Disciples Stewards - St. Elizabeth Catholic Church & School
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Disciples St. Elizabeth Catholic Church & School Stewards We commit ourselves to the discipleship & stewardship way of life as commanded by Jesus Christ and revealed by Sacred Scripture & Tradition. We are committed to implementing the Four Pillars of Discipleship & Stewardship of our diocese: Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, & Service. Fifth Sunday of Easter u May 15, 2022 2300 Pontoon Road PASTORAL STAFF SCHOOL & PRE-SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERS Granite City, IL 62040 Rev. Alfred Tumwesigye, Pastor School Phone: (618) 877-3300 x2 Finance Council: Charlotte Charbonnier Phone 618-877-3300 Office x1002 | Residence x1201 School Fax: (618) 877-3352 School Board: Ron Perich Fax 618-877-9800 pastor@stelizabethgc.org Pre-School: (618) 877-3300 x2003 Parent/Teacher Org.: Michele Stabinsky After-Hours Emergencies Deacon Michael Halbrook Michelle Williams, Principal Ladies Sodality: Tammi Mooshegian 314-266-8387 Faith Formation & Liturgy mwilliams@stelizabethgc.org Holy Name Men’s Club: Rob Hutson x1005 | mhalbrook@stelizabethgc.org Loretta Joyce, School Secretary Men at Prayer: Tom Cholevik Web: stelizabethgc.org Bret Ware ljoyce@stelizabethgc.org Funeral Dinners: Pam Ames Parish Secretary & Office Admin Athletic Director: Dustin Brewer @stelizabeth.gc secretary@stelizabethgc.org Maintenance Team: Bud Charbonnier @stelizabeth.gc Jackie Jones, Bookkeeper CALVARY CATHOLIC CEMETERY @stelizabeth_gc x1003 | jjones@stelizabethgc.org 2910 S. State Route 157 Strong in Faith @stelizabethgc Cathy Cassy, Director of Music Edwardsville, IL (618) 656-5464 since 1871
Parish Mission Statement As we enter our next 150 years as the Roman Catholic parish of St. Elizabeth, striving to become saints, we commit ourselves to the discipleship and stewardship way of life as commanded by Jesus Christ and revealed by Sacred Scripture and Tradition. We are committed to implementing the Four Pillars of Discipleship and Stewardship of our diocese: Hospitality: To maintain a warm and welcoming environment, and invite others to join us in prayer, especially Sunday Mass; Prayer: To journey the path to Heaven together through celebration of the sacraments and ever-deepening lives of prayer; Formation: To continue sharing, learning, and accepting the teachings of our Lord and His Church; and Service: To share our Lord’s Love by reaching out to all in service, especially the afflicted. Prayer & Liturgy Liturgical Schedule May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary First Friday Monday, May 16 Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for May: Memorials Easter Weekday Faith-Filled Young People: We pray for all young Deceased Members of the Mens Club No Mass people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see Huff Family in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discern- Winters Family Tuesday, May 17 ment, the courage that faith generates, and the Easter Weekday Deceased Members of St. Elizabeth Choir dedication to service. Gene Cassy 8:15 a.m. Mass: Jim Dedera Andy Mathes+ by Bud & Charlotte Charbonnier Sunday’s Mass Readings Cassy Family Pieper Family Wednesday, May 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter: Crawshaw Family Easter Weekday / St. John I, Pope & Martyr Acts 14:21-27. Psalm 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13. Revela- Charles Dickey 8:15 a.m. Mass: tion 21:1-5a. John 13:31-33a, 34-35. Jim McDonnell Geraldine Ropac+ by Norma Lesko Loving One Another. The gospel today is short Binney Family and sweet. Glorify God – Jesus does it first and Laura Antoff Thursday, May 19 Czwornog and Ostrenga Families Easter Weekday implies we should, too. Love one another – a direct command to each one of us. These are Dortch and Jones Families 8:15 a.m. Mass: Connie Hayes Family Mary Carich+ by Darlene Fletcher disciple activities. These are essentials for our way of life. Votoupal-Bursik Family Friday, May 20 Bussen- Friedel Families Easter Weekday / How will my words and actions glorify God Lisa Dellamano St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest today? Richard A. Willaredt 8:15 a.m. Mass: Whom will I love – even someone who makes it Betty Hill and Families Pawlak and Sertich Families Jane Modrusic+ by Andy Modrusic hard for me to do so? Michael