THE 2021-2022 PROPOSED BUDGET: Kings Park Central School ...

Page created by Melvin Hoffman
THE 2021-2022 PROPOSED BUDGET: Kings Park Central School ...

   ● Maintains and/or reduces class size to support a safe and more typical classroom structure
   ● Includes additional staffing and resources in the area of mental health to address COVID-19 related needs
   ● Includes support for participation in Western Suffolk BOCES Regional Summer School and other instructional supports to address
     various COVID-19 related learning needs
   ● Maintains all sports, extracurricular clubs, and activities
   ● Includes continued support to maintain our 1:1 Chromebook initiative
   ● Includes resources for security enhancements such as additional cybersecurity protections, internet filtering, and security cameras
   ● Includes additional technology upgrades, instructional devices, and software upgrades/renewals
   ● Includes support for STEAM-related programs and curricular initiatives, including 3D printing, robotics, and
     coding/programming, including a new Computer Science Club at KPHS
   ● Maintains all Advanced Placement and college/university dual enrollment courses through Suffolk County Community College’s
     Excelsior Program and Stony Brook University's ACE Program
   ● Includes support for mathematics (Envisions Math) and elementary units of study reading curriculum (Columbia Teachers
   ● Includes support for the arts, including the district’s ongoing partnership with the Huntington Arts Council
   ● Includes continued support for employee professional development and training
   ● Includes support for K-12 classroom and instructional supplies and equipment
   ● Includes support for ongoing K-12 character education, mental health, and social emotional learning initiatives
   ● Maintains support for programs to enhance graduation outcomes for students with disabilities and English language learners
   ● Includes support for our Adult Education Program
   ● Does not result in the elimination of any instructional or non-instructional positions due to budgetary constraints
   ● Would result in a budget with one of the lowest tax levy increases in the past several years

Dear Community,

 We are pleased to present to the community a budget that enables the district to continue to provide globally competitive educational
 programs for our students despite the continuing economic challenges we face. The proposed budget for 2021-2022 represents a budget to
 budget increase of 1.60% and tax levy increase of 1.99%, which is below the New York State maximum allowable limit for the school
 district. The information in this brochure is based on the current assessed value for property within the boundaries of the Kings Park
 Central School District. Based on the most recent information from the tax assessor, the best estimate is that the assessed value for
 property in Kings Park will remain fairly stable.

 The COVID-19 crisis continues to have a significant impact on both the local and state economy. This budget is based on current state and
 federal aid allotments. The proposed school district budget supports all current district funded academic, art, music, and athletic
 programs. The budget also includes additional mental health resources, as well as targeted academic supports to address any lingering
 learning gaps that developed during the pandemic. Our children missed out on many programs and events this past year, and being able
 to maintain all programs and services for 2021-2022, while simultaneously providing additional academic and mental health support, was
 the single most significant driver of budget decisions. This budget supports many science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics
 (STEAM) related activities and programs, additional instructional technology, and opportunities for students to explore computer
 programming and coding. The budget also includes additional technology resources as we continue to maintain and enhance our
 Chromebook initiative.

 During these challenging times, the Board of Education remains committed to providing outstanding educational programs and ensuring
 sound fiscal management so that our schools continue to prepare students for their future. Please remember to vote on May 18th. The
 polls will be open in the High School back gym from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. If you are not yet registered to vote, you may do so
 by May 13, 2021. Please contact the District Clerk, Patti Capobianco at (631) 269-3314 to arrange an appointment. Every
 resident’s vote counts, and we appreciate your participation.

                                                                                      BOARD OF EDUCATION
Proposition 1: Shall the Board of Education of Kings Park                               Diane Nally, President
Central School District, Town of Smithtown be authorized to
                                                                                      Joe Bianco, Vice President
expend the sum of $98,054,941 in accordance with the budget
submitted for the School Year 2021-2022 and levy the necessary                          Pam DeFord, Trustee
taxes therefor?                                                                        Kevin Johnston, Trustee
                                                                                          Dan Tew, Trustee

