THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council

Page created by Charlie Parks
THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council

9-17th October
at various venues across Thatcham

Music        Exhibitions & Fairs
Talks        Outdoor Events
Walks        Dance & Theatre
     ThatchamFestival for individual event listings
Tel: 01635 863592
THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council

    I am so pleased to say that this year, the 21st Thatcham
    Festival, we will, with fingers crossed, be welcoming you
    to an extensive programme with live events to the fore,
    although in some cases we will also be showing events
    online, as one of the benefits of a restricted programme
    last year was taking content online.
    It’s so great to welcome back established organisations
    who have regularly featured as part of Thatcham Festival.
    In particular choral and orchestral groups were hit hard by
    the pandemic and it’s so good to see many of them at this year’s Festival.
    We also have many new events, ranging from author talks and poetry workshops,
    to walks in the beautiful countryside that surround Thatcham. I will be doing
    my best to attend as many events as I can and saying hello to many of you.
    Most of our events are free but in some cases their popularity or capacity
    size does make it necessary that we charge a nominal admin and booking fee,
    but we still hope that you will give generously at many of the events to two
    charities that are part of my Mayor’s appeal this year: Thatcham Town Cricket
    Club and Swings and Smiles.
    All my best wishes for a fabulous 2021 Festival.
    Councillor John Boyd
    Mayor of Thatcham 2021-2022

    Thatcham Town Council                                        Note from the Organisers
    Brownsfield Road,Thatcham,                                   Please note all ‘live’ events will adhere
    Berkshire, RG18 3HF                                          to latest Government Covid Guidelines.
                                                                 Please see our website or Thatcham
    Tel:       01635 863592                            Festival Facebook page for the latest information
    Email:    on the event you are interested in or have booked.
    Facebook:     @thatchamfestival                     ALSO ONLINE                    BOOK
    Twitter:      @thatchamfest
    Instagram:    @thatchamtc
                                                        Visit Thatcham       Tickets can be booked via
                                                      Festival Facebook    Eventbrite. Note, we will still
                                                       page for viewing   leave some tickets available on
2                                                       online events.     the door on first come basis.
THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council

  Saturday 9 October                       Thursday 14 October
  The Big Thatcham Fest-Off.               History of Thatcham Town Centre
  Music, Spoken Word, Night Market         Corn Exchange Taster Sessions
  ‘Finding your words’ with Steve Tasane
                                           Friday 15 October
  Storytime with children’s author
                                           An Evening with Beenham Wind
  Anita Loughrey
                                           Orchestra Open Rehearsal
  Photography Exhibition
                                           Nigel’s Funny Rhymes
  Festival Leisure and Craft Fair
                                           Thatcham u3a – Open Afternoon
  Friends of Thatcham Library
                                           Kennet School presents Best of
  Coffee Morning
                                           ‘The Brits’
  Greenham Common Heritage Walk
                                           Saturday 16 October
  Sunday 10 October                        Come-and-Sing with Watership
  Photographic Exhibition                  Cantabile
  Thatcham Festival Lost and Found         Incantata Ladies Choir
  Dance Gala
                                           The Roots of Jazz – Music concert
  Bird watching talk and walk
                                           ‘Finding your words’ with Steve Tasane
  Blue Plaque Unveiling
                                           Author talk with Children’s Author
  Monday 11 October                        Laura James
  Curiosities of Thatcham Talk             Author talk with Wild Author
                                           Nicola Chester
  Tuesday 12 October
                                           Newbury and District Hackspace
  Paul Hancock and Mark T:
                                           Open Day
  Music from the Celtic Nations
                                           Arts Exhibition
  Mini Fest Messy play for Under 5’s
                                           Fun on The Field
  Wednesday 13 October                     Infant Schools’ 5-a-side Football
  Guided Tour and Talk of Greenham         Festival
  Control Tower
  Talk and Q&A on The Comedy Scene:        Sunday 17 October
  It’s a funny old business                Cold Ash Brass ‘A Night at The Proms’
                                           with West Berks Rock Choir
  I’m Sorry KATS Haven’t a Clue
  Theatre Show                             Church Graveyard Tour with
                                           Dr Nick Young
  Bird watching talk and walk
                                           Arts Exhibition

