CALL SPECIFICATION DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021

Page created by Holly Baldwin
            DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021

           Competitive Call for Research Proposals
                                     Online Applications Only.

                       To be submitted via:

This Call Specification must be read in conjunction with the following guidelines in order to complete
applications under this Call:
Guidelines for Applicants
FlexiGrant Portal Guidelines

All responses to this Call for Submission of Proposals will be treated in confidence. Personal data
collected from Call Proposals will be processed in accordance with General Data Protection
Regulations. The purpose of the collection and processing of this data is the management, payment
and verification of Call applications. Data will be shared externally with our software provider, Fluent
Technology. The Department may elect, where necessary, to share relevant information with
collaborating partners and relevant funding institutions.
DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

1      INTRODUCTION, BACKGROUND, GOALS and OBJECTIVES....................................................................3
    1.1       Introduction and Background .......................................................................................................3
    1.2       DAFM Competitive Research Programme Goal ............................................................................3
    1.3       Objectives......................................................................................................................................4
    1.4       Guiding Principles .........................................................................................................................4
    1.5       Key Timelines ................................................................................................................................5
2      RESEARCH THEMES FOR CALL 2021 ......................................................................................................6
    2.1 List of Thematic Research Objectives .................................................................................................9
       I. Climate, Environment, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ............................................................9
       II. Smart Sustainable Animal & Plant Production, Health & Welfare ................................................ 13
       III. Rural Economy & Sustainable Development, Data & Agri-Digitalisation & Circular Bioeconomy 16
       IV. Safe, Healthy Food for Human Nutrition. ..................................................................................... 19
       V. Smart Food Processing and Manufacturing .................................................................................. 24
3      FUNDING ............................................................................................................................................ 26
    3.1       Funding Instruments .................................................................................................................. 26
    3.2       Co-Funding ................................................................................................................................. 28
4      ELIGIBILITY AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS................................................................................. 30
APPENDIX A: Relevant Strategies to the Call ............................................................................................ 31
APPENDIX B. Technology Readiness Level Scale ........................................................................................ 33
APPENDIX C. Policy Readiness Level Scale ................................................................................................. 34
APPENDIX D. Society Readiness Level Scale .............................................................................................. 36

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification


1.1 Introduction and Background
Globally the agri-food, forest and bio-based sectors are facing challenges and structural changes
that are accelerating under the influence of societal demands, expanding populations and the
adverse effects of climate change. Guided by these challenges, DAFM has launched the new
Thematic Research Call 2021 to stimulate and engage researchers and institutions in the
submission of innovative proposals in preparation for research and innovation actions that will
emerge under revised agri-food, forest and bio-based sector 2030 strategy. The DAFM Thematic
Research Call 2021 aims to drive opportunities and address challenges, such as those raised in
the EU Green Deal and the Farm-to-Fork Strategy, in a way that promotes the development of
new or innovative systems, practices and technologies through an inclusive range of actors in
the agri-food, forest and bio-based system.

In line with Ireland’s Programme for Government, Calls for Proposals under DAFM’s ‘Public
Good’ Competitive Research Programme will continue to evolve to support cutting edge
scientific and technological innovation, which provides the basis for policy implementation and
the means to address these growing challenges. DAFM’s National Research Call 2021 focuses on
further development in key areas of the agri-food, forest and bio-based sectors through a
thematic and systems based approach.

The potential value in research can remain untapped because it exists in silos unavailable to
those who might use and benefit from it. Unlocking the value of impact from research and
innovation in the agri-food, forest and bio-based system remains a significant challenge due to
barriers, lack of trust between different actors, perceptions of the social consequences to
change, and economic barriers to investment and because of unclear returns. Therefore, the
DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 places significant emphasis on transferring research to
practice and building relationships to promote the uptake, transition and use of new solutions
and technologies in the agri-food, forest and bio-based sectors.

1.2 DAFM Competitive Research Programme Goal
The overarching goal of DAFM’s Competitive Research Programme is to provide a versatile
suite of offerings that supports, through competitive calls, thematic, integrated and systems-
based research in the agri-food, forest and bio-based sectors. The programme aims to address
a range of key challenges and opportunities, drive open responsible research and innovation to
facilitate a just transition to a sustainable agri-food, forest and bio-based system. Furthermore,
it aims to contribute to Irish research capability and capacity, facilitate stakeholder
engagement through knowledge transfer and position Irish researchers to successfully compete
for funding under Horizon Europe. It is also designed to promote an open knowledge economy

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

that fosters beneficial research outputs and impacts for industry, policy, the environment and

1.3 Objectives
Therefore, the principal objectives of DAFM’s Thematic Research Call 2021 are to:

     Support the development of a holistic and sustainable1 agri-food, forest and Bio-based
      system which aims to deliver affordable, safe and nutritious food for all citizens, while
      addressing challenges related to having a healthy environment.
     To engage through partnerships with other Departments and agencies and to encourage
      relevant collaboration, partnership and multi/inter-disciplinary approaches in research and
      innovation through the call process, across research participants, institutions, all academic
      disciplines and market sectors.
     Build research capacity, expertise and reputation, and address capability gaps by funding
      excellent scientific research and providing opportunities for early stage researchers in areas
      of strategic importance to the agri-food system and Irish society.
     Facilitate enhanced opportunities for researchers based in Ireland to engage, lead and
      successfully compete in other national and international research calls of strategic interest
      to Ireland.
     Foster and support innovative research projects with a strong potential for impact with
      clear links between research investment and research outputs that will have a direct impact
      on operating environments and policy (over the short, medium and long-term) required as
      part of the application and reporting processes.
       o An Impact Statement will be required, and it will be necessary for applicants to identify
         suitable impact indicators in the application form.
     Foster and support knowledge transfer or exchange of funded research between
      researchers and key stakeholders, including co-creation.
       o The proposed engagement with stakeholders is required in the application form by
         provision of a Knowledge Transfer Plan which will help projects promote knowledge
         flows and strengthen links between research and key stakeholders (policy makers,
         citizens and industry) and to facilitate co-creation and greater dissemination, up-take
         and use of research.
     Fund research projects with the potential to raise awareness and engage the general public
      on the role of the agri-food system in societal challenges and opportunities.

