THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...

Page created by Gordon Graves
THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...

           THE 37 SCOOP


  The Fun Returns!
                  with support from area businesses.
THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...

         SK YLIMIT
                                                               NEW TOURISM WEBSITE & VIDEO!

          IS                            unty
                   in Phelps Co

                  HOLDREGE         BERTRAND        LOOMIS       FUNK      ATLANTA

There’s nothing better than summer in Phelps County! From
FAIR, you will find the sky is the limit everywhere you go.
Experience SKYDIVING over the Nebraska prairie, visit the
Smithsonian quality NEBRASKA PRAIRIE MUSEUM, shop
at unique boutiques and gift stores, enjoy a mouth-watering

                                                                   VISIT US TODAY!
steak at the SPEAKEASY, and spend time in the great
outdoors walking at LAKE SELDOM, fishing at the NORTH
PARK or playing a round of GOLF in Holdrege or Bertrand.

                     Phelps County Visitors Committee Email:
   2   SPRING/SUMMER 2018
        Visitor Center at Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce, 504 4th Avenue, Holdrege, 308.995.4444
THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...
president’s message

WELCOME TO THE 37 SCOOP                                                              PHELPS COUNTY STATS
                                                                                     Holdrege: Pop. 5,527
  Living in a small town is different. You know most people on a first-              Bertrand: Pop. 738
name basis. You’ve probably supported their kids when they are doing                 Loomis: Pop. 377
a fundraiser, and you most likely went to school with your neighbor’s
                                                                                     Funk: Pop. 194
                                                                                     Atlanta: Pop. 131
                                     But my favorite thing about our
                                  “little” town is that when I go to a local         Phelps County is located in
                                  business, I PERSONALLY know where my               south-central Nebraska, just
                                  money goes. It goes into a business                a 15-minute drive south of
                                  that my friend owns. It goes to their              Interstate 80 and along US
                                  family, whom they chose to raise here.             Highway 6 & 34.
                                  It goes right back into the community
                                  that built me.
                                      I have always viewed Holdrege as
                                   a “nice” place, a place where I would
                                   someday return to. But the way I
                                   view Holdrege and its surrounding
                                   communities has greatly changed. We
                                   live in a community that is truly second
to none. I am still in awe of the way we banded together to take care
of our neighbors and local businesses in the past year. We masked up,
rolled up our sleeves and got to work to keep our community going.
Now we face a new normal, and hopefully a new normal of getting
back to true community.
  We are excited to bring you “The 37 Scoop” and hope it sheds a light
on all that our community has to offer! This magazine is a result of                 Thank you to the following
the love that our community members have for 37 County. The Phelps                   business for your support
County Development Corporation is helping to GROW37, and the                         as Cornerstone Partners:
Phelps County Visitor’s Committee is encouraging people to VISIT37.
Now, the Chamber is bringing you “The 37 Scoop” to keep you in the                   Allmand
loop on chamber happenings and area events.
                                                                                     FSB Investments
   I would like to personally invite you back into the community — back              RuralMED
into ribbon cuttings, coffee connections, business-after-hours events
and everything that brings us together in person. I invite you to go to              CHS
that event, to the new store, to the sporting event. I invite you to strike          Edward Jones
up a conversation with a stranger at the grocery store. I invite you to                 Kayla Rehnberg
BE the meaning of community. Our community has so many things to                     Christian Homes
offer, probably much more that you realize, and I’m truly honored to be
the person who gets to invite you to step out and experience what we                 Family Medical Specialties
have to offer.                                                                       Great Western Bank
        — Kelsey Stevenson, HACC Board President, Owner of Salon 31

                         This publication was brought to you by the Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce and was
                         created by KRJ Public Relations. If you would like to publicize an event or business in the
                         next edition contact the Chamber at (308) 995-4444 or email Jessica Kraus at jessica@
                or editor/designer Kristine Jacobson at

                         Cover photo by Infinite Productions/Loomis, courtesy of the Phelps County Visitor’s Committee.

THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...

                                            Proudly Serving all of Phelps
                                              and Harlan Counties and
                                                Surrounding Areas.