Printed on          paper
THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council

                                                                                                       Photo, Alex Bamford
    These last 2 years have been unlike any other but hopefully we are slowly resurfacing as a local
    and global community. We are pleased to announce that as a reflection of this Thatcham Town
    Council, in partnership with Newbury Building Society and Sovereign, will bring Words of
    Recovery as our feature launch event of Thatcham Festival in 2021.

    Words of Recovery provides an opportunity for Thatcham’s communities to think and create
    words or poems which reflect our hopes as we emerge out of lockdown. The most relevant
    entries will feature in a future publication and there will also be prizes supplied by Newbury
    Building Society. To inspire you, a giant poetry installation The Recovery Poems will be
    touring venues in Thatcham on October 8th and 9th culminating in a brand new event The Big
    Thatcham Fest-Off on Saturday evening, October 9th (see details in Music section).

    There are also related workshops to inspire you by award-winning author and poet Steve Tasane
    on Saturday 9th and Saturday 16th (See Talks Comedy and Words).

                The Recovery Poems is produced by leading outdoor arts company, Emergency
                Exit Arts and features poems on a double-sided trailer created by artists and poets
                Robert Montgomerie and Deanna Rodger.

    To enter our Words of Recovery competition please go to
    or call 01635 555700.

    To see where The Recovery Poems will be touring, see Thatcham Town Council website page

    Competition entry forms can also be picked up from Thatcham Town
    Council Reception, Thatcham Library and Newbury Building Society
    Branches in Thatcham and Newbury.

THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council

                  9         The Big Thatcham                             12            Paul Hancock
                  Saturday  Fest-Off                                     Tuesday       and Mark T
                  4.30-10pm Thatcham High Street                         7.30pm        Music from the
                            Music, Spoken Word,                                        Celtic Nations
                            Night Market                                               Old Bluecoat School
                                    Launch Event for Thatcham                          Join Paul and Mark T for
                                    Festival will be The Big                           a concert of music from
                                    Thatcham Fest-Off which will                       Ireland, Scotland, Brittany
                                    see Thatcham High Street                           and Wales. Instruments used
                                    closed to traffic and in its place                 include Uillean Pipes and
                                    a stage with live acoustic music                   Bouzouki, Bodhran plus
                                    and spoken word presentations.                     Songs and Whistles.
                                    Alongside a night market of                        £1 admin fee. Book via
                                    street food, gifts, community                      Eventbrite at:
                         FREE       stalls and besides all of this a                   www.thatchamfestival.
                                    giant 20-foot-high installation      ALSO ONLINE
                                    ‘The Recovery Poems’ which
                      ALSO ONLINE   will be visiting various locations
                                    in Thatcham.
Photo, Alex Bamford

                                                                                                                     Photo by Sue Lloyd

THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council
15       An Evening with                     16           Come-and-Sing with
    Friday   Beenham Wind                        Saturday     Watership Cantabile
    7.30pm   Orchestra                           11am-        St Mary’s Church
             Open Rehearsal                      12.30pm      Church Gate,
             Thatcham Baptist                                 Thatcham
             Church                                           With new Musical Director
             Beenham Wind Orchestra invite                    Bethan Williams at the
             you for an evening of music                      helm, local Choir Watership
             making. Whether you’d like to                    Cantabile are inviting everyone
             dust off your musical instrument,                to come along and sample a
             sit in amongst the orchestra or                  taste of the fun and reward
             pop in to listen, you’re warmly                  that singing offers, teens to
             invited to join us. Only need                    adults and all abilities welcome.
             to book if you’d like to play            FREE    If you have missed singing with
             or sit in with the orchestra so                  people during a prolonged
             we make sure you have your                       period of ‘no singing’ now is
             own music. Contact details:         NO BOOKING   your chance. Refreshments
                                                  REQUIRED    are available.
             or 07730735075

