The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools

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The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools
The Chieftain
                    Montville High School Oakdale, CT 06370                     				                                      Issue #1 2022
                                                                                                Uncharted Waters Produce
To Vaxx or Not to Vaxx                                                                          Rough Seas for Seniors
                                                                                                By: Julia LaFrance
                                                                                                          COVID-19 has put an additional
                                                                                                strain on seniors by making their
                                                                                                transition into college less predictable.
                                                                                                The uncertainty created by the pandemic
                                                                                                has made it more difficult to plan for the
                                                                                                future, and it’s unclear what the college
                                                                                                experience will be like for the class of
                                                                                                          Students typically start scoping
                                                                                                out colleges in the summer between their
                                                                                                junior and senior year. Some colleges
                                                                                                are only offering online tours due to
                                                                                                COVID-19 restrictions, which hinders
                                                                                                potential students’ abilities to get well
                                                                                                acquainted with the campuses. I was
                                                                                                able to schedule some in-person tours
                                                                                                last summer, but there were some college
COVID-19 Vaccines: What Seniors Need to Know.                           Photo By: Stock Photo   campuses that I was only able to view
By: Isaac B. Bandholtz
                                                                                                          Not only has COVID-19 changed
        The year 2019 held a surprise           before.                                         the search for colleges, it has also modified
pandemic caused by a particularly nasty              The vaccination should exempt people       the college experience. It’s possible that
virus called Coronavirus, or Covid for          from regulations held to unvaccinated           some colleges will require students to take
short. A vaccine becoming available in          people such as mask mandates and social         courses online, replacing the traditional
2021 should have been welcome, but              distancing. According to Our World in           college experience of learning in person.
there were plenty of people who did not         Data, 200 million people in the United          According to CollegeData’s 2020-2021
support it. The Pro Vax versus Anti Vax         States are fully vaccinated, which totals       survey, 56% of college students attended
debate was brought back to life with a          around 60.8% of the US population. This         fully remote classes on campus, and only
newfound passion.                               leaves around 40% of the population             8% attended in-person classes on campus.
         The introduction of the vaccine        unvaccinated, making them the minority          However, the 8% of students that were
promoted conspiracies and speculation,          here. If this ratio is applied to Montville     lucky enough to learn in person didn’t
bringing a wave of social media posts           High School, then there is a greater            have a completely normal year because of
and buzz along with it. This widened the        percentage of vaccinated people than            COVID-19 restrictions.
divide in America between those who did         unvaccinated people.                                      The uncertainty of the pandemic
and those who did not support the vaccine.               When the majority of students          has added to the stress of senior year and
Should people who are vaccinated be held        are considered safe from COVID-19 due           the transition into college, and seniors at
to the mask mandate like those who aren’t       to their vaccinations, they should then be      MHS are feeling the pressure. One senior
vaccinated?                                     allowed to attend school with masks as          felt like she couldn’t go to college in New
       The Covid vaccine has been proven        an option not a requirement. In the US,         York, because she didn’t want to risk the
to be highly effective by not one, but two      where freedom and choice is our slogan;         chance of being in a highly populated area
CDC studies. According to the Centers for       vaccinated people should have more              if there’s another spike in the COVID-19
Disease Control and Prevention website,         freedom. Should the school reconsider           stats. The student also expressed her
the vaccine holds a 90% efficiency rating.      its mask policies, or should they keep the      concerns about the possibility of colleges
As expected, those who have not been            same requirements for both vaccinated or        following the hybrid model or limiting
vaccinated are still at the same risk as        unvaccinated students?                          activities due to COVID-19 restrictions.
