Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinar International programs June 14-15 2018 | Florence - UniFI

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Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinar International programs June 14-15 2018 | Florence - UniFI
Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinary International programs

                                                                                                              of Representation Scientific Area
                                                                                                              for the development
                                                                                                              of multidisciplinar International programs

                                                                                                                                     June 14-15 2018 | Florence
Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinar International programs June 14-15 2018 | Florence - UniFI
Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinary International programs

                                                                                                       The symposium, promoted by UID (Unione Italiana Disegno) will encourage a dis-
                                                                                                       cussion divided in different working groups defined by geographical areas and by
                                                                                                       development actions, in order to deepen the characteristics and specific constraints
                                                                                                       of various cultural (and administrative) contexts of our potential interest. Each
                                                                                                       working table will be coordinated by a president and to be open to the participa-
                                                                                                       tion of international experts. Results of discussions will be summarized in plenary
                                                                                                       sessions. In order to facilitate communication, the language adopted at work tables
                                                                                                       may be Italian, Spanish, or English, depending on the geographical area of refer-
                                                                                                       ence for that specific work table.

                                                                                                       Aim of the symposium is to create a meeting between Professors of Drawing not
                                                                                                       only based on reports about research activities carried out or still in progress, but
                                                                                                       in which discussions animated by a initiative spirit about the development of future
                                                                                                       actions will be offered.
                                                                                                       The symposium aims to explore, through discussion and comparison, some oppor-
                                                                                                       tunities and channels for the promotion and strengthening of international activi-
                                                                                                       ties in the field of research, teaching, seminars and conferences.Identification and
                                                                                                       promotion of appropriate channels for the dissemination of research results, also
                                                                                                       through scientific magazines that contribute to the promotion of the issues of our
                                                                                                       disciplinary sector in the international context, finally belongs to the topics of the

                                                                                                       ​Topics for each geographical area:

                                                                                                       AT1 Research activity :
                                                                                                       ​AT1A Financed projects
                                                                                                        AT1B Academic collaboration projects
                                                                                                        AT2 Teaching activity:
                                                                                                        ​AT2A Teaching positions at foreign or international research institutes
                                                                                                         AT2B Summer and Winter school
                                                                                                         ​AT3 Report about Scientific publications at international level
                                                                                                          AT4 Report on International Congress
Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinar International programs June 14-15 2018 | Florence - UniFI
Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinary International programs

Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinar International programs June 14-15 2018 | Florence - UniFI
Department of History, Archeology,

Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinary International programs                                                                         Geography, Art and Entertainment

                                                                      Research Activity                                                           June 2018                         University of Florence
Morning Session                                     AT1                                                                                                                             Room 8 and 13
                                                                                                                                                                                    venue Gino Capponi 9, Florence, 50121
 09.00           Registration
 09.30           Istitutional greetings:
                 Luigi Dei, Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli studi di Firenze
                 Giorgia Giovannetti, Prorettore alle relazioni internazionali dell’Università degli studi di Firenze
                 Marco Bindi, Prorettore alla Ricerca dell’Università degli studi di Firenze
                 Saverio Mecca, Direttore del Dipartimento di Architettura
                 Raffaele Paloscia, Responsabile relezioni internazionali DIDA
                 Vito Cardone, Presidente UID
                 Mario Docci, Presidente onorario UID
                 Stefano Bertocci, Presidente Commissione Internazionalizzazione UID
 10.30           Keynote speaker - Andrea Nanetti, Università di Singapore
                 Transcultural Endeavours as an Imperative of Research Internationalisation for Twenty-First Century Universities

Room 8            Research projects in                    America                                                          Room 13   Research projects in                Europe
   11.00          Chairman - Paolo Belardi                                                                                   11.00   Chairman - Francesca Fatta