                                                 16           Incantata Ladies Choir
                                                 Saturday     St Mary’s Church,
                                                 7.30-9pm     Church Gate,
                                                              A concert of musical delights
                                                              including folk songs and
                                                      FREE    songs from the musicals,
                                                              guaranteed to put a smile on
                                                              your face. Incantata welcome
                                                 NO BOOKING   new members, no auditioning

THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council
17                  Cold Ash Brass
                                                          Sunday              presents ‘A Night
                                                          7pm                 at The Proms’
                                                                              with support from
                                                                              West Berks Rock Choir
                                                                              St Mary’s Church,
                                                                              Cold Ash Brass have been a part
                                                                              of Thatcham Festival since it
                                                                              began and recognising how hard
                                                                              it has been for the community,
                                                                              will be putting on a Proms
                                                                              style concert with music from
16               The Roots of Jazz –                                          well-known and new British
Saturday         Music concert                                                composers. Programme will
7.15-9pm         Thatcham Parish Hall                                         celebrate some classic prom’s
                 A special event for The                                      music with West Berks Rock
                 Festival brought to you by                                   Choir returning to the stage
                 Thatcham Evangelical Church                                  with audience invited to join in.
                 as accomplished London                                       West Berks Rock Choir will
                 based sextet The Roots of                                    provide a support programme
                 Jazz take you on a journey of                                with their popular rescoring of
                 the history of Jazz showing its                              British songs. This event is likely
                 connections to slavery as well                BOOK
                                                                              to be booked quickly.
                 as its biblical connections.
                                                                              £3 admin fee. Book via
                 £1 admin fee (donations on                                   Eventbrite at:
                 door). Book via Eventbrite                ALSO ONLINE        www.thatchamfestival.
    BOOK         at: www.thatchamfestival.                          

Please see Thatcham Town Council website or Thatcham Festival Facebook page        		                               7
for latest status on live events and for how to access online events.
THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council
THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council

