Device Specifications & Stationery List - (BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE) 2021/2022 VERSION 2 - CTU Training ...

Page created by Floyd Sandoval

& Stationery List
                                     VERSION 2
BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE                      3
LEARNING RESOURCES                         4
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS                      7
STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS                    8
BOOK LISTS                                 11


                                                  2. Click on Books to Order for the books to          please contact:                                  a proprietary learning platform in partnership
EDGE LEARNING MEDIA                                 be displayed.                                                                                       with local learning institutions. Cisco provides
(ICB PROGRAMMES):                                 3. Select the books you wish to order by                                                              the curriculum, learning platform, and
                                                    selecting the Add to Cart tab.                     *Edge Learning Media will not be held            support resources.
You are required to order your books directly
through EDGE Learning Media. Please follow        4. Each time you select a book you wish to           liable for any refunds/returns resulting from
the procedure set out below:                        order, you will be taken to the shopping           purchases made on the incorrect student          COLCAMPUS:
                                                    cart screen. You may then click on Proceed         profile.                                         An online learner management system that
• Please visit
                                                    to Checkout or Continue Shopping until                                                              is exclusive to CTU students where they can
• Click on the Shop icon (picture of a trolley)
  situated at the top of the page
                                                    you have selected all the books you require.       O’REILLY ONLINE LEARNING:                        access additional learning resources.

• Under the College tab, register as a college    5. Once you have completed your online               An online library of books, video and tutorial
• Fill in your first name and add your student      shopping,      proceed   to   checkout   and       resources and pre-published manuscripts.         CTU COMMUNITY PORTAL:
  number in this tab                                complete the ordering process.                                                                      Register and sign in on
                                                                                                       • Access to titles from more than 100
• Fill in your last name                          6. Complete the billing information and select                                                        Once you have done this you have access to
• Fill in your email address                        a delivery method. Please note that these                                                           the career portal where you can:
                                                                                                       • Dynamic day-by-day updates of new
• Under College, please fill in the CTU college     costs will be added onto the costs of the
                                                                                                         books, videos, pre-published manuscripts       • apply at CTU
  address that you will be attending                books you have selected.
                                                                                                         and content from these same leading            • enrol for Academic Qualifications
• Click on Submit                                 7. You will then be prompted to accept the             publishers included in price.                  • create and manage your profile
                                                    additional days for printing. Please accept        • Mobile access: Android & iOS.
Your information request will then be                                                                                                                   • access additional free resources
                                                    to continue.
reviewed. Once all is in order, Edge Learning
will activate your account and provide you        8. Next, you will be taken to the Payment            CISCO NETWORK ACADEMY:                           OFFICE 365:
with access to purchase the book packs.             screen, where you can select credit card or
                                                                                                       Cisco Networking Academy is an IT skills
                                                    EFT.                                                                                                CTU students will receive an “Office 365
                                                                                                       and career building program for learning
You will be emailed a password, which you                                                                                                               Education for Students” account.
                                                  9. Once payment has been received, we will           institutions and individuals worldwide. Cisco
can use together with your email address to
                                                    print your order and dispatch it via the           Networking Academy identifies and develops       • 50GB mailbox
order your items.                                                                                      the skills people and businesses need to
                                                    courier method you have selected.                                                                   • 1TB OneDrive space
                                                                                                       thrive in a digital economy. The Networking      • Office Web Apps
1. Once you have signed in, you will be taken
                                                  Should you have any queries regarding                Academy curriculum is delivered online using
  to your dashboard screen.                                                                                                                             • MS Teams Collaboration between students
                                                  placing your order or tracking your order,

This account’s e-mail address will give you     -
access to:                                      by-step-instructions/) and list of books are
                                                available at all our campuses which contribute
• Prescribed textbooks on O’Reilly Online
                                                to advancing professionalism in teaching and
• Autodesk student versions
• CTU Student Portal                            SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
• Adobe ID                                      Windows™
• ColCampus
                                                • 2.33GHz or faster x86-compatible
• Office 365
                                                    processor, or Intel® Atom™ 1.6GHz or
                                                    faster processor for netbooks
SOFTWARE NOTICE:                                • Microsoft® Windows® XP (32 bit),
• CTU Training Solutions does NOT sell or           Windows Vista® (32 bit), Windows 7 (32
  supply software.                                  bit and 64 bit)
• CTU students studying, Web Development,       • Internet Explorer 7.0 or later, Mozilla
  Graphic Design & Visual Communication             Firefox 4.0 or later, Google Chrome, Safari
  are required to purchase Creative Cloud           5.0 or later, or Opera 11
  packages.                                     • 128MB of RAM (1GB of RAM
                                                    recommended for netbooks); 128MB of
For more information, read the Rules &
                                                    graphics memory
Regulations document or Communications
module on ColCampus.                            Mac OS™
                                                • Intel Core™ Duo 1.83GHz or faster
NATED LEARNING MATERIALS:                           processor
The sourcing of quality Learning Material       • Mac OS X v10.6 or v10.7
can be fraught with pitfalls, we have quality   • Safari 5.0 or later, Mozilla Firefox 4.0 or
materials readily available which carry the         later, Google Chrome, or Opera 11
endorsement of the education department.        • 256MB of RAM; 128MB of graphics
They are available for downloading from             memory.
future manager app (eBook for humanities

                                                 Motherboard            CPU                 RAM                 HD                   Graphics            Monitor              Input            System
 Diploma: IT Network Design & Administration                            Minimum Intel i5.
                                                 Intel i5/7             i7(recommended)                                                                                                        Minimum:
 IT Technical Support, IT Cloud Solutions
                                                 supports               2.3 GHz                                 Minimum: 500 GB.                                                               Windows 8.1.
 Administrator, IT Cloud Solutions Engineer      Microsoft              supports
                                                                                                                1TB SSD              N/A                 Any size
                                                                                                                                                                              USB Mouse, USB
                                                                                                                                                                                               Windows 10
                                                                                            8 GB Memory                                                                       Keyboard
 Software, App & Games Development               Hyper-V                Microsoft                               (recommended)                                                                  Home or Pro
                                                 virtualization         Hyper-V                                                                                                                (Recommended)
 UI Design & UX Development                                             Intel i7 (or                                                 Graphic card
                                                                        higher) 2.8 GHz                                              with 4GB*
 Diploma: Visual Communication                                                              16 GB Memory (32                                             23-27’ LCD Flat
                                                                        minimum 3.4 GHz                                              dedicated graphic
                                                                                            GB Memory for                                                screen monitor       USB Mouse, USB
 Higher Certificate: Graphic Design                                     Recommended                                                  memory (*6GB
                                                 Intel i7 (or higher)                       Graphic Design      500GB SATA                               | Laptop -           Keyboard, DVD    Windows 10
                                                                        Intel Multi-core                                             recommenced for
                                                                                            2nd year, Viscom                                             Resolution: 1920 x   Rom
 Graphic Design                                                         Intel processor                                              Graphic Design
                                                                                            2nd and 3rd year)                                            1080) (HD)
                                                                        with 64-bit                                                  2nd Year, Viscom
                                                                        support or AMD                                               2nd and 3rd year)

