WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020

Page created by Holly Romero
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
Education Guide 2019/2020
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
Welcome                                                  Contents

Spectacular shows               Warwick Castle for Learning            4

and attractions,                Sample Itinerary                       5
spellbinding storytelling       Site Map                               6
and exhilarating                Your Options Explained                 8
experiences make                Attractions                            10
Warwick Castle one              Workshops                              12
of the most exciting            Tours                                  16
historic locations              Shows                                  22
in Europe. Capture              Extras                                 23
the imagination of
                                Plan Your Day                          24
your students, as they
                                Prices                                 25
witness 1,100 years
                                Your Questions Answered                26
of history come vividly
                                Teacher Checklist                      27
to life, in one of
                                Get in Touch                           28
Britain’s finest
medieval fortresses.

2   Education Guide 2019/2020              Education Guide 2019/2020   3
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
Warwick Castle for Learning
                                  about us
 Each year we open our gates to over 100,000 students. With dozens of educational
  attractions, tours, workshops and shows, a day spent with us has plenty in store.
 Our year–round programme is perfectly crafted for early years, primary, secondary
    and higher education students. at’s what makes us proud to be one of the
                   best historic school trip destinations in the UK.

                          what’s included
       We believe in making history fun! Your entry tickets give you a full day to
       explore the castle and its grounds, visit our attractions and see our shows.
          Climb the towers, master the maze, and gaze upon the Great Hall.

           Entrance to the castle, grounds and gardens from 10am until 4pm

                              Daily attractions and shows

                                     Coach parking

                                Teacher planning tickets

                  Resources, risk assessments and sample itineraries

                               we’re ready
       Organising your school trip couldn’t be easier. If you want to pay upfront,
          simply make a booking online. If you need more time, then head
            to our website to make a reservation. at confirms your visit
            until we require payment (at least 10 days before you arrive).
    We’re busy behind-the-scenes making sure your day runs as smoothly as possible,
           so if you have any questions, be sure to read our FAQs on page 26.
    On the day, you’ll be met by one of our Education Team who are on hand to help.

4     Education Guide 2019/2020
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
Sample Itinerary
10.00 Arrival & Registration

                                                                                                         © Craig Frick
Enter the castle grounds via the designated school entrance and
wander through the Peacock Gardens.

10.30 e Bowman Show
Witness the Warwick Castle Bowman demonstrate medieval archery
with incredible accuracy!

11.00 Towers, Ramparts & Curtain Walls
Walk the walls, explore the ramparts and climb the towers for
panoramic views of the town and courtyard below.

12.00 Lunch
Time to rest and recover from your action-packed morning.
ere are outdoor and indoor lunch areas available.

12.30 e Falconer’s Quest Show
Join the Falconer on a quest for the finest birds in the land, all set
in a stunning riverside location within the grounds of the castle.

13.00 Tour or Workshop
Take part in a tour or workshop lead by one of our expert Historians!
Or if you’d prefer, lead your own session using one of our resource packs.

13.30 Grand Interiors
Visit the Great Hall and its renowned armoury collection. Explore the
extravagant interiors of the State Dining Room, Chapel, and drawing rooms.

14.00 e Conqueror’s Fortress

                                                                                                         © Brett Kowalski
Ascend to the top of e Mound, where the original Motte once stood;
constructed under the orders of William the Conqueror in 1068.

14.30 e Kingmaker
Encounter the sights, sounds and smells of medieval England alongside
Richard Neville “e Kingmaker” as he prepares for battle.

15.00 Depart
Take your last minute photos, toilet stops and visits to the souvenir shops
on the way back to your coach.
                                                                                                         © Luke Frick

there’s more!
Between pages 8 and 22 you’ll find everything you need to know about
our 64 acre site and everything it has to offer. Our programme of shows
and attractions varies throughout the year. Please check the latest schedule
online when planning your visit. On page 24 you’ll find a handy planning
tool to create your own itinerary.