   11.10          Antonio Conte                                                                                              11.10   Maria Linda Falcidieno
                  La formazione pratica dell’architettura tra didattica e ricerca nel master                                         Social communication: the discipline of representation for the management of environmental emer-
                  “PATRIMONI & PROGETTO. Tutela, conservazione e recupero del Patrimonio architettonico e                            gencies
                  del Paesaggio” delle Università Europee della rete ELARCH_Erasmus Mundus e l’America latina

   11.25          Gabriele Rossi                                                                                             11.25   Manuela Piscitelli
                                                                                                                                     A joint research experience between Italy and Germany for the knowledge and valorisation of thermal
                  Innova. Campagne di rilievo nel Caribe
   11.40          Alessandro Merlo                                                                                           11.40   Cettina Santagati, Robert Davies, Marinos Ioannides
                  Il Proyecto la Blanca (Petén, Guatemala): documentazione e valorizzazione dell’architetura Maya                    Vi-MM: an Action for Virtual Museums and a roadmap for Europe’s Digital Cultural Heritage

   11.55          Stefano Bertocci, Luciano Migliaccio, Regina Helena Vieira Santos                                          11.55   Rossella Salerno
                  Progetti di ricerca per la documentazione del centro storico di Sao Paolo in Brasile in collaborazione             Enhancing Mediterranean Cultural Landscapes by Digital Resources
                  con USP
                                                                                                                            12.10    Massimiliano Lo Turco, Diego González-Aguilera
   12.10          Sandro Parrinello                                                                                                  B.A.C.K. TO T.H.E. F.U.T.U.RE. - Bim Acquisition as Cultural Key TO Transfer Heritage
                  La documentazione delle opere antonelliane nel Nuovo Mondo
                                                                                                                                     of ancient Egypt For many Uses To many Users Replayed (Sept 2017-Sept 2019 – 129,500)
   12.25          Marcello Balzani, Federica Maietti, Luca Rossato                                                          12.25    Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio, Antonio Gomez Blanco
                  Research activities on Brazilian Cultural Heritage: a cooperation net in the field of technologies for             La documentazione dell’Alhambra, un progetto di ricerca congiunto tra Università di Pavia e di
                  survey and representation                                                                                          Granada
   12.40          Reynaldo Esperanza Castro, Roberto Sabelli, Stefano Bertocci                                                       Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio
                  Primeros monasterios del siglo XVI en las laderas del Popocatepetl                                                 Esperienze di ricerca nella Russia Centrale: Kazan, Samara, Perm
   12.55          Round Table - Paolo Belardi                                                                                12.55   Round Table - Francesca Fatta

   13.30          Lunch                                                                                                      13.30   Lunch
Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinar International programs June 14-15 2018 | Florence - UniFI
Department of History, Archeology,

    Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinary International programs
                                                                                                                                                                           Geography, Art and Entertainment
                                                                                                                                                                           University of Florence
    Afternoon Session                                     AT1           Research Activity                                                                      June 2018   Room 8 and 13
                                                                                                                                                                           venue Gino Capponi 9, Florence, 50121

Room 8        Research projects in                 Asia and Africa
 14.30        Chairman - Antonio Conte

 14.40        Paolo Belardi, Valeria Menchetelli
              Michelangelo in Cina

 15.00        Alessandro Bianchi
              Sharing culture and opportunities for Italian architecture communication

 15.20        Marianna Calia
              Sistemi di architetture urbane e rurali della Cina sud-orientale costiera: contributi di ricerca per la conoscenza, tutela e valorizzazione del Patrimonio

 15.40        Massimiliano Campi
              Multiple experiences in scientific collaboration with Universities and research centers in China

 16.00        Cao Yong Kong, Marco Ricciarini
              Shangai, piano di recupero del quartiere Shikumen

 16.20        Salvatore Barba
              A spatial and social investigation at the Mpumalanga’s villages (South Africa)

 16.40        Michelangelo Pivetta, Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello
              Attività di ricerca in medio oriente del laboratorio congiunto Landscape Survey and Design
              dell’Università di Firenze e dell’Università di Pavia

 17.00        Marco Medici, Federico Ferrari, Marcello Balzani
              The digital documentation and virtual experiences of Geguti Palace in Kutaisi