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The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools
“The Servant of Two Masters by                                                              School Store
Carlo Goldoni”                                                                              By: Isaac B. Bandholtz
                                                                                                      The school store at Montville
                                                                                            High Schoolhas had a surprise reopening
                                                                                            and has introduced an easily accessible
                                                                                            way to help fund our school’s events. The
                                                                                            store is located directly next to the library
                                                                                            and is open during most study halls. The
                                                                                            prices of all items, ranging from food and
                                                                                            drinks to apparel, are affordable for any
                                                                                            budget, and a purchase made at the school
                                                                                            store is a demonstration of support and
                                                                                                      The food available at the school
                                                                                            store has had an upgrade in variety, and
                                                                                            there is something for everyone. Granola
                                                                                            bars, potato chips, Rice Krispies, Fruit
                                                                                            Snacks, and Cheez-Its are some of the
                                                                                            snacks available. In addition, the store
                                                                                            often collaborates with the culinary
MHS Drama Club performs “The Servant of Two Masters”             Photo By: Julia LaFrance   club and sells items such as homemade
                                                                                            cookies, popcorn, and cereal bars. Drinks
By: Julia LaFrance
                                                                                            are also available, such as juice boxes for
         In October, the MHS drama club        a servant named Truffaldino who has the      students and sodas for teachers. The store
performed The Servant of Two Masters,          task of serving two masters without either   is constantly updating its selection by
a “fast-paced and physically demanding”        knowing that he is serving the other. He     adding new items.
comedy based on the original 1700s Italian     struggles to keep his masters’ assignments             The store sells MHS branded
commedia. The play tells a “classic, but       straight, but he is able to successfully     clothing, such as hoodies, shirts, hats, and
fun” story of mistaken identity through        deceive them. One of Truffaldino’s           sweatpants, with prices as low as $25.
slapstick characters and physical comedy       masters, Federigo, is revealed to have       Purchasing MHS merchandise is a great
         When Mrs. Walsh, the drama club       a mistaken identity. As the audience         way to show school spirit, and the easy
director, started teaching at MHS in 2009,     knew from the beginning, a woman             access and affordable prices of the school
The Servant of Two Masters was the first       named Beatrice disguised herself as her      store make it very convenient for spirit
show that she produced. Her confidence in      dead brother to collect dowry money by       weeks and school sports events. With cold
the current 13 actors and 12 tech workers      marrying a maiden with a wealthy father.     weather being more common, a purchase
inspired her to produce the play again. This   This was a shock to the other characters,    of school merch is not only a cheap option
production “call[ed] for actors to be really   including Truffaldino, who believed that     but a smart one.
out there,” and Mrs. Walsh encouraged          Beatrice was Federigo.                                 Whether you need some new
them to push themselves and enjoyed                     The actors’ commitment to           clothes to keep warm or to show spirit,
watching the actors “find their wit.” In       their roles allowed them to effectively      or you are in need of a snack, the school
rehearsal, the actors were “uncovering         execute the characters’ strong and vibrant   store is the place for you. Items are readily
the comedy of [the play]” and “making          personalities. The actors enhanced the       available and the store is open and easily
themselves laugh.”                             comedy factor of the play and kept the       accessible for everyone.
         The      play   features    iconic    audience engaged by addressing them
characters, such as the penny pincher          directly at times and gifting them with
and the young lovers, that are present         secrets unknown by the other characters.
in other works performed during the
Italian Renaissance. The play focuses on

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The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools
Remote Learning and Snow Days
By: James Trehy
         Remote learning is a new way to       the death of the snow day.
learn and attend school via technology,                 Remote snow days would make
such as Zoom and Google Meet, that             it possible to keep the end date of school
allows students to learn from home. It         consistent, which would make it easier for
was implemented during the beginning of        high school students to get summer jobs
COVID-19’s impact on schools in 2020,          and have more free time. Mrs. Pallin says,
and it has made us realize that students can   “I know that snow days are special, and
learn from home when they are snowed           traditionally kids and parents get a surprise
in. This raises the question: will the snow    day to be out in the snow, but holding
day survive?                                   school late in June in non air conditioned
         A snow day is assigned when           classrooms isn’t as productive as a remote
weather makes transportation dangerous         day earlier in the year. But, would you
to transport students to school. Mrs. Pallin   learn more on a remote day in January or
says, “Whenever a forecast predicts snow       a non-remote day in mid to late June?”
day weather, we would try to prepare                    Despite the benefits of replacing
for that by telling students to bring their    snow days with remote learning days,
devices home and teachers to prepare           eliminating snow days would cause us
for remote learning. If people don’t           to miss out on quality time in front of the
have power, we’ll have a day off.” The         fireplace, making snowmen, sledding, and
introduction of remote learning might be       drinking Hot Cocoa.                                    A schoolbus drops students off in the snow.
