The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM

Page created by Albert Horton
The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
The Arctic
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The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
For the past 30 years, Lindblad Expeditions has been
guiding inquisitive travelers to the icy wilds of the
Arctic. Our long history here gives you the ultimate
expedition experience: comfortable, safe, and filled
with excursions and wildlife encounters that showcase
the grandeur of the planet’s northernmost reaches.

Step aboard one of our elite polar vessels and enjoy
access to first-rate exploration tools, programming
developed in partnership with National Geographic,
and the knowledge and passion of our inspiring
naturalists, photographers, cultural experts, and
others. Adventure awaits at the top of the globe.

Cover photo: Polar bear on an ice floe, Beaufort Sea, Northwest Passage 2022. This page:
Zodiac cruising in Lancaster Sound, Nunavut, Canada. Both photos ©Ralph Lee Hopkins.
The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
The Arctic                 4
Choosing Your Adventure    6
Wildlife                   8
Photography               10
Life Onboard              12
Ships                     14
What’s Included           19
Svalbard & Norway         20
Iceland & Isles           29
Greenland                 35
Canada                    42
Extensions                48
Deck Plans                50
Offers & Inclusions       55
The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
The Arctic
               Wonders Great and Small

               “The Arctic resists summary. It cannot be abridged. There is no
                single definition of it and no definitive boundary to contain it.”

Jennifer Kingsley, Ilulissat, Greenland.
The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
I first went north to witness some of the earth’s       community members, waiting for whales to
grand gestures: the midnight sun, rolling tundra,       surface, and seeing the sun skim along the
and sea ice. The Arctic attracted me with its           horizon, the Arctic has given me that opportunity
rugged terrain. I was enthralled by its extremes        over and over again.
and privileged to watch polar bears, walrus,
muskox, and narwhal. My love for the Arctic             I will always be thrilled by the grandeur that
began 20 years ago, which is no time at all for         beckoned me there in the first place, but over time
a landscape that tells its stories in millennia; yet    I have discovered the blessing of searching for the
in 20 years a lot has changed. It’s not possible        small and of remembering how the world unfolds
to visit the north without confronting those            in its own sweet time.
changes—ecological, cultural, and political. But
also personal.                                          The Arctic resists summary. It cannot be abridged.
                                                        There is no single definition of it and no definitive
The Arctic has changed me. It has trained me,           boundary to contain it. Also, it is full of surprises,
year by year, to be more observant of the world         and we may be surprised by how it affects us.
and to find delight in its tiniest details.
                                                        We might go north for
This past summer, while leading a group in the
                                                        the polar bears and fall
Canadian Arctic, I was stopped in my tracks by
                                                        in love with how the
two inches of grey fuzz roaming between patches
                                                        light shimmers over the
of flowers. It was a Ross’s tussock caterpillar, a
                                                        icebergs. Or maybe it’s
marvellous creature that lives in harsh conditions
                                                        the precious ice that
for years before its metamorphosis. We stopped
                                                        lures us, only to find
to watch the ripple of its tiny hairs as it clambered
                                                        ourselves enamoured
over a patch of lichen. We discussed its steady
                                                        with a fox, or a skein
progress and sensed the wonder of its tiny life.
                                                        of eiders, or a walrus.
                                                        Some of us have been brought to our knees by
To love something—anything—means getting
                                                        the flowers; we’ve crouched low, waiting for a bee
up close. While picking berries, talking with
                                                        to land. Or we’ve stood on deck at night, freezing
                                                        in our slippers, to catch one more whiff of the wind
                                                        before we go to sleep.

                                                        The details are out there. It’s our job to take them in.

                                                        JENNIFER KINGSLEY (pictured at left) is a journalist
                                                        and storyteller who specializes in personal stories from
                                                        around the world. She is the Field Correspondent for
                                                        Lindblad Expeditions, a National Geographic Explorer,
                                                        and an award-winning author who also contributes
                                                        to The New York Times and National Geographic
                                                        magazine. She is Canadian.

BOOK EARLY AND SAVE: 2024 voyages at 2023 rates for a limited time.

The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
Choosing Your
   Arctic Adventure
   Stretching across the top of the globe and touching eight countries, the
   Arctic is rife with opportunity for every type of explorer, whether you seek
   iconic wildlife, epic icescapes, or enriching encounters with cultures of the
   far north. Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic offers 19 itineraries
   in this remote part of the world, each providing a unique point of view on
   the region. Here are some highlights from the areas we explore to help
   you decide which Arctic expedition is the best fit for your interests.
The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
Svalbard & Norway—Set Out on an Arctic Safari
                                      With vast ice floes and snowy shorelines that are as wild as the
                                      Serengeti, Svalbard offers a unique opportunity for animal lovers.
                                      Watch for walruses and seals, hike the tundra in search of reindeer,
                                      and seek out the icon of the Arctic—the polar bear. On a detour
                                      through the Norwegian fjords, cruise and kayak beneath soaring cliffs
                                      and tumbling cascades. With its epic wildlife, stunning landscapes,
                                      and endless light from the midnight sun, Svalbard is also a dream
                                      destination for photographers.
                                      Best for: epic wildlife, iconic scenery, photography

Iceland & Isles—Adventures Amid the Living Earth
In Iceland—home to gushing geysers, sliding ice sheets, and vast, lunar-like lava
fields—there are a multitude of ways to interact with the living Earth. Take a Zodiac
cruise through a basalt cave, hike the base of a fjord to a thundering waterfall, or
stroll sea cliffs aflutter with gannets and puffins. On these shorelines, as well as in
the nearby Faroe Islands, explore the cultural threads that link the ancient Vikings
to modern-day Arctic communities, and enjoy the Icelandic musicians who join us
onboard bring local traditions to life.
Best for: geology, birdlife, Viking history

                                   Greenland—Encounter Epic Ice and Inuit Culture
                                   The quintessential Arctic destination, Greenland’s icescapes glitter in
                                   a dazzling tableau of iridescent icebergs and calving glaciers that we
                                   explore by kayak, Zodiac, and on foot. Go beyond the country’s icy surface
                                   to experience cultural encounters in Inuit communities that thrive amid the
                                   extreme conditions at the top of the world. Depending on the time of year,
                                   there may also be the opportunity to watch the northern lights paint the
                                   night sky with their neon waves.
                                   Best for: big ice, High Arctic culture, northern lights

Canada—Trace the Legacy of Arctic Exploration
Canada plays host to one of the planet’s most legendary expeditions: a journey
along the fabled Northwest Passage. This voyage is for the explorer who seeks
seldom-seen lands, as well as the mythic creatures that flock to their pristine waters
and shores—polar bears, walruses, belugas, and maybe even elusive narwhals.
Further south, along the rocky coasts of the maritime regions, we see a different side
of Arctic exploration: traces of the peoples who settled these shorelines. Discover
Viking villages, a Moravian mission, and other historical relics in a once-popular
landing spot for westward voyagers.
Best for: exploration history, rare wildlife, maritime culture

ALL IN: Activities and excursions are always included in the voyage price.

The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
The Wildlife at the
        Top of the World
        The wildlife that inhabits the Arctic is as diverse and fascinating as the region
        itself. As summer unfolds, the landscapes begin to churn with life, drawing
        travelers here for the chance to witness these creatures in their natural icy
        realm. Because these species have far-reaching habitats, you will have the
        chance to spot many of them no matter your itinerary. From the sea to the
        sky to the frozen tundra, prepare for encounters of the wildest kind.

                                         Polar Bears
                                         Seasonality: April–August
                                         With adult males weighing up to
                                         1,200 pounds, polar bears are the
                                         Arctic’s apex predators. Spotting a male
                                         hunting on the pack ice or a female with
                                         cubs playing in the endless summer sunlight
                                         are among nature’s most special wildlife moments.

