The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District

Page created by Harold Swanson
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
The Cavalier Times
                           February Edition 2022

Courtesy of Entertainment Tonight

           Black History Month, NFL's Halftime Show,
           Scheduling for Next Year, Living Fahrenheit
           451, Bomb Threats at HBCU's, In or Out?,
           Mrs. Schreier Interview, Biden's Supreme
                  Court Nominee, Horoscopes
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
The Cavalier Times
                                            Editorial Policy:

           The Cavalier Times is an East Stroudsburg High School South
      publication. Its purpose is to inform and entertain the student body
      and faculty.
           Letters to the editors are encouraged. The Cavalier Times
      reserves the right to edit any submitted letter for grammar and
      journalistic style. Names and homeroom must be present on all
      letters, and names will be published.
           The views are expressed in this publication do not necessarily
      reflect those of the entire reporting staff, the advisor, and the East
      Stroudsburg High School South faculty and staff.


Editors-in-Chief.........................................................Emily Martinez, Erica Brooks
Layout & Design............................................................Kaylee Hendershot, Asha
                                                                                   Garcia, Marissa Stephens,
                                                                                  Eliza Turner, Quin Hosbach
Copy Editor...............................................................................................Eliza Turner
Photography...........................................................................Eliza Turner, Marissa
Editor...........................................................................Erica Brooks, Giulia Pizzuto,
                                                                                     Leon Hendershot, Angel
                                                                                  Garcia, Asha Garcia, Quinn
                                                                                       Hosbach, & Wonnetta
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
Black History Month
By: Wonnetta Adams
  When most think of February the        Black history not because it was the
first thing that comes to their minds    shortest month of the year but because
is Valentine's Day. Hearts, along with   it held the most significance to Black
other symbols of love, have become       history.
a representation of the month and           The birthdays of both Frederick
overshadow other important aspects       Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, two of
of the period. February is not only      the most influential people on Black
the season of love but also Black        history in the United States, fell in the
History Month.                           second week of February and were the
  While many may understand the          main reasons Woodson chose that
purpose of Black History Month, they     week.
often do not understand its origins         Their birthdays had already been
and how it came to be.                   widely celebrated by the Black
 Carter G. Woodson, a historian and      community, so he decided to build
alumnus of the University of Chicago,    Negro History Week around the existing
is often credited with being the         traditions.
driving force behind the creation of       The purpose of the week was to
Black History Month. He helped to        celebrate the accomplishments of
co-found the Association for the         African-Americans and educate others
Study of Negro Life and History on       about their importance.
September 9th, 1915 along with four        By the 1930s, the week had become
others.                                  very popular and, to the displeasure of
 The main purpose of the ASNLH was       Woodson, it started to become
to spread more information about         commercialized. Places that once
the history of Black people and help     ignored Black history saw the week as a
to make their achievements well-         great way to make money and started
known. In 1926, the ASNLH created        to sell books and other materials that
Negro History Week and allocated for     catered to the subject.
it to be celebrated the second week
of February.
Contrary to common belief, February
was chosen as the time to celebrate
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
Woodson had been very vocal in his       the ASNLH changed their name to the
belief that Black History Week would    Association for the Study of African
not be a permanent celebration. He      American Life and History.
advocated for Black history to be        Every Black History Month since 1976
celebrated year-round and for it to     has been given a specific theme by the
become a common part of education.      ASALH. The theme for 2022 is “Black
  Before he died in 1950, Woodson       Health and Wellness” and explores the
pushed for schools to include Black     contributions that Black doctors and
history in their curriculums and make   medical care workers have had to the
it something that was taught to         medical field.
students year-round. Woodson was a       Today Black History Month has become
firm believer that one week, or any     well-known but has had to face an
other limited time frame, was not       overwhelming          increase          of
enough to fully encapsulate the         commercialization because of this fact.
significance of Black history.             Many in society have become
  It was not until 1976, that Black     accustomed to celebrating Black history
History Week was changed to Black       every February. This has caused them to
History Month by president Gerald       forget the original goal of Carter G.
Ford as a way to recognize the          Woodson to have history celebrated and
importance of the celebration.          explored every day.
  A few years before Black History
Month was officially established,