and Leona Banach Saturday, May 21 How will this glorifying God and loving others Joseph and Victoria Krystopa Easter Weekday / St. Christopher Ma- change me for the better? Ida Gragg gallanes, Priest & Companions, Martyrs Jim Alsop 8:15 a.m. Communion Service In Memoriam: John & Theresa Straubinger Deceased Members of the Shambro & Saturday, May 22 - Sunday, May 23 Altar Flowers & 14 Day Candle Kutzera Families Sixth Sunday of Easter The flowers on the Altar of Reservation this Conrad & Mullen Families 4:30 p.m. Saturday Mass: weekend are in memory of members of the Noeth and M. Papp Families William Jones+ by Norma Lesko Pfaff & DeRuntz Families Wesbecher & Kessler Families+. 8:00 a.m. Mass: Chad Sigite The 14 Day Candle will be burning for all mothers The Kierski Family Parishioners of Saint Elizabeth who have lost a child. Tony & Mary Bellue 10:30 a.m. Mass: Angela & Ronald Briggs, Jr. You can provide fresh flowers for the Altar of Reservation for Ralph Byrd+ by Richard P. Willaredt a weekend & through the following week for the greater glory Robert & Lorriane Joshu of God & in honor or memory of someone, for a $50 offering. Billy Adams & Jim Gray Denotes liturgy when incense will be used Contact the parish office for information & to schedule a Merry Trtanj week. Mass offerings are also available ($10), as are memori- Deceased Members of St. Elizabeth Denotes liturgy that will be streamed online als on the 14 Day Candle.. Contact the parish office. Ladies Sodality James Dittman Eucharistic Adoration An Act of Spiritual Communion Thursdays 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. & Sundays 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. (with Vespers) I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at Show appreciation for Christ’s presence among us. least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already Spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be sepa- Eucharistic Adoration is a means to grow in holiness. rated from You. Amen.
Learning & Living as Disciples The Revised Order of Baptism of Children by Deacon Michael although the prior text didn’t outline Baptism. Last year, the Order of how to celebrate Baptism within Mass, To implement this here at St. Elizabeth, Baptism of Children was many ministers “invented” their own we have started to offer parents seeking re-issued with a few ways of doing so, and now an Appen- Baptism for their children the options changes. This is the lat- dix was approved for this new English of (1) after the 10:30 Mass on Sunday est in a series of revised translation, outlining how to celebrate (roughly at Noon), (2) on Wednesday liturgical texts. You may Baptism within Mass. evenings or Saturday mornings, or (3) remember that in 2011, we received and The rite is written with a preference during a Saturday or Sunday Mass. started to use The Roman Missal, Third to celebrate Baptism outside of Mass, To properly celebrate after the Sun- Typical Edition, the book of texts for but still “with the attendance of a large day Mass or on Saturday morning or the Mass itself, with new translations number of the faithful, or at least of the Wednesday evening, we would ideally for the Creed and other portions of the relatives, friends, and neighbors, and have members of the parish community Mass. We then received an updated with their active participation.” (OBC come to join the celebrating minister Order of Celebrating Matrimony in 2016. 72) Because “the People of God, that and the family, to show the support of Last year, we received the revised Order is the Church represented by the local the community “exercises [the commu- of Baptism of Children, which is finally community, plays just as important a nity’s] function when, together with the an approved English translation of the part in the Baptism of children… In this celebrant, it expresses its consent after updated Order that has been available way, it becomes apparent that the faith the profession of faith by the parents in Latin for forty years! in which the children are being bap- and godparents.” (OBC 4) tized is a treasure not belonging to the The new text highlights a key differ- family alone, but to the whole Church Next Saturday, we will Baptize another ence between the intent of the Church of Christ.” (OBC 4) The Order also reads, child into the faith at 11 a.m. I hope and and what has become common prac- “Baptism