The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living

Page created by Mike Carr
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
September 2021
                          The Carlton Times
                                         Love v Honor v Provide

2726 Fifth Street, Davis, California 95618 | (530) 564-7002 | License# 577005341 |
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
Get Your Carlton Walk
         T-Shirt Today!

                               Standard Tee ‡
                                  Scoop Neck
                                  V Neck †

Contact your community Walk Captain to
  reserve your Walk t-shirt. Shirts are
      available while supplies last.

                     Register to walk with
                     your community and
                      receive a free shirt.
                     Make a minimum $20
                     donation and receive
                            a shirt.
                 BACK DES
              SIGN                                       IGN
   FRO   NT DE
                     Congratulations to our t-shirt
                       design contest winners!
                 Lorraine Hernandez, Poet’s Corner
                   Kaylene Jacobson, Elk Grove
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
Doctor Shuttle
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The doctor shuttle transports residents to medical and dental
appointments in Davis on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The shuttle begins
transportation at 9:00 a.m. and returns to the community by 5:00 p.m.

                      Transportation is subject to availability for
appointments scheduled less than 48 hours in advance. Appointments
outside of the 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. window will be accommodated if
possible, but are not guaranteed.

Concierge Service
Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The concierge service offers on-demand transportation Monday through
Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Appointments are made on a first
come, first served basis and can be made up to one month in advance.
The concierge can take residents to appointments outside of Davis, see
fee information below.

Transportation Charges
Transportation in Davis between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. is         .
For transportation outside of Davis, there is a $15/half hour service
charge (one half hour minimum, and then $7.50 per quarter hour
thereafter, rounding up). The same charge applies to transportation
outside of normal transportation hours. The Concierge Driver can act as
an escort for residents for $30.00/hour.

          Church Shuttle                          Shopping Shuttle
  Sundays from 8:55 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.              Mondays at 9:30 a.m.
We currently provide transportation to   Our shuttle rotates between Target,
services at St. James Catholic Church,   Nugget Market, CVS/Pharmacy, Rite Aid,
Davis Lutheran Church, Davis             Safeway, Dollar Tree, Grocery Outlet,
Community Church, and the United         Trader Joe’s, and the Davis Food Co-op.
Methodist Church.
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
Jim Fields
                                    James “Jim” Fields was born on August 10, 1947
                                 in Palo Alto, California. His father, Gerald, was a
                                 credit manager. His mother, Sue, was a school
                                 secretary. Jim has one brother, Gerald. Although
                                 most of his childhood was spent in San Mateo
                                 County, his family lived in Whittier, in Los Angeles
                                 County, for two or three years. He remembers that
                                 Disneyland was practically next door. He has fond
                                 memories of visiting Huntington Beach and
                                 swimming in the Pacific Ocean.
   Jim went to Lincoln Elementary School in Redwood City and Woodside High
School in Woodside. He then continued his education at Stanford University,
studying English literature. He studied abroad in Porto Alegre, Brazil for four
months. After graduation, he wrote and self-published a children’s book called
   A lover of books and writing, Jim spent nine years working as a store clerk at
Kepler’s, an independent bookstore in Menlo Park. He has also worked in the
patient rights and self-advocacy wing of the mental health field. He spent the
majority of his life living and working in the mid-San Francisco Peninsula, but he
also lived in Austin, Texas for two years. He moved to Davis in 2006-2007.
   Jim enjoys all kinds of music, but especially folk, blues, and rock. His favorite
musician is Bob Dylan. His favorite movie is “Blade Runner.” He has two favorite
books, The Trial, by Franz Kafka, and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by
James Joyce. He describes himself as a “steak and potatoes kind of guy.” He loves
bread pudding for dessert. He likes the scent of morning dew. One of his favorite
hobbies is book collecting. Here at Carlton, he enjoys the food and appreciates the
supportive staff.
   When asked about his favorite life experiences, Jim remarked “I’ve written all
my life, so that’s what I love most.” He also enjoyed vacations to the Pacific
Islands and Southeast Asia. He sums up his life philosophy in a saying from his
father: “if you don’t have a sense of humor, you’re dead.” He admires both his dad
and his brother. Jim describes himself as persistent, kind, and reliable and he hopes
that others remember him as a good person.
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
Davis Management Team

Miriam Faris Christin Pannell Lindsey Feifert      Ben Slade      Jesse Vasquez
 Executive      Executive        Director of      Memory Care        Resident
  Director      Assistant     Resident Services     Director         Liaison