                                Courtesy of AMNY
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
NFL's Halftime Show
By: Angel Garcia
                                            This made fans avoid watching the
                                          program all together. As a result, the
                                          NFL’s viewership was at an all time low.
                                          In 2020, the company had not seen
                                          such a decline since 1992.
                                           In order to gain back its viewers, those
                                          working at the NFL had to re-evaluate
Courtesy of
                                          their     right-leaning      ideas    and
   For many Americans, Sunday night       accommodate the diverse nation
is a huge event, especially the once-     watching their broadcasts, especially
a-year Superbowl. Many people only        the Superbowl. Hence performances
tune in for the halftime show and this    like The Weeknd last year and hip-hop
year’s show was incredible. The           legends like Dr. Dre this year. The initial
guests were Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg,          question, is the NFL forgiven, seems to
Mary J. Blige and more.                   have an answer.
  Thus far the performance has been         Until something interesting occurred
receiving some criticism. Since this is   when Eminem, the only white
the second performance headlining         performer on stage that night, took a
people of color, everyone is              knee. People cheered as the rapper
wondering, is the NFL forgiven?           knelt in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick.
  To elaborate, back in 2018, the
quarterback of the San Francisco
49ers, Colin Kapearnick, and others
decided to speak up against racial
inequality. They all took a knee
during the national anthem to
recognize racism and police brutality.
However, the NFL was not happy.
When more players joined in and
spoke up, the NFL banned the
                                          Courtesy of
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
Considering the NFL’s history with
the protest, some assumed Eminem
was in defiance of the football
league. This caused mixed reactions
from people online. Many called him
an icon for kneeling even though he
could    have      faced      enormous
backlash. However, it was discovered
after the show that the NFL had
approved of Eminem’s actions.
   An NFL spokesperson stated “We
[pre]watched all elements of the
show…We were aware that Eminem
was going to do that."
  Dr. Dre said at the Superbowl
halftime    press      conference      in
response, “It’s crazy that it took all of
this and all of this time for us to be
  The amazing halftime show these
rappers put on cannot be ignored
                                            Courtesy of IMDb
and there is no denying the hip-hop
genre is one of the greatest
industries of music.

                                Courtesy of Then24
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
Scheduling for Next Year
By: Asha Garcia
Scheduling For 2023                          If you know what you want to study
If you are not enjoying your electives   you can use your time in highschool to
or simply confused on what to take       get a leg up. For example, anyone who
next, here is a guide to creating a      is interested in going into the medical
better schedule next year. There are     field should take chemistry and or
many factors to consider when            anatomy and physiology as their 3rd or
picking electives. You can think of      4th science. If you want to study
what you want to do after                computer science, it is imperative that
highschool, you can base your            you have a strong math background.
decision off of what classes seem the    Some college websites may mention
most enjoyable.                          what type of background they expect
Are you planning to go to college?       you to have when entering a specific
   This is the most important thing to   major so be sure to do research. For
think about when deciding what           those who plan to focus on these
elective you want to take next year.     details when in college, be aware that
There are colleges today that do not     whatever point you left off in a subject
require you to take the SATs;            in highschool will not necessarily be
however, there are still colleges that   where the curriculum starts in your
do and prefer higher scores. If you      college class. You should also keep in
dream of going to a certain college,     mind that your highschool classes are
no matter what grade you are in, you     the last free courses you will get. You
should go on their website or the        could take remediation classes in your
College Board website and find out       college, but why not take the same
the school’s requirements and their      course in highschool for free?
admission preferences. If you plan to    Looking for a fun course?
take the SAT, South offers incredibly    There are plenty of electives you may
useful math and english SAT courses      find fun. The key is knowing exactly
to guarantee an amazing score.           what you will be doing in each of them
   If SATs are not a concern for you,    beforehand. For example, Fashion and
then you can instead priorities          Clothing Construction may sound like a
elective you need for your potential     lot of fun or too boring depending on
major.                                   the person.
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
It is vital to know that you will be
sewing and crocheting and that class
before requesting the class. In art
classes like Creative Crafts and Fine
Arts you are expected to do work!
Keep these factors in mind despite
rumors. Many electives like these fall
victim to having a lot of students who
either did not want the class or
ignore their work. High School South
does offer a variety of classes that
some students would enjoy, it just
depends on what you like.
   For many students, the most fun
they can experience is getting out of       Courtesy of

