Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology

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Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
The        Career                    OPA’s Quarterly Magazine



      04 2018
         DECEMBER SOLSTICE                The Organization for

                                        Professional Astrology
                                V27-04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE 2018    page 1
Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
The         Career
 Astrologer                                                                         Welcome!
      04        DECEMBER SOLSTICE

                2018                                                                                          From 2018 to 2019!
                                                                                                              Happy New Year 2019 to our OPA Tribe!

                                                                                                              We complete another amazing year! 2018 was packed with more
                                                                                                              Free Presentations for members (Thanks Carol for holding on!),
                                                                                                              highly praised OPA LIVE events, and at the heart of it all, the great

                     THE YEAR                                                                                 success of I-Astrologer program in Tucson, Arizona.

                                                                                    This was one of the most challenging, rewarding and inspiring experiences of my life.
                                                                                    – Giullion Pellegrini about I-Astrologer 2018

                                                                                    Expanding on the 2016 program, I-Astrologer now includes a series of Online PRE-Conference
                     President’s Report P.2                                         presentations and multiple scholarships for The Most Promising Astrologers.
                        T he YEAR 2019 P.4
                                                                                    NEXT STEP: I-ASTROLOGER EUROPE, November 2019
           2019 Chinese Astrology P.26                                              Growing demand for this program has OPA organize an event in the UK, tentatively for the
                                                                                    end of November 2019. Stay tuned for more details!
                ART IN ASTROLOGY P.34
        Astronomy for Astrologers P.54                                              Our next OPA RETREAT will take place in the spring of 2020.

         Enhancing Your Practice P.58                                               Our next objectives:
               Interview: Bear Ryver P.62                                             • A new OPA book: Essential Astrology.
                                                                                      • Greater focus on Astronomy for Astrologers, as part as OPA’s Certification process.
         Professional Significator P.66                                               • Adding a History of Astrology section to the OPA Certification process.
                                                                                      • Greater focus on Evidence based Astrology.
      Tribute to Donna Van Toen P.69                                                  • Continued focus on Uniting Astrology streams and schools of thought.
             Surrogate Motherhood P.70
                                                                                    We are glad to see our membership base growing!
             Transits of the Season P.74
                                                                                    The whole board joins me to express our gratitude for your support and your love for Astrology!
                      Editors: Maurice Fernandez,
                                      Donna Young
                            Proofing: Nancy Beale,
                                                                                             Happy Solstice and Holiday Season
                     Jeremy Kanyo, Donna Young                                                 in Health, Love, and Prosperity!
                                Design: Sara Fisk                                           Happiest Bestest 2019, Pluto-Saturn,
              Cover Art: Fay Senner, see bio p. 69
                                                                                              Jupiter-Neptune, here we come!
© 2018 OPA All rights reserved. No part of this publication
  may be reproduced without the written consent of OPA,                                                    Maurice, Arlan, Carol, Geoff and Angelina,
         unless by the authors of the articles themselves.
                                                                                                            Anne, Donna, Shannon, Geni, and Kay
                                                               PRESIDENT’S REPORT

                The Organization for
              Professional Astrology

                                                                                    Maurice Fernandez
                                                                                    President, OPA


Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
                          U VI
YL                                                                                                          DJ
 The year                                 2019
   An Overview                                 initial conjunction of these planets,
                                               which serve as the seeding point.
                                                                                            SATURN/NEPTUNE SEXTILE
                                                                                            Seeding Conjunction – March 1989 at 11
          by Maurice Fernandez                                                              Capricorn
                                               JUPITER/NEPTUNE SQUARE                       • January 31: 14 degrees Capricorn/Pisces
   With our eyes on the dramatic dance         Seeding Conjunction – May 2009 at 26         • June 18: 18 degrees Capricorn/Pisces
between Saturn and Pluto on the South Node     Aquarius                                     • November 8: 16 degrees Capricorn/Pisces
in Capricorn, (eventually climaxing in their   • January 13: 14 degrees Sag/Pisces
exact conjunction in January 2020), we open    • June 16: 18 degrees Sag/Pisces             SATURN/SOUTH NODE CONJUNCTION
the year 2019 with four planets in their       • September 21: 16 degrees Sag/Pisces        • April 30: 20 degrees Capricorn
domicile, (three of which are slow moving).                                                 • July 4: 17 degrees Capricorn
                                               JUPITER/URANUS SESQUISQUARE (135)            • September 27: 13 degrees Capricorn
    •   Mars in Aries                          Seeding Conjunction – June 2010 at 0 Aries
    •   Jupiter in Sagittarius                 • January 9: 13 degrees Sag to 28 Aries      PLUTO/SOUTH NODE CONJUNCTION
    •   Saturn in Capricorn                    • June 6: 18 degrees Sag to 3 Taurus         • April 4: 2 degrees Capricorn
    •   Neptune in Pisces                      • October 13: 20 degrees Sag to 5 Taurus
                                                                                            CHIRON ENTERS IN ARIES (second pass)
  Multiple aspects will take place in 2019,    JUPITER/URANUS TRINE                         • February 18
and to better understand each of these         Seeding Conjunction – June 2010 at 0 Aries   • Pluto/Saturn approaching conjunction:
connections, we will also take note of the     • December 15: 2 degrees Capricorn/Taurus      17-21 Capricorn

                                                                                            Jan 9 - Jupiter/Uranus sesquisquare
                                                                                            Jan 13 - Jupiter/Neptune square
                                                                                            Jan 31 - Saturn/Neptune sextile
                                                                                            Feb 18 - Chiron enters Aries
                                                                                            April 4 - Pluto/SN conjunction
                                                                                            April 30 - Saturn/SN conjunction
                                                                                            June 6 - Jupiter/Uranus sesquisquare
                                                                                            June 16 - Jupiter/Neptune square
                                                                                            June 18 - Saturn/Neptune sextile
                                                                                            July 4 - Saturn/SN conjunction
                                                                                            Sept 21 - Jupiter/Neptune square
                                                                                            Sept 27 - Saturn/SN conjunction
                                                                                            Oct 13 - Jupiter/Uranus sesquisquare
                                                                                            Nov 9 - Saturn/Neptune sextile
                                                                                            Dec 15 - Jupiter/Uranus trine

                                                                                               With such a strong emphasis on Jupiter
                                                                                            and Saturn forming strong aspects in their
                                                                                            own signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn,
                                                                                            undoubtedly, we are set to experience tre-
                                                                                            mendous development in areas of leadership.
                                                                                            They will test our integrity, resilience, and
                                                                                            capacity to embrace a big-picture perspec-
                                                                                            tive. We can hope and pray for enlightened
                                                                                            leadership to emerge and Truth to prevail.