1.4 Guiding Principles

Research proposals submitted under this Call should be guided by or take account of the
following principles:

    Economic, environmental and social

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

     Strategic Outlook: Research proposed will be guided by strategic outlooks/agendas, policy
      developments and international best practice developed with agri-food, forest & bio-based
      system stakeholders.
     Scientific Excellence: Proposed research will embed rigour in all aspects of the scientific
      endeavour and includes inter alia excellence in research, management, communication,
      advice and mentoring.
     Conflict of Interest: To ensure that conflict of interest avoidance procedures are embedded
      and transparent as part of the research application process.
     Inclusiveness: To ensure that the research proposed takes due account of the views and
      needs of all relevant upstream and downstream stakeholders.
     Fairness, Equality and Diversity2: To ensure that fairness, equality and diversity is at the
      core of the research activities.
     Research Integrity: The performance of research is conducted to the highest standards of
      professionalism and rigour, and to the accuracy and integrity of the research dissemination.
      Research Performing Organisations shall adhere to the National Policy Statement on
      Ensuring Research Integrity.
     Open Science: A commitment that the competitive research process is built around an open
      research environment of transparency, collaboration, accessibility and efficiency, in order to
      increase the information value, communication and impact of research to stakeholders.
     Ethics: Research funded is ethical and legal and all required licenses, data protection and
      regulatory requirements are met and valid.

Applications to this Call should clearly demonstrate in the submitted proposal, how the
expectations set out above will be met in the context of the proposed research and

1.5 Key Timelines
Applicants should take note of the following key dates and timeline for the DAFM Thematic
Research Call 2021. Please note that the timings provided here following the submission
deadline for research proposals are indicative and may be subject to change. If you do not find
the answer to your query in the call documentation, you should contact:

Activity                                                                                Date
Call Open                                                                               10th December 2020
Submission Deadline for DAERA NI pre-approval                                           29th January 2021
Technical FAQ Deadline                                                                  31st January 2021 (at13:00 hours)
Submission Deadline                                                                     28th February 2021 (at 13:00 hours)
Results of call                                                                         Q3 2021 (indicative)
Commencement of projects                                                                Q4 2021

    Age, race, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion and/or beliefs, pregnancy, maternity and paternity, marriage and civil status

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

The DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 seeks to engage researchers in the development of
high-quality research proposals linked to key strategic policy objectives for the agri-food, forest
and bio-based system.

The central mission-orientated aim is “a Sustainable Landscape Approach to the Agri-Food,
Forest and Bio-based System” that is organised around five broad inter-related key themes.

A sustainable landscape approach to the agri-food, forest and bio-based system implies
integrated management of related resources for food and fibre production that fosters
contributions to human and animal nutrition and well-being, while supporting biodiversity,
ecosystem services, circularity and strengthened measures to address climate change
mitigation and adaptation. It implies a framework to integrate policy and practice for the
multiple uses of land and its natural resources that not only include the physical characteristics
of the landscape but also include the internal and external socio-economic and socio-political
drivers that affect the agri-food, forest and bio-based sectors. In short, landscape approaches
seek to address the increasingly complex and widespread environmental, social, economic and
political challenges that transcend the traditional management of these sectors and their
boundaries in an over-arching and connected systems-based framework.3 It supports the
European Green Deal, in particular, the Farm to Fork Strategy’s aim to ensure food and
nutrition security, while addressing environmental and societal challenges. It will enable
innovation throughout the food chain by encouraging the development of healthier food
choices while facilitating process innovations and robust food safety approaches to tackle
emerging risks arising from climate change or the application of new farming methods or novel
technologies as well as potential risks arising from the consumption of new foods or food

  Reed, J., Deakin, L. & Sunderland, T. What are ‘Integrated Landscape Approaches’ and how effectively have they been implemented in the
tropics: a systematic map protocol. Environ Evid 4, 2 (2015).
Plieninger, T., Muñoz-Rojas, J., Buck, L.E. et al. Agroforestry for sustainable landscape management. Sustain Sci 15, 1255–1266 (2020).

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

    Sustainable landscape approach to the agri-food, forest and bio-
                            based system

    Theme I            Theme II               Theme III
                                                                       Theme IV         Theme V
     Climate,                               Rural Growth,
                      Sustainable                                     Safe, Healthy
  Environment,                              Digitalisation                              Smart Food
                     Animal & Plant                                     Food for
  Biodiversity &                               and the                                Processing and
                      Production,                                        Human
    Ecosystem                                  Circular                               Manufacturing
                        Health &                                        Nutrition
     Services                                Bioeconomy

   Crosscutting areas (social/economic/behavioural sciences, research to policy,
                                   zero waste)

Thematic Research (Part A)

The thematic research opportunity (Part A) encourages an innovative systems-based and
“bottom-up” approach by researchers in eligible research performing organisations to submit
applications under the five cross-sectoral themes that align with relevant strategies (see Annex
A) and address a named set of objectives and defining parameters outlined in detail below in
Section 2.1.

Applicants are also encouraged to combine pertinent elements from more than one theme into
their proposals, making sure to justify this approach, and/or apply cross-cutting areas, where
appropriate to the research proposals.