highschool as soon as possible. If          What now?
that is how you feel you can do               The most important part of this
something known as doubling up.             process is doing your own research. If
Doubling up is when you take one or         you care about what classes you are
more core classes, English, math,           putting your time in you need to
science, physical education or social       evaluate what classes you need to take
studies, in place of electives in order     for your future and what classes you
to earn your mandatory credits              want to take.

                                Courtesy of
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
Living Farenheit 451
By: Leon Hendershot
   Once believed to only occur in        Not only queer stories, but novels
dystopian novels, dozens of books        speaking       out      about     personal
with inappropriate material are being    experiences of racism have also come
banned from public school libraries      under intense heat. Many of these
primarily in the south. However, this    books do not contain graphic material;
wave of removals has swept across        in fact, some are even illustrated
the United States, no matter the         children’s books.
location.                                     When Wilma Rudolph Played
  Topics from growing up queer to        Basketball, written by Mark Weakland,
casual racism are the main targets of    describes famous track and field star
bans. Parents believe that bringing      Wilma Rudolph’s childhood and her
up these issues is far too mature for    experiences with racism. Conservative
their children and, in turn, stampede    parents view the contents of Rudolph’s
school board meetings to demand          life as “opin[ing] prejudice based on
that troublesome books are taken off     race,” according to NBC News.
the shelves.                              The books in this article all have little to
 A staple in many young bookshelves,     no inappropriate content or content
Drama, by Raina Telgemeier, has          that students should not be allowed to
been bashed for including queer          read; they simply tell stories that many
characters, which parents believe        do not want to share.
could cause children to question           Is this a crime? Is it wrong to educate
their sexuality.                         young people on the evils of the world?
  Lawn Boy, by Jonathan Evison, a        If done, they can learn to correct the
novel about a boy learning to love his   mistakes of their elders instead of
sexuality and ethnicity, has shocked     continuing to carry them on.
parents.     According      to   Mike
Hixenbaugh of NBC News, a parent
claims that the book will make
children value “people with low
morals and values, and the hate of
other people.”
                                         Courtesy of NBC News
The Cavalier Times - East Stroudsburg Area School District
Bomb Threats at HBCU's
By: Britney Udeh
  Black history month is a time for           was still left in students. They are aware
African Americans to celebrate the           that one day the threats may come
community’s       achievements       and     true.
commemorate          Black      historical     The anger then arose among them
leaders. It runs through the entire          about the lack of attention from the
month of February every year.                media these stories received. Xavier did
Unfortunately, this year there have          undergo a bomb threat in early January
been many bomb threats towards               but was not given much media
Historically   Black      Colleges      or   coverage.
Universities.                                 As Nina Gibbens states, “One thing that
 On the first day of February, multiple      disappointed me is the lack of national
HBCU’s were in lockdown leaving              attention that it got initially. We received
students in fear for hours. Their            a bomb threat earlier in January, but a
worries continue to stay as days             lot of us feel like if these were Ivy
pass.                                        League schools or those with larger
  Nina Giddens, a student at Xavier          endowments they would have a lot
University of Louisiana, tells PBS,          more coverage and a sense of urgency.”
“You get really, really frustrated when       Some at the school demand increased
you are trying to get an education           protocols and student input. One
and you’re trying to do better for this      suggestion is the school could either
world and this country, and people           sound an alarm or make an
are trying so hard to stop you from          announcement for them to wake up.
doing that.” She received an email on           Currently, a good portion of the alerts
February 1st, 2022 at 5:24 a.m.              that they receive now happen through
saying “BOMB THREATS ON CAMPUS”              email which many may not even get a
warning her and other students.              chance to see and quickly react.
Xavier then immediately went into            Especially with most of these threats
lockdown. A search was then done             happening at such early hours when
around campus with officers going            the students are sleeping. It would be
building to building to find any             best to prioritize letting the students
danger. Thankfully, nothing was              know about the issue at hand as quickly
found, yet the fear                          as possible.
Since the threats, housing security       The number of lockdowns and threats
has gone up to keep the campus safe      continues to grow throughout the week.
in case of additional discrepancies      Students should not have to worry
throughout the year. According to a      about life or death situations while
reporter at NBC news, no physical        attending school and acquiring an
evidence has been found. Even with       education. These continuous threats
this fact, it is best to monitor the     are serious crimes that should be
campus in case of any actual action.     investigated thoroughly and seriously.
  As said by to Roby Chavez who
works for PBS, the FBI has identified
six juveniles as those affiliated with
the threats. The suspects appeared
to have racist motivations which the
Joint Terrorism Task Forces will
continue to investigate further, as
well as earlier threats that date back
to January of this year.

