9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO

Page created by Chad Campos
9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO
9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-
Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa,
9-10 October 2019

     Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere
               IOC of UNESCO
9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO
• What is the Decade?

• What are the objectives?

• What is the process leading up to the Decade?

• How to engage?
9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO
Omnibus Resolution for Oceans and the law of the sea
           (A/RES/72/73) of 6 December 2017

1. Proclaimed the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable
   Development 2021-2030, and called upon the IOC UNESCO to
   prepare an implementation plan for the Decade in consultation
   with …(everyone).

2. Invited the UN SG to inform the UNGA about the
   implementation of the Decade through his report on oceans
   and the law of the sea based on information provided by IOC…
9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO

Interim     Executive
Planning => Planning
Group       Group

9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO
Ocean in the UN Frameworks


9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO
Jane Lubchenko
                       New social contract
                       for natural science

   The ocean science remains voluntary, while
   starting to support legally-binding treaties
   and address existential issues.
   It is grossly under-resourced. The governance
   is weak. Capacity is very unevenly distributed.
   Oceanography is fit for highlighting problems
   but is only starting to systematically provide
   It needs mainstreaming.
             2021 – 2030:
New Social Contract for Ocean Science
9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO
Where we are                      and   where we would like to be
• Science largely competent             • Science providing solutions
  for problem diagnostic                  and motivation for action
• Observing system for climate          • Ocean data system for
  and emerging data service               past, present, and future
• Major knowledge gaps,                 • Ocean literate and
  weak ocean literacy                     well-informed decisions
• Funding base mostly                   • Clear value chain leading to
  in research mode                        resourcing and commitment
• Hugely uneven capacity, especially    • CD/ transfer of technology:
  developing countries/IDS                no one remains behind
9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO
Towards a transformative
 One Planet, One Ocean

• Radically change our understanding of the ocean's contribution
  to sustainable development
• Translate research results into problem-based solutions
• Add value by integrating social and natural sciences, but also
  traditional knowledge                                               We need to set
• Strengthen access and use of science by policy makers and           principles ….not
  citizens                                                            business as usual
• Promote partnership with the private sector
• Build and lead to new technologies
• Opened up access to data and information
• Target specific audiences (young scientists, gender, SIDS / LDCs,
• Gather the UN under a common initiative
9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO
Resilience to Climate
        Uneven   OceanChange and
                       Science   Variability

                   Tropical Cyclones

             Ocean science funding: largely by research agencies,
             from 0.04 to 4% of national funding for natural sciences
9th Nordic Seaweed Conference-Seaweed and Sustainability, Grenaa, 9-10 October 2019 - Henrik Enevoldsen / Julian Barbiere IOC of UNESCO
Societal outcomes

A Clean Ocean
Sources of pollution are identified, quantified
and reduced, and pollutants removed from the

A healthy and resilient
Marine ecosystems are mapped and protected,
multiple impacts, including climate change, are
measured and reduced, and the provision of
Ocean ecosystem services is maintained.

A predicted Ocean
Society has the capacity to understand current
and future Ocean conditions, forecast their
change and impact on human wellbeing and
Societal outcomes

A safe Ocean
Human communities are protected from ocean
hazards and the safety of operations at sea and
on the coast is guaranteed.

A Sustainable
Productive Ocean
The provision of food supply and alternative
livelihoods are secured.

 A transparent and
 accessible Ocean
 All nations, stakeholders and citizens have access
 to ocean data and information, technologies, and
 are capable of making informed decisions.
Approach to Planning based on 6 societal outcomes for the Ocean
     “What can we do together that we cannot do separately?” – M. Leinen (EPG)
1) Clean                                           •
                                                 Current status/gaps;
2) Healthy and resilient                           •
3) Sustainably harvested/productive                •
                                                 Needed actions;
4) Predicted                                       •
                                                 Potential for collaboration;
5) Safe                                            •
                                                 Examples of pathways from
6) Transparent and accessible                    science to social impact;
                 Views of stakeholders:        • Motivation, resources,
                 Countries (developing, SIDS),   (voluntary) commitments,
                 Scientists (all disciplines),   alignment of funding;
                 UN agencies, IGOs/NGOs,       • Ideas on architecture,
                 Private Sector, Philanthropy,   coordination, governance;
                 Educators, Public at large    • ???
Decade Approach: Consolidation/Integration,
                Proactive Design, and Expanding Uptake

Science breakthroughs needed:
                             Solutions +
              Missions       Motivation
 Resources + Projects

    Societal applications
                                           Aquaculture /

               Climate services
Exampel: UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable
     Development - Priority Research and Development Areas