Kayla Frasier    Ryan Pugh      Genevieve Eller   Alan Trujillo    Jake Curri
Care Manager,   Care Manager,     Medication          Chef        Dining Room
Memory Care     Assisted Living    Manager                          Manager

Alex Bevacqua Antonia Shannon Andrew Garcia Jessalyn Eernisse Louise Bremner
  Retirement     Associate    Plant Operations   Personal       Memory Care
  Counselor      Retirement       Manager      Expressions    Program Manager
                 Counselor                      Manager
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
SEPTEMBER OUTINGS                             THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2
       & ADVENTURES                              9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
                                                 10:00 AM ~ Blood Pressure and Weight Clinic with
  SHOPPING AT MICHAEL’S                          Lindsey (FC/TR)
                                                 11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)
 Wed. 9/1, departing at 9:30 AM                  1:00 PM ~ Exercise with Maddie (AR)
                                                 2:00 PM ~ Resident Information Session (TR)
                                                 3:00 PM ~ Art Hour (AR)
  LUNCH AT PAESANO’S                             4:00 PM ~ Games Corner: Yahtzee (AR)
                                                 6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Of Mice and Men” (TR)
 Wed. 9/8, departing at 11:15 AM
                                                     FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3
 SHOPPING AT RIGHT &                                    Happy Birthday Judy P & Dianne U!
 RELEVANT                                        9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
                                                 10:00 AM ~ Banking Hour with Christin (LOB)
                                                 11:00 AM ~ Chair Yoga with Mindful Yolo (AR)
 Wed. 9/15, departing at 1:30 PM                 1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)
                                                 3:00 PM ~ Funny Money Bingo (AR)
 SACRAMENTO HISTORY                              4:00 PM ~ Trivia (AR)
 MUSEUM                                          6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Viva Las Vegas” (TR)

 Wed. 9/22, departing at 1:30 PM
 Tickets are $10 per person.                      SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4
                                                 9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
                 AT THE                          10:45 AM ~ Wii Bowling (TR)
                                                 1:00 PM ~ Dakim Brain Fitness (STU)
 WOODLAND OPERA HOUSE                            1:30 PM ~ Jeopardy! with Jessalyn (TR)
                                                 2:30 PM ~ Movie: “The French Lieutenant’s
 Sun. 9/26, departing at 1:00 PM                 Woman” (TR)
 Tickets are $23 per person.                     3:00 PM ~ Word Games: Word in a Word (AR)
                                                 4:00 PM ~ Happy Hour (CY or LR)
  PLEASE SIGN UP AT THE                          Featuring live music by Cold Shot!
                                                 6:05 PM ~ Baseball Night: Los Angeles Dodgers vs.
      FRONT DESK.                                San Francisco Giants (TR)