                                                                         Education Guide 2019/2020   5
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
At a Glance
                                                                                                                        Jousting                                                                   Depending on the age and
                                                                                                                    On sel
                                                                                                                    O  selected
                                                                                                                   seasonal dates                  The Falconer’s                                  size of your group it takes
                                                                            Trebuchet             Undercroft                                           Quest
                                                                                                                                                                                                  5-10 minutes to get between
                                                                         Shows on selected                                                      Shows on selected dates
                                                                           seasonal dates                                                                                                         attractions. Allow for longer
                                          Courtyard                                                                                                Riverside Arena                                  if you’re heading down to
                                            Shop                                 Kingmaker                                                                                                             our Knight’s Village.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pageant Field
                                                         Royal Weekend              Princess Tower
                Caesar’s Tower           Kingmaker                                                                          Time Tower                         The Conqueror’s
                                                                                                                           Welfare Room
                                                                Great Hall &
                                                                State Rooms                                                                                                                                                  School Entrance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *open 10am-11am

                                                                                        Central Courtyard                                                                                                  Peacock Garden
                 The Castle
                  Dungeon                                                                                                                                                                                                               The
                charges apply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tea House
                                                                                                                                           Bear Tower                            Oak Tree Lawn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              *Open on
To The Mill &
 Engine House                                                                                         Towers & Ramparts

 To Toilets
 (via stairs)

                                                                                                                                                                                                 KEY TO SYMBOLS
                                                                 Guy’s Tower
                                            East Front                                                                                                                                           Guest Seating/Picnic Area
                                                                                        The Bowman Show
                                                                                      Shows on selected dates                                                                                    Lost Child Point
                                                                                                                 The                  The                                                        Toilets             Female                   Male
                                Horrible Histories®                                                             Coach                Stables
                                      Maze                                                                      House                 Shop                                                       Tour Meeting Point
                                                                                                                    via Stables
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wheelchair Accessible Toilet
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wheelchair Lift

                                                                                                                                         The Stables Courtyard                                   Food and Drink                         Shop
                                                                                                                                           Entrance & Exit                                       Open on selected dates throughout the year

                                                                                                                                                             Coach Drop off/
                                                                                                                                                               pickup zone
   6      Education Guide 2019/2020                                                                                                                                                                  Education Guide 2019/2020                      7
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
Your Options Explained
is handy guide will help you plan a day that’s just right for you and your group.

 one day                       attractions                   workshops                tours                   shows                         residentials
 castle                        Once you’re through           We run daily             If you want to learn    Did you know,                 With so much to
 entry                         the gates, these              workshops for            more about the castle   we’re famous for              see and do, you
                               are the different              school groups            and its fascinating     shows? All of our             might want to stay
 If you simply want            locations that feature        across all key stages.   history then add        free daytime shows            for more than just
 the day at your own           something different            ey’re linked to         a tour. All of our      run daily on selected         the day. Two-day
 pace, then book or            to see or do. ey’re          the curriculum and       educational tours       dates. Check the              castle entry tickets
 reserve your tickets          all free – except             run by our experts       have been developed     latest show schedule          and an overnight
 and use our free              for e Castle                 in the Education         with the guidance       online before your            stay in our Knight’s
 planning tool to              Dungeon. Keep                 Team. ey’re really      of Teachers just like   visit at                      Village, start at just
 pencil-in all of our          reading for more              popular, so you’ll       you. Make sure you      warwick-castle.com/           £39.75 per student.
 attractions and               information and for           need to add a            book the right tour     schools                       Visit our website for
 shows.                        some of our top tips.         workshop at the          for your key stage                                    more information.
                                                             time of booking to       by using the
                                                             guarantee your           information in this
                                                             spaces. Workshop         section. Add a tour
                                                             prices start at just     from £3 per student.
                                                             £3 per student.

