The Beluga News Increasing our knowledge of Churchill's Beluga population - Oceans North

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The Beluga News Increasing our knowledge of Churchill's Beluga population - Oceans North
Issue No. 2              Spring 2021                The COVID-19 Issue: Studying Belugas During a Pandemic

the Beluga News
 Increasing our knowledge of Churchill’s Beluga population
                                                                                                                                                              Artwork by
                                                                                                                                                           Agnes Kuptana

                                                                                                          Churchill, MB. Photo credit: Alex DeVries @alexdevriesmagnifico

Studying Belugas During a Pandemic Summer

          lthough most research projects were         in the Churchill River. But since then, overall     that dock at the Port of Churchill, including
           canceled last summer due to the            tourism has increased and climate change is         supply ships and grain ships. When a vessel is
           pandemic, Oceans North was able            affecting this region of Western Hudson Bay,        scheduled to arrive, the researchers record
           to complete a second season of             where up to 4,000 belugas congregate each           beluga behavior starting 24 hours before it
data collection on beluga-boat interactions in        summer to shelter, shed their skin, eat capelin     docks and for a day after it leaves.
the Churchill River estuary. This would have          and birth calves.                                       Oceans North is planning a third season
not been possible without the assistance of               Depending on the weather, Gillis and the        of data collection for the summer of 2021.
members of the local Churchill community.             team were out on the water twice a day with         The study will provide useful information about
    The three-year project is collecting data         Sea North Tours, accompanying kayak tours at        the healthy beluga populations near Churchill.
about how belugas interact with whale-watching        low tide, and traveling in Zodiacs with eight to    Oceans North has asked the federal government
vessels, as well as commercial ships arriving at      12 tourists at high tide.                           to help conserve the crucial whale habitat in this
the port.                                                 The other members of the local research         region, as well as in the Seal River and Nelson
    Erica Gillis, a research manager at the           team include two staff from the study centre        River estuaries, by establishing a national marine
Churchill Northern Studies Centre, led a four-        and the fourth person is a local high school        conservation area.
member team of field technicians on behalf of         student. While on the water, they worked in pairs       For the past decade, Oceans North has
Oceans North.                                         to observe how belugas behave when they are         been working to study, understand better and
    “It was a really interesting opportunity to       within 150 metres of a boat. For three minutes,     protect Manitoba’s beluga whales and their
observe belugas with a lot fewer vessels on the       one researcher observes the belugas, including      habitat. Our overall goal is to develop science
water,” said Gillis, who also participated in the     using a rangefinder to measure exact distances      and local-knowledge based management
first year of the study.                              from the vessel. The other team member records      practices that will allow the belugas and the
    The research team is repeating a beluga           the data in a waterproof notebook.                  human residents of Churchill to co-exist for
study from 2005 that found no statistical                 Last summer the team has also begun to          generations to come. We look forward to seeing
difference in how whales acted around boats           observe beluga interactions with large ships        you in Churchill this Beluga season! •

                                                              Belugas need your help!
             Contact us if you have ideas for beluga research, can share beluga stories or recent observations or would like more information.
The Beluga News Increasing our knowledge of Churchill's Beluga population - Oceans North
From the     Winnipeg Free Press

in the
By   Sarah Lawrynuik
                                                                                                                       Photo credit: Trevor Gill - for Oceans North