The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
Arctic Fox                                  Atlantic Puffins
Seasonality: April–July                     Seasonality: May–early August
Small and stealthy, Arctic foxes            Iceland is home to more than
are omnivores who traverse the              half of the world’s population of
tundra in search of lemmings,               these small, endearing birds that
fish, berries, and birds. Though            rub beaks with their mates. Puffins
known for their striking white coat,        breed in summer along rocky coast-
in summer their fur morphs into shades      lines where they tend to their chicks in
of brown that blend in with                 underground burrows. Prepare for plenty
the landscape.                              of photo ops as these charismatic creatures
                                            fly to and from the sea.

Seasonality: May–October                    Arctic Terns
Narwhals have earned the                    Seasonality: June–October
moniker “unicorn of the sea” for            Marathon fliers, Arctic terns
their epic “horn” and their near-           migrate approximately 91,000
mythic status. Because they can             miles annually from pole to pole in
dive deeper than a mile and spend           search of 24 hours of daylight. They
time far out at sea, these toothed whales   arrive back to their Arctic breeding
are especially elusive, which makes any     grounds still full of fight and energy which
sighting incredibly momentous.              is needed to protect their colonies from
                                            arctic foxes, polar bears, or large gulls.

Atlantic Walrus                             Ringed Seals
Seasonality: May–August                     Seasonality: March–June
These boisterous, giant                     Named for the little circles on
pinnipeds can grow as large                 their coats, ringed seals are the
as 12 feet and weigh up to two              smallest and most common Arctic
tons. As social animals, walruses           seal, as well as the favorite prey of
find comfort in large numbers, so           polar bears. With claws on their front
they are often found in sizeable herds,     flippers, these pinnipeds can dig snow
stretched out on ice floes or gathered in   caves to birth pups and maintain breath-
impressive haul-outs on shore.              ing holes in the sea ice.

Reindeer                                    Muskoxen
Seasonality: April–mid October              Seasonality: June–September
Reindeer roam freely in the                 These herbivores have inhabited
Arctic where they have people               the Arctic tundra for many thou-
outnumbered. These hearty                   sands of years. Weighing up to 800
animals are uniquely adapted to             pounds with horns and thick, shaggy
year-round life on the tundra. They         coats, muskoxen appear intimidating,
have two layers of fur, short, stocky       but they are still vulnerable to predation.
bodies that reduce exposure to the          Herds protect themselves from wolf attacks
cold, and the ability to warm the air       by gathering in circles with their young at
they breathe in.                            the center.

The Arctic 2023-2024 VOYAGES | EXPEDITIONS.COM
Northern Exposure
Northern Exposure
 Photography in
 Photography in the
                the Arctic
CAMILLE SEAMAN believes in capturing images that articulate the
                           connections between humans and nature—a mindset that took root while
                           growing up in the Shinnecock Indian Nation. Now a National Geographic
                           Photography Expert who joins guests on select Lindblad-National Geographic
                           expeditions, Seaman has spent the past two decades documenting the
                           rapidly changing icescapes of Antarctica and the Arctic. Her polar pursuits
                           recently took her to Svalbard, where she sat down with us to share her
                           perspectives on Arctic photography.

Describe your personal relationship                    sunrise and sunset light that can last for
with the Arctic.                                       many hours. The colors it creates are
As an indigenous person, I was raised                  quite extraordinary.
to know that we are interconnected and
                                                       How does traveling by expedition ship
interrelated to everything. When I look at
                                                       facilitate your craft?
the ice, I understand that the ice and how
                                                       The National Geographic Resolution has
it exists somehow relates to me. It has an
                                                       ruined me because it is so luxurious—so
effect. So to have the opportunity to really
                                                       comfortable. But importantly, it’s so quiet. I
stand in front of it and feel that awe—that
                                                       feel the silence of the ship as we approach
overwhelming sense of scale here—is really
                                                       wildlife. And the ship’s ice class allows us
                                                       to go places other ships wouldn’t even
What is your role as a National Geographic             dare. We felt that just yesterday when
Photography Expert?                                    observed a polar bear. There were other
As a photographer, I understand before                 ships nearby, and they couldn’t even
I even raise my camera that my job is to               contemplate getting as close as we did.
inspire people. My job is to create greater
                                                       How would you encourage travelers to
empathy and compassion. When I raise my
                                                       approach photography on an expedition?
camera here, I know that I am becoming the
                                                       I would encourage people to express
messenger for this place.
                                                       themselves and to not worry about getting
What makes the Arctic a good photography               a checklist of images. Make a picture of a
backdrop?                                              walrus, but show me the walrus in a way
The thing that keeps me coming back to                 that means something to you. We want
the polar regions over and over again is the           people to go home with images that are
unique quality of light that you can only find         personal, so that when they show their
here. Because of where we are, we don’t                friends and family, they’re able to evoke
really get a sunset. There is this pseudo              some sense of what a place meant to them.

        Camille Seaman describe the splendor of Svalbard in the springtime at

       TEST & LEARN: Borrow high-tech equipment from the ship’s OM System Photo Gear Locker.

Stay Immersed at Sea
             Each ship in the Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic
             fleet is a destination in its own right, featuring superior
             amenities and cultural experiences to ensure that your
             time onboard is equally rewarding as your time on shore.
             Every aspect of your experience aboard our fleet is an
             opportunity to connect with and celebrate the places you
             explore—from the Arctic-inspired art in our roving galleries
             to the performances by local musicians and the culinary
             delights and soothing spa treatments sourced from our
             polar surroundings.

A Culinary Journey at Every Meal
Sampling local cuisine is a highlight of any voyage,
and we take great care to bring the flavors of
your destinations to every meal you enjoy on
board. Our executive chefs designs unique
and innovative menus that prominently feature
sustainably sourced dishes from the regions
you visit, as well as wine pairings and guided
tastings to enhance your culinary experience.
Special onshore culinary experiences, like a
mussels tasting on Cape Breton and a visit to an
                                                        “B y showing viewers the beauty
Icelandic farm, invite guests to forge even deeper        of these remote places, I
                                                          hope to inspire people to help
connections with local culinary traditions.

                                                          preserve them.” —Zaria Forman
Sounds of the Far North
Whether it’s a soulful Icelandic
                                                         The Art of Expedition Travel
folk song or a cheerful
Newfoundland sea shanty,                                 Our ship interiors tell the stories of the Arctic from a
music offers a window into                               different angle—through the eyes of artists who find
the identity of our northerly                            inspiration in the ice. Artist Zaria Forman curated
destinations. Ethnomusicologist Jacob Edgar              the first-ever ship-based exhibitions of visual and
curates musical experiences aboard our ships so          auditory works, created to express the fragile beauty
that your time at sea is accompanied by melodies         of the polar regions. Stroll the corridors and shared
that are reminiscent of our ports of call. For select    spaces of National Geographic Endurance or
voyages, Jacob has assembled a line-up of                National Geographic Resolution on a guided walk to
performances—featuring local musicians whose             explore how the evocative paintings, photographs,
songs bring the rich traditions of far northern          soundscapes, and other artworks reflect your Arctic
communities to life.                                     surroundings. To learn more, visit

Indulge in Our Wellness Program
Greet the day with a sunrise yoga session or
unwind in the spa with a massage, serenaded
by the sound of soothing waves. Our dedicated
wellness spaces—including treatment rooms,
saunas, fitness centers, and more—encourage
travelers to tap into the natural rhythms of
their surroundings. Treatments are tailored to
your individual needs, and each of our fully
accredited wellness specialists is also a licensed
massage therapist.