                                         Courtesy of The Undefeated

Courtesy of
In or Out?
By: Giulia Pizzuto
                                            The Bilco company designed multiple
                                          versions of this lock so that any building
                                          is able to use it. Each lock costs around
                                          100 to 200 dollars and one would be
                                          needed for each classroom door in a
                                           Also, at East Stroudsburg High School
                                          South, there have been assemblies in
Courtesy of The Burlingame B              which students and staff were taught to
                                          barricade the classroom door if there is
A major issue nowadays is the great       an intruder inside the school and they
number of lives lost in school            are unable to make it out of the building
shootings across the country. With        safely.
weapons getting into the hands of          This tactic seems like a great idea, as an
the wrong people, schools need to         intruder would not waste their time
be prepared for tragedy at all times.     having to push through a barricaded
 In 2021, writers at say   door, but some teachers and students
there were around 249 school              have noticed a problem with this.
shootings in grades K-12 in the U.S..       At ESHSS, as well as almost every
These events killed over 100 and          school in the country, doors open
injured over 300 students and staff.      outwards into the hallway, meaning if a
 While schools are doing many things      door was left unlocked or was able to
in an attempt to keep everyone safe       be broken into by an intruder, the
in case of a shooting, there could        barricade would not do much to stop
potentially be more ways of providing     them from entering.
safety.                                     On the other hand, if doors were to
 For example, there are special locks     open inwards, a shooter would indeed
that prevent doors from being             have a much harder time breaking into
opened from the outside. The              the classroom. While it may seem like a
Barracuda Intruder Defense Lock is        good plan to switch the way the doors
one of them.                              open, there is a caveat which may
                                          hinder this idea.
So, if doors open outwards to        The wiring is there to prevent the glass
protect people in case of emergency,     from shattering during a fire, but
why would we switch them to protect      according to researchers at,
them in a different type of              the glass can be broken very easily.
emergency?                                In the rare case that people are locked
    There does happen to be a much       in a classroom, the glass can be broken
higher number of fires in schools        by someone in the room or the fire
than there are shootings, say writers    department. As long as all of the glass is
at In studies conducted        shattered and removed, it is then
from 2014-2018, there were an            possible for individuals to get out of the
average of 3,000 fires each year.        room safely.
     While this number is high, the        Being trapped in the room is a very
death and injury toll is much lower      unlikely possibility, but if staff, students,
than a shooting. There was               and the fire department are made
approximately one death and 39           aware of the backup plans, everything
injuries per year caused by school       can run smoothly and allow everyone to
fires.                                   exit the building safely.
   The fact that anything happened to      There are solutions to almost every
innocent people is devastating, but it   situation one can think of and every
is very hard to compare the damage       solution has its pros and cons. Using
done in those fires and the damage       the first method is not going to always
done in a school shooting.               result in a positive outcome; the
   Some will argue that having doors     negatives need to be considered as