 Computer Aided Draughting & Design              Intel/AMD              Intel i5/AMD        16 GB memory or     500GB SATA/          Graphic card with   14 to 17 inch for    USB Mouse, USB   Windows 10
                                                                        Ryzen 5 or higher   higher              SSD/M.2              4GB dedicated       laptop/18.5 to 24    Keyboard
                                                                                                                                     graphic memory      inches for Desktop
                                                                                                                                     Nvidia or AMD       (resolution: 1920
                                                                                                                                                         X 1080 FHD
                                                                                                                                                         or higher - 4K

 BBA in Project Management
 Higher Certificate: Management
 Project Management
 Generic Management                                                                                                                                                           USB Mouse, USB
                                                                                                                                                                              Keyboard, DVD
                                                 Any motherboard                                                Any harddrive will                       Any size monitor
 Tourism                                                                Minimum Intel i3    8 GB Memory                              N/A                                      Rom,             Windows 10
                                                 will be sufficient                                             be sufficient                            will be sufficient
                                                                                                                                                                              network cable
 Financial Administration Clerk                                                                                                                                               port
 Engineering and Humanities

Devices with specs as listed above are recommended, but not compulsory.
Technical specs are also relevant when buying a laptop.

   ADMINISTRATION                              DEVELOPMENT                                                                          z Microsoft Office 2019
z Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise              z Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise                     z   AutoDesk
z Microsoft Office Suite (Latest Version)   z Microsoft Office Suite (Latest Version)          z   AutoCad                             FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION CLERK
  (Incl. include MS Projects)               z Microsoft Visual Studio (Latest free             z   Revit                            z Microsoft Office 2019
                                              version)                                         z   Inventor
   IT TECHNICAL SUPPORT                     z NetBeans IDE (Latest free version)                                                       BOOKKEEPING
z Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise                                                                     BBA IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT        z Microsoft Office 2019
z Microsoft Office Suite (Latest Version)      WEB DEVELOPMENT                                 z Microsoft Office 2019              z Microsoft Office 2019
                                            z Adobe Creative Cloud software package
   IT CLOUD SOLUTIONS ADMINISTRATOR                                                                HIGHER CERTIFICATE: MANAGEMENT      ENTREPRENEURSHIP
z Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise                 DIPLOMA: VISUAL COMMUNICATION                   z Microsoft Office 2019              z Microsoft Office 2019
z Microsoft Office Suite (Latest Version)   z Adobe Creative Cloud software package
                                                                                                   PROJECT MANAGEMENT                 HUMANITIES AND ENGINEERING
   IT CLOUD SOLUTIONS ENGINEER                 H IGHER CERTIFICATE: GRAPHIC DESIGN            z Microsoft Office 2019              z Microsoft Office 2019
z Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise              z Adobe Creative Cloud software package
z Microsoft Office Suite (Latest Version)
                                                                                                   GENERIC MANAGEMENT
                                               GRAPHIC DESIGN                                  z Microsoft Office 2019
   PROGRAMMING FOUNDATION                   z Adobe Creative Cloud software package
z Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise              z Microsoft Office 2016 or higher
z Microsoft Office Suite (Latest Version)

z ARMv7 Processor with vector FPU, minimum 550MHz, Open GL ES 2.0, H.264 and AAC        z 256MB of RAM
  HW decoders                                                                           z Android web browser
z AndroidTM 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 4.0

                                       z 2x highlighter sets                                  z 1x eraser                                    z Kneadable art erasure
                                       z 1x lever arch file (large)                           z 1x A3 Sketch Pad                             z Assorted Charcoal sticks (8 piece)
                                       z 2x PVC files                                         z Backup device (32 GB Flash Drive             z 4 x A2 Plastic sleeves
z 15 GB data per month (at least)
                                       z 3x pencil (clutch/HB)                                  recommended. Optional: External hard         z 2 x A2 Sketch pad (Minimum 120 gsm x
z External HDD 500GIG
                                       z 10 GB data per month (at least)                        drive or solid state 250 GB) aimed at           20 sheets)
   IT TECHNICAL SUPPORT                                                                        backup purposes & continuous work on         z Ink black
                                          P ROGRAMMING FOUNDATION                              projects.                                    z Golden Taklon brushes Round:- No. 0000,
z 5x A4 notepads
z 5x black pens                           S OFTWARE, APP & GAMES                             z Digital camera (optional)                       3, 12 & No. 4 (Flat)
z 2x sets of highlighters                 DEVELOPMENT                                         z 20 GB data per month (at least)              z Contact glue (Bostik)
z 1x lever arch file                                                                                                                         z Mixing well
                                       z Black ball point pens (enough for year)              Virtual Reality Requirements
z 5x pencils                                                                                  (Recommended)                                  z Basic acrylic primary set (Black, white and
                                       z 4 x exam pads
z 1x eraser                                                                                                                                     primary colours)
                                       z 2 x A4 lever arch files                              z Phone must have a gyroscope. Older and
z External HDD 500GB                                                                                                                         z Portfolio bag – A2 (no rings)
                                       z 2 x A4 file dividers                                   budget versions of certain smartphones
z 10 GB data per month (at least)                                                                                                            z 20 GB data per month (at least)
                                       z 4 x highlighters                                       do not have gyroscopes.
                                                                                                                                             z Backup device (32 GB Flash Drive
                                       z 16 GB flash drive                                    z Android phones need to be Android 4.4
   IT CLOUD SOLUTIONS ADMINISTRATOR                                                                                                            recommended. Optional: External hard
                                       z 15 GB data per month (at least)                        (KitKat) or higher.
   IT CLOUD SOLUTIONS ENGINEER                                                                                                                 drive or solid state 250 GB) aimed at
                                                                                              z iPhones must be an iPhone 5S or newer,
                                          U I DESIGN & UX DEVELOPMENT                                                                          backup purposes & continuous work on
z 4x A4 Lined notepads                                                                          with iOS 8 or higher
z 5x black pens                        Please note that students are required to have         z VR headset that is compatible with the
z 2x highlighter sets                  a domain that makes use of Cpanel. During                mobile device                                Please note that some of the material on the list
z 1x lever arch file (large)           orientation week, students will be provided with       z VR Headset ranging from R300 to R600         such as sketch paper may need to be replenished
z 2x PVC files                         additional information on the requirements and                                                        throughout     the   year.   With   certain   projects
z 3x pencil (clutch/HB)                registration process of a domain.                         D IPLOMA: VISUAL COMMUNICATION             additional material may need to be purchased
z External HDD 500GB                                                                          z NT Cutter 18mm with metal sleeve             such as Triplex board. Students will be informed of
                                       z 5x A4 notepads
z 10 GB data per month (at least)                                                             z NT Cutter blades 18mm                        material requirements for each project in advance.
                                       z 5x black pens
                                                                                              z 2 x Pilot drawing pens (0,05, 0.3 and 0.5)   In their second year of study, students are
                                       z 2x sets of highlighters. (This should be
   C LOUD & SECURITY PROFESSIONAL:                                                           z Aquarelle colour pencils X12                 required to have access to a DSLR camera.
                                          sufficient for the year)
   CISCO                                                                                      z Drawing Pencils –HB, B, 2B, 3B, 6B and 8B
                                       z 1x lever arch file (workplace/homework file)                                                        DSLR Camera specifications
z 4x A4 lined notepads                                                                        z Fixative
                                       z 1x PVC file                                                                                         z Should be able to change lenses
z 5x black pens                                                                               z Eraser
                                       z 5x pencils                                                                                          z You should be able to adjust all settings

