Page created by Johnnie Lopez
F I N A L                  P R I N T                      I S S U E
              R F D -T V T H E M AG A Z I N E G O E S D I G I TA L I N 2 0 2 1

NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                               RFDTV.COM

   THE 2020 NFR
   IS COMING TO                         TEXAS

                HO ME OF THE NFR
STREAM THE 2020 NFR LIVE                                                  CONTENTS
    ON ANY DEVICE FROM ANYWHERE                                            NOVEMBER | DECEMBER
                                                                                                                                                                                                          RURAL MEDIA GROUP

                  NFR SEASON PASS                                            FEATURES
                                                                                                                                                                                                          EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Founder & President: Patrick Gottsch - patrick@rfdtv.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          EVP of Finance: Gatsby Gottsch Solheim - gatsby@rfdtv.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          CEO of The Cowboy Channel: Raquel Gottsch - raquel@thecowboychannel.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          President & GM of The Cowboy Channel: Jeff Medders – jeff@thecowboychannel.com

                    ALL 10 NIGHTS OF
                                                                                4 Letter From Raquel Gottsch - Magazine Goes Digital                                                                      Chief Marketing Officer: Jenna Daley - jenna@thecowboychannel.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chief Technology Officer: David Mitchell - davidm@rfdtv.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chief Digital Officer: David Guinan davidg@rfdtv.com
                                                                                6 National Finals Rodeo Moves to Texas for 2020                                                                           Executive Assistant: Patty O'Bryan patty@rfdtv.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Executive Assistant: Valerie Green valerie@thecowboychannel.com

                     NONSTOP RODEO
                                                                                8 Globe Life Stadium                                                                                                      ADVERTISING SALES
                                                                                                                                                                                                          CRO of The Cowboy Channel: Matt LaNeve - mattL@thecowboychannel.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          VP of National Ag Sales & Marketing: Rick Patton - rick@rfdtv.com
                                                                             16	John Wayne Exhibit                                                                                                      VP of Sales, Ag: Tim Moan - tim@rfdtv.com

                     ACTION FOR ONLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                          VP of Sales: Mike Hansen - mike@rfdtv.com

                                                                             18 National Finals Rodeo: Who's Competing                                                                                    VP of National Sales, Western Lifestyle: Sean Cassidy - sean@rfdtv.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          VP of Sales, Western Lifestyle: Kami Peterson – kami@thecowboychannel.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          VP of Sales, Midwest: Rhonda Ludwig - rhonda@rfdtv.com
                                                                             46 Baxter Black

                                                                                                                                                                                                          EVP, Western Sports: Keith Ferguson – keith@rfdtv.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Director of Research: Mark Cwik - markc@rfdtv.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sales: David Fatzinger - davidf@rfdtv.com
                                                                             50 Crossword Puzzle                                                                                                          Sales & Research Support: Jeremy Eastman - jeremy@rfdtv.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sales Asst: Jacqui Kyle    Advertising Representatives: Sony Pictures Television

                                                                                                                                                                                                          MARKETING & EVENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Senior Graphic Designer: Deb Fairman       Graphic Designer: Katie Croft
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Event Coordinators: Molly Scribner, Sarah Hendrix

                          The only way to stream all 10 nights               PROGRAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Events Producer: Clayton Cullen
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rodeo Marketing: Amanda Shaeffer
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rodeo Producer: Dirk Webb

                          of the 2020 National Finals Rodeo live                                                                                                                                          Promotions: Mike Holland

                                                                             10 National Finals Rodeo Broadcast Schedule
                          from Arlington, Texas is to subscribe
                                                                                                                                                                                                          DIGITAL & IT
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Digital Content Managers: Abe Goolsby, Holly Henderson, Brett Niergarten,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mike Snow, Kieran Baily

                          to the NFR Season Pass on PRCA on                  22 	THE COWBOY CHANNEL                                                                                                      Digital Content Assistant: James Ferguson

                                                                                     PROGRAMMING SCHEDULE
                          Cowboy Channel+.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          AFFILIATE SALES
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Manager of Affiliate Relations: Natalie Pease - natalie@rfdtv.com

                                                                             24 Recurring Program Descriptions                                                                                            PROGRAMMING
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Vice President of Programming: Jeremiah Davis - jeremiah@rfdtv.com

                          Get the NFR Season Pass for the                    26 RFD-TV PROGRAMMING SCHEDULE                                                                                               Programming Team: Davis Costner, Jeff Dekuiper, Justin Ford, Zach Bible
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ingest: Michael Sacci
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Traffic Team: Mary Allerton, Amy Keefer, Shannon McIntosh

                          special introductory price of $99.99               28 RFD-TV Weekly Highlights                                                                                                  FINANCE

                          and be able to stream on up to three
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Senior Controller: Conie McCully
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Accountants: Justin Bacon, Robert Engebretson

                          supported devices.                                                                                                                                                              RFD-TV
                                                                                                                                                                                                          News Director: Katie Farritor
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Producers: Clayton Thorton, Emily Buck, Currey McCullough, David Nelson,

                            Less than $10 a day. Go to                                                                                                                                                    Calie Sneed, Kelly Theiss, Charlsie Craig, Ashlee Pitzel
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Production Team: Matthew Avant, Dierdre Cischke, Jonny Clark, Danielle Drummond,

                    cowboychannelplus.com and subscribe today.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Austin Duke, Collin Hancock, John Ketelhut, John Morris, LaShanda Perkins, Nick Saari,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mark Schardt, Robert Spivey, Graeme Thurman, Christopher Ward, Jonathan Wesenberg,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Zach Beaty, Clay Arnold, Brian Thompson, Aaron Weitlauf, Jordan Judkins, Colin Stoecker

                                                                                                                                                                                                          ON-AIR TALENT
                                                                                          Sign up for our weekly newsletters at
       ST R E A M IN G O N LY O N
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Talent: Janet Adkison, Tammi Arender, Marlin Bohling, John Jenkinson,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Christina Loren, Tim Ross
                                                                                      RFDTV.COM and THECOWBOYCHANNEL.COM
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chief Engineer: Jaymee Sharp       Senior Engineer: Cory Brandon

 See it all from the best seat in the house.                                    CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS
                                                                           17445 Arbor St Suite 300, Omaha, NE 68130
                                                                                                                                                     RFD-TV HEADQUARTERS
                                                                                                                                                   & BROADCAST OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          THE COWBOY CHANNEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Executive Producer: Matt Schults
                                                                                                                                                    49 Music Square West, Suite 301                       Director/Technical Manager: Sean Cargile
                                                                                                                                                       Nashville, Tennessee 37203                         Assoc. Producer/Athlete Coordinator: Karlee Peterson
                                                                          SUBSCRIPTIONS, CUSTOMER SERVICE                                          P: 615-227-9292 | F: 615-296-9822                      Studio Tech Ops/Videographer/Editor: Ethan Crocker
                                                                           & POSTMASTER CHANGE ADDRESS                                                                                                    Sr. Studio Tech Ops/Editor: Arik Surita
                                                                                  Customer Service Department,                                                                                            Production Engineer: Tom Thompson         Editor: Evan Brooks
                                                                                   RFD-TV The Magazine®, LLC                                                                                              Production Team: Brandon Hatfield, Blake Stephens, Joel Olivas, Evan Scallan,
                                                                           17445 Arbor St Suite 300, Omaha, NE 68130                                                                                      Travis Barnes, Joel Pena, Emery Daniels, Ethan Powell, Samantha Moore, Blake
                                                                             P: 402-991-6290 E: magazine@rfdtv.com                                     THE COWBOY CHANNEL                                 Hibdon, Tyler Tawney, Deon Cullum, Robert Stevens, Andrew Thompson,
                                                                                                                                                           HEADQUARTERS                                   Madison Smith, Mitchell Davis, Ed Petersen, Jacob Haggard

START STREAMING TODAY | COWBOYCHANNELPLUS.COM                                           RFD-TV THE RANCH
                                                                           1453 Old Las Vegas Hwy, Ribera, NM. 87560
                                                                                                                                                        & BROADCAST STUDIO
                                                                                                                                                        130 East Exchange Avenue
                                                                                                                                                         Fort Worth, Texas 76164
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ON-AIR TALENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Janie Johnson, Steve Kenyon, Kirbe Schnoor, Amy Wilson, Justin McKee
                                                                                        P: 575-421-4687                                                      P: 817-989-2727
                                                                                                                                                                                                          RURAL RADIO
                                                                          RFD-TV The Magazine®, LLC is published bimonthly, ISSN 1948-027X, by RFD-TV 17445 ARBOR ST, OMAHA, NE for a                     Radio Team: Zachery Troutman, Lacey Pate, Austin Mittelstadt, Andrew Kiser, LaTesa Collins
                                                 Smart TV   Web/Browser   $30 initial fee. Printing & Distribution: Aradius Group. Copyright 2017 by RFD-TV The Magazine®, LLC. All rights reserved.
                                                                          Periodic postage paid at OMAHA, NE and additional mailing offices. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
                                                                          form without written consent of RFD-TV The Magazine®, LLC
                                                                                                                                                                                                       NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE                                           3
                                                                                                                          TO A L L O F O U R R F D -T V T H E M AG A Z I N E R E A D E R S ,
                                                                                                                    thank you for your loyalty and support through the years.