                                                                           V27 -04DECEMBER
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                                                                                                     2018                      page 3
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Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
The year 2019
                                                    expansive energy combines well with both           based upon trends rather than facts. We’ve
                                                    Uranus and Neptune, but neither of these           fallen down Alice’s rabbit hole where the
                                                    aspects (sesquisquare and square) indicate a       truth is many-faceted and can be molded by

         Themes                                     smooth flow of energy. Both the squares and
                                                    sesquisquares work like a capacitor, storing a
                                                                                                       someone with a strong imagination or an
                                                                                                       entire political system. The ongoing square

         of 2019
                                                    charge and then releasing it. We can resolve       between Jupiter and Neptune will focus
                                                    the stress of these hard aspects with applied      our awareness on the dilemma. We might see
                                                    creative efforts or physical activity. Or we can   this fact-fiction paradox jump to an entirely
                                                    slip into denial and wait unsuspectingly for       new level as the planet of belief runs afoul of
    by   Rick Levine                                something to occur in our environment.             the planet of dreams.
                                                        The Jupiter-Uranus combo often indi-               The year of 2019 opens with our attention
                                                    cates a sudden breakthrough of thinking,           on Jupiter. The very first Jupiterian encoun-

         uter planets cre-                          such as a technological advance. But the           ter is in mid-January, with the gassy giant
         ate aspects that,                          sesquisquare could mean that a newly-imple-        sesquisquaring the Great Awakener (Uranus)
         due to retrograde                          mented innovation doesn’t deliver what was         on January 10. We may be shocked by some-
motion, may repeat three,                           promised. On a personal level, it suggests we      thing in the news, only to discover when
five, or even seven times over                      take an opportunity prematurely that cre-          Jupiter squares Neptune just a few days later
the course of a year or more. Although              ates more problems than rewards. It can be         on January 14 that it is not true. Or, we may
we might look at the exact dates of any                                                                see a story take on new levels of meaning
particular aspect, we can increase our                                                                 when the facts are lost in a fog of fantasy
understanding by exploring the nature                                                                  and illusion. The same scenario occurs in
                                                                It can be
of the energy that’s being held in place                                                               mid-June as Jupiter retrogrades through
by these repetitive events. Obviously, the                  painfully difficult                        the sesquisquare to Uranus on June 7 and
Saturn-Pluto dance will be the big news of                     to practice                             then meets the square to Neptune on June
2019, even though the conjunction is not                                                               16. The third occurrence is slightly different
perfected until January of 2020. However,                    patience while                            as the confusing square happens first, on
Saturn’s sextile to Neptune that perfects                    Jupiter-Uranus                            September 22, followed by the sesquisquare
in January, June, and November 2019, is in                                                             on October 14. In this third and final repeti-
play throughout the year, offering clues as to
                                                               is abruptly                             tion of the Jupiter-Neptune dance, truth has
how we might respond to the looming con-                     opening doors.                            more of a chance of emerging dominant.
junction. Additionally, Jupiter’s repetitive                    We want                                But the show doesn’t end until December
square to Neptune adds another dimension                                                               15, when Jupiter completes the dance by
to 2019. Interestingly, Jupiter’s extended                  to enter and see                           forming a superconductive trine with electric
sesquisquare to Uranus resolves into a trine                    no reason                              Uranus in Earth signs (2 degrees Capricorn/
toward the end of the year. These planetary                                                            Taurus). The easily expressive Jupiter-Uranus
cycles, along with the more common analysis
                                                                 to wait.                              trine clears the mist and the clouds from the
of planetary ingresses, eclipses, and retro-                                                           sky, shakes up the status quo, and catalyzes
grades, paint a picture of powerful change                                                             the changes that had become stuck.
for the year ahead.                                 painfully difficult to practice patience while
    A year ahead is always like a blank slate. It   Jupiter-Uranus is abruptly opening doors. We       BEFORE AND AFTER 2019
is pregnant with possibilities, as if it is wait-   want to enter and see no reason to wait.              When we astrologers see clients, many
ing for events to fill in the empty spaces so           Meanwhile, the Jupiter-Neptune com-            come in for a yearly update. And many astrol-
we can someday look back and say, “Oh, that         bination poses a more interesting dilemma          ogers offer a “One-Year Transit” (or transit and
was the year…” (and then we put a few words         because of the energetic similarity between        progressions) session where the window of
in to describe the most significant events).        Jupiter and Neptune. Both gassy giants are         the following calendar year is used to con-
2019 looks like it will contain its share of        expansive, but Jupiter can only expand so far      sider upcoming changes. However, in a client
memorable events because there are several          because it is contained by the orbit of Saturn.    consultation, the most significant astrologi-
powerful transits that will impact much the         It’s as if Saturn is, symbolically, the ring       cal event of the year ahead can occur in the
year, including aspects between Jupiter,            around Jupiter. Jupiter’s limits are significant   recent past or just beyond the year. 2019 has
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.                 because it cannot evade its responsibility         two such events, one prior to the year of con-
                                                    to answer to the truth. To reality. To Saturn.     cern and one following it.
THE JUPITER EFFECT                                  However, nebulous Neptune functions like              First, we cannot understand 2019 unless
    Not surprisingly, Jupiter is most active of     a Jupiter that has escaped from Saturn’s jail.     we keep it in the still-unfolding context of
the outer planets because it moves the fast-        Neptune doesn’t care about reality; it’s not       the seven Uranus-Pluto squares of 2012-
est. Jupiter’s retrograde cycle stretches out a     Neptune’s priority. Nor is reality part of the     2015. We are still working through that
sesquisquare with Uranus through most of            Neptune’s equation at all. Dreams, illusions,      energy, even though the aspect continues
the year. Likewise, a Jupiter-Neptune square        and fantasies are totally dispersive — and         to wane. The truth is, Uranus and Pluto have
also occurs three times. The dates of these         Neptune expands forever.                           moved to a new phase; they form seven tri-
aspects are closely aligned and will likely             In the early part of the 21st Century,         septiles between July 28, 2018 and April
influence the same event scenarios. Jupiter’s       we already live in a world where reality is        12, 2021. There are two occurrences during