   manually for still photography                         z Golden Taklon brushes Round:- No. 0000,                   sketches and class exercises. Most stationery stores      recommended. Optional: External hard
z Should have video record capabilities and                  3, 12 & No. 4 (Flat)                                     will keep this in stock. Packaging companies will         drive or solid state 250 GB) aimed at
   you should be able use manual settings in              z Contact glue (Bostik)                                     also be able to supply newsprint.                         backup purposes & continuous work on
   recording video footage.                               z Mixing well                                               z A4 Bond paper:                                          projects.
                                                          z Basic acrylic primary set (Black, white and               Any A4 ream of paper can be used. (These may
Book list:                                                                                                                                                                   If you are unable to find any of the above
                                                             primary colours)                                         need to be replenished throughout the semester)
Students are required to purchase the following titles:                                                                                                                      equipment, or unsure of what to purchase, the
                                                          z Portfolio bag – A2 (no rings)                             z Brush:
z Visual Communication Year 1: Cant, M.                                                                                                                                      facilitator will be able to advise once classes start.
                                                                                                                      Any type of round brush app 5mm-10mm. Please
                                                          Please note that some of the material on the list
   2009. Marketing: An Introduction.             Juta:                                                                buy the cheapest possible option.
                                                          such as sketch paper may need to be replenished                                                                        GRAPHIC DESIGN II
   Cape Town. This title will be required in the                                                                      z Ink:
                                                          throughout the year. With certain projects additional                                                              z Ball point pen: Black
   2nd semester of year one.                                                                                          Small bottle of drawing ink (brown or black) 30ml.
                                                          material may need to be purchased such as Triplex                                                                  z Set of greyscale pencils: HB, 3B, 6B
z Visual Communication: Year 2: Koekemoer,                                                                            Dalon produces an inexpensive ink. If      students
                                                          board. Students will be informed of material                                                                       z Set of colour pencils:
   L. (2014). Advertising and Sales Promotion.                                                                        are unable to find drawing ink, pen ink is also an
                                                          requirements for each project in advance.                                                                          z A3 sketch paper – Medium to fine grain:
   Cape Town: Juta. This title is required in the                                                                     alternative.
   2nd semester of year two                                                                                                                                                  z Eraser and putty eraser
                                                             GRAPHIC DESIGN I                                         z Pallet/Mixing well:
                                                                                                                                                                             z 20 GB data per month (at least)
                                                                                                                      Small plastic pallet for mixing inks. Any old
   H IGHER CERTIFICATE IN GRAPHIC                        z 1x PVC file                                                                                                      z Backup device (32 GB Flash Drive
                                                                                                                      discarded plastic container (e.g. yogurt cup) may
                                                          z Willow Charcoal – Medium:                                                                                           recommended. Optional: External hard
    DESIGN                                                                                                            also be used.
                                                          Depending on budget, students can purchase                                                                            drive or solid state 250 GB) aimed at
z NT Cutter 18mm with metal sleeve                                                                                    z Bottle for water:
                                                          a box of willow charcoal. One is also able to buy                                                                     backup purposes & continuous work on
z NT Cutter blades 18mm                                                                                               500ml water bottle. Water is to be mixed with the
                                                          individual sticks from some art suppliers.                                                                            projects.
z 2 x Pilot drawing pens (0,05, 0.3 and 0.5)                                                                          ink.
                                                          z Ball point pen: Black
z Aquarelle colour pencils X12                                                                                        z Eraser and putty eraser                              Kindly note that second year students may have
                                                          z Set of greyscale pencils: HB, 3B, 6B
z Drawing Pencils –HB, B, 2B, 3B, 6B and 8B                                                                           z Drawing board- 600mm x 480mm                         some of the above equipment already. If you are
                                                          z Set of colour pencils
z Fixative                                                                                                            One can buy the hardboard in sheets of 2,4 x 1,2 m     unable to find any of the above equipment, or
                                                          z A2 sketch paper – Medium to fine grain:
z Eraser                                                                                                              (thickness 3,5mm) from most hardware stores. One       unsure of what to purchase, the facilitator will be
                                                          Any sketchpad make can be used. Ashrad and
z Kneadable art erasure                                                                                               sheet may therefore supply 10 boards. Students         able to advise once classes start.
                                                          Canson are two makes for example. App 20 sheets
z Assorted Charcoal sticks (8 piece)                                                                                  might want to wait until classes start to divide one
                                                          (These may need to be replenished throughout the
z 4 x A2 Plastic sleeves
                                                                                                                      board among 10 people and club together to cover           C OMPUTER AIDED DRAUGHTING &
z 2 x A2 Sketch pad (Minimum 120 gsm x                                                                                the cost.                                                  DESIGN I & II
                                                          z A2 Newsprint:
   20 sheets)                                                                                                         z 20 GB data per month (at least)
                                                          Stock newspapers are printed on. App 20 sheets.                                                                    z 2x black ball point pens
z Ink black                                                                                                           z Backup device (32 GB Flash Drive
                                                          It is a cheap paper option ideal for preparation                                                                   z 2x yellow highlighters