                                             Deb Andrews, Broker 308-920-0056
                                             Colby Gray                   1220 Burlington Ave.
                                             Real Estate Agent            Holdrege, NE 68949
                                             308-991-5754                 308-995-3886

                     Kayla Rehnberg                    
                                                                 Member SIPC
                     Financial Advisor
                     608 4th Ave
                     Holdrege, NE 68949

  4           SPRING/SUMMER 2021
THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...

    2021 Board of Directors
    Kelsey Stevenson, President
      Salon 31
    Shannon Adam, Treasurer
      Adam Seeds Co.
    Greg Barnes, Past President
      Educational Service Unit No. 11
    Allison Fritsche
      Glenwood Technologies
    Ben Loberg                                  WELCOME to our new members!
      FSB Investment Center
    Crystal Purdy                               New Business
      Cobblestone Inn & Suites                  Edward Jones - Matt Simpson
    Devon Kenton                                The Crystal Leaf
      First State Bank                          Serenity Studios
    Erin Sandy                                  Dan Miller State Farm
       The 308 Boutique                         Holdrege Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab
    Gwen Ruppert                                Cobblestone Inn & Suites
      Don Sjogren Community YMCA
    Kim Klein                                   New Members
      Real Estate Connection
                                                Holdrege Computer
    Karen Aldama                                HA! Catering
      Allmand Inc.                              Pampered Soles Tanning & Spa
    Micah Huyser                                Graceful Massage
      Nebraska Prairie Museum                   Pretty & Fabulous
    Renee Johnson                               GROW Nebraska
      Phelps Memorial Health Center             Mystic Images
    Stacia Fertig                               4th Ave. Salon
      JB’s Sports Bar & Grill
    Tana Fye
      Fye Law Office

LUNCH AND LEARNS                             PURCHASE CHAMBER member
The Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce        GIFT CARDS online!
hosted two Lunch & Learns in 2020 and has    During the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic,
more planned for 2021. Watch for details     the Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce
coming soon!                                 stepped up to offer online sales of gift cards
                                             to local businesses. The first order was made
COFFEE AM                                    on March 20, 2020, and the chamber has now
                                             processed $38,392 in gift card purchases to local
The HACC is ready to help you promote your
                                             businesses through its website!
business with Coffee AMs in 2021. Contact
Jessica at       That service continues with 35 businesses on the
to schedule a date for your promotion.       site. One hundred percent of the sales go directly
                                             to the members with the chamber covering the
FOR MORE INFORMATION:                        processing fees.
                                             TO PURCHASE GIFT CARDS:

THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...

  The Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce board of
  directors has decided to postpone its annual banquet
  until later in 2021 (possibly December) instead of in
  April due to COVID-19.

  The chamber is excited to announce its 2020/21 award
  winners, who will be recognized during the banquet.

     Ethan Twohig                                                 Ben Loberg
     This award recognizes a                                      This award is presented to a chamber
     Holdrege area student who has                                member who is younger than 40 and has
     demonstrated leadership and                                  demonstrated success and community
     community involvement while                                  leadership.
     excelling in studies.                                        Loberg is a financial advisor at FSB
     “Ethan Twohig is truly a well-                               Investments. He moved to Holdrege in 2014
     rounded student,” his nominator                              and has become a dedicated community
     said. “He excels in the classroom,                           volunteer serving on the chamber board,
     participates in a variety of                                 including a term as president; Rotary Club;
     activities, is a leader among his                            youth sports coach; children’s ministry at
     peers, and is a student of good                              Trinity Church; and Leadership Holdrege.
     character. As a student council member, he willingly
     volunteers for community service projects, and he
     works until the project is completed. He is the type of
     student who represents everything we desire from all
                                                                  visionary RISING STAR
     of our students; good attitude, leadership skills, and       Screen Machine
     good character, just to mention a few. As a student          This award is given to a chamber member
     leader, he leads by example but is not afraid to voice his   who has been in business five years or less
     opinion and speak up for others. When I asked the staff      and has demonstrated business success
     members for their input on who our nomination should         and community leadership. It is presented
     be, Ethan was the choice by an overwhelming margin.          to Dustin and Aubri Nantkes, owners of
     He is very deserving of the Student of the Year.”            The Screen Machine. They purchased
     In addition to participating in football, basketball and     The Screen Machine from Ray Ruybalid
     track, Twohig joined the student council to have more        after his untimely death in 2017. In late
     opportunities to volunteer and got involved in one-act       2019, they moved their screen printing
     and spring plays.                                            and embroidery business to downtown
     Ethan graduated in 2020 and is studying athletic             Holdrege and have added new products
     training at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.           and services.

