The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre

Page created by April Mcbride
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
the 92nd season

June 9 - June 25 2022

40 River Street Chagrin Falls Ohio 44022 (440) 247-8955
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre

Welcome to the Chagrin Valley Little Theatre!
Today, you have chosen to support one of the
longest     continuously-running      community
theatres in the country, and for that we thank
you. Our story began in 1930 with a newspaper
article suggesting that a local players troupe
form. After a successful first season of three
one-act plays in the Federated Church gym, that
creative spirit carried us through to our current
92nd season - surviving the Depression, a World
War, a fire in Township Hall forcing relocation
and now a pandemic.

It’s been a rough time for performance venues. Angie DeBernardo
In March of 2020 we abruptly called off all              Board President
productions, leaving a set abandoned on the
stage and dust gathering in our dressing rooms through June of 2021. Our
all-volunteer Board of Directors used this dormancy to once again find
opportunity in the face of adversity. We’ve come away from our time “off-
stage” with a new Managing Director, Technical Director, Youth Theatre
Director, Box Office Staff - and a new vision for the future.

We’ve all learned the value of spaces that allow us to come together, and we
intend to focus more on the community aspect of Community Theatre. With
the help of many new friends and volunteers, we plan to grow community
partnerships and expand our outreach.

We’d also like to build our volunteer base, and provide opportunities for
people of all ages and abilities to create together. If you have an interest in
the arts, we’d love your help. To volunteer, reach out to us at boxoffice@ To partner with us, contact me at

We are lucky to be based in an historic building in an historic village, but
old buildings come with challenges. Through the generosity of donors to
our capital campaign in 2015, we expanded our office space, added new
restrooms, improved handicap access, renovated our dressing rooms and
cut the ribbon on our new lobby. We have much more to do and we are eager
to begin Phase II. We appreciate your financial support through becoming a
member of our Producer’s Circle or attending shows.

It’s a season of new beginnings. We hope you’ll be a part of our next chapter.

                                                         ~ Angie DeBernardo
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
CVLT appreciates the support that you have given through the years,
enabling us to celebrate our 92nd consecutive season. Your being here
for this performance is one way in which you’ve helped us continue to
operate as one of the best community theatres in Ohio. That, and the
actors really appreciate your filling the seats!
To continue playing a part (which requires no audition), please consider
the following:
 • Attend shows!
 • Join the Annual Membership and Financial Campaigns.
 • Purchase gift certificates for birthdays and other occasions.
 • Support the Endowment Fund by buying a brick paver.
 • Sponsor a production, an event, or the full season!
 • Participate in your company’s matching gift program.
 • Consider a bequest or gifts in memory of loved ones.
 • Invite a group to the theatre at our specially discounted prices.
 • Rent one of CVLT's spaces for your group at affordable rates.
 • Share our social media postings to help us spread the word.
 • Contact to learn about volunteering.

If you have been a longtime supporter of CVLT we are so grateful for
your longtime support. If you are new to CVLT we welcome you! As you
read this Playbill watch for ways you can become involved.

                GIVE THE GIFT OF CVLT
At the holidays and all year long, you
can give your friends and family the
gift of CVLT!

We have customizable gift certificates
for all your giving needs.

Contact to make
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
It takes great scripts, great talent, and great people on stage and off to produce
memorable performances. It also takes funding. CVLT operates independently
with the aid of grants from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, Ohio Arts Council
and, most importantly you, our donors and patrons.

CVLT strives to keep our ticket prices modest. Our ticket sales cover only
about one-third of our operating costs. The remainder comes from supporters
like you. Your financial contributions are a critical factor in the success of our

As always, thank you for your patronage and your support of live, affordable,
and quality community theater. Without you our stage would be empty.

                        Angels Donations of $4000 or more
                      Sustainers Donations of $2000 - $3999
                       Partners Donations of $1000 - $1999
                      Benefactors Donations of $500 - $999
                        Investors Donations of $250 - $499
                        Supporters Donations of up to $249
Contributors are listed in the Playbill and may receive complimentary tickets.
Contributors at $500 or more are voting members of CVLT.
Name as you wish it to appear in Playbill?

