The Africa Strategy 2014-2018 - Africa as a Partner in Education and Research
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1 Contents Cooperation with Africa 4 Contributions made by German educational, research and intermediary organisations 8 Why an Africa Strategy? 11 Principles of cooperation 13 Objectives 15 Priority topics 17 Tools 25 Our goals for the next five years 26 List of planned measures 27 Sources 32 Imprint 33
4 THE AFRICA STRATEGY 2014–2018 Cooperation with Africa The groundwork for the cooperation between the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and its partners in Africa was laid more than thirty years ago. Intergovernmental agreements on bilateral cooperation in science and technology have been in place with the priority countries Egypt and South Africa since 1979 and 1996 respectively. Measures such as the establishment of the German-Egyptian Research Fund were implemented on the basis of these agreements. The partnership with South Africa focussed on the continuing development of cooperation through research projects on topics such as integrated water resources management (IWRM). Since 2000, positive political developments and the increased interest of African partners in science and research have led to collaborations in more and more African countries. The Federal Government’s Strategy for the Internatio II. Education: the established priority topics and specif nalisation of Science and Research, which was launched ic individual initiatives target the postgraduate tertiary in 2008, provided further impetus for cooperation with sector and initial and continuing vocational training in Africa. It declared the strengthening of cooperation with order to developing countries a new priority. react promptly and adequately to changes in the transition countries in North Africa; The funding provided for activities with Africa by the intensify cooperation with our priority countries BMBF and other educational, research and intermedi Egypt and South Africa; ary organisations also clearly reflects these trends. support the move towards modernisation of individual countries to become knowledge-driven The BMBF has a positive record of cooperation with economies; African countries throughout the implementation of reinforce our cooperation in vocational education the Internationalisation Strategy. Its successes include and training with emerging economies. the expansion of its activities to include 39 of the 54 countries in Africa, with 62% of the cooperative A number of approaches to develop beacons of projects originating in the past nine years; excellence have emerged as a result of the Internatio the establishment of two pillars as a basis for its nalisation Strategy. These beacon projects serve as role cooperation. models because they establish structures, are regionally focussed and address global and regional challenges in science and research. Development of expenditure for Africa Education and science are also 2005 2009 2013 crucial to societal transformation in m € in m € in m € approx. approx. approx. processes such as those taking place in North Africa. Funding scientific BMBF 11.9 17.1 50.8 support for transformation processes and capacity building in research and technology help Educational, Research, 24.8 68.1 102.9 promote the shift in society towards democratisa Intermediary Organisations tion and knowledge-based development. The Federal Government’s “Transformation Partnership Program mes” include measures to promote education, voca I. Research: Expansion of the existing research focus on tional education and training, and research. the environment to include other research priorities: bioeconomy, health, societal development, resource This is in addition to consultations on Africa policy management, transformation and the cross-cutting with the Group of Eight (G8) and the Group of Twenty topic of innovation. (G20), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United Nations (UN), in par
5 Examples of BMBF Africa initiatives since 2008 The BMBF’s funding calls for sub-Saharan Africa sup port bilateral and multilateral research partnerships and study opportunities. 74 projects in 29 countries have received or receive funding. Support for cooperation between the Network of African Science Academies and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina to raise the profile of science and research started in 2012. Participation in multilateral initiatives on the research policy dialogue and the further development of research systems and strategic partnerships in the Mediterranean region (e.g. in the Euro-Mediterranean ticular with the United Nations Educational, Scientifi Group of Senior Officials in Research and Innovation cand Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and its UNEVOC – EU-Med GSO) Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and the United Nations University (UNU). The German-South African Year of Science 2012/2013 addressed the following global challenges: climate The BMBF provides important stimulus within the EU change, increasing urbanisation, the scarcity of re and uses synergies between national and European sources, global food security and global health prob level initiatives to shape multilateral initiatives1 in in lems. It made it possible to intensify existing coopera ternational organisations in coordination with strategic tion and establish long-term collaborations. partners. The BMBF is involved in a broad range of EU initiatives, including the High Level Policy Dialogue Support for social and political research (HPLD), an institution of the EU-Africa policy dia on regional integration processes between logue on science, technology and innovation. It is a the West Africa Institute of the Economic permanent member of the European-African Secre Community of West African States and the German tariat, which prepares the biennial HPLD. Center for European Integration Studies (since 2013) The BMBF signed a declaration of intent on coopera tion in vocational education and training (VET) with South Africa’s Department of Higher Education and Training in 2013. The aim is to make VET in South Africa more practice-oriented along the lines of Germany’s dual system. 1 A few high-profile EU projects are referred to in the following pages.