State-of-the-Art Polar Ships
     National Geographic Endurance
     National Geographic Resolution

     National Geographic Endurance and
     her sister ship, National Geographic
     Resolution, are truly in a class of
     their own. Purpose-built with our
     50+ years of experience, these
     state-of-the-art, highest ice class
     vessels get you closer to the world’s
     most remote places for the ultimate
     adventure experience—delivered in
     supreme comfort and stability.

Clockwise from left: Our unique ‘open’
  Bridge invites guests to observe
  navigation in action and spot wildlife
  along with naturalists; the ‘Circle of
  Truth,’ a Lindblad hallmark, is at the
  heart of the lounge where guests gather
  for the daily expedition Recap; enjoy
  endless friendly service whether ending
  your evening with a nightcap at the bar
  or beginning your day with a refreshing
  mimosa; after a day of exploration end
  with a soak in one of the infinity-style
  hot tubs or have a unique overnight in
  one of the igloos; the innovative marine
  deck allows the ship to offload kayaks
  and Zodiacs to get guests exploring
  nature quickly and efficiently.

The Quintessential Expedition Ship
     National Geographic Explorer

     With a storied history working in
     Norway’s famed Coastal Express,
     the flagship National Geographic
     Explorer was completely rebuilt to
     deliver the finest in polar exploration
     for Lindblad Expeditions. With an
     ice-strengthened hull, a dynamic
     suite of exploration tools, and a well-
     appointed interior, this extraordinary
     ship is devoted to exploration—
     every detail revealing our dedication
     to curiosity and wonder.
     Above: A selection of wine and beer is available reflecting
     the regions we travel to.

Clockwise from above far left: retire
  back to your beautifully appointed and
  spacious cabin for rest and relaxation,
  Category 7 suite; our chefs curate
  exceptional offerings reflecting the
  tastes and fresh ingredients from the
  Arctic; the Bridge is open 24 hours
  to scan for wildlife or learn the art
  of navigation; the ship can nimbly
  navigate into narrow fjords to view
  icescapes and hike remote shores.

What’s Included
Aboard Ship & Ashore
ABOARD SHIP                                         ASHORE
	All meals and alcoholic (except certain super-   	Hotel accommodations as indicated
   premium brands) and nonalcoholic beverages          by itinerary
	24-hour coffee, tea & soda & complimentary       	Guided overview of the itinerary’s
   refillable water bottle                             embarkation city
	Hors d’oeuvres & snacks during Recap             	Meals on land, as indicated in itinerary
	Sauna & Fitness Center, Yoga Studio              	Special access permits, park fees,
   (aboard National Geographic Endurance and           port taxes
   National Geographic Resolution)
                                                    	Transfers to and from group flights
	Fully stocked library
                                                    	The expertise of our expedition staff
	The guidance and company of our
   expedition staff
	Gratuities to ship’s crew
                                                    	All shore activities
	Mac computer kiosks for internet access
   and downloading your photos                      	Zodiac and kayak explorations

	Assistance by the onboard                       	Lectures & presentations
   National Geographic photography expert
   and certified photo instructor
	Access to the OM System Photo Gear Locker
                                                    CHEERS! Beginning in 2024,
   with the latest gear to try out on loan
                                                    champagne, wine, beer, and spirits
	Complimentary expedition parka/jacket            are on us across our fleet.

Svalbard & Norway
Feel the lure of the North Pole in magnetic Svalbard, where snow-clad
peaks and ice-checkered waters frame one of the planet’s northernmost
archipelagos. Polar bears outnumber people in this icy frontier, which
offers the planet’s best chance of spotting the majestic symbol of the
Arctic in its natural habitat. To Svalbard’s south lies another iconic sight:
Norway’s deeply carved coastline, which gave the name for the dramatic
geological feature we know as the fjord.

Land of the Ice Bears:
     An In-Depth Exploration of Arctic Svalbard
                11 DAYS | FROM $12,350/PP
                Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit

     • Explore Svalbard, a place of deep fjords, snowcapped mountains, massive
       sheets of ice, and magnificent polar bears.
     • Experience the dramatic landscape via naturalist-led walks, and cruise among
       beautiful icebergs in a Zodiac or a kayak.

     • Be on the lookout for a variety of arctic wildlife from walrus and reindeer, to

       arctic fox, whales, and myriad birds.
     • Take advantage of the legendary midnight sun side-by-side with a National
       Geographic photography expert.

     ITINERARY AT A GLANCE                                                               DEPARTURES
     Days 1 & 2: U.S./Oslo, Norway                Days 10 & 11: Longyearbyen/            National Geographic Endurance
                                                                                         2023 May, June
     Day 3: Oslo/Longyearbyen/Embark              Disembark/Oslo/U.S.
                                                                                         National Geographic Resolution
     Days 4-9: Exploring Svalbard
                                                                                         2023 June
                                                                                         2024 May, June

                                                                                         OPTIONAL EXTENSIONS
                                                                                         Spend five days in Norway’s Fjords be-
                                                                                         fore, or four days amid Iceland’s Wonders
                                                                                         after your Arctic adventure. Visit
                                                                                for details.

                                                                                           SPECIAL OFFERS
                                                                                           Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
                                                                                           2023 rates.
                                                                                           Travel to both poles and Save! Book select
                                                                                           Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June
                                                                                           2023 -February 2024 and receive 20% off your
                                                                                           second departure. See page 55.

                                                                                         Curious polar bear on the pack ice, Svalbard.

Lofoten Islands.

Norway’s Fjords & Arctic Svalbard                                                                          Spitsbergen                 Edgeøya

             17 DAYS | FROM $20,960/PP                                                                                             Longyearbyen
             Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit
                                                                                                           Barents Sea
                                                                                                                                           North Cape
• Sail into Norway’s spectacular fjords and explore secluded inlets and coves by
  kayak or Zodiac.
• Explore the rarely-visited northern fjords, threading the ice-carved narrows                                                    Tromsø

  and standing on the bow as the captain noses up to glacier termini.
                                                                                                                    Lofoten Islands
• Actively explore: hike, walk, and kayak through stunning scenery. Capture your
  best images alongside a National Geographic photography expert.
                                                                                                                  Arctic Circle

• Make for the wilds of Svalbard to see ice, bears, and Arctic wildlife.

Days 1 & 2: U.S./Bergen, Norway                        Day 9: Tromsø                                            Nordfjord                  SWEDEN

Day 2: Bergen, Norway/Embark                           Day 10: Bear Island
                                                       Days 11-15: Exploring Svalbard                           Bergen
Day 3: Nordfjord
Days 4-6: Exploring the Fjords of Norway               Day 16: Longyearbyen/Disembark/Oslo

Day 7: Lofoten Islands                                 Day 17: Oslo/U.S.

Day 8: Tysfjorden                                                                                      DEPARTURES
                                                                                                       National Geographic Endurance
                                                                                                       2023 May, July
                                                                                                       2024 May
Extend your voyage with a day in Bergen, Norway, or four days amid Iceland’s
Wonders. Visit for details.                                                    National Geographic Resolution
                                                                                                       2023-2024 May

  SPECIAL OFFERS: Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at 2023 rates.
  Travel to both poles and Save! Book select Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June 2023–February
  2024 and receive 20% off your second departure. See page 55.

Svalbard in the Spring:
     Polar Bears, Arctic Light & Epic Ice
                     10 DAYS | FROM $12,350/PP
                     Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit

     • Experience pristine snow and ice conditions during the early season in Svalbard.
     • Search for adult male polar bears in their natural habitat, the sea ice.
     • Walk on the frozen sea in the Arctic, an adventure only possible in early spring
     • Photograph the exceptional Arctic light with a National Geographic

       photography expert.