                                 Goes Digital In 2021
                                    THIS IS THE FINAL PRINTED ISSUE.
                             STARTING IN JANUARY 2021, RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE
                                     WILL BE AN ONLINE PUBLICATION
                      Why are we doing this?
                      When we printed our first issue of RFD-TV The Magazine in July 2003, it was in response
                      to letters from viewers asking for a printed program guide to keep track of their favorite
                      shows. At that time, built-in program guides were not standard with most cable and
                      satellite providers, and many of our viewers were not online. For more than 17 years,
                      RFD-TV The Magazine has provided a daily program schedule for the network, as well as
                      stories about individual shows, rural lifestyle features, special program announcements and
                      more. Now, however, RFD-TV is adding new shows and special features every week.
                      Because The Magazine must be printed 3 months in advance, it often doesn’t include
                      the most up-to-date information about our programming schedule. It’s clear from our
                      conversations with viewers that of all of the information that RFD-TV The Magazine
                      provides, an accurate program schedule is most important to them. That’s why we are
                      moving RFD-TV The Magazine to an online publication—so you will be the first to know
                      about all of our great upcoming content!
                      How can I get the program schedule?
                      Beginning in January 2021, you will be able to access all of your favorite features of
                      RFD-TV The Magazine online at www.rfdtvthemagazine.com. Of course, you can print
                      the current week’s program schedule at any time by going to www.rfdtv.com/schedule,
                      choosing your time zone, and clicking the red “Print Schedule” button in the upper
                      right-hand corner. If you need any assistance printing the weekly program schedule,
                      please call us at (402) 289-2085.
                      It has truly been a joy to be able to come into your home each week and share our
                      programming with you. RFD-TV's mission has always been to reconnect city
                      with country, and this remains as true as ever.
                                                                           Thank you,

                                                                           Raquel Gottsch

      4   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                          NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE   5
                                                                                                  he National Finals Rodeo (NFR) is moving to Texas in December 2020!
                                                                                                  Arlington’s Globe Life Field, home of the Texas Rangers, will host the NFR

                                                    FINALS RODEO                                  2020 – the first non-baseball event at this extraordinary ballpark. And
                                                                                                  we will be bringing you all of the action live on The Cowboy Channel,
                                                                                                  RFD-TV, Rural Radio SXM147, and PRCA on Cowboy Channel+ app.
                                                        MOVES TO
                                                   TEXAS                           NFR BROADCAST SCHEDULE
                                                                                   2:00PM - 3:00PM ET	     OUTSIDE THE BARREL
                                                                                                            Fort Worth Convention Center

                                                                                                            NFR TAILGATE PARTY
                                                       FOR 2020
                                                                                   3:00PM - 6:00PM ET	
                                                                                                            From the Historic Fort Worth Stockyards on
                                                                                                            The Cowboy Channel Headquarters lawn

                                                                                   6:00PM - 7:00PM ET	     WESTERN SPORTS ROUND-UP
                                                                                                            From the Cowboy Channel Studios
                                                     ProRodeo’s iconic annual                               in the Fort Worth Stockyards

                                                        world championship         7:00PM - 7:45PM ET	     NFR - PRE-SHOW
                                                                                                            From Texas LIVE! in Arlington, Texas

                                                   relocates in 2020 to preserve                            across from Globe Life Field

                                                                                   7:45PM - 8:00PM ET	     NFR - OPENING CEREMONY
                                                    a great experience for fans.
               DEC 3-12
                                                                                                            From Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas

                                                                                   8:00PM - 10:30PM ET	    NFR LIVE
                                                                                                            From Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas

                2020                                                               10:30PM - 11:00PM ET

                                                                                   11:00PM - 12:30AM ET
                                                                                                            NFR - POST-SHOW
                                                                                                            From the Cowboy Channel Studios
                                                                                                            in the Fort Worth Stockyards

                                                                                                            N FR BUCKLE PRESENTATION
                                                                                                            From Texas LIVE! in Arlington, Texas across
                                                                                                            from Globe Life Field
                                                                                   *Broadcast schedule subject to change.                                 TheCowboyChannel.com/NFR

                                                                                                 OUR BROADCAST AT A GLANCE
                                                                                     For The Cowboy Channel’s inaugural NFR broadcast, we are adding
                                                                                     all of the bells and whistles, including at least 24 cameras in the
                                                                                     arena and technology/camera angles never before seen at the NFR.

                                                                                                       - 24+ CAMERAS -
                                                                                               - SHOT IN 4K - 1 STEP ABOVE HD -
                                                                                       - SKYCAM CABLE - SUSPENDED CAMERA SYSTEM -
                                                                                                   - GHOST MODE REPLAYS -
                                                                                       - SUPER MOS FOR SUPER SLOW-MOTION REPLAYS -
                                                                                                      - 360i CAM SHOTS -
                                                                                       - LIVE LOOK-IN CAMERAS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS -
                                                               IN ARLINGTON, TX                          - AND MORE -
6   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                                                                NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE     7
                                                                                                 A LOOK AT THE ARENA LAYOUT
                                                                                         "The arch of the dirt is going to kind of follow the arch of what the arch of the baseball
                                                                                         field looks like, " Decker explains. "The timed events will come out of each corner, so
                                                                                         the right field and left field, or first base and third base corners, and the rough stock
                                                                                         will come out of the middle, behind second base.


           lobe Life Stadium in Arlington, Texas, was set to open in March of this
           year as the new home of the Texas Rangers. "Luckily, it wasn’t just built
           for baseball. When we first designed this place, we knew we had to do
           more than just baseball, and we certainly talked about doing rodeos, we
           just didn’t know we’d start off with the Superbowl of Rodeo,” says Sean
           Decker, Executive VP of Sports and Entertainment for the Texas Rangers.
           … Honestly, it’s more than a dream come true for us.”
 “We like to think that what happened with Globe Life Field is that we took a stadium,
 an arena, and a ballpark to create what, hopefully, everyone loves as a world-class
 The brand-new facility is equipped with 40,000 seats in a thoughtfully designed
 layout and a 5.5-acre roof that allows the stadium to be both closed and open.
                                                                                                     HEALTH AND SAFTEY PLANS
 “We can promise you the NFR will be 72 degrees every night,” says Decker. “If the                     “We are honored that the PRCA selected Globe Life Field to host the 2020 Wrangler Nationals
 weather’s great, we’d love to open up the roof for it, and I believe, it would be the                 Final Rodeo and are thrilled to be a small part of bringing this world-class event back to Texas,”
 first time the NFR ever played open.”                                                                 said Neil Leibman, Chief Operating Officer of the Texas Rangers. Globe Life Field officials have
                                                                                                       emphasized that recommended health and safety standards are being met. Safety measures will

AIRING EXCLUSIVELY ON                            LIVE STREAM ON                                        include a mask requirement at all times while inside Globe Life Field and there will be additional
                                                                                                       hand washing and sanitizing stations throughout the building.

                                                                                                       Seats have been sold in groups of four with separation between groups. Contact-limiting
                                                                                                       measures, such as mobile tickets, have been implemented throughout the event. There will
                                                                                                       also be metal detector screenings and a no bag policy at entries on performance nights. Globe
                                                                                                       Life Field is encouraging all guests to check the CDC and the Texas Department of State Health
                                                                                                       Services websites for any guideline changes prior to the event.

                                                                                                       The Arlington and Fort Worth convention and visitors’ bureaus and sports commissions are
                                                                                                       rolling out the welcome for this one-of-a-kind event and both cities have worked hard to bring
              THECOWBOYCHANNEL.COM                                                                     the Wrangler NFR to Globe Life Field.

                              During the day join The Cowboy Channel as we
                                                                                                                                          ARLINGTON BY NIGHT
                                                                                                                                                 And at night join The Cowboy Channel as we
                              broadcast live from the Fort Worth Stockyards.                                                                        broadcast live from Arlington, Texas.

                     FOOD & DRINKS, AND MUCH MORE.
     COWBOY CARNIVAL                                         THE COWBOY CHANNEL
     DECEMBER 3-12 | 10:00AM CT – 8:00PM CT                  CHAMPIONSHIP MUTTON BUSTIN
     STOCKYARDS AND MULE ALLEY                               DECEMBER 3-8 | 3:00PM - 4:00PM CT
     Bring the whole family for rides, great food, and       COWTOWN COLISEUM
     Western fun.                                            Rodeo loving youngsters will try to earn their spurs at the
                                                             first ever Cowboy Channel Championship Mutton Bustin.
     THE STOCKYARDS                                          BULL FIGHTERS ONLY WORLD FINALS
     DECEMBER 3-12 | 10:00AM CT – 5:00PM CT                  DECEMBER 9-13 | 3:30PM - 4:00PM CT

     STOCKYARDS AND MULE ALLEY                               COWTOWN COLISEUM
                                                                                                                                                          Heading to the NFR? Or want to watch with other rodeo fans?
     More than 350 exhibitors are setting up shop with       See the best in the business go to work in this man
     gifts, art, crafts, and leather goods galore.           versus beast event.                                                                          Join The Cowboy Channel at Texas Live! for our NFR Pre-Show then
                                                                                                                                                          stay and watch our nightly NFR broadcast on 110+ television screens.
     JUNIOR WORLD FINALS PRESENTED BY YETI                   HOOEY FEST | NFR WATCH PARTY                                        FROM
                                                                                                                                                          The fun doesn't stop there, after the rodeo The Cowboy Channel will
     DECEMBER 3-12 | 8:00AM CT – 3:00PM CT                   DECEMBER 3-12 | 5:00PM - 1:00AM CT
     WRANGLER ARENA | COWTOWN COLISEUM                       COWTOWN COLISEUM                                                                             go live again with the NFR Post-Show followed by the NFR Buckle
     Nearly 800 contestants will compete for                 The World’s largest NFR watch party will feature live                                        Presentation to celebrate the night's go-round winners.
     championship buckles. (Read more on page 14.)           music, drinks, and plenty of TVs for watching all of
                                                             the NFR action with fellow rodeo fans.                                                       For more information visit: thecowboychannel.com/NFR

             THE COWBOY CHANNEL                               LIVE OCNHANNEL
                                                         THE COWBO                                                         LIVE NFR PRE-SHOW | 6:00 PM CT
 DECEMBER 3-12 | 10:00AM CT – 6:00PM CT
                                                             3:00PM ET
                                                                                                                           Analysts will break down previous night’s performances, changes to the World Standings,
                                                                                                                           and preview the round to come.
  To celebrate the National Finals Rodeo coming to
  our backyard, The Cowboy Channel is hosting and                                                                          LIVE NFR POST-SHOW | 9:30 PM CT
  broadcasting live a daily tailgate party on the lawn                                                                     After the dust settles, we will wrap up each night with a look back at the round, taking you
  of our office headquarters.                                                                                              through the highlights and discussing the action with special guests.
     Before heading to Globe Life Field for the rodeo,
     come pregame with us in The Stockyards!                                                                               NFR BUCKLE PRESENTATION | 10:00 PM CT
     Interviews with top rodeo athletes, live look-ins                                                                     Nightly round winners will be presented with their Montana
     to Cowtown Coliesum for the Junior World Finals,                                                                      Silversmiths buckles in front of a live audience.
     Cowboy Channel Championship Mutton Bustin,
     Bull Fighters Only, and more.
     Then cross the street and head to The Cowboy

                                                                                                                           NATIONAL FINALS RODEO 2020
     Channel Studio to catch a live taping of Western
     Sports Round-Up at 5:00PM CT daily.