6 THE AFRICA STRATEGY 2014–2018 Tunisia Morocco Algeria Libya Egypt Western Sahara Mauritania Mali Cape Verde Senegal Niger Chad Eritrea Gambia The Sudan Guinea Burkina Faso Bissau Guinea Benin Djibouti Ghana Sierra Leone Nigeria Côte d'Ivoire Liberia South Sudan The Central Ethiopia Togo African Republic Cameroon Somalia Equatorial Guinea Uganda Congo Gabon Kenya Rwanda D.R. Congo Burundi Tanzania Angola Malawi Mozambique Zambia Madagascar Zimbabwe Namibia Botswana Swaziland Lesotho BMBF activities with African South Africa countries, April 2014 Two highlights of our Africa activities were the BMBF’s The “German-African Cooperation in Education and Africa Days and the EU-Africa Summit. Both events Research – BMBF Africa Days” took place in Berlin generated a great deal of dynamic development. from 16–18 March 2014. The event was attended by a total of 650 participants, nearly 180 of whom repre sented 38 countries in Africa. On the first two days, about 450 German and African scientists, government representatives and other experts came together in workshops to discuss some of the BMBF’s research programmes. The workshops were devoted to specific science and education-related issues and to network Deutsch-Afrikanische Zusammenarbeit ing among the experts. In addition to specialist dis in Bildung und Forschung cussions, the workshops also addressed cross-cutting Afrika-Tage des BMBF issues. The resulting final document with recommen German-African Cooperation in Education and Research dations was presented to Federal Minister Prof. Dr. Africa Days of the BMBF Johanna Wanka during the final plenary session on Coopération germano-africaine 18 March 2014. The results of the workshops and the en éducation et recherche recommendations of the experts from Germany and Journées africaines du BMBF Africa will be taken up in this Africa Strategy.
COOPERATION WITH AFRICA 7 The high level of interest is proof that education participation in the High Level Policy Dialogue and its and research are a high priority in German-African cooperation with the Federal Foreign Office. In addi cooperation. tion to their political implications, these activities may The approach adopted by the BMBF has proven also influence the possibility of receiving funds from to be on target: previous and current priorities in Europe: education and research were reaffirmed and defined Typically ‘BMBF’ issues are also issues shared by in greater detail. the African Union: the joint summit declarations en Partnership in the truest sense: the strategy was dorsed a roadmap that sets out science, technology developed with the participation of partners on and innovation as a strategic priority and establishes both sides and considers both German and African it as a cross-cutting issue. interests. German expertise in the priority area ‘food security’: the BMBF actively supported the selection of the The EU-Africa Summit of European and African heads future first priority topic “Food security and sustain of state and government took place on 2/3 April 2014 able agriculture” in the framework of European- in Brussels. The BMBF was strongly involved in the African research collaboration. preparation of the summit documents through its Dr. Paul-Martial Ikounga, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology of the African Union, Former Federal President Prof. Dr. Horst Köhler and Federal Minister for Education and Research Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka at the Africa Days of the BMBF
8 THE AFRICA STRATEGY 2014–2018 Contributions made by German educational, research and intermediary organisations German educational, research and intermediary organisations have been active on the African continent for many years, some for more than five decades. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), promotes scientific cooperation between outstanding whose first office abroad was established in Cairo international and German researchers. The AvH has 52 years ago, and another in sub-Saharan Africa (Nai provided funding to more than 1,200 researchers from robi) in 1973, provides broad-based scholarships and Africa so far. Kenya and Ethiopia were named as priority cooperation programmes in Africa with funding from countries for tapping new potential for the expansion of a number of different Federal Ministries. The DAAD the AvH network in Africa; however, Egypt, Nigeria and also operates four information centres, one each in South Africa continue to be the strongest partners in the Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana and South Africa. The exchange of scientists with Africa. The AvH considers DAAD defined three courses of action in its Strategy scientific quality to be the highest priority for coopera 2020, which will also provide orientation for future tion with Africa. Africa activities: Scholarships for the Best, Structures of Internationality and Expertise for Academic Collabora tions. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and The core responsibility of the German Research Asso Training (BIBB), which is the centre of excellence for ciation (DFG) is to award and provide research funding vocational research and for the progressive develop to top-class projects led by researchers at universities ment of vocational education and training in Germany, and research institutions in a competitive procedure. supports international cooperation primarily through The two most important DFG cooperation programmes two initiatives. The Central Office for International Vo in Africa to date were launched in 2007 in close cooper cational Education and Training Cooperation (GOVET) ation with the Volkswagen Foundation: the funding coordinates the activities of German stakeholders in VET initiative to support German-African collaborative cooperation abroad on behalf of the Federal Govern projects in infectology and the “Programme Point Sud” ment. The GOVET is a key factor in the implementation (a workshop series to support North-South and South- of the strategy paper on the establishment of a one-stop South cooperation). In the area of the humanities and shop for international vocational training coopera social sciences, one of the priority cooperation program tion, which the Federal Cabinet adopted in July 2013, mes is “Adaptation and Creativity in Africa - Technolo under the leadership of the BMBF. Furthermore, the gies and Significations in the Production of Order and aim of the iMOVE initiative is to promote international Disorder”. In Africa, the DFG has so far signed coopera cooperation and to facilitate collaborations and business tion agreements with Egypt (1976), Morocco (1986) and relations in the area of initial and continuing vocational South Africa (1995/1999). training.
CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY GERMAN EDUCATIONAL, RESEARCH AND INTERMEDIARY ORGANISATIONS 9 The FraunhoferGesellschaft (FhG), the largest re The Leibniz Association is a network of 89 indepen search organisation for application-oriented research dent research institutions. The Leibniz institutes cover in Europe, employs Senior Advisors who support the the entire range of topics from the natural sciences, Fraunhofer institutes and their partners in launching engineering and environmental sciences to economics, cooperation projects in Africa. The FhG’s involvement the spatial and social sciences and the humanities. consists of contract research, scientific collaboration Some of these institutes collaborate with African and capacity building and upgrading. The current research partners under cooperation agreements and/ priority countries of Fraunhofer activities in Africa are or projects. Egypt and South Africa. A Senior Advisor has repre sented the FhG in Egypt since early 2008. Another Senior Advisor was appointed in 2013 to look after the interests of the FhG in South Africa. Exploratory talks and the first cooperation projects have also been launched in North and sub-Saharan Africa. Since 2008, the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) has represented German science on inter national academic committees and presents indepen dent position papers on political and societal issues as As a national research organisation the Helmholtz part of its science-based policy support activities. The Association (HGF) develops solutions to the major Leopoldina works in close cooperation with the Acade challenges facing science, the economy and society. The my of Science of South Africa, the Network of African Helmholtz Association and its Centres are engaged in Science Academies and other African partners. many strategic partnerships worldwide. The organisa tion has been active in African education and research projects for many years. The increasingly international outlook adopted by The 83 Max Planck Institutes of the Max Planck So Germany’s higher education institutions is also leading ciety (MPG) carry out basic research in the natural, to more partnerships with Africa. Subject-specific part biological and social sciences and humanities in the nerships are the usual form of partnership, where pro interest of the general public. The various Max Planck jects are jointly developed at institute or departmental Institutes are involved in a large number of projects level. The German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) stepped with African partners. up collaboration with the South African partner HESA (Higher Education South Africa) and signed a coopera tion agreement in 2013.
10 Examples of Africa initiatives The BMBF’s support for the AvH’s African-German Network of Excellence in Science (AGNES) is expect ed to contribute to the debates on educational and research policy. The overall number of people in receipt of DAAD sup port within the framework of German-African coope ration is rising consistently. In 2014 the number was 10,590 (of whom 6.725 were in sub-Saharan Africa). Among other things, the BMBF-funded Welcome to Africa project helps to strengthen the Africa expertise There are 414 university collaborations with sub- of young German researchers as well as to establish Saharan Africa and 144 with North Africa (source: and build research collaborations between German Hochschulkompass, February 2014). and African universities. In 2012 the Max Planck Society established its first The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits re Max Planck research group based in Africa. The new alised a pioneering project for the entire region with research group of the Max Planck Institute for Infec the Digital Media Campus radio at the German Univer tion Biology is located at the National Research Insti sity in Cairo (GUC). tute for Tuberculosis and HIV in Durban, South Africa. The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Re The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina search Centre for Geosciences is working together with has been cooperating with the Network of African other Helmholtz Centres and a large number of African Science Academies (NASAC) in a BMBF-funded project research partners on the INKABA yeAfrica project, since 2011. The main goal of this cooperation is to which aims to understand Earth system processes and strengthen the African academy network. The coop their interactions in various spatial and time scales. eration involves the development of knowledge-based recommendations for policy advice for use by the Researchers in a BMBF-sponsored pilot project of African academies in their dialogue with national and the INM - Leibniz Institute for New Materials with regional decision-makers. A further goal of the project Namibia are developing adhesives obtained from nat is to create a network of independent, top-class African ural resources and using them to produce sustainable scientists in the fields of water, climate research, building materials. health and life sciences.
WHY AN AFRICA STRATEGY? 11 Why an Africa Strategy? Interest of educational, science and research the advantage of both sides. Countries like China and institutions in Germany and in Africa other states in Europe are also systematically expand The experience of recent years has shown that Ger ing their activities in Africa. African scientists are man higher education institutions, non-university becoming increasingly successful in terms of global research institutions, intermediary organisations excellence in specialist areas of research and science. and education providers are very interested in and Many years of trusting cooperation have opened up a prepared to engage in cooperation with African broad range of possibilities to further develop educa partners. Their African partners share this sentiment. tion and research for the benefit of both sides. The “Made in Germany” brand is more than just a quality seal for German technology products; it also A framework for future initiatives applies to research, education and German education The BMBF’s cooperation with African countries has providers working in African countries. developed rapidly, in particular in the last years, and it now provides a reliable basis for strategic planning. Taking advantage of opportunities Our aim in introducing the Africa Strategy is to pro As diverse as the countries on the African continent vide reliable guidance and a framework of reference are, so too are recent developments. Many countries in not only for ourselves and for the many German Africa have undergone dynamic societal and economic research, intermediary and other organisations, but development over the last decade, which is providing also for European and multilateral initiatives and for ever better conditions for successful cooperation to our African partners. State Secretary Georg Schütte (front row, centre) visiting the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Senegal in 2016.