z 1x 30 cm ruler                               z 2x lever arch files (big ones)        z 1x Scale Ruler
                                                                                                                                      ALL ENGINEERING
z 1x scale ruler                               z 4x black pens                         z 1x Drawing Board & T-Square                z Drawing Tablet
z 2x H pencil or clutch pencil                 z 2x pencils                            z 2x H Pencil or Clutch Pencil                 Product description Wacom Intuos S
z 2x B pencil or clutch pencil                 z 1x sharpener                          z 2x B Pencil or Clutch Pencil                 Features:
z 1x pencil sharpener                          z 1x eraser                             z 1x Pencil Sharpener                          •     Connectivity technology: Wired
z 1x plastic eraser                            z 1x ruler                              z 1x Plastic Eraser                            •     Resolution: 2540 lines per inch
z 2x A4 exam pad                               z 1x scientific calculator              z 1x Erasing shield                            •     Work area: 152 x 95 mm.
z 20x tracing paper sheets                     z laptop (see page 4)                   z 1x Rim of A3 Drawing paper.                  •     Pen accuracy: 0.25 mm
z 20x graph paper sheets                       z 15GB data per month (at least)        z Set Squares (30/60 & 45 Degree Triangle)     •     Report rate (pen): 133 pps.
z 1x measuring tape (3 or 5 meters)                                                    z 1x Protractor (Full or Half Circle)          •     Diagonal: 17.8 cm (7).
                                                  PROJECT MANAGEMENT I & II                                                           •     LED indicators: Power
z 30/60 degree triangle                                                                z 1x Large Size Compass
                                                                                                                                      •     Certification: CE.
z 45 degree triangle                              GENERIC MANAGEMENT I & II            z 1X Small Bow Compass
                                                                                                                                      •	Supported Windows operating
z 1x protractor                                z Set of highlighters                   z 1x Large Size Divider
                                                                                                                                            system: Windows 10, Windows 10
z 1x scientific calculator                     z 1 x lever arch file                   z 1x French curves
                                                                                                                                            Education, Windows 10 Education
z 1x clipboard                                 z 2 x black pens                        z 1x Scientific Calculator                           x64, Windows 10 Enterprise,
z 1x A4 lever arch file                        z 1 x pencils                           z 1x PVC Carry Folder                                Windows 10.
z 1x dividers (numbered 1 to 20)               z 1x eraser                             z 15 GB data per month (at least)              •	MAC operating system supported:
z 1x PVC carry folder                          z 1x ruler                                                                                   Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra, Mac OS
z A3 Drawing Board                             z 1x calculator
                                                                                          ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING                            X 10.11 El Capitan, Mac OS X 10.12
z Caliper Vernier (CAD 2)                                                              z 4x A4 Notepads                                     Sierra
                                               z 15GB data per month (at least)
z 1x USB external hard drive/USB flash (8/16                                           z 1x Scientific Calculator

   GB) for student software                       TOURISM                              z 2x H Pencil or Clutch Pencil                 A LL ENGINEERING AND HUMANITIES
z 20 GB data per month (at least)              z 10GB data per month (uncapped         z 1x 30 cm Ruler                               PROGRAMMES
                                                  recommended)                         z 1x Plastic Eraser                          z 15 GB data per month (at least)
   F INANCIAL ADMINISTRATION CLERK                                                    z 15 GB data per month (at least)
    BOOKKEEPING                                 CIVIL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
                                               z 4x A4 Notepads
z 2x sets of highlighters
                                               z 1x 30 cm Ruler

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                          Publisher & Copyright   Author                              ISBN Number
                                            "Mathematics N1 (Hands On!): Student Book"                   Future Managers         Daniels; Kropman                    978-1-920671-63-1
Engineering Mathematics N1    MAT N1
                                            "Mathematics N1 (Hands On!): Study Guide"                    Future Managers         Future Managers                     978-0-639100-05-0
                                            "Engineering Science N1 (Hands On!): Student Book"           Future Managers         Ferreira                            978-1-920540-73-9
Engineering Science N1        ENS N1
                                            "Engineering Science N1 (Hands On!): Study Guide"            Future Managers         Future Managers                     978-0-639100-03-6
                                            "Enginering Drawing N1(Hands On!): Student Book"             Future Managers         Rossouw                             978-1-920540-73-9
Enginering Drawing N1         EGD N1
                                            "Enginering Drawing N1 (Hands On!): Study Guide"             Future Managers         Future Managers                     978-0-639100-72-2
Fitting & Machinning Theory N1 FMT N1       "Fitting & Machinning Theory N1 (Hands On!): Student Book"   Future Managers         Meyer; Murdoch                      978-1-775810-92-6

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                          Publisher & Copyright   Author                              ISBN Number
                                            Mathematics N2 (Hands On!) : Student Book                    Future Managers         Daniels;Kropman                     978-0-775811-52-7
Engineering Mathematics N2    MAT N2
                                            Mathematics N2 (Hands On!) : Study Guide                     Future Managers         Future Managers                     978-0-639100-10-4
                                            Engineering Science N2 (Hands On!) : Student Book            Future Managers         Ferreira                            978-1-920540-74-6
Engineering Science N2        ENS N2
                                            Engineering Science N2 (Hands On!) : Study Guide             Future Managers         Future Managers                     978-0-639400-08-1
Enginering Drawing N2         EGD N2        Enginering Drawing N2: Student Book                          Heinemann Publishers    "C.LG Brink; P.J.Gibbons; L.B. Smith" 978-1-868531-34-9
Fitting & Machinning Theory N2 FMT N2       Fitting & Machinning Theory N2 (Hands On!) : Student Book    Future Managers         Meyer; Murdoch                      978-1-920671-64-8

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                          Publisher & Copyright   Author                             ISBN Number
                                            Mathematics N3 (Hands On!) : Student Book                    Future Managers         Daniels;Kropman                    978-1-775815-01-3
Engineering Mathematics N3    MAT N3
                                            "Mathematics N3 (Hands On!) : Study Guide"                   Future Managers         Future Managers                    978-0-639100-15-9
                                            Engineering Science N3 (Hands On!) : Student Book            Future Managers         Ferreira                           978-1-920540-75-3
Engineering Science N3        ENS N3
                                            "Engineering Science N3 (Hands On!) : Study Guide"           Future Managers         Future Managers                    978-0-639100-13-5
Enginering Drawing N3         EGD N3        Enginering Drawing N3 (3rd Edition)                          Heinemann Publishers    C.L. Moolman & Chris Brink         978-1-86853-388-6
Mechanotechnology N3          MEE N3        Mechanotchnology N3 (2nd Edition)                            Heinemann Publishers    Gouws F.M                          978-1-86853-583-5

Module                     Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                       Copyright          Author             ISBN Number         Publisher
Engineering Mathematics N4 EMG N4        Mathematics N4 (New Syllabus)                             MJJ Van Rensburg   MJJ Van Rensburg   978-1-91978-041-2 Troupant
Engineering Science N4     ENS N4        Engineering Science N4 (1st Edition)                      MJJ Van Rensburg   MJJ Van Rensburg   978-1-4308-0283-9 Troupant
                                                                                                   "C.L. Moolman &    C.L. Moolman &
Mechanical Draughting N4   MDD N4        Mechanical Draughting N4                                                                        978-1-86813-468-7 Heinemann
                                                                                                   C.G. Brink"        C.G. Brink
Mechanotechnics N4         MEE N4        Mechanotechnics N4 (2nd Edition)                          R.D. Joubert       R.D. Joubert       978-0-7962-0004-4 Heinemann