Churchill might be known for polar                  There are a number of things that put this         Bay, however, no research has yet been done
                                                    healthy whale population at risk for future        looking at changes in migration patterns.
bears, but the bears aren’t social
                                                    decline, especially in a changing climate.
like these summering whales.                                                                           But with longer open-water seasons for the
                                                    For one, their loyalty to their calving grounds
                                                                                                       belugas, so too is there a longer season for
The estuaries in southwestern Hudson                means these animals will continue to return
                                                                                                       other species to wander into the bay which,
Bay are home to the largest population of           to this place, no matter what. That fidelity to
                                                                                                       on some occasions, brings predators to the
belugas on Earth, which most recently was           a single spot puts them at greater risk should
                                                                                                       belugas’ doorstep.
estimated to be about 54,500 animals in             the area ever become less safe for them. It’s
2015, according to a survey conducted by            something that’s caused beluga populations         “We’ve had killer whales come into Hudson
Fisheries and Oceans Canada.                        in other parts of Canada to be particularly        Bay fairly regularly and attack beluga,”
                                                    unresponsive to conservation efforts after         Ferguson says. “Even around Churchill it’s
It seems undeniable that the western Hudson
                                                    population decline began.                          been observed.”
Bay belugas will have their lives upended by
climate change, as their entire existence is                             •••                           Research using satellite telemetry has shown
dictated by the freeze-and-thaw cycles of sea       Dwight Allen co-owns Sea North Tours, the          that when a killer whale wanders into beluga-
ice in the bay — but as it turns out, exactly       largest beluga tour business in Churchill.         filled waters, the white whales change their
how climate change will impact these marine         For him, longer ice-free seasons also means        behaviour: reducing their range, moving closer
mammals is still poorly understood.                 a longer tourism season. He says while he used     to shore and away from attack sites. So, the
                                                    to shut down towards the end of August, he         beluga whales are safe, for now. But it’s likely
“Not a lot of studies have looked at climate
                                                    can now stay open well into September. (At         only a matter of time before a new pod of
change with respect to belugas. Most of the
                                                    least in a normal year; he closed down on Aug.     orcas figures out how to navigate into this
Arctic whale species, or marine mammals
                                                    24 this year, but due to low tourist traffic as    easy feeding ground.
generally, we’re still kind of at the stage of
trying to understand them a bit more basically,”    a result of the pandemic, not because of the       Oceans North is pursuing research because
says Steve Ferguson, a research scientist with      whales leaving the river.)                         with longer ice-free seasons, there is
Fisheries and Oceans Canada.                        “It does bring a longer season for beluga          speculation that soon there will be increased
                                                    watching,” Allen says. “So, there’s a lot of       shipping through the port. What impact that
While climate-change research has progressed
                                                    potential in running a longer season. Tourism in   could have on belugas is unknown but it is
with respect to animals such as seals, it is more
                                                    Churchill is very important for our community      a source of great interest and concern for
difficult to study changes in populations of
                                                    and for all of Manitoba.”                          researchers, especially since the port is nestled
animals with longer lifespans and lower birth
                                                                                                       along the shores of the estuary.
rates, he explains. “The population dynamics        Ferguson says Allen’s observations that whales
don’t change very quickly because they’re           remain several weeks longer roughly line up        Their monitoring project began in 2019
so long-lived.” The upper range of a beluga’s       with what he would expect to see, given the        and will continue through next summer. The
lifespan has been estimated to be between           lengthening of the open-ice time on Hudson         hope is that this research can fill in the gaps
50 to 80 years.                                                                                        of missing information about how belugas are

the Beluga News                   Issue No.2           Spring 2021         The COVID-19 Issue: Studying Belugas During a Pandemic
The Beluga News Increasing our knowledge of Churchill's Beluga population - Oceans North
…their loyalty to their calving grounds
                                                                    means these animals will continue to return
                                                                     to this place, no matter what. That fidelity to
                                                                    a single spot puts them at greater risk should
                                                                          the area ever become less safe for them.