12 THE AFRICA STRATEGY 2014–2018 Visibility, impact and transparency new cooperation areas with emerging countries in The Federal Government’s 2011 Africa Strategy set Africa by applying and involving new tools and players. out to raise the visibility of Germany in Africa as a key At the same time, it increases the acceptance and partner in education and research. The BMBF’s Africa impact of German activities in education and research. Strategy makes practical recommendations on how to The Africa Strategy lends transparency to our values, achieve this aim. In addition to development coopera goals and plans in the spirit of open communication tion in the conventional sense, the Strategy establishes between German and African players in research. Facts and figures The average annual GDP growth for Africa as a whole Workshop held by the German-Egyptian Research Fund (GERF) in Goslar, Germany. is 4.4%. (African Economic Outlook 2016) Africa accounts for just 2% of scientific publica tions published worldwide (2015 figures) despite a The enrolment ratio in higher education was at 8.5 significant increase of 70% in the thirteen years from percent in sub-Saharan Africa and at 32 percent in 2002 to 2015 (source: Scimago Journal&Country Rank North Africa (figures as of 2014, UNESCO Institute of 2016). Statistics). According to the UNESCO’s Science Report (UNESCO Africa plays a very insignificant role as a place to Science Report: Towards 2030, 2015), Germany is one study for German students (source: DAAD/DZHW, of the strongest partner countries for science and 2016). research cooperation with Africa. Although the proportion of funded stays in Africa un The African Union has set an average target of 1% of dertaken by German researchers and academics rose GDP for expenditure on research and development. steadily from 2.5% in 2005 to 6.7% in 2014 (DAAD/ Most African countries are still a very long way from DZHW, 2016), it is still very low overall. achieving this. African students accounted for 9.7% of all foreign The Association of African Universities lists 362 students attending German universities in 2015. members in 46 countries (source: AAU, December Among these, the largest groups are from Cameroon 2016). and Morocco (DAAD/DZHW, 2016).
PRINCIPLES OF COOPERATION 13 Principles of cooperation National and international agreements and priorities the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, and the provide the basis for the German-African partnership Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) are in education and research. On the German side, this created through interdepartmental coordination on includes the Federal Government’s Strategy for the African issues, for example the preparation of bilateral Internationalisation of Science and Research (2008), consultations. Furthermore, all BMBF research and the BMBF’s High-Tech Strategy 2020 (2010) and its development projects with a total volume in excess of further development in 2014, the Strategy of the Fe €300,000 are coordinated with other Federal Ministries deral and Länder Ministers of Science for the Interna from an early stage. tionalisation of the Higher Education Institutions in Germany (2013), the Federal Government’s Strategy In the area of research, the BMBF’s main focus is for Africa (2011), and the guidelines of the Federal on the jointly defined research objectives. However, Government’s policy on Africa (2014). The Strategy support for capacity building and development in takes account of specifically African interests in its our partner countries is also a key accompanying orientation towards developments that occur in the factor, especially because structural weaknesses are course of the strategic partnership between Europe endemic in African research and innovation systems. and Africa and under the Consolidated Plan of Action These weaknesses include: low levels of funding for (CPA, 2005) and its follow-up plan “Science, Technol research, a lack of qualified manpower, widespread ogy and Innovation Strategy for Africa” (STISA-2024). bureaucracy, poorly developed demand-oriented re All the African states2 reached agreement on com search, challenges faced in the transfer of knowledge mon priorities in science policy under the CPA and and technology, and little regional and transnational STISA-2024. Other pan-African strategies such as the cooperation. Africa Health Strategy or the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) were also taken into consideration. The BMBF gears re Example of cooperation between German Federal gional and bilateral cooperation towards the research Ministries: research linked to development policies and interests of the respective regions and cooperation countries. In addition, a ‘bottom-up’ flow of sugges tions, ideas and recommendations from the German Securing the global food supply is a central aim of the and African researchers – the latest example being the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030. The above-mentioned BMBF Africa Days in March 2014 – BMBF launched the funding initiative “Securing the helps to fine-tune the cooperation. Global Food Supply” (GlobE) to support the global development of sustainable, high-output agriculture. In its Strategy for Africa of 2011, the Federal Govern 30 German research institutions and 70 African ment attaches special importance to education and partner organisations in 10 countries are involved research with regard to development-related, technical in GlobE. The instruments of the Federal Ministry and financial cooperation. A joint agreement signed in for Economic Cooperation and Development are 2008 provided a solid foundation for collaboration with additionally available to support the infrastructure at the development activities of the Federal Ministry for the international agricultural research centres. This Economic Cooperation and Development. Links with provides optimal linkages between new and existing other policy areas and Federal Ministries (in particu German Federal Government activities in the area of lar the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry global food supply. for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, the Federal Ministry of Health, 2 With the exception of Morocco, which is not a member of the Afri can Union.
14 THE AFRICA STRATEGY 2014–2018 In the area of education, the BMBF is focussing on to the administrative and financial costs of project networking with the world’s (future) best. This is why execution and a willingness to take on some coordi our initiatives attach special importance to promoting nation tasks. Initiatives that aim to make structural promising researchers and supporting the creation changes in particular must already include a sustain of excellence hubs. The focus of vocational education able finance plan in the planning phase. and training is on the provision of well-founded policy advice which is adapted to local structures. To sum up, the Africa Strategy of the BMBF is based on the following four principles: Autonomy and mutual respect are core values of a Creation of added value on both sides through high reliable partnership. Partnership3 means acceptance quality cooperation and a focus on jointly defined of different interests when coordinating common topics objectives. The BMBF grants preference to initiatives Consideration of country-specific African and Ger that are developed in joint efforts and planned for the man interests long term. We expect of our partners a commitment Partnership and autonomy in cooperation to shared responsibility, an appropriate contribution Continuity and reliability in cooperation The first graduating class of the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES) celebrating their degrees in 2016. 3 We comply with the Guide for Transboundary Research Partnerships of the Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries, KFPE.