Module                     Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                       Copyright          Author             ISBN Number         Publisher
Engineering Mathematics N5 EMG N5        Mathematics N5 (1st Edition)                              MJJ van Rensburg   MJJ van Rensburg   978-1-9197-8084-9 Troupant
Power Machines N5          POM N5        Power Machines N5                                         W H Spies          W H Spies          978-1-91978-038-2 Troupant
Mechanical Drawing &                     N5 Mechanical Drawing & Design: Gateways to Engineering                                                             Hybrid Learnings
                           MDD N5                                                                  Chris Brink        Chris Brink        978-1-928203-97-1
Design N5                                Studies                                                                                                             Solutions
                                                                                                   J.T. van Eeden &   J.T. van Eeden &
Mechanotechnics N5         MEE N5        Mechanotechnics N5                                                                              978-1-919780-20-7 Troupant
                                                                                                   G.A.V. Schmidlin   G.A.V. Schmidlin

Module                     Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                       Copyright          Author             ISBN Number         Publisher
Engineering Mathematics N6 EMG N6        Mathematics N6 (1st Edition)                              MJJ van Rensburg   MJJ van Rensburg   978-1-9197-8085-6 Troupant
Power Machines N6          POM N6        Power Machines N6 1st Edition                             W H Spies          W H Spies          978-1-91978-032-0 Troupant
Mechanical Drawing &                     N6 Mechanical Drawing & Design: Gateways to Engineering   Lorenzo            Lorenzo                                Hybrid Learning
                           MDD N6                                                                                                        978-1-928203-96-4
Design N6                                Studies                                                   Maraschin          Maraschin                              Solutions
Mechanotechnics N6         MEE N6        Mechanotechnics N6                                        G.A.V.Schmidlin”   G.A.V.Schmidlin”   978-1-919780-31-3 Troupant

Module                       Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                          Publisher & Copyright   Author            ISBN Number
                                           Mathematics N1(Hands On!) : Student Book                     Future Managers         Daniels;Kropman   978-1-920671-63-1
Engineering Mathematics N1   MAT N1
                                           Mathematics N1 (Hands On!) : Study Guide                     Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639100-05-0
                                           "Engineering Science N1 (Hands On!) : Student Book"          Future Managers         Ferreira          978-1-920540-73-9
Engineering Science N1       ENS N1
                                           "Engineering Science N1 (Hands On!) : Study Guide"           Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639100-03-6
                                           "Electrical Trade Theory N1 (Hands On!) : Student Book"      Future Managers         Ferreira          978-1-920540-67-8
Electrical Trade Theory N1   EET N1
                                           "Electrical Trade Theory N1 (Hands On!) : Study Guide"       Future Managers         Future Managers   978-1-775819-67-7
                                           "Industrial Electronics N1(Hands On!) : Student Book"        Future Managers         Kraft             978-1-775810-20-9
Industrial Electronics N1    IEE N1
                                           "Industrial Electronics N1(Hands On!) : Study Guide"         Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639-00-04-3

Module                       Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                          Publisher & Copyright   Author            ISBN Number
                                           "Mathematics N2(Hands On!) : Student Book"                   Future Managers         Daniels;Kropman   978-0-775811-52-7
Engineering Mathematics N2   MAT N2
                                           "Mathematics N2 (Hands On!) : Study Guide"                   Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639100-10-4
                                           "Engineering Science N2 (Hands On!) : Student Book"          Future Managers         Ferreira          978-1-920540-74-6
Engineering Science N2       ENS N2
                                           "Engineering Science N2 (Hands On!) : Study Guide"           Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639400-08-1
                                           "Electrical Trade Theory N2 (Hands On!) : Student Book"      Future Managers         Ferreira          978-1-920540-68-5
Electrical Trade Theory N2   EET N2
                                           Electrical Trade Theory N2 (Hands On!) : Study Guide         Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639100-07-4
                                           "Industrial Electronics N2 (Hands On!) : Student Book"       Future Managers         Stoltz            978-1-920671-82-2
Industrial Electronics N2    IEE N2
                                           "Industrial Electronics N2 (Hands On!) : Study Guide"        Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639100-00-8

Module                       Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                          Publisher & Copyright   Author            ISBN Number
                                           Mathematics N3 (Hands On!) : Student Book                    Future Managers         Daniels;Kropman   978-1-775815-01-3
Engineering Mathematics N3   MAT N3
                                           Mathematics N3 (Hands On!) : Study Guide                     Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639100-15-9
                                           "Engineering Science N3(Hands On!) : Student Book"           Future Managers         Ferreira          978-1-920540-75-3
Engineering Science N3       ENS N3
                                           "Engineering Science N3(Hands On!) : Study Guide"            Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639100-13-5
Electrotechnology N3         EET N3        "Electrotechnology N3 (Hands On!) : Student Book"            Future Managers         Ferreira          978-1-920540-70-8
                                           "Industrial Electrotechnics N3 (Hands On!) : Student Book"   Future Managers         Engelbrecht       978-1-920671-73-0
Industrial Electronics N3    IEE N3
                                           "Industrial Electrotechnics N3 (Hands On!) : Study Guide"    Future Managers         Future Managers   978-0-639103-14-2

Module                      Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                            Copyright          Author             ISBN Number       Publisher
Engineering Mathematics N4 EMG N4         Mathematics N4 (New Syllabus)                  MJJ Van Rensburg   MJJ Van Rensburg   978-1-91978-041-2 Troupant
Engineering Science N4      ENS N4        Engineering Science N4 (1st Edition)           MJJ Van Rensburg   MJJ Van Rensburg   978-1-4308-0283-9 Troupant
Industrial Electronics N4   IEE N4        "Industrial Electronics N4 (Hands ON!)"        Johan Kraft        Johan Kraft        978-1-77581-021-6 Future Managers
Electrotechnics N4          EET N4        Electrotechnics N4                             LE Ching           LE Ching           978-1-919780-14-6 Troupant

Module                      Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                            Copyright          Author             ISBN Number       Publisher
Engineering Mathematics N5 EMG N5         Mathematics N5 (1st Edition)                   MJJ van Rensburg   MJJ van Rensburg   978-1-9197-8084-9 Troupant
Power Machines N5           POM N5        Power Machines N5                              W H Spies          W H Spies          978-1-91978-038-2 Troupant
Industrial Electronics N5   IEE N5        Industrial Electronics N5                      Johan Kraft        Johan Kraft        978-1-92067-194-5 Future Managers
Electrotechnics N5          EET N5        Electrotechnics N5                             LE Ching           LE Ching           978-1-91978-028-3 Troupant

Module                      Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                            Copyright          Author             ISBN Number       Publisher
Engineering Mathematics N6 EMG N6         Mathematics N6 (1st Edition)                   MJJ van Rensburg   MJJ van Rensburg   978-1-9197-8085-6 Troupant
Power Machines N6           POM N6        Power Machines N6 (1st Edition)                W H Spies          W H Spies          978-1-91978-032-0 Troupant
Industrial Electronics N6   IEE N6        N6 Industrial Electronics                      Blignaut           Blignaut           978-1-92067-129-7 Future Managers
Electrotechnics N6          EET N6        Electrotechnics N6                             LE Ching           Le Ching           978-1-91978-015-3 Troupant