 8   Education Guide 2019/2020                                                                                                        Education Guide 2019/2020      9
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
Indoor Attractions
Name                Description                                     You’ll need…   Great For…      Top Tip
Great Hall          In the early Middle Ages it was here that  15 mins             All ages        e Great Hall can
                    noblemen ate, drank and slept. Embellished                                     get noisy on busy days,
                    over time, today the Great Hall is home to                                     so visit first thing or
                    an impressive armoury and historic weapons                                     early afternoon for
                    collection.                                                                    a quieter experience.
Staterooms          Representing the character of the castle in     10 mins        All ages        Once you’ve explored
                    the 17th and 18th centuries, the Staterooms                                    all six rooms, follow the
                    once provided the most lavish interiors; in                                    Armoury Passageway
                    which to entertain guests and showcase the                                     to learn about our most
                    family’s most prestigious possessions.                                         famous legend; Guy of
Royal Weekend       Experience Victorian high society. Waxwork      20 mins        All ages        Recordings around this
Party               figures depict Warwick Castle’s role during                                    attraction will explain
                    the 1890s as a hub for entertaining and                                        more – if you miss
                    hosting some of the most influential figures.                                  something printed sheets
                                                                                                   are available.
Castle Gaol         e Gaol occupies the lowest chamber of          15 mins        All ages        e Gaol area is
                    Caesar’s Tower and was built in the 14th                                       small and dark, so we
                    Century as the original dungeon. Leading                                       recommend entering
                    from a small hatch in the ground, a single                                     in smaller groups
                    flight of steps provides the only way in                                       (of up to 15) for the
                    and out.                                                                       best experience!
Mill & Engine       For nearly 600 years the Mill used the          15 mins        All ages        A steep staircase leads
House               power of the River Avon to grind grain.                                        down to the Mill and
                    In the 19th Century the hydropower was                                         Engine House from the
                    harnessed by the Engine House to                                               front of the Barbican.
                    generate electricity for the castle.                                           For step-free access
                                                                                                   follow the path on the
                                                                                                   south front.

Kingmaker           Experience the sights, sounds and smells of 25 mins            All ages        If you’d like more
                    medieval England alongside Richard Neville,                                    information, book our
                    commonly known as ‘Warwick the Kingmaker’                                      Castle Life tour to be
                    as he prepares his army for battle.                                            lead around by an expert!

Time Tower          An immersive multimedia experience              30 mins        Primary /       e Time Tower
                    capturing the unknown stories of Warwick                       Secondary       turnstile allows 30
                    Castle’s rich and vibrant history. You’ll join                                 people to enter every
                    digital characters as they travel through time;                                five minutes (all day)
                    discovering the darker sides of our past.                                      to avoid overcrowding.
e Castle           e Castle Dungeon brings together historic 50 mins             Strictly KS3    Due to limited
Dungeon             characters, immersive sets and spine-chilling                  and above       availability and high
                    special-effects. is interactive experience                                     demand, you’ll need
                    features some of the bloodiest and most                                        additional tickets to
                    terrifying times of medieval history.                                          enter. is attraction is
                                                                                                   not suitable for anyone
                                                                                                   with a nervous disposition.

e Princess         Visit Warwick Castle’s brave princess in her    30 mins        Early Years /   Visits are free, but you’ll
Tower               private tower and help her solve the riddle                    Primary         need to collect a time
                    which will reunite her with our hero –                                         token (at the Princess
                    Guy of Warwick.                                                                Tower entrance) as
                                                                                                   spaces are limited.

*Timings provided are a rough guide only

10 Education Guide 2019/2020
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
Outdoor Attractions
Name                 Description                                      You’ll need…   Great For…   Top Tip

Towers, Ramparts     Walk the walls once used by bowmen and           35 mins        All ages     ere are lots of steps
& Curtain Walls      archers. Climb to the top of Guy’s Tower                                     so take your time and
                     and follow the ramparts to the upper levels                                  enjoy each section before
                     of the Gatehouse. Continuing along the                                       moving on to the next.
                     walls, visit the tallest tower; Caesar’s Tower                               ere are information
                     on the southern side. Set in the north walls,                                boards at each point of
                     stunted Clarence and Bear Towers were                                        interest.
                     once home to the Royal Keep and bears.

e Conqueror’s       Take a short but steep ascent to the top of    25 mins          All ages     A great place to start!
Fortress             the oldest part of Warwick Castle. First built                               From the top, you’ll see
                     in 1068 under the orders of William the                                      the full extent of the
                     Conqueror, it formed the most important                                      neighbouring towers and
                     part of the castle’s defence system and was                                  ramparts surrounding
                     a symbol of power and authority.                                             the courtyard.

Gatehouse &          Housing the portcullis and constructed to        10 mins        All ages     Look up! As you walk
Barbican             defend the castle from foreign armies, the                                   through the Barbican
                     Barbican is an exterior walled and cobbled                                   you’ll spot the holes
                     passage, which leads to the main entrance                                    above. ese were once
                     known as the Gatehouse.                                                      used to drop deterrents
                                                                                                  on trespassers who tried
                                                                                                  to enter.