     Day 1: Oslo, Norway                              Days 3-9: Svalbard
     Day 2: Oslo/Longyearbyen/Embark                  Day 10: Longyearbyen/Disembark/Oslo

                                                                                            National Geographic Resolution
                                                                                            2024 April

     Floating icebergs.

Kittiwakes, Bear Island.

Norwegian Discovery:                                                                Longyearbyen

Svalbard & the Northern Fjords                                                        SVALBARD

            11 DAYS | FROM $12,000/PP                                                                                      Barents Sea
            Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit

• Sail to the high Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard under the midnight sun                         From
                                                                                                 Oslo                    Sørøya
  in search of polar bears hunting along the pack ice.
• Zodiac cruise along the towering cliffs of Bear Island that rise straight from                                                NORWAY
  the sea and are home to tens of thousands of raucous seabirds.                          ARCTIC CIRCL
                                                                                                         E       Senja      Tromsø

• Capture your best images alongside a National Geographic photography expert.
• On Senja Island visit pristine Ånderdalen National Park to search for            DEPARTURES
  reindeer, elk, red foxes, and more.                                              National Geographic Endurance
• Explore the lovely fjords of Sørøya by Zodiac and kayak, and hike on shore.      2023-2024 June

                                                                                   Note: The 2024 departure will spend more
                                                                                   time exploring the Svalbard archipelago.
ITINERARY AT A GLANCE                                                              Voyage will be 13 days, from $15,900/pp.
Days 1 & 2: U.S./Oslo, Norway              Day 8: Sørøya Island
Day 3: Oslo/Longyearbyen/Embark            Day 9: Senja Island
                                                                                     SPECIAL OFFERS
Days 4-6: Exploring Svalbard               Day 10: Tromsø/Disembark/Oslo             Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
Day 7: Bear Island                         Day 11: Oslo/U.S.                         2023 rates.
                                                                                     Travel to both poles and Save! Book select
                                                                                     Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June
                                                                                     2023 -February 2024 and receive 20% off your
OPTIONAL EXTENSION                                                                   second departure. See page 55.
Spend five days in rich landscapes of Norway’s fjords before your voyage.
Visit for details.

Ring of Brodgar, Scotland.

     Norwegian Fjords & Scottish Isles
                10 DAYS | FROM $12,350/PP
                Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit

     EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                        Shetland Islands      Bergen     Hardanger-
                                                                                                     Unst                             fjord
     • Sail across the North Sea aboard the brand-new National Geographic Resolution in                      Lerwick
       the wake of early Viking explorers, learning about the region’s dramatic history.     Orkney
     • Glide beneath the dramatic cliffs of the second-largest fjord in Norway,
       Hardangerfjord.                                                                                                           Hidra
     • Explore the towering cliffs of Noss, a nature reserve that harbors thousands of                 Stonehaven
       seabirds including puffins, guillemots, and kittiwakes.                                         Edinburgh
     • See the U.K.’s northernmost lighthouse, Muckle Flugga, at Unst and capture
       your best images alongside a National Geographic photography expert.
                                                                                           National Geographic Resolution
                                                                                           2023 May
     Days 1 & 2: U.S./Edinburgh, Scotland/       Day 7: Lerwick/At Sea
     Embark                                      Day 8: Hidra, Norway                      OPTIONAL EXTENSIONS
     Day 3: Stonehaven                           Day 9: Hardangerfjorden
                                                                                           Discover Scotland’s Highlands on a pre-
                                                                                           extension. Extend your voyage in Bergen
     Days 4 & 5: Orkney Islands                  Day 10: Bergen/Disembark/U.S.             or in Norway’s fjords on a post-extension.
     Day 6: Shetland Islands                                                               Visit for details.

Svalbard, Iceland                                                                                                               Palanderbukta
                                                                                                                          Moffen SVALBARD

& Greenland’s East Coast
                                                                                         GREENLAND                                  Alkefjellet
                                                                                                             PACK ICE
           17 DAYS | FROM $21,230/PP                                                                        Dependent
           Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit              Scoresbysund              on ice
                                                                                                            conditions   Longyearbyen
                                                                                                        Sea                            From
                                                                                      Rømerfjord                                       Oslo
                                                                                                               Jan Mayen
EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                              Ittoqqortoormiit
                                                                                               Flatey Is.
• Explore Arctic Svalbard, one of the most reliable places on the planet to observe
                                                                                                                 ARCTIC CIRCLE
  majestic polar bears in their natural habitat, on the sea ice.                            ICELAND

• Discover the Arctic wilderness of East Greenland with its massive fjords and          Reykjavík

  icebergs and weather permitting, meet the Inuit community in Scoresbysund.
• Cap the expedition by navigating Iceland’s wild western coast, from scenic          DEPARTURES
                                                                                      National Geographic Resolution
  Ísafjörður and Vigur to vibrant Reykjavík.
                                                                                      2023-2024 June
• Get a unique passport stamp from Jan Mayen, the seldom-visited volcanic isle.
• Experience a great sampling of the Arctic with these three unique regions and
                                                                                        SPECIAL OFFERS
  be on the lookout for whales, walrus, seals, reindeer and myriad seabirds.            Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
                                                                                        2023 rates.
ITINERARY AT A GLANCE                                                                   Travel to both poles and Save! Book select
                                                                                        Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June
Days 1 & 2: U.S./Oslo, Norway               Days 9 & 10: Jan Mayen                      2023 -February 2024 and receive 20% off your
Day 3: Oslo/Longyearbyen/Embark             Days 11-14: Greenland/At Sea                second departure. See page 55.

Days 4-6: Svalbard                          Days 15 & 16: Iceland
                                            Day 17: Reykjavík/Disembark/U.S.          Exploring the massive icebergs by Zodiac.
Days 7 & 8: At Sea

Iceland & Isles
In this elemental land of wild geology, chart a course less traveled
in search of Icelandic secrets: sparkling glacial lagoons, sea cliffs
teeming with terns and puffins, and tiny coastal communities that
have long carved out livelihoods amid landscapes of lava and
ice. Let the Viking spirit guide you from these surreal shorelines
to the Faroe Islands, where turf-roofed cottages and fascinating
archaeological sites bring the legends of ancient seafarers to life.

Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon.

     A Circumnavigation of Iceland                                                                                                    Grímsey
                 11 DAYS | FROM $12,280/PP                                                          Ísafjörður
                 Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                                                           Húsavík

                                                                                      Akureyri   Lake
                                                                                                       Flatey Is.                        Mývatn
                                                                                                                              ICELAND     Djúpivogur

     EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                           Reykjavík Jökulsárlón
     • Experience all of Iceland’s geological manifestations: glaciers, geysers,                      Atlantic
       thundering waterfalls, immense cliffs, geothermal springs, boiling mud pots, and                                      Heimaey Island
                                                                                                            Surtsey Island
       rock- and lava-scapes of unearthly beauty.
     • Actively explore Iceland’s wild western coast; Siglufjörður in the north; the
       rarely visited rugged east coast; and the Westman Islands, one of the planet’s               National Geographic Explorer
       youngest archipelagos.                                                                       2023 July
     • Explore the incredible tundra-covered landscape in Iceland’s dramatic                        National Geographic Endurance
                                                                                                    2024 July
       Westfjords and see a volcanic island that formed in 1963.
     • Sail into dramatic fjords and marvel at the thundering Goðafoss Waterfall and
       the bubbling mud pools at Mývatn.                                                              SPECIAL OFFER
                                                                                                      Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
     • Experience traditional Icelandic life from the once-booming herring industry to                2023 rates. See page 55 for terms.
       eiderdown production.