                                                                                                                             NIGHLY AT GLOBE LIFE FIELD 6:45PM CT

                                                    NFR SHOPPING

                                                    GUIDE                                                  COWBOY CHRISTMAS
                                                                                                           FORT WORTH CONVENTION CENTER
                                                                                                           This popular event is also on the move for one year as Las
                                                                                                           Vegas Events has partnered with the PRCA to host Cowboy
 Shopping has always been a huge part of the NFR tradition, and this year will                             Christmas inside the Fort Worth Convention Center.
 be no different. Your favorite annual gift expos are coming to Fort Worth for the
                                                                                                           “While it’s unfortunate we will not present Cowboy
 2020 National Finals Rodeo in Texas. Find something for everyone on your                                  Christmas in Las Vegas, we look forward to sharing this
 Christmas List in Fort Worth.                                                                             unique Western shopping and lifestyle experience with our
                                                                                                           fans in Fort Worth,” said Las Vegas Events President Pat
 STETSON COUNTRY CHRISTMAS                            COWTOWN CHRISTMAS                                    Christenson.
 AND ROPER COWBOY                                     IN THE STOCKYARDS
 MARKETPLACE                                          F O R T WO R T H S TO C K YA R D S D I S T R I C T   Cowboy Christmas has been held every year since 1986
 WILL ROGERS COLISEUM                                                                                      and has grown into the ultimate shopping and interactive
                                                      In addition to its regular shows, Group W is also
                                                                                                           experience. Attendees will find unique products, including
 Group W Productions is bringing its annual           producing a brand-new event to celebrate the
                                                                                                           custom-made jewelry, western wear, boots and spurs,
 shopping expos from Las Vegas to Fort Worth          NFR coming to Texas. Cowtown Christmas in
                                                                                                           furniture, original art, handmade crafts and home goods.
 to run throughout the NFR at the Will Rogers         The Stockyards will feature an additional 300-
                                                                                                           Cowboy Christmas also offers the best source for official
 Coliseum for rodeo fans to spend their days          plus vendors set up in tents along Main St. and
                                                                                                           NFR and PRCA merchandise. Admission to Cowboy
 checking off their Christmas gift lists all in one   Exchange for visitors to browse in between
                                                                                                           Christmas is free.
 place before heading to the rodeo each night.        attending viewing parties, grabbing barbecue,
                                                      watching live performances, and enjoying all         More than 250,000 square feet of exhibit space for 250
 “We’re excited to follow the NFR to Texas,” says
                                                      that The Stockyards has to offer.                    exhibitors and interactivity will be utilized for the show. Full
 Group W Events Director Chris Woodruff. “It’s
                                                                                                           daily schedules, parking information and hours of operation
 our hometown, and we’re bringing our two             “Cowtown Christmas in The Stockyards is a
                                                                                                           will be announced at a later date.
 major events, the Stetson Country Christmas          group of our exhibitors from Las Vegas that
 and the Roper Cowboy Marketplace to Fort             want to be here [in the Fort Worth Stockyards]
 Worth. We’ll house those at Will Rogers Center,      during this celebration,” says Woodruff. “You’re
 teaming up with the NCHA. They have a full           going to have things going on in the Coliseum,
 house of horses and competition going on, but        watch parties, this is the home of The Cowboy
 they made room for us.”                              Channel and RFD-TV, so the destination is
                                                      Stockyards definitely during NFR.”

12   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                                        NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE   13
APHA’s The Cowgirl Gathering
     JUNIOR WORLD FINALS                                                                                            WILL PREMIERE IN THE
                   T O B E H E L D AT                                                               FORT WORTH STOCKYARDS
       COWTOWN COLISEUM                                                                                                        THIS NOVEMBER
                                                                       The American Paint Horse Association is hosting an all new event in its new
            AND BROADCAST ON                                            hometown geared towards women who love and live the western lifestyle.

     THE COWBOY CHANNEL                                   Being held in the Fort Worth Stockyards November 13-15,
                                                          the inaugural Cowgirl Gathering will feature cowgirls’ skills in
                                                                                                                                will payout more than $750,000 to women athletes in 2020.
                                                                                                                                The Cowgirl Gathering Breakaway Roping is poised to be one
                                                          breakaway roping, team roping and barrel racing, while also           of the highest paying breakaway ropings in the country.
                                                          showcasing exhilarating and engaging female speakers, a
          DECEMBER 3 - 12, 2020                           fashion show, and much more.
                                                                                                                                Day one of the Cowgirl Essence Exchange kicks off at 9:00
                                                                                                                                am CT at The Cowboy Channel Studio. Female speakers and
                                                          “It’s her heart and soul that makes a cowgirl who she is—             performers from across the Western industry are slated — all
 Held in conjunction with the NFR, the
                                                          determined and fierce and ready to take on the world—                 bringing their unique cowgirl essence! Lindy Burch, Dena
 highly anticipated 2020 Junior World Finals
                                                          and we’re excited to showcase that spirit in the heart and            Kirkpatrick, Billie Bray, Adrian Brannan, Jessica Haas, and
 presented by Yeti has also found a temporary
                                                          soul of Cowtown this November,” says APHA’s Director of               plenty more will provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
 home in Texas at the historic Cowtown
                                                          Publications Jessica Hein.
 Coliseum in the Fort Worth Stockyards.                                                                                         Day two of the Cowgirl Essence Exchange fires off at 9 a.m.
                                                          The weekend will kick off with a $2,500 added Open all-girl           in the Cowboy Channel Studio. LeAnn Hart jump-starts the
 Built in 1908, the historic Coliseum was home to
                                                          team roping followed by a $7,500 added #9.5 all-girl team             day followed by Tracy Sheffield, Amy C. Witt, Lari Dee Guy,
 the world’s first indoor rodeo and it’s located at the
                                                          roping in the historic Stockyards Cowtown Coliseum on                 Donene Taylor, and more. Cowgirls from all walks of life bring
 heart of the Stockyards, just down the street from
                                                          Friday, November 13. With two divisions offered and $10,000           the heart and soul of what cowgirl means to them.
 The Cowboy Channel storefront. The Stockyards
                                                          added cash, there is sure to be a place for all competitors
 will be a primary hub of NFR events this year,                                                                                 Also beginning at 9:00 am CT on Saturday, the Cowgirl
                                                          with huge payouts! Following the all-girl team roping, the
 including not only the Junior World Finals but also                                                                            Gathering $20,000 Open 5D Barrel Race will be bringing the
                                                          Coliseum will host its weekly rodeo with $5,000 added.
 viewing parties, shopping expos, the daily NFR                                                                                 speed in the Coliseum.
 Tailgate on The Cowboy Channel Storefront lawn,          Moving into Saturday, November 14, an $11,500 added Open
                                                                                                                                The Cowgirl Gathering is a celebration in the heart of Fort
 and more.                                                breakaway and $10,000 added WCRA Challenger breakaway
                                                                                                                                Worth, designed to showcase spectacular, inspirational
                                                          will be under the bright lights of the Coliseum. This event is
 “Fort Worth is thrilled to host Cowboy Christmas                                                                               women from all walks of life who embody the spirit of the
                                                          one of only a select few events that will be fast track qualifiers
 and the Junior World Finals this December,” said                                                                               American Cowgirl.
                                                          to the Women’s Rodeo World Championships in 2021, which
 Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price. “As the city of
 cowboys and culture Fort Worth is the ideal location
 for these events, and we can’t wait for visitors to
 experience our rich heritage and hospitality.”
 The Junior World Finals presented by Yeti will be
 held for the fifth consecutive year. There will be
 qualifiers and finals in nine events (with various
 age groups per event): bull riding, bareback riding,
 saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling, girls and boys
 breakaway, pole bending, team roping, tie-down
 roping and barrel racing.
 More than 700 entries are expected to compete in
 the Junior World Finals presented by Yeti, which will
 run concurrently with the NFR from December 3 to
 12 and will air on The Cowboy Channel and PRCA
 on Cowboy Channel+ app.

14   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                                                                    NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE             15
                                                      JOHN WAYNE:
                                                      AN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE
                                                      WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
                                                      10AM-7PM DAILY
                                                      To purchase tickets, please visit
                FORT WORTH STOCKYARDS                 JohnWayne.com/exhibit

 While in town for the NFR festivities or
 celebrating the holidays in the Stockyards,
 you can step inside the world of silver screen
 legend John Wayne.
 John Wayne fans and cowboy culture
 enthusiasts are invited to learn more about
 the western icon at John Wayne: An American
 Experience, the new interactive exhibit opening
 in the Fort Worth Stockyards this winter.
 Sprawling over 10,000 square feet, the exhibit
 is structured to give you an intimate tour of
 the life of John Wayne. Starting with his early
 childhood and career, each room highlights
 an aspect of The Duke’s legacy. For the film
 aficionados, an extensive gallery called the
 “Life on Screen” highlights the most iconic film
 props and costumes. In the “America, Why I Love
 Her” gallery, guests can immerse themselves in
 patriotism through Grammy-nominated original
 poems, recited by John Wayne.
 All patrons will have exclusive access to never-
 before-seen family photos and correspondences
 which have been thoughtfully curated by the
 Wayne family in order to give guests a holistic
 view of the icon, whose values translate both on
 the silver screen and off.
 In addition to the exhibit, the space in the
 Stockyards features a 2,000 square foot retail
 space, which is stocked with limited-edition items
 including apparel, headwear, books, drinkware,
 fine art western photography, leather goods and
 western accessories. Guests will also be able to
 sit and enjoy a beverage or two in the Lounge,
 featuring Duke Bourbon and other spirits.