9:30 AM ~ SIGN UP: Shopping at Michael’s (LOB)
                                                           : LOB = Lobby, C = Café,
9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
10:30 AM ~ Balance Bar Fitness (AR)                CY = Courtyard, LR = Living Room,
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)         PDR = Private Dining Room
1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)
                                                            : Salon, STU = Study,
2:30 PM ~ Carlton Cooks: Banana Bread (AR)
4:00 PM ~ Happy Hour (CY or AR)
                                                   TR = Theater Room, FC = Fitness Center
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Blithe Spirit” (TR)                     : AR = Activity Room,
                                                   GR = Game Room, JO = Jessalyn’s Office
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5                            THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9
9:00 AM ~ SIGN UP: Church Shuttle (LOB)                       Happy Birthday Jane S!
10:00 AM ~ Sunday Mass and Communion (TR)         10:00 AM ~ Dance Fitness with Katelynn (AR)
10:15 AM ~ Strength Training (AR)                 11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)        1:00 PM ~ Exercise with Maddie (AR)
1:30 PM ~ Bean Bag Toss (AR)                      2:00 PM ~ Carlton Cooks: Swirled Fudge (AR)
3:00 PM ~ 25¢ Bingo (AR)                          3:00 PM ~ Art Hour (AR)
4:00 PM ~ Go Fish (AR)                            4:00 PM ~ Games Corner: Uno (AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “The French Lieutenant’s         6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Grease” (TR)
Woman” (TR)
   MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6                               FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10
  Labor Day & Rosh Hashanah Begins at Sunset      9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
9:30 AM ~ SIGN UP: Shopping Shuttle to Target     10:00 AM ~ Banking Hour with Christin (LOB)
and TJ Maxx (LOB)                                 11:00 AM ~ Chair Yoga with Mindful Yolo (AR)
9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)                    1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)
10:30 AM ~ Balance Bar Fitness (AR)               3:00 PM ~ Funny Money Bingo (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)        4:00 PM ~ Trivia (AR)
1:00 PM ~ Fabulous Fitness (AR)                   6:00 PM ~ Movie: “The Courier” (TR)
2:30 PM ~ Games Corner: Family Feud (AR)
3:00 PM ~ Bridge (STU)
4:00 PM ~ Crossword Puzzle Hour (AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo
Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble” (TR)
   TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7                            SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11
10:00 AM ~ Dance Fitness with Katelynn (AR)                           Patriot Day
10:45 AM ~ Wii Bowling (TR)                       9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
1:00 PM ~ Chair Yoga with Mindful Yolo (AR)       10:45 AM ~ Wii Bowling (TR)
2:00 PM ~ Sundae Social (AR)                      1:00 PM ~ Dakim Brain Fitness (STU)
3:00 PM ~ Funny Money Bingo (AR)                  1:30 PM ~ Jeopardy! with Jessalyn (TR)
4:00 PM ~ Trivia (AR)                             2:30 PM ~ Movie: “The Courier” (TR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Indianan Jones and the Last     3:00 PM ~ Word Games: Boggle (AR)
Crusade” (TR)                                     4:00 PM ~ Happy Hour (CY or LR)
                                                  Featuring live music by Gabe Lewin & Co.!
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8                                     BOOK CLUB IS BACK!
9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)                                     The Book of Joy: Lasting
10:00 AM ~ St. James Communion Service (TR)                        Happiness in a Changing
10:30 AM ~ Balance Bar Fitness (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)
11:15 AM ~ SIGN UP: Lunch at Paesano’s (LOB)                        By His Holiness the Dalai
1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)                              Lama and Archbishop
2:30 PM ~ DIY Marble Art (AR)                                         Desmond Tutu, with
3:30 PM ~ Davis Community Church Spiritual                              Douglas Abrams
Formation and Communion (TR)
4:00 PM ~ Happy Hour (CY or AR)                     We will meet to discuss the book on 9/17.
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “How to Lose a Guy in Ten        If you would like to join, please ask Jessalyn
Days” (TR)                                                  for a copy of the book.
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12                           THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16
     Grandparents Day & Superhero Theme Day                        Sports Theme Day
             Happy Birthday Alvin J!               10:00 AM ~ Dance Fitness with Katelynn (AR)
10:00 AM ~ Sunday Mass and Communion (TR)          11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)
10:15 AM ~ Strength Training (AR)                  1:00 PM ~ Balloon Volleyball (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)         2:00 PM ~ Carlton Speaker Series: Claudia Graetsch
1:30 PM ~ Bean Bag Toss (AR)                       Vasquez, RDN, “Nutrition and Diabetes” (TR)
3:00 PM ~ 25¢ Bingo (AR)                           3:00 PM ~ Art Hour (AR)
4:00 PM ~ Word Games: Snowman (AR)                 4:00 PM ~ Games Corner: Dominoes (AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Spiderman” (TR)                  6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Field of Dreams” (TR)

   MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13                               FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17
               Wild West Theme Day                             Rock & Roll Theme Day
9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)                     9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
10:30 AM ~ Balance Bar Fitness (AR)                10:00 AM ~ Banking Hour with Christin (LOB)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)         11:00 AM ~ Chair Yoga with Mindful Yolo (AR)
1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)            1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)
2:00 PM ~ Carlton Cooks: Cowboy Cookies (AR)       2:00 PM ~ Book Club Discussion: The Book of Joy:
3:00 PM ~ Bridge (STU)                             Lasting Happiness in a Changing World (TR)
4:00 PM ~ Crossword Puzzle Hour (AR)               3:00 PM ~ Funny Money Bingo (AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “A Fistful of Dollars”            4:00 PM ~ Name That Tune (AR)
                                                   6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Dreamgirls” (TR)
   TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14                           SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18
      Election Day & Oktoberfest Theme Day                         Disney Theme Day
10:00 AM ~ Dance Fitness with Katelynn (AR)        9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
10:45 AM ~ Wii Bowling (TR)                        10:45 AM ~ Wii Bowling (TR)
1:00 PM ~ Chair Yoga with Mindful Yolo (TR)        1:00 PM ~ Dakim Brain Fitness (STU)
2:00 PM ~ Beer & Pretzels Social with Jesse (AR)   1:30 PM ~ Jeopardy! with Jessalyn (TR)
3:00 PM ~ Funny Money Bingo (AR)                   2:30 PM ~ Movie: “Cinderella” (TR)
4:00 PM ~ Trivia (AR)                              3:00 PM ~ Carlton Cooks: Mickey Mouse
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Footloose in Bavaria:            Rice Kripsies Treats (AR)
Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Neuschwanstein” (TR)        4:00 PM ~ Happy Hour (CY or AR)
                                                   6:00 PM ~ Evening Concert: Now and Then (CY)
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15                                  September 12th through 18th is
  Yom Kippur Begins at Sunset & Luau Theme Day                                         !
9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
                                                    We’re celebrating with                    .
10:30 AM ~ Balance Bar Fitness (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)          All staff and residents are encouraged to
1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)              dress for the theme of the day. Each day
1:30 PM ~ SIGN UP: Shopping at Right and                also will feature themed activities.
Relevant (LOB)
2:30 PM ~ Tropical Sand Art (AR)
4:00 PM ~ Happy Hour (CY or AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “The Descendants” (TR)
                   Please note: there is no church shuttle on Sunday 9/12.
                       There is no shopping shuttle on Monday 9/13.
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19                            THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23
            Happy Birthday Carolyn F!               10:00 AM ~ Dance Fitness with Katelynn (AR)
9:00 AM ~ SIGN UP: Church Shuttle (LOB)             11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)
10:00 AM ~ Sunday Mass and Communion (TR)           1:00 PM ~ Exercise with Maddie (AR)
10:15 AM ~ Strength Training (AR)                   2:30 PM ~ Beer Club with Jake (DR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)          3:00 PM ~ Art Hour (AR)
1:30 PM ~ Bean Bag Toss (AR)                        4:00 PM ~ Games Corner: Yahtzee (AR)
3:00 PM ~ 25¢ Bingo (AR)                            6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Hope Gap” (TR)
4:00 PM ~ Go Fish (AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Cinderella” (TR)

   MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20                                FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24
9:30 AM ~ SIGN UP: Shopping Shuttle to Nugget and   9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
CVS/Pharmacy (LOB)                                  10:00 AM ~ Banking Hour with Christin (LOB)
9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)                      11:00 AM ~ Chair Yoga with Mindful Yolo (AR)
10:30 AM ~ Balance Bar Fitness (AR)                 1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)          2:00 PM ~ Activities Brainstorming Meeting with
1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)             Jessalyn (AR)
2:30 PM ~ Games Corner: Jenga (AR)                  3:00 PM ~ Funny Money Bingo (AR)
3:00 PM ~ Bridge (STU)                              4:00 PM ~ Trivia (AR)
4:00 PM ~ Crossword Puzzle Hour (AR)                6:40 PM ~ Baseball Night: Houston Astros vs.
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “I am Woman” (TR)                  Oakland Athletics (TR)
   TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21                            SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25
10:00 AM ~ Dance Fitness with Katelynn (AR)         9:00 AM ~ Coffee & Donut Social (LR)
10:45 AM ~ Wii Bowling (TR)                         9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
1:00 PM ~ Chair Yoga with Mindful Yolo (AR)         10:45 AM ~ Wii Bowling (TR)
2:00 PM ~ Root Beer Float Social with Miriam (AR)   1:00 PM ~ Dakim Brain Fitness (STU)
3:00 PM ~ Funny Money Bingo (AR)                    1:30 PM ~ Jeopardy! with Jessalyn (TR)
4:00 PM ~ Trivia (AR)                               2:30 PM ~ Movie: “Seven Years in Tibet” (TR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Philadelphia” (TR)                3:00 PM ~ Word Games: Boggle (AR)
                                                    4:00 PM ~ Happy Hour (CY or AR)