     Days 1 & 2: U.S./Reykjavík, Iceland/            Day 7: Lake Mývatn & Húsavík
     Embark                                          Day 8: Exploring Northeast Iceland
     Day 3: Flatey Island                            Day 9: Djúpivogur
     Days 4 & 5: Exploring Northwestern              Day 10: Islands of Heimaey & Surtsey,
     Iceland                                         Westman Islands
     Day 6: Siglufjörður & Akureyri                  Day 11: Reykjavík/Disembark/U.S.

     Don’t miss a moment: take a day before to tour the Golden Circle or three days after explor-
     ing the Snæfellsnes Peninsula. Visit for details.                                                   Reykjavík, Iceland.

Wild Iceland Escape
                  6 DAYS | FROM $6,780/PP                                                                                       Djúpavík
                  Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                                           Dynjandi

   EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                         Reykjavík
   • Actively explore Iceland’s pristine fjords and fascinating tundra on daily hikes,                    Ocean
     Zodiac cruises, and more while accompanied by a dedicated team of naturalists.                                                   Heimaey
                                                                                                                            Surtsey   Island
   • Encounter evidence of volcanic activity as we hike over cooled lava fields and
     view Iceland’s newest isle, Surtsey.
   • Discover the rich biodiversity of the remote Westfjords, spotting nesting puffins                DEPARTURES
     and gannets along the coast, and watching for humpback and minke whales in                       National Geographic Resolution
     the surrounding waters.                                                                          2023-2024 July

                                                                                                        SPECIAL OFFER
   Days 1 & 2: U.S./Reykjavik, Iceland/               Day 5: Islands of Surtsey & Heimaey,              Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
   Embark                                             Westman Islands                                   2023 rates. See page 55 for terms.
   Day 3: Djúpavík                                    Day 6: Reykjavík, Iceland/
   Day 4: Arnafjörður/Dynjandi                        Disembark/U.S.

   Choose your own adventure on one of three optional trip extensions: tour Iceland’s Golden Cir-
   cle, Snæfellsnes Peninsula, or Volcanic Northeast. Visit for details.

Dynjandi waterfall, Westfjords.

Legendary Northern Isles:                                                               DEPARTURES

     Scotland, Faroes & Iceland
                                                                                             National Geographic Explorer
                                                                                             2023 June
                                                                                             2024 August
                   14 DAYS | FROM $12,740/PP
                   Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit
                                                                                             ITINERARY AT A GLANCE
                                                                                             Days 1 & 2: U.S./Bergen, Norway/Embark
                                                                                             Day 3: Orkney, Scotland
                                                                                             Day 4: Shetland
     • Encounter Shetland ponies roaming verdant landscapes.
                                                                                             Days 5-7: Exploring the Faroe Islands
     • Go back in time at Skara Brae, a 5,000-year-old stone-slab village on Orkney
       and see the mysterious standing stones of the Ring of Brodgar.                        Day 8: Djúpivogur, Iceland
     • Walk with a historian through Jarlshof archaeological site, a complex of ancient      Day 9: At Sea/Grimsey
       settlements spanning 4,000 years of human history.                                    Day 10: Lake Mývatn/Akureyri
     • Meet the welcoming islanders who call the scenic Faroe Islands home.                  Day 11: Ísafjörður
     • Observe incredible birdlife—massive puffin colonies in the Faroes and Grimsey,
                                                                                             Day 12: Flatey Island
       and on the Cliffs of Noss, thousands of northern gannets.
                                                                                             Day 13: Surtsey & Heimaey,
     • Experience a near circumnavigation of the geologic wonders of Iceland.
                                                                                             Westman Islands
                                                                                             Day 14: Reykjavík/Disembark/U.S.
                                    Lake                                                       SPECIAL OFFERS
                           Akureyri Mývatn
          Flatey Is.                                                                           Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
                           ICELAND          Djúpivogur                                         2023 rates.
                          Reykjavík      Jökulsárlón                                           Travel to both poles and Save! Book select
                               Heimaey Island                                                  Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June
             Surtsey Island                                                                    2023 -February 2024 and receive 20% off your
                                                                                               second departure. See page 55.
                                                Faroe Islands Tórshavn              NORWAY

                                                                                  Bergen     Traditional Faroese turf-roofed homes, Saksun,
                                                              Shetland                       Faroe Islands.


A humpback flukes in front of a zodiac cruise in Isafjordur, near Vigur Island, west Iceland

Coastal Wonders of Norway, the Faroe Islands & Iceland
           16 DAYS | FROM $21,230/PP                                                                            DEPARTURES
           Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                                        National Geographic Endurance
                                                                                                                2024 June

                                                                                                                ITINERARY AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                                Days 1: Oslo, Norway
• Sail into Norway’s spectacular fjords and explore secluded inlets and coves by                                Day 2: Oslo/Tromsø/Embark
  kayak or Zodiac.
                                                                                                                Day 3: Tysfjorden
• Encounter the Bronze Age ruins and Viking longhouses of Jarlshof, a
  prehistoric settlement in the Shetlands.                                                                      Day 4: Lofoten Islands
• Discover the unique culture of the Faroe Islands, where residents cling proudly                               Days 5 & 6: Exploring the Fjords of
  to their Viking heritage.                                                                                     Norway
• Observe nesting seabirds in dramatic settings amid the towering peaks of the                                  Day 7: At Sea/Shetland Islands,
  Lofoten islands.                                                                                              Scotland
• Sail past the dramatic sea cliffs of the Faroes to see cliff-nesting puffins,                                 Day 8: Lerwick/Foula
  gannets, and northern fulmars. Capture your best images alongside a National
  Geographic photography expert.                                                                                Days 9 & 10: Exploring the Faroe Islands
                                                                                                                Days 11 & 12: At Sea/Seyðisfjörður,
                                                                                                                Days 13 & 14: Ísafjörđur/Flatey Island
                Ísafjörður                                                   Islands                            Day 15: Westman Islands
                           Grimsey Island                                  Nordfjord
                               Langanes Peninsula
                                                                                                                Day 16: Reykjavík/Disembark
                Flatey Is.                ARCTIC CIRCLE
                        ICELAND                                                Vega

               Westman Islands
                                                                                                                   SPECIAL OFFER
                                                                                                                   Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
                                             Tórshavn                                                              2023 rates. See page 55 for terms.
                                   Islands                                  NORWAY
                                             Shetland     Lerwick                Oslo
                                             Islands                            Oslo

The world’s largest island boasts a bevy of additional superlatives—
the longest fjord on the planet, the fastest flowing glacier, and a
national park whose sprawling wilderness is unmatched in scale.
Explore these epic wonders on our voyages to Greenland, and then
go even deeper to discover the adventures of backcountry hiking,
Norse ruins, and vibrant Inuit communities that reveal the rich
cultural heritage of this seafaring crossroads.