 page 4                   The   Career Astrologer                       OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
2019: June 17 and November 14. Dane                that will take control of the runaway train      structure signaled by the Saturn-Pluto con-
Rudhyar called the septile series of aspects       without concern about the price we must          junction. Saturn enters Aquarius in March of
(based on the 7-pointed star), “the aspect         pay. We are on a collision course with our       2020, Jupiter enters Aquarius in December
of fate.” We can expect the ongoing clash of       destiny. We are like a race car speeding out     of 2020. Pluto follows into Aquarius in 2024.
the new ways of thinking that were seed-           of control. Thankfully, Saturn is working the    We are in the dark phase of the Saturn-Pluto
ed during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of          emergency brake. This conjunction is part        cycle, correspondent to the dark phase of the
the sixties (at 15 degrees Virgo, in 1965), to     of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction-opposition       solunar cycle. We are approaching the “New
take some totally unexpected detours that          cycle that started World War I (1914), accom-    Moon phase” (a conjunction) of a much larg-
quickly turn into the main road. We might          panied Hitler’s and Stalin’s rise to power,      er cycle that is initiated by the Saturn-Pluto
not know where our civilization is heading,        participated in the American-Soviet Vietnam      conjunction.
but we know that change is necessary. We           War (1947), and fueled the World Trade Tower
cannot, as a species, survive on our current       bombing on September 11, 2001.                   SATURN-NEPTUNE SEXTILE
path. Master astrologer Grant Lewi said that           Thankfully, we currently have an advan-         One other outer planet transit helps to
prophecy was based on taking a known tra-          tage that was never before present in the        make 2019 such a watershed year: Saturn
jectory and extending it into the future. Our      equation. We have the ability to communi-        forms a cooperative sextile with surreal
current trajectory is not sustainable. 2019 will   cate peer-to-peer using social media. We can     Neptune. This alignment between the creator
put us head-to-head with the realization that      mobilize quicker than ever before in history.    of hard edges (Saturn) and the dissolver of
change is required now. Not in the future,         Our social and cultural reflexes are supported   boundaries (Neptune) can help the planet
but right now!                                     by digital technologies.                         by establishing a solid link between reality
    The urgency of the Uranus-Pluto trisep-            It’s important to understand that 2019 is    and fantasy. We’re sometimes too quick to
tiles set up the most significant event of         the “feeder” year that sets the final tone to    let fantasy take a back-burner to reality. Rob
2019, even though it doesn’t occur until           the step in the evolution of our planet. And,    Hand has been known to teach that it was
2020: The conjunction of Saturn with Dark          in turn, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto       simple once: Saturn was reality and Neptune
Lord Pluto on January 12, 2020—an aspect           conjunction is setting up the potential for      was illusion. Now, we live in an age when
                                                   something even more powerful than our            Neptune is reality and Saturn is just a nostal-
                                                   current Internet. Many are looking at the        gic memory of a time when reality actually
                                                   dark side of new innovations, such as 5-G as     was real. But illusion and imagination are a
                                                   the “weaponization of technology.” Jupiter       necessary element to the creation of vision.
                                                   sweeps through Capricorn in 2020, con-           We cannot manifest our dreams unless we
                                                   juncting Pluto three times and then joining      have the courage to dream. We cannot man-
                                                   up with Saturn. This confirms the change of      ifest the future as we see it until we have the
                                                                                                    faith to believe in our visions. So, the triple
                                                                                                    sextile of Saturn and Neptune on January
                                                                                                    31, June 18, and November 9 becomes a vital
                                                                                                    piece of the equation. Finding a way to man-
                                                          It’s important to
                                                                                                    ifest our dreams is an important backdrop of
                                                          understand that                           the tone of 2019.
                                                              2019 is the                               Exploring all possibilities in our imagi-
                                                                                                    nations is the first step that will lead to the
                                                             “feeder” year                          ability to turn our idealist fantasies into the
                                                         that sets the final                        concrete future. However, dreaming the
                                                                                                    dream is not enough. We must take the sec-
                                                        tone to the step in                         ond step into the Saturnian world of cause
                                                        the evolution of our                        and effect. We can’t change the world over-
                                                        planet. And, in turn,                       night, but we can change the world over a
                                                                                                    very short period of time if each and every
                                                       the January 12, 2020                         person stood up and took responsibility for
                                                             Saturn-Pluto                           their tiny corner of the world. As the Great
                                                                                                    Swami said, “Inch by inch, it’s a cinch. Yard by
                                                            conjunction is                          yard, it’s hard.” 2019 is just around the corner.
                                                            setting up the                          Let’s not wait. Go the first inch now!
                                                             potential for
                                                           something even                           Rick Levine is Co-founder of He has
                                                                                                    been involved in the technology sector for 30 years.
                                                           more powerful                            As a Founding Trustee of Kepler College, he is inter-
                                                                                                    ested in the education of astrologers. As a frequent
                                                          than our current                          lecturer at astrology conferences, he teaches about
                                                               Internet.                            the important relationships between science,
                                                                                                    astrology and our spiritual traditions.
                                                                                                    Astrologer since 1973.

                                                                                 V27-04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE 2018                                page 5
Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
The year 2019
                                                    routine and regulated life. They represent         sense and what we think (our) life is about.
                                                    our most important fuel to carry out the           Jupiter represents how we end up interpret-
                                                    most trivial deeds: how we find meaning            ing life through our own egocentric filters,

     JUPITER/                                       to our life. We may say that there are two
                                                    main incentives for us to wake up every
                                                                                                       and while these interpretations are not
                                                                                                       immediately verifiable, we rely on our intu-

     NEPTUNE                                        day and carry on with our lives: the one is
                                                    self-preservation and the fear of death (and
                                                                                                       ition to validate them. Regardless of the fact
                                                                                                       that these may be purely speculative, and

                                                    suffering) that prompts us to make efforts         thus based on faith or beliefs, these inter-
                                                    and keep our life together. The second, going      pretations become the meaning that drive
                                                    beyond immediate survival, is the meaning          us and give us both fuel and direction. When
                                                    we give to our lives. Without meaning and          our beliefs are eventually verified through
Understanding the 2019                              reason to be, we run the risk of being drained     experience, they become knowings. Until
    Square between                                  of energy, the same way a cynical person           then, we gamble on our beliefs, we bet and
                                                    would be more prone to depression.                 rely on them, investing our whole selves in
Jupiter in Sagittarius and                             If Sagittarius trines Aries, Jupiter provides   them, usually with strong conviction (fire).
    Neptune in Pisces                               meaning to stimulate our actions led by            And as it is with every gamble, there is a risk
                                                    Mars; in a positive way, this is how we find
                                                    the motivation to look forward to a brand
      by   Maurice Fernandez                        new day—we have a reason (Jupiter) to do
                                                    something (Mars). In a negative way, we                   We may say that

     upiter and Neptune will                        may impose our meaning on other people,                there are two main
     form a Last-Quarter                            the same way religious (Jupiter) wars (Mars)
     square, each traveling                         are initiated.
                                                                                                           incentives for us to
through their own sign                                 Finding meaning in our lives takes us from           wake up every day
of Sagittarius and Pisces                           the rudimentary to the more complex per-                and carry on with
respectively, throughout the                        spectives; some people may find meaning in
year 2019. The exact dates and                      their immediate family, while others will get           our lives: the one is
degrees are:                                        more philosophical and adopt elaborate reli-          self-preservation and
                                                    gious or spiritual reasons to be. Whatever the
• January 13: 14 degrees Sag/Pisces                 meaning is, it takes us forward.
                                                                                                             the fear of death
• June 16: 18 degrees Sag/Pisces                                                                           (and suffering) that
• September 21: 16 degrees Sag/                     Fire and Water
  Pisces                                                                                                   prompts us to make
                                                       Both Jupiter and Neptune each play a role
                                                    in the endeavor to find what is whole and             efforts and keep our
There Must Be More to Life                          adopt a meaning, and yet, they each work                 life together. The
Than This                                           differently in ways that challenge and stimu-
   This is a particularly interesting cycle since   late each other.                                      second, going beyond
both Jupiter and Neptune represent our urge            Jupiter, ruling the last fire sign of              immediate survival, is
to go beyond the material realm and tap into        Sagittarius, represents our subjective per-
realities and meanings within the abstract
                                                                                                          the meaning we give
                                                    ception of life which has to be founded on
and intangible; they represent our feeling that     something that is personal. Going through                    to our lives.
there must be more to life than this. How do        our ups and down in life, we eventually
we know life must have more to offer when           come to a conclusion about what makes
the current reality seems set and obvious, if
it weren’t for our intuitive sense that there
is more to figure out? Jupiter and Neptune,
and their respective signs of Sagittarius and
Pisces, represent our yearning to be whole,
or in other words, the aspiration to find all the
pieces of life’s puzzle to eventually realize the
complete Truth. Thus, as long as life is frag-
mented, conflicted, and prone to crisis, they
prevent us from settling and compromising—
at their deepest core, they represent the need
for whole Truth, or nothing!