open inwards will result in more         well. By doing proper research schools
casualties, as individuals can get       will hopefully be able to find the best
locked in a room easier without          solution for their building.
escape. On the other hand, there are
solutions to this concern.
   At ESHSS in particular, there are
windows on the sides of classroom
doors made out of wired glass.The
wiring is there to prevent the glass
from shattering during a fire, but
according      to    researchers   at, the glass can be broken
very easily.                             Courtesy of Safe-Latch
Mrs. Schreier Interview
By: Marissa Stephens
 As some may already know, one of        where she is automatically licensed to
the school’s eleventh grade English     teach in every state. Every five years,
teachers, Mrs. Schreier, recently       she has to maintain her certification by
moved away.                             following through with two professional
 She made a positive impact on all      goals and, according to Mrs. Schreier,
who were around her and for those       “write a paper on those goals and
who did not get the chance to know      showing how they applied to students
her, The Cavalier Times decided to      and learning.”
interview her.                           “[T]hat gets assessed by the people at
 Mrs. Schreier has been a teacher for   [the] National Board and you either
16 years. Before she worked at East     pass or you don’t!”
Stroudsburg High School South, she        Thinking back on her time at ESHSS,
worked at Allentown Alternative         Mrs. Schreier says her favorite memory
Education.                              was when members of Gender Studies
 What some might not know about         taught the class common LGBTQ terms.
Mrs. Schreier is that she was a         She comments that “the whole class
corporate lawyer before she became      was asking questions they probably
a teacher. She decided to transfer to   would have been too scared to ask!”
teaching because she could not           She says she’ll miss her students the
handle selfish adults. So she           most, as well as all the amazing English
challenged herself to teach students    teachers and the calming English
not to be selfish.                      hallway. She loved her time at South
  Instead of taking the SATs, Mrs.      and loved the administration.
Schreier opted to take the American       Looking towards the future, she is
College Testing (ACT) exams. She        excited to teach AP English at her new
believed these tests were easier to     school in Baltimore, Maryland.
prepare for because all subjects          Several students commented on the
were covered in the test, not just      impact she had on them.
math and English.                         Senior Marcus Ruiz had her in the
  Compared to most teachers, Mrs.       2020-2021 school year. His fondest
Schreier has her National Board         memories in her class were the crystal
Certification,                          of the day and having her help destress
                                        him after his tonsil surgery.
She comments on the writing skills
                                         gained from her class, “Before her class
                                         I hated writing because I felt like my
                                         teachers never really properly taught
                                         me how to do it. Mrs. Schreier was
                                         really patient with our class when we
                                         were struggling.”
                                           “She made sure to go around to
                                         everyone and make sure they
                                         understood instead of just assuming.”
                                          Mrs. Schreier has clearly affected her
                                         students in more than one way and,
                                         before she said goodbye, she left her
                                         students with one last lesson, “Change
                                         is the only constant.”
Courtesy of