Applicants are strongly encouraged in the research proposals to include an emphasis on the
interactions, synergies and trade-offs between the agri-food, forest and bio-based system with
other connected systems, such as the climate system, environment and land-use systems,
ecosystem(s) and biodiversity, nutrition and diet, and system shocks as highlighted in the
diagram below.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

             System Shocks
                                                   Climate System

                                            Agri-Food, Forest and Bio-               Environment
                        Diet and                  based System                        / Land-Use

                                                   Ecosystems and

Specified elements (Part B)

Applications are also invited for a small number of tightly defined research topics (Part B) that
are designed to specifically address challenges and opportunities under each theme and
encourage innovative approaches that will feed directly into relevant policy and sectoral
priorities. These tightly defined research topics can be either directly addressed in a stand
alone manner or integrated into proposals covering the higher-level thematic areas.

Applicants should also note that for this Call they are required to provide in the application
form the following information that will be taken into consideration as part of the expert
evaluation process:

   Achieving greater impact from research. An Impact Statement and implementation plan is
    required under Section 3 of the application form, and;
   Enhanced approaches to knowledge transfer/exchange. A Knowledge Transfer Plan is
    required under Section 3 and 4 of the application.

The DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 is open to research proposal applications submitted
under any of the four funding instruments listed in Section 3.1.
Detailed information relating to each thematic area is set out in Section 2.1 below.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

2.1 List of Thematic Research Objectives

Applicants are encouraged to combine elements from more than one theme in their proposals,
provided there is strong justification for such an approach. Further to this, the effect of cross-
cutting areas must be considered by applicants, inter alia climate change, biodiversity and
healthy ecosystems, microbiome applications and socio-technological change / disruption, to
ensure economically, socially and environmentally beneficial research outcomes to support the
just transition for end-users / stakeholders in the agri-food-forest and bio-based sectors.

The five themes are described below.

I. Climate, Environment, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services


The goal of Research Theme I is to support climate-smart research to improve, integrate and
develop novel agriculture, aquaculture and forest systems which support national greenhouse
gas (GHG) / ammonia adaptation and mitigation goals, including the production of food, forest,
bio-based fuels, chemicals and materials, healthy soil systems, water and air quality, ecology
and biodiversity.

Proposals in this area should describe how they will lead to the implementation of more
sustainable agricultural or forest practices with particular emphasis on areas such as regulation
of climate change, regulation of the effects of hydro-climatic extreme events, control of
zoonoses and diseases, alternative fuels or green energy (bio-methane production) and the
protection and/or enhancement of the functional diversity within the biological components of
production systems.

Part A: Thematic Research Objectives

   1. Emissions within the agri-forest sectors
      Address emissions through enhanced carbon sequestration, mitigation and adaptation
      measures in landscape or production systems.
      Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: potential trade-offs or synergies between
      production (inclusive of feeding stuffs and breeding systems), biodiversity, ecosystem
      functions and services and evaluating soil management options for different soil types
      (including water table management applicable to specific soil types).

   2. Displacement of high embedded energy material
      Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: management concepts for lean timber
      construction (new and retrofitted; multi-storey, domestic and industrial buildings).
      Consequential substitution effects and full life cycle assessment of environmental, social
      and economic impacts of wood and wood construction considering behavioural
      attitudes, organisational structures or policy, integrating cascading use and

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

    3. Renewable energy in the agri-forest sectors
       Develop technologies or methods to substitute fossil fuel energy through increased use
       of biomass, animal waste, crop residues and other renewable energy sources in the
       agri-forest sector.
       Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: substitution of fossil fuels, renewable
       energy generation, considering behavioural attitudes, organisational structures or
       policy, integrating cascading use and sustainability.

    4. Assessing and valuing environmental and ecosystem services
       Develop methods to assess and value ecosystem services and / or ecological,
       environmental indicators and/or multipurpose soft engineered mitigation measures,
       and their potential in the regulation of climate change GHG / ammonia mitigation or
       adaptation, the effects of extreme climatic events, soil protection, water quality and
       control of zoonoses and diseases.
       Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: sustainable catchment management in
       different topologies and the potential benefits associated with soil health, air quality,
       conservation and restoration of natural hydrology, protecting biodiversity, managing
       nutrient and sediment dynamics implementable at farm, forest, local or landscape

Part B: Targeted Research Projects

Expansion of the Marginal              Context: Ireland faces challenging targets in relation to both GHG and
Abatement Cost Curve (MACC)             ammonia emissions and is committed to the delivery of sustainable,
for the agricultural sector –           verifiable greenhouse gas abatement solutions through improvements in
developing and validating novel         farm practice in the period up to 2050.
technologies and solutions to          Research Need & Rationale: Previous cost benefit analyses for the
reduce gaseous emissions                agricultural sector have been instrumental in guiding public policy and
                                        identifying key solutions in GHG / ammonia reduction. However,
                                        continued research and development into mitigation measures
                                        necessitates a persistent requirement to develop new solutions and / or
                                        evaluate emerging and innovative technologies in order to enhance the
                                        environmental sustainability of the Irish agricultural sector including the
                                        cascading use of sustainable bio-based products.
                                       Objectives: Proposals should build on previous iterations of the MACC
                                        analysis and lead to a systematic and integrated understanding of how a
                                        variety of new and diverse solutions / technologies (e.g. biorefining) may
                                        be practically implemented (including their associated costs), enabling
                                        farmers and policymakers to make a more reliable contribution to GHG /
                                        ammonia mitigation targets.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