                                                                                                                                     Stock Photo

Mrs. Grills Is Comin’ to Town
By: Julia LaFrance
         Every year, Mrs. Grills, a math       on the corresponding wish list. “It takes       Grills started the prom closet with Mr.
teacher at Montville High School,              a village;” students help wrap the gifts        Stone, a retired math teacher at MHS
organizes charity events for the holidays.     and organize them into specific wish            that has recently returned to teach AP
She relishes the opportunity to “become        lists. Many families struggle to finance        Calculus. The prom closet “started with a
Santa,” and it’s worth it if she can “help     the extra expenses around the holidays,         couple dozen dresses,” and has expanded
someone have a little smile on Christmas       and Mrs. Grills says that “we’re here to        and “saved a lot of people a lot of money.”
morning.” Holiday charities have always        help with those little extras.” Project Polar   Students can borrow a dress or suit, alter it
been an influence in Mrs. Grills’ life and     Express is Mrs. Grills’ main focus for this     if they want, wear it for prom, and return
she has fond memories of participating in      year’s holiday charity.                         it for another student to use. In 2017, the
charities with her family as a young child.             In the past, Mrs. Grills has been      Montville Board of Education included
When her room is filled with toys, she can     involved with other charity agencies            the following excerpt: “High school math
feel the “excitement in the air,” and the      including Montville Social Services, the        teachers Mrs. Grills and Mr. Stone are
“Christmas spirit” is very visible.            Humane Society of the United States, the        getting ready for their annual prom dress
         For most of the 34 years that Mrs.    BEAR Project, and American Red Cross.           closet initiative. Students who cannot or
Grills has been teaching at MHS, she has       On several Fridays throughout the school        do not want to spend hundreds of dollars
been involved with Project Polar Express.      year, Mrs. Grills organizes a wear-jeans-       on a prom dress or suit can choose from
She collects about 10 Christmas wish           for-charity event for the MHS staff. She        a wide selection in the “prom closet” to
lists from the Child and Family Agency         has raised money for causes such as Relay       borrow for the special night.”
and distributes them to the MHS staff.         For Life, Eagle Scout projects, and the
Each participant’s job is to get a few         food pantry.
gifts for their assigned recipient based                More than ten years ago, Mrs.
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The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools
Horses Get a Painful Leg up on the                                                                        Weddings Must be Stopped
Competition                                                                                               By: Jesse Bradham
                                                                                                                   In my lifetime, I have been to two
                                                                                                          weddings, and let me tell you, wedding
                                                                                                          culture and the societal norms that it
                                                                                                          breeds are, quite simply, a plague. It’s
                                                                                                          important for me to say that this column is
                                                                                                          not an attack on the concept of marriage,
                                                                                                          rather the over-the-top weddings that
                                                                                                          start too many marriages. Weddings are
                                                                                                          good for little more than causing family
                                                                                                          turmoil, debt, and overall getting too
                                                                                                          many marriages off to a rocky start.
                                                                                                                   I think it’s important to examine
                                                                                                          the mentality that surrounds many
                                                                                                          weddings. Many people, from the day
                                                                                                          they’re old enough to know what a
                                                                                                          wedding is, begin planning their “big
                                                                                                          day.” These fantasies follow them in a
                                                                                                          toxic cycle until they finally get the ring
Advocates of change in the industry want to see chains and stacks eliminated. Photo by: Clarence Alford   on their finger, and suddenly the wedding
                                                                                                          becomes more important than the person
By: Julia LaFrance
                                                                                                          they´re taking as their spouse. It’s not
         Many of us are familiar with the            legs or hooves in order to force the horse           about love, it’s about the material aspects.