                                                                                  CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                      Dr. Timothy Eagen
                                                                                            Superintendent of Schools
                                                                                           Dr. Ralph Cartisano
                                                                              Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
                                                                                              Dr. John Craig
                                                                         Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Administrative Services
                                                                                      Dr. Danielle Colby-Rooney
                                                                                    Administrator for Pupil Personnel Services
                                                                                         Mrs. Shannon Meehan
                                                                                      Assistant Superintendent for Business
THE 2021-2022 PROPOSED BUDGET: Kings Park Central School ...
Understanding the Proposed 2021-2022 Budget
                                                 The proposed 2021-2022 school year budget           Capital Component: This covers debt service
 POINTS OF PRIDE                                 was developed in a prudent and frugal fiscal        on buildings; all facility improvement costs,
● KPHS graduates attend some of the most         environment. Our overarching goal strives           including salaries and benefits of the custodial
prestigious post-secondary institutions in the   to provide a globally competitive education         staff; service contracts, maintenance supplies
country                                          at the lowest cost possible. This year’s            and equipment; and utilities.
● Extensive Advanced Placement (AP) and          proposed budget will preserve all programs,
college/university dual enrollment programs      while offering a budget to budget increase of    What are the major areas of focus in this
● The Class of 2020 contained 65 AP              1.60% and tax levy increase of 1.99%. Our        budget?
Scholars, 24 AP Scholars with Honors, 50         proposed school district budget continues to     Our children missed out on many events and
AP Scholars with Distinction, 15 National        fund a rigorous and relevant education for       functions over the past year, and above all else,
                                                 our students. The academic programs that         the district made it a primary goal to continue
AP Scholars, 7 AP Capstone Diplomas, and
                                                 students need to excel, as well as engaging      ALL student programs and services for
3 AP Seminar & Research Certificates
                                                 clubs, activities, music, art and sports         2021-2022. The district also wants to best
● 99% of high school students (Class of          programs enable our students to build their      ensure that 2021-2022 is as “normal” and safe
2020) graduated with Regents diplomas;           resumes with varied experiences and              for our students as possible. Simultaneously,
68% with Advanced Regents diplomas               graduate prepared for college and/or the         as we begin to finally emerge from the
● 93% of our graduates enroll in 4-year or       workforce.                                       COVID-19 pandemic, we are left facing some
2-year colleges and universities                                                                  very real fiscal, mental health, and student
● Very successful elementary/middle school       What is the district doing to respond to the     learning-related issues. Some of our students
(BNL) science and high school Independent        New York State tax cap and current fiscal        have learning gaps that need addressing. The
Science Research (ISR) programs                  pressures and challenges?                        2021-2022 school district budget directly
● Extremely competitive KPHS DECA and            We are seeking to set the tax levy increase at   addresses all of these challenges, while also
Mock Trial Clubs/Teams that routinely            1.99%, which is both below our maximum           best ensuring a positive district fiscal stance
qualify and medal in county/regional and/or      allowable limit under the tax cap law and one    and outlook for the future. While the proposed
state competitions                               of the lowest increases in the past several      budget focuses on the 2021-2022 school year,
● Technology 1:1 Chromebook initiative that      years. The district has responded to current     steps have been taken to ensure fiscal stability
expanded to grades 6-12 for the 2020-2021        fiscal pressures by continuing to conduct        for the next few years. Additionally, educating
school year                                      budget work sessions through the COVID-19        students is a people centered business, and the
● Kaleidoscope (KPHS literary magazine):         crisis and attentively listening to community    Kings Park Central School District employs
                                                 concerns. We have taken a precise scalpel to     over 650 individuals. A significant number of
Numerous American Scholastic Press
                                                 expenses, while preserving ALL academic,         these employees are district residents. Recent
Association 1st Place Awards
                                                 music, art, sports and extracurricular programs. successful contract settlements have resulted in
● The Kings Park Herald: recognized for          In spite of our efforts, the district will be    sustainable and predictable cost increases in
excellence in high school journalism             dipping into reserve funds to a minor degree in some areas, including salaries and healthcare.
● Well-established FIRST Robotics HS             order to accomplish the goal of maintaining all Unfunded and underfunded mandates and
Team; 2017 National Championship                 student programs. We are able to balance the     regional cost differences continue to negatively
Qualifier                                        budget against current state/federal aid         impact the school district and our region (Long
● Comprehensive K-12 music program               projections, while still maintaining long-range Island). A significant portion of the district
including participation in: All Eastern, All     fiscal stability and our desirable Aa2 Moody’s budget is earmarked for school safety,
State, NYSSMA, SCMEA, NYSCAME, All               rating. We have carefully scrutinized each       technology, and cybersecurity enhancements.
County and All L.I. Music Ensembles              budget line item and lowered anticipated         Declining enrollment, and several employee
● Annual Newsday Marching Band Festival          expenses wherever feasible. The district         retirements also proved to be favorable budget
participation                                    continues to work with other local area school drivers.
● Participation in New York State Art            districts and municipalities for the purpose of
                                                 exploring possible efficiencies. Our staff       What happens if the budget fails?
Teachers Legislative Art Exhibit in Albany,                                                       The Board of Education has three options if
New York                                         remains committed to exploring alternative
                                                 sources of revenue in an effort to create        the proposed budget is not approved by a
● Numerous individual and team county and                                                         majority of voters. The Board is permitted by
state post-season athletic recognitions          additional sustainable revenue streams.
                                                                                                  statute to:
● NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete Team                                                                   (a) propose the same budget,
                                                 What is a three part budget?
recognitions – School of Excellence                                                               (b) modify the budget for a second vote, or
                                                 School districts must, by law, divide their
● Many athletes continue their participation     budgets into three components --                 (c) adopt a contingent budget (see below).
on the college level                             administrative, program and capital.
● 86 extracurricular clubs district-wide that                                                        If a budget submitted for a second vote is not
offer engaging and resume-building activities    Administrative Component: These                     approved by the voters, the Board of Education
● Culture of community service and               expenditures include salaries and benefits for      must adopt a contingent budget. A contingent
fundraising activities                           certified school administrators and school          budget is defined as the expenditures necessary
● District participation in Shanti Fund,         support staff; data processing; public              to provide services legally required to operate
actively promoting peace                         information; legal services; liability insurance;   and maintain the schools and educational
● Continued support for our local veterans       printing costs; auditing; in-service training;      programs, and preserve the property of the
through activities at KPHS, PV, FS, and at       and school board expenses.                          district to assure the health and safety of the
                                                                                                     students and staff. For 2021-2022 the basic
the Northport VA Medical Center
                                                 Program Component: This portion includes            contingent budget is limited by law to provide
● Robotics summer camp for students in
                                                 salaries and benefits for teachers; instructional   a tax levy with no increase over the prior
grades 4-8                                                                                           year’s tax levy. A contingent budget would
● Successful Capital Bond Project that is        software, supplies, equipment and textbooks;
                                                 co-curricular activities and interscholastic        require additional significant cuts amounting to
now entering the sixth and final year of                                                             $1,470,192. Such a large decrease would be
implementation                                   athletics; staff development; and transportation
                                                 operation costs.                                    extremely detrimental to both our educational
                                                                                                     and extracurricular programs, as well as the
                                                                                                     day-to-day operations of the district.