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Print and return to CVLT 40 River Street Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
2020-2021 SUPPORTERS
                 Donations of $4000 or more
   Ohio Arts Council                         Jan Jones
     Junction Auto                         Nancy Rogoff
     Linda Harper                    Stuart & Roberta Sears
    Valerie Hughes                            Bill West
    and the Citizens of Cuyahoga County through a grant from
                 Cuyahoga Arts & Culture
                 Donations of $2000 - $3999
                         John Finley
                       Norman Hadad
                      Jo Ann & Tom Neff
                Donations of $1000 - $1999
      Jake Boland                       Mariellen Frank
     David Bronson                         Pamela Isquick
     Karen Carcione                      Elizabeth Larabee
    Coit Cleaning &                   Steven & Judy Willensky
  Restoration Services                     Mareen Wolfe
Davis Automotive Group                      Joanne Zettl
       David Eget
                  Donations of $500 - $999
     Chagrin Valley                     Meaden & Moore
   Jaycees Foundation                      Bob Royer
Cynthia Catalano-Edelman                   Frank Schultz
      Ann Gillespie                        Lorraine Szabo
     Lisa Goldstein                           Ike Tripp
    Thomas Hopkins                         Bruce Wieder
       Sally Lang                           Frank Zugan
      Jon Medved
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
2020-2021 SUPPORTERS
                        Donations of $250 - $499

  Linda Adamany             Maria E. Galante             Fred Newton
    Bruce Bartter            Auburn Heating             Robert Norton
     Sue Beattie              Priscilla Hoag          Fred & Jane Renner
  Rotary Cleveland          Marsha Hopkins           Harriet & Burt Siebert
      of Club               Melody McClurg                Paul Sloop
   Melissa Davis              George Morris             Cynthia Wilcox
    Bob Fortlage             Kathy Nerpouni

                        Donations of up to $249

    Rob Albrecht               Lisa Buescher            Thomson Reuters,
                                                       Care of Cybergrants
     Aksel Allen            Tim & Jenny Burke
                                                         Joanne Deegan
    Karen Allgire            Cheryl Cameron
                                                        Kathryn Demerit
   Doug Amberman           Laura Campbell Baker
                                                       Michael DiMartino
   Margaret Ardill             Suzanne &
                             Howard Camper              Janice DiMichele
    Charles Bailin
                             Nancy Carpenter            Valerie Doersen
   George Bakalar
                              Jackie Cassara            Thomas Emerick
     Renee Baker
                               Misty Caudill               Hari Ender
   Heather Baldwin
                              Lydia Champlin               Gail Eovito
  Catherine Basista
                               John Cilenti              Jennifer Evans
   Michelle Bedard
                                Molly Clay                Gregory Fritz
    Todd Bentsen
                              Amy Claypoole          Blackbaud Giving Fund
    Alan Bialosky
                          Eagles Club (Cynthia L.)
Wayne & Martha Bifano
                                                         Jeanie Gaither
                            Kathleen Coleman
    Lynn Bisantz
                                                       James W. Gallagher
                             Chagrin Valley
 Ann & David Bishoff
                          Chamber of Commerce            Sharon German
    Jim Bonebrake
                            Hamlet Retirement           Andrew Gotschall
    Martha Boyer             Community Hills              Joan Graham
   Alvin Brouman               Michael Cook            Matthew Grandon
   Jemi Broussard             Lynda Coughlin            Hope Gumprecht
    Nancy Brown               Irene Crichton             Lauri Hammer
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
2020-2021 SUPPORTERS
                      Donations of up to $249

 Elizabeth Heisey         Deborah Maggard         Katherine Robinson
  Hustling Hen              Ellen Martin            Christy Robinson
    Janice Hill         Tom & Jackie Maurer            Kelly Rohr
  Ken Hodgman                Ellen Mayo             IIlene Rosewater
   Sean Holden            Michael McGuire            Richard Sadler
    Jean Hood                 Doug Meil             Martin Saltzman
   Jane Huston            Helen Melencheck         Mary Ellen Schron
 Ganley Bedford              Linda Mileti        Roberta & Stuart Sears
  Imports, Inc.       Sara Lyn Miniaci-Coxhead      Karen Shellgren
    Ray Janda                Judy Misek                Erin Short
    Jan Jones              Michele Nichols           Alison Smrcina
 Michele Jouriles         Mary Jane Nottage           Tom Strauss
Terry & Jim Juliano         John O'Brien            Lynnette Stuart
  Jan Kaminsky             Matthew Owens             Sophie Sureau
 David Kaufman             Linda Pannetti             Vincenza &
 Karl Kaufmann                                      Luciano Tamaro
                           Thomas Perotti
  Sarah Kellogg                                  Sister Beth Anne Tercek
                           Melinda Phelps
  Barb Kirchner                                        Lois Toole
                             Scott Picker
   David Kolar                                        Judy Tremain
                           Kenneth Pigott
  Ewald Kundtz                                         John Twist
                           Chris Pinnegar
  Robert Kunkel                                  Stephanie Unterweger
                        Gottlieb Johnson Beam
   Jeffrey Lang           and Dal Ponte PLL             Lynn Vail
 Theresa Lanser             Marcia Polyak        Christine Weaver-Pieh
  Lisa Lazarczyk           Mary Ann Ponce           Aaron Weisberg
 Rene Lieberman          Mirta Gonzalez Prior        Cindy Wendel
Janice Lindstrom             Keri Purcell         Claudette Whitelaw
   Vincent Lisi            Frank Rausche           Joan & Jim Wieder
  Thomas Love             Barbara Rhoades            Arlene Wieder
 Margaret Luckay          Katherine Riccardi           Julie Zajac
Laurie MacMurray            Charles Riehl             Lester Zatko
  Carol Madsen               Philip Rini
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre

  Recognized by the Production Board for their commitment to CVLT

                     Mrs. Lenore Benjamin
                        Mrs. B.D. Bradley
                    Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carroll
                    Mr. Tom “Tim” Conway
                   Mr. & Mrs. Rollin DeVere
                    Mr. William C. Douglas
                      Mr. Donald Edelman
                   Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fortlage
                       Mrs. Jack Ingersoll
                       Mrs. James T. Lewis
                       Mrs. Frank Mularo
                    Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Neff

Previous Founders and CVLT Foundation Members are recognized at the
Theatre. An “In Memoriam” plaque is displayed in the Sears River Room.
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
                  Book by
                   Music and Lyrics by
                   ELLIOT WILLENSKY
                  Musical Arrangements by
                    MICHAEL HOLLAND

                          MICHAEL BIAS

                          Musical Director
                         MATTHEW DOLAN
     Technical Director                    Stage Managers
        TOM WEST                   NANCY ROGOFF & ALLIE MORRISON

     Choreographer                                 Costumer
AMANDA WHITFORD GRUNDY                           TERRY THIRY

      Casting Director                     Musical Coordinator, NJ
      JUDY BOWMAN                           VICTORIA CASELLA

                          Lighting Operator
                          VALERIE HUGHES

                 A Woodstock Theater Group Production
The 92nd season - June 9 - June 25 2022 - Chagrin Valley Little Theatre

                                  Elliot & Steven Willensky

In the early 2000s, Elliot and Steven           There are many layers and unexpected
Willensky began to talk about fulfilling a      twists and turns in the book written Scott
lifelong dream — creating a show to feature     Coulter and Steven Willensky: the love
Elliot’s song catalogue with family stories     story of brothers, the unmet parental
sprinkled in between the musical numbers.       expectations when neither son becomes
                                                a doctor, the fine lines between success
In 2010, work began in earnest on Elliot &      and failure, the willingness to take risks to
Me and, after eleven years of development,      fulfill dreams, and ultimately the brothers’
Elliot & Me had its stage debut in 2021         realization of what is really important in
at Hudson Theatre Works in NJ to rave           life.
reviews from audiences and critics alike.
                                                In addition to eight original numbers, the
The real life brothers were born ten years      musical features many of Elliot’s hit songs
apart and they developed a very special         arranged by Michael Holland including the
bond that grew and had been tested over         haunting "I’m My Brother’s Keeper," "We’ve
the years. Elliot & Me chronicles their lives   Got Forever," "The Singer," and mega hits
and unfolds via a two-man show.                 "If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful" and "Got
                                                to Be There."
Elliot is a charming, free-spirited ladies’
man overflowing with talent, joie de vivre,     Chagrin Valley Little Theatre is excited to
and a knack for driving Steven crazy. The       present the Ohio premiere of Elliot & Me.
brothers reflect on the volatile ups and
downs of their shared experiences: from
their raucous “wonder years” growing up
in Bayonne, NJ; to the painful conflict
when Elliot defies the expectations of his
traditional middle-class Jewish family and
drops out of medical school; to Elliot’s
rise to stardom writing hits for the likes of
Michael Jackson, Smokey Robinson, and
Whitney Houston; to Steven’s starry-eyed
admiration for his Hollywood lifestyle;                       Scan the QR code above to listen
and, eventually, to their role reversals                       to selected songs composed by
                                                                 Elliot Willensky on Spotify
when Elliot’s career hits a few bumps in the
road and needs to rely on Steven for help.
Song                                                                                                                              Composer(s)
Got to Be There* ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky

Grand Entrance‡ ������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Steven Willensky
Living My Dream‡ ��������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Andy Rajeckas
Deportment Song‡ ��������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Steven Willensky
Dear Carly† ('Dear Michael') ������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Hal Davis
Such Little Hands† �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky
Just to Make You Smile at Me‡ �������������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky
Gliding Song‡ ����������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Steven Willensky
That’s When I’ll Stop Loving You‡ ��������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky
Together‡ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky
I Can’t Be You‡ ��������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Steven Willensky
The Singer± ���������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky/LaMonte McLemore
Got to Be There ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky
Because You’re in My Life• �������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Michael Schuman
Some Things Never Change† ����������������������������������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky
I’m My Brother’s Keeper† ����������������������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Jermaine Jackson
We’ve Got Forever† ������������������������������������������������������������ Elliot Willensky/Mack David
I’m My Brother’s Keeper (Reprise)† �������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Jermaine Jackson
If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful† ���������������������������� Elliot Willensky/Jermaine Jackson