“Devious Licks” that are grabbing the                to perform an artificial, exaggerated gait.”         If you´re not going to be happy in marriage
attention of news reporters and taking               Soring consists of applying “caustic                 without a wedding, then you shouldn’t be
over schools across the United States,               chemicals--blistering agents like mustard            getting married.
including Montville High School. But                 oil, diesel fuel, and kerosene--to the                        Of course, weddings also take
a similar-sounding issue called “The                 horse’s limbs.” Trainers rub the chemicals           a toll on guests, who are sometimes
Big Lick,” a dangerous Tennessee horse               on the horse’s legs and hooves days before           forced to travel lengthy distances before
show trick riddled with underground                  an event, leaving the horse squealing and            arriving at the venue and realizing, ¨Oh
animal abuse, seems to be going largely              wailing in agony as the chemicals soak               hell, we forgot a present¨, so they go to
unnoticed.                                           into its skin.                                       Family Dollar and spend their last $10 on
         The Big Lick originated in the                        Soring is illegal and punishable           a gift. They then have to sit through the
1940s and 1950s, and gained popularity               by fines and imprisonment under the                  ceremony, wherein some old codger rants
from Tennessee Walking Horses. The                   Horse Protection Act of 1970, but “judges            about how the couple is so in love before
trick requires horses to lift and curl               continue to reward the artificial “Big               permitting them to make out. Speaking of
their front legs as they walk, creating              Lick” gait, thus encouraging participants            which, how is that first kiss an intimate
an unnatural motion that can’t be easily             to sore their horses and allowing the cruel          moment when you have an audience?
achieved without the trainer’s use of harsh          practice to persist.” In 2019, Congress                       Weddings must be retired.
techniques, such as soring. Teaching                 introduced the Prevention All Soring                 The couple is subject to sharing the
horses to perform the Big Lick takes time            Tactics (PAST) Act, which will enforce the           commencement of their marriage with
and effort, and as the trick became more             humane treatment of horses and punish the            their loved ones who are then forced
popular, soring became an easier and more            unethical behavior of trainers. Congress’            to watch later as the bride’s mother
time effective method, at the expense of             haste to finalize this act is puzzling; dog          abandons her tears before chasing a piece
the horses.                                          abuse is universally frowned upon, yet               of wedding cake down with a shot of
         The Humane Society of the                   the equally torturous methods behind                 whiskey and drunkenly hitting the dance-
United States describes soring as “the               the Big Lick have not been adequately                floor as Mambo No. 5 begins playing.
intentional infliction of pain to a horse’s          acknowleged or addressed.                            Everyone present is inconvenienced.
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The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools
Is Santa Real?
By: Mason and Maxwell Westkamper
         Max-Now to most of you this          when we actually came from the adoption        entering, and assaulting children, Elf On
answer is simple, but some people actually    center like my “parents” told me when I        The Shelf being set in a fascist dictatorship
don’t believe in Santa. I am here to argue    was 8? Teachers lie they say, “Your child      where Santa works elves to death in the
why Santa is pure fact, and I have brought    is so smart,” and you actually flunked! As     sweatshops and the lucky few oligarchs
along a stupid Santa denier to debunk his     it stands, your first point is wrong.          who are able to leave on their own accord,
anti-Claus additude.                                   Max-You make a fair point, but        have their lives cut short as kids constantly
         My first point is adults who         why would parents even lie about Santa? I      grab things. These undertones are funny
believe in Santa. Adults are fairly smart     mean if I were to give someone a present       when you have an audience unaware of
(most of the time). My dad, for one,          I would definitely want credit. I mean         the dark humor of it. That is why parents
even saw Santa himself, and my mom            how would someone even think up the            lie.