The Key Is In The Meaning
   Jupiter and Neptune are “big picture per-
spective” archetypes, and are always present
in our consciousness even when we lead a
                                                                                                                             Illustration by Tony White

 page 6                   The   Career Astrologer                       OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
of losing the bet and ending up with less             In summary, Jupiter and Neptune               fall of 1451 had a Jupiter/Neptune trine, with
resources if our beliefs are revealed not          together play a role in our spiritual            Jupiter on his North Node, and Ferdinand
to hold truth. Yet, living without faith and       development:                                     Magellan had Neptune in Sagittarius). Yet,
belief in a meaning would have us rely sole-          Neptune represents the wholeness of life      with every gamble comes a risk of destitu-
ly on the mechanical function of life without      occurring whether we understand it or not        tion and loss. Jupiter/Neptune people are
personal involvement, basically ending up          (water). It makes us aware there is a mystery,   treasure hunters, whether that applies to
driven by the fear of death and suffering.         a larger intelligent design behind it all—but    ambitions for physical abundance or spiritual
   Neptune, modern ruler of the last water         since we don’t know it, we passively go with     epiphanies. In their worst manifestation, they
sign and the last sign of the zodiac, rep-         the flow trusting it is good.                    can show tendencies for bi-polar behavior
resents the whole, the oneness of everything          Jupiter represents our need to actively       when a person feels a transcendental con-
that we cannot fully fathom, and as such, the      explore the greater meanings and potential       nection to larger forces without being able
forces of creation that were there from the        of life (fire).                                  to integrate it in time and space, to a point
start to sustain life: the Sun, food, oxygen,                                                       of feeling invulnerable and completely disre-
and water. These resources were provided           The Cycle of Jupiter and Neptune                 garding physical conditions. A painful crash
without our intervention. Neptune represents          The active (Jupiter) and passive              inevitably follows in most humbling and
the larger life forces behind everything that      (Neptune) forces of spiritual development        defeating ways. These bi-polar tendencies
we do not fully know and cannot control—it         captured by these planets balance each           can apply not only to human conditions but
represents the great mysteries we know exist       other with the ultimate purpose to reveal        to financial markets that may inflate and then
and strive to better understand. Regardless        our greater potential and advance our spiri-     deflate erratically and disproportionately.
of whether we have spiritual leanings or are       tual development. When they meet through            Jupiter and Neptune take us beyond
atheists, we still don’t really know where         their cycle, they open the gates to what is      the material realm to see there is a greater
we come from and where we are going: the           yet to be realized and understood, but that      potential to life. They can lead us to the most
great mystery of life is undeniable. Whether       which does exist. They represent the urge to     meaningful revelations or the most massive
we get it or not, life happens and runs its        acknowledge the unknown and dive into it         success stories—an interesting example of
course while we watch, participate, or sleep       in order to find answers that are more whole     the latter is captured in the story of three
through it. We can only remain passive in the      and meaningful to life—they remind us of         of the most recognizable pop legends
experience of Neptune and trust that these         the greater potential.                           Prince, Madonna, and Michael Jackson,
larger forces are good, for example, that the         Despite such great promise, Jupiter and       born within weeks of each other with this
Sun will rise every morning even if we have        Neptune can pose a danger since they take        conjunction on their North Node (1958),
no hand or say in it. Yet, seeing that Sun rise,   us beyond the realm of the known and what        achieving incomparable success that tran-
and with it, the amazing intricacy of nature       is secure—a voyage through open seas,            scended all boundaries of culture and time.
and the universe, prompts us eventually to         inciting us to discover new lands (indeed        Synchronistically, both Michael Jackson and
ponder: what is this all about!                    explorers Christopher Columbus, born in the      Prince died during prominent phases of the
                                                                                                    Jupiter/Neptune cycle.
                                                                                                       We have the tendency as astrologers to
                                                                                                    attribute deception and illusions to this
                                                                                                    pair, but at their core they represent the
                                                                                                    authentic search for Truth—that which is all
                                                                                                    encompassing and cannot be owned. Thus,
                                                                                                    deception and illusions attributed to them
                                                                                                    are only a potential consequence of misuse
                                                                                                    of these energies by those who are trying to
                                                                                                    impose their wishful thinking as Truth. In its
                                                                                                    true nature, Neptune dissolves all illusions to
                                                                                                    reveal a bare Truth.

                                                                                                    The Current Synodic Cycle of
                                                                                                    Jupiter-Neptune: 2009-2022
                                                                                                      Jupiter and Neptune meet every 12 to 13
                                                                                                    years, with the most recent seeding con-
                                                                                                    junction taking place at 26 Aquarius in May
                                                                                                    2009. The next conjunction will occur at 23
                                                                                                    Pisces, a sign they both rule, in April 2022.

                                                                                                       Here are their phasal meetings in the course
                                                                                                    of this cycle:
                                                                                                    • May 27, 2009: Conjunction at 26
                                                                                                        • Aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis
                                                                                                           and resulting recession/deflation.

                                                                                 V27-04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE 2018                            page 7
Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
The year 2019
                                                                We can certainly anticipate the extremes
     • Barak Obama takes office as first black                  of euphoria and depression intermingling,
        president under the slogan of Hope.                    but what unites these seemingly conflicting
     • Spiritually themed movie AVATAR
        released, becoming the highest gross-                           forces is a call for Truth.
        ing film of all times.
•   June 8, 2011: Sextile at 0 Taurus/Pisces
     • Bin Laden killed.
     • European Union bails out Portugal.
•   June 25, 2012: Square at 3 Gemini/
     • CERN announces the discovery of the
        “God particle.”
     • Skydiver Felix Baumgartner becomes
        the first person to break the sound bar-
        rier during a record space dive.
•   July 17, 2013: Trine at 4 Cancer/Pisces
     • Edward Snowden releases his report on
        the NSA abuse of private information
        and deceptive governmental practices.
•   Aug 14, 2014: Quincunx at 6 Leo/Pisces
     • ISIL – DAESH publicly beheading for-
        eign hostages, demonstrating the folly
        of fanaticism.
     • Net-Neutrality in question.
•   Sept 16, 2015: Opposition at 7 Virgo/
     • Trump launches his presidential cam-
        paign, initially perceived as fanciful and
        without credibility.
     • Syrian immigrants begin to flood
        Europe following more lax immigration
        rules, sailing open seas in hope for a
        better promise.
     • 2200 people killed in stampede during
        a Muslim pilgrimage in Mecca.
•   Oct 23, 2016: closing Quincunx at 9
     • Trump wins US elections against all
        odds amid controversy.
     • Deception of fake News controversy
        gathers momentum.
•   Dec 2, 2017: closing Trine at 11 Scorpio/
     • #metoo movement takes down titans
        of show business and politics.
     • Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe
        resigns after four decades in power.
     • Oumuamua revealed as the first known
        comet from another star system.

To be continued
• Jan 13, 2019: closing Square at 14
  Sagittarius/Pisces                                 John of God is a
• Feb 20, 2020: closing Sextile at 17                Brazilian Spiritual
  Capricorn/Pisces                                   Healer born with
                                                     Jupiter/Neptune clos-
• April 12, 2022: Next Conjunction at 23
                                                     ing square, arrested under
  Pisces                                             Jupiter/Neptune closing square.