† Under license with Sony EMI
‡ Under license with Music Center
± Under license with Publisher Servicer Phoster & Music Center
• Under license with Schuman Publishing & Music Center
* Original Michael Jackson recording used by special permission of Universal Music

                                                                                          Elliot & Me opening night premiere catering and gift
                                                                                                 cards provided through the generosity of
                                                                                                      Elle Restaurant + Lounge
                                                                                                     (440) 656-3553 •
                                                                                                    33730 Bainbridge Rd. Solon, OH

       Help spread the word about CVLT - check-in, take pictures, tag us!
                Facebook “f ” Logo       CMYK / .eps   Facebook “f ” Logo   CMYK / .eps

                                                                                           @ChagrinTheatre #ChagrinTheatre
                       ERIC BRIARLEY (Elliot)       Opera production of The Garden of the Finzi
                       is thankful to help bring    Continis. Drew holds a B.M. from The Juilliard
                       the story of Elliot & Me     School, and studied MusicTheatre at Elon
                       to life. Working with        University.Thanks to God, Mom and Dad, Steph,
                       Drew (the Mensch of          Michael, my friends & teachers. @drewseigla
                       all mensches), and the       Drew Seigla appears courtesy of Actors Equity.
                       entire production team
                       has been a gift. Eric        SCOTT COULTER (Co-writer, Book), star of
                       has traveled the world       the Emmy-nominated “A Christmas Carol: The
playing iconic characters such as Rhett Butler in   Concert” on PBS, is one of NewYork’s most
a musical adaptation of GoneWithTheWind, and        honored vocalists and an Emmy nominee
Sam Carmichael in the International Musical         himself for “American Song.” He regularly
sensation, Mamma Mia. Other credits include:        performs with legendary artists including
Les Miserables (Broadway National Tour), My         Stephen Schwartz, Tony winner Ben Vereen
Fair Lady (Royal National Theatre—USA Tour),        and Grammy winner Sheena Easton. Schwartz
A Little Night Music (Goodspeed), Show Boat &       has said, “One of the greatest things that can
Man Of La Mancha (West- chester Broadway            happen to a composer is to have his music
Theatre), Ben, Virginia and Me (New York Music      interpreted by Scott Coulter.” He performs with
Festival). Much love to God, Amanda, Eli, Ava &     symphonies all over the world and has created
Abigail. Instagram: @eric.briarley. Eric Briarley   many touring concert events including “Music
appears courtesy of Actors Equity.                  of the Knights”; “Block- buster Broadway”; ”The
                                                    Wonderful Music of Oz”; and, with The ASCAP
                      DREW SEIGLA (Steven)          Foundation, “Jerry Herman: The Broadway
                      Richmond,VA native            Legacy Concert.” Scott is director of original
                      Drew Seigla is a standout     pro- gramming at Feinstein’s/54 Below and
                      among theatre and opera       artistic director of the Pocono Mountains Music
                      audiences, recognized         Festival. He’s the owner/founder of Spot-On
                      for his “stunning             Entertainment (www.spoto- nentertainment.
                      tenor voice” by Broad-        com) and Spot-On Arts Academy and a proud
             He made         graduate of University of Cincinnati College
                      his Off-Broadway debut        Conservatory of Music.
as Matt; The Mute in The Fantasticks where he
continued for a two-year stint. He gained his       STEVEN S. WILLENSKY (Co-Writer, Conceiver
second NYC credit in Sweeney Todd as their          and Producer) could often be spotted playing
Standby Anthony/ Tobias/Beadle at Barrow St.        and singing at piano bars during his college
Theatre. Regional theater highlights include        days. However, after receiving an MBA from
Kiss me Kate at Flat Rock Playhouse & Jack in       Northwestern, he spent the next 32 years
Into the Woods at Barksdale Theatre. Before         as a corporate executive at GE, Medex, and
returning to NYC in 2014 he made his opera          American Greetings. During that time, Steven
debut with Lyric Opera Virginia, where he sang      was advisor, confidant, and financial supporter
Gastone & covered Alfredo in La Traviata. In        to Elliot. Whenever in the same city, they
2019, Drew was Pertshik in Fiddler on the Roof      would often perform duets of Elliot’s songs
in Yiddish at Stage 42, directed by Joel Grey.      at clubs and bars. Steven also collaborated
He starred at Steven in the Hudson Theatre          with Elliot by coming up with the title and
Works Production of Elliot & Me and, most           writing several lyrics to “Some Things Never
recently, was seen in the 2022 New York City        Change”. The brothers frequently talked