                               BAREBACK RIDING                                TEAM ROPING HEADER
                                        Tim          Jamie       Jess           Luke         Andrew          Kolton
                                        O'Connell    Howlett     Pope           Brown        Ward            Schmidt
                                        $122,927     $66,582     $49,611        $89,664      $63,872         $51,021
                                        Kaycee       Richmond    Cole           Clay         Clay            Nelson
                                        Feild        Champion    Reiner         Smith        Tryan           Wyatt
                                        $94,891      $64,149     $45,042        $69,703      $57,629         $50,691
                                        Orin         Tanner      Jake           Cody         Charly          Levi
                                        Larsen       Aus         Brown          Snow         Crawford        Simpson
                                        $81,391      $61,725     $42,777        $69,228      $55,229         $50,397

                                                                                                                                      2020 NFR
                                        Tilden       Mason       Ty             Colby        Chad            Jeff
                                        Hooper       Clements    Breuer         Lovell       Masters         Flenniken
                                        $77,548      $58,501     $39,333        $65,508      $52,682         $49,391
                                        Clayton      Leighton    Chad           Dustin       Erich           Brenten
                                        Biglow       Berry       Rutherford     Egusquiza    Rogers          Hall
                                        $70,973      $53,385     $37,412        $64,176      $52,541         $47,144

                               STEER WRESTLING                                TEAM ROPING HEELER
                                        Matt         Tanner      Blake          Joseph       Travis          Paden
                                        Reeves       Brunner     Knowles        Harrison     Graves          Bray
                                        $86,944      $46,885     $42,483        $70,299      $56,514         $52,541
                                        Jacob        Jace        Clayton        Jade         Shay Dixon      Levi
                                        Talley       Melvin      Hass           Corkill      Carroll         Lord
                                        $61,623      $46,225     $41,840        $69,703      $56,267         $51,890
                                        Tyler        Stetson     Will           Buddy        Paul            Tyler
                                        Waguespack   Jorgensen   Lummus         Hawkins II   Eaves           Worley
                                        $52,677      $46,041     $40,279        $63,872      $56,159         $51,137
                                        Dakota       Jacob       Jule           Jake         Logan           Hunter
                                        Eldridge     Edler       Hazen          Long         Medlin          Koch
                                        $50,084      $45,606     $39,730        $63,227      $54,620         $51,021
                                        Curtis       Bridger     Jesse          Junior       Wesley          Chase
                                        Cassidy      Anderson    Brown          Nogueira     Thorp           Tryan
                                        $50,047      $43,876     $39,494        $58,083      $52,682         $47,144
18   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                                         NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE   19
                              SADDLE BRONC RIDING                         BARREL RACING
                                       Wyatt        Cole       Rusty        Brittany        Jill           Ryann
                                       Casper       Elshere    Wright       Pozzi Tonozzi   Wilson         Pedone
                                       $145,138     $54,351    $49,945      $85,724         $53,370        $42,580
                                       Ryder        Sterling   Lefty        Hailey          Shelley        Emily
                                       Wright       Crawley    Holman       Kinsel          Morgan         Miller
                                       $111,336     $51,608    $49,670      $78,460         $53,074        $42,388
                                       Brody        Chase      Stetson      Dona Kay        Stevi          Lisa
                                       Cress        Brooks     Wright       Rule            Hillman        Lockhart
                                       $99,538      $51,399    $47,498      $67,453         $52,388        $40,904

                                                                                                                                    2020 NFR
                                       Shorty       Jacobs     Isaac        Jimmie          Jessica        Wenda
                                       Garrett      Crawley    Diaz         Smith           Routier        Johnson
                                       $90,005      $50,930    $44,832      $65,022         $51,370        $39,953
                                       Allen        Zeke       Taos         Tiany           Cheyenne       Brittney
                                       Boore        Thurston   Muncy        Schuster        Wimberley      Barnett
                                       $73,268      $50,523    $42,303      $55,060         $47,039        $39,565

                              TIE-DOWN ROPING                             BULL RIDING
                                       Shad         Ty         Ryan         Sage            Jeff           Parker
                                       Mayfield     Harris     Jarrett      Kimzey          Askey          McCown
                                       $156,668     $58,413    $52,079      $92,334         $66,226        $55,561
                                       Tuf          Marty      Tyson        Ky              Roscoe         Tyler
                                       Cooper       Yates      Durfey       Hamilton        Jarboe         Bingham
                                       $67,189      $56,168    $47,292      $89,446         $61,417        $55,557
                                       Haven        Caleb      Caddo        Boudreaux       Stetson        Trevor
                                       Meged        Smidt      Lewallen     Campbell        Wright         Kastner
                                       $66,747      $54,594    $47,140      $85,745         $60,645        $55,280
                                       Tyler        Timber     Adam         Dustin          Ty             Clayton
                                       Milligan     Moore      Gray         Boquet          Wallace        Sellars
                                       $60,918      $53,167    $46,851      $81,566         $60,233        $53,394
                                       Westyn       Shane      Hunter       Brady           Colten         Denton
                                       Hughes       Hanchey    Herrin       Portenier       Fritzlan       Fugate
                                       $60,390      $52,299    $46,049      $73,105         $58,408        $52,236
20   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                                       NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE   21
                                                                                         NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020

                                              Official Network of ProRodeo                                                                                               Ch. 231                Ch. 345

                                         RED program titles indicate the first airing of the week.                                                                  CH. 568 & 1568
                                         BLACK program titles indicate a repeating of the episode from earlier in the week.