Peacock Gardens      Dating back to the Elizabethan era, one of the 10 mins          All ages     If you arrive between
                     most iconic elements of Warwick Castle is its                                10am - 11am, you’ll
                     stunning gardens, complete with roaming                                      enter via the Peacock
                     peacocks.                                                                    Gardens.

Pageant Field        Our sweeping views down to the River Avon        10 mins        All ages     Pageant Field make’s a
                     were designed by none other than Lancelot                                    great outdoor lunch spot.
                     ‘Capability’ Brown, one of Britain’s greatest
                     landscape gardeners.

Horrible Histories   You’ll face fun challenges as your group       30 mins          Primary      Grab your time
Maze®                unravels history in the world’s first Horrible                               passports at the maze
                     Histories adventure maze. is walk-through                                   entrance and collect
                     experience combines obstacles and minor                                      stamps as you navigate
                     motion movements.                                                            your way through.

*Timings provided are a rough guide only

                                                                                Education Guide 2019/2020 11
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
All our workshops are carefully designed exclusively for school groups. Browse our topics below,
or search for something specific by checking the key stages or learning objectives. Visit our
website for more information on curriculum links and teaching resources.

stories with a princess
30 mins | Early Years & KS1 | £3 per student
                                                  Perfect for young learners! is workshop will
                                                  engage and excite students, getting them to
                                                  interact with each other and the story-teller.
                                                  Learning objectives:
                                                    To share an interactive story with a
                                                     Warwick Castle Princess.
                                                     Consider female characters as strong
                                                     and positive role models.

sword skills with a knight
30 mins | KS2 | £3 per student
                                                  is workshop introduces students to medieval
                                                  weapons and the people who used them. ey’ll
                                                  take part in marching exercises from the Middle
                                                  Ages and try sword fighting techniques, taught by
                                                  our Warwick Castle Swordsman.
                                                  Learning objectives:
                                                    Understand the discipline required of a
                                                    medieval foot soldier.
                                                    Learn the manner of a medieval infantry
                                                    regiment and practise the relevant vocabulary.
                                                    Try sword technique and tactics.

12 Education Guide 2019/2020
WARWICK CASTLE FOR LEARNING - Education Guide 2019/2020
                                              votes for women
                                                       45 mins | KS3 & KS4 | £6 per student
We’ll explore a pivotal moment in the 20th
Century and the suffragettes who were behind it.
After performing key snapshots of the movement
and explaining the politics of the time, our history
expert leads an engaging discussion with two of
our suffragettes.
Learning objectives:
  Compare opposing views of women who
  fought for the right to vote.
  Witness key events of the period, including
  early protests, hunger strike and force feeding.
  Participate in questioning and challenge the
  issues surrounding women’s suffrage.

                                medieval battle skills
                                                       45 mins | KS3 & KS4 | £6 per student
Warfare isn’t all about glory! In this interactive
workshop, students meet a medieval Recruitment
Officer who’ll take them through their paces.
Along with discussion about medieval weapons,
they’ll learn the best techniques for using swords.
Learning objectives:
  Explore the discipline required of a medieval
  Foot Soldier.
  Understand the manner of a medieval infantry
  regiment using relevant drill terminology.
  Demonstrate sword techniques and tactics.

                                                                Education Guide 2019/2020 13
              victorian warwick
              60 mins | KS3 & KS4 | £6 per student
                                                     Introduced by a Victorian Butler, this workshop
                                                     immerses students in Victorian life. ey’ll learn
© Aaron Law

                                                     about the lifestyle of servants and the tasks expected
                                                     from them. Countess Daisy joins to discuss how
                                                     society has changed since Queen Victoria first
                                                     ascended to the throne, and our Victorian Engineer
                                                     explains how the Mill became vital to society.
                                                     Learning objectives:
                                                        Compare the roles of nobility and household
                                                        staff, and debate the strict working practices of
                                                        Practise skills such as laying a table or
                                                        preparing tea.
                                                        Understand some of the changes in society
                                                        and the technology developed during the
                                                        Victorian era.

              medieval warwick
              60 mins | KS3 & KS4 | £6 per student
                                                     Students will explore key aspects of medieval
                                                     castle life, including the relationship between
                                                     church and state, dealing with health and sickness,
                                                     and being trained for warfare.
                                                     Learning objectives:
                                                       Experience different roles in the castle and
                                                       understand the hardships of the peasant class.
                                                       Consider the central power and influence
                                                       of the medieval church in society.
                                                       Explore medieval medicines
                                                       Learn about the obligation of all men to join
                                                       the military.