 17.20        Paola Puma
              The Caucasian heritage: interdisciplinary experience in Georgia and Armenia

 17.40        Round Table - Antonio Conte
Department of History, Archeology,

     Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinary International programs
                                                                                                                                                                       Geography, Art and Entertainment
                                                                                                                                                                       University of Florence
     Afternoon Session                                    AT1           Research Activity                                                             June 2018        Room 8 and 13
                                                                                                                                                                       venue Gino Capponi 9, Florence, 50121

Room 13          Research projects in               Europe
  14.30          Chairman - Maria Linda Falcidieno

  14.40          Francesca Fatta
                 The DI.MO.RA. UNIRC Laboratory and the MuCEM of Marseille in a collaboration to realize an Interpretation Center of the history of the Fort St-Jean

  15.00          Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio, Sara Porzilli, Petri Vojala, Alexei Borisof, Alexander Kosenkov, Kaari Nikasari, Anna Majla Yumalaila
                 L’architettura del legno in Carelia un progetto europeo tra Italia Finlandia e Russia

  15.20          Giuseppe Amoruso
                 (RE)Generating Amatrice. The Resilience of Local Identity

  15.40          Susanna Mora, Giovanni Pancani, Giovanni Minutoli
                 Esperienze di documentazione lungo il cammino di Santiago, un progetto di ricerca tra Università di Firenze e Università di Madrid

  16.00          Giampiero Mele
                 RESTORE - Resilience of HEritage in Seismic Territories: an Overarching Research

  16.20          Paolo Giordano, Ornella Zerlenga, Andrea Maliqari, Luigi Corniello, Vincenzo Cirillo, Carla Mottola, Andrea Improta,
                 Gianluca Manna, Francesca Scialla, Ilenia Gioia, Adriana Trematerra, Enrico Mirra
                 The drawing of the religious architecture of the island in the Balkans

  16.40          Marco Giorgio Bevilacqua, Assunta Pelliccio, Magdalena Żmudzinska-Nowak
                 International cooperation in the process of revitalizing post-industrial heritage

  17.00          Cosimo Monteleone
                 Operational methodologies for new non-destructive approaches related to interoprable management of cultural heritage - MONADII

  17.20          Fabio Bianconi, Marco Filippucci
                 Drawing, modelling, solving. Multidisciplinary approach in landscape representation

  17.40          Cecilia Bolognesi
                 Representation in construction

  18.00          Andrea Giordano, Caroline Bruzelius, Kristin Huffman
                 Visualizing Venice/ VISUALIZING CITIES

  18.30          Round Table - Maria Linda Falcidieno
Santa Teresa, Department of Architecture

      Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinary International programs
                                                                                                                                                                                        University of Florence
                                                                                                                                                                                        Room 401 and 402

      Morning Session                               AT2            Teaching Activity                                                                   June 2018                        venue della Mattonaia 14, Florence, 50121

Room 401           Teaching Activity
  09.30              Chairman - Rossella Salerno

  09.40              Michela Rossi, Fiammetta Costa, Giorgio Buratti, Margherita Pillan, Giuseppe Amoruso
                     PUDCAD – Practicing Universal Design Principles in Design Education through a CAD-Based Game – Kick-off workshop in Milan

  09.55              Alessio Cardaci, Antonella Versaci
                     International summer school in Dalmine. Conservation and Adaptive Reuse of contemporary Heritage Sites

  10.10              Alberto Sdegno, Paola Cochelli, Veronica Riavis
                     Researches on Croatian Buildings: Survey, Geometrical Analysis and Digital Recostraction

  10.25              Rolando Volzone
                     Digital Survey in Religious Architecture. Methodologies for the studying of two monasteries in Alentejo region, close to the UNESCO Heritage Site of Évora (Portugal)

  10.40              Giovanni Pancani
                     Esperienze di ricerca e didattica presso l’Université Euro-Méditerranéenne de Fès