Forest structures and data           Context: Forest structures inter alia mixed species and continuous cover
                                      forestry (CCF) are known to provide multiple benefits including, increasing
                                      biodiversity while maintaining carbon sequestration and introducing
                                      resilience to biotic and abiotic threats.
                                     Research Need & Rationale: Investigate forest structures in an Irish
                                      context including the establishment and conversion of monocultures to
                                      CCF / mixed forests.
                                     Objectives: Proposals focusing on but not restricted to:
                                           o Consult known data sources to assess the extent of pertinent
                                           o Growth modelling potential
                                           o Conversion of monocultures
                                           o Timber production and non-wood forest products and other
                                               ecosystem services
                                           o Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and financial analysis

Scaling Farm      Environment        Context: There is a need to improve environmental indicators impacted by
Improvements                          agriculture at farm level for cost-effective measures to protect and
                                      enhance farmland soil, water quality, hydrology and biodiversity
                                     Research Need & Rationale: To develop and scale integrated approaches
                                      to maintain and restore soil and water quality, water features and
                                      pollination and pollinators in Irish farms and agricultural landscapes.
                                     Objectives: Proposals focusing on but not restricted to:
                                           o Co-design of viable pathways/practices for implementation that
                                                maintain, restore, improve soil, water quality, hydrology and
                                                pollination and pollinators in agricultural landscapes.
                                           o Scaling data driven transformation (through e.g. maps, smart
                                                technologies, artificial intelligence) for soil, water and pollinators
                                                including through new emerging technologies and decision
                                                support tools.
                                           o Diversify farm and farming systems and the resulting food
                                                resources and habitats of soil fauna, pollinators and freshwater
                                                life through agro-ecological approaches at farm and landscape
                                           o Develop prototypes of potential extension services, e.g. advisory,
                                                farmer-to-farmer approaches, to support agro-ecological
                                                transition, exchange knowledge to empower local farming
                                                communities and farm advisory services.
                                           o Provide solutions to key stakeholders (e.g. policy makers,
                                                industries, NGOs, financing entities and businesses) for
                                                addressing soil, water and pollinator benefits with retailers,
                                                consumers and enhance understanding of the mechanics of
                                                natural capital accounting and reporting.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

Climate change impacts in the        Context: Ireland’s aquaculture sector is at risk from significant, adverse
Irish aquaculture sector.             climate conditions predicted under future scenarios. Quantifying the risks
                                      at sectoral level for farmed salmon, trout, mussels, oysters etc is a
                                      necessity for the future sustainability of the industry.
                                     Research Need & Rationale: To allow for the future development of
                                      Irelands aquaculture industry under future climate change scenarios there
                                      is a need to establish comprehensive baseline data/information which will
                                      provide the evidence base for the future competitiveness and
                                      sustainability of this industry.
                                     Objectives: Proposals should develop fundamental data trends, scenario
                                      modelling, mitigation measures, risk analysis (incl. finfish mortality,
                                      shellfish contamination etc) in order to implement future policies that will
                                      strengthen the environmental sustainability and competitiveness of the
                                      aquaculture industries in Ireland.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

II. Smart Sustainable Animal & Plant Production, Health & Welfare


The aim of Research Theme II is to support scientifically excellent research that will contribute
to the improvement of sustainability (environmental, economic and societal) and resilience of
animal, crop, and plant/forest production systems including organic farming systems. It is clear
that more sustainable production systems are those which minimise emissions; promote
efficient use of natural and/or renewable resources; have the highest health, safety, wellbeing
and welfare standards for both product and producer; addresses antimicrobial use; improve
productivity; provide products of high quality and nutritional value as well as value for money
for consumers and the processing sector. Applicants should describe how the expected project
results will be relevant to improved sustainable production that is resilient and adaptable
under the changing climate and/or mitigates the effects of climate change; while also
demonstrating how they would contribute to food and nutritional security under predicted
scenarios, particularly in the period between 2030 and 2050; and show engagement of relevant
stakeholders with research proposals and in the transmission of benefits to those groups.

Part A: Thematic Research Objectives

   1. Breeding or Production of Sustainable Farm or Forest Material
      Improve productivity, resource use efficiency and/or resistance to biotic or abiotic
      stressors in agriculturally-important plants, animals and forest species.
      Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: conservation of heritage lines, development
      of new genotypes, phenotypes with improved yield, product quality and growth
      resilience or resistance to adverse stressors or environmental conditions.

   2. Identification and Mitigation of Plant, Tree and Animal Pathogens
      Holistic approaches to the identification and quantification of critical interventions,
      control measures and routes of transmissions at all scales (farm, forest to international)
      to prevent / reduce spread of pathogens.
      Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: transmission within and between cultivated
      / farmed material and at the farm, forest or wildlife interface, as well as the socio-
      economic and behavioural drivers which influence the likelihood of uptake of such

   3. Sustainable, Carbon-Smart Production Systems
      Investigate opportunities for developing existing and/or novel, sustainable, integrated
      and carbon-smart production systems and practices.
      Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: new / existing technologies, feed additives
      and products and more resilient farming or forest practices (e.g. eco-schemes,
      biorefineries) that link with national and European policy frameworks.

   4. Biosecurity

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

        Development and exploitation of approaches to biosecurity best practice and/or
        phytosanitary status in Ireland. Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: practical
        applications to risk assessment and management (including epidemiological interactions
        with other pests) and/or protecting Ireland’s phytosanitary / biosecurity standards so
        that it engages meaningfully with sectoral, society and scientific stakeholders. Proposals
        may also address horizon scanning to investigate the susceptibility to existing or future
        potential pests and their respective interactions. Options for effective monitoring may
        include a combination of remote sensing combined with ground validation through new
        cost-effective ground survey methodologies coupled with an appropriate ‘citizen
        science’ approach.