may be celebrated also within pray that if you’re available, you’ll join tice in many places here in America in Mass… Nevertheless, this should not us to represent our parish community as recent decades: celebrating Baptism happen too often.” (OBC 9) One benefit we celebrate this Baptism. And if this in the context of the Sunday Mass. to this approach is so that non-Catholic is an area that interests you, perhaps The intention of this practice is laud- members of the child’s extended family you will consider offering to help with able: to allow the parish community and friends don’t feel too out of place hospitality (snacks & drinks) and your to be present, see, and take part in the or uncomfortable attending an entire presence at future Baptisms. If you’re celebration of the Sacrament of Bap- Catholic Mass just to be present for the interested in this, please let me know! tism. This has become so common that, Sign Up for our First Friday Memorials The First Friday Memorial is a special offer- month at Mass with no stipend involved. FIRST FRIDAY MEMORIALS ing made by parishioners of St. Elizabeth Your donation is a publishing fee for the SIGN-UPS & RENEWALS Parish, which lists your intentions for de- bulletin, sent ultimately to the printing ceased loved ones in our bulletin and these company in Godfrey. listed names are then remembered month- NAME: You are encouraged to attend this weekday ly at Mass each First Friday throughout the Mass. You may list your intentions as one entire year. The Memorial names are print- _____________________________________ individual name: Mary Jones, or you may ed each week in our Sunday Bulletin. A list family groupings: The Jones Family. yearly donation of $60.00 is requested for You may NOT submit a litany of individual these intentions to be listed. This donation EMAIL ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER: names or multiple families, as space will allows the names to be printed constantly not permit. If you wish to continue having in our bulletin in the exact same way other _____________________________________ your past intentions remembered at these bulletin ads are funded, and all the funds Masses, you will be asked to renew your go to help offset the cost of printing our donation to the printing company each INTENTION: weekly bulletin. year. This is not a donation for a Mass intention Please fill out this form below, and return _____________________________________ since the money does not, and by Canon it to the Parish Office as soon as possible Law cannot, go into the Mass stipend with the requested donation. Feel free to account, as taking any money for large, so- call the Parish Office and we will be happy Please clearly mark your envelope or the called “collective intentions” (where multi- to answer any questions you have regard- memo line on the check- First Friday Me- ple names are listed for the Mass intention) ing those who are remembered each First morials, and please return ASAP. Thank is explicitly forbidden. Father is happy to Friday. you! remember these names collectively once a
Formation Growing in Knowledge of Christ & His Church BOOK CLUB CATHOLIC 101 & Q&A Parishioner Mary Lou Lyerla is Do you know someone (friend, family, neigh- Pick of the Week hosting a book club exploring bor) who has always had a burning question Brant Pitre’s book Jesus and the about what we believe as Catholics? Invite Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, over them to join you at Deacon Michael’s Catho- a period of 8 weeks. Learn more lic 101 & Q&A, next Saturday, May 21 from about the depths of the Holy 9-10:30 in the Harmony Room. A very brief Eucharist. Come any or all weeks: presentation of “Catholic 101” will be followed May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, July 7. If you’re by ample time to ask questions. This is a great interested, email Deacon Michael at mhal- opportunity to invite someone to explore what brook@stelizabethgc.org or call Bret in the we believe - or even ask your own questions! City of Saints parish office for more information. DIVE DEEP: DEALING WITH DEATH In this series, award-win- VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Losing a loved one is painful. How we handle ning director Charles Vacation Bible School 2022, “Monumental: that loss depends on each person, but are we Francis Kinnane tells the Celebrating God’s Greatness!” will