Iceland’s Wild West Coast to East Greenland
                 12 DAYS | FROM $15,140/PP                                                                              Northeast
                                                                                                                       Greenland          PACK ICE
                 Scan QR code for itinerary details & current rates or visit                                         National Park       Dependent on
                                                                                                                                        ice conditions

                                                                                                                                        a nd
                                                                                                                                      Se nla

     EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                            Scoresbysund
     • Discover the wild west coast of Iceland with its dramatic fjords, remote
       communities, and majestic waterfalls.
     • Explore the largest national park in the world—Northeast Greenland National
       Park—and search for polar bears, muskoxen, whales, and more.                                               Westfjords
                                                                                                                                     ARCTIC CI
     • Sail into Scoresbysund, ice permitting, the world’s largest and longest fjord                                                             RCLE

       system and home to a remote Inuit community.                                                 Reykjavík    ICELAND

     • Photograph the colors and shapes of the magnificent ice floes traveling down
       along the coast.
                                                                                                National Geographic Endurance
                                                                                                2024 July
     Day 1: Reykjavík, Iceland/ Embark              Days 4-9: Exploring Scoresbysund and
                                                    NE Greenland (conditions permitting)
     Day 2: Westfjords, Iceland
                                                    Days 10 & 11: Crossing the Denmark
     Day 3: Crossing the Denmark Strait
                                                    Strait/Exploring the Westfjords, Iceland
                                                    Day 12: Reykjavík/Disembark

     Don’t miss a moment: take a day before to tour the Golden Circle or three days after
     exploring the Snæfellsnes Peninsula or the Volcanic Northeast. Visit                                               Muskox.
     greenice-ext for details.
                                                                       Scoresbysund icebergs.

                                                                                                  SPECIAL OFFER
                                                                                                  Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
                                                                                                  2023 rates. See page 55 for terms.

Conditions permitting, our photographers are on standby to help you capture your best photos of the northern lights.

East Greenland: Wild Shores of the High Arctic
           20 DAYS | FROM $27,030/PP
                                                                                                               Northeast               PACK ICE
           Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                                       Greenland           Dependent on
                                                                                                               National Park      ice conditions
EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                Sea
• Venture all the way north to Northeast Greenland National Park to view                                                     Ittoqqortoormiit
                                                                                                                                      Jan Mayen          Tromsø
  icebergs and search for the Arctic’s iconic wildlife—polar bears, whales,                                                                            Tysfjord
  muskoxen, and more.                                                                                           Ísafjörður
                                                                                                                                             Lofoten Islands
• Sail into Norway’s spectacular fjords and explore secluded inlets and coves
                                                                                                               ICELAND          ARCTIC CIRCLE          Saltfjellet-
  by kayak or Zodiac.                                                                                         Reykjavík                                Svartisen
                                                                                                                                                   National Park

• Call at the seldom-visited Jan Mayen Island, where the only residents man a

  remote weather outpost and have this northernmost volcano all to themselves.                                                                         NORWAY

• Conditions permitting, see the spectacular northern lights as we sail the
  remote coasts of Iceland and Greenland. Capture your best images alongside                            DEPARTURES
                                                                                                        National Geographic Endurance
  a National Geographic photography expert.
                                                                                                        2023 September
• Visit Iceland’s colorful villages to see contemporary life, hike over geologically
  recent volcanic flows, and soak in the country’s iconic hot springs.                                  OPTIONAL EXTENSIONS
                                                                                                        Extend your voyage in Norway’s
ITINERARY AT A GLANCE                                                                                   fjords, amid Iceland’s Wonders, or
Days 1 & 2: U.S./Oslo, Norway                Days 13-16: Exploring Northeast                            around Iceland’s Golden Circle. Visit
                                             Greenland National Park                           for details.
Day 3: Oslo/Tromsø/Embark
Day 4: Tysfjorden                            Day 17: Northwest Iceland
                                                                                                           SPECIAL OFFER
Days 5 & 6: Nordfjord/Svartisen              Day 18: Westfjords, Iceland                                   Travel to both poles and Save! Book select
Day 7: Lofoten Islands                                                                                     Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June
                                             Day 19: Westman Islands                                       2023 -February 2024 and receive 20% off your
Days 8 & 9: At Sea/Jan Mayen, Norway         Day 20: Reykjavík/Disembark/U.S.                              second departure. See page 55.
Days 10-12: East Greenland,

View of Nanortalik and surrounding fjord.

     South Greenland Exploration:
     Fjords, Waterfalls & Fishing Villages
                   12 DAYS | FROM $13,770/PP
                   Scan QR code for itinerary details & current rates or visit                            DEPARTURES
                                                                                                          National Geographic Endurance
                                                                                                          2023 August
     EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                ITINERARY AT A GLANCE
     • Experience the ice flows and deep fjords of southern Greenland by Zodiac,                          Day 1 & 2: U.S./Reykjavík, Iceland
       kayak, and backcountry hiking excursions.
                                                                                                          Day 3: Reykjavík/Kangerlussuaq,
     • Explore Hvalsey and Brattahlíð, 10th-century Viking settlements founded by
       Eric the Red and his family in Greenland, part of the UNESCO World Heritage
       region of Kujataa                                                                                  Day 4: Kangaamiut and Evighed Fjord
     • Discover Inuit tradition and history along the southern fjords in Qaqortoq and                     Day 5: Nuuk
       Nanortalik through music, food tastings, and demonstrations.                                       Day 6: At Sea/Tunulliarfik Fjord
     • Hike the Snaefellnes Peninsula, with its volcanic peaks, breathtaking waterfalls,                  Day 7: Qaqortoq
       and Norse history.
                                                                                                          Day 8: Nanortalik/Tasermuit Fjord
                                                                                                          Day 9: Southeastern Greenland Fjords
                              Kangerlussuaq        GREENLAND
                                                                                                          Day 10: Crossing the Denmark Strait
                                                                    ARCTIC CIRCLE

        Kangaamiut       Eternity Fjord                                                                   Day 11: Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Iceland
                                                                                                          Day 12: Disembark/Reykjavík/U.S.
                  Nuuk                                                              Reykjavík
                                                                   Denmark Strait

           Tunulliarfik Fjord
                          Kujataa                  Prins Christian Sund
                       Nanortalik                  Cape Farewell

       SPECIAL OFFER: Travel to both poles and Save! Book select Antarctic and Arctic voyages between
                                                                                                          See an Inuit “qajaq” demonstration in
       June 2023 -February 2024 and receive 20% off your second departure. See page 55.
                                                                                                          Nanortalik at

Iceland & Greenland: Edge of the Arctic
                 19 DAYS | FROM $20,980/PP                                                                            DEPARTURES
                 Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                                        National Geographic Explorer
                                                                                  2023 July
                                                                                                                      National Geographic Endurance
EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                 2024 August

• Hike the dramatic Dynjandi Waterfall in Iceland’s remote Westfjords peninsula,                                      ITINERARY AT A GLANCE
  and visit a farm that produces eiderdown.                                                                           Days 1 & 2: U.S./Reykjavík, Iceland/Embark
• Delve into Greenlandic culture with visits to Uummannaq and Qilakitsoq                                              Day 3: Flatey Island
  to see the archaeological site of the 5,00-year-old mummies and visit the                                           Day 4: Arnafjörður/Dynjandi/Vigur
  National Museum in Nuuk where they can be viewed.                                                                   Day 5: Ísafjarðardjúp
• Cruise among the dazzling icebergs calved by the Ilulissat Icefjord and search                                      Day 6: Crossing the Denmark Strait
  for whales amid impressive tidewater glaciers in West Greenland.
                                                                                                                      Day 7: Exploring East Greenland
• Experience local culture through visits to fishing villages and longhouses, folk
                                                                                                                      Day 8: Prins Christian Sund & Nanortalik
  performances, and tasting tours of traditional Greenlandic and Icelandic foods.
                                                                                                                      Day 9: Hvalsey Ruins & Qaqortoq
                                                                                                                      Day 10: Tunulliarfik Fjord & Brattahlíð
                                                                                                                      Day 11: Nuuk
                                                                                                                      Day 12: Kangaamiut and Evighed Fjord
                                                                                                                      Day 13: Sisimut
                       Ataneq            GREENLAND                                                                    Days 14 & 15: Ilulissat & Disko Bay
                                                                                                                      Day 16: Uummannaq & Qilakitsoq
   Sisimiut                Kangerlussuaq
                                                                        ARCTIC CIRCLE
                                                                                                                      Day 17: Ataneq Fjord
   Kangaamiut          Evighed Fjord                                                    Isafjörður Dynjandi           Days 18 & 19: Kangerlussuaq/ Disembark/
                                                                                                            ICELAND   Reykjavík, Iceland/Keflavik/U.S.