R&D Priority Area 1:
Comprehensive map              R&D Priority Area 2:
(digital atlas) of the ocean   Observing System
Exampel: UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable
    Development - Priority Research and Development Areas

                                   R&D Priority Area 4:
R&D Priority Area 3:               Ocean Data and
Ocean Ecosystems                   Information System
Exampel: UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable
    Development - Priority Research and Development Areas

R&D Priority Area 5:                R&D Priority Area 6:
Comprehensive                       Ocean in Earth
DRR System                          System
Exampel: UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable
     Development - Priority Research and Development Areas

R&D Priority Area 7:
CD / Technology transfer/ literacy
Potential Foundational Missions/Projects (not in any order)
1.   Complete mapping of ocean including seabed and ecosystems
2.   Deep ocean observations and research
3.   Polar oceans & their observing system
4.   Image of life in the Ocean – molecular techniques, eDNA, +
5.   Ocean prediction – also for life in the ocean
     1. Multiple stressors and ecosystem response
     2. etc
6. Guided adaptation of ocean ecosystems, e.g. selective breeding for corals
   (warming, pH, O2, pollution, turbidity, light, invasive species, …)
7. … you name it ….
Draft Criteria for endorsement of activities
Type of activities:                                     Criteria:

A Programme : Global or regional scale with             - Supports achievement of R& D
profound scientific objectives , long term, multi-        objectives of the Decade
national and interdisciplinary
                                                        - Start betw 2021-2030
A Project: focused undetaking, stand alone, limited     - Peaceful purpose
duration, 1 or 2 entities                               - Multinational, multi-disciplinary,
                                                          capacity dev (focus on LDCs/SIDS)
Enabling activities: short term, support the Decade ,   - International cooperation
a programme or project
                                                        - Link with SDGs/
Contributions: support Decade through a donation of     - Open and free data
a necessary resource (funding, data, in kind..)

    Decision-making body to be defined by UN General
    Asembly in 2020
Executive planning Group (EPG)
                               Coordinated by IOC ES

19 Members from 6 UN Regional groups            EPG Main tasks:
Selected based on a broadly disseminated Call
for nominations                                 • Provide advice on the form and structure of
                                                the Decade including governance
Representing relevant and varied field of       arrangements;
• International programmes in ocean science     • Support the drafting of Implementation Plan
   and its numerous applications;               for the Decade, to be finalised for UNGA
• sustainable development of oceans;            consideration;
• science-policy interface and;
• capacity development.                         • Engage and consult relevant communities –
                                                advise on the engagement process and actively
                                                participate (Decade’s ambassadors).
1st   Global Planning Meeting
13-15 May 2019 - Copenhagen
                                “What we can do together that we cannot do
                                                              separately !”
Arctic Workshop (TBC)

Preparatory Phase:                    In partnership w ith
                                                  Canada                                                          North Pacific
Consult with regional                             Halifax                      Med.                                Workshop
stakeholders                                   7-9 Jan. 2020                  Venice                            (WESTPAC/PICES)
                                                                             Jan. 2020                                Tokyo
                          Carribean                                                                               31 Jul./2 Aug.
                                                                                             Indian Ocean
                                                            South Atlantic
                       Int ergovernm ent al Oc eanograp h ic Com m ission                   (January 2020)
                                                                                     ht t p://oceandecade.org           Pacific
                       7, p lace d e Font enoy                Workshop                                                Community
                       750 0 7 Paris, France
               Pacific (CPPS)                                 Brazil, Rio
                                                                                     # OceanDecade
                 Ecuador                                     25-27 Nov.                                                  (SPC)
                 Guyaquil                                                                                              23-25 Jul.
                23-26 Sept.

                                                               Antarctic Workshop (?)
Process: timeline and milestones
                     2019                                 2020
 Global Meeting (CPH)                                      Global Meeting (2020)
 Multistakeholders           Multistakeholders             Multistakeholders
Outputs:                     Regional Regional            Outputs:
                             Workshop          Regional                                     DECADE
- Research priority              1
                                     WorkshopWorkshop     - Consolidation of results   IMPLEMENTATION
                                          2                 from various
  areas                                           3
                              Thematic                      consultations                   PLAN 1.0
- Knowledge/policy                                                                                         2nd UN
                             consultation Thematic
                                                          - Structured                 •   Science Plan    Ocean
                                   1     consultation                                  •   Work
- Participants/Stake-                          2            Implementation plan                             Conf,
  holders engagement        Outputs:                      - Development of                 programme       Lisbon
- Mapping of existing       - Contextual                    operational plans              2021-2023
  building blocks             enrichment of R&D           - Formalize partnerships         (Phase I)
- Crosscutting issues         areas                         for projects               •   CD Plan
  (CD, Technology,          - CD needs                    - Address cross-cutting      •   Governance      UNGA