                                                     Tax Rate Per $100 of Assessed Value
                                                     Estimated Tax Rate for 2021-2022                         $156.78
                                                     Current Tax Rate                                         $153.72
                                                     Assumes current assessed valuation
THE 2021-2022 PROPOSED BUDGET: Kings Park Central School ...
Where can I get more
Complete copies of the proposed                                                                 Approved         Proposed                            Percent
2021-2022 Kings Park Central
                                          EXPENDITURES                                          2020-2021        2021-2022         Difference        Change
School District budget are available      General Support (Administrative)                     $8,264,049        $8,365,051         $101,002              1.22%
at the District Office and at each
school office. Additionally, a copy       Instruction (Program)                               $73,514,633       $74,589,720        $1,075,087             1.46%
of the budget in its entirety is
                                          Capital                                             $14,731,722       $15,100,170         $368,448              2.50%
available on the School District
Website at                 Totals                                              $96,510,404       $98,054,941        $1,544,537             1.60%

                                                                                        2020-2021          2021-2022                                Percent
                                          REVENUE                                         Budget             Budget           Difference         Difference
                                          State Aid Excluding Building Aid              $16,130,424        $16,393,941          $263,517               1.63%
                                          Building Aid                                   $3,005,930         $2,858,798         -$147,132              -4.89%
                                          Federal Cares Restoration                       $256,581                  $0         -$256,581                  N/A

                                          Total Aid                                     $19,392,935        $19,252,739         -$140,196              -0.72%