                   MONDAY                                TUESDAY
                                                         TUESDAY                           WEDNESDAY
                                                                                           WEDNESDAY                            THURSDAY                               FRIDAY                             SATURDAY                                     SUNDAY                         ET        CT         MT         PT
                           Giants                         Gentle
                                                                  Giants                      Gentle
                                                                                                      Giants                      Gentle Giants                       Gentle Giants                     Hidden Heritage                            Hidden Heritage                 6:00 AM    5:00 AM    4:00 AM    3:00 AM
                                Rodeo                 Cinch
                                                      Cinch NHSRA
                                                                      Rodeo               Cinch
                                                                                          Cinch NHSRA
                                                                                                  NHSRA Rodeo
                                                                                                          Rodeo               Cinch
                                                                                                                              Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                   Cinch
                                                                                                                                                                  Cinch NHSRA Rodeo               All American Cowgirl Chicks                All American Cowgirl Chicks           6:30 AM    5:30 AM    4:30 AM    3:30 AM
               Cowboy      FranklinTV                   JentezenCountry
                                                      Cowboy      FranklinTV                JentezenCountry
                                                                                          Cowboy      FranklinTV                JentezenCountry
                                                                                                                              Cowboy      FranklinTV                JentezenCountry
                                                                                                                                                                  Cowboy      FranklinTV              The Roy Rogers Show                         Jentezen Franklin                7:00 AM    6:00 AM    5:00 AM    4:00 AM
          Best ofPoint
         Turning   America
                       w/ Dr by Horseback
                             David Jeremiah      Best ofPoint
                                                Turning   America
                                                              w/ Drby Horseback
                                                                   David Jeremiah    Best ofPoint
                                                                                    Turning  America
                                                                                                  w/ Drby Horseback
                                                                                                       David Jeremiah    Best ofPoint
                                                                                                                        Turning  America
                                                                                                                                      w/ Drby Horseback
                                                                                                                                           David Jeremiah    Best ofPoint
                                                                                                                                                            Turning  America
                                                                                                                                                                          w/ Drby Horseback
                                                                                                                                                                               David Jeremiah         The Roy Rogers Show                          Cowboy Church                   7:30 AM    6:30 AM    5:30 AM    4:30 AM
                   American Rancher
                              Rancher                The
                                                          American Rancher
                                                                     Rancher             The
                                                                                              American Rancher
                                                                                                         Rancher             The American Rancher                The American Rancher                 The Roy Rogers Show                                                          8:00 AM    7:00 AM    6:00 AM    5:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Turning Point w/ Dr David Jeremiah
                                  Street         Red
                                                                  of Wall
                                                                          Street     Red
                                                                                     Red Steagall
                                                                                         Steagall West
                                                                                                  West of
                                                                                                       of Wall
                                                                                                          Wall Street
                                                                                                               Street    Red
                                                                                                                         Red Steagall
                                                                                                                             Steagall West of Wall Street    Red Steagall West of Wall Street         The Roy Rogers Show                                                          8:30 AM    7:30 AM    6:30 AM    5:30 AM
                       Horsemanship                Chris
                                                          Cox Horsemanship
                                                              Horsemanship             Chris
                                                                                       Chris Cox
                                                                                              Cox Horsemanship
                                                                                                  Horsemanship             Chris Cox Horsemanship              Chris Cox Horsemanship                 The Roy Rogers Show                           Time of Grace                  9:00 AM    8:00 AM    7:00 AM    6:00 AM
              Smart with
                               Cameron          Ride
                                                     Smart with
                                                            with Craig
                                                                 Craig Cameron
                                                                       Cameron      Ride
                                                                                         Smart with
                                                                                                with Craig
                                                                                                     Craig Cameron
                                                                                                           Cameron      Ride
                                                                                                                        Ride Smart with
                                                                                                                                   with Craig Cameron       Ride Smart with
                                                                                                                                                                       with Craig Cameron              Paid Programming                           Tomorrow's World                 9:30 AM    8:30 AM    7:30 AM    6:30 AM
                              Show                   The
                                                          Roy Rogers
                                                                     Show                The
                                                                                              Roy Rogers
                                                                                                  Rogers Show
                                                                                                         Show                The Roy Rogers Show                 The Roy Rogers Show                                                          Getting to Know Your Bible           10:00 AM   9:00 AM    8:00 AM    7:00 AM
                          Ranger                       The
                                                                 Ranger                    The
                                                                                                     Ranger                    The Lone Ranger                     The Lone Ranger                                                            The Open Door Experience             10:30 AM   9:30 AM    8:30 AM    7:30 AM
                            Rodeo                    Women's
                                                      Women'sProPro Rodeo
                                                                    Rodeo                Women's
                                                                                         Women's ProPro Rodeo
                                                                                                        Rodeo                Women's Pro Rodeo                   Women's Pro Rodeo                  NFR Round 10 Archives                        Love Worth Finding                11:00 AM   10:00 AM   9:00 AM    8:00 AM
                        Reining                         Inside
                                                               Reining                      Inside
                                                                                                   Reining                      Inside Reining
                                                                                                                                       Reining                      Inside Reining                                                             Christian Worship Hour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Paid Programming                 11:30 AM   10:30 AM   9:30 AM    8:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Paid Programming                  NOON      11:00AM    10:00AM     9:00AM
                        Health                            Your
                                                          Your Health
                                                               Health                         Your
                                                                                              Your Health
                                                                                                   Health                         Your Health
                                                                                                                                       Health                         Your Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                  DownLive It To Know
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Payment   on a It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dream                       The Lone Ranger                 12:30 PM   11:30 AM   10:30 AM   9:30 AM
                         Lantvit                         Steve
                                                                Lantvit                      Steve
                                                                                                   Lantvit                       Steve Lantvit                       Steve Lantvit                  Little Britches Rodeo                          The Lone Ranger                 1:00 PM     NOON      11:00 AM   10:00 AM
                      McNabb                             Ken
                                                         Ken McNabb
                                                             McNabb                          Ken
                                                                                             Ken McNabb
                                                                                                 McNabb                          Ken McNabb                          Ken McNabb                     Little Britches Rodeo                          The Lone Ranger                 1:30 PM    12:30 PM   11:30 AM   10:30 AM
                          Giants                        Gentle
                                                                 Giants                     Gentle
                                                                                                    Giants                       Gentle Giants                       Gentle Giants                                                                 PRCA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The    ProRodeo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lone  Ranger                2:00 PM    1:00 PM     NOON      11:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Baxter Black Back in Time
                             Rodeo                   Cinch
                                                     Cinch NHSRA
                                                                    Rodeo                Cinch
                                                                                         Cinch NHSRA
                                                                                                NHSRA Rodeo
                                                                                                       Rodeo                 Cinch
                                                                                                                             Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                   Cinch
                                                                                                                                                                 Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                                                                 The Lone Ranger                 2:30 PM    1:30 PM    12:30 PM   11:30 PM
                        CountryTVTV                  Cowboy
                                                     Cowboy Country
                                                               Country TV
                                                                        TV               Cowboy
                                                                                         Cowboy Country
                                                                                                  Country TV
                                                                                                           TV                Cowboy Country TV                   Cowboy Country TV                      Hidden Cowgirl
                                                                                                                                                                                                 All American     HeritageChicks                                                   3:00 PM    2:00 PM    1:00 PM      NOON
                 Americaby byHorseback
                             Horseback          Best
                                                Best of
                                                        Americaby by Horseback
                                                                     Horseback      Best
                                                                                    Best of
                                                                                            America by
                                                                                                     by Horseback
                                                                                                        Horseback       Best of America by Horseback        Best of America by Horseback         All American     Cowgirl Chicks
                                                                                                                                                                                                            RanchHer                                  Wild Rides                   3:30 PM    2:30 PM    1:30 PM    12:30 PM
                 American Rancher
                            Rancher                The
                                                        American Rancher
                                                                   Rancher             The
                                                                                            American Rancher
                                                                                                      Rancher              The American Rancher                The American Rancher                  The
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Debbe   Cowboys'
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dunning's      Kitchen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dude Ranch Round-Up               Live It To Know
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    EQ Sports  HourIt              4:00 PM    3:00 PM    2:00 PM    1:00 PM
                                  Street         Red
                                                                  of Wall
                                                                          Street     Red
                                                                                     Red Steagall
                                                                                         Steagall West
                                                                                                  West of
                                                                                                       of Wall
                                                                                                          Wall Street
                                                                                                               Street    Red
                                                                                                                         Red Steagall
                                                                                                                             Steagall West of Wall Street    Red Steagall West of Wall Street        The Cowboys' Kitchen                                                          4:30 PM    3:30 PM    2:30 PM    1:30 PM
                            Show                     The
                                                         Roy Rogers
                                                                    Show                 The
                                                                                             Roy Rogers
                                                                                                 Rogers Show
                                                                                                        Show                 The Roy Rogers Show                 The Roy Rogers Show                                                       Wrangler Champions Challenge            5:00 PM    4:00 PM    3:00 PM    2:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                       PRCA's Tour Finale
                         Ranger                        The
                                                                Ranger                     The
                                                                                                    Ranger                     The Lone Ranger                     The Lone Ranger                       PRCA ProRodeo                                                             5:30 PM    4:30 PM    3:30 PM    2:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Baxter Black Back in Time
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Little Britches Rodeo                                                        6:00 PM    5:00 PM    4:00 PM    3:00 PM
                         Round Up
                               Up                 Western
                                                  Western Sports
                                                                 Round Up
                                                                       Up             Western
                                                                                      Western Sports
                                                                                              Sports Round
                                                                                                     Round Up
                                                                                                           Up             Western Sports Round Up             Western Sports Round Up                                                           PRCA ProRodeo Tour
           Western Sports Round Up
                                  SPORTS       ROUND-UP
                                      All American Cowgirl Chicks
                                       Western Sports Round Up
                                                                                          THE LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES IN RODEO & WESTERN SPORTS EVERY WEEKDAY
                                                                                      Western Sports Round Up             Western Sports Round Up             Western Sports Round Up
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Little Britches Rodeo
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tuff Hedeman Bull Riding Tour
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ProRodeo Tonight
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Cowboys' Kitchen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Today's Wild West
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ProRodeo Tonight
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   6:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              6:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         4:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         5:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4:00 PM
                                                           RanchHer                                                                                                                               Mexican Professional Bull Riding            Western Trading Post TV              7:30 PM    6:30 PM    5:30 PM    4:30 PM
             NFR Round 10 Archives                                                                                              EQ Sports Hour                                                                                               Debbe Dunning's Dude Ranch Round-Up   8:00 PM    7:00 PM    6:00 PM    5:00 PM
                                                       PRCA's Tour Finale                                                                                                                              PRCA's Tour Finale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Honky Tonk Ranch                8:30 PM    7:30 PM    6:30 PM    5:30 PM
                                                                                     National Western Stock Show                                                   Rodeo Video, Inc.
                PRCA ProRodeo                        ThePRCA  ProRodeo
                                                         Cowboys'  Kitchen                 PRCA ProRodeo                      PRCA ProRodeo                         PRCA ProRodeo                     PRCA ProRodeo                                 PRCA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wild ProRodeo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Rides               9:00 PM    8:00 PM    7:00 PM    6:00 PM
         Tuff Hedeman Bull Riding Tour                 Today's Wild West                                                         Wild Rides                                                         Mountain Rodeo Series                              RanchHER                    9:30 PM    8:30 PM    7:30 PM    6:30 PM
              Women's Pro Rodeo                       Women's Pro Rodeo                                                      Women's Pro Rodeo                                                                                                 Western Trading Post TV             10:00 PM   9:00 PM    8:00 PM    7:00 PM
                   Wild Reining
                 Inside Rides                              Wild Reining
                                                         Inside Rides                         Wild Rides                         WildReining
                                                                                                                               Inside Rides                           Wild Rides                          WildBull
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tuff Hedeman  Rides
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Riding Tour                     Live It To
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Debbe Dunning's   Know
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dude RanchIt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Round-Up   10:30 PM   9:30 PM    8:30 PM    7:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mexican Professional Bull Riding                 Honky Tonk Ranch                11:00 PM   10:00 PM   9:00 PM    8:00 PM
                         Round Up
                               Up                 Western
                                                  Western Sports
                                                                 Round Up
                                                                       Up             Western
                                                                                      Western Sports
                                                                                              Sports Round
                                                                                                     Round Up
                                                                                                           Up             Western Sports Round Up             Western Sports Round Up                  ProRodeo Tonight                            ProRodeo Tonight
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wild Rides                  11:30 PM   10:30 PM   9:30 PM    8:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                       PRCA's Tour Finale
              The Roy Rogers Show                    The Roy Rogers Show                 The Roy Rogers Show                 The Roy Rogers Show                 The Roy Rogers Show                                                                    RanchHer                   MIDNIGHT   11:00 PM   10:00 PM   9:00 PM
                 The Lone Ranger                        The Lone Ranger                     The Lone Ranger                     The Lone Ranger                     The Lone Ranger                                                                                                12:30 AM   11:30 PM   10:30 PM   9:30 PM
                PRCA      Giants
                      ProRodeo                            Gentle
                                                       PRCA      Giants
                                                             ProRodeo                         Gentle
                                                                                            PRCA     Giants
                                                                                                 ProRodeo                         Gentle
                                                                                                                                PRCA     Giants
                                                                                                                                      ProRodeo                        Gentle
                                                                                                                                                                    PRCA     Giants
                                                                                                                                                                          ProRodeo                  Mountain Rodeo Series
                                                                                                                                                                                                      PRCA ProRodeo                               PRCA ProRodeo                    1:00 AM    MIDNIGHT   11:00 PM   10:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Challenge of Champions
               Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                      Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                   Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                   Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                   Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                                                                                                1:30 AM    12:30 AM   11:30 AM   10:30 AM
               Cowboy Country TV                      Cowboy Country TV                   Cowboy Country TV                   Cowboy Country TV                    Paid Programming                    Paid Programming                                                            2:00 AM    1:00 AM    MIDNIGHT    11PM
          Best of America  by Horseback
                    Wild Rides                   Best of America  by Horseback
                                                           Wild Rides                Best of America  by Horseback
                                                                                               Wild Rides                Best of America  by Horseback
                                                                                                                                   Wild Rides                Best of America  by Horseback
                                                                                                                                                                       Wild Rides                          Wild Rides                             Live It To Know It               2:30 AM    1:30 AM    12:30 AM   MIDNIGHT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PRCA's Tour Finale
             The  American Rancher
                            Rancher                 TheAmerican
                                                    The  American Rancher
                                                                   Rancher              TheAmerican
                                                                                        The  American Rancher
                                                                                                       Rancher              The American Rancher                The American Rancher                                                                                               3:00 AM    2:00 AM    1:00 AM    12:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                     PRCA ProRodeo Tour                          PRCA ProRodeo Tour
          Red SteagallWest
                                  Street         RedSteagall
                                                 Red SteagallWest
                                                                  of Wall
                                                                          Street     Red Steagall
                                                                                     Red Steagall West
                                                                                                  West of
                                                                                                       of Wall
                                                                                                          Wall Street
                                                                                                               Street    Red Steagall
                                                                                                                         Red Steagall West of Wall Street    Red Steagall West of Wall Street       NFR Round 10 Archives                                                          3:30 AM    2:30 AM    1:30 AM    1:00 AM
            Chris CoxHorsemanship
                      Horsemanship                 ChrisCox
                                                   Chris Cox Horsemanship
                                                             Horsemanship              Chris Cox
                                                                                       Chris Cox Horsemanship
                                                                                                 Horsemanship              Chris Cox Horsemanship              Chris Cox Horsemanship                                                                                              4:00 AM    3:00 AM    2:00 AM    1:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                     PRCA ProRodeo Tour                         NFR Round
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PRCA     10 Archives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ProRodeo Tour
         Ride Smart with
                              Cameron           RideSmart
                                                Ride Smart with
                                                           with Craig
                                                                Craig Cameron
                                                                      Cameron       RideSmart
                                                                                    Ride Smart with
                                                                                               with Craig
                                                                                                    Craig Cameron
                                                                                                          Cameron       Ride Smart with
                                                                                                                        Ride       with Craig Cameron                  with Craig Cameron
                                                                                                                                                            Ride Smart with                                                                                                        4:30 AM    3:30 AM    2:30 AM    2:00 AM
              The RoyRogers
                             Show                    TheRoy
                                                     The Roy Rogers
                                                                    Show                 TheRoy
                                                                                         The Roy Rogers
                                                                                                 Rogers Show
                                                                                                        Show                 The Roy Rogers Show                 The Roy Rogers Show                   Honky
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Live It Tonk Ranch
                                                                                                                                                                                                               To Know It                                                          5:00 AM    4:00 AM    3:00 AM    2:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Baxter Black Back in Time
                The LoneRanger
                         Ranger                        TheLone
                                                       The LoneRanger
                                                                Ranger                     TheLone
                                                                                           The LoneRanger
                                                                                                    Ranger                     The Lone Ranger                     The Lone Ranger                        Wild
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Red Steagall   Rides
                                                                                                                                                                                                              West of Wall Street           Tuff Hedeman Bull Riding Tour          5:30 AM    4:30 AM    3:30 AM    3:00 AM