  Data, Partnerships)       - Identification of             issues                         arrangement
- Financing pathways          potential projects                                       •   M&E
                            - Partnerships                                             •   Communication
                                                                                                           IOC GB
Science Action Plan for the
SDGs                                                                               Decade

           Decade Societal Outcomes
                                                                                                              Inputs from
                            Science action outcomes                                                           Workshops

                                                                                                                Inputs from
                                             Science action priorities
                                                                                                                science and
                                                                     Contribution of existing science
                                                                     New ocean science action projects

 The SAP will be high-level, providing a
 framework to guide actions by which
 ocean science can more effectively
                                                                         Focus on Early Career Professionals/Gender
 deliver its contribution to achieving the
 societal outcomes of the Decade.
Engagement strategy

                                                 Call for Position Papers / Partnership with science
             Science community                   networks (eg ICS, AGU, SCOR, PICES, Future Earth…)
             •Science Plan and Survey

                                              Development and dissemination of Policy Brief for
                  Private Sector
                                              Ocean Business / engagement in global/regional WS
                  • UN Global compact / WOC

                                              Ocean Foundations Alliance, Copenhagen, 27-28 Feb 2020
                  • October event

             UN partners
             • UN-Oceans Decade group

YOUTH/Early Career Prof!
      • Allocations / contributions in national budgets to support national and
        international activities (research & other ocean management sectors)

      • In kind contributions - research cruises, research and sustained
        measurement networks, technical training, data systems, national
        funded research projects- nationally-determined voluntary

      • Alignment of global and regional funding mechanims with Decade
        priorities - Call for proposals (eg European Commission, Multilateral
        financing institutions)

      • Philantropic foundations enagement

      • Private sector contributions
Timeline towards 2021
                             2020                                                       2021

             Workshops   Regional
                        Workshops                                                                 Kick off
   consultations              2nd EPG             2nd GPM

                                         UN-                 2nd UN        IOC     UNGA
                                         Oceans              Conference    EC 53

• Science Plan development              • Draft IP Framework
 • Synthesis of regional /thematic inputs • MS, UN Obs review             • Finalisation of IP
   • Governance arrangements                                                  • Submission to UNGA
                                             • Partnership / financing
      • Project/Solution identification          • Seeking commitments
What can the Decade ‘do’ in a national context?

                            How in practice

Personal and institutional motivation: interest; necessity, business, duty?
The Decade and macroalgae? (Heiko, Ole M.)

Marine and coastal tourism, as well as a myriad of other activities such as seaweed
culture and collection, are dependent on marine ecosystem sustainability.

“Seafood products, including finfish, invertebrates and seaweeds, are a major
component of food security around the world. “ WOA 2017

Ecosystem services, habitats etc

and then the other side of the coin:
Sargassum on a beach in Sierra Leone, Africa during the spectacular 2011 event
Clean up of Sargassum in a bay in Antigua, southern Caribbean
The Decade and macroalgae?

                             Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                             Precision Engineering Research
                             Group, Alexander Slocum, Walter M.
                             May and A. Hazel May Professor of
                             Mechanical Engineering
What can the Decade ‘do’ in a national context?

We encourage to develop national plans for the Decade to:

-identify national priorities relative to the overall goals of the Decade

-engage broadly f.ex by organizing a national workshop to formulate research,
management and other initiatives which should be developed and implemented
as a part of the UN Decade
Which national fora are there to take initiativ in?

-National marine science or oceanography societies

-Research councils

-NGO’s ?

-Private Foundations
We think that:

- The Decade is an important opportunity to enhance new and innovative marine
research including sustainable management of marine ressources;

- The Decade should lead to visible contributions to strategically relevant
international marine science programmes;
How to participate?
 Contribute to the planning process nationally or

 Engage in projects, events or initiatives which
 affiliate to the Decade

 Communicate about the Decade
 Contact your national focal point!

                                                    CC BY 2.0 by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
In conclusion

 Be bold & think out of the box !

  Think long term

   Be solutions oriented

 Be collaborative and build bridges
Keep contact                         The United
            write to us:                             Nations
                                                  Decade of
     Follow news on the Decade:               Ocean Science
                                             for Sustainable
             Social media:                     Development
IocUnesco      IocUnesco     ioc_unesco

                                          Towards The Ocean We Need
                                            for the Future We Want

One Planet, One Ocean

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