be held the grieving in a healthy way? What should we true stories of God’s grace evenings of Sunday, July 31 through Thursday, say and not say to someone who lost a loved through the ministries of August 4. We need volunteers! If you’d like to one? What should we do if the pain of a loss is the Norbertine Fathers of help, please let Deacon Michael know via email just as apparent today than when it occurred? St. Michael’s Abbey. This at mhalbrook@stelizabethgc.org, or let Bret Dr. Dee Stern, a Springfield Catholic grief influential Catholic film know in the parish office. Thank you! therapist, authored a new book to help people series has inspired over 1.2 MID-LIFE SINGLES grieve healthier and better comfort those who million people worldwide. Are you looking for a renewed sense of lost loved ones. It’s called Comforting the Be- Thanks to our Men’s Club, reaved Through Listening and Positive Respond- purpose & belonging? Register today for a ALL parishioners have ing: What are the Bereaved Trying to Tell Us? Dr. life-changing REFLECT weekend retreat at access to free Catholic video Stern offers her advice on Dive Deep. Go to dio. King’s House Retreat Center, Belleville, IL (20 & audio programming on org/podcast or search Dive Deep on the major min from downtown St. Louis), on June 3-5, FORMED, available on your podcast platforms. 2022. Take a chance and get involved... you smart TV, streaming device, won’t regret it! Cost is $215 including meals LEGO CHURCH CONTEST computer, and mobile device. and a single room. Visit www.ReflectRetreat. To celebrate the first year of the nationwide To register, go to FORMED. com, e-mail reflect.stlouis@gmail.com, or call Eucharistic Revival starting in June, Catholic org, sign up as a parishioner, (314) 283-0044 for details. Times is hosting a contest to see what young and type our Postal Code architect/builder can create the most im- PSR HELP FOR 2022-2023 (62040) to easily find and pressive Lego church from scratch. Winners We’re looking for a few new teachers & other select our parish. receive $100! Go to dio.org/buildachurch for volunteers (door monitor, etc.) to help us con- more information, rules, and to submit pic- tinue to grow our Parish School of Religion & tures of your creations. formation programs this coming year. If you’re interested in learning more about how you Mercy Minute could help, email Deacon Michael. “During Holy Mass today, I was united in a partic- ular way with God and HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY & FORMATION His Immaculate Mother. HOOPS NIGHTS: Gentlemen, shoot hoops & scrimmage in the gym from 8-9:30. Your first visit, The humility and love of you AND a parent must stop in to sign waiver & permission forms. Come play some basketball with the immaculate Virgin the guys: May 25. Bring a friend! Men: If you’re willing to help chaperone, let us know. Call Bret in penetrated my soul. The the parish office for info. more I imitate the Mother TOTUS TUUS: Totus Tuus will be in town the week of June 26-July 2. Junior high & high schoolers of God, the can help the younger students during the day (Mon-Fri), and a special program is held at St. Eliza- more deep- beth for the junior high & high schoolers in the evenings (Sun-Thurs). Mark your calendar! ly I get to CALLED & SENT: Don’t miss out on a wonderful opportunity for fellowship & leadership train- know God. ing with other Catholic youth at the Villa Maria on Lake Springfield at Called & Sent, July 10-13. If Oh, what you’re interested, contact Deacon Michael or the parish office. Scholarships are available for youth infinite of our parish. longing envelops GC ROCK (Tri-Cities parishes joint youth group): my soul!” June 11: Homeless Outreach at Community Care. Noon setup, 1-3 p.m. outreach. (Diary, 843) June 19: Gathering at Holy Family Community Center Rock Room 6-7:15 p.m. July 17: Gathering at Holy Family, time TBA