 6     SPRING/SUMMER 2021
THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...
Livestock Feeders
Honors a chamber member who has been in
business six years or more and has demonstrated
business success and community leadership.
Livestock Feeders celebrated 45 years of business
in 2018. It has stayed in the family after being
started by Marlo and Sharon Kreutzer and now
being managed by their son, Mark Kreutzer. The
business began selling animal feed and has
expanded to sell clothing, shoes, toys, jewelry,
cologne and perfume, animal supplies and
portable buildings.

Phelps County Development Corporation
Honors an organization that has made a
significant contribution of time, skills and
resources to improve the community. PCDC was
instrumental in recruiting the Cobblestone Inn
& Suites, supported job growth and expansion
at BD and Allmand Inc., provided scholarships
to area students work, attracted new residents
and spurred housing construction through its
GO! HOME program and supported downtown
renovation through the GO! DREAM program.

LandMark Implement
Honors an agricultural producer or someone
involved in an agribusiness enterprise. LandMark
started as McClymont Implement in 1947 and has
grown into a company that now spans two states
and includes 16 locations. Its headquarters remain
in Holdrege. The comany offers area students
great opportunities with college reimbursements.

Michele High
Honors an outstanding leader in the business
community. Michele was nominated by the
Holdrege Rotary Club for her work with Toys for
Tots and Feed My Starving Children. She has
worked in the local banking industry for more
than 30 years and has been involved in many
volunteer roles, including serving on the PCDC
board, Rotary, Phelps County Extension Board,
PMHC Foundation Committee, the Red Cross
Bloodmobile, the CASA board and many others.

Wayne Quincy
Honors a chamber member who has gone above
and beyond in support of their community. Dr.
Quincy established Holdrege Family Vision, where
he served the community as an optometrist for
more than 40 years. He served on the Holdrege
School Board for three terms and on the chamber
board, city planning commission, PMHC board of
directors, YMCA board of directors, TeamMates
board of directors, held leadership roles at the
Presbyterian Church and in the Lions Club and
coached youth baseball.

THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...
rib fest — JUNE 18-20
                                               summer IN
All Events Downtown Holdrege
Time TBA — Allmand Central Plains Ribfest
open to public. Gate fee reduced to $5 per
person. Samples will cost $2 per vendor.
Some vendors will also sell full meals.
7 PM — Calcutta. Public opportunity to bid
on which team will win. Money raised will
go to prize packages and to the Holdrege
Veterans Memorial.
8 PM — Lost Way Brewery Sauce Contest
for BBQ contestants
                                             NEW THIS YEAR
9 PM — Street Dance featuring the Lincoln    RAFFLE
band AMFM and a beer garden                  The general public and BBQ teams can
                                             purchase raffle tickets to win an Oil City
SATURDAY, JUNE 19                            Drum Smoker. Raffle proceeds go to the
AM — Hair of the Dog Contest for BBQ         Holdrege Veterans Memorial.
teams. Teams will create their own special
concoction of what they would drink the      DOUBLE KCBS SANCTIONED
morning after their most fun Saturday        BBQ contestants can compete both
night! It could be mimosas or a special      Saturday and Sunday for a chance to
coffee or orange juice mixture. The          earn double the points in one location.
possiblities are endless!                    This makes the Allmand Central Plains
PM — Teams will be judged by Kansas City     Ribfest more attractive to teams.
BBQ Society trained judges on the best
pork ribs, pork roast, chicken and brisket

Second round of KCBS sanctioned contest

                                             FOR MORE INFORMATION:
                                             Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce
                                             Facebook: Allmand Central Plains Ribfest
THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...
THE            GOOD                                            l 78 SCHOLARSHIP funds provide the chance for

IN PHELPS COUNTY                                               local high school graduates and college students to
                                                               make their educational goals a reality.
                                                               l Nearly $6.1 MILLION RAISED for Phelps County
                                                               nonprofits over 9 years through PCCF’s annual
                                                               giving day, give2GROW
                                                               l Providing Phelps County nonprofits with
                                                               opportunities to APPLY FOR GRANTS allowing them
                                                               to fulfill their missions.
                                                               l Working with donors, businesses, and
                                                               organizations to help them REALIZE THEIR
                                                               CHARITABLE DREAMS.
424 Garfield, Holdrege 308.995.6847   l Responding to and meeting the needs of the
                                                               county through COVID-19 RESPONSE AND