       VISIT thecowboychannel.com/schedule for a complete up to date guide
                                                                                                                                                                        COWBOYCHANNEL              COWBOYCHANNEL                       COWBOY_CHANNEL
22   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                        NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE                  23
                                                        Programs listed below are not listed in the Weekly Highlights on the following pages,
                                                         but air each week. These are mainly news-based, weekly programs. Content is not
                                                            available when The Magazine goes to print. All times Eastern Standard Time.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                     SERVICES ON RFD-TV AND SIMULCAST ON RURAL RADIO

     AGDAY                                  MACHINERY PETE TV                                  THIS WEEK IN
     MON-FRI 8 AM ET                        TUE 5 PM ET | SAT 1:30 PM ET                       AGRIBUSINESS
     Host Clinton Griffiths leads a team    Tag along with Machinery Pete as                   SAT 8 AM ET | SUN 6 AM & 6 PM ET                                                                            TOTAL FEEDS
     of reporters, analysts, and experts    he takes you to used machinery                     Hosts Orion Samuelson and                                                                                   DEC 7 | MON 8 PM ET
                                                                                               Max Armstrong recap the nation’s                                                                            Dr. Harry Anderson, owner & founder of Total Feeds will
     to bring you the nation’s newscast     auctions in the U.S. and Canada.
                                                                                               top agriculture news, weather, and                                                                          showcase some amazing first-hand results from users of
     for agriculture and rural America.     Get an inside look on how the                                                                                                                                  his products, including Total People Plus, Total Equine,
                                                                                               markets. Plus, catch Max’s antique
     A production of Farm Journal           auction process works and learn                                                                                                                                Total Bull and more. Be sure to call with your questions
                                                                                               tractor features and the honoring                                                                           & learn more about the nutritional & healing benefits of
     Broadcast, AgDay has been a            what pieces of equipment are
                                                                                               of an FFA chapter.                                                                                          Total Feeds products.
     great way to start your day for        selling and for how much.
     more than three decades.                                                                  THIS WEEK IN
                                            MARKET DAY REPORT
                                                                                               LOUISIANA AGRICULTURE
     AGPHD                                  MON-FRI 9 AM–2 PM ET
                                                                                               THURS 4:30 PM ET
                                            MARKET DAY REPORT delivers
     TUE 8 & 12 PM ET | SAT 2 PM ET                                                            Hosted by Avery Davidson
                                            live coverage of agri-business                     and Kristen Oaks, This Week
     Farm basics, pesticide and
                                            news, weather, and commodity                       in Louisiana Agriculture brings
     herbicide tips, and the “Weed-of-
                                            markets from around the world.                     Louisiana farmers and consumers
     the-Week” are weekly segments
     hosted by Brian and Darren Hefty.
                                                                                               together every week with reports                 TOTAL FEEDS
                                                                                               from the fields, ponds, forests, and             NOV 9 | MON 8 PM ET
                                            MECUM AUCTIONS                                     ranches in the Bayou State.                      Dr. Harry Anderson, owner & founder of Total Feeds will
                                            TUE 5:30 PM ET | SAT 11:30 AM ET                                                                    showcase some amazing first-hand results from users of
     SUN 11 AM ET                                                                                                                               his products, including Total People Plus, Total Equine,
                                            Interviews and stories from tractor                U.S. FARM REPORT
     Stories and features from the                                                                                                              Total Bull and more. Be sure to call with your questions
                                            owners from all over the country                   SAT 10 AM ET | SUN 4 PM ET
                                                                                                                                                & learn more about the nutritional & healing benefits of
     nation’s #1 agricultural state,                                                           From Farm Journal Broadcast,
                                            while they test the value of their                                                                  Total Feeds products.
     proudly produced by the                                                                   host Tyne Morgan and
                                            most valued collections.
     California Farm Bureau.                                                                   commentator John Phipps tackle
                                            NCBA’S CATTLEMEN                                   the most important and pressing
     FARMWEEK                               TO CATTLEMEN                                       issues facing agriculture and rural
     THURS 5:30 PM ET                                                                          America today.
                                            TUE 8:30 PM ET | SAT 9 AM ET                                                                                                                                   THE ART OF THE COWGIRL
     Weekly national ag news and            Beef industry news, markets, and                                                                                                                               DEC 14 | MON 8 PM ET
     market report produced by                                                                 VIRGINIA FARMING                                                                                            A celebration of cowgirls and their artistic contributions
                                            features from the nation’s largest
                                                                                               THURS 5:30 PM ET                                                                                            to western lifestyle, Art of the Cowgirl documents
     Mississippi State University           cattlemen’s organization, the
                                                                                               Hosted by Amy Roscher. Get a                                                                                stories of emerging artists and master makers.
     Extension Service. Hosted by           National Cattlemen’s                                                                                                                                           Explore the rich history and heritage of silversmithing,
                                                                                               weekly look at agriculture news
     Leighton Spann and Artis Ford.         Beef Association.                                                                                                                                              saddlemaking, horsemanship and much more
                                                                                               from the state of Virginia.

     FARM MONITOR                           RURAL EVENING NEWS                                                                                  AARP                                                       AARP
                                                                                               VOICES OF AGRICULTURE                                                                                       DEC 17 | THURS 10 PM ET
     SUN 11:30 PM ET | THURS 6 PM ET                                                                                                            NOV 19 | THURS 10 PM ET
                                            MON-FRI 7:30 PM ET & 11:30 PM ET                   SAT 3:30 PM ET                                   From health care to education and home                     For more than 80 years, Social Security has been
     Latest ag news highlighting the        Catch up on the day’s news                         Each week features stories and                   loans, navigating Veteran’s benefits can be complicated,   an important source of income in retirement for
     seasons of Georgia farmers,            surrounding agriculture and                        news from various state Farm                     and frustrating. We’ll explore resources to support        most Americans. In times of financial insecurity and
     food recipes, and more.                markets from across the world.                     Bureau organizations.                            Veterans, military members and their families. Join the    a turbulent economy it’s even more critical. Rural
                                                                                                                                                conversation, Thursday, November 19 at 10 PM ET/9 PM       America Live with AARP answers your questions on
                                                                                                                                                CT on RFD-TV.                                              Social Security, Thursday December 17 at 10 PM ET/ 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                           PM CT on RFD-TV.
24   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                                                                              NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE         25
                                                                                      NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020
                                                                                                                                                                           Ch. 231                      Ch. 345

     RED titles indicate the first airing of the week. BLACK titles indicate a repeating of an episode from earlier in the week.
     Check the Weekly Highlights for special programs that may interrupt the below schedule.                                                                         CH. 568 & 1568