                                    Tell us what YOU think!
                             Please visit now.
about developing a two-man show together to         version of Twelve Angry Men which is having
showcase Elliot’s music. Steven would write the     its world premiere June 2022 at Theatre Latté
book and Elliot would supply the songs. Elliot      Da, Minneapolis.
tragically passed away during the concept
phase, but Steven moved forward with the            MICHAEL BIAS (Director) Directing credits:
dream and helped create and produce “Elliot         World Premieres of Dreaded Bliss by Michael
and Me”. Steven currently serves on the boards      Bias, Billie by Michael Bias and Gail Lou,
of several startup companies and nonprofit          Meester Amerika, The Legacy and Lost In History
organizations and is CEO of Woodstock Theater       by Adam Siegel, and Elliot & Me by Scott Coulter
Group, the producer of Elliot & Me.                 & Steven Willensky. Other directing credits
                                                    include, Landscape of the Body, Ubu Roi, Spring
ELLIOT WILLENSKY (Music & Lyrics) was               Awakening, Table Manners, Trad, A Body of
a composer, lyricist and music producer.            Water, The Bald Soprano, Billy Bishop Goes To
He got his big break in the music business          War, Collected Stories, The Maids, Porcelain and
writing “Pocketful of Seeds” performed by           Doubt. Acting credits include: Kenneth Lay in
the 5tht Dimension for the Bell Telephone           Enron!, Bernie Madoff in Imagining Madoff,
Hour Production It Couldn’t Be Done. His            Devlin in Harold Pinter’s Ashes to Ashes, Andrey
compositions have been recorded by superstars       in Brian Friel’s Afterplay and Jerry in Edward
Diana Ross, Tony Orlando and Dawn, The 5th          Albee’s The Zoo Story. Other writing credits
Dimension, Chaka Kahn, Charlene, Smokey             include: the book for More Than A Soap Opera
Robinson, Boyz II Men, Gladys Knight, Kim           (music by Ray Davies of The Kinks), and Summer
Fields, Nina Girado, Syreeta Wright, George         of Love. He has also created new translations/
Benson, Thelma Houston, and Jerry Butler.           adaptations of August Strindberg’s Miss. Julie
Elliot’s hit records with Michael Jackson           and Eugene Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano. He
include: “Dear Michael”, “We’ve Got Forever”,       is currently working on a one person show,
and the #1 smash single, “Got to Be There”. His     Friends. Mr. Bias is the Director of The Forge,
Whitney Houston & Jermaine Jackson duet of          the playwriting wing of Hudson Theatre Works.
“If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful” was featured
on three albums by the two superstars including     MATTHEW DOLAN (Musical Director) is an
Whitney’s Greatest Hits. People Magazine ranks      active music director and pianist in northeast
it as one of the Top 10 Wedding Songs of the        Ohio with over 40 productions to his credit.
90’s and was a recurring theme song on “As          He has been acknowledged as one of the
the World Turns”. Elliot composed the music         “Best Music Directors” of 2018 by Cleveland
for the Off-Broadway “Abby’s Song”, as well         Scene Magazine, and also received a “Superior
as the “Beaver Creek Rendezvous” for Holland        Achievement” acknowledgement from the
American Cruise Lines. He wrote theme songs         Cleveland Critics Circle for his work on “Avenue
for movies Mr. Atlas, Hollywood Wives, The Next     Q” at Blank Canvas Theatre. Recent Music
Generation, and The Karen Ann Quinlan Story;        Director credits include: “Urinetown” (Oberlin
jingles for Hertz, Braniff Airlines, and the        College Theatre Department), “Evil Dead: The
Great American Smoke Out and was musical            Musical” (Blank Canvas Theatre), and the world
coordinator for the Tony Orlando Variety show       premier productions of “33 1/3” (Dobama
on CBS. Listen to the Elliot Willensky Channel      Theatre) and “Light It Up!” (Music Assistant/
on Spotify.                                         Keyboard 2, Cleveland Play House). Later
                                                    this year, he will serve as Music Director for
MICHAEL HOLLAND (Musical Arranger)                  the world premier of “Land of Oz” at Dobama
was orchestrator/vocal arranger/recording co-       Theatre. Matthew earned his Bachelor of
producer for the Broadway revival of Godspell. In   Music in Music Theory and Composition, and
2019 he served as Music Director/Orchestrator/      Master of Music in Choral Conducting from the
Vocal Arranger for Cincinnati Playhouse in the      University of Akron. He serves as the current
Park’s acclaimed production of You’re a Good        Director of Music for Rocky River United
Man, Charlie Brown. His original score for Clue:    Methodist Church, while also accompanying for
A New Comedy (Cleveland Playhouse, 2020)            Cleveland Heights High, and St. Ignatius High
was published by Broadway Licensing in 2021.        School. Matthew is an avid cyclist, longboarder,