THE 37 SCOOP - Phelps ...
veteran’s memorial fundraiser — MAY 22
                                                                        South Central Nebraska CERT in
                                                                        cooperation with area organizations
                                                                        is planning a Veterans Memorial
                                                                        Fundraiser on Saturday, May 22, at
                                                                        Holdrege’s South Park. This full-day
                                                                        event will raise money to build and
                                                                        maintain a new veterans memorial.
                                                                        The event will include craft vendors, a
                                                                        hotdog/hamburger fundraiser, ribbon
                                                                        cutting, live music, and activities for
                                                                        children, families and adults.
                                                                        The new Holdrege Veterans Memorial
                                                                        will honor veterans who served in one
                                                                        or more federal services of the United
                                                                        States Armed Forces: Army, Navy,
                                                                        Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and
                                                                        National Guard. It will be constructed
                                                                        on the northwest side of the South
                                                                        Park baseball field.

       CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VETERAN-OWNED BUSINESSES                     The South Park will be renamed to
                                                                        Veterans Memorial Park. The goal
       Fulmer’s U-Save Pharmacy, Janssen Auto (3), Lost Way             is that the new memorial will be
       Brewery, Real Estate Connection, South Central Sanitation,       completed by Veterans Day 2021.
       Tri-City Auto Parts, Inc                                         For more information about the
       If you are a chamber member and veteran business owner and are   event or memorial, contact Cody
       not on this list, please contact us so we can add you!           Tiedje at or visit

  10     SPRING/SUMMER 2021
phelps county fair — july 24-29
 6:30 PM — 4-H Fashion Show      8 AM — Swine Show
 7:30 PM — Aerospace Launch      4:30 PM — Pedal Pullers
 SATURDAY, JULY 24               7 PM — NEW! Rodeo, Tuff-
 8 AM — Horse Show, Holdrege     N-Nuff Miniature Rodeo
 Horse Arena                     Association
                                 DC Lynch Carnival
 10 AM — Antique Tractor Pull    WEDNESDAY, JULY 28
 2 PM — 4-H Dog Show             8 AM — Sheep & Goat Shows
 7 PM — Sunday Night at the      3:30 PM — Elite Showmanship
 Fair featuring The Ehrkes       7:30 PM — Demolition Derby
 performing Contemporary         DC Lynch Carnival
 Christian music, oldies from
 the 50s and 60s and Patriotic   THURDSAY, JULY 29
 Songs. Free admission.          9 AM — 4-H & FFA Auction

 MONDAY JULY 26                  Also, Golf on the Go, Face
 8 AM — Small Animal Shows       Painting and Rockit Laser Tag,
 3 PM — Bucket Calf Show         Light Play and Toxic Meltdown
 4 PM — Beef Show                kids’ games will be available
 5 PM — FREE Beef Barbecue       at various times Monday-
 6 PM — Sips and Songs; live     Wednesday. Follow the Phelps
 music, craft brews and wine     County Fairgrounds on
 DC Lynch Carnival               Facebook for updates.

HOLDREGE DINING             4TH AVENUE COFFEE              BREWERY                        AREA LODGING
                            612 4th Ave., Bakery & Lunch
                                                           LOST WAY BREWERY               COBBLESTONE INN & SUITES
227 Denver, American        SCOOTER’S COFFEE               614 Third Ave., Holdrege       814 Burlington, Holdrege
                            103 4th Ave., Drive-Thru       Locally-brewed craft beer,     (308) 995-888
SPEAKEASY STEAKHOUSE                                       Food Trucks          
72993 S Road, Fine Dining   DAIRY QUEEN                                                   ne/holdrege
                            224 4th Avenue
304 East Ave., American     MCDONALD’S
                                                           LOOMIS DINING                  RODEWAY INN
                                                                                          420 Broadway, Holdrege
                            410 West 4th                   MRS. T’S TOWNMART
EAST AVENUE PUB                                                                           (308) 995-2793
                                                           407 Saxon, Loomis
313 East Ave., Steaks       RUNZA
                            319 Nobes Street               Breakfast, lunch and dinner,   PLAINS MOTEL
SAIL INN LOUNGE                                            sandwiches                     619 W. US Hwy 6, Holdrege
1507 Burlington, Steaks     SONIC DRIVE-IN                                                (308) 995-8646
                            1130 Burlington
LA HACIENDA                                                BERTRAND DINING                CITY CAMPGROUND
1509 Burlington, Mexican    SUBWAY SANDWICHES
                                                           BLUE MOOSE BAR & GRILL         Corner of Second Street and
GOURMET HOUSE               322 4th Avenue                                                South East Ave., Holdrege
                                                           607 Knight St., Bertrand
1503 Burlington, Chinese    TACO JOHN’S                    Steaks, burgers, sandwiches    Electrical hookups
                            225 West 4th                                                  (308) 995-8681
405 4th Ave., Food Truck                                   CROSS COUNTRY MARKET           SANDY CHANNEL SRA
COUNTRY COOKIN’             420 West 4th Ave.              522 Minor, Bertrand            3 miles south of Elm Creek/
602 West 4th Avenue,                                       Home cooking, daily lunch      Holdrege I-80 Exit
                            and 1206 Burlington
Homestyle, Breakfast                                       specials, potato bologna       Primitive camping
                            LITTLE CAESAR’S EXPRESS                                       Visit www.outdoornebraska.
COZY INN CAFÉ               916 4th Ave., Drive-Thru                                      gov or call (308) 865-5305
1120 4th Avenue,                                           C+ CONVENIENCE STORE
Sunday Buffet               PIZZA HUT                      707 Minor Ave., Bertrand       AIR BNB
Breakfast & Lunch           320 Blaine                     Sandwiches, pizza    