influenced by increased traffic and inform policy   aerial photos of belugas in the Churchill River       calls they’re making, we know what’s going on.
decisions going forward, says Chris Debicki,        estuary. “I’m hoping to see some kind of patterns     (The question is) if a boat is approaching, will
vice-president of policy development with           in how they behave, especially connected to tide,     they stop echo locating? So you wouldn’t hear
Oceans North.                                       weather conditions and boat/vessel presence,”         the clicks anymore, maybe you hear something
                                                    she says.                                             else, like a call to tell the others to get out of
                                                                                                          the area, for example.”
          “We’re trying to                          Veronica Coppolaro, a physicist completing
                                                    her PhD at the Centre for Earth Observation           Marianne Marcoux is supervising Coppolaro’s
        find a responsible                          Science, is using hydrophones (underwater             research and works as a research scientist
                                                    microphones) to study the vocalizations of            with Fisheries and Oceans Canada at the
        way to formulate                            belugas to further understanding of how they          Freshwater Institute in Winnipeg. Marcoux says
                                                    are using the estuary.                                similar research to Coppolaro’s was conducted
      recommendations                               From her work she hopes to understand how
                                                                                                          in the St. Lawrence River, and there it was
                                                                                                          observed that the belugas shifted the frequency
     on how belugas and                             the whales’ use of the area changes in the
                                                                                                          in which they communicated in response to
                                                    presence of the sound pollution from the
                                                                                                          noise pollution.
       a community can                              commercial ships, something known to have
                                                    great impact on other whale species that rely on      “We’re working together with (Fisheries and
     continue to coexist."                          underwater communication but never studied            Oceans Canada) to see if this could give us an
                                                    in the western Hudson Bay beluga population.          idea of how ships should behave when they
            -Ch ris Debick i,                                                                             come in,” Coppolaro says. “It could be as easy as
                                                    When a hydrophone dips beneath the surface
             Ocea ns North                                                                                slowing down when they come into the estuary,
                                                    of the Churchill River, it brings the water to life
                                                                                                          or only using a certain part — though there is
                                                    in a way that wasn’t evident moments before.
                                                                                                          already a channel that they mostly use — or
“There’s no outcome we’re certain of, we’re         Broadcast over the speaker are the squeeks,
                                                                                                          just coming in at different times of day, when
just looking to understand it better,” Debicki      whistles, chirps, moans, moos and clicks of the
                                                                                                          belugas are less active.”
says. “We’re trying to find a responsible way to    plethora of belugas that dance in the water,
formulate recommendations on how belugas            just out of sight. Belugas are referred to as the                           •••
and a community can continue to coexist.”           “canaries of the sea” because of the enormous
                                                                                                          Advocates for Churchill’s belugas aren’t keen
                                                    range of sounds they produce.
                     •••                                                                                  to wait around until the population is in decline
                                                    “They use different sounds for different              before conservation actions are taken. These
Two researchers from the University of
                                                    reasons,” Coppolaro explains. “The socializing        whales have been “understudied and a little bit
Manitoba are also looking at the intersection
                                                    calls, they’re so varied, they make so many           neglected” by federal scientists, says Debicki.
of increased shipping and the health of the
                                                    different sounds. But then they have the clicks,      A lack of federal funding has meant research
beluga population.
                                                    which are super high-frequency, and they’re           programs have been cut and, as a result, the
Emma Ausen, who is completing her masters           used for navigation, echo location and searching      scientific evidence needed to make proper policy
research, is studying behaviour patterns using      for food, mainly. So, by knowing which kind of        decisions is incomplete, he says.
The Beluga News Increasing our knowledge of Churchill's Beluga population - Oceans North
the Beluga News

                                                                                                                                                 Tracking Belugas in the
                                                                                                                                                 Churchill Estuary
                                                                                                                                                 Tracks of the 2019 and 2020 beluga focal
                                                                                                                                                 follows in and near the Churchill River
                                                                                                                                                 estuary (blue tracks 2019; red tracks 2020).
                                                                                                                                                 Note: The Sea North II was able to cover a
                                                                                                                                                 greater area in 2019.