               First Day of Autumn
9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
10:00 AM ~ St. James Communion Service (TR)         Share your suggestions and feedback about
10:30 AM ~ Balance Bar Fitness (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)
                                                              activities and outings.
1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)
1:30 PM ~ SIGN UP: An Afternoon at the Sacramento
History Museum (LOB)
2:30 PM ~ DIY Canning Ring Pumpkins (AR)
4:00 PM ~ Happy Hour (CY or AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Testament of Youth” (TR)
The Carlton Times September 2021 - Love v Honor v Provide - Carlton Senior Living
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26                          THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30
9:00 AM ~ SIGN UP: Church Shuttle (LOB)                    Happy Birthday Eleanore D!
10:00 AM ~ Sunday Mass and Communion (TR)         10:00 AM ~ Dance Fitness with Katelynn (AR)
10:15 AM ~ Strength Training (AR)                 11:00 AM ~ Funny Money Banking (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)        1:00 PM ~ Exercise with Maddie (AR)
1:00 PM ~ SIGN UP: Woodland Opera House           2:00 PM ~ Funny Money Auction (LR)
presents Singin’ in the Rain (LOB)                4:00 PM ~ Games Corner: Uno (AR)
1:30 PM ~ Bean Bag Toss (AR)                      6:00 PM ~ Movie: “What Dreams May” (TR)
3:00 PM ~ 25¢ Bingo (AR)
4:00 PM ~ Pictionary (AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Seven Years in Tibet” (TR)
9:30 AM ~ SIGN UP: Shopping Shuttle to Safeway,
Rite Aid, and Office Max (LOB)
9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
10:30 AM ~ Balance Bar Fitness (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)
1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)
2:30 PM ~ Games Corner: Bananagrams (AR)
3:00 PM ~ Bridge (STU)
4:00 PM ~ Crossword Puzzle Hour (AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Inherit the Wind” (TR)
10:00 AM ~ Dance Fitness with Katelynn (AR)
10:45 AM ~ Wii Bowling (TR)
1:00 PM ~ Chair Yoga with Mindful Yolo (AR)        Dakim Brain Fitness is clinically proven to
2:00 PM ~ September Birthday Party (AR)               significantly improve memory and
3:00 PM ~ Funny Money Bingo (AR)                    language abilities, while strengthening
4:00 PM ~ Trivia (AR)
                                                      attention, focus, and concentration.
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “It Could Happen To You” (TR)

9:45 AM ~ Morning Stroll (LOB)
                                                            : LOB = Lobby, C = Café,
10:30 AM ~ Balance Bar Fitness (AR)
11:00 AM ~ Stitching & Coloring Group (AR)          CY = Courtyard, LR = Living Room,
1:00 PM ~ Live 2B Healthy Exercise (AR)             PDR = Private Dining Room
2:30 PM ~ DIY Halloween Door Décor (AR)
                                                             : Salon, STU = Study,
4:00 PM ~ Happy Hour (CY or AR)
6:00 PM ~ Movie: “Absence of Malice” (TR)
                                                    TR = Theater Room, FC = Fitness Center
                                                           : AR = Activity Room,
                                                    GR = Game Room, JO = Jessalyn’s Office
1. Director - I, 2. Radio broadcaster - D, 3. Rock singer - H, 4. Comedian - B, 5. Composer - C,
 6. TV journalist - L, 7. Actor, The Loan Ranger - F, 8. Track star - G, 9. Model - J, 10. Poet - A
                           11. Horror novelist - E, 12. Movie actress - K
                              WHERE YOUR MIND WANTS TO GO

           Five Ways to Rehydrate Quickly

Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body
requires water to function. Water helps
regulate body temperature, lubricate joints,
transport nutrients, remove waste, and circu-
late blood. That means your body can’t prop-
erly perform these functions if you’re
dehydrated, which happens when you lose
more fluids than you take in. Certain popula-
tions are more prone to dehydration than
others, including children, older adults, and
                                                ELK GROVE
people with certain medical conditions like
diabetes and kidney disease. Here are the five ways to rehydrate quickly:

     Water - For most people, drinking water is sufficient for rehydrating. If
     you’re a salty sweater, be sure to replace both the sodium and fluid you
     lose through sweat, preferably through a balanced diet.

     Coffee and Tea - Contrary to popular belief, drinking moderate amounts
     of coffee and tea have similar hydrating properties as water.

     Milk - Skim and low fat milk can be used as an effective post-workout or
     general rehydration beverage if you don’t have lactose intolerance or a
     milk protein allergy, of course.

     Fruits and Vegetables - Due to their high water content, both fresh and
     frozen fruits and vegetables make excellent hydrating snacks.

     Oral Hydration Solutions - Oral hydration solutions contain water, elec-
     trolytes, and sugar. You can make your own simple rehydration solution at
     home. Check out this simple recipe from

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