    Find Your Way to
  Downtown Holdrege for
  Hand-Crafted beer & soda
           614 3rd Ave. | Holdrege, NE

The 308 Boutique              Gifts & Things               Little Blue Bus            Divine Boutique
320 West Ave., Holdrege       505 West Ave., Holdrege      Jewelry                    605 Minor, Bertrand
Women’s clothing              Home decor, gifts,           417 Burlington, Holdrege   Women’s, children
boutique with a chic vibe     wedding registry, baby       Unique pop-up art          and baby clothes,
                              gifts, Husker items,         gallery and handcrafted    accessories
Stephanie’s                   kitchen items and more       jewelry and other items
309 West Ave., Holdrege                                                               Pretty and Fabulous
Women’s apparel,              Svoboda’s Ace Hardware       The Crystal Leaf           619 Minor, Bertrand
handbags, jewelry, home       205 W. 4th Ave., Holdrege    615 4th Ave., Holdrege     Custom t-shirts, gifts,
decor                         Paint, decor, home and       Loose leaf teas, healing   jewelry, home decor,
                              outdoor                      products, art, antique     clothing
My Fair Lady Fashions                                      tea cups and saucers,      Countryside Market
410 West Ave., Holdrege       Orscheln Farm & Home         rocks and crystals         522 Minor, Bertrand
Women’s fashions and          403 W. 4th Ave., Holdrege                               Gift shop, decor and
accessories for petites,      Men’s & women’s              Holdrege Floral            food items
misses and plus sizes         clothing, toys, farm and     Expressions
                              pet supplies, tools          518 East Ave, Holdrege     Bridal Isle
Bruce Furniture                                            Gifts, home decor, fresh   315 Commercial St.,
322 East Ave, Holdrege        Sandy’s Jewelry              flowers and garden         Loomis
Furniture, floor coverings,   711 4th Ave., Holdrege                                  Wedding and formal
home decor                    Wedding, engagement          Hilsabeck Sporting         apparel, including plus
                              rings, watches, jewelry      Goods                      sizes
Livestock Feeders             and jewelry repair           408 East Ave., Holdrege
515 3rd Ave, Holdrege                                      Husker items, sports       Oasis Gardens
Men’s & women’s               The Drawer Consignment       equipment, shoes,          73752 H Road, Loomis
clothing, toys, farm and      405 West Ave., Holdrege      athletic apparel, golf     Seasonal greenhouse,
pet supplies                  Clothing, furniture, decor   clubs                      flowers and vegetables

                   10am Start
                  3.1 Mile Run
  Beer Garden, Live Music & Food Truck after!
  Register now at or in person at
                   614 3rd Ave in Holdrege

