at 30 June 2018.
$000                   Forecast net       Comment on assets forecast at      Forecast     Forecast     Forecast     Forecast
                       book value at      30 June 2018                       2018/19      2019/20      2020/21      2021/22
                       30 June 2018
Furniture and office
equipment                              65 Lifecycle replacement only                 35         35           35              35

                                        Lifecycle replacement of
Computer hardware
                                        desktop computer hardware and
and Intangible                      321                                             100       100           100             100
                                        a continued move to the cloud
                                        and ‘as a service’ model
Motor vehicles                         25 Motor vehicle in Beijing only               -           -             -             -
                                        Lambton Quay office fit-out
improvements and                    137 completed in 2015                            30         30           30              30

Our capital investment intentions over the                       • Periodically review our office
next four years are that we will:                                  accommodation in response to the changing
                                                                   needs highlighted above and contribute
• Replace furniture and office equipment at
                                                                   toward office refits as necessary. Our
  the end of its useful life
                                                                   Lambton Quay lease expires August 2020,
• Replace desktop computer hardware at the
                                                                   with an option to extend for a further six
  end of its useful life and we will continue to
  develop intangible assets, however in line
  with our ICT strategy we intend to shift our                   We now have in place the infrastructure and
  data to the public cloud and purchase ICT                      platforms required to be a globally connected
  infrastructure, platforms and software ‘as a                   and communicating organisation, including
  service’                                                       new global data connections, video
• Reduce ownership of vehicles and lease                         conferencing solution, a document
  them instead which is a more flexible                          management system and customer
  approach as part of the changing needs of                      relationship management system. This has
  market development and growth                                  seen an improvement in data and personal
                                                                 interaction across the organisation.

Education New Zealand

Risk management strategy                                            • revise, where necessary, the consequence
                                                                      and likelihood levels for any risk
ENZ has a risk management and reporting
                                                                    • report any significant risks, and appropriate
framework that provides a consistent way to
                                                                      strategies to address them, to our Minister
identify and assess the most important risks.
                                                                      and our monitoring agencies as they arise.
We will:
                                                                    We have identified ENZ’s broad risks and
• monitor the risks regularly through the
                                                                    mitigation strategies 19.
  Audit and Risk Committee

 Risk                                     ENZ’s mitigation strategies
 New Zealand’s international              •    Support the implementation of the New Zealand International Education
 education goals                               Strategy.
 Failure to deliver on the                •    Work with the international education sector to gain their support of the
 Government’s goals for                        Government’s goals and ENZ’s work.
 international education.                 •    Undertake robust strategic and business planning, including prioritising
                                               activities and setting clear goals.
                                          •    Monitor our progress towards our goals, including undertaking regular
                                               reporting against our plans.
 New Zealand’s international              •    Continue to position the Think New education brand to create compelling
 education brand                               reasons to study in New Zealand and promote New Zealand as a world-
 Failure to build and maintain the             class and high-value destination.
 reputation of New Zealand’s              •    Develop and launch a digital media centre to promote New Zealand’s
 international education industry.             quality education.
                                          •    Work with other New Zealand education agencies to ensure international
                                               students are satisfied with their experience in New Zealand.
                                          •    Work with the international education sector to strengthen their
                                               capability in promoting and delivering New Zealand’s international
                                               education products and services.
 Changes to the global                    •    Promote New Zealand as a world-class and high-quality destination.
 environment                              •    Continue market diversification of New Zealand’s international student
 Changes to external factors that              attraction markets and pivot between markets as appropriate.
 reduce the attractiveness of New         •    Monitor competitor countries’ policies, practices and targets for
 Zealand’s international education             international education.
 Changes to the global education          •    Work with the sector and Ministry of Education to identify changes and
 environment                                   trends likely to affect international education, including changes being
 Changes to the way education is               made by New Zealand’s competitor countries.
 delivered globally.                      •    Build sector capability to respond to change.
                                          •    Use existing digital assets and develop new digital assets to showcase New
                                               Zealand ‘s offshore education and training offerings.
                                          •    Develop and implement a product innovation incubator.

  Current proposed changes to Government settings have the
potential to change the risks and mitigations.

Statement of Intent 2018-2022

Risk                                ENZ’s mitigation strategies
New Zealand government policy       •   Continue to position the Think New education brand to create compelling
settings                                reasons to study in New Zealand and promote New Zealand as a world-
Government policy settings that         class and high-value destination.
reduce New Zealand’s                •   Influence policy settings and ensure agencies understand the potential
attractiveness to potential             implications of policy settings via the International Education Agencies
students.                               group.
                                    •   Lead the provision of intelligence and information to drive policy settings.
ENZ’s reputation                    •   Maintain a clear understanding of the sector’s needs.
Lack of trust in ENZ by the         •   Ensure the sector understands ENZ’s role and long-term strategy.
international education sector or   •   Monitor the quality of the products and services we deliver to the sector,
other government agencies.              and whether they meet the sector’s needs.
ENZ’s organisational development    •   Undertake robust strategic and business planning, including prioritising
ENZ lacks the capability or             activities and setting clear goals.
capacity to achieve its long-term   •   Identify our capability and capacity needs and address the gaps to ensure
goals or deliver its work               we can effectively and efficiently deliver on our long-term strategy.
programme.                          •   Work within the spirit of the whole-of-government directions for
                                        procurement, ICT and property.

Education New Zealand


ENZ’s functions are specified in section 270 of the Education Act 1989. Our statutory functions are
• deliver strategies, programmes and activities for promoting, together with providers and other
  government agencies, New Zealand education overseas
• promote New Zealand as an educational destination for international students
• promote the provision of New Zealand education and training services overseas
• manage, in collaboration with other government agencies, activities undertaken by representatives
  appointed to act on behalf of the New Zealand Government in relation to international education
• carry out research on international education markets and marketing strategies
• administer any international programmes or activities that are consistent with the Government’s
  policy on international education
• provide information, advice, and assistance to providers on strategies to promote industry
  coordination and professional development
• provide information to international students about living and studying in New Zealand
• work with other agencies to ensure that international students are adequately supported while
  living and studying in New Zealand
• foster collaborative networks with former international students.


ELS                     English language school
ENZRA                   Education New Zealand Recognised Agent
EVA                     Economic value analysis
ITP                     Institute of technology and polytechnic
                        The collaboration of New Zealand government agencies, particularly when
NZ Inc
                        operating offshore
PTE                     Private training establishment
                        Student mobility refers to students moving from their home country to
Student mobility
                        another country (or countries) to study
                        Transnational education, which is the provision of education by institutions in
                        one country to students in another country

Statement of Intent 2018-2022

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