OBJECTIVES 15 Objectives Objective 1: overcoming global challenges through joint effort As the conditions of life in Africa pose great challenges to the world as a whole, the BMBF is helping to find sustainable, global solutions that are of mutual benefit. Global population is on the rise, and so is the demand for food, energy, water and other resources. Political systems are in a state of transition. Climate change calls for adaptation worldwide. The BMBF’s research and development projects, scientific dialogues, capacity building measures (e.g. to create human resources or structures in education and research management), and networking with regional, continental and global partners and other initiatives in education, science from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and research are helping to develop solutions to global and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), challenges. through its specialist funding programmes or as part of scientific and technological cooperation. Objective 2: creating high-quality and sustainable, scientific cooperative Objective 3: strengthening regional structures and continental cooperation By funding promising young researchers and develop Regional alliances foster the cohesion of societies. ing structures, Germany is establishing its position as BMBF measures support the continued development a partner of future new science and industry centres in of regional alliances in Africa and thereby increase the developing countries and emerging economies in Africa.4 impact of joint initiatives. High-quality support networks in science and indus The countries of Africa founded the African Union (AU) try automatically form around centres of excellence. in 2002 to strengthen unity and development on the Investment in these hubs entails not only strengthe continent. The Regional Economic Communities (REC) ning their potential and self-help capacities but act as important links between the AU and the African also building bridges for sustainable cooperation in member states. The AU implements its programmes research and teaching. The promotion of excellence through the REC. The BMBF supports the development also advances quality assurance in Africa. The BMBF of regional alliances in Africa by funding regional supports outstanding scientists at all stages of their initiatives in education and research that demonstrate careers, the collaboration of excellent research teams, above-average effectiveness and greater visibility. In institutional networking between German and African addition to support for regional alliances, African part universities and research institutions as well as the ners are also interested in networking with partners in joint establishment and expansion of research struc other African countries (South-South cooperation and tures. This may occur in the form of individual support South-South-North cooperation). 4 In keeping with the Strategy of the Federal Government for the Internationalisation of Science and Research, 2008, p. 24.
16 THE AFRICA STRATEGY 2014–2018 Objective 4: strengthening innovative Objective 5: raising Germany’s potential and developing markets visibility in Africa as a key partner in education and research We want to contribute to prosperity and economic growth in Germany and in our partner countries in Education and research are significant driving forces of Africa. economic and societal development in Germany and Af rica. Germany will position itself as a reliable and visible Pre-competitive developments are an important basis partner in the emerging African research and innovation for innovative products, services and processes in Af area. rica; they must be promoted and supported. The con tinued political stability and steady economic growth This objective is also contained in the Federal in many African countries will also open new oppor Government’s Strategy for Africa of 2011. The BMBF tunities for Germany’s industry to further develop its provides funding to measures that showcase German trade and investment relations. Economic prosperity education and research institutions under the um will also lead to security and stability on the African brella of the “Germany - Land of Ideas” brand. Many continent. The BMBF applies various formats of scien research institutions, higher education institutions and tific and technical cooperation, including cooperation businesses are already representing Germany under in the sustainable use of raw materials and natural this brand in Africa. Joint marketing campaigns by the resources, to support the technological development BMBF and stakeholders in education, research and and establishment of emerging markets. innovation in Germany will be expanded in the future. These initiatives will cover the areas of research and innovation, higher education and vocational education and training.
PRIORITY TOPICS 17 Priority topics The topic ‘environment’ in its many facets in the area The topic of transition has emerged in the course of the of research is the longest standing subject of coop transformations occurring in North Africa since 2011. eration between the BMBF and Africa, dating back to Research results supply important services to policy the mid-1970s. The tradition of strengthening and makers and can strengthen scientific policy advice capa building human capacities in African partner countries cities in Africa. Scientific policy advice will help in efforts is just as old. to find solutions to social and economic problems that are developed and implemented at local level. Three further joint priority focus areas were developed based on the Federal Government’s Strategy for the High-quality capacity building is an important part of Internationalisation of Science and Research (2008) the majority of BMBF initiatives with Africa. In addi and in keeping with the African Union’s Consolidated tion to individual measures, the BMBF and its African Plan of Action for Science and Technology (CPA, 2005). partners place special emphasis on structural capacity They are: health, food security and social development. building and development in order to enable long-term The topic ‘resource management’ and the cross-cut cooperation. The measures also include cooperation ting issues of ‘innovation’ and ‘transition’ have been in the use of research infrastructure and the use of added. The first two topics are based on the Federal non-university research institutions for teaching and Government’s Strategy for Africa (2011), the German research. Government’s Raw Materials Strategy (2010) and the African Union’s follow-up strategy to the CPA known as The thematic priorities are founded on the twin pillars “Science, Technology and Innovation for Africa” (2013). of research and education.