9                 Storytime and craft                      10                 Blue Plaque Unveiling
Saturday          making with children’s                   Sunday             Thatcham Garden
2-3pm             author Anita Loughrey                    10.30am            Centre, Benham Hill,
                  Thatcham Library                                            Thatcham
                  Designed for children aged 4 to                             Thatcham Garden Centre was
                  7 years, local author Anita has                             formally known as Henwick
                  had over 100 books published.                               Fruit and Flower Farm in the
                  Specialising in children’s illustrated                      early 1900’s, but over time
                  non-fiction picture books as well                           became known as the French
                  as teaching creative writing to                             Gardens, largely due to the fact
                  children and adults.                                        that the method for cultivating
                                                                              the plants was a French system.
                  Book via Eventbrite at
                                                                              The gardens remained until
ALSO ONLINE       www.thatchamfestival.
                                                                              c.1957. A mushroom farm
                                                                              replaced it and lasted until
                                                                              1982. A few years later the
9           Words of Recovery                               NO BOOKING
                                                                              site was developed to what we
                                                                              see today. Please join us as we
Saturday Workshop ‘Finding                                   REQUIRED
                                                                              unveil our 4th Blue Plaque in
3.30-4.30pm your words’ with
                                                                              Thatcham as part of a series
            award-winning poet                                                of planned installations by the
                                                           ALSO ONLINE
            Steve Tasane                                                      Heritage Working Party.
            Thatcham Library
                  Where do we start to find the
                  right words to express feelings          11                 Curiosities of
                  or to start a story or poem? The         Monday             Thatcham with
                  pandemic has pushed feelings of          7pm                Dr Nick Young and
                  grief and hope to the forefront                             Graeme Stewart
                  and in this free workshop, Steve                            Thatcham Town
                  will show you the building
                  blocks to express your ideas and
                                                                              Council Chamber
                                                                              Thatcham is well known for
                  to create inspirational sentences
                                                                              its history but there are many
                  and poems. These may act as
                                                                              bits of its history that are little
                  starting points to our Words of
                                                                              known. Join local historians
                  Recovery Competition. (See info
                                                                              Graeme Stewart and Dr Nick
                  on page 4). Suitable for primary
                                                                              Young to find out more about
                  school age to centenarians!                   FREE
     FREE                                                                     some of the less well known
                  Walk up or register                                         facts of Thatcham’s history.
                  on Eventbrite at                                            Book via Eventbrite at:
    BOOK          www.thatchamfestival.                        BOOK           www.thatchamfestival.
Please see Thatcham Town Council website or Thatcham Festival Facebook page        		                               9
for latest status on live events and for how to access online events.
THATCHAM FESTIVAL2 9-17th October - Thatcham Town Council
13        Guided Tour and
     Wednesday Talk of Greenham
     Midday-   Control Tower with
     1.20pm    Professor Andy Kempe
               Greenham Control
                 A guided tour of Greenham
                 Control Tower and an illustrated
                 talk on the curious history
                 of Greenham Common from
                 prehistory to present times.
                 What was Noah’s Ark doing
                 on Greenham Common?
                 Who was No Bones Billy? Why
                 was the Millennium Falcon
                 here? All these curiosities will   14       History of Thatcham
                 be revealed in this fascinating    Thursday Town Centre with
                 talk by Professor Andy Kempe.      7pm      Dr Nick Young
                 £5 donation (to Greenham                    Thatcham Town
                 Control Tower (registered
                                                             Council Chamber
                 charity)). Book via Eventbrite
                                                                  Many of us visit Thatcham
                 at: www.thatchamfestival.
       BOOK                                                       Town Centre daily but
                                                                  how many know where its
                                                                  boundaries are or when
                 Talk and Q&A on                                  Thatcham was first a town, or
     13                                                  FREE
                                                                  Borough? This and more will
     Wednesday The Comedy Scene                                   be covered in this talk by local
     6.30-7.30pm with Comedy promoter                             historian Dr Nick Young.
                 Graeme Coulam
                                                                  Book via Eventbrite at:
                 Old Bluecoat School                              www.thatchamfestival.
                 It’s a funny old business          ALSO ONLINE
                 Comedian and Comedy
                 Promoter of Hungerford
                 Comedy Club and soon to be
                 launched Thatcham Comedy           15          Nigel’s Funny Rhymes
                 Club, Graeme Coulam opens          Friday      Burdwood Community
                 the door backstage on life         7.45-9.30pm Centre
                 as a comedian. Graeme’s                          Thatcham-based Nigel Smith
          FREE   own journey has included                         will entertain with stupid
                 performances at The Comedy                       poems and jokes which as he
                 Store and Edinburgh Fringe,                      says ‘’will hopefully bring a
                 and he’s shared dressing rooms                   smile to your face after a really
                 with many famous names.                          rubbish year!” Suitable for
                 Book via Eventbrite at:                          adults only. Book via Eventbrite
                 www.thatchamfestival.                 BOOK
                                                                  at: www.thatchamfestival.
16                Hungerford Bookshop                                        16            Hungerford Bookshop

                                                                                                                              *Author photo, Jeremy Prout
Saturday          presents an author talk                                    Saturday      presents an author
1-2pm             with Children’s Author                                     3-4pm         talk with Wild Author
                  Laura James                                                              Nicola Chester
                  Thatcham Library                                                         Thatcham Library
                  Perfect for children aged 6-8,                                           Nicola* will be reading from
                  come and meet the author of the                                          of her new book On Gallows
                  Adventures of Pug series, Laura                                          Down. This book from the
                  James whilst she reads from                                              award-winning nature writer,
                  her hilarious new book ‘News                                             is the story of a life shaped by
                  Hounds - The Puppy Problem’.                                             landscape – of an enduring love
                  Hear all about Gizmo the City                                            of nature and the fierce desire
                  Dog, who moves to the village of                                         to protect it. Nicola grew up
                  Puddle with his journalist human,                               FREE     by Greenham Common and
                  then create a newspaper article                                          has fought passionately for a
                  with Laura. Signed copies of                                             countryside in which she is so
     FREE         Laura’s new book will be available                            BOOK       invested and yet over which
                  to purchase.                                                             she has no ownership.
                  Book via Eventbrite at:                                                  Book via Eventbrite at:
    BOOK          www.thatchamfestival.                                      ALSO ONLINE   www.thatchamfestival.