                Nuuk                                                                                                  OPTIONAL EXTENSIONS
                                                                    Denmark Strait
                                                                                                  Reykjavík           Don’t miss a moment: take a day before to
                                    Brattahlíð                                                                        tour the Golden Circle or three days before
                 Hvalsey                                                                                              exploring the Volcanic Northeast. Visit
                Qaqortoq                                                                                     for details.
                       Nanortalik                Prins Christian Sund

                                                                                                                       SPECIAL OFFERS
                                                                                                                       Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
                                                                                                                       2023 rates.
                                                                                                                       Travel to both poles and Save! Book select
                                                                                                                       Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June
Iceberg arch.                                                                                                          2023 -February 2024 and receive 20% off your
                                                                                                                       second departure. See page 55.

Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland.

     Wild Greenland Escape
                6 DAYS | FROM $8,630/PP
                Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                                Uummannaq
     EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                              Davis Strait
     • Explore the dramatic coastline of West Greenland by water and on foot,                              Ataneq
       kayaking stunning fjords, and hiking across the tundra while on the lookout
       for wildlife.                                                                       Sisimiut            Kangerlussuaq
                                                                                           ARCTIC CIRCLE
     • Learn about Greenlandic culture and history at Uummannaq Island and
                                                                                                               To/From Boston
       visit the archaeological site at Qilakitsoq, where remarkably well-preserved
       500-year-old mummies were found in 1972.
     • Capture your best images alongside a National Geographic photography expert.
     • Hike the Sermermiut Valley to a promontory overlooking the mouth of the        DEPARTURES
                                                                                      National Geographic Resolution
       Ilulissat Icefjord, the fastest and most active glacier in the world.
                                                                                      2024 July

     Day 1: U.S./Kangerlussuaq, Greenland/
     Day 2: Greenland’s West Coast &
     Day 3: Ilulissat & Disko Bay
     Day 4: Uummannaq/Qilakitsoq
     Day 5: Ataneq Fjord
     Day 6: Kangerlussuaq/Disembark/U.S.

                                                                                                                Ilulissat, Greenland.

Gateway to the Northwest Passage:
Greenland & Canada
           25 DAYS | FROM $39,990/PP
           Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                                   DEPARTURES
                                                                        National Geographic Endurance
                                                                                                           2023-2024 August
• Venture into the fabled Northwest Passage, and travel well above 80° North,                              ITINERARY AT A GLANCE
  and learn dramatic stories of explorers and adventurers who sought this                                  Days 1 & 2: U.S./Reykjavík, Iceland
  magnificent, icy frontier.                                                                               Day 3: Kangerlussuaq, Greenland/Embark
• Glide between soaring icebergs at the mouth of Greenland’s Ilulissat Icefjord,                           Day 4: Sisimiut
  a UNESCO World Heritage site.                                                                            Day 5: Ilulissat
• Visit the “Jewel of the North,” Pond Inlet, a small Inuit community known for its                        Days 6-8: At Sea/Exploring Baffin Island,
  friendly community and artists haven for world-renowned soapstone carvings.                              Canada
• Explore Ellesmere Island and be on the lookout for polar bears, walruses,                                Days 9-12: Exploring the Queen Elizabeth
  ringed seals, belugas, bowhead whales, and the elusive narwhal.                                          Islands
• Conditions permitting, see the spectacular northern lights as we sail the                                Days 13-17: Exploring Ellesmere Island
  remote coasts of Canada and Greenland. Capture your best images alongside                                Days 18-20: Exploring above 80 degrees
  a National Geographic photography expert.                                                                North
                                                                                                           Day 21: Kiatassuaq Island, Greenland
                                                                          Dependent on
                                                                          ice conditions                   Days 22 & 23: Disko Island/Exploring
                                                                                                           Days 24 & 25: Kangerlussuaq/Disembark/
                                                                                                           Reykjavík, Iceland/U.S

                                                                       Kane Basin
                                                                                                             SPECIAL OFFERS
                                                                                      GREENLAND              Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
                                                 Makinson Inlet
                                               Fram Sound                                                    2023 rates.
                                                                                   Kiatagssuak Is.           Travel to both poles and Save! Book select
                                                     Philpots Is.
                                                 Devon Is.                                                   Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June
                                                                                                             2023 -February 2024 and receive 20% off your
                                                             Inlet                                           second departure. See page 55.
                                              Bellot     Buchan Gulf
                                              Strait                                       Disko Island
                                                                                           Kangerlussuaq   Narwhals showing tusks above water, Canada.
              ALASKA           CANADA
                                                                       From U.S.

In the highest reaches of the Canadian Arctic, mythic species
like muskox, polar bears, and beluga whales rule a wild
animal kingdom of ice and snow. Venture into their world on
a journey through the fabled Northwest Passage. Or trace the
lineage of Arctic exploration further south to uncover vestiges
of the Vikings, Basque whalers, and French settlers in the
country’s rocky and windswept maritime regions.

Discover the spectacular Torngat Mountains.

     Fabled Lands of the North:                                                                                                         GREENLAND

     Greenland to Newfoundland
                                                                                                                       Baffin Bay

                  17 DAYS | FROM $17,860/PP

                                                                                                              Cumberland                             Kangerlussuaq

                  Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                               Pen.
                                                                                                    Kekerton Pangnirtung                 Sisimiut



                                                                                                                                    is S



     • Glide between soaring icebergs at the mouth of the Ilulissat Icefjord, a                      Peninsula
       UNESCO World Heritage site.                                                                                       Lady Franklin Island
     • Wander amid the ruins of the 11th-century Viking village of L’Anse aux Meadows.              Hu
                                                                                                      ds                 Lower Savage Islands
     • Search for wildlife, from whales, walruses, and polar bears to black bears and                   on
                                                                                                             Str      Resolution Island
       woodland caribou along the eastern coast of Baffin Island.                                               ait
                                                                                                                       Button Islands
                                                                                                                        Torngat Mountains N.P.
     • Visit Inuit communities along the coast of Labrador to delve into their history
       and modern culture                                                                                                    Hebron
                                                                                                                                                 Atlantic Ocean

     Days 1 & 2: U.S./Keflavík, Iceland                     Mountains & the Labrador Coast

                                                                                                                                                Indian Harbour
     Day 3: Reykjavík/Kangerlussuaq,                        Day 15: L’Anse aux Meadows


     Greenland/Embark                                       Day 16: Northern Newfoundland                                                         Battle Harbour

                                                                                                                                    d               L’Anse Aux

     Day 4: Sisimiut                                        Day 17: St. John’s/Disembark/U.S.                                                       Meadows
     Day 5: Disko Bay & Ilulissat
     Day 6: At Sea/Davis Strait
     Day 7-8: Exploring Baffin Island
                                                                                                                                                         St. John’s
     Day 9: Lower Savage & Button Islands
     Day 10: Eclipse River                                                                          DEPARTURES
     Days 11-14: Exploring the Torngat                                                              National Geographic Explorer
                                                                                                    2023-2024 August

       SPECIAL OFFERS: Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at 2023 rates.
       Travel to both poles and Save! Book select Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June 2023–
       February 2024 and receive 20% off your second departure. See page 55.