18 THE AFRICA STRATEGY 2014–2018 Pillar 1: research Priority 1: environment The environment is the focus of many bilateral and multilateral research projects. The scope of these pro jects covers many research areas, which include climate change, ecosystems, water, environmental technologies, biodiversity, the protection of natural resources, earth system science, sustainability in megacities, and many Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister of Research and Education, meets participants of the West African Climate Service Centre (WASCAL) others. As with all environmental issues, they are of ministerial conference. global relevance. The BMBF’s framework programme 1 Examples of ‘environment’ projects “Research for Sustainable Development” of 2009 gets to the heart of the matter. We are assuming responsibility by leading the way in sustainability research in order, Regional Science Service Centres among other things, to work together with the rapid The BMBF has started to establish ly developing region of Africa to develop and realize Regional Science Service Centres for opportunities that are of a high technical standard and Climate Change and Adapted Land ecologically responsible. Over the last decade in parti Management in Africa together with 15 African cular, Africa has developed increasing expertise in basic partner countries (Angola, Benin, Botswana, research and applied research on many environmental Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, subjects, which serves an excellent starting point. Mali, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Togo and Zambia). The BMBF will invest the DAAD with BMBF funding and enables young €120 million in the establishment and operation scientists in Namibia and South Africa to obtain of such centres in West Africa (WASCAL) and relevant specialist training. Furthermore, the Southern Africa (SASSCAL). One of the most programme also offers African students training important tasks is to train young scientists from trips on German research ships with experienced African countries. In all, twenty German scientif scientists. ic institutions are involved in the projects under the coordination of the Universities of Bonn and Sustainable water management (NaWaM) Hamburg. With its IWRM funding measure, the BMBF aims SPACES to test, adapt and develop the concept of Inte grated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and The aim of the SPACES programme (Science the necessary transfer of technology and expertise Partnerships for the Assessment of Complex Earth in suitable model regions of a manageable size. The System Processes) is to carry out scientific coopera aim is to improve living conditions for people in the tion projects in southern Africa that will contribute model regions. At the same time, we are promoting to the formulation of science-based recommenda international cooperation in resource management tions for the management of the Earth’s system and and strengthening cooperation between science, the sustainable use and protection of the region’s government authorities and the private sector. various ecosystem services. 63 German research The IWRM measure supports research projects in institutions and 57 African partner organisations are Namibia (CuveWaters) and South Africa (MOSA) for involved in SPACES. This research is supplemented example. by the “SPACES Scholarships for Post Graduate Studies in Germany” programme, which is run by
PRIORITY TOPICS 19 Priority 2: health necessary framework. The Africa Health Strategy Germany has undertaken to increase its international (2007–2015) highlights the importance of health commitments in the area of health on many occasions. research in Africa. Cooperation with African countries in health research will make it possible to use synergies for the sake of The BMBF is investing in science partnerships with medical progress and, through joint responsibility, to African countries and is helping the partner countries develop specific solutions in health care in the partner solve major challenges. At the same time, German countries. The BMBF funding concept for “Neglected research institutions are to be given an opportunity to and Poverty-Related Diseases” of 2011 provides the engage in joint research with African partner institu tions on important topical research issues and com pete with these against the world’s best. 2 Examples of ‘health’ projects Research networks for innovations in the health systems of sub-Saharan Africa will be developed or EDCTP – European and Developing Countries expanded as of 2016. Clinical Trials Partnership The BMBF participates in this European- African initiative, which focuses on the clinical development of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics to fight HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. 45 sub-Saharan countries are part ners on the African side. Up to the end of 2013, the EDCTP’s total budget was approx. €600 million, of which Germany contributed €60-€70 million (ap prox. €40 million via the German ‘contributions’ to the EU budget and €20-€30 million via co-funding from the BMBF). The programme is to be continued until 2014 with an expanded focus on diseases and significantly increased commitment. PDPs – Product Development Partnerships Low spending power in many African countries and massive underfunding of the health systems mean that there are few incentives for the private sector to market products specifically for people in these countries. As a result, there is a lack of suitable drugs and vaccines. The BMBF is providing €20 million in support of Product Development Partnerships between 2011 and 2014 in order to specifically promote the development of low-cost prevention methods, diagnostic procedures and drugs. PDPs are non-profit organisations. They are usually organised as a network of public and private funding providers, research institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises, pharmaceutical compa nies and NGOs.