              14 Education Guide 2019/2020
                                 execution of a queen
                                                        45 mins | KS3 & KS4 | £6 per student
Meet Anne Boleyn during her final moments.
is short performance tells a story of the rise
and fall of this queen, focusing on the last few days
of her life. Afterwards, our history expert leads
a discussion, giving students the opportunity to
question Anne and her Executioner about the
situation and life in Tudor times.
Learning objectives:
   Gain an overview of the relationship between
   Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII.
   Have insight into the organisation of her
   execution and understand Anne’s approach
   to her death.
   Pose questions to Anne and her Executioner.

                                                                 Education Guide 2019/2020 15
Just like our workshops, these tours have been designed just for schools. at means they’ve
been tested by Teachers, are linked to the curriculum and deliver on learning objectives.

castle life
30 mins | KS1 & KS2 | £3 per student
                                                 Students gain an understanding of medieval life
                                                 through the exploration of jobs, wages and
                                                 lifestyle. We’ll focus on those who would have
                                                 lived and worked in and around the castle during
                                                 preparations for battle!
                                                 Learning objectives:
                                                    Compare different roles and positions in
                                                    a medieval Warwick Castle.
                                                    Compare and contrast life today with life
                                                    during the medieval period.

meet the monarchy
40 mins | KS1 & KS2 | £3 per student
                                                 Explore the roles and personal qualities of
                                                 monarchs throughout time with a focus that
                                                 you can choose! Examples of monarchs offered
                                                 include: William the Conqueror, Richard III,
                                                 Henry VIII and his six wives, Queen Elizabeth
                                                 and Queen Victoria. e tour introduces the
                                                 students to these key characters from our history
                                                 as well as wider British history.
                                                 Learning objectives:
                                                    Acquire new vocabulary around kings, queens
                                                    and monarchs.
                                                    Understand the importance of royal succession.
                                                    Discuss some of the important qualities
                                                    required of a monarch.

16 Education Guide 2019/2020
                                                        ultimate castle
                                                        30 mins | KS3 & KS4 | £3 per student
We’ll trace the history of Warwick Castle from
its foundations as an Anglo-Saxon settlement,

                                                                                                © Luke Frick
through to its use as a medieval fortress, a Tudor
prison, a stately home and to its current role as a
historic attraction. Students will consider the role
played by the castle and its Earls across a number
of periods and key events in English history,
notably, the Norman Conquest, the Hundred
Years’ War and the Wars of the Roses.
Learning objectives:
   Understand the geographical and strategic
   importance given to the choice of building
   a castle in Warwick.
   Discover the various roles and functions of
   Warwick Castle and how events in the wider
   world have influenced its development over
   the years.

                                            norman conquest
                                                        30 mins | KS2 & KS3 | £3 per student
is tour informs students about the Battle
of Hastings, the Norman Conquest and the
establishment of castles. ey’ll gain an appreciation
for our early history as well as have the opportunity
to actively interact with some props.
Learning objectives:
   Review the events leading up to the Battle of
   Hastings and explore the armies and tactics
   used in the battle.
   Discover how William consolidated his gains
   and how the Normans built the Motte and
   Bailey to protect them.
   Understand how source materials such as the
   Bayeux Tapestry and the Domesday Book have
   helped to understand the Norman conquest.

