The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era

Page created by Katie Schroeder
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era
Yixin Bridge in Dujia Village, Chongqing has a length span of more than 20 meters,
                                        a deck width of 3 meters with a net width of 2 meters. The bridge is made of 700
                                        bamboo pieces, making it the longest rural bamboo bridge in China at the moment.
                                        Designed by: Shao Changzhuan team

The Advent                              by   Shao Changzhuan, Xiang Junke
                                        PhD candidate, School of architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

of A Bamboo                             Note from the Editor: The Global Status Report published
                                        by the United Nations Environment Programme pointed out

Living Era                              that shifting from reinforced concrete to composite material,
                                        wood and other natural building materials could reduce
                                        carbon emissions from residential buildings. With more
The rising presence of bamboo archi-    measures been taken to tackle the climate change globally,
tecture in response to climate change   bamboo, as a natural material is gaining prominence in the
                                        architecture industry.
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era

                                             The renewable, fast growing and widely distributed characteristics of bamboo making it a valuable resource
                                             for the ecosystem. Source: Pixabay

T  he concept of "four gentlemen":
   bamboo, plum blossom, orchid and
chrysanthemum, is a popular subject
                                             Rattan Exhibition Centre at the World
                                             Horticultural Exposition in Beijing; the
                                             Green School in Bali, Indonesia; Yi Bing
                                                                                                     When working with other materials,
                                                                                                     such as concrete, steel, glass, brick
                                                                                                     and wood and rammed earth, bamboo
matter for both ancient and today’s          International Bamboo Industry Trading                   enriches the forms of the contemporary
Chinese literati. In one of Su Shi’s poems   Centre; the German-Chinese House at                     architecture. The introduction of new
from the Northern Song dynasty, it said,     the Shanghai World Expo; ZCB Bamboo                     technologies and methods along with
"One can make the food without meat,         Pavilion; Taichung World Flora Expo-                    the innovation of environmentally friendly
but cannot live without bamboo." Thus,       sition, and the Yixin Bridge in Dujia                   and sustainable materials reduces the
bamboo has played an important role          Village. Vietnamese architect Vo Trong                  energy consumption and creates a safer
in Chinese architecture since ancient        Nghia is renowned for the distinctive                   and more comfortable living space.
times.                                       use of bamboo in his design. His eco-                   Thus, bamboo as an eco-friendly archi-
                                             nomical and environmentally friendly                    tectural material is getting more public
Dai bamboo house is a typical archi-         architecture proved that bamboo can be                  attention now, especially given the
tecture of the Dai minority. The beams,      a highly versatile building material with               severity of climate change.
columns, doors, windows and floors           great aesthetic value. The Commune by
of the house are all made of natural         the Great Wall, which was designed by
bamboo or wood. With the roofs covered       the Japanese architect Kengo Kuma,
with thatch, these houses and nature         is full of Zen and oriental charm. In his
seem to merge perfectly together.            belief, buildings should be connected
And the technique of constructing the        with the earth and nature. The versatile
bamboo theatre in Hong Kong China            use of bamboo in architecture makes it
has been listed in the UNESCO Intangi-       the best ambassador for the low-carbon
ble Cultural Heritage Lists.                 lifestyle and sustainable development.

Architects around the world have made        Bamboo’s characteristics such as sus-
wonderful buildings with bamboo,             tainability, fast growth rate and wide dis-
such as the International Bamboo and         tribution show its great ecological value.
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era

            1. The Green School in Bali, Indonisia, designed by IBUKU. Source: IBUKU
            2. Yi Bing International Bamboo Industry Trading Centre uses 18 wide-span round bamboos on its outside
               facade and steel bamboo composite truss for the inside roof (The material for the main truss is steel).
               Designed by Shao Changzhuan team
            3. The German-Chinese House at the Shanghai World Expo 2010, designed by Markus Heinsdorff. Source:
               MUDI, Kingkay Architectural Photography
2       3
            4. ZCB Bamboo Pavilion, designed by Kristof Crolla. Source: CUHK School of Architecture
4       5   5. Taichung World Flora Exposition 2018, designed by Zuo Studio. Source: Zuo Studio
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era