    page 8                 The    Career Astrologer                        OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
Previous and future Jupiter/Neptune                 mingling, but what unites these seemingly          may have been the instrument of vile abuse
conjunctions:                                       conflicting forces is a call for Truth: Jupiter/   to those in their most vulnerable state, seek-
                                                    Neptune blur boundaries and bring both             ing his help. In this line of event, a spiritual
  May 1907 @ 10 Cancer                              new realizations and deception, only to dis-       bankruptcy can be anticipated during this
  September 1919 @ 10 Leo                           solve what is ego-driven wishful thinking,         coming year when we are forced to confront
  September 1932 @ 8 Virgo                          while Saturn/Pluto call for a fundamental          our delusions of grandeur, dishonesty, spiri-
  September 1945 @ 5 Libra                          assessment for ethical use of power, to            tual delusions and the projection of our wish-
  September 1958 @ 3 Scorpio                        uproot corruption.                                 ful thinking.
  January 1971 @ 2 Sagittarius                         Already in the news, revered spiritual heal-       To Sail or Not to Sail – It is impractical to
  January 1984 @ 0 Capricorn                        er John of God—born with a Neptune/                resist the impulse to expand and reach new
  January 1997 @ 27 Capricorn                       Jupiter closing square—surrendered to the          potentials upon hearing the call of the two
  May 2009 @ 26 Aquarius                            Brazilian police on December 14, 2018 fol-         brothers Poseidon and Zeus; they remind us
  April 2022 @ 23 Pisces                            lowing accusations of years of sexual abuse.       of the most intriguing discoveries and mysti-
  May 2035 @ 21 Aries                               If proven true, this event reveals a reality       cal experiences about our lives, taking us all
  July 2047 @ 21 Taurus                             hard to reconcile with: on the one hand, this      to uncover deeper meanings to our lives—
  June 2060 @ 18 Gemini                             healer saved people from the most desperate        aren’t these epiphanies what life is really
                                                    situations, returning them from the brink of       about? To navigate these strong currents, we
What can we expect from the                         death and suffering to reclaim their health        will be tested for our performance and our
upcoming square of 2019?                            and wholeness, and on the other hand, he           integrity and credibility. Many of us will have
   2019 presents extreme dichotomies                                                                   the opportunity to rise to highest status,
between the expansive and risk-oriented                                                                whether publicly or spiritually, while others
explorations intrinsic to the square of                                                                will be dethroned, rejected, and stripped of
                                                         To navigate these                             their privileges upon failing these tests.
Jupiter/Neptune in Mutable signs, inviting
a more daring approach to transcend exist-              strong currents, we
ing boundaries, and the strong Capricorn                                                               Maurice Fernandez, author of Neptune, the 12th
                                                        will be tested for our                         house, and Pisces is a leading evolutionary astrol-
emphasis flagging any excess and unveri-
fied claim in an attempt to restore order and           performance and our                            oger. He currently serves as OPA’s president since
                                                                                                       2014. You may find out more about Maurice on his
reliability. We can certainly anticipate the          integrity and credibility.                       website:
extremes of euphoria and depression inter-

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                                                                                   V27-04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE 2018                                page 9
Astrologer - 04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE - The Organization for Professional Astrology
The year 2019
  Jupiter in
                                                        Jupiter’s mandate aims to engage and to          frictional energy that perpetually generates
                                                     convert the greater portion of our attention        and replenishes. Dane Rudhyar coined the
                                                     to forward thinking, rather than to past recre-     phrase “crisis in consciousness” to describe

 Sagittarius                                         ating, to bring the future, rather than the past,
                                                     forward. Instead of remaining stuck in old
                                                                                                         the last quarter square aspect. Translated
                                                                                                         from the Latin “krisis” or “decisive moment”,

   Transit                                           patterns, it is time to answer to a new call.
                                                        Jupiter in Sagittarius puts the future into
                                                     play in some enlarged scope or way. The
                                                                                                         when a planet reaches three quarters around

   (November 8, 2018 to                              current transit has even greater impact con-
                                                     sidering what the future might hold when
    December 2, 2019)                                viewed from our current standpoint. As a
                                                                                                                  The current
                                                     transit on its own, Jupiter increases intui-              transit of Jupiter
                                                     tive signals. A growing restlessness serves              bridges two vistas,
  by   Rose Marcus                                   as a catalyst for action.
                                                                                                             that which we are in

       pending one year                              Jupiter Balsamic Phase to Saturn                           the process of
       transiting each                               and Pluto
                                                        Considered by planetary phases, Jupiter,                  leaving and
       sign, Jupiter takes 12
years to make one full rota-                         in balsamic position to the transits of                      that which
tion through the zodiac. Physically it is the        Saturn (reality, authority, structure of con-
                                                                                                                   we are in
most massive planet in our solar system.             sciousness/judgement, the past) and Pluto
Astrologically speaking, Jupiter’s bounty pro-       (the evolutionary mandate), undertakes the                 the process of
vides easy access to opportunity. Once every         task of shepherding us toward the momen-                   moving toward.
twelve years, Jupiter will bring increase to a       tous 2020 alignment of Saturn/Pluto in
specific area of your natal chart. Known as          Capricorn. That well publicized configura-
the Greater Benefic for its propensity to bring      tion is comprised of heavyweights Pluto,
something good our way, Jupiter’s influence          Saturn, and Ceres, the faster moving South
can be gift bearing. Sometimes we call it luck.      Node in Capricorn, and the personal planets         the zodiacal wheel, it is reaching the end of a
    Jupiter’s transit through Sagittarius            Venus, Mars and Mercury. The current transit        chapter of manifesting and is at the inception
(Nov 8, 2018 to Dec 2, 2019), the sign it            of Jupiter bridges two vistas, that which we        of the next phase, the balsamic.
rules, doubly emphasizes matters regarding           are in the process of leaving and that which           Jupiter and Neptune will form an exact
beliefs, philosophies, speculative prospects,        we are in the process of moving toward. It          square aspect three times in 2019:
the law, publishing, broadcasting, media,            blends a completion phase and a preliminary            January 13 (both direct)
education, teachings, religion, spirituality,        induction phase, as indicated by Jupiter’s bal-        June 16 (Jupiter retrograde)
and travel. Also as the root of the word ‘jovial’,   samic relationship to Saturn and Pluto and             September 21 (Neptune retrograde).
Jupiter is connected with pleasure, play,            last quarter phase to Neptune.
sports, and adventure. During Jupiter’s time                                                                Each one of these exact alignments repre-
in Sagittarius we will see increased focus in all    The Lunar Nodes in Cancer-                          sent a pivotal next stage, a conflict between
these areas and thereby a growing intuitive          Capricorn                                           what is already built, based on the results
awareness that there is more beyond what we            The transit of the Lunar Nodes in                 of past choices and experiences, and what
presently see, know, and have experienced.           Capricorn/Cancer, which lasts throughout            is gathering momentum. For those working
Via Sagittarius we seek to understand the            the entire Jupiter in Sagittarius transit,          through a significant loss or transition, know
broader view of life and living.                     marks a revisit of the past as a priority to        it will take this whole transit to fully disen-
   Sagittarius correlates to the archetype           the present. There is a necessity to rework         gage, relinquish, surrender, and transcend
of natural law, the principles of which are          something unfinished and karmic, to                 what was, and to fully engage in the process
evident in nature: for every action there is         repackage the loose ends, and/or to revive          of moving beyond.
a reaction; life breeds life; and evolution is       and reclaim that which was seeded some                 Jupiter’s square to Neptune sparks a nat-
a given. The cyclical nature of life and the         time ago (the recent or karmic past) and            ural and continuous creative process that
creative process is a naturally occurring            that is now finally ready to materialize.           exposes limitless possibility and potential.
phenomena.                                                                                               The mutable qualities of yang Sagittarius and
   Hope and optimism can flourish easily             Jupiter-Neptune Square                              yin Pisces activate a process that constant-
under a Jupiter transit, but increase and               For most of the year ahead, Jupiter              ly responds to stimulus. It simultaneously
abundance are not always happy prospects.            in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces are            absorbs, blends, adapts and creates, from a
Circumstances can grow beyond our capac-             engaged in a last quarter square aspect rela-       dual experiential track, i.e. intake and outlet,
ity to contain, control, or cope. When it is         tionship. Both are visiting their home signs        ebb and flow.
time to make room for more, Jupiter will             which suggests both planets can flex a full            In its natural relationship to Neptune,
facilitate an opening or a void. Before we           range of motion. Also, their transiting posi-       Jupiter is oriented to growth beyond, to
meet with gain, something or someone may             tions mirror their natural square position          seek in uncharted realms. The influence of
vacate our life in order to create room for          to each other on the zodiacal wheel. This           Neptune in Pisces here correlates to the total-
the fresh and new to arrive.                         ninety-degree angle, the square aspect, is a        ity of creation (the unified whole, the source