GOLF & RECREATION                          SKYDIVING: 1320 Brewster Field,            PARKS & WILDLIFE
                                           Holdrege. One-time jumps for people
HOLDREGE COUNTRY CLUB: The                                                            NORTH PARK LAKE AND WALKING
                                           19 and older and Nebraska Sky Diving
Holdrege Country Club’s two nine-hole                                                 TRAIL: Located on north Hwy. 183,
                                           School. Open April-November weather
golf courses represent two distinct                                                   Enjoy a scenic walk or jog around
                                           permitting. or
styles of design. The front tree-lined                                                the lake, take the kids fishing for
                                           (308) 240-1881.
course has water hazards and sand                                                     trout or bluegill, feed the ducks or
bunkers. The back nine features large      BOWLING: Gutterz Fun Center and            swans, kayak, play tennis or enjoy
greens and open fairways with water        Aviator Lounge, 227 Denver in Holdrege.    some playground time on slides and
coming into play on two holes. Golf is     Bowling, food, sand volleyball leagues.    swings. Includes a new accessible
open to public. Call (308) 995-5744 to                                                playground.
schedule a tee time.
                                           SWIMMING & WATER FUN                       SOUTH PARK: The South Park, on
BERTRAND GOLF COURSE: 707 School                                                      south Hwy. 183 in Holdrege, features
St., Bertrand, features a nine-hole,       SPLASH PARKS: Located in the North         a walking trail, playground areas and
par 35 golf course that is beautifully     Park in Holdrege (on North Hwy 183),       a regulation Frisbee golf course and
maintained and has reasonable              and another is located in the city park    picnic shelters.
green fees (tee times not required.)       in Loomis.
The course is open from early spring                                                  LAKE SELDOM: Located on the
through late fall. For more information,   SWIMMING POOLS: The Holdrege city          south edge of Holdrege, adjacent
contact the course superintendent          pool is located in the South Park near     to Highway 183. This gravel trail
Patrick Berry at (308) 991-7132.           Second Avenue and Blaine Streets           surrounded by natural grasses is the                         and features an Olympic-sized pool         perfect place to walk your dog or view
                                           with two water slides, a separate          wildlife.
DON SJOGREN COMMUNITY YMCA:                diving pool and kids’ wading pool.
1415 Broadway, Holdrege. The               The Bertrand pool, 408 Nelson St. in       FUNK LAGOON: One mile east and
40,000-square foot facility features a     Bertrand, features a diving board and      three miles north of Funk. One of the
gymnasium, an indoor pool, a family        is the perfect spot to cool off on a hot   few basins with permanent water and
game room, a cardio and weight-            summer day. If the summer weather          some of the best marsh vegetation.
lifting area, racquetball courts, indoor   turns cold, swimmers can enjoy the         Thousands of birds visit the lagoon
walking track, an outdoor playground       indoor pool at the The Don Sjogren         year round. It is designated as a
for kids and outdoor ice rink in winter.   YMCA, 1415 Broadway in Holdrege.           National Recreational Trail.

                                             AT THE YMCA
                                             The YMCA is committed to the health and safety of our community,
                                             and being active is a huge part of that. Whether you want to lose 10
                                             pounds, run a 5K or swim a few laps, the YMCA is here for you!

                                              APRIL 23         Kids Duck Run & FREE Healthy Kids Day
                                              MAY 2            Bike 4 Y-MAP, a bike ride fundraiser
                                                               Ride 2, 10 or 20 miles for Middle School program
                                              JUNE 19          Silver Run, 2-Mile Walk/Run, 5K or 10K
                                              AUGUST 7         Swim the Distance Race

                                              NEW! PHELPS COUNTY BLOOD PRESSURE PROGRAM
                                              Free four-month program to help participants
                                              develop a habit of monitoring blood pressure.

                                             View program guides at
                                             DON SJOGREN COMMUNITY YMCA
                                             1415 Broadway | Holdrege | 308.995.4050 |