Michael is composer/ lyricist for the musical       and lover of vintage keyboard instruments.
VICTORIA CASELLA (Musical Coordinator               for both the Professional Company and the
NJ) is an actor/singer, musical director/pianist    Youth Conservatory. Her designs for Garage
and teacher. Most recently she was MD for “A        has included Footloose, Into The Woods, Pirates
Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder” at            of Penzance, A Touch of Spring, Afghan Women,
Florida Repertory Theatre and MD / Arranger for     Happy Days, among many others. She has also
“The Green Crow Caws” at the Irish Repertory        designed for Bergen County Players, Clarkstown
Theatre, NYC. She was also recently awarded         Summer theater Festival, Rockland Community
Broadway World Best Musical Direction for           College and The State University of New York—
Regional Theater (Fort Myers/Naples, Florida)       Genesco. Terry Thiry was nominated for a Paper
for her work on “Night and Day” at Florida          Mill Playhouse Rising Star award for her designs
Repertory Theatre. Other credits with FL REP        for Bergen County Academies’ production of
are: MD “Tenderly:The Rosemary Clooney              The Secret Garden
Musical”, MD/ Creative Team for “Fascinatin’
Gershwin” and MD for “Spelling Bee”. Other          JUDY BOWMAN (Casting Director) has been
MD credits: “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, “The         casting theater, film, and television in NYC since
Full Monty”, “Romance Romance”, “Altar Boyz”        1993. UPCOMING: Falling, Rising Monster (short
for Theatre Barn. Acting credits: Susanna in        film), Las Meninas (Profile Theatre Co), & I’ll Be
“Daredevil” (Netflix), Mrs. Aaronson in “The        True (feature film). TV/FILM: Big Dogs: Season
Gold” (NYMF), Marie (understudy) in “The            1 (Amazon), Dead Sound, Separation, Hurricane
Most Happy Fella” (Goodspeed). Most recent:         Bianca, No Alternative, Lost Cat Corona, Gold
Co-Writer with Michael Bias (book) and Musical      Star, Copenhagen. THEATER: Broadway & off-
Arranger for “The Circle Game” (spring PlayLab,     Broadway, incl. Nothing Gold Can Stay, Dutch
FL REP).                                            Masters, A Bright New Boise, Sweet Storm,
                                                    Killers & Other Family, & The Spirits of Exit
TOM WEST (Lighting / Projection / Sound)            11 and several musicals. Extensive work with
BFA ’06 - Ohio University, MFA ‘16 - Kent State     Humana Festival, Dorset Theatre Festival,
University. Tom started working professionally      Arizona Theatre Co., Woolly Mammoth,
from age 16 with CVLT, Beck Center, and Great       Cleveland Play House, Merrimack Rep, etc.
Lakes Theater. His Cleveland designs have           Former adjunct w/Columbia University’s MFA
been seen at Blank Canvas, GLTG, BTOTS,             film program & Harlem School of the Arts;
CPT, Porthouse, Near West, Lake Erie College,       recent workshops w/ Montclair State University
OYES, and HBTI. He also served as Technical         & Ohio University. Artios Award nominee for
Director/ Designer at Western Reser ve              Best Web Series Casting, PT Barnum Award
Academy. NYC credits: Bently Meeker, The            recipient. Board member Jewish Plays Project.
Lighting Syndicate, Playwrights Horizons, 
Barrow Street Theatre, NJ Shakespeare
Festival, Fela! The Musical (Off-Broadway).         HUDSON THEATRE WORKS (Original
International: Bodies: The Exhibition.              Producing Theater) boasts a growing and
                                                    adventurous community genuinely hungry
AMANDA WHITFORD GRUNDY (Choreographer),             for challenging performance. We honor and
has acted and danced professionally in musicals     advance that appetite by choosing material
such as Hello Dolly, 42nd Street, Guys and Dolls,   that is aesthetically diverse and rooted in
Grease and West Side Story. She was a teaching      authenticity. From highly theatrical world
artist with Disney Theatrical Group for 9 years     premieres to distilled re-imaginings of modern
where she taught Broadway content and served        classics, our plays inspire reflection, spark
as assistant choreographer in the process           discussion, and get the blood pumping. New
of developing Disney KIDS titles. Amanda            works are showcased through our annual
currently choreographs for professional musical     PlayWorks Festival and our in house group The
theater and teaches theater and dance at ISAAC      Forge helps writers and directors to perfect
School in New London, CT.                           their craft. We are proud that the critics
                                                    refer to us as “A Theatre On The Edge!” www.
TERRY THIRY (Costumes) has been resident  
costume designer for Garage Theatre Group
in Teaneck where she has designed costumes
Join us this summer for a
supportive and fun drama camp
for students 8-14, culminating
in a cabaret performance at the
end of the camp sessions.