The Canadian Martimes & Newfoundland
            10 DAYS | FROM $10,450/PP
                                                                                                            New                       Labrador Sea
            Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                                      f   ou
                                                                                                                        n      Red Bay
                                                            CANADA                            L’Anse aux


                                                                                           Quebec     Gros Morne

EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                 National Park

• Circumnavigate Newfoundland and visit coastal villages and small islands, like                                            Island of St. John’s
  Cape Breton.                                                                                      Gulf of St.
• Explore two UNESCO sites: Gros Morne National Park and the 11th-century                    Îles de la                        St.-Pierre and
                                                                                             Madeleine                         Miquelon (Fr.)
  Viking village at L’Anse aux Meadows where Erik the Red once stayed.                                                Louisbourg
• Discover the dunes, sandstone cliffs, and Acadian culture of the Îles de la Madeleine.                          Cape Breton
                                                                                                Nova              Island
• Visit Baddeck, Alexander Graham Bell’s summer home, and tour the museum                       Scotia                         Atlantic Ocean
  dedicated to his life and inventions.

                                                                                            SPECIAL OFFERS
ITINERARY AT A GLANCE                                                                       Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
                                                                                            2023 rates.
Day 1: U.S./St. John’s, Newfoundland &        Day 9: Exploring Northeastern
                                                                                            Travel to both poles and Save! Book select
Labrador, Canada/Embark                       Newfoundland                                  Antarctic and Arctic voyages between June
                                                                                            2023 -February 2024 and receive 20% off your
Day 2: St. Pierre, France                     Day 10: St. John’s/Disembark/U.S.             second departure. See page 55.
Day 3: Louisbourg & Baddeck, Cape
Breton Island, Nova Scotia                    DEPARTURES

Day 4: Îles de la Madeleine, Quebec           2023-2024 August, September
Day 5: Exploring the Gulf of
St. Lawrence                                  OPTIONAL EXTENSION
Day 6: Gros Morne National Park               Discover the rewards of lingering
                                              post-expedition at Newfoundland’s
Day 7: Red Bay
                                              gorgeous, gracious Fogo Island Inn.
Day 8: L’Anse aux Meadows                     Visit for details.

Northwest Passage:                                                                                                   ITINERARY AT A GLANCE

     Greenland to Alaska
                                                                                                                          Day 1: U.S./Kangerlussuaq, Greenland/

                22 DAYS | FROM $36,960/PP                                                                                 Day 2: Greenland’s West Coast and
                Scan QR code for itinerary details and current rates or visit                                             Sisimiut
                                                                                       Day 3: Disko Bay & Ilulissat
                                                                                                                          Days 4 & 5: Exploring East Baffin Bay,
     EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                Nunavut, Canada
     • Sail aboard our new, state-of-the-art polar ship to the northernmost coastlines                                    Days 7-16: Exploring the Northwest
       of the planet, where few have explored before.                                                                     Passage
     • Venture into the fabled Northwest Passage and learn dramatic stories of
                                                                                                                          Day 17: At Sea
       explorers and adventurers who sought this magnificent, icy frontier.
     • Glide between soaring icebergs at the mouth of Greenland’s Ilulissat Icefjord,                                     Day 18: Herschel Island, Yukon Territory
       a UNESCO World Heritage site.                                                                                      Days 19-21: At Sea
     • Visit one of Canada’s “jewels of the north”: Pond Inlet, a small Inuit
                                                                                                                          Day 22: Nome, Alaska, U.S./Disembark/
       community known for soapstone carvings.
     • Observe polar bears, walrus, ringed seals, belugas, and bowhead whales, and
       capture your best images alongside a National Geographic photography expert.                                       DEPARTURES
     • Meander through the remains of historic dwellings on Herschel Island; a scattered                                  National Geographic Resolution
       mixture from the Inuvialuit people and the once-booming whaling industry.                                          2023-2024 July

                                                                                                                            SPECIAL OFFER
                                                                                Dundas Harbor                               Book by Jan. 13, 2023: 2024 departures at
                                                    Prince Regent Inlet                                    GREENLAND        2023 rates. See page 55 for terms.
                                                      Bellot Strait        Pond Inlet     Buchan Gulf
                        Herschel     Ulukhaktok
                        Island                                                                    Davis
                                   Dolphin and                        James Ross Strait           Strait      Ilulissat
                                   Union Strait                                           Isabella Bay
                                    Johansen Bay                Jenny Lind Island                  Sisimiut
                                                   Cambridge Bay                ARCTIC CIRCLE

               ALASKA                                                                                 Kangerlussuaq
        Nome                             CANADA

                                                                                                           From U.S.

“T he quality of the ice is much better when
  you’re able to transit the passage as early as the
  National Geographic Resolution can. As long
  as you have good ice, you have great polar bear
  encounters. We saw 45 polar bears—many of
  them close up.” —Captain Martin Graser

                                                       Ilulissat Icefjord, Disco Bay.


                  [ PRE- OR POST-VOYAGE EXTENSION ]

                  1 DAY/1 NIGHT | FROM $1,830 PER PERSON, DOUBLE OCCUPANCY
                  Soak in the surreal Blue Lagoon, and explore the famed Golden Circle’s boiling pools
                  and geysers with a local guide.
                  ADD IT BEFORE > A Circumnavigation of Iceland; Wild Iceland Escape; Iceland and Greenland:
                  Edge of the Arctic; Fabled Lands of the North or Iceland’s Wild West Coast.
                  ADD IT AFTER > Legendary Northern Isles or Coastal Wonders of Norway, The Faroe Islands &
                  Iceland; Svalbard, Iceland & Greenland’s East Coast.

                  [ POST-VOYAGE EXTENSION ]
                  SNÆFELLSNES: FIRE & ICE
                  3 DAYS/2 NIGHTS | FROM $3,690 PER PERSON, DOUBLE OCCUPANCY
                  Walk into the aquamarine ice cave of Langjökull Glacier and hike through a lava tube
                  in Víðgelmir. Drive and hike along parts of the coastline of the stunning Snæfellsnes
                  National Park to see black pebble beaches, basalt sea stack columns, and perhaps a
                  glimpse of the imposing Snæfellsjökull Mountain.
                  ADD IT AFTER > Wild Iceland Escape; Iceland’s Wild West Coast or A Circumnavigation of Iceland

                  [ PRE- OR POST-VOYAGE EXTENSION ]

                  3 DAYS/2 NIGHTS | FROM $3,780 PER PERSON, DOUBLE OCCUPANCY
                  Hike through lava field stacks and venture into the caves of Dimmuborgir, then walk
                  along the black sand of Hverfjall Crater on an exploration of the volcanic Lake Mývatn
                  region. Hear the thundering roar of Iceland’s largest waterfall and hike the photogenic
                  horseshoe-shaped Ásbyrgi canyon. Soak in two different geothermal spas.
                  ADD IT BEFORE > Iceland and Greenland: Edge of the Arctic.
                  ADD IT AFTER > Wild Iceland Escape or Iceland’s Wild West Coast.

                  [ PRE-VOYAGE EXTENSION ]

                  SCOTLAND’S HIGHLANDS
                  5 DAYS | FROM $4,650/PP DOUBLE OCCUPANCY
                  Scotland’s rich history and culture come to life on a journey through the renowned
                  Scottish Highlands. Begin in the capital city Edinburgh, a UNESCO World Heritage site,
                  where you will visit The Royal Yacht Britannia and sample Scotch Whiskey during a
                  guided tasting. Then journey inland to explore some of the country’s most iconic
                  mountain ranges—notably the Nevis range, home to the country’s highest mountain—
                  visit Neptune’s Staircase on the Caledonian Canal, and tour storied castles, including
                  Urquhart Castle set along the shores of Loch Ness.
                  ADD IT BEFORE > Norwegian Fjords & Scottish Isles.

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