    5. Sustainable Protein Production
       Development of existing or novel plant protein sources for food and alternative animal
       feed that reduces dependencies on critical imported feed materials (e.g. soya).
       Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: strategies to develop and maximise plant
       protein production (including alternative plant protein sources), alignment with
       technologies and opportunities in the primary agriculture sector with special attention
       to food or feed competition and/or downstream processing sectors with the potential
       for significant sustainable development within circular food systems in an Irish context.

    6. Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling
       Develop strategies for coupling and maintaining carbon and nitrogen cycles in
       production systems.
       Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: the use of legumes, feed additives /
       nutrition, manures, integration with other crop systems, digestates, biostimulants etc.
       and should consider the effects of mineral fertilisers or pesticides on coupling and
       decoupling. Proposals should demonstrate how results would enhance synergies
       between production, biodiversity and other ecosystem services.

    7. Welfare and Safety on Farms
       Proposals focusing on farm safety and the well-being of farm families are welcome.
       Proposals could include research of specific safety products and procedures to improve
       welfare, wellbeing and safety on farms.

Part B: Targeted Research Projects

Efficacy      and    safety   of        Context: Nitrification and urease inhibitors have been identified as
nitrification     and     urease         potential tools in the mitigation of emissions (specifically nitrous oxide and
inhibitor products.                      ammonia) from the use of inorganic fertiliser. These inhibitors are
                                         particularly important for those who are modelling both GHG emissions
                                         and air quality.
                                        Research Need and Rationale: Despite the potential benefits, some
                                         uncertainties remain around the magnitude of emissions reductions,
                                         environmental, animal and human health risks.
                                        Objectives: Proposals should address the environmental and health risks
                                         associated with nitrification and urease inhibitor products in an Irish

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

Optimising Nitrogen content in        Context: The efficiency of N utilization in ruminants is typically low and
animal diets                           highly variable compared with the higher efficiency of other production
                                       Research Need & Rationale: Poor efficiencies present implications for
                                       production performance and the environment, particularly in terms of
                                       ammonia emissions, and consequently optimisation of certain key factors
                                       of rumen metabolism (efficiency of N capture, i.e. grams of microbial N per
                                       grams of rumen available N, and the modification of protein degradation N
                                       content in animal diets) as well as the optimisation of feedstuffs, presents
                                       opportunities for gains in production performance while simultaneously
                                       providing abatement options for NH3.
                                      Objectives: Proposals should address methods of optimising the N
                                       content in animal diets and provide evidence for the targeted formulation
                                       and manufacture of optimal protein content feeds and/or manipulation of
                                       N content in grazed grass and silage.

Alternative bio-resources and         Context: Enabling the switch to peat-free production with minimal
materials as raw materials for         disruption, will require significant research and development of a range of
growing media.                         alternatives using a variety of available bio-resources.
                                      Research Need & Rationale: Find alternatives to peat based growing
                                       media for horticultural production which are available, affordable and
                                       sustainable and meet quality, environmental and productivity
                                      Objectives: Proposals should take account of how peat based growing
                                       media are used in each sector (ornamental and amenity horticulture,
                                       vegetable sector, fruit sector, mushroom sector), and the unique
                                       characteristics demanded by each formulation of growing media in the
                                       Irish context.

Health and Welfare of Farmed          Context: Conventional indoor pig farms with a slatted floor currently
Pigs                                   dominate large scale pig production systems in Ireland. However, this
                                       production system is becoming less socially acceptable, presents a number
                                       of environmental protection issues as well as critical animal health and
                                       welfare concerns. In this context, alternative production systems are
                                       gaining traction.
                                      Research Need & Rationale: Although popular with consumers, alternative
                                       systems present several issues from a production perspective.
                                       Management of feeding, watering, temperature and predation remains a
                                       considerable challenge. In addition, biosecurity measures, particularly in
                                       outdoor, free-range systems, are more difficult to implement.
                                      Objectives: Development of novel or improved pig production systems
                                       that provide added value in terms of environmental sustainability,
                                       economic competitiveness and animal health and welfare.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

III. Rural Economy & Sustainable Development, Data & Agri-Digitalisation &
    Circular Bioeconomy

The goal of Research Theme III is the development of the Rural Economy, Digitalisation and the
Bioeconomy. A key element is to develop circularity as it is an essential part of a wider
transformation towards climate-neutrality and long-term competitiveness. Another key
element is to address the development of data driven, smart, connected territories, natural
capital approaches and agri-food, forest and bio-based value chains in rural, regional and coastal
areas. This will assist in the transition to a sustainable, low carbon, digital and circular
bioeconomy with a focus on bioresources, businesses, services and value chains that includes
promoting new partnerships and innovation ecosystems between producers, processors,
retailers and society. In particular for farmers and consumers in the rural economy, use of
digital technologies is needed for example, to reduce food lost in the field, connect with new
types of customers and manage logistics more efficiently.

Part A: Research Theme Objectives

     1. Valorisation of bio-based materials or feedstock
        Develop a regionally-focused approach to identify and target the most appropriate
        technologies, data and management solutions to expand and diversify the biomass
        materials or feedstock portfolio through improved utilisation of existing and new
        sources, aligning logistical systems and local processing to meet the demand and
        including the primary sectors actors as partners in the new bio-based value chains.
        Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: natural capital approaches, examination
        of the integration of resource recovery and valorisation technologies into the bio-
        based supply chain to aid the development of a circular bioeconomy while preserving
        sustainable and competitive agriculture, marine and forest production is considered
        necessary. Product and market development and LCA analysis should be considered
        as necessary.