Module                       Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Publisher & Copyright        Author                    ISBN Number
                                           Mathematics N1(Hands On!) : Student Book                    Future Managers              Daniels;Kropman           978-1-920671-63-1
Engineering Mathematics N1 MAT N1
                                           Mathematics N1 (Hands On!) : Study Guide                    Future Managers              Future Managers           978-0-639100-05-0
Building Science N1          BDS N1        Building Science N1 (Hands On! : Student Book               Future Managers              Julyan                    978-1-920671-68-6
Building Drawing N1          BDD N1        Building Drawing N1(Hands On!) : Student Book               Future Managers              Isaacs                    978-1-920671-69-3
Bricklaying & Plastering                   Bricklaying & Plastering Theory N1(Hands On!) : Student
                             BPT N1                                                                    Future Managers              Julyan                    978-1-920671-65-5
Theory N1                                  Book

Module                       Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Publisher & Copyright        Author                    ISBN Number
                                           Mathematics N2 (Hands On!) Student Book                     Future Managers              Daniels;Kropman           978-0-775811-52-7
Engineering Mathematics N2 MAT N2
                                           Mathematics N2 (Hands On!) : Study Guide                    Future Managers              Future Managers           978-0-639100-10-4
Building Science N2          BDS N2        Building Science N2 (Hands On!) : Student Book              Future Managers              Julyan                    978-1-775811-53-4
                                                                                                       Christopher Brink &
Building Drawing N2          BDD N2        Building Drawing N2(Hands On!) : Student Book                                            C G Brink; J T Abrahams
Bricklaying & Plastering                   Bricklaying & Plastering Theory N2 (Hands On!) : Student
                             BPT N2                                                                    Future Managers              Julyan                    978-1-920671-66-2
Theory N2                                  Book

Module                       Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Publisher & Copyright        Author                    ISBN Number
                                           Mathematics N3 (Hands On!) : Student Book                   Future Managers              Daniels;Kropman           978-1-775815-01-3
Engineering Mathematics N3 MAT N3
                                           Mathematics N3(Hands On!) : Study Guide                     Future Managers              Future Managers           978-0-639100-15-9
                                                                                                       Dilon (Publisher: Hybrid
Building Science N3          BDS N3        N3 Building Science (Revised Edition)                                                    Dilon                     978-1-928203-48-3
                                                                                                       Learning Solutions)
                                                                                                       Abrahams (Publisher:
Building Drawing N3          BDD N2        N3 Building Drawing                                                                      Abrahams                  978-1-928203-45-2
                                                                                                       Hybrid Learning Solutions)
Building & Civil Technology N3 BCT N3      Building & Civil Technology N3 (Hands On!) : Student Book   Future Managers              Julyan                    978-1-920671-66-2

Module                       Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                           Copyright           Author              ISBN Number         Publisher
Engineering Mathematics N4 EMG N4          Mathematics N4 (New Syllabus)                                 MJJ Van Rensburg    MJJ Van Rensburg    978-1-91978-041-2 Troupant
Building & Structural                      Building & Structural Construction N4: Gateways to                                                                        Christopher Brink &
                             BSC N4                                                                      Christopher Brink   Christopher Brink   978-1-92820-358-2
Construction N4                            Engineering Studies                                                                                                       Associates
Building & Structural                      Building & Structural Surveying N4: Gateways to Engineering                                                               Christopher Brink &
                             BSS N4                                                                      Christopher Brink   Christopher Brink   978-1-92820-357-5
Surveying N4                               Studies                                                                                                                   Associates
                                           Building & Administration N4: Gateways to Engineering                                                                     Christopher Brink &
Building Administration N4   BA N4                                                                       Christopher Brink   Christopher Brink   978-1-92820-356-8
                                           Studies                                                                                                                   Associates

Module                       Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                           Copyright           Author              ISBN Number         Publisher
Engineering Mathematics N5 EMG N5          Mathematics N5 (1st Edition)                                  MJJ van Rensburg    MJJ van Rensburg    978-1-9197-8084-9 Troupant
Building & Structural                      Building & Structural Construction N5: Gateways to                                                                        Christopher Brink &
                             BSC N5                                                                      Christopher Brink   Christopher Brink   978-1-92839-269-9
Construction N5                            Engineering Studies                                                                                                       Associates
Building & Structural                      Building & Structural Surveying N5: Gateways to Engineering                                                               Christopher Brink &
                             BSS N5                                                                      Christopher Brink   Christopher Brink   978-1-92820-371-1
Surveying N5                               Studies                                                                                                                   Associates
                                           "Building & Administration N5: Gateways to                                                                                Christopher Brink &
Building Administration N5   BA N5                                                                       Christopher Brink   Christopher Brink   978-1-92820-370-4
                                           Engineering Studies"                                                                                                      Associates

Module                       Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                           Copyright           Author              ISBN Number         Publisher
Engineering Mathematics N6 EMG N6          Mathematics N6 (1st Edition)                                  MJJ van Rensburg    MJJ van Rensburg    978-1-9197-8085-6 Troupant
Building & Structural                      Building & Structural Construction N6: Gateways to                                                                        Christopher Brink &
                             BSC N6                                                                      Christopher Brink   Christopher Brink   978-1-92820-376-6
Construction N6                            Engineering Studies                                                                                                       Associates
Building & Structural                      Building & Structural Surveying N6: Gateways to Engineering                                                               Christopher Brink &
                             BSS N6                                                                      Christopher Brink   Christopher Brink   978-1-92820-375-9
Surveying N6                               Studies                                                                                                                   Associates
                                           Building & Administration N6: Gateways to Engineering                                                                     Christopher Brink &
Building Administration N6   BA N6                                                                       Christopher Brink   Christopher Brink   978-1-92820-374-2
                                           Studies                                                                                                                   Associates