 page 10                   The   Career Astrologer                       OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
of all things) which is perpetually responding     Jupiter pierces Neptune’s balloon, it can          quarter phase relationship to Neptune, the
and synchronizing to the ever-shifting vibra-      show us how far off the mark we are from           signature archetype for Christianity and the
tions of our beating hearts and souls.             realizing our ultimate ideals, from creating       Age of Pisces. Coinciding with the ending
   I personally perceive Jupiter as the plan-      the life of joy and prosperity that we purport     of a World Age, the exposure of rampant
et of hope and truth, while Neptune as the         to seek. Our everyday reality, for instance        sexual violation in the Catholic Church now
planet of faith and inspiration. In their search   random acts of violence, war, racism, ethnic       places the Christian faith at an ultimate cri-
for the ideal and the ultimate, they will scan     cleansing, corruption, and addiction, easily       sis point in its evolution.
the catalogue of yet untapped potentials. The      demonstrate the results of our social, cultural,       Jupiter searches Neptune to find what is
creative process remains in an active design       political, and religious governance. Where is      of ultimate truth, value, meaning, and pur-
state. Each moment, each choice, each action       peace? Where is love? Where is the reverence       pose. For the year ahead, Jupiter is not only
contributes to another, just as each inward        for all living things?                             seeking more, but also questioning more.
breath in leads to the next breath out. What                                                          Jupiter’s quest is fuelled by a growing intu-
surfaces will gain dimension and momentum          Global Perspective                                 ition that now sends the message “There
but will not be fully exposed or fully formed        On the bigger picture scale, the momen-          must be more than this”.
until the transit is complete.                     tous 2020 Capricorn alignment of the major             As a dissolving or disintegrating influ-
   Jupiter’s knowledge base operates at                                                               ence, the Jupiter/Neptune interplay takes us
two distinct levels. One orientation is pri-                                                          through a process of exploring that which
mal/animal, instinctual, and intuitive. The                                                           we may not have questioned previously, or
other orientation is educated, trained,                For the year ahead,                            something we assumed would always be in
learned, or refined. As Jupiter explores via            Jupiter is not only                           ample supply, or that we assumed was the
Neptune, the distinction between these                                                                truth or pathway that we cherished above
two tracks dissolves. Ultimately, the blend-              seeking more,                               all. Progressively the transit will continue to
ing allows for both ends of the spectrum to                   but also                                expose and reveal, to release unconscious
mutually inform, support, and advance the                                                             content that is seeking attention, to open
creative process.                                       questioning more.
                                                                                                      the intuitive and creative channels so that we
   Jupiter in aspect to Neptune acts as a                Jupiter’s quest                              may find what we truly seek, whether we like
tuning fork. Which note is heard depends
                                                          is fuelled by a                             it, love it, or not. It reverberates throughout
on the seeker. When the spirit is free to                                                             the collective sphere and through personal
roam, inspiration, hopefulness, desire for              growing intuition                             consciousness too. An intuitive message,
adventure, imagination, aspirations, and               that now sends the                             growing movement, or future course will
dreams lead into the creative realms of the                                                           now progressively reveal its potential and
potential. When clouded with the debris of               message “There
                                                                                                      pick up greater and faster momentum.
fear, anxiety, attachment, pain, loss, tragedy,              must be                                      What the mind’s eye can conceive can
self-aggrandizement, or selfish motivations,                                                          be. Jupiter/Neptune warehouses a limitless
                                                         more than this”
we find ourselves lost or travelling through                                                          abundance of imagination and possibility.
a minefield.                                                                                          The year ahead will see flourishing in many
   Jupiter’s inner restlessness is a clue to a                                                        areas of life and at many levels. Jupiter/
desire that is gaining momentum and to             players Pluto (the collective soul), Saturn        Neptune can produce holy wars and inva-
a need for fresh stimuli. That coupled with a      (reality as defined by consensus values),          sions (literal, figurative) by land, sea, sky, and
growing insecurity that questions the validity     Jupiter (belief systems/schools of thought),       philosophy.
or purpose of our commitments can initially        Ceres (the mother matrix) over the plane-              What grows or flourishes during Jupiter
lead to inner confusion, chafing, suppression,     tary south nodes (the collective imprints          in Sagittarius is not new, but a next step or
avoidance, and denial. This in turn necessi-       of ancient history) of Pluto and Saturn are        phase in a larger process triggered by the
tates listening to inner prompts, facing truth,    a statement for the ending of an era of            outer planets’ transits through Sagittarius
or acknowledging signals and messages that         modern living (248 year Pluto cycle), and          (Pluto, Uranus, Neptune) and the more recent
are progressively gaining a strong voice with-     perhaps, another milestone marker for the          Jupiter transit through Scorpio. Jupiter in
in the subconscious. If we avoid this, we are      ending of an Age, the 2500 year Age of             Sagittarius will see us travel more, by mind,
prone to perpetuate the existing reality in        Pisces Cycle.                                      by body, and by space. We are not alone in
order to hide from the truth. Disillusionment         In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter,            the universe. Considering the increase in UFO
is never fun, but it is a pathway to growth.       the god of sky and thunder and the king of         sightings, perhaps we will host more visitors
Jupiter in Sagittarius will shoot an arrow         the gods, ruled as the chief deity of ancient      too. After all, Sagittarius is the archetype of
through Neptune’s veil when it serves the          Roman state religion until Christianity            the long-distance traveller, the voyager, the
evolutionary process. One way or another,          became the dominant religion of the                immigrant, and the alien. Space travel, the
Jupiter keeps us futurebound.                      Empire. Mythologically speaking, his sover-        entertainment industry, sports, media, reli-
   The frictional nature of the Jupiter/           eignty established Jupiter as the source of        gion, spirituality, migration of peoples and
Neptune square serves to increase awareness        justice. Likewise, there is no higher suprem-      cultures, changes to society via gender, race,
of an outgrown reality and the belief system       acy than the natural world and natural law.        and technology, overpopulation, precious
that has kept it glued together. That reality      The fallout effects of global warming will         resources lost and found, rewriting history—
could be a relationship, goals, ideals, a sense    continue to demonstrate its rule on every-         Jupiter in Sagittarius has a busy year ahead!
of purpose or duty, sacrifices, rescue mis-        day living. Also, consider the symbolism               Jupiter square Neptune increases the
sions, or living for tomorrow’s reward. When       as the transit of Jupiter engages in the last      call to service on behalf of the whole.