                                          Interest Earnings                                 $35,000            $35,000                $0                 0%
                                          Rental Income - San Remo                        $270,284           $278,392             $8,108              3.00%
                                          ERS Reserve                                     $100,000           $200,000          $100,000             100.00%
                                          Workers Compensation Reserve                      $75,000          $175,000          $100,000             133.33%
                                          Debt Service Reserve                            $395,000           $406,000            $11,000              2.78%
                                          Other Revenue                                   $235,000           $235,000                 $0                 0%
                                          Fund Balance                                   $2,298,022         $2,293,455           -$4,567             -0.20%
                                                 Subtotal                               $22,801,241        $22,875,586           $74,345              0.33%
                                          Tax Levy (1.99% increase)                     $73,709,163        $75,179,355        $1,470,192              1.99%
                                          Total Revenue for Budget                      $96,510,404        $98,054,941        $1,544,537              1.60%

                                                                             Estimated Tax Rate: $156.78

                                                                        Tax Increase per Assessed Valuation
  The prepared tax rates
 in this table to the right   Assessed       2020-2021
 is based on the current      Valuation     School Taxes          Estimated 2021-2022      Estimated 2021-2022 Tax           Estimated Monthly Tax
   assessed valuation         of Home           Only              School Taxes Only         Increase per Homeowner          Increase per Homeowner
     for all property in
        Kings Park.             2,000         $ 3,074.35                $ 3,135.53                    $ 61.18                           $ 6.00

                                3,000         $ 4,611.52                $ 4,703.29                    $ 91.77                           $ 7.65

                                4,000         $ 6,148.69                $ 6,271.05                    $122.36                           $10.20

                                5,000         $ 7,685.87                $ 7,838.81                    $152.94                           $12.75

                                6,000         $ 9,223.04               $ 9,406.58                     $183.54                          $15.29

                                7,000         $10,760.21                $10,974.34                    $214.13                           $17.84

                                8,000         $12,297.38                $12,542.10                    $244.72                           $20.39

                                9,000         $13,834.56                $14,109.86                    $275.30                           $22.94

                               10,000         $15,371.73                $15,677.63                    $305.90                           $29.98

                               11,000         $16,908.90                $17,245.39                    $336.49                           $28.04

                               12,000         $18,446.08                $18,813.15                    $367.07                           $30.59

                                                                                         Estimated Cost to the Average Household
                                                                                                                       Cost Per             Cost Per
                                                                                                                        Year                 Month

                                                                                                Adopted Budget           $183.54                 $15.29

                                                                                          This projection is based on a home with a current assessed
                                                                                             value of $6,000 (assessed value is not market value).
THE 2021-2022 PROPOSED BUDGET: Kings Park Central School ...

VOTER REGISTRATION                                         TIME AND DATE / POLLING PLACE
Continuous registration will be conducted at the           The budget vote and trustee election will be held
office of the District Clerk in The Administration         on Tuesday, May 18th from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Building, 180 Lawrence Road, Monday through                at the Kings Park High School back gymnasium,
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. The last day to               200 Route 25A, Kings Park.
register to vote is May 13, 2021. If you are a
resident of this district and are registered to vote       BOARD OF EDUCATION
with the Suffolk County Board of Elections, then you       Candidates are vying for two seats on the Board
are automatically qualified to participate in the          of Education. Each seat is for a term of three
budget vote and trustee election. To find out if you       years, commencing July 1, 2021.
are registered to vote, you can call Suffolk County
Board of elections at 631-852-4500.

Applications for absentee ballots may be made
through the District Clerk’s office. The District Clerk
must receive such application at least seven (7)
days before the vote, if the ballot is to be mailed to
the voter, or by the day before the vote, if the ballot
is to be delivered personally to the voter.
Applications may not be submitted more than 30
days before the election (not before April 19, 2021).
In order to be canvassed, an Absentee Ballot must
be received in the District Clerk’s office no later than
5:00 p.m. on the day of the vote. Absentee ballot
applications can be found on the district website
under the Community Tab – Absentee Ballot/Voter
Registration or at,
or by contacting the District Clerk at or 631-269-3314.

                                                                     REMEMBER TO VOTE
                                                                     Tuesday, May 18, 2021
                                                                      6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                                                     Kings Park High School
                                                                        Back Gymnasium
                                                                         200 Route 25A
THE 2021-2022 PROPOSED BUDGET: Kings Park Central School ... THE 2021-2022 PROPOSED BUDGET: Kings Park Central School ... THE 2021-2022 PROPOSED BUDGET: Kings Park Central School ...
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