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                                                                                                                            D. Plaatjies & P.
                                            Entrepreneurship N4: Starting your own business             Future Managers                             978-1-91974-606-7 Future Managers
Entrepreneurship & Business                                                                                                 Bruwer
                              EBM 411
Management N4                                                                                                               P. Bruwer &
                                            The Business Plan Workbook                                  Future Managers                             N/A               Future Managers
Management                                  Communication & Management Communication N4: Say it                             Frieda w., Shirley R.
                              MCOM 411                                                                  Future Managers                             978-1-91978-682-7 Future Managers
Communication N4                            in plain English                                                                and Lynette S.
Computer Practice N4          COP 411       Computer Practice N4 Office 2013/Windows 7 (Printed in color) Future Managers   De Villiers             978-1-77581-231-9 Future Managers
                                            Introduction to Financial Accounting N4                     Future Managers     Mathews; Goolam         978-1-92036-469-4 Future Managers
Introductory Accounting N4    INACC 411
                                            Introduction to Financial Accounting N4: Workbook"          Future Managers     Mathews; Goolam         978-1-92036-493-9 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                                                                                                                            P. Bruwer & N.
                                            Entrepreneurship N5: Managing your own Business             Future Managers                             978-1-91978-610-0 Future Managers
Entrepreneurship & Business                                                                                                 Cilliers
                              EBM 511
Management N5                                                                                                               P. Bruwer &
                                            Management Plan Workbook                                    Future Managers                             N/A               Future Managers
                                                                                                                            Steenkamp; Wade
Computer Practice N5          COP 511       Communication N5: Communicate in Plain English              Future Managers                             978-1-92067-192-1 Future Managers
                                                                                                                            & Robbins
                                                                                                                            Roelofse & Vd
Sales Management N5           SAM 511       Sales Management N5                                         Future Managers                             978-1-91978-614-8 Future Managers
Economics N4                  ECONS 411     Economics N4                                                Future Managers                             978-1-92067-112-9 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                                                                                                                            P. Bruwer & N.
Entrepreneurship & Business                 Entrepreneurship N6: Expanding your own Business"           Future Managers                             978-0-95841-569-9 Future Managers
                              EBM 611                                                                                       Cilliers
Management N6
                                            Expanding your own Business Workbook                        Future Managers     N. Cilliers             N/A               Future Managers
                                                                                                                            Steenkamp; Wade
Computer Practice N6          COP 611       Communication N6: Communicate in Plain English              Future Managers                             978-1-92067-192-1 Future Managers
                                                                                                                            & Robbins
Sales Management N6           SAM 611       Advanced Sales Management N6                                Future Managers     Nortjie                 978-1-91978-684-1 Future Managers
Economics N5                  ECONS 511     Economics N5                                                Future Managers                             978-1-92067-148-8 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                              MACOMM        Communication & Management Communication N4: Say it                             Frieda w., Shirley R.
Communication N4                                                                                        Future Managers                             978-1-91978-682-7 Future Managers
                              411           in plain English                                                                and Lynette S.
Office Practice N4            OFP 411       Office Practice N4                                          Future Managers     Oosthuizen              978-1-92036-473-1 Future Managers
                                                                                                                            Liebenberg; Retief
Information Processing N4     INFO 411      Information Processing N4 with CD                           Future Managers                             978-1-91978-622-3 Future Managers
                                                                                                                            & Jeannes
Computer Practice N4          COP 411       Computer Practice N4 Office 2013/Windows 7 (Printed in color) Future Managers   De Villiers             978-1-77581-231-9 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                              MACOMM                                                                                        Steenkamp; Wade
Communication N5                            Communication N5: Communicate in Plain English              Future Managers                             978-1-92067-192-1 Future Managers
                              511                                                                                           & Robbins
                                                                                                                            Oosthuizen &
Office Practice N5            OFP 511       Office Practice N5                                          Future Managers                             978-1-92036-474-8 Future Managers
Information Processing N5     INFO 511      Information Processing N5 with CD                           Future Managers     Redelinghuys &          978-1-91978-622-3 Future Managers
                                            Computer Practice N5
Computer Practice N5          COP 511                                                                   Future Managers     De Villiers             978-1-77581-312-5 Future Managers
                                            Office 2013/Windows 7 (Printed In Color)

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                                                                                                                            Steenkamp; Wade
Communication N6              MACOM 611     Communication N6: Communicate in Plain English              Future Managers                             978-1-92067-192-1 Future Managers
                                                                                                                            & Robbins
Office Practice N6            OFP 611       Office Practice N6                                          Future Managers     Nienaber &              978-1-92036-475-5 Future Managers
Information Processing N6     INFOR 611     Information Processing N6 with CD                           Future Managers     Jeannes                 978-1-91978-623-0 Future Managers
Computer Practice N6          COP 611       Computer Practice N6 Office 2013/Windows 7 (Printed in color) Future Managers   De Villiers             978-1-77581-313-2 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                                                                                                                            D. Plaatjies & P.
                                            Entrepreneurship N4: Starting your own business             Future Managers                             978-1-91974-606-7 Future Managers
Entrepreneurship & Business                                                                                                 Bruwer
                              EBM 411
Management N4                                                                                                               P. Bruwer &
                                            The Business Plan Workbook                                  Future Managers                             N/A               Future Managers
Management                                  Communication & Management Communication N4: Say it                             Frieda w., Shirley R.
                              MCOM 411                                                                  Future Managers                             978-1-91978-682-7 Future Managers
Communication N4                            in plain English                                                                and Lynette S.
                                                                                                                            vd Westhuyzen &
Marketing Management N4       MKTM 411      Principles of Marketing N4                                  Future Managers                             978-1-91978-665-0 Future Managers
                                                                                                                            vd Merwe
Computer Practice N4          COP 411       Computer Practice N4 Office 2013/Windows 7 (Printed in color) Future Managers   De Villiers             978-1-77581-231-9 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                                                                                                                            P. Bruwer &
                                            Entrepreneurship N5: Managing your own Business             Future Managers                             978-1-91978-610-0 Future Managers
Entrepreneurship & Business                                                                                                 N. Cilliers
                              EBM 511
Management N5                                                                                                               P. Bruwer &
                                            Management Plan Workbook                                    Future Managers                             N/A               Future Managers
                                                                                                                            vd Westhuyzen &
Marketing Management N5       MKTM 511      The Marketing Mix N5                                        Future Managers                             978-1-91974-674-6 Future Managers
                                                                                                                            vd Merwe
                                                                                                                            Roelofse & Vd
Sales Management N5           SAM 511       Sales Management N5                                         Future Managers                             978-1-91978-614-8 Future Managers
Computer Practice N5          COP 511       Computer Practice N5 Office 2013/Windows 7 (Printed in color) Future Managers   De Villiers             978-1-77581-312-5 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
Sales Management N6           SAM 611       Advanced Sales Management N6                                Future Managers     Nortjie                 978-1-91978-684-1 Future Managers
                                                                                                                            vd Westhuyzen &
Marketing Management N6       MKTM 611      Marketing Strategies N6                                     Future Managers                             978-1-91974-622-7 Future Managers
                                                                                                                            vd Merwe
Marketing Communication N6 MKTCOM 611 Marketing Communication N6                                        Future Managers     Groenewald              978-1-92001-911-2 Future Managers
Marketing Research N6         MKTR 611      Market Research N6                                          Future Managers     Matima                  978-1-91978-698-8 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                                                                                                                            D. Plaatjies & P.
                                            Entrepreneurship N4: Starting your own business             Future Managers                             978-1-91974-606-7 Future Managers
Entrepreneurship & Business                                                                                                 Bruwer
                              EBM 411
Management N4                                                                                                               P. Bruwer &
                                            The Business Plan Workbook                                  Future Managers                             N/A               Future Managers
Personnel Management N4       PSM 411       Human Resource Management N4                                Future Managers     Wilson- Kirsten         978-1-91974-025-6 Future Managers
Management                                  Communication & Management Communication N4: Say it                             Frieda w., Shirley R.
                              MCOM 411                                                                  Future Managers                             978-1-91978-682-7 Future Managers
Communication N4                            in plain English                                                                and Lynette S.
Computer Practice N4          COP 411       Computer Practice N4 Office 2013/Windows 7 (Printed in color) Future Managers   De Villiers             978-1-77581-231-9 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
Personnel Management N5       PSM 511       Human Resource Management N5                                Future Managers     Wilson- Kirsten         978-1-91974-024-9 Future Managers
Personnel Training N5         PST 511       Human Resource Training N5                                  Future Managers     Wilson- Kirsten         978-1-91978-611-7 Future Managers
Labour Relations N5           LBR 511       Labour Relations N5                                         Future Managers     Wilson- Kirsten         978-1-77581-268-5 Future Managers
Computer Practice N5          COP 511       Computer Practice N5 Office 2013/Windows 7 (Printed in color) Future Managers   De Villiers             978-1-77581-312-5 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
Personnel Management N6       PSM 611       Human Resource Management N6                                Future Managers     Wilson- Kirsten         978-1-92036-419-9 Future Managers
Personnel Training N6         PST 611       Human Resource Training N6                                  Future Managers     Wilson- Kirsten         978-1-91978-609-4 Future Managers
Labour Relations N6           LBR 611       Labour Relations N6                                         Future Managers     Wilson- Kirsten         978-1-77581-441-2 Future Managers
Computer Practice N6          COP 611       Computer Practice N6 Office 2013/Windows 7 (Printed in color) Future Managers   De Villiers             978-1-77581-313-2 Future Managers