                  MONDAY                             TUESDAY                           WEDNESDAY                               THURSDAY                                  FRIDAY                                    SATURDAY                                    SUNDAY                        ET        CT         MT         PT
          NTPA Championship Pulling                  This Life I Live                That
                                                                                    The   Nashville
                                                                                        Carol       Music
                                                                                              Burnett Show                     OpryO'Donnell
                                                                                                                        The Daniel   Encore Show                       Doc Talk                                                                                                           6:00 AM    5:00 AM    4:00 AM    3:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rural America
                                                                                                                                                                                                                RURAL  AMERICALive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               LIVE                     This Week in Agribusiness
                                               Presleys' Country Jubilee                                                The Statler Brothers Show                   Corn Warriors                                                                                                         6:30 AM    5:30 AM    4:30 AM    3:30 AM
           This Week in Agribusiness                                                   Midwest Country
                                            The Best of The Marty Stuart Show                                             The Merlin Gene Show                TexasTexas
                                                                                                                                                                    Agriculture Matters
                                                                                                                                                                         Ag Matters                            The Penny Gilley Show                  Red Steagall West of Wall Street    7:00 AM    6:00 AM    5:00 AM    4:00 AM
              Rural Evening News                 Rural Evening News                   Rural Evening News                   Rural Evening News                    Rural Evening News                             Rural Evening News                               Doc Talk                 7:30 AM    6:30 AM    5:30 AM    4:30 AM
                     Ag Day                             Ag Day                               Ag Day                               Ag Day                                Ag Day                                                                       Turning Point w/ Dr David Jeremiah   8:00 AM    7:00 AM    6:00 AM    5:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                            This Week in Agribusiness
                Outdoors Life on the Land         American Farmer                          FarmHer                           Virginia Farming                      Cowboy Church                                                                            Hagee Ministries              8:30 AM    7:30 AM    6:30 AM    5:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      In Touch w/ Charles Stanley         9:00 AM    8:00 AM    7:00 AM    6:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cattlemen To Cattlemen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Jentezen Franklin              9:30 AM    8:30 AM    7:30 AM    6:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Best of The Marty Stuart Show    10:00 AM   9:00 AM    8:00 AM    7:00 AM
                                                                                                                               news • weather • markets • events                                                  U.S. Farm Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Porter Wagoner Show            10:30 AM   9:30 AM    8:30 AM    7:30 AM
                                                                                                                              five hours of rural news every weekday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FarmHer                             California Bountiful           11:00 AM   10:00 AM   9:00 AM    8:00 AM
               Market Day Report                  Market Day Report                    Market Day Report                     Market Day Report                     Market Day Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Texas Country Reporter            11:30 AM   10:30 AM   9:30 AM    8:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mecum Auctions Gone Farmin'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The American Rancher              NOON      11:00AM    10:00AM    9:00AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cinch NHSRANation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Equestrian   Rodeo            12:30 PM   11:30 AM   10:30 AM   9:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Classic Tractor Fever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Equestrian Nation             1:00 PM     NOON      11:00 AM   10:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Machinery Pete TV                    Ride Smart with Craig Cameron        1:30 PM    12:30 PM   11:30 AM   10:30 AM
              Cinch     Lantvit
                     NHSRA  Rodeo              Chris Cox Horsemanship                Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                 Best
                                                                                                                                  America by Horseback
                                                                                                                                             Horseback            The Bluegrass Trail                                  Ag PhD                           ChrisPRCA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cox Horsemanship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ProRodeo               2:00 PM    1:00 PM     NOON      11:00 AM
               Horse of the West                       Ken McNabb                     Equestrian Nation                The Horse
                                                                                                                            Women's ShowPro
                                                                                                                                             Rick Lamb          Reno'sRayality
                                                                                                                                                                       Old TimeTVMusic                             JAGER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Shark      PRO™TV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Farmer                               Ken McNabb                 2:30 PM    1:30 PM    12:30 PM   11:30 PM
        Ride Smart with Craig Cameron        Best
                                                       America by Horseback
                                                                  Horseback        Advantage Horsemanship                         Steve Lantvit                      Tru Country                              Voices of Agriculture                         Horse of the West             3:00 PM    2:00 PM    1:00 PM     NOON
               I Love Toy Trains               Postcards From Nebraska                                                       Washington Grown                   The Penny Gilley Show                             Rural Heritage                                FFA Today                 3:30 PM    2:30 PM    1:30 PM    12:30 PM
                Positively Paula            The Duttons Through the Years                                                         TCR Classics                The Porter Wagoner Show                    Chasing Down Madison Brown                                                       4:00 PM    3:00 PM    2:00 PM    1:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            U.S. Farm Report
                    Doc Talk                          Rural Heritage                 The  Texas
                                                                                       Texas    Bucket
                                                                                              Bucket ListList          This Week in Louisiana Agriculture      POP! Goes the Country                      JustinDunning's
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Debbe   Wilson'sDudeEasy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Round-Up                                             4:30 PM    3:30 PM    2:30 PM    1:30 PM
                                                   Machinery Pete TV                 Little Britches Rodeo                      Corn Warriors                                                                     This Life I Live                            Gentle Giants               5:00 PM    4:00 PM    3:00 PM    2:00 PM
             Trains & Locomotives                                                                                                                            Big Joe Polka Show Classics
                                                                                     America's Heartland                          Farmweek                                                                   The Merlin Gene Show                            Cowboy Church                5:30 PM    4:30 PM    3:30 PM    2:30 PM
                                            Mecum Auctions Gone Farmin'
                                                                                       Simply Southern                          Farm Monitor                                                                                                                                              6:00 PM    5:00 PM    4:00 PM    3:00 PM
              Rural Health
                    Hee HawMatters                                                                                                                                     WoodSongs                                Gaither Gospel Hour                         Midwest Country
                                             NTPA Championship Pulling                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6:30 PM    5:30 PM    4:30 PM    3:30 PM
                                                                                      B PolkaB Party
                                                                                                     Party                  Gaither Gospel Hour
                  FFA Today                   TexasTexas
                                                    Agriculture Matters
                                                         Ag Matters                                                                                             The Jimmy Sturr Show                       The
                                                                                                                                                                                                            TheWilburn  BrothersShow
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Statler Brothers  Show                   Live at Billy Bob's Texas         7:00 PM    6:00 PM    5:00 PM    4:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Red Skelton Show
              Rural Evening News                Rural Evening News                    Rural Evening News                     Rural Evening News             The Duttons Through the Years                   Presleys' Country Jubilee                     That Nashville Music            7:30 PM    6:30 PM    5:30 PM    4:30 PM
                                                       Ag PhD                   HaydenOutdoor's
                                                                                Hayden Outdoors Life on the Land                                                                                         The Best of The Marty Stuart Show              The Carol Burnett Show            8:00 PM    7:00 PM    6:00 PM    5:00 PM
             RURAL AMERICA LIVE                                                                                             Larry's Country Diner             Country's Family Reunion                                                                          Hee Haw
                                                                                         Cash Cowboys                                                                                                     Country
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Legends: Opry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GrandStars of the50's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ole Opry    50's      Muletown In the Round             8:30 PM    7:30 PM    6:30 PM    5:30 PM
                                               Cattlemen To Cattlemen
             The American Rancher                                                Debbe Dunning's Dude Ranch Round-Up   Chasing Down Madison Brown              Texas Country Reporter                      The Daniel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Encore Show                         This Life I Live             9:00 PM    8:00 PM    7:00 PM    6:00 PM
         Red Steagall West of Wall Street           Shark Farmer
                                                      JAGER PRO™TV                     PRCA
                                                                                  Special    ProRodeo
                                                                                          Cowboy  Moments                   Small Town Big Deal                        FarmHer                              TheThat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Statler Brothers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nashville    Show
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Music                             FarmHer                   9:30 PM    8:30 PM    7:30 PM    6:30 PM
              Cinch NHSRA
                 Steve      Rodeo
                       Lantvit                Chris Cox Horsemanship                Women's Pro Rodeo                                                            Successful Farming                                                                        Successful Farming             10:00 PM   9:00 PM    8:00 PM    7:00 PM
                                                                                                                            RURAL  AMERICALive
                                                                                                                             Rural America LIVE                                                          MollieMollie
                                                                                                                                                                                                               B PolkaB Party
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Polka Wednesday
               Horse of the West                  KenKen  McNabb
                                                       McNabb    (RFD)               Equestrian Nation                                                        The Statler Brothers Show                                                                                                   10:30 PM   9:30 PM    8:30 PM    7:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This Week in Agribusiness
        Ride Smart with Craig Cameron       Best
                                                      America by Horseback
                                                                 Horseback            Equestrian
                                                                                     Total       Nation
                                                                                           Team Roping                          Steve Lantvit               Country
                                                                                                                                                                     Legends: Opry
                                                                                                                                                                              GrandStars of the50's
                                                                                                                                                                                    Ole Opry    50's                                                                                      11:00 PM   10:00 PM   9:00 PM    8:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Larry's Country Diner
              Rural Evening News                 Rural Evening News                  Rural Evening News                     Rural Evening News                    Rural Evening News                                                                        Farm Monitor                  11:30 PM   10:30 PM   9:30 PM    8:30 PM
                                                        Ag PhD                  HaydenOutdoor's
                                                                                Hayden Outdoors Life on the Land            Washington Grown                                                                                                                Gentle Giants                 MIDNIGHT   11:00 PM   10:00 PM   9:00 PM
             RURAL AMERICA LIVE                                                                                                                               Country's Family Reunion                      Country's Family Reunion
                                                                                         Cash Cowboys                          Farm Monitor                                                                                                           NTPA Championship Pulling           12:30 AM   11:30 PM   10:30 PM   9:30 PM
                                               Cattlemen To Cattlemen
             The American Rancher                                                Debbe Dunning's Dude Ranch Round-Up   Chasing Down Madison Brown              Texas Country Reporter                                                                                                     1:00 AM    MIDNIGHT   11:00 PM   10:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The RedHee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Haw Show                       Classic Tractor Fever
         Red Steagall West of Wall Street          Shark Farmer
                                                     JAGER PRO™TV                 Special Cowboy Moments                    Small Town Big Deal                  Successful Farming                                                                                                       1:30 AM    12:30 AM   11:30 AM   10:30 AM
               Product Showcase                   Product Showcase                   Product Showcase                        Time Life Library                    Time Life Library                               Time Life Library                          Time Life Library             2-6AM      1-5AM     MIDNIGHT    11PM