Parish Life & Hospitality Parish & School Events THANK YOU! PICNIC CARNIVAL WEEKEND Dear St. Elizabeth Parishioners, WRISTBAND PRE-SALE Sunday, May 15 On behalf of all the Sisters of Divine Pre-sale weekend are this weekend, 9:00 a.m. - Men at Prayer (Choir/Bride Rm) Providence who participated in the May 14-15, after all Masses. Cost is 9:00 a.m. - Living Rosary (Church) Eucharist Sunday morning May 8th, $60.00 (for all three days). After this 12:30 p.m. - Young Disciples BBQ at Norma’s we want to thank you for honoring us pre-sale weekend they will be available 5:30 p.m. - Choir Practice (Church) as part of your anniversary celebra- at Parish Office for $70.00 and at the 7:30-8:30 p.m. Exposition & Holy Hour with tions. It was so nice to worship with all picnic for $80.00. This is your best Vespers & Benediction of you and to meet some of you in the value as single ticket prices are $1.25 Monday, May 16 Harmony Room after Mass for Madi- Each and rides take 4 & 5 tickets each. son coffee cake and coffee and punch! Tell your family, friends & neighbors Tuesday, May 17 It’s always great to renew old friend- WE WILL HAVE THREE MATINEES: Wednesday, May 18 ships. We also would like to thank you Saturday afternoon, Sunday after- 7 p.m. – BINGO (Columbus Home) for your overwhelming generosity to noon, & Sunday evening. Matinee cost Thursday, May 19 us in “showering” us with so many $30.00 each. 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. – Adoration (Church) gifts of all kinds! It is truly humbling PICNIC SIGNUP LINK Friday, May 20 to have received so much of your kind- Please take a look at the following ness and generosity. It is truly appreci- Saturday, May 21 page to sign up for shifts for the Parish ated. May our Provident God continue 9-11 a.m. - Catholic 101 & Q&A (Harmony) Picnic. We need all the help we can to bless each of you and your parish. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Scrap Metal Recycling muster, so please sign up today. There - Sisters Barbara McMullen, Barbara Sunday, May 22 is literally something for everyone in Mulnik, Linda Hylla, Jo Ann Simanel- the parish to do to help us with this 9:00 a.m. - Living Rosary (Church) la, Stephanie Turck and in absentia, popular event and important fundrais- 5:30 p.m. - Choir Practice (Church) Ann Pairn and Sharon Nolte. ing opportunity: 7:30-8:30 p.m. Exposition & Holy Hour with SCRAP METAL RECYCLING stelizabethgc.org/picnic-signup/ Vespers & Benediction St. Elizabeth is holding a Scrap Metal JOIN OUR LIVING ROSARY Recycling Day on Saturday, May 21, Please join us each Sunday immedi- 2022 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the gym ately following the 8 a.m. Mass to pray parking lot. Bring your aluminum, a living Rosary! We have our large copper, steel, cast iron... anything met- Prayers for our Priests rosary and will gather immediately af- al that you no longer need. Have old The following are priests of our Diocese who ter the 8 a.m. Sunday Mass in front of appliances? We will take those off your are celebrating birthdays soon: 5/24- Fr. David the portico. We need about 60 people hands too! Can’t bring your items? Peters 5/28- Fr. Scott Snider to pray the Rosary and hope you will No worry. We will offer local pickup The following are priests of our Diocese who commit to this great opportunity to services for large metal items that are have died. Please remember them in your daily pray in public together. on the main floor of your home or prayers: 5/13- Rev. Dominic Lyton 5/15- Rev. business. Send an email to secretary@ If you are with a parish ministry, Vincent Nagler, Rev. Theodore Bruener, Rev. please encourage your members to stelizabethgc.org with address, type Augustine Sauer, Msgr. Michael Owen Driscoll attend and help us to ask our Mother of item(s) and a phone number. Help 5/16- Rev. A.J. Wolf, Msgr. James J. Haggerty Mary to intercede for our parish, our raise money for St. Elizabeth and clean out your garage at the same time! community and our world. Prayers for our Military Please reach out to the parish office and let us know of any active military persons for whom you would like the parish to pray. Thank you! Almighty and Eternal God, protect the members of our Armed Services as they discharge their duties. Protect them with the shield of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm. May the power of your love enable them to return home in safety, to all who love them. May they ever praise you for your loving care. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Nolan Yehling- USAF, Whiteman AFB; Justin Niles- USAF, South Korea; Brandon Weidner, Mobile, AL; Kody Presswood, U S Army, Naples, Italy