     2. Just Transition for the bioeconomy
        There is a need to generate options in the face of uncertainty to address the complex,
        multi-faceted nature of the changes needed to make agri-food, forest and bio-based
        systems sustainable and circular with proposals focusing on but not restricted to:
        working closely with and assisting rural areas, regional areas and communities in
        Ireland to co-design an ambitious natural capital, food, forest & bio-based systems
        transformation proposal in response to food & bio-based system challenges e.g.
        cultural drivers behind public attitudes, health, nutrition, circularity, industry
        modernisation & innovation, new logistical and digital infrastructures and
        technologies, climate and environmental risk. Engagement with Leader groups, local
        and regional governance should also be considered.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

     3. Sustainable market development
        Identification of market opportunities that support development of novel, nature
        positive, integrated, circular and regenerative production methods, new products or
        other opportunities specific to the agriculture, marine and forest sector in Ireland.
        Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: demonstrate enhanced economic /
        environmental resilience over current practices/products and should positively
        contribute to national climate, biodiversity and sustainability goals, new business
        models to ensuring circular food and zero waste practices.

     4. Bio-based value chains
        Proposals focusing on but not restricted to: Bio-based value chains, materials,
        including bio-inspired materials, products and processes with novel qualities,
        functionalities and improved sustainability, fostering the development of advanced
        biorefineries using a wide range of biomass including novel feedstock, carbon neutral
        technologies and natural capital approaches for biorefineries, LCA analyses,
        conversion of biomass feedstock, downstream processing for separation and
        purification of new bio-based.

Part B - Targeted Research Projects

Circular Horticulture & Field        Context: Evidence has emerged indicating the extent of losses varies
Crops, food loss reduction &          substantially across different vegetable and fruit crops and seasons.
biorefining                          Research Need & Rationale: Once avoidable loss and waste is addressed
                                      this indicates that there is a substantial resource for potential upgrade to
                                      food ingredients or bio-based products.
                                     Objectives:       Proposals shall aim to address socio-technological
                                      opportunities to deal with vegetable and fruit crop unavoidable waste
                                      taking into account
                                           o Data driven development solutions to optimise biomass
                                                availability and to inform the development of robust supply
                                                chains, business cases including potential social enterprise models
                                                for sustainable and circular bio-based value chains.
                                           o Examine appropriate collection, logistics, storage or local
                                                processing opportunities to develop the position of the primary
                                                producer in the value chain.
                                           o Product and market development opportunities.
                                           o LCA analysis.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

Support the development of          Context: The implementation of the European data space will require
the     Common        European       key players and suppliers of the data space to agree on a set of
Agricultural Data Space              interoperability mechanisms such as architecture of a distributed or
                                     similar system, specification on a reference Application Programming
                                     Interface (API), meta-data, etc. The data space is expected to facilitate
                                     the processing and analysis of production data (which might be
                                     collected through e.g. Farm Management Systems (FMS) or similar
                                     applications) and open data and other public data, if deemed relevant ,
                                     (such as satellite images, weather data, soil maps that are for public use)
                                     and increase transparency in data flows along the value chain.
                                    Research Need & Rationale: Examine the opportunity to align
                                     separately established platforms and data sources to create holistic
                                     measures of productivity & sustainability in the agri-food and bio-based
                                    Objectives: Building on and aligning established activities such as
                                     existing data platforms and data sets set up, populate and operate a
                                     secure and trusted data space in order to enable the agriculture sector
                                     to share and access data relevant for sustainable agricultural production
                                     with a view to allowing for an increase in the environmental and
                                     economic performance of the sector through e.g. more precise and
                                     tailored application of production approaches at farm and landscape

Preparations for a Bioeconomy        Context: Climate change mitigation and sustainable regional prosperity
Observatory for a sustainable         are key strategic objectives for Irish bioeconomy development. In this
and circular bioeconomy               respect, optimised cascading chains of biomass use with long time
                                      carbon sequestration should be prioritised.
                                     Research Need & Rationale: There is a need to understand and monitor
                                      the biological raw material base in Ireland and to undertake foresight
                                      analysis to inform sustainable and circular Agri-Food, Bioeconomy &
                                      Carbon Neutral Development.
                                     Objectives: Develop approaches to measure and analyse:
                                          o The biological raw material base
                                          o Biomass flows and logistics taking account of the ecological &
                                               climate boundaries of the bioeconomy, soil management and
                                               current applications of side-streams.
                                          o Data and statistical requirements in tandem with the CSO to
                                               align with needs for the EU Bioeconomy Monitoring
                                               Framework developed by the EU Commission Joint Research
                                          o Using data and quantitative scenario modelling bioeconomy
                                               possibilities to meet climate action targets and environmental
                                               and sustainable development objectives.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

IV. Safe, Healthy Food for Human Nutrition.


Current societal challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic has made us more aware of the
interrelations between health, eco-systems, supply chains, consumption patterns and planetary
boundaries. These challenges highlight the need for the creation of a favourable food system
that makes it easier to choose healthy and sustainable diets that will benefit consumers’ health
and quality of life, thereby reducing health related costs for society and benefitting the

The aim of Research Theme V is to advance knowledge in the multiple scientific disciplines
relevant to the supply of safe and healthy food fit for human consumption and nutrition. In
particular it aims to support innovative research that will result in the supply of safe and
nutritious food choices while contributing to the sustainability of the Irish food and drinks

Part A: Thematic Research Objectives

   1. Food for Health and Nutrition
      Proposals to design cost effective interventions which could improve peoples’ health
      through the availability of better dietary choices along with other research related to
      diet, nutrition and health are welcome. Proposals can relate to specific target groups
      (such as the elderly) or the general population and can involve dietary intervention
      strategies to promote healthier living, improved physical health or stamina, mental
      performance and wellbeing.