                                                                                                                                                                          OFFICIALRFDTV                RFDTV           OFFICIALRFDTV
26   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                               NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE                27
WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS                                               8:00 PM Larry's Country Diner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ALL TIMES EASTERN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                9:30 PM FarmHer A DC reporter keeps                9:00 PM The Daniel O'Donnell Show I
                                                                           Rural America's Most Important Network                                             New Episode! Special Guest: Rory Feek.            her agricultural roots. Plus, visit an organic     Just Want to Dance with You is the 2nd show
                                                                                                                                                                                                                lettuce operation.                                 taken from the 'Back Home Again' series
                                                                                                                                                              9:00 PM Next Level Farming Randy                                                                     which was recorded at the RTE Studios in
                                                                                                                                                              Dowdy and David Hula are two of the best          10:00 PM Successful Farming We feature
      MONDAY NOVEMBER 2                                    3:30 PM Chris Cox Horsemanship                    8:00 PM Hayden Outdoors Life on the
                                                                                                                                                              farmers in the world. They travel the country     farmer-tested products on the Successful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Dublin. Daniel sings, I Just Want to Dance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   with You; Memory Number One; and The
                                                           Chris Cox demonstrates riding your horse on       Land Working cattle ranch; Custom long-
                                                           the ground before riding in the saddle.           range shooting; Eastern Montana ranch for        sharing their expertise with farmers and          Farming Product Test Team.                         Eighth Day.
      2:00 PM The One Room Schoolhouse
                                                                                                             sale and a New Mexico trifecta.                  helping them take their farm to the Next Level
      A daily, one-hour educational program, filmed
      and shared live from Hardison Mill Homestead         4:30 PM Rural Heritage Area horsepullers                                                           of yield and profitability.                       SATURDAY NOVEMBER 7                                9:30 PM The Statler Brothers Show
                                                           compete in this annual event to funds for the     8:30 PM Cash Cowboys Rich sends Tyrun                                                                                                                 Showcasing many of The Statler Bros.
      School, a one-room schoolhouse at Rory Feek's
                                                           St. Jude's Children's Hospital.                   out to help a neighbor by running a monster      9:30 PM Small Town Big Deal Rodney                11:30 AM Mecum's Gone Farmin'                      numerous hits, gospel songs and comedy
      farm in middle Tennessee. Each day, Miss
                                                                                                             farm machine. Robert surveys a mountainside      and Jann celebrate and honor the men and          Highlights of the 2018 Fall Premier tractor        segments. Tonight's show features New
      Rebecca and the children welcome a special
                                                           6:30 PM NTPA Championship Pulling                 with a drone looking for potential danger        women who have served in the military in this     auction in Davenport Iowa featuring the best       York City, Too Much On My Heart, and Noah
      guest "teacher" to the classroom.
                                                           Breaker, breaker: You and your good buddies       over a busy highway.                             special episode. Also meet a man who used         collections of vintage and collectable tractors    Found Grace In The Eyes Of The Lord.
                                                           can watch Super Semis from Rockwell's North                                                        his life's entire savings to create a permanent   and trucks along with road art and collectable
      3:00 PM Better Horses TV Join hosts
                                                           Iowa Nationals.                                   9:00 PM Debbe Dunning's Dude                     full-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans        memerabilia.                                       10:00 PM Mollie B Polka Party Bands are
      Ernie Rodina, Susie Derouchey and Ed Adams
                                                                                                             Ranch Round-Up        Debbe and son Sysco        Memorial Wall that's in Washington, D.C.                                                             Texas Dutchmen, Nathan's Oldtime Band,
      as they recruit world class horse trainers,
                                                           7:00 PM Texas Agriculture Matters                 learn to work with young foals, visit nearby                                                       12:30 PM Classic Tractor Fever                     Alex Meixner, Chmielewski Funtime Band,
      clinicians, veterinarians and nutritionists around
      the country to better your horse experience.         Join host Commissioner Sid Miller to learn        hot springs, and take an aerial tour of the      FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6                                 We'll introduce Richard Lowry, an outstanding      Leo Lonnie Orchestra.
                                                           more about how the State Fair of Texas is a       majestic Yellowstone National Park.                                                                Minneapolis Moline collector, and take you to
      3:30 PM I Love Toy Trains Hi-Rail Layouts            family tradition rooted in agriculture, with GO                                                    2:00 PM The One Room Schoolhouse                  his big tractor auction! (2018)                    SUNDAY NOVEMBER 8
      - 8C: Lionel Nation - Lionel’s operating cars,       TEXAN representative Darrell Dean.                9:30 PM Special Cowboy Moments                    A daily, one-hour educational program,
                                                                                                             A look at the Wild Rides Rodeo in Killdeer,      filmed and shared live from Hardison Mill         1:30 PM Machinery Pete TV We return to             11:00 AM California Bountiful Stories and
      a Christmas layout, and Lionel’s latest scale
                                                           9:30 PM SharkFarmer TV            An acoustic     North Dakota featuring top bull rider J.B.       Homestead School, a one-room schoolhouse          the Nieuwenhuis estate auction for the sale        features from the nation's #1 agricultural
      trains in action.
                                                           grain bin, and an interview with “What The        Mauney and NFR bareback rider Tanner Aus         at Rory Feek's farm in middle Tennessee.          of top notch John Deere S660 combine.              state, produced by the California Farm
      4:00 PM Positively Paula Paula enjoys the            Farm, girl!"                                                                                       Each day, Miss Rebecca and the children                                                              Bureau.
                                                                                                             10:00 PM Women's Pro Rodeo Part-1,               welcome a special guest "teacher" to the          4:30 PM Justin Wilson's Easy Cookin'
      company of her good friend Sandy with a
      simple picnic for two.                               WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 4                              World's Richest Futurity in Fort Smith, AR:      classroom.                                        Justin demonstrates how to cook Roux Rabbit        3:30 PM FFA Today * NEW * (2019) A
                                                                                                             Super Derby Time Trials Barrel Competition                                                         Gumbo!                                             weekly program that features students living
      4:30 PM Doc Talk Learn the ins and outs              2:00 PM The One Room Schoolhouse                  Highlights, Superstar Profile.                   3:00 PM Tru Country              Swing your                                                          the FFA motto of "Learning to Do, Doing to
                                                           A daily, one-hour educational program, filmed                                                      partner to the sounds of the hot Trucountry       5:00 PM Voices of Agriculture                      Learn, Earning to Live, and Living to Serve."
      to buying hay for your ranch.
                                                           and shared live from Hardison Mill Homestead      THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5                              band, featuring Jake & Tommy Hooker, and           Each week features stories and news from          FFA Today is hosted by FFA members who
      5:00 PM Trains & Locomotives                         School, a one-room schoolhouse at Rory Feek's                                                      fiddling sensation Bobby Flores.                  various state Farm Bureau organizations.           showcase their peers' accomplishments in the
      Covers early streamliners from 1934-1940.            farm in middle Tennessee. Each day, Miss          8:30 AM Virginia Farming        Watermen                                                                                                              classroom, community, and in agribusiness.
                                                           Rebecca and the children welcome a special        around the Chesapeake Bay work hard to           3:30 PM The Penny Gilley Show                     5:30 PM The Merlin Gene Show
      Classic steam power in the 1930's & 1950's
                                                           guest "teacher" to the classroom.                 satisfy the demand for fresh oysters.            Country music from Fort Worth, Texas with          Merlin Gene hosts Classic country music           5:00 PM Gentle Giants Riding and Driving
      with 1950's scenes around the Council Bluffs-
                                                                                                                                                              hostess Penny Gilley. Guest: Will Banister        and comedy with guests David Frizzell, also        Draft Horses for fun
      Omaha area and 1990's action of 4-8-4 844
                                                           3:00 PM Equestrian Nation The Longest             2:00 PM The One Room Schoolhouse                                                                   featuring Anita Stapleton.
      and Challenger 3985. 844 is seen at St Louis
      in 1990 on ex-D&RGW Tennessee Pass line              Non-Motorized Parade on the Planet - Bishop       A daily, one-hour educational program, filmed    4:00 PM The Porter Wagoner Show                                                                      5:30 PM Cowboy Church Alvarado,
                                                           Mule Days                                         and shared live from Hardison Mill Homestead     Freddie Weller; Linda Moore                       7:00 PM The Wilburn Brothers Show                  TX. - Pastor Russ Weaver preaching from
      and other locations as well.
                                                                                                             School, a one-room schoolhouse at Rory Feek's                                                      Special guest Al Brumley and Stringbean.           Shepherd's Valley Cowboy Church. Part 02.
      9:00 PM The American Rancher                         3:30 PM Best of America by Horseback              farm in middle Tennessee. Each day, Miss         4:30 PM POP! Goes the Country
      Pam takes a look at how the Beefmasters              Tom and guests ride on this family owned          Rebecca and the children welcome a special       Bill Anderson; Gail Davies.                                                                          6:00 PM Midwest Country Tim Hadler
      were developed and how they are still                working cattle ranch in California                guest "teacher" to the classroom.                                                                                                                     & Catrina Campbell, Becky Schlegel, Terry
                                                                                                                                                              5:00 PM Big Joe Polka Show Classics                                                                  Smith, Kenaston Family
      helping the industry today.
                                                           4:00 PM Ken McNabb Pt 1: Understanding            3:30 PM Washington Grown We will                 Classic episodes of The Big Joe Polka Show.
      9:30 PM Red Steagall West of Wall Street             Conformation of the horse as it applies to        see Washington cherries go fresh from the                                                                                                             7:00 PM The Red Skelton Show
                                                           your discipline.                                  orchard all the way to becoming sweet treats     6:00 PM WoodSongs               The IBMA                                                             Red Skelton's weekly show spotlights
      The Battle of Glorieta Pass was a major
                                                                                                             at Chukar Cherries.                              Entertainer of the Year Award winners Joe                                                            legendary comedian and beloved television
      turning point in the outcome of the civil war.
                                                           4:30 PM The Texas Bucket List                                                                      Mullins and The Radio Ramblers perform plus                                                          clown, Red Skelton himself. Each show
      10:00 PM Cinch NHSRA Rodeo                           The show is dedicated to everything you           4:00 PM TCR Classics