St. Elizabeth School 5/15 - Young Disciples Society BBQ would be to end what he 5/18 - Kindergarten graduation calls the “isms”. These in- Mass 8:15AM clude racism, ageism, and other behaviors that cause 5/19 - Last day of school injustice and misunder- 10:00 Dismissal standing in our country 5/24 - Preschool graduation 7PM and the world. Evan will attend Granite City High School and sees going to a good university to major in computer science in his future. The Granite City Optimist Organization is an inter- national society dedicated to helping the youth of the world. For more infor- MAY OPTIMIST mation about the Granite STUDENTS OF THE MONTH City Optimists, contact Eighth grade students Simone H. our parish office. and Evan M. were selected as the Granite City Optimist May Students of the Month. Each honoree will CONGRATULATIONS to Ciara Folk- Fr. McGivney receive a certificate from the Opti- erts, a senior Father McGivney Catholic High School in Glen mists, and St. Elizabeth School will at Father Carbon is the Catholic high school for our area of the receive an unrestricted donation of McGivney Alton deanery $100.00 in their names. Catholic High Griffins This Week Simone is fourteen years old and is School and 5/16, 9a: (Current) Freshmen Retreat the daughter of Kenard and Delores. alumni of St. 5/16, 4:30: JV Boys Volleyball @ Maryville Chris- She is in Mrs. Valerie Kohl’s eighth Elizabeth’s tian grade room. Her favorite class is Catholic 5/16, 6:30: Girls Golf Info Meeting science and particularly appreci- School. Ciara 5/18, 3:30: NHS Meeting ates anatomy and the study of the was awarded 5/18: 4:00: Boys Track Sectionals human body. After school Simone with the 2022 Silver Medal- 5/18, 7:00: Band and Choir Spring Concert spends time drawing and using her artistic talents. She also likes to lion Award 5/19: Girls Track State sing. She was a member of the St. for her academic accomplishments 5/19, 4:30: JV/V Boys Volleyball vs Belleville West Elizabeth Volleyball Team this past and was also elected as the 2022 & Senior Night season, playing every position on Prom Queen. Your family and parish 5/19, 4:30: Baseball Regionals @ Central vs Wesclin the court. When asked what would family here at St. Elizabeth are very 5/19, 7:00: Boys Golf Info Meeting be the first thing she would do if she proud of you! 5/20, 4:30: JV/V Boys Volleyball vs Marquette were elected President of the United 5/21: Baseball Regional Championship States, Simone said she would make MARQUETTE JOB OPENING 5/22: FMCHS Busch Stadium Baseball Game vs all health care free for each and Marquette Catholic High School in Al- EAWR every citizen. Next year, Simone ton is in search of a High School The- will attend Granite City High School ology Teacher for the 2022-23 school and after graduating from there, she year. Please Contact Tim Harmon at FMCHS Job Opening would like to attend Jackson Univer- tharmon@mymchs.org or 618-463- Father McGivney Catholic High School in Glen sity and major in science. 0580 x242. Carbon is seeking candidates for a full-time Math Evan is also in Mrs. Kohl’s eighth Teacher for the 2022-23 school year. We are a faith- grade class and is fourteen years filled high school focused on developing our stu- dents fully; mind, body and spirit. Candidates who old. He is the son of Jeffrey and have endorsements in multiple subject areas are Amy. Spelling is Evan’s best class, preferred. Qualified candidates please send a cover and he is very good at it. He makes letter, resume, completed application to Joseph an “A” on every spelling test. Once Lombardi, Principal at jlombardi@mcgivneygrif- his school day is over, Evan likes to fins.com . Applications and more details can be relax at home and play video games. found on our website https://mcgivneygriffins. If Evan were elected President of the com/employment-opportunities/ United States, he says his first task
Stewardship SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: If you have been away from Our Financial Stewardship May 8, 2022 the Church and the Sacrament of Recon- ciliation for a while, feel free to contact the Actual Goal Over/(Short) parish office for guidance & materials to help Week 45 Regular Income $8,803.00 you prepare to return to the Sacraments. In addition to Confessions offered from 3-4 p.m. 120 Envelopes, Avg. Gift $73.36 on Saturdays, you could also schedule an Loose $404.10 individual time for Reconciliation. Online Giving $612.00 Anointing of the Sick: Anointing of the TOTAL $9,819.00 $8,606.00 $1,213.10 Sick is appropriate for any upcoming surgery, prolonged illness, or in the event of emergen- YTD TOTALS $369,901.97 $387,720.00 ($17,368.03) cy or danger of death. Please call the office if Weekly and YTD Goals are calculated based on our annual fiscal year budget submitted to the Diocese and you or a loved one needs to be anointed. what is required to break even. Infant & Child Baptism: For children under Parish Tithing Reporting the age of 8, please submit the forms at stel- Other Gifts: Our parish tithe to the Diocese to support the ad- izabethgc.org/baptism and sign up for a Bap- Tuition Assistance $484.00 ministration, ministries, and work of our Diocese tism Preparation class at least a month before Building Repair/Maintenance $674.00 is 10% of our regular monthly income. Special Projects $119.00 your desired date of Baptism. For questions Mission & Ministry $59.00 Our March tithe was $3,332. or emergencies, please contact the Parish Of- Funeral Stipend $150.00 fice or Deacon Michael. Baptisms are usually celebrated after the 10:30 Mass most Sundays Calvary Catholic Cemetery Catholic Comms. Campaign $275.00 $75.00 Scrip Progress or at 7 p.m. some Wednesdays. Other Parish Not Specified $100.00 Date: May 8, 2022 Matrimony: To begin preparation for Holy Current / YTD Matrimony, please contact Father Alfred or Walmart $4,350 / $21,050 Deacon Michael at least six months (recom- National $5,760 / $28,675 mended twelve months) before your desired Total Sales / $49,725.00 date. At least an introductory interview must Annual Gross Profit to-date $2,053.00 be completed before a date can be set. Approx. Credit Card Fees ($174.00) Approx. Net Profit to-date $1,879,00 Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Upcoming Special Collections Please continue to purchase scrip as much as possible. Confirmation, first Holy Communion) for children 8 and over, or for adults: Contact May 15: Catholic Communications Campaign Remember that this is free money Deacon Michael via the Parish Office. for our school & parish! PASTORAL CARE Made Possible Through Stewardship Entering the Church: If you are new to the Catholic faith and interested in learning Our St. Elizabeth Royals 8th graders enjoyed 3 days & 2 nights at the YMCA Trout Lodge & more about the church or about entering the Camp Lakewood outside Potosi, Missouri this week, where they enjoyed outdoor activities church, welcome! Contact the parish office & adventures as a class, and with their peers from the 8th grade at Holy Family School. for a meeting with Father Alfred or Deacon Thank you to all for your ongoing support of our school and our students! Thank you Michael. especially to the parents and teachers who helped as leaders & chaperones, and to Father Communion to the Homebound: If you or a Alfred, Father Steve, and Deacon Michael who joined the students. family member are, or are going to be, home- bound, whether at home or in a care facility, please notify the parish office. Medical and care facilities are unable to inform us of their Catholic residents and patients. We would be happy to arrange to visit and bring you Holy Communion. Please contact the parish office for arrangements. Declarations of Nullity: In some cases, a man or a woman desires healing through a declaration by a Church tribunal (a Catholic Church court), which does not deny that a re- lationship existed, but simply states that the relationship was missing something that the Church requires for a valid marriage, falling short of at least one of the essential elements required for a binding union. (Commonly called an ‘annulment.’) Father Alfred, Deacon Michael, and Laura Black are available as BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS & ADVERTISING Advocates before our diocesan tribunal for Published weekly by St. Elizabeth Catholic Church & School and printed by those needing assistance with declarations Schwartzkopf Printing in Alton, Illinois. To recommend content for inclusion in the of nullity. Call the parish office to set up an bulletin, email bulletin@stelizabethgc.org prior to Tuesday at Noon. For information appointment. on bulletin advertising, contact Bret Ware in the parish office.
Please Support & Thank Our Advertisers! They make our bulletin possible. (618) 797-7993 Help us fill this back cover with advertisers and contin- ue to produce a high-quality parish bulletin. Ask your favorite businesses and organizations to con- tact Bret in our parish office for more information.
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