                                                                             17            Church Graveyard Tour
                                                                             Sunday        with Dr Nick Young
                                                                             2pm and       St Mary’s Church,
                                                                             3.30pm        Church Entrance,
                                                                                           The local parish church holds
                                                                                           many details about our history.
16          Words of Recovery                                                              Join local historian Dr Nick
Saturday Workshop                                                                          Young who will take you
                                                                                           around the churchyard sharing
2.30-3.30pm Thatcham Library
                  See entry on 9th October                                                 details about many that are
                                                                                           buried there as well as the
                                                                                  FREE     history of the church itself.
                                                                                           Book via Eventbrite at:
                                                       Photo, Alex Bamford


Please see Thatcham Town Council website or Thatcham Festival Facebook page                     		                                 11
for latest status on live events and for how to access online events.

     9        Festival Leisure                       Also on The Broadway we have:
     Saturday and Craft Fair
     10am-3pm St Mary’s Church
              and The Broadway
                  All of the organisations
                  taking part in the Festival        11am      Enjoy a selection of songs from
                  Leisure & Craft Fair are based               local acapella group Harmony
                  in and around Thatcham. The                  Choir Newbury.
                  craftspeople are exhibiting
                  items that they have made          12pm      Live Cooking
                  themselves and many items                    Demonstration by
                  will be for sale.
                                                               Colline Watts from
                  In the Church we have                        Colline’s Kitchen
                  a selection of handmade                      It’s the month of October
                  products such as cards,                      and many of us will carve
                  candles, jewellery, papercrafts,             a pumpkin, but what to do
                  handbags,woodwork,                           with the discarded pieces?!
                  leatherwork, paintings and                   Well, Colline will demonstrate
                  much, much more.                             how to make pumpkin soup
                  On The Broadway we have                      and pumpkin fritters with
                  local clubs and organisations                ingredients sourced from
                  with fun competitions,                       Thatcham Market, to show you
                  tombolas and displays                        how you can avoid wastage.
                  recruiting for volunteers
                  or simply showcasing what                    Colline is behind Colline’s
                  their organisation does for                  Kitchen, that aims to be the
                  Thatcham’s community.                        go-to place for healthy and
                                                               sustainable food. See more

                                                     1pm       Book reading by
                                                               Heather Barnett
                                                               Thatcham based author
                                                               Heather Barnett will read
                                                               from her hilarious debut novel,
                                                               Acts of Kindness, which is an
                                                               uplifting mystery about the
                                                               power of human kindness set
                                                               in a sleepy Wiltshire village.
                                                               Signed copies of Acts of Kindness
                                                               will be available to purchase.
Photo, Adam Hillier
9            Photography Exhibition
10           Exhibition of
Saturday recent photographs
Sunday       by Thatcham                12       Mini Fest, messy play
9.30am-      Photographic Club          Tuesday for under 5’s
5.00pm       Old Bluecoat School        10am-1pm Frank Hutchings
(4.30pm Sun) Thatcham Photographic Club          Community Hall
                  welcomes all people wanting                                 Free fun for our youngest
                  to take photographs. Despite                                Festival goers! Enjoy a morning
                  restrictions of the 18 months,                FREE          of messy play and arts and crafts
                  we have continued meeting as                                in partnership with the Central
                  best we can. A selection                                    Family Hub. Refreshments will
                  of these photos are in this               NO BOOKING        be on sale raising money for
                  year’s exhibition (can also                REQUIRED
                                                                              Swings & Smiles.
                  be seen on our website
                  We provide a warm welcome
                  and helpful advice to new               14                  Join practitioners from
 NO BOOKING       members on a multitude of               Thursday            the Corn Exchange
                  camera techniques.                      11.30am-            Newbury for three
                                                          5.30pm              FREE taster sessions
                                                                              Frank Hutchings
9                 Friends of Thatcham                                         Community Hall
Saturday          Library Cake and                                            Learn the basics of knitting
                  Coffee Morning                                              and crocheting in Stitch and
                                                                              Sew (60 mins), enjoy gentle
Midday            Thatcham Library                                            stretching with the aim of
                  Enjoy refreshments whilst
                                                                              improving overall flexibility in
                  finding out all that Thatcham
                                                                              Stretch and Flex (60 mins) and
                  Library has to offer.
                                                                              explore a range of different
                                                                              art forms and processes in our
                                                                              Creatives Club (60 mins).