                                                                 Education Guide 2019/2020 17
the kingmaker
30 mins | KS3, KS4 & KS5 | £3 per student
                                    Who crowns the King? Focussing on the role
                                    of Richard Neville; the Kingmaker, during the
                                    Wars of the Roses, students will consider why
                                    he changed his allegiance between the houses of
                                    York and Lancaster. ey’ll also gain an insight
                                    into power politics, personalities and battle tactics!
                                    Learning objectives:
                                       Gain an overview of the politics, personalities
                                       and events of this tumultuous period in English
                                       Understand the wealth and power of the 16th
                                       Earl of Warwick and learn how Richard Neville
                                       wielded his power to support Edward IV’s claim
                                       to the throne.
                                       Learn how the events of the Battle of Barnet
                                       led to his eventual defeat and death.

wars of the roses
30 mins | KS3, KS4 & KS5 | £3 per student
                                    Designed to introduce the themes and the people
                                    of this period, this tour provides a sense of
                                    who supported who, who had power and when,
                                    which key battles took place, and why these are
                                    important in British history. It aims to make this
                                    complex timeline of events more understandable.
                                    Learning objectives:
                                       Understand the concept of civil war and the
                                       reasons behind the Wars of the Roses.
                                       Name the key figures and significant events
                                       of the period.
                                       Understand the claims to the throne of
                                       Edward IV, Henry VI and Richard III.

18 Education Guide 2019/2020
                                                     viking invaders
                                                    30 mins | KS2 & KS3 | £3 per student
We’ll explore the threat of the Vikings upon the
country, and how it defended itself, by closely
examining the influence of Princess Aethelflaed
(daughter and eldest child of Alfred the Great).
is powerful figure paved the way for a defence
system around Mercia including the first fortress
at Warwick.
Learning objectives:
   Review the reasons for Viking raids on England
   and understand why they were successful.
   Interactively study Viking tactics.
   Understand how Aethelflaed was fundamental
   in a united England and the ultimate defeat of
   the Vikings.

                                       history of medicine
                                                    30 mins | KS3 & KS4 | £3 per student
is tour explores the idea of medicine
throughout the medieval period. It looks at the
concept of humours, use of herbs, and how cures
for the plague were attempted. It explains the
reasoning behind the thinking, and compares
medieval medicine with that of today.
Learning objectives:
  Understand the roles of the medieval Physician,
  Apothecary and Barber surgeon.
  Review the historical ideas on the cause of
  disease and reflect on the strategies used for
  the prevention and treatment of illness.
  Recognise the causes and symptoms of
  the plague.

                                                             Education Guide 2019/2020 19
evolution of warfare
45 mins | KS3 & KS4 | £3 per student
                                       Whilst technology has changed over the centuries,
                                       the key elements of shock, infantry and fire
                                       support remain the same. With this in mind this
                                       tour aims to show how weaponry, tactics and
                                       battle styles have developed over the centuries,
                                       using key battles as examples. From the Norman
                                       invasion to the modern day, we’ll demonstrate
                                       these changes interactively with replica weapons.
                                       Learning objectives:
                                         Gain an overview of the three main elements
                                         used in warfare throughout history; infantry,
                                         shock and fire support.
                                         Understand how such elements were used and the
                                         tactics and strategy which aided their deployment.
                                         Using case studies, discuss how certain weapons
                                         dominated their age.

ultimate kids tour
30 mins | KS1 & KS2 | £3 per student
                                       is tour is designed to highlight the most
                                       interesting aspects of life at a castle! It gives
                                       students the chance to get up close to our replica
                                       weapons, learn about attack and defence, and some
                                       fun facts. Your learners will pick up a few interesting
                                       stories about the castle too!
                                       Learning objectives:
                                          Review the defensive features of the castle,
                                          including walls, towers, murder holes and
                                          the Portcullis.
                                          Handle and explore the use of various weapons
                                          in our collection of replicas.
                                          Learn the use of secret doors within
                                          a stately home.

20 Education Guide 2019/2020
                                        crime & punishment
                                                             30 mins | KS2 | £3 per student
We’ll explore the fascinating subject of law and
order, and discuss how crimes and punishments
have changed over time. is tour focuses on
some of the most common crimes in each period,
along with some common forms of punishment,
including hanging, torture, and the stocks!
Learning objectives:
   Understand crimes and their related punishments
   from Saxon, Medieval and the Victorian periods,
   including trial by ordeal.
   Evaluate the role of the Warwick Castle Gaol
   and how this compares to the role of prisons
  Appreciate the reality of historical events
   studied in the classroom within the context
   of case studies.