                                                             “It’s the highest-density beluga population      and prohibit ocean dumping of hazardous           he’s not opposed to measures being taken
                                                                                                              pollutants. Furthermore, an NMCA could
    Issue No. 2

                                                             in the world and they’re not protected, so                                                         to try to protect them before a problem
                                                             that’s certainly something we’re working         ensure that future actions by Manitoba            announces itself, but he is weary of the
                                                             on,” Debicki says.                               Hydro are co-ordinated and consistent             area being controlled by bureaucrats “down
                                                                                                              with the NMCA management plan and                 south” who don’t understand how the area
                                                             Oceans North is specifically advocating for
                                                                                                              that Manitoba Hydro is directly engaged           is used by residents.
                                                             a national marine conservation area to be
                                                                                                              as a partner in the conservation and              “We’ve already lost so much control of our
                                                             established along the shores of Hudson
                                                                                                              management of beluga habitat in the area.”
   Spring 2021

                                                             Bay, which would essentially create a water-                                                       land and it’s so important to start regaining
                                                             based national park with tailored restrictions                                                     control of the land around our community,
                                                             and protections created.                                                                           for the wellness of our community and for

                                                             Creating a protected marine area wouldn’t            "This is the biggest                          our sustainable future,” Allen says.

                                                             prohibit commercial or economic activity                                                           Manitoba’s 2016 beluga habitat
                                                             (such as tourism or fishing) within the area,
                                                                                                                   population in the                            sustainability plan ranks noise pollution and
    The COVID-19 Issue: Studying Belugas During a Pandemic

                                                                                                                                                                climate change as presenting a “medium”
                                                             however activities would have to prove
                                                             to be ecologically sustainable and they
                                                                                                                   world, we should                             level of concern for the whales, while listing
                                                             could potentially be restricted in specific                   protect it."                         pollution as an issue that presents a “high”
                                                                                                                                                                level of concern.
                                                             zones. National marine conservation areas
                                                             do not impact traditional harvesting rights           -Ma ri a n n e Ma rcou x,                    Marcoux says that at this point there are
                                                             for Indigenous people.                                 Resea rch Sci en tist,                      no indications that this population is in
                                                             “The establishment of an NMCA in this                    Fish eri es a n d                         decline, but that doesn’t mean conservation
                                                                                                                                                                initiatives shouldn’t be taken. “I think we
                                                             region will provide for more detailed studies            Ocea ns Ca na da
                                                             of habitat use, as well as ongoing monitoring                                                      should protect what we have. This is the
                                                             programs to detect changes and impacts,”                                                           biggest population in the world, we should
                                                             a 2018 report penned by Oceans North             A spokesperson for Minister of Environment        protect it. We know changes are coming,
                                                             on the proposed conservation area reads.         and Climate Change Jonathan Wilkinson             but I don’t know if I would worry,” she
                                                                                                              confirms that Parks Canada is in “an ongoing      says. “I think we should just be proactive
                                                             “The NMCA would establish a management                                                             in protection mode.” •
                                                                                                              dialogue” with the province, local Indigenous
                                                             plan designed to mitigate threats with
                                                                                                              communities and other stakeholders                (Abridged from the Oct. 24, 2020
                                                             adaptive mechanisms to respond to
                                                                                                              regarding the marine conservation area.           Winnipeg Free Press, edited for space)
                                                             changes, while working with the Port of
                                                             Churchill and shipping industry to design        With the potential threats to the whales
                                                                                                              mounting, Sea North Tour’s Allen says   
                                                             preferred minimal-impact shipping routes

                                                                                          Take action to help protect Hudson Bay and Churchill's Belugas!
                                                                              Visit the CPAWS - Manitoba webpage to learn how:

                                                                                                                      Oceans North is a registered charity that            550 – 70 Arthur Street
                                                                                                                      supports marine conservation in partnership          Winnipeg, MB R3B 1G7
                                                                                                                      with Indigenous and coastal communities.   

                                                                                                                             @Oceans_North              OceansNorth
The Beluga News Increasing our knowledge of Churchill's Beluga population - Oceans North The Beluga News Increasing our knowledge of Churchill's Beluga population - Oceans North The Beluga News Increasing our knowledge of Churchill's Beluga population - Oceans North
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