20 Priority 3: bioeconomy Africa has a strong but very traditional basis for bioecon omy in Africa. That basis is agriculture, forestry and 3 Examples of ‘bioeconomy’ projects fisheries. The agricultural sector in Africa generates about 40% of GDP and is thus key to its development.5 Becom GlobE – Global Food Security ing a broad-ranging, science-based bioeconomy that The GlobE funding initiative includes includes the use of biomass as a material and a source research projects that are tailored to of energy can help to bring sustainable growth to the local circumstances and which the continent. Securing the food supply in the long term will regional partners in Africa consider necessary and remain a major field of action in the realisation of sus sustainable. The initiative is open to all technolo tainable bioeconomy in Africa. Many African countries gies and supports both existing networks and the are showing signs of increasing competition between establishment of new partnerships. 30 German the production of biomass for various types of use. Any research institutions and 70 African partner orga conflict in this context must be mitigated. In addition, the nisations in 10 countries are involved in GlobE. effects of climate change are also shrinking arable land The BMBF is making approx. €42 million available areas. Countries in which the food situation is already for this initiative and is being supported with an unstable are particularly affected. The African Union additional €2.4 million from the German Federal declared 2014 as the year of agriculture and food security Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Develop in order to implement further measures. The “High Level ment (BMZ) to enable the participation of the in Policy Dialogues”, an institution of dialogue on science, ternational agricultural research centres in Africa. technology and innovation between European and Thus, GlobE is also an example of how different African states, identified the topic of food security as the German Federal Government funding instruments first priority topic of cooperation. The BMBF played a sig work together. nificant role in establishing this priority. The long-term objective is to develop an African-European partnership within the global bioeconomy. 5 cf German Development Institute: Briefing Paper 1/2011
21 Priority 4: societal development The humanities and social sciences in particular 4 Examples of ‘societal development’ projects reflect the development of a society. These disciplines provide a wealth of knowledge on cultural, econom WAI – West Africa Institute ic and historical development as well as on social The BMBF supports this initiative of the structures. They thus make a meaningful contribution Economic Community of West African to decisions on current problems and challenges. At States (ECOWAS) for research excellence the same time, the need for well-founded knowledge on regional issues in West Africa. The knowledge about other regions around the world is rising steadily. based contributions serve as a basis for government The demand for expertise in the humanities and so policy decisions in West Africa. Germany’s project cial sciences goes beyond the provision of short-term partner is the Center for European Integration advice. Germany must systematically build up its ex Studies (ZEI) in Bonn. pertise in area studies of the world’s different regions if it is to keep up with the process of globalisation and Strengthening area studies remain competitive. The BMBF is also supporting this The BMBF supports the methodological and spe task under its funding initiative “Strengthening and cialist excellence of, for example, the African area Advancing Area Studies”. studies being drawn up by two specialist centres at the Universities of Frankfurt and Bayreuth. German The humanities and social sciences could play a key and African researchers are working together on role by providing socio-economic supporting research these, addressing humanities and social science in topics with a focus on the natural sciences (envi issues in comparative, inter- and trans-disciplinary ronment, health, bioeconomy, resource management/ perspectives. raw materials). The translation of research results into practice can only be successful if social, cultural and economic background environments have been re searched adequately and are taken into consideration in the implementation process.
22 THE AFRICA STRATEGY 2014–2018 Priority 5: resource management/raw materials and labour conditions as well as in the area of initial and Africa is a continent rich in raw materials that have continuing vocational training and applied research to great potential to help achieve economic prosperity help produce solutions, perhaps in the context of raw in the source countries. Raw materials are one of the materials partnerships. priority areas of the Federal Government’s Strategy for Africa: “Broad-ranging cooperation and raw materials Priority 6: cross-cutting issue ‘innovation’ partnerships, as agreed in the German Government’s More and more states in Africa have established Raw Materials Strategy, can secure Germany’s supply political stability and enjoy high rates of economic of energy and raw materials while increasing the state growth. Cooperation will grow along with develop revenues of the countries supplying materials and ment in these states and thus support the positioning modernising Africa’s infrastructure and economy.”6 We of our programmes. Our African partner countries have are receiving an increasing number of enquiries from demonstrated a great interest in the commercialisa our African partner countries about resource efficien tion of research results. Above all else, it is important cy or innovative ways to use the raw materials locally. to consider society’s interests and how research can However, there are still many unanswered questions in help to improve living conditions. There are some this context, especially in the area of applied research. weaknesses in the links between research and indus A number of pilot projects in this area have been try and in the communication with governments and carried out with success. The BMBF therefore plans to society. These weaknesses must be overcome through foster the development of this still new priority area joint initiatives that are adapted to the specific needs of research in resource management/ raw materials. of the partner country. One means of achieving this is Germany can draw on its experience in mining as by providing targeted systemic advice on innovation concerns environmental protection, safety policy or engaging in innovation dialogues. Germany’s interest in the innovative potential of products and services that result from joint research projects is based Example of a ‘resource management/raw 5 materials’ project on the following central questions: where is there inno vative potential? In which areas does it make sense to join forces with German industry and how can coope EffSAFound: improvement of energy efficiency ration take shape? Can any links be made to the Federal and recycling in South African foundries Government’s High-Tech Strategy 2020? The aim of this project, which started in 2013, is to increase the energy and material efficiency of South African foundries. This will bring consider able benefits in the areas of climate protection 6 Examples of ‘innovation’ projects and resource conservation as well as economic benefits for South African foundries and German Analysis of innovation systems foundry equipment suppliers. The participating The BMBF in cooperation with its counterpart min German companies are small or medium-sized istries in Botswana, Namibia and Zambia commissi and aim to expand their range of products and oned studies of the innovation structures together services and to add new international markets. with recommendations for action. These were car The project is being carried out by four compa ried out by VDI/VDE Innovation und Technik GmbH nies in Germany, led by IfG Institut für Gießerei with partners in Namibia, Botswana and Zambia. technik gGmbH in cooperation with three South In 2013, an analysis of the Tunisian innovation African companies and three foundry organisa system was undertaken as part of Germany’s tions. Transformation Partnership with Tunisia. The DLR Project Management Agency carried out an analysis of cluster and network structures in North African countries as part of the European MED-SPRING project in 2013. 6 Federal Government’s Strategy for Africa, p. 15, 2011