June 20 - July 8 (no session 7/4)
Monday - Friday
10 AM - 2 PM
$350 per student
Limit 25                                    Register now at

                    Cory Markowitz, CVLT's New Managing Director
                     For 25 years, Cory has worked as an Equity and non-Equity
                     performer, director, producer, instructor, and writer throughout
                     NE Ohio, and Atlanta, GA. Cory has taught youth classes at The
                     Brecksville Theatre, Huntington Playhouse, Great Lakes Theatre
                     Festival, and with Weathervane Playhouse's in-school theatre
                     education program, and assistant directed many productions
at Near West Theatre, where she most recently directed a multi-generational and
multicultural production of 1776. An alumna of Baldwin-Wallace University, Cory went
on to specialize in Children’s Theatre and Devised Theatre at the University of Hull in
Scarborough, England, where she also completed her dissertation in Creative Writing.

                                     w m e n t Fund
                             our Endo
Bringing your group to Chagrin
Valley Little Theatre is not only
a great way to enjoy high quality
entertainment at even lower
prices, but it’s also a unique and
fun way to entertain corporate
guests or recognize outstanding

Our group discounts start at just 10 people! The savings are as

                10 to 30 seats - 20% discount
                31 to 50 seats - 25% discount
                    51+ seats - 30% discount

        Contact CVLT's Box Office at
            or call (440) 247-8955 for arrangements.

Group Sales discounts are applied to the regular adult ticket prices only.
Senior/Student/Military tickets are already sold at a reduced rate and do not
qualify for group discounts in addition.


We have several spaces, including the Main Stage, available for
rentals. Availability is of course based on show schedules but
there are many opportunities to have your book or garden club
meeting, birthday party, business meeting or even your wedding
at CVLT!
To discuss the possibilities, contact

                                  Board of Directors

President:           Angela DeBernardo            Sue Beattie                Helen Rizi
Vice President:                 Joanne Zettl   Cindee Catalano-        Thomas Schleper
Treasurer:                Valerie Hughes           Edelman                   Paul Sloop
Secretary:                 Nancy Rogoff           Janis Evans           Brian Westerley
                                                  Linda Harper                Tod White
                                                Emily Honsa Hicks             Julia Wolff
                                                 Mary Ann Ponce

                                    Lifetime Members
                         Tom Neff, Rollin DeVere II, Don Edelman

                       Production & Technical Board

Chair:                           Helen Rizi      Bob Fortlage          Barbara Rhoades
Co-Chair:                        Tom Jones     Cindee Catalano               Julia Wolff
Treasurer:                Valerie Hughes          - Edelman                  Yvonne E.
Secretary:                 Nancy Rogoff        Bekah Neubecker               Pilarczyk
                                                  Raleigh Orosz

                          Play Selection Committee

   Cindee Catalano-Edelman (Chair)                           Val Hughes
          Tom Jones (Co-Chair)                                   Steve Kay
                Laurel Bryant                            Yvonne E. Pilarczyk
                Jackie Cassara                             Barbara Rhodes
              Charlene Crimaldi                                  Helen Rizi
              Emily Hicks Honsa                             Nancy Rogoff
              Kourtney Highland

                         Management & Operations

                        Publicity / Media:     Andrew Rothman
                        Maintenance:             Chuck Parsons
                        Concessions:              Nancy Rogoff
                            Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
                    40 River Street, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022-3024
               (440) 247-8955
                Box Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

PROHIBITED IN THE AUDITORIUM:               blowers bring fresh, conditioned air
Video and still cameras, audio recording    into the theatre during performances
devices, the use of cell phones, watch      in accordance with Ohio law. Patrons
alarms, food and beverages.                 may wish to bring a sweater or jacket
SMOKING is permitted outside of the         for their personal comfort.
building only.                              THEATRE & SEARS RIVER ROOM
EMERGENCY EXITS are located at the          RENTALS are available on a scheduled
rear left, as well as the front right and   basis, particularly during the day. Call
left of our auditorium.                     our Box Office for arrangements.