 NO BOOKING                                                                   Book via Box Office at
                                                                BOOK          0845 5218 218.
                                                                              (Calls cost 2p per minute).

Please see Thatcham Town Council website or Thatcham Festival Facebook page        		                                               13
for latest status on live events and for how to access online events.
15          Thatcham u3a –          16                       Newbury and District
     Friday      Open Afternoon with     Saturday                 Hackspace Open Day
     1.30-3.30pm The University of the   9am-4pm                  Hackspace located
                 3rd Age                                          in Car Park of The
                 Thatcham Catholic Hall,                          Moors Playing Fields
                  The Open Afternoon is an                        If you are interested in making
                  opportunity for the general                     things and using the latest
                  public to meet the variety of                   technology, then come along
                  leisure, sport, art and other                   to our open day. There will be
                  society stalls and welcoming                    demos and opportunities to try
                  members of u3a. u3a is a                        laser cutting, engraving plastic,
                  self-help organisation for                      CNC 3D wood craving, 3D
                  people who are retired or               FREE
                                                                  Printing and metal machining
                  semi-retired, generally aged                    on a lathe. Hackspace is a
                  over 55, affiliated to the Third                wonderful resource to have in
                  Age Trust, to promote lifelong     NO BOOKING   Thatcham and they are very
                  learning and social contact.                    welcoming to new members.
                  We encourage and help
                  members to set up and run
                  a wide range of different          16           Fun on The Field
                  groups, based on their own         Saturday     Thatcham Memorial Field
                  skills and interests.              10am-4pm     Alongside a showcase of classic
                                                                  cars and sports cars, there will
                                                                  be craft stalls and a fun fair and
     16           Infant Schools’ 5-a-side                FREE
                                                                  other attractions for a great
     Saturday     Football Festival                               family day out.
     From         The Moors Playing Field            NO BOOKING   Donations on entry (towards
     9am-1pm      Thatcham Tornadoes are              REQUIRED    Thatcham Memorial Foundation).
                  pleased to be holding the
                  annual Infant Schools’
                  5-a-side Football Festival at
          FREE    The Moors Playing Field.           16           Thatcham Arts
                  Spectators welcome.                17           Exhibition
                                                     Saturday     Old Bluecoat School
                                                     Sunday       An exhibition of paintings
                                                                  and drawings in a variety of
                                                                  media by local amateur and
                                                                  professional artists. Many
                                                          FREE    pieces available for purchase.

                                                                  Tanya’s Taster workshop
                                                     NO BOOKING
                                                                  Plus, Tanya’s Taster workshop
                                                      REQUIRED    on the use of pastels aimed
                                                                  for beginners, 4.15pm on
                                                                  16th. Booking only through:

10          Thatcham Festival Lost 13      I’m Sorry KATS
Sunday      and Found Dance Gala Wednesday Haven’t a Clue
Shows at:   Kennet School Main Hall 8pm    Thatcham Parish Hall
4.30pm &    With a theme of Lost and                       Based on the long running
6.45pm      Found, The Dance Gala will be                  and successful BBC Radio
            a spectacular showcase of the                  4 show ‘I Haven’t a Clue’
            breadth of dance styles and                    antidote to panel games, four
            talent in Thatcham and West                    KATS members will be given
            Berkshire, with dancers ranging                silly things to do in 2 x 30
            from 5 years to 85, and styles                 minute episodes which include
            including contemporary, street                 favourite rounds such as
            dance, ballet and tap. Featuring               ‘Mornington Crescent’
            MF Dance, Linden School of              FREE   (re-named Cowslip Crescent)
            Dancing, Silver Swans & Tap                    and The Uxbridge Dictionary.
            with Sonia Brown, Elevate                      Book via Eventbrite at:
            Escalate Dance Company,               BOOK
            Twilight Dance Company,              
            BPDCompany, West Berks
            Ballet School, Elibah School of
            Dance, Relevé Dance, Dance
            Phaze, Trinity School, Chance
            to Dance Stars CIC, The
            Downs School as well as our
            host venue Kennet School.
            Ticket price: £3
            (profits go to Thatcham
            Mayor’s chosen charities).
            Book via Eventbrite at:
   BOOK     www.thatchamfestival.              15          Kennet School presents
                                   Best of ‘The Brits’
                                               7pm         Kennet School Main Hall
                                                           Kennet School’s outstanding
                                                           dancers bring you an evening
                                                           of award-winning dance to a
                                                           soundtrack of some of the
                                                    FREE   best songs from ‘The Brits’
                                                           prestigious 44 year history.
                                                           Tickets available through:
                                                           or call 01635 802121


     9           Greenham Common
     Saturday    Air Base Heritage Walk
     10am        with David Skyrme
                 Meet Greenham
                 Common Control
                 A guided 3-mile walk on the
                 military history of the base.
                 We visit key sites (external
                 views only) including WW2
                 memorials, the old runway,
                 the decontaminations suite,
                 a fire training plane and the
                 cruise missile bunkers.
                 Walk approximately 3 miles
                 and just over 2 hours.
                 £5 donation to Greenham
                 Control Tower, registered
                 charity. Book via Eventbrite
         BOOK    at: www.thatchamfestival.

     10          Bird watching talk                13        Bird watching talk
     Sunday      and walk with                     Wednesday and walk with
     2pm         Graeme Stewart                    10am      Graeme Stewart
                 Thatcham Nature                             Greenham Common
                 Discovery Centre,                           Control Tower
                                                               A talk and gentle stroll around
                 Lower Way                              FREE
                                                               Greenham Common to see
                 A talk and gentle stroll around
                                                               what birds frequent these areas.
                 the Discovery Centre Lake
                 to see what birds frequent                    Book via email:
                 these areas.                        

                 Book via email:

Now taking

     Both instore & online

Our award winning                Beautiful free range slow
family run butchery              grown turkeys
& delicatessen has               Well hung local beef
everything covered to            from Cold Ash
make your Christmas
                                 Artisan cheese and
unforgettable and                cured meats
extra special at the
dinner table.                    Cooked hams and pies
                                 Oven ready beef wellingtons
                                 A great selection of unique
                                 gifts and gift vouchers
                                 Co-operate gift hampers
                                 also available

See our website for more info:
Or call 01635 226067
We are at:
17 The Broadway Thatcham RG19 3HX
Burdwood Community Centre...............RG19 4YA

Frank Hutchings Community Hall.........RG18 4QH

Greenham Control Tower.......................RG19 8BZ

Hackspace Workshop............................... RG19 3LB

Kennet School.............................................RG19 4LL

The Moors Playing Field........................... RG19 3LB

Old Bluecoat School.................................. RG18 4JT

St Mary’s Church.......................................RG19 3PN

Thatcham Baptist Church........................ RG19 4YF

Thatcham Broadway.................................RG19 3HP

Thatcham Catholic Hall.......................... RG18 3AG

Thatcham Garden Centre....................... RG18 3AN

Thatcham Library..................................... RG18 3AG

Thatcham Memorial Field....................... RG18 3AG

Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre......RG19 3FU

Thatcham Parish Hall.................................RG18 4JP

Thatcham Town Council Chamber.........RG18 3HF
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