23 high-ranking group of representatives from the min istries responsible for education and research in Europe and Mediterranean states. The BMBF plays an active role in this initiative. As a result of the objectives and topics identified above, the priority topic ‘transformation’ is featured in both Pillar 1 ‘research’ and in Pillar 2 ‘education’ below. 7 Examples of ‘transformation’ projects Transformation workshop One of the first exchanges of project ideas and thematic fields took place at the transformation workshop held in Cairo on May 2011. One outcome was an announcement of a call for proposals under Priority 7: transformation the German-Egyptian Research Fund (GERF). In particular against the background of the changes EU projects that have been taking place since 2011 in the societies of countries across North Africa, the BMBF will be The main aim of the BMBF’s involvement in the expanding and intensifying its activities in educa European Union’s BILAT projects with Egypt and tion, science and research with partners in the region. Tunisia is to support the transformation processes The aim is to provide sustainable support for the in those countries. transformation process and to strengthen civil society. Transformation Partnerships of the Federal Education, research and innovation are vital factors for Government socio-economic transfomation, for creating sustainable prospects and for constructive, mutually beneficial part Under the ‘Transformation Partnerships’ that were nership. Besides topics related to applied research, there launched in 2011, Germany supports socio-political will be a greater focus and involvement in the huma and cultural transition processes. The BMBF has nities and social sciences. Joint research on innovation contributed numerous ideas for projects in the field processes, on the role of information and communica of education and research. It is currently cooper tion technologies in educational matters as well as on ating with the German Federal Foreign Office via aspects of regional cooperation can thus contribute to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) on the development towards knowledge societies. a general survey of the education market in Tunisia and a project-based exploratory visit and feasibility To varying degrees, all the countries in transition in study for a German-Tunisian university. North Africa have fundamental structural weaknesses in their respective innovation systems as concerns demand orientation, governance and infrastructure. Existing bilateral cooperation instruments will be com plemented by systemic counselling measures to address this particular problem. Regional and transnational activities will be added to those that adopt a bilateral approach. These activities also occur under EU initia tives such as the Euro-Mediterranean Group of Senior Officials in Research and Innovation (EU-Med GSO), a
24 THE AFRICA STRATEGY 2014–2018 Pillar 2: education Education and Training. Local centres of expertise oriented towards the topics “Youth and Skills” and “Greening TVET” will be developed to link up with Promoting and supporting talented young people and the potential and needs of local populations. The excellent young research talent are priorities in educa UNESCO’s global structures also serve to advertise tion at the tertiary postgraduate level. The aim of the the importance and potential of vocational education BMBF and the German intermediary organisations and training. DAAD and AvH is to turn ‘brain drain’ into ‘brain gain’. One way of achieving this aim is to apply international standards when German research chairs are established Examples of ‘education’ projects in Africa. This ensures that renowned African researchers have an incentive to bring their qualifications – often AIMS –African Institute for Mathematical acquired abroad – to bear in their own countries and thus promote development in the region. Particular Sciences attention is devoted to supporting equal opportunities Mathematical skills are one of the key for African women in science. areas of importance for the BMBF’s colla boration with Africa. The BMBF supports The BMBF is part of a political dialogue with countries a research chair at AIMS-Senegal. The AIMS – Next from all over the world in the Bologna Process with Einstein Initiative plans to set up 15 such institutes the aim of promoting the modernisation of higher in Africa. They will provide high-level training for education. It encourages the African states to seek this top African postgraduates in mathematics as well as dialogue and be an active participant. in statistics and IT. The project is being implemen ted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation The BMBF supports the efforts of African states to de (AvH) in cooperation with the German Academic velop a higher education and research area in Africa. Exchange Service (DAAD). The BMBF is planning to establish further research chairs under a pilot scheme entitled German Research Chairs. Structural capacity building is reflected in regional and pan-African initiatives, such as the Service Centres Training occupations in Egypt for Climate Change and Adapted Land Management One part of Germany’s cooperation with Egypt in the and their attached graduate schools, the German area of vocational education and training is a pilot research chair initiative and “Research Networks for project at the German-Egyptian University in Cairo. Health Innovations” . German university study courses A vocational training course in mechatronics has been abroad promote local capacity building as well as new offered there since October 2012. This is linked to the collaborations in teaching and research, while raising possibility of gaining a bachelor’s degree in automo the profile of Germany as a place to study. The most tive mechatronics. The project is being implemented outstanding example of this is the German University in for the BMBF by the German Office for International Cairo (GUC). Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (GOVET) at the Federal Institute for Vocational Educa The BMBF is focussing its activities on the integration tion and Training (BIBB). of practice-oriented training modules in the educa tion systems of African countries that have the basic Vocational training processes necessary economic structure. However, there are no The vocational training processes supported by prospects for a market for German education exports the BMBF in its cooperation with UNEVOC are in many African countries, even in the longer term. In concerned with sustainability at all the levels of the meantime, a system of providing systemic advice economic development (“Greening TVET”) and on vocational education and training at political level serve to promote greener practice. will be developed. This long-term development goal is part of the collaboration with UNEVOC, UNESCO’s International Centre for Technical and Vocational
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