                                                                                  V27-04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE 2018                             page 11
The year 2019
MARCUS                                                  The start of Jupiter’s transit through        Evolutionary Astrologer Rose Marcus has writ-
                                                     Sagittarius has coincided with Nasa’s space-     ten for numerous publications and projects
                                                                                                      over the years, (including daily horoscopes for
Increasingly we are meant to recognize that          craft “Insight” landing on Mars. Nasa has        The Mountain Astrologer 2006/2007). Her first
our ultimate reason for being is to resource         stated that it is aiming to start colonization   book, “Insights into Evolutionary Astrology” was
as much of our personal potential as is              of the red planet by the mid 2030’s! It is a     published in 2010 by Lewellyn Worldwide. This
humanly possible and to recognize this man-          big goal and only a short time away.             compilation project includes an opening chapter
date encompasses not only the serving of                The Insight probe is a small part of the      by founder Jeffrey Wolf Green. In addition to vari-
                                                                                                      ous articles and presentations, Rose writes in-depth
our own individual journey but our ultimate          bigger plan. Using the Mars mission as a         monthly forecasts and also discusses the month
spiritual purpose and contribution too. A life       metaphor for the Jupiter transit, we can do      ahead via podcast (posted on her website, youTube
well lived that demonstrates reverence for all       no better than to be forward-thinking, to go     channel, and on EA zoom meetings). To sign up for
living things as much as is humanly possible         visit the foreign land, to collect information   her free monthly forecasts or to book a reading:
is the highest spiritual attainment we can           while there in order to prepare for taking up
achieve in a single lifetime. It is no small feat.   eventual residency.

                                                     and the other points down. Heaven and            elements of earth and water each repre-
                                                     Earth unite. All the opposites are balanced      sented by a singleton planet. Chiron is in
                                                     and in perfect harmony with each other,          Scorpio (the healing waters) and Neptune
                                                     joined astrologically with a sequence of         is in Capricorn (the sacred earth). This sug-

   CHARIKLO                                          sextiles, so prototypically linking the entire
                                                     sequence of compatible signs – air/fire
                                                     or water/earth. In some traditions, this
                                                                                                      gests the capacity to contain, preserve and
                                                                                                      hold the volatility of fire and the unpredict-
                                                                                                      able mobility of air, and thus to mitigate
Wife of Chiron                                       star diagram is associated with the heart
                                                     chakra, which is the middle ground of the
                                                                                                      their potential destructiveness. In other
                                                                                                      words, Chariklo may represent strength
                                                     seven-fold system. Three chakras above,          that enables us to stand our ground deeply,
Notes and Reflections                                and three below the heart, the sacred            gently, and perhaps invisibly, while we per-
                                                     space from which we may be in contact            sist and endure, although buffeted about
by Melanie       Reinhardt                           with any of the realms represented by the        by circumstance or indeed our own inner
                                                     other individual chakras, bringing aware-        storms. We are protected, neither burned

       he Centaur Chariklo                           ness and balance.                                up by fire, nor blown away by air.
       was discovered                                   In this chart, the six-pointed star joins        The current world situation comes to
       on February 15th                              the elements of air and fire, and has the        mind ... fire consumes whole towns and dis-
1997 at 02.51 UT (7:51pm
Mountain Time), at the Kitt
Peak Observatory, Tucson,
Arizona, USA.
   Here is her truly amazing discovery chart.
   We see Chariklo in Leo in the 11th house,
and no fewer than SIX planets in the 6th
degree of their respective signs, including
Jupiter applying to a conjunction with
Uranus by just a few arc minutes!1 Looking
more closely, we see that Chariklo actu-
ally completes an almost exactly perfect
six-pointed star configuration, involving
seven planets! These complete stars are
quite rare, and usually only approximate.
Chariklo sits in the 7th degree of Leo, for
which the Sabian Symbol reads:
   “The constellations of stars shine to
man’s common humanity and to all endur-
ing archetypes.”
   Dane Rudhyar’s interpretation speaks of
the "nearly unchanging patterns of star-
groups ... opposed to the sequence of
ever-changing fashions and social ideals.
The keyword here is PERMANENCE."2
   The six-pointed star is composed of
two equilateral triangles – one points up

 page 12                   The    Career Astrologer                     OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
rupts thousands of people who lose belong-          (bringing to a close the 20-year cycle
ings, homes, livelihoods, loved ones or even        which began in the year 2000!)
their own lives. Seismic activity is increasing                                                          With Chariklo strong
worldwide as the fiery magma beneath the            Also:
earth’s surface moves. Meanwhile hurricanes                                                               in a horoscope we
of words swirl across the internet, partic-       • From January – April 2020, if we                         may find people
ularly on social media platforms. Mindless          include the South Node plus Centaurs
reactivity, gossip, lies, slander, exaggera-        Chariklo and Pholus, with Jupiter also in
                                                                                                             doing the often
tions, biased opinions, ‘fake news’ … mirror        Capricorn, briefly accompanied by Mars,                 invisible work of
actual hurricanes, tornados, typhoons and           there are between five and SEVEN points              caring for those who
cyclones. Land or sea (water or earth) is           in Capricorn! (Manifest or bust?)
whipped up into dangerous airy swirls,                                                                     are in transition ...
sometimes full of dangerous debris, lasting          Meanwhile, in preparation, whenever                   being born, giving
from a short hour or so, to many weeks.           either Pluto, Saturn or Chariklo turn direc-
                                                  tion (to go Retrograde or Direct), there is an              birth, dealing
ABOUT CHARIKLO                                    opportunity to attune to this combination,                 with illness and
• Length of orbit: 63 years, approximately        to feel the energy, receive its guidance and
                                                                                                             recuperation or
• Discovered by: James V. Scotti                  to give thanks. This also happens at con-
• Original designation: 1997CU2                   junction or opposition with the Sun. Click                 physical death.
• Asteroid number: 10199                          the link below to download a pdf file giv-             Chariklo is a midwife,
• Perihelion: 2 Dec 2003, 05.13 UT. (Zodiac       ing the dates when these windows open
  position: 3°55’ Libra)                          during 2018-2022:                                        to body and soul.
• Features: Most stable orbit of all known 
  Centaurs. Grazes the outer orbital path         Chariklo-2018-22.htm
  of Saturn, and the inner of Uranus, but                                                             we may find people doing the often invis-
  does not cross over either one.                 Who is this celestial being whose                   ible work of caring for those who are
                                                  current aspects are so interesting ...?             in transition ... being born, giving birth,
                                                     The details of Chariklo are very scant in        dealing with illness and recuperation or
Ephemeris for Chariklo                            the usual sources of classical Greek mythol-        physical death. Chariklo is a midwife, to
  Download Chariklo positions (monthly)           ogy, which leaves space for us to sense             body and soul. Literally, as in physical birth
1930-2030 -                   her energy for ourselves, and indeed, the           and death, or metaphorically as when we
                                                  theme of invisibility is perhaps something          die to an old identity. Attending to those
                                                  of a clue. We are told she was originally a         who are wounded.
Where is Chariklo now?                            nymph. How did she become a Centaur?                   The silent power of receptivity.
   Chariklo is currently in Capricorn,            Did she fall in love with Chiron and follow            A deeply yin energy, out of which new
already within orb of conjunct Pluto,             him into his realm?                                 yang is birthed. Recognition of the silent
through 2017-2018. These conjunctions are            Certainly, we can imagine her being the          power of this profound receptivity.
an important feature of the 2019 star-scape       one who cared for Chiron during his long               The strength of Being. We find Chariklo
and will mature to exact on the following         life dealing with a wound he could not              holding a reservoir of compassion, devo-
dates in 2019:                                    heal, while continuing to act as a healer           tion, discernment and presence. Perhaps
                                                  and mentor for others. Eventually, his fate         invisible, but strong in the capacity to be
• 16 Feb 2019 – 22°06’ Capricorn                  was resolved by changing places with                joyfully dutiful, consistent, supportive, for-
  PLUTO-CHARIKLO                                  Prometheus ... and Chiron was immortalized          bearing, kindly and nurturing.
• 23 July 2019 – 21°40’ Capricorn                 in the constellation of Centaurus. We are              Summary: An invisible transforma-
  PLUTO-CHARIKLO                                  not told what became of Chariklo. Did she           tion process – to bear with, abide with,
• 25 Nov 2019 – 21°19’ Capricorn                  return to her origins, becoming once again          hold space, accompany and bear witness,
  PLUTO-CHARIKLO                                  a water-nymph, as imagined by astrologer            facilitate healing and renewal by deep
                                                  Kelly Hunter?3 Or did she join Chiron in his        acceptance. Profile, achievement and
    Followed by:                                  celestial home? Does she live on as an ‘eter-       impressing others are not important.
                                                  nal helper’ in another dimension?                      See if you can detect this energy, deep
• 12 Jan 2020 – 22°46’ Capricorn                     In attuning to the qualities of Chariklo,        within you. For it is she who will accompa-
  SATURN-PLUTO single conjunction                 and observing how they express in people’s          ny the intense pressure of the forthcoming
  (bringing to a close their cycle which          lives, we can notice the following:                 Saturn-Pluto conjunction, within range
  began in 1982).                                    Gift for creating or holding sacred              from January 2019 until October 2021. We
• 16 Feb 2020 – 26°45’ Capricorn                  space. This can be instinctive, or through          are already easing into it now, with Chariklo
  SATURN-CHARIKLO single                          learned skills, but is typically invisible rather   applying to the conjunction with Pluto by
  conjunction (which remains within orb           than overtly strategic. A temenos, container        only about 2°-3° at present (as of late 2018).
  throughout 2020).                               or alembic within which the work of the                Perhaps she will mitigate the intensity?
• 21 Dec 2020 – 00°46’ Aquarius                   soul is facilitated.                                Or teach us how to let go of reactivity and
  JUPITER-SATURN single conjunction                  Ability to witness and facilitate transi-        vengeful motivations and instead bear with
                                                  tion. With Chariklo strong in a horoscope           our feelings, so that clear action can follow?