                                              attack & defence
                                                       30 mins | KS2 & KS3 | £3 per student
Students discover how to attack and defend a
castle like ours! Focussing on the medieval period,

                                                                                               © Nick Jones
we’ll cover battle techniques, castle design and the
common features of a Motte and Bailey fortress.
Learning objectives:
  Evaluate Warwick Castle’s role as a fortress.
  Learn how the Motte and Bailey was built
  and discuss its key defensive features.
  Explore the defensive structures of the castle
  and review the tactics that were used to attack
  and defend it.

                                                                Education Guide 2019/2020 21
                       Our daytime shows run on selected dates throughout the year – and are free to watch.
                       No need to book, just check the latest show schedule online before your visit.

                                                                        the bowman
© Richard Cunningham

                                                                        Watch the agility and power of our
                                                                        resident Bowman as he explains the
                                                                        techniques and equipment used in this
                                                                        popular historic pastime.

                                                                        the mighty
                                                                        Learn more about the engineering
                                                                        behind this complicated catapult
                                                                        and get up close to the UK’s largest
                                                                        replica medieval siege machine.

                                                                        the falconer’s
                                                                        Marvel at more than 60 birds of prey,
                                                                        in an all-action, dynamic display of aerial
                                                                        acrobatics and stunning story-telling.

                                                                        wars of
                                                                        the roses
                                                                        Hear the thunder of hooves and the
                                                                        splintering of lances as our all-action
                                                                        Wars of the Roses Live features perilous
                                                                        stunt riding and fearless jousting.

                       22 Education Guide 2019/2020

   If you’ve taken part in a
   Sword Skills workshop,
   or just want to take the
   excitement of the day
   back into the classroom,
   pre-order our paint-your-
   own wooden shields,
   from £4 per student.

We often get asked about the price of snacks and souvenirs.
Here’s roughly how much to expect to pay per item*:

Ice Creams                                     Rulers & Bookmarks
Between £1.80 and £3.00 each                   £2.00 per item
Drinks                                         Badges
Between £1.70 and £2.50 each                   £3.50 each
Hot Food                                       Magnets & Keyrings
Pulled Pork Roll from £5.95                    £4.00 per item
Pizza or Pasta Meal Deal from £7.50
                                               We recommend visiting the souvenir shops in
Pens                                           the morning as they get busy in the afternoon.
£1.50 each                                     *All prices are subject to change

                                                        Education Guide 2019/2020 23
Plan Your Day
Use this template to plan a day of almighty attractions, tailor-made tours and spectacular shows.

  Group Name


  Time                      Activity

24 Education Guide 2019/2020
Prices vary depending on the age of your group, and when you’d like to visit.

ONE DAY                                                 WORKSHOPS
CASTLE ENTRY                                            &TOURS
                                                        ese are optional to add to your visit
Early Years                                             and start from just £3 per student.
£3.95 per student (All year)
1 free Teacher place for every 3 students               TEACHER
Primary                                                 PLANNING VISIT
£6.95 per student (October to March)                    We encourage all our group leaders to
                                                        undertake a free planning trip before the visit
£8.95 per student (April to September)                  date. You’ll get two free Teacher tickets with
1 free Teacher place for every 5 students               a valid booking confirmation.

Secondary                                               PARKING
£7.95 per student (October to March)                    Coach parking is free of charge.
£9.95 per student (April to September)                  Our car park fee is £6 per vehicle.
1 free Teacher place for every 10 students

Higher                                                  resources
£11.95 per student (October to March)                   Download free teaching resources
                                                        and classroom activities at tes.com –
£13.95 per student (April to September)                 just search “Warwick Castle”.
1 free Teacher place for every 10 students

Additional Teacher
£14.00 per additional adult outside of the free ratio

                                                                Education Guide 2019/2020 25
Your Questions Answered
Questions? Here’s some of our most common…