  10.45              Maria Elisabetta Ruggiero
                     Air Art Act Action International Workshop Projects aimed at the internationalization of Didactics A.A. 2017/2018 (University of Genoa)

  11.00              Giulia Pellegri, Maria Elisabetta Ruggiero

  11.15              Marcello Balzani, Federica Maietti, Luca Rossato
                     Summer and winter schools between east and west: studying old city centres in India and Italy

 11.30               Antonio Mollicone
                     Logic (systematic) and automation (mechanism)

 11.45               Alessandro Camiz, Giorgio Verdiani
                     International Workshop Reading and Designing the Kyrenia Castle
 12.00               Carlo Biagini, Barbara Aterini, Giorgio Verdiani, Alessandro Merlo
                     Esperienza di didattica internazionale. Le discipline della rappresentazione all’Università Cattolica di Tirana
 12.15             Round Table - Rossella Salerno
 Joint session room 402
 12.30               Marco Bini - Exhibition opening “Le sete di Petra”

 13.00               Giovanni Fontana Antonelli - Exhibition opening ”Mosul Così lontana così vicina”

 13.30               Lunch Break
 15.00               Round table - chairman Paolo Giandebiaggi
Santa Teresa, Department of Architecture

                                           Report about Scientific publications 15
      Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinary International programs
                                                                                                                                                                                  University of Florence
                                                                                                                                                                                  Room 401 and 402
                                                                                                                                                      June 2018                   venue della Mattonaia 14, Florence, 50121
      Morning Session AT3
                                  AT4 Report on International Congress
Room 402             Report about Scientific Publications and International Congress
 09.30               Chairman - Emanuela Chiavoni

  09.45              Pablo Rodríguez Navarro, Stefano Bertocci, Victor Echarri Iribarren, Teresa Gil Piqueras, Anna Marotta, Roberta Spallone, Giorgio Verdiani, Marco Vitali
                     FORTMED | International Conference on Modern Age Fortifications of the Mediterranean Coast

  10.00              Andrea Pirinu, Andrés Martínez-Medina
                     De-signs and traces in the landscape of modern wars. A call for protecting military architectures

  10.15              Susanna Mora, Fauzia Farneti, Silvio Van Riel, Stefano Bertocci, Giovanni Minutoli
                     REUSO | Convegno Internazionale sulla documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e sulla tutela paesaggistica

  10.30              Giulia Pellegri
                     Free Hand Drawing and Advanced Survey of Architecture

 10.45               Laura Baratin, Joseph Zaarour, Malvina Borgherini
                     The Science of Representation within the experiences of the School of Conservation and Restoration in North Africa and in the Middle Eastern area

 11.00               Luigi Cocchiarella
                     Role of International Societies, Conferences, Journals (and Network) in fostering international cooperation

 11.15               Fauzia Farneti, Stefano Bertocci
                     Quadraturismo e grande decorazione nella pittura di età barocca

 11.30               Giuseppe Amoruso, Stefano Brusaporci
                     A Multidisciplinary Development of International Dissemination of Representation Area: the Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts Book Series (IGI Global, USA)

 11.45               Mario Centofanti, Stefano Brusaporci
                     The Scientific on-line open access journal «DISEGNARECON»

 12.00               Round Table - Emanuela Chiavoni

  Joint session room 402
  12.30              Marco Bini - Exhibition opening “Le sete di Petra”

  13.00              Giovanni Fontana Antonelli - Exhibition opening ”Mosul Così lontana così vicina”

  13.30              Lunch Break
  15.00              Round table - chairman Paolo Giandebiaggi
Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinary International programs


June 14                                                                                                         June 15
Department of History, Archeology,                                                                              Santa Teresa, Department of Architecture
Geography, Art and Entertainment                                                                                University of Florence
University of Florence                                                                                          Room 401 and 402
Room 8 and 13                                                                                                   venue della Mattonaia 14, Florence, 50121
venue Gino Capponi 9, Florence, 50121

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