                                                                                  V27-04 DECEMBER SOLSTICE 2018                         page 13
The year 2019
REINHARDT                                              Remember ... clear, scintillating diamonds       2 “An Astrological Mandala” (1974 edition), p.
                                                    are formed from carbon, deep in the earth.          135. Vintage Books, Random House, NY.]
                                                                                                        3 Personal communication November 2016.
Or shed light on the Saturn-Pluto process           As is gritty black coal. Saturn-Pluto is a          4
itself, which may already be echoing back,          gritty, black, sometimes melancholic sort           Chariklo.html
reminding us of late 1982, when the previ-          of combination ... in mood, thought and
ous Saturn-Pluto conjunction was exact on           feeling or our response to life situations,         Melanie Reinhart is an award-winning graduate
November 8th. What led up to that 1982              both‘in here and out there. With the help           and patron of the Faculty of Astrological Studies.
time for you? And what happened after-              of Chariklo, we can perhaps embrace this            Astrology has been central to her life since 1959, and
                                                                                                        from 1975 she has offered consultations, writing
wards? Can you see/feel/sense life-threads          pressure and quietly explore these darkly           and teaching in the UK and abroad. She is known for
connecting you to that period of time?              luminous states while remembering the               her original research on new celestial objects. Books
Do you see processes which need resolu-             light of the diamond ...                            include: ‘Chiron and the Healing Journey’, ‘Saturn,
tion and closure? Or perhaps something is              SOME DATA4                                       Chiron and the Centaurs’, and 'Incarnation'. Melanie
                                                                                                        has a particular interest in meditative experience as
returning that was buried by circumstance           REFERENCES                                          a healing modality. Her website: www.melanierein-
back then? Something maturing, for which            1 Exact JU-UR conjunction was the day after, Feb
we can feel a deep gratitude?                       16th 1997, at 02.22 UT.                                                                                 R

    General Advice for 2019
                                                                                  SUZY HOLBROOK

                                                                                     All incarnated on this plane are judged by our adherence to
                                                                                  each of our TRUTH. We have all fallen a bit from this path and this
    LINEA VAN HORN                                                                year with Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Sagittarius are given
                                                                                  the opportunity to renegotiate the emotional evasions, quali-
       General advice for 2019: We are at the tail end of several cycles,         fications and rationalizations we have manifested and come in
   the most important being Saturn-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn. Many                 the present incarnation to work to align more completely. Those
   things are wrapping up, ending, closing and even falling apart.                who are not invested in honesty will continue to manifest some
   It’s difficult for a lot of people. We need patience and perspective;          hypocrisy in their life and will perpetuate some pretense.
   recognize that much is out of our control and remember that                       Those that are not interested in the karma of pretense perpet-
   this is only a moment in a process. For a few years, things will be            uation will confront this pattern and make a choice to change, to
   shifting and evolving, so, like the characters in Game of Thrones –            come clean and express some truth, unerringly fearless.
   don’t get attached. Be ready to change. And as Wavy Gravy says;                   It is bound to be challenging throughout, however perhaps
   “Put your best where it will do the most good.”                                more so around April 9 2019 with Sun square nodes and Pluto
       The most important word and time of caution (personally or col-            and Saturn conjunct the South Node and with a triple conjunc-
   lectively): Be wary of Jupiter square Neptune and the tendency                 tion of Venus, Neptune, and Mercury squaring stationary Jupiter.
   to get swept away. It all makes so much SENSE in the moment
   and you’re so CERTAIN. Until it’s too late. But that won’t come
   until 2020.
       The most potent opportunity (and time for it): -- quoting from
   my submission about the lunar occultations here:
       We can use the “seeding” concept with this year’s 29 lunar
   occultations to reclaim and elevate the sign of Capricorn (see my                ANNE ORTELEE
   article). The most amazing thing about this year’s occultations aside
   from their sheer number is that from February through December,                    General advice for 2019: 2019 Theme Song is Climb Every
   Saturn and Pluto will both be occulted every time the Moon tran-                Mountain from Sound of Music.
   sits through Capricorn. Here is a simple exercise that anyone can                  The most important word and time of caution (personally or
   do to participate in this rare opportunity to reclaim the sign of               collectively):Roughest Month is April with Uranus in a New
   Capricorn from the patriarchy, and I invite and encourage you                   Sign and three outer planets stationing to go retrograde.
   to do it. Every time the Moon transits Capricorn and occults                    Also watch when Pluto goes into the South Node on Apr 4
   these two powerful planets, visualize, meditate and plant the                   2019 and Saturn goes in on April 30, 2019, July 4, 2019 and
   seed of the highest expression of Capricorn energy.                             September 28, 2018.
                                                                                      The most potent opportunity (and time for it): There is a lovely
                                                                                   Venus Star Point of Sun/Venus joining on starting a new 8 year
                                                                                   cycle of creativity, expansion and love on August 14, 2018 at
                                                                                   21 Leo. It focuses what we’ve gotten clear about regarding
                                                                                   our personal journey of creativity while the Nodes were in Leo
                                                                                   from May 2017 to November 2018.

 page 14                 The    Career Astrologer                           OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
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