   He says Mrs. Schreier helped his
writing get better and helped him
become a more tolerable person.
    “I gained a better sense of
understanding in literature as well as
heightened friendships.”
   Junior Onessa Adams had Mrs.
Schreier in the 2021-2022 school
  “Mrs. Schreier has made me into a
more caring person. She let us talk
freely and made sure that we
listened to others' opinions with

                                         Courtesy of TripAdvisor
Biden's Supreme Court Nominee
By: Erica Brooks
                                        Notably, Republican Texas Senator Ted
                                        Cruz has been outspoken about this
                                        issue on his podcast “Verdict With Ted
                                        Cruz.” On it, he argues, “You know, Black
                                        women are what, 6 percent of the U.S.
                                        population? He’s (President Biden)
                                        saying to 94 percent of Americans, ‘I
                                        don’t give a damn about you, you are
    Courtesy of CNBC                      Some critics say that Biden is just
 President Joe Biden has promised to    pandering to his largely liberal
nominate a Black woman as the next      supporters and that rather than
Supreme Court Justice. This would be    choosing the most qualified candidate,
a historical action, as never before    he is choosing purely based on identity
has there been a Black and female       politics; he is not finding a candidate
Supreme Court Justice.                  based on merit.
 This move has gotten Biden much
approval from many congressional
Democrats, including Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez and Cori Bush. They
believe that it is high time for the
Supreme Court to diversify its bench,
in order to be seen as a legitimate
democratic institution that truly
represents its country’s people.
  But not everyone supports this
initiative     by     Biden.     The
announcement has gotten a wave of
criticism, largely from Republicans,
who believe that rather than
fostering diversity, it encourages        Courtesy of Britannica
However, those who oppose this          although the overall effect may be good,
viewpoint argue that Republicans did      the announcement comes off as overly
not react the same way when former        performative. Biden has gotten much
President Donald Trump promised to        applause for promising this, and some
replace the late Justice Ruth Bader       speculate whether or not this was done
Ginsburg with a female justice. Even      purely for that support.           Some
though President Trump also limited       Republicans are automatically not going
the candidate pool, he did not            to support the candidate Biden decides
receive nearly as much backlash.          on, purely because of his premature
 This raises questions about why the      announcement. An alternative would
reactions differ so much, and             have been not to announce who he
whether or not racism is at play. It      would nominate beforehand.
also brings up the concept of                 If Biden had nominated a Black
misogynoir, the discrimination faced      woman,     without     announcing     his
by Black women based on their             intentions beforehand, this entire issue
unique intersections of race and          may have been avoided. By telling
gender.                                   people in advance, some feel the action
Some      non-Republicans    criticize    comes     off   as    inauthentic    and
Biden’s announcement because              disingenuous.

                            Courtesy of The New Yorker
     By: Kaylee Hendershot

              Aries (21 March - 20 April)                     Taurus (21 April - 21 May)                      Gemini (22 May - 21 June)
   It's all about joy and celebration in the Aries   Here’s three things you want to remember          This is a time of reconnecting with your
    HQ. About staying connected to your soul         when you find yourself descending into the       purpose, Gemini. A time of remembering
   family, and sharing your victories with them. void: 1. You are where you are supposed to be. who you are and what you came here to
     Today brings with itself the reminder that 2. Everything is happening for a reason. 3. You                          create.
        some things do get better with time!       are divinely protected. So, let go of the story of
                                                                   loss and failure.

             Cancer (22 June - 22 July)                     Leo (23 July - 24 August)                   Virgo (24 August - 23 September)
   This week, you’re in the mood to say yes to What do you do when everything begins to fall          You are on the right track, Virgo. Keep
  what life is offering you, accept everything as in place? What do you do when the blessings          putting in the work required without
  an opportunity to level up, and fearlessly step you’ve been hoping and praying for come                  expecting immediate results.
    into the unknown. All past learning will be    knocking at your door? Open your arms and           Remembering the mantra ‘slow and
       rendered null and void at this time.                 allow yourself to receive.                 steady..’ will help you find joy in the

      Libra (24 September - 23 October)            Scorpio (24 October - 22 November)             Sagittarius (23 November - 21 December)
 The trouble is, people in our lives don’t know Crying over spilt milk is so passé. This week,  Word for the wise: start by saying ‘no’ to what
how to show up for us until we show them how     you’re in the mood to tap into your inner     isn’t good for you. Something tells us you know
 we want to be cared for. So, show them how sorcerer/sorceress and turn them lemons into          exactly how to exercise those manifesting
   you want to be cared for. Make yourself              some tantalising limoncello.                      muscles to your advantage.

    Capricorn (22 December - 20 January)           Aquarius (21 January - 19 February)                 Pisces (20 February - 20 March)
 There’s good news for Capricorns who are in After we set an intention, it’s important for us to It’s easy to go into a negative space when
     the market for a new job, a raise or a    surrender the outcome to the Universe. We things don’t work out the way we want them
 promotion. Something tells you you’re about   don’t get to decide how the blessings will be      to. But, the Universe is a kind and loving
to hit jackpot soon *and* create a new source delivered to us or who will play the role of the parent, who wants the best and only the best
 of revenue for yourself! Some of you may be   messenger. The only thing we can do is stay                          for you.
 feeling the urge to return to your books too.                open and trust.

You can also read