FIRST AID and other assistance is           PROGRAM ADVERTISERS: This
available. Please notify an usher or the    Playbill is provided to you through the
House Manager.                              generous support of advertisers. Please
                                            support them, as they support CVLT! To
SEAT CUSHIONS are available from our        advertise, email
ushers for additional comfort.
                                            SOCIAL MEDIA: We encourage
AUDITIONS are always open. We               audiences and friends to spread the
welcome new performers, directors and       word about ur events by sharing, liking,
support personnel. Like us on Facebook      and following @ChagrinTheatre - on
or visit for current     Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
info. Join our mailing list for auditions
and other notifications via email.          EMAIL LIST: CVLT sends emails with
                                            details on upcoming plays, auditions,
GIFT CERTIFICATES make an excellent         and events. Scan the code below with
gift for any occasion, and are avialable    your smartphone to sign up.
from our Box Office.
ACCESSIBILITY for wheelchairs and
walkers in our auditorium is on house
left. Please inquire when making your
REFRESHMENTS are available during
Intermission upstairs in The Sears
River Room. Food and beverages are
not permitted in the auditorium.
                              DISNEY’S NEWSIES
      Music by Alan Menken | Lyrics by Jack Feldman | Book by Harvey Fierstein
                             July 22 - August 13, 2022

            MURDER BY THE FALLS: Murder, Center Stage
                                    by Bob Abelman
                             September 9 & 10, 2022

                adapted by Steven Dietz from the novel by Bram Stoker
                         September 16 - October 1, 2022

                               ELF, THE MUSICAL
  Book by Bob Martin & Thomas Meehan | Score by Matthew Sklar & Chad Beguelin
                       November 18 - December 17, 2022

              SHERWOOD: The Adventures of Robin Hood
                                     by Ken Ludwig
                          January 20 - February 4, 2023

                      THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG
                  by Henry Lewis, Henry Shields, and Jonathan Sayer
                               June 2 - June 18, 2023

                                  KINKY BOOTS
                   Book by Harvey Fierstein | Music by Cyndi Lauper
                             July 21 - August 12, 2023

                    GET INVOLVED AT CVLT
CVLT cherishes its volunteers! Without the
participation of volunteers giving of their time
in a variety of ways, we would not be able to
survive, let alone thrive.

Volunteers fill valuable roles at CVLT, assisting
with productions, ushering, promotion, and
maintenance of the Theatre’s business and
activities. CVLT volunteers make a difference!

Volunteering at CVLT can also satisfy your high school student's service hour
requirement. We need help year-yound and are open to short term student projects.

                       or call the Box Office (440) 247-8955
The CVLT Women's Committee
(WC) has been in existence for
more than fifty years. Its mission
is to improve the general welfare
and facilities of the theatre, often
through fundraising events. The
group holds a luncheon meeting
on the second Friday of the month from September through June,
usually in the theatre's Sears River Room.

Over the years, the WC has been involved with Murder by the Falls;
Ghosts, Goblins, & Gobbledygook; The Gingerbread Tea & Holiday Show;
The Famous Salad Luncheon; and The Blossom Time Parade.

For more information, please contact Jo Royer at (440) 552-0206
               New members are always welcome!

  Parking locations are listed below. Please plan to arrive early for all performances!

I. River Street Playhouse lot
at the western end of River

II. Metered parking on River,
Main, and Franklin Streets
(Free after 6:00 PM)

III. Plaza parking lot behind
Main Street shops.

IV. Municipal parking lot
next to The Popcorn Shop.

V. On the northern side of
East Orange St. and in the Valley Lutheran Church parking lot (limited hours).

VI. Valet parking at West & River Street, across from CVLT.
                    When you or your organization sponsor our
                    programming here at CVLT, you are providing
                    meaningful support to a vital arts organization
                    that serves so many in the Chagrin Valley.
                        To sponsor or contribute in any amount
                        contact our Box Office at (440) 247-8955

                           SHOW SPONSOR
                    $3,000 (play) or $5,000 (musical)
Provide financial support by sponsoring the show of your choice. Your
sponsorship includes:

   •   Full page ad in Season Playbill
   •   24 tickets to any show
   •   Acknowledgment in lobby signage during the run of the show
   •   Acknowledgement in the welcome speech before each performance
   •   A pre or post-show party for you and your invited guests.*

                        ROYALTIES SPONSOR
                    $1,500 (play) or $2,500 (musical)
Help the theatre purchase the performance license from the publisher by
sponsoring the royalties. Your sponsorship includes:

   •   Half page ad in the Season Playbill
   •   12 tickets to any show
   •   Acknowledgement in the welcome speech before each performance
   •   A pre or post-show party for you and your invited guests.*

                            TECH SPONSOR
                    $1,000 (play) or $1,500 (musical)
Sponsor the gorgeous costumes, lavish sets, or amazing props needed for a
production. Your sponsorship includes:

   • Quarter page ad in Season Playbill
   • 4 tickets to the show
   • A pre or post-show party for you and your invited guests.*

                                                     * Excludes opening night.

Ohio City Inc.
                                                                            P LOR
  K AT I E D I K E
                     O H I O C I T Y S T R E E T F E S T I VA L

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