Using “Green Building Material" to Tackle Climate Change
Bamboo has a short growth cycle and           flattened bamboo is -613 kg CO2eq /m3                  and Bambusa intermedia; for weaving,
can become mature and usable in just 3        compared with other building materials                 there are phyllostachys edulis, Schizos-
to 5 years. It also has very strong roots,    such as concrete, steel and aluminum.                  tachyum chinense Rendle , bambusa
which makes it very good in prevent-          Therefore, bamboo, armed with inno-                    textilis and bambusa cerosissima.
ing soil erosion. In addition, bamboo         vative technology, as a potential "green
has an excellent ability to store carbon.     building material", can be very beneficial             Bamboo is very strong, resilient and
The study estimated that a hectare of         to sustainable architectures if it can be              compressive and it also has long fibers,
bamboo could store 306 tons of carbon         used more widely.                                      which all together make it a proper
over 60 years, compared with 178 tons                                                                building material. However, raw bamboo
of Chinese fir trees under the same           Bamboo forests in China are renowned                   also has some natural defects such
condition.                                    as having huge output and can be                       as single geometry shape, variable di-
                                              easily accessed from most areas. From                  mensions from top to end and limited
Furthermore, as a fast renewable              ancient times, a lot of bamboo species                 durability if not treated properly. If these
resource, bamboo can be harvested             have proven to be good natural building                shortcomings can be overcome and
every year and can be used as a               materials. Structural bamboos include                  revitalized with modern technology,
building material immediately after           moso bamboo, giant bamboo and                          bamboo can become an important con-
processing. According to the report,          yellow bamboo; decorative bamboos                      temporary building material.
the carbon footprint over life cycle for      include Schizostachyum funghomii

Bamboo for a Sustainable Future
With the progression of time, utilizing
this natural building material in modern
architecture with new innovation can
meet with people’s increasing living re-

The durability of bamboo architecture is
determined by the quality of the bamboo
itself. Bamboos with natural defects can
be avoided through screening in the
early stage and special processing in
the later stage. In general, resistance
towards corrosion and durability of
bamboo can be improved to a large
extent by choosing bamboo with more
than 3 years of age, a well-shaped
stem and without any wormholes. Any
bamboos that are decayed or broken
can be processed through immersion
into water, smoking, hot and cold
bathing, carbonization and coating with       The secondary roof truss of Yi Bing International Bamboo Industry Trading Centre adopts steel bamboo
                                              composite with the bamboo arch at the bottom chord as the main supporting part
antioxidant and etc. In addition, the fire-
proofing ability of natural bamboo can
be increased through immersing it in fire     analysis of the design of the structure,               naturally would not cause any pollution
retardant.                                    the truss and steel-bamboo composite                   to the environment.
                                              structure can bring the best out of
During construction, the structural joints    bamboo and maximize the mechanical                     In the congratulatory letter to the first
of bamboos are crucial to the robust-         property of the building.                              Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress
ness of the whole structure. Using stan-                                                             in 2018, Li Keqiang, the Premier of the
dardized and pre-processed steel joints       During building demolishing process                    State Council, pointed out that bamboo
can simplify the construction process         or when houses collapsed during                        and rattan resources play an important
and reduce labour cost. Furthermore,          natural disaster, they normally left a                 role in eradicating poverty, improving
the use of new electronic mechanical          large amount of construction waste that                people’s livelihood, developing a green
tools can improve the efficiency and          cannot be used again. Bamboo as a                      economy and tackling climate change.
final quality of the building. Based on the   natural material that can be degraded
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era

For the bamboo industry, bamboo
buildings are closely related to the
whole production chain. From planting,
processing, prefabricating components
to building bamboo landscape, the in-
tegration and upgrading of the industry
chain is economically beneficial to the
development of the entire industry,
especially to the bamboo farmers and
people involved in it.

Bamboo, which is easy to transport
and access in the situation of frequent
disasters due to climate change, can
also be a valuable asset for the post
disaster resettlement and disaster relief.

Bamboo, as a traditional building
material for thousands of years, has infil-
trated into many aspects of Chinese tra-
ditional spirits and become an important                                                   Yixin Bridge in Dujia Village, Chongqing, is a rural bridge made of bamboo.
                                                                                           Designed by: Shao Changzhuan team
conveyor of Chinese culture. In our
society, the main focus is sustainable
development, more efficient uses of
bamboo in order to create a comfortable
living space can be achieved through
bringing in new technology. For modern
society, in which "it is impossible to live
without bamboo", modern bamboo ar-
chitecture and bamboo living spaces
are not only the extension of Chinese
bamboo culture, but also a strong con-
tributor to green energy development on
a global scale.

Unless otherwise stated, all images are provided by the author.
Edited: Emily Li | Designed: Tracy Ying
Translated by Shuang Hibberd from the original version 《迎接竹人居时代的到来:应对气候变化,竹构建筑在复兴》

1. 楊寶璋 . 竹與竹建築 [M]. 昆明:雲南人民出版社 , 2014.
2. Y. Kuehl, Y. Li & G. Henley. (2013). Impacts of selective harvest on the carbon sequestration potential in Moso
   bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) plantations. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. Available from: https://www.
3. J.G. Vogtländer, P. van der Lugt. (2014). The Environmental Impact of Industrial Bamboo Products:
   Life-cycle Assessment and Carbon Sequestration. Available from:
4. 新華社 . 李克強向首屆世界竹藤大會致賀信 .
The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era
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The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era The Advent of A Bamboo Living Era
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