says that she did too. Even my teachers       idea of an immortal fat person that gives               Santa-I need you to believe or
believe in Santa. A survey in Iceland says    presents?                                      else Christmas will be destroyed; my
45% of adults believe in elves. With these             Mason-Why parents lie is simple:      clausometer is running low!
testimonies it is obvious Santa is real.      the movies. Watching movies about Santa                 Charles Darwin-Christmas joy is
         Mason-I believe that parents use     is great for the family, but once kids find    running low, together we shall DESTROY
the story of Santa to cover up the fact       the truth, it is likely they stop caring.      christmas through evolution! Who’s real?
that they are the ones hiding presents.       When kids believe in Santa, parents            It’s up to you to either save christmas, or
Bringing up their testimony doesn’t prove     rewatch movies in a new light. It allows       evolve with Darwin.
anything. Also adults are known to be         them to pick up on hidden undertones,
liars. For example, remember when they        like Elf being about a schizophrenic man
told us that babies came from the stork,      hanging out with little kids, breaking and

Wearing Shirts of Artists You Don’t Know: A New Facism?
By: Jesse Bradham
         We´ve all probably seen someone      thing about what they´re representing.         See the flaw there? The person wearing
wearing the iconic shirt with the yellow      They have this mentality that ¨Oh, well it´s   the shirt is a perpetrator of fashionism,
smiley face and the word Nirvana, the         just a cool shirt.¨ Icons like Hendrix and     the unjust belief that we shouldn’t learn
name of an iconic grunge band, plastered      Bowie are reduced to ¨cool shirts.¨ The        or care about what clothing represents
above it. The same can be said of shirts      people wearing shirts of artists they don´t    as long as it’s aesthetically pleasing.
representing bands like the Ramones or        know a thing about obviously, I would          Fashionism will ruin the legacy of all of
AC/DC,. However, how often do the             hope, aren’t trying to be disrespectful,       your favorite musical artists.
people wearing these shirts, objectifying     but that’s exactly the problem; they´re                 In conclusion,       the takeaway
them for fashion, know anything about         inadvertently disrespecting artists, using     here is that the culture of wearing shirts
the artists they’re representing? Too often   their image as a fashion statement.            of bands or artists you don’t know
they can’t name any songs, they don’t                  Secondly, I´d like to note            -fashionism- needs to stop. Also, while
know anything about the artists´ legacy,      another flaw in the ¨it’s just a cool shirt¨   my arguments may have me misconstrued
and in the worst cases, they don’t even       mentality, which, going forward, will be       as some gatekeeping fool, I am quite the
know what their shirt represents. This is     dubbed fashionism. Let’s say a person,         opposite; I have no problem with people
becoming more common, and there is no         unassociated with any fascist mentality,       listening to whatever music they may like,
justification for it.                         sees a shirt with a swastika on it, and        and in fact, I encourage them to do so. But
         First, I´d like to bring up how      without much thought, thinks it looks cool     learn about and listen to the band or beliefs
damaging it can be to the legacies of the     and wears it in public the next day. When      represented by clothing instead of walking
artists whose shirts are objectified. As      someone questions them on why they             the halls wearing it with ignorance.
previously mentioned, many of the people      would wear something like that, the person
wearing these shirts don’t know a single      with the shirt says ¨It just looks cool.¨
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The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools
A Successful Soccer Season For MHS                                                            MHS Welcomes New AD
                                                                                              By: Summer Buzon and Jesse Bradham
                                                                                                      The Montville Sports community
                                                                                              has recently welcomed a new member.
                                                                                              We have a new athletic director, Mrs.
                                                                                              Megan Sears. Mrs. Megan Sears is the
                                                                                              third administrator the school has had in 3
                                                                                                      When I spoke with Mrs. Sears, she
                                                                                              told me about her past experience and her
                                                                                              goals and aspirations as an administrative
                                                                                              leader. She attended and later graduated
                                                                                              from Springfield College, where she
                                                                                              majored in physical health and education.