What’s the best way to book?                                       Can I add a workshop or tour at a later date?
Visit warwick-castle.com/schools. You can make a                   Yes. You’ll need to speak to our Call Centre (on 0333
booking, or a reservation. If you’d prefer to speak to             321 2001*). We’re unable to make changes to bookings
someone then get in touch with our Call Centre on                  within 10 days of arrival.
0371 222 2272*. Bear in mind waiting times may vary.
                                                                   How suitable is Warwick Castle
How do I get my free Teacher planning                              for SEN students?
tickets?                                                           We’ll always do our best to accommodate everyone.
Once you’ve made a booking and paid the balance in full –          If any of your group have unique requirements then
simply bring your confirmation to one of our ticket windows.       make sure you let us know when you book. If you have
You’ll be given two tickets per booking, and can use them on any   any specific questions, please contact our Schools Officer
date prior to your school trip. Please note, car parking is not    (our contact details are at the back of this guide).
                                                                   What about accessibility?
Where can we have lunch?                                           Some areas of the castle and grounds are difficult
ere are plenty of picnic areas around the grounds. Our            to access by wheelchair. It’s important to read our
indoor lunch rooms are allocated on arrival by                     full accessibility guide; available online at
our Schools Officer, at request on the day.                          warwick-castle.com/schools.

Where can I find the risk assessment?                              I’ve got a reservation, how do I pay?
All our resources and planning tools are available online.         We accept payment via BACS transfer, cheque
Simply head to warwick-castle.com/schools                          or debit/credit card. Details on how to pay will be
                                                                   on your confirmation. Payment must be received at
Can we have a Guide?                                               least 10 days before your visit date. Please follow the
Warwick Castle is a mostly self-guided experience. Our             payment instructions very carefully; any mistakes
dedicated Education Team will greet you on arrival and             could cause a delay to your entry or result in your
be on-call should you have any questions throughout the            booking being cancelled.
day. ey’ll also lead any workshops or tours you’ve
booked.                                                            How do we get there?
                                                                   We’re well signposted and less than two miles
Can I have a VAT receipt?                                          from junction 15 of the M40. Our address is:
Of course! You’ll need to request this after your visit has        Warwick Castle, Warwick,
taken place, by contacting our Call Centre on                      Warwickshire, CV34 6AH
0333 321 2001*. Have your booking reference ready.                 (for coach parking).

How do I change a booking?                                         Is there somewhere to leave bags or lunches?
You’ll need to speak to our Call Centre on 0333 321                On the day, our Schools Officer can advise where to
2001* to change an existing booking. Make sure you                 leave bags – but the area is unsecured, so it’s best to
have your booking reference to hand. Waiting times may             leave valuables at home.
be longer during busy times of day.
                                                                   I still have a question…
What’s your cancellation policy?                                   We’re happy to answer anything that’s not in this guide.
You’re free to cancel up to 10 days before your visit              Simply get in touch – our details are at the back.
by contacting our Call Centre. eir details are at
                                                                   *Calls are charged at your local network rate
the back of this guide.

 26 Education Guide 2019/2020
Teacher Checklist

                   You’ve booked. We can’t wait to see you!

                          Your confirmation…
           You’ll receive a booking confirmation within 48 hours.
                              Check it carefully.

                          Make your payment:
       It’s not always easy collecting payments and settling the bill,
       but it’s important you do this as soon as possible. You’ll find
    payment instructions on our website – please follow these carefully.

                        Teacher Planning Pack
        Visit our website to download our Teacher Planning Pack –
         this contains everything you need to prepare for your trip,
                from risk assessments to arrival instructions.

                   Did someone say free tickets?
      Once you’ve paid, be sure to use your two free Teacher planning tickets.
             Just bring your email confirmation to a ticket window.

                          Getting excited yet?
      With your visit just around the corner, use our teaching resources
and classroom activities at tes.com – just search “Warwick Castle”.

                                 Your trip…
 Time to get out of the classroom and into the battlefield. Bring your final
 booking confirmation (showing the trip as paid) and your adventure can

                          Your opinion counts
    We want to hear about your experience. Tweet, email, call or write!

                                                        Education Guide 2019/2020 27
Get in Touch
We care about what we do. If you need something that’s not covered in this guide
or available online then get in touch.

contact form
Complete our online form – and one of our team will get back to you.

live chat
Got a quick question? We have a team just a click away.
Use our live chat function online.

call centre
Bookings 0371 222 2772*
Amendments & Payments 0333 321 2001*
Believe it or not, this busy team can help you make, change or cancel
a booking. It’s always better to call outside of our peak times
(early mornings, lunch hours and late afternoons are our busiest).
*Calls are charged at your local network rate

schools officer
We know one size doesn’t fit all. If there’s something you’re worried
about, or would like us to do differently on the day, just get in touch
with our dedicated Schools Officer.

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