   2. Reformulation

       The consumption of energy dense and nutrient poor foods is leading to growing
       challenges with the rise of obesity and cardiovascular diseases among populations.
       Reformulation to improve the nutritional profile of food is an important long-term
       activity to combat these threats. Proposals should consider the reformulation targets
       set by the Department of Health relating to calories, total fat, saturated fat, sugar and
       salt across all food categories, but especially those considered part of a healthy diet.

       Proposals relating to reformulation of products should consider all nutrients of concern
       in a product while simultaneously seeking practical options for replacement with
       nutrients containing much lower calorific value (for example fibre) to ensure an energy
       reduction in the product as well as a reduction in sugar content. The potential for
       scaling to industrial level as well as the safety of such products across the population,
       including those with fibre sensitive conditions, where relevant, should also be

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

3. Sustainable Food Choices
   Diversification with plant based foods can help to reduce the environmental impact of
   food production as the global population rises in the medium to long-term. Related
   proposals should take into consideration plant and non-plant sources of protein suitable
   for production in Ireland, changing dietary patterns and consumer taste preferences
   and desire for sustainable food choices.

4. Nutrition Databases
   Proposals to facilitate the compilation, analysis and sharing of data relating to food
   consumption patterns, nutrition and health. Proposals should consider new methods or
   the application of smart technologies to measure dietary intake while maintaining
   comparability with existing or ongoing national nutrition surveys.

5. Fish and Seafood
   Proposals which support the development and exploitation of sustainable fish and
   seafood opportunities are welcome, including investigations into the potential of such
   products and/or their constituents to contribute to improved health and wellbeing for
   the general population or target groups.

6. Food Safety
   Research aimed at examining existing or emerging food safety risks especially any new
   risks arising from climate change, the use and application of novel technologies or
   production practices in the agri-food sector and/or the souring of alternative proteins or
   food ingredients from non-traditional food sources are welcome. Proposals can include
   the development and testing of solutions to minimise such risks and should ultimately
   aim to improve food safety, risk assessment, regulation and related policy-making.

7. Vulnerability Assessment
   There are key supply chains in Ireland and these should be mapped and points of
   vulnerability established to allow competent authorities to focus resources on areas of
   potential fraudulent or deceptive practices. Data monitoring or analytics to evaluating
   signals emanating from the food chain should be developed for early warning purposes.
   Current priority areas are the beef, pork, poultry and white fish product supply chains in
   Ireland, but consideration would also be given to proposals related to the horticultural
   and feed sectors.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

   8. Authenticity
      Food authenticity has become an increasing feature of consumer demand and industry
      focus. Methods to test ingredients and validate authenticity claims are important tools
      for industry and regulators and can help to prevent food fraud. Research proposals
      should consider the following priority areas:
       Use of molecular methods to identify and quantify plant species in wet and dried
          mixtures of plants e.g. herbs, botanical supplements.
       Metagenomic approaches for accurate geographical source identification of farmed
          shellfish to verify origin and growing site.
       A reliable method or suite of methods for verifying the authenticity of Irish meat
          and fish e.g. Irish grass fed beef, Irish farmed salmon to verify origin claims and/or
          varietal claims made by growers and packers in the horticultural sector as required
          by existing EU marketing standards legislation.

Part B: Targeted Research Projects

Use and consumption patterns        Context: Seaweed is a relatively underexplored source of human nutrition
of seaweed and halophytes in         in Ireland, although there has been increased interest in recent years.
Ireland                              Market research has indicated that the amount of seaweed-flavoured
                                     foods and drinks available in Europe increased by 7 % between 2011 and
                                     2015, mainly due to the perceived health benefits of seaweed.
                                    Research Need & Rationale: In 2020 the Scientific Committee of the FSAI
                                     published a report on ‘Safety considerations of seaweed and seaweed-
                                     derived foods available on the Irish market’. The report noted several gaps
                                     in information necessary to conduct risk assessment and identified a
                                     number of research needs.
                                    Objectives:
                                           Generate quantitative information about direct consumption of
                                              seaweed and consumption of seaweed as an ingredient in other
                                              foods (not additives e.g. thickeners) in all age groups, from 1 year
                                              to old age.
                                           Conduct a survey on seaweed preparation techniques, coupled
                                              with information on how the consumed seaweed was obtained
                                              (foraged, purchased at farmer’s markets, purchased in health
                                              food shops, online or retail).
                                           Conduct a study into the effects of food processing on the
                                              presence of harmful chemicals e.g. heavy metals analysis should
                                              be conducted to allow for advice to consumers on how to
                                              minimise exposure to such chemicals.
                                           Conduct a market survey on the availability of edible seaweed
                                              species and halophytes which can inform the need for risk
                                              management actions.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

Land spreading                         Context: In 2008 the FSAI scientific committee published a comprehensive
                                        report on the food safety implications of land spreading of Organic
                                        Agricultural (OA) waste and Organic Municipal/Industrial (OMI) waste on
                                        land in Ireland.
                                       Research Need & Rationale: Data is still needed in an Irish context on the
                                        concentration of chemicals and the type, numbers, prevalence and survival
                                        of pathogens in OA and, in particular, in OMI materials used for land
                                        spreading in Ireland. Practical approaches are needed to mitigate any
                                        identified food safety hazards.
                                       Objectives: Quantitative data generation on chemical and biological
                                        hazards associated with OA and OMI materials together with a
                                        comprehensive review of the literature on mitigation measures to reduce
                                        identified hazards is required and any gaps in knowledge need to be
                                        addressed by suitable research studies.