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                                                                                                                            D. Plaatjies &
                                            Entrepreneurship N4: Starting your own business             Future Managers                             978-1-91974-606-7 Future Managers
Entrepreneurship & Business                                                                                                 P. Bruwer
                              EBM 411
Management N4                                                                                                               P. Bruwer &
                                            The Business Plan Workbook                                  Future Managers                             N/A               Future Managers
Management                                  Communication & Management Communication N4: Say it                             Frieda w., Shirley R.
                              MCOM 411                                                                  Future Managers                             978-1-91978-682-7 Future Managers
Communication N4                            in plain English                                                                and Lynette S.
                                            Financial Accounting N4                                     Future Managers     Geldenhuys              978-1-92036-470-0 Future Managers
Financial Accounting N4       FACC 411
                                            Financial Accounting N4: Workbook                           Future Managers     Geldenhuys              978-1-92054-066-1 Future Managers
Computerized Financial
                              CFS 411       Computerized Financial System N4                            Future Managers     Redelinghuys            978-1-92067-151-8 Future Managers
System N4

Module                        Module Code   Prescribed Textbook                                         Copyright           Author                  ISBN Number       Publisher
                                                                                                                            P. Bruwer &
                                            Entrepreneurship N5: Managing your own Business             Future Managers                             978-1-91978-610-0 Future Managers
Entrepreneurship & Business                                                                                                 N. Cilliers
                              EBM 511
Management N5                                                                                                               P. Bruwer &
                                            Management Plan Workbook                                    Future Managers                             N/A               Future Managers
Computerized Financial
                              CFS 511       Computerized Financial System N5                            Future Managers     Van Staden              978-1-92067-152-5 Future Managers
System N5
                                                                                                                            Geldenhuys &
Financial Accounting N5       FACC 511      Financial Accounting N5                                     Future Managers                             978-1-92036-471-7 Future Managers
Cost & Management
                              CMA 511       Cost & Management Accounting N5                             Future Managers     Van Eeden               978-1-92036-467-0 Future Managers
Accounting N5

Module                            Module Code         Prescribed Textbook                                            Copyright              Author                ISBN Number        Publisher
                                                                                                                                            P. Bruwer & N.
Entrepreneurship & Business                           Entrepreneurship N6: Expanding your own Business               Future Managers                              978-0-95841-569-9 Future Managers
                                  EBM 611                                                                                                   Cilliers
Management N6
                                                      Expanding your own Business Workbook                           Future Managers        N. Cilliers           N/A                Future Managers
Cost & Management
                                  CMA 611             Cost & Management Accounting N6                                Future Managers        Van Eeden             978-1-92036-468-7 Future Managers
Accounting N6
Computerized Financial
                                  CFS 611             Computerized Financial System N6                               Future Managers        October; Roelofse;    978-1-92054-099-9 Future Managers
System N6
                                                                                                                                            vd Westhulzen
                                                                                                                                            Geldenhuys &
Financial Accounting N6           FACC 611            Financial Accounting N6                                        Future Managers                              978-1-77581-262-3 Future Managers

z Year 1:                                               Effective communication in organisations:         z Year 3                                               NATED BOOKS: SUPPLIER’S
Erasmus, B., Strydom, J, & Rudansky-Kloppers, S.
2013. Introduction to business management. 9th
                                                        preparing messages that communicate. 4th ed.
                                                        Juta. ISBN: 9780702197826
                                                                                                          Bauer, T. 2010. Organizational behaviour.              INFORMATION
                                                                                                          Portland State University. ISBN 9780982043066
ed. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199059829                                                                                                                  • Gerlain Trading & Projects (Pty) Ltd
                                                        Sloman, J. & Jones, E. 2011. Economics and the
                                                                                                          Kotler, P. & Keller, K.L. 2012. Marketing                Address: Opera Plaza, Pretoria, Wendy
Pinto, J.K. c2016. Project management: achieving        business environment. 3rd ed. Financial Times/
                                                                                                          management. 14th ed. Prentice Hall. ISBN                 House, Andries and Pretorius Street,
competitive advantage. 4th ed. Prentice Hall.           Prentice Hall. ISBN 97802734802
                                                                                                          9780132102926                                            Pretoria.
ISBN 9780133798074                                      z Year 2:
                                                                                                                                                                   Tel: 012 321 4008 / 012 323 5855
                                                        Hunger, J.D. & Wheelen, T.L. 2011. Essentials     Nagel, C.J. 2011. Business law. 4th ed. LexisNexis
Bocij,P. Greasly, A. Hickie, S. 2019. Business                                                                                                                     Cell: 076 609 5667
                                                        of strategic management. 5th ed. Prentice Hall.   South Africa. ISBN: 9780409049893
Information Systems Technology, Development                                                                                                                        Email:
                                                        ISBN 9780136006695
and Management for the Modern Business.6th                                                                Saunders, M. & Lewis, P. 2012. Doing research in       • Mind matters Educational Bookstore
Edition. Pearson                                        Hosmer, L. 2010. The ethics of management.        business and management: an essential guide              Address: 7 Bentley Office Park, 67
                                                        McGraw-Hill. ISBN 9780073530543                   to planning your project. Harlow: Pearson. ISBN          Wessels Road, Rivonia.
Haigh, J. 2011. The Financial Times guide to
                                                                                                          9780273726418                                            Tel: 086 111 6184
finance for non-financial managers. Financial           Laudon, K.C. & Laudon, J.P. 2007. Essentials of
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