calendar of events
APRIL 9 — Masters Fundraiser/Calcutta, Holdrege
Country Club (
APRIL 16 — A Night of Hope featuring Luke Mills.
Fundraiser for CASA featuring an acoustic concert,
catered meal, 5:30 p.m. at the Phelps County Ag
Center. (
APRIL 17 — Acrylic Painting for Beginners, 1-5:30 p.m.
Rainy Day Theme, Central Community College
APRIL 17 — 9th Annual Spring Shopping Bonanza,
Holdrege City Auditorium., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Crafters,
direct sale companies, food truck. Contact Pam
at 308-991-3318 or Stephanie at 308-991-0330.
APRIL 18 — Cub Scout Meeting, 7 PM at Holdrege First
United Methodist Church, Grades K-5, all boys and
girls welcome to attend. (308-991-1530)
APRIL 23 — Duck Run & FREE Healthy Kids Day, Don
Sjogren Community YMCA (
APRIL 24 — Buckets 2-Person Scramble, Holdrege
Country Club (
MAY                                                         JULY 1 — Nebraska Jr. Golf Tour, Holdrege Country
MAY 2 — Bike 4 Y-MAP, 1 p.m., bike-ride fundraiser,         Club for ages 7-18 (
ride 2, 10 or 30 miles. Register by April 21. Don Sjogren   JULY 3 — Holdrege Legion Baseball and Community
Community YMCA (                       Fireworks Display. Dusk at Legion Ballfield
MAY 8 — Lost Way 5K, 10 a.m. (           JULY 10-11 — Southwest Open, Holdrege Country Club
MAY 8 — All Saints Golf Classic, Holdrege Country           (
Club (                                 JULY 17 — 2-Lady Scramble, Holdrege Country Club
MAY 16 — Cub Scouts Meeting, 7 PM at First United           (
Methodist Church, (308-991-1530)                            JULY 23-25 — Sidewalk Sales, Holdrege
MAY 18 — Farewell Angelina, 7:30 p.m., all-female           JULY 24-29 — Phelps County Fair (see page 11)
country group. The Tassel (                   JULY 26 — Sips & Songs and Carnival at the Fair, 6 PM
                                                            JULY 26 — Miniature Rodeo and Carnival at the Fair
                                                            JULY 27 — Demolition Derby and Carnival at the Fair
JUNE 4-5 — Member Guest Tournament, Holdrege
Country Club (
JUNE 12-13 — HCC Three-Person Scramble, Holdrege            AUGUST
Country Club (                         AUGUST 5 — Big-Small Tournament, Holdrege
JUNE 18 — Allmand Central Plains Ribfest Public             Country Club (
Tasting, Street Dance and Beer Garden (see page 8)          AUGUST 7 — Swim the Distance, 7 a.m., Don Sjogren
JUNE 18 — Swedish Dinner & Sports Hall of Fame,             Community YMCA. Swim a mile, half mile or 550
Nebraska Prairie Museum, (995-5015)                         yards. Register by July 25. Don Sjogren Community
                                                            YMCA (
JUNE 19-20 — RibFest Continues (BBQ contest)
                                                            AUGUST 8 — 2-Couple Scramble, Holdrege Country
JUNE 19 — Silver Run, 7:30 a.m., North Park. Register       Club (
by June 6. Don Sjogren Community YMCA
(                                      AUGUST 12 — Senior Tournament, Holdrege Country
                                                            Club (
JUNE 19 — 10 a.m., Swedish Days Parade followed by
street festival and car show (          AUGUST 21-22 — HCC Tournament, Holdrege Country
                                                            Club (
JUNE 26-27 — Cattleman’s 4-Person Scramble,
Holdrege Country Club (
JUNE 26-29 — Bertrand Days                                  SEPTEMBER
JUNE 26 — Bertrand Brews & BBQ                              SEPT 6 — Labor Day One Person Scramble, Holdrege

504 4th Ave.
    Holdrege, NE 68949

   Or Current REsident

 To promote and develop
 our community through
 partnerships with businesses,
 individuals and organizations.

join us for SWEDISH DAYS JUNE 18-19!
                            FRIDAY, JUNE 18
                                                              Street Festival, 11 AM-3 PM on
                            Kids games, courthouse lawn
                                                              West Avenue Between 4th & 5th
                            Swedish dinner at the Nebraska    Avenues
                            Prairie Museum, 6 PM              Kids Fun Zone, 11 AM-3 PM
                            Sports Hall of Fame, 7 PM         Zipline Sponsored by
                                                                Rite Way Milk
                            SATURDAY, JUNE 19                 Kiddie Ferris Wheel
                            Silver Run, 7:30 AM               Bounce House
                            Hosted by the Don Sjogren         Bungee Trampoline
                            Community YMCA at the North       Face Painting
                            Park. Register by June 6          Balloon Animals
                            Grand Parade, 10 AM               Car Show, 11 AM-3 PM
                            Theme: “How Swede It Is”          Sponsored by Heartland Cruisers
                            Candyland                         East Avenue between 4th and
                            Prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place   6th Avenues and in front of
                            Starts at the High School and     the courthouse on 5th Avenue
                            proceeds to courthouse            between East & West Avenues

                            FOR MORE INFORMATION:
                            Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce Website:
                   More details and events may
                            be added. Follow the HACC for the latest updates.
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