Influence    of     GAP    and         Context: There is some indication that differences in agricultural and
processing     on     mycotoxin         processing practices employed within the cereal sector in Ireland can lead
prevalence in Ireland                   to considerable differences in prevalence and/or formation of mycotoxins
                                        in cereal grains.
                                       Research Need & Rationale: In light of climate change and the tightening
                                        of regulatory measures it is important to fully elucidate the importance of
                                        the various stages from field to fork on the formation of individual and co-
                                        occurrence of various mycotoxins.
                                       Objectives: Research into the currently implemented agricultural (e.g.
                                        fungicide use) and manufacturing practices (e.g. cleaning, sorting and
                                        drying procedures), including intermediate transport and storage on
                                        formation of mycotoxins would help identify critical control points and
                                        support the development of codes of practice tailored to the Irish context.
                                        A survey on the prevalence and co-occurrence of mycotoxins (such as
                                        Fusarium mycotoxins which are of relevance in the Irish context) in cereals
                                        grown and produced in Ireland could also be used to assess the exposure
                                        of Irish consumers to mycotoxins from Irish cereals.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

Study on nitrates / nitrites to         Context: Nitrates (NO3) and nitrites (NO2) are chemicals that can be found
ensure product safety taking             naturally in our food and water. In nature, nitrates are readily converted to
into     consideration     Irish         nitrites and vice versa. Nitrates and nitrites are currently authorised as
production     methods     (e.g.         food additives within the EU. These additives function as preservatives in
injection/immersion curing of            food and they are both used extensively to enhance colour, flavour and to
meat along with tumbling in              extend the shelf life of processed meats.
some cases).                            Research Need & Rationale: The use of nitrates and nitrites in food
                                         products must comply with the provisions set out in Annex II Part E of
                                         Regulation 1333/2008/EC on food additives which are in force since 1 June
                                         2013. Controls on nitrate and nitrite in cured meat products are generally
                                         based on the ingoing amount of the additives unless there is a specific
                                         derogation contained in the legislation for a particular product which
                                         permits levels to be based on residual amounts in the product e.g.
                                         Wiltshire cured bacon and ham and dry cured bacon and ham.
                                         The EU Commission has proposed reductions in the maximum permitted
                                         levels for these additives and as a result there are concerns among Irish
                                         industry about what impact this may have on cured meat products in
                                         terms of their stability and shelf-life particularly traditionally produced
                                         meat products.
                                        Objectives: A study should be undertaken to assess the minimum amount
                                         of these additives that are required in order to ensure microbial safety and
                                         stability throughout the shelf-life of meat products whilst at the same time
                                         ensuring no unacceptable effects on colour. This study should take into
                                         account a number of factors such as the size of the meat pieces cured,
                                         production methods (e.g. immersion, tumbling), shelf-life of the products
                                         and low salt meat products. It should also determine the residual levels of
                                         these additives for products to be placed on the market as new proposed
                                         legislation will now set levels on both an ingoing and residual basis.
                                         Nitrite in food (and nitrate converted to nitrite in the body) may also
                                         contribute to the formation of a group of compounds known as
                                         nitrosamines, some of which are carcinogenic. Proposals should include a
                                         study to assess the level of nitrosamine formation in different meat
                                         products based on the known amounts of added nitrites/nitrates and the
                                         variation that can occur within the same meat product type.

DAFM Thematic Research Call 2021 - Call Specification

Risk of increasing Paralytic        Context: Since 2018, the potent neurotoxin Saxitoxin (and its family of
Shellfish Poisoning events in        compounds known as Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST’s)) which are
Ireland - an important food          responsible for the human illness syndrome, Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning,
safety concern.                      through the consumption of contaminated shellfish, have been observed
                                     to be increasing in their abundance and geographical distribution and
                                     occurrence in Irish coastal waters leading to the contamination of shellfish
                                     in classified production areas.
                                    Research Need & Rationale: Originally confined to Cork Harbour since
                                     initial PSP monitoring began in the 1990’s, the causative toxigenic and
                                     non-toxigenic species of the genus Alexandrium has recently been
                                     observed to be increasing all around the Irish coastline, usually resulting in
                                     no or very low PSP concentrations in shellfish. During the last two years,
                                     extremely high levels of PSP have been found in Castlemaine Harbour,
                                     approx. 3 times above EU recommended regulatory levels, resulting in
                                     prolonged closures and the prohibition of placing shellfish on the market.
                                    Objectives: Proposals should involve:
                                            A full-scale study into Castlemaine Harbour looking at the
                                                environmental conditions and physical dynamics which are
                                                leading to the increased PSP in-toxification events.
                                            Similar studies in other important areas of aquaculture,
                                                particularly those which are subjected to blooms of Alexandrium
                                                species, where little or no resultant PSP toxicity is observed.
                                            Assess the risk of PSP events and human illness through
                                                recreational harvesting of shellfish along unmonitored coastlines.

V. Smart Food Processing and Manufacturing

Smart food processing and manufacturing research proposals should facilitate improved
environmental and economic sustainability within agri-food and drinks processing by providing
a pipeline of relevant science and technology with potential to deliver foods or food ingredients
which either adds value, reduces operating costs or lowers the environmental impact of food
processing. They should support the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0) or the
ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart

Where appropriate, the application of any new technologies should be done with the intention
of maintaining or improving the bioavailability of micronutrients and macronutrients, sensory
appeal and consumer acceptability.

Part A: Thematic Research Objectives

    1. Process Innovations
       Applicants are welcome to submit proposals which can be expected to provide safe
       product or process innovations which can add value to the food and drinks sector,
       whilst creating innovative and sustainable solutions to addressing industry challenges

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