                                                                                              She also played field hockey and lacrosse
                                                                                              during her college years, which set her up
                                                                                              to be ready to support a sports team. She
                                                                                              soon began one of her first endeavours as
                                                                                              a teacher when she became a health and
                                                                                              physical education teacher at Haddam
MHS Varsity Soccer                                           Photo By: Art Rich Photography   High School, simultaneously. It was two
                                                                                              years after earning her administrative
By: Mason Westkamper, Jesse Bradham
                                                                                              degree that she approached Montville
         Montville High School’s Varsity      had a scheduled game against the Putnam         High School, saying of her experience “I
soccer teams, through much effort, had a      Clippers and they beat New London in a          came in one Wednesday for an interview,
successful season filled with many wins.      4-1 away game.                                  and was working the very next Monday.”
Coach Occhialini had this to say about                  The Boys Varsity soccer team, as      The school surely saw the potential in
the biggest challenges his team of 18         many know, was able to beat Griswold            Mrs. Sears.
faced this season; “Forming a bond with       1-0. This ECE game, according to a player               Speaking on what she hopes to
the players would have been easier if         on the team, was the defining game of the       bring to the table for the students, and
last season wasn’t cut short. Having this     season, and won them not only the title,        possible changes to be made, she said
season cut short is a possibility we have     but the Division.                               “I haven’t been here long enough to
to be wary of. Ledyard and Stonington                   Overall, it is evident that these     see or experience anything that I could
will be our biggest challenges in terms of    teams have had an amazing season this           say needed to be changed, ask me next
other teams.” He noted that they needed       year and are ready for what the future has      Spring.” Mrs. Sears sounds like she will
to improve on the offensive side of things,   in store.                                       be a strong advocate for change within
but also praised the team: “Everyone has                                                      Montville Highschool, when she sees the
really stepped up to their jobs this year,                                                    opportunity arise.
and are really trying their best.¨                                                                    Overall, I think it is evident that
         Montville High School’s Girls                                                        Mrs. Sears will be a beneficial inclusion
Varsity soccer team had a decent start,                                                       in the Montville Athletics community.
with their record at two wins and no losses                                                   She seems to have a positive attitude that
in league games. In their first home game                                                     will carry us toward the future in many
this season, they beat Tourtellotte 1-0,                                                      positive ways.
and two days later, they easily defeated
Griswold in a 7-1 away game. Then they
lost three games in a row to Killingly, and
Bacon Academy twice. Afterwards, they

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The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools
Girls Allowed in the Boy Scouts
By: Chloe Leonardi
         The Boy Scouts, as we all know,                This change started with a
has long consisted of exclusively males.       movement of girls who wanted to have
Girls, however, are now being granted          the opportunity to achieve Eagle Scouts
access, starting as early as the Cub Scouts.   just like boys. In BSA scouts, girls have
While girls have been able to join co-ed       their own troops but still work with the
BSA scout programs, like Venture Scouts,       boys’ troop in that same town.
Sea Scouts, and STEM scouts, athere is an               Boy Scouts has been around for
age restriction. Interested scouts must be     111 years. Many say letting girls join is
at least 14 years old to join.                 long overdue and that the gendered Boys’
         In May 2018, BSA announced            and Girls’ Scouts based on antiquated
the program would be changing and girls        stereotypes. Boy Scouts also reportedly
would be allowed to become official BSA        received more funding than Girl Scouts.
troops. They would even be allowed to                   Overall, girls across the globe
reach the highest scouting honor, Eagle        are rejoicing now that they have the same
Scout. When they announced girls would         adventures and opportunities through the
be joining the Boy Scouts, the name was        implementation of Scouts BSA.
changed to Scouts BSA. Scouts BSA has
seven ranks: Scout, Tenderfoot, Second
class, First class, Star, Life, and Eagle,
all of which have certain requirements to                                                                                           Caption
accomplish.                                                                                                                        Photo By ?

Asian Hate in the Montville Community
By: Gregory Troy Acosta Santos
         Since the rise of COVID, Asian-       news stories about the recent rise in hate              Being in an Asian family myself, I
American citizens have been the victims        crimes concerning Asian people and some        have experienced some of this intolerance.
of various hate crimes, ranging in severity.   of us have even experienced this hate          In 2020, when the pandemic started, I
Much of this is due to the conspiracy that     firsthand.                                     was trying to get some groceries before
the virus originated in Asia. While Asian                I personally interviewed interior    quarantine and someone yelled at me for
hate in America cannot be considered           designer Elliben Acosta Harris, who says       being Asian. Shortly after, my mother and
anything new, there is a history of it         she faces consistent verbal hate for being     grandmother were in line at a grocery store
going back to Pearl Harbor and perhaps         Filipino-American. While she has a high        and a lady behind them moved to another,
even further back than that. It has seen       position at the company she works in, she      longer, line after noticing that they were
an increase in occurrence since COVID          gets little respect and consistent criticism   Asian.
began.                                         due to the effects of COVID, and the                    As a community, I think we need
         Asian hate can range from simple      news and attitudes surrounding the Asian       to accept that people of Asian descent
or subtle verbal abuse to physical harm,       community. Joel Santos, a card dealer at       are not the problem. While COVID is
and, in the worst cases, murder. Stories on    the Mohegan Sun, has been rejected by          a pressing issue, the blame for it cannot
this hate have become commonplace. The         players who ask for another staff member.      fall on any specific ethnic group. This
New York Times, for example, reported          In addition to the players who convey these    hate is nothing more than the product of
that a Chinese man walking home in             anti-Asian attitudes, his co-workers often     conspiracy, and racism.
Manhattan’s Chinatown was stabbed in           make hateful remarks. Jenny Derouen, an
the back. BBC News reported that an            Asian-American healthcare worker, said
elderly Thai immigrant died after being        that she frequently has patients request
shoved to the ground. We’ve all seen           new nurses once they notice her ethnicity.
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The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools
Meet the New Teachers
By: Maxwell Westkamper
                         Mr. Girouard, our new business teacher, was born in 1996 and started teaching in September
                         of last year. Before he was a teacher he went to UCONN, CCSU, and Endicott College. In
                         school he learned Sports Management and Business. When I asked him why he became
                         a teacher, he said that it was because of the impact his teachers had made on his life. A
                         surprising fun fact about him is that he used to work on a professional hockey team.

                         Mr. Chase, our new guidance counselor, was born in 1989 and has been teaching for 5
                         years: first year as a counselor, and before then, he worked as a para and an interventionist.
                         Before he was a counselor, he went to Wheaton College where he studied Communications.
                         After he finished college he worked for a marketing company and an insurance company.
                         He decided to become a teacher because he realized his real passion was helping others
                         through education.

                         Mr. Burns, our new special education teacher, was born in 1989 and has been teaching
                         right out of college since 2006 (now that’s some dedication!). Before he was a teacher he
                         went to CCI, RICC, and grad schools at UCONN. He went to a non-profit school in 2006
                         and has been a Special Education teacher ever since. He became a Special Education
                         teacher because of his high school years, where he taught Zoology to students, many of
                         whom had disabilities.

                         Ms. Potter, our new science teacher started teaching in the fall of this year. Before teaching
                         she went to Sacred Heart University, where she studied traditional Biology and Chemistry.
                         Teaching is her first career, but she has held positions in other fields. She decided to
                         become a teacher because she loves science and wanted other people to love science too.
                         One fun fact about her is that she used to work at the Mystic Aquarium.

                         Ms. Gawlak, our new history teacher started teaching this year. Before becoming a teacher,
                         she went to school at UCONN where she studied History and Education. After college
                         she worked in a day-care and at a retail store until she was able to become a teacher. She
                         decided to become a teacher because she loves working with young people and the skill
                         that comes with learning History.

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The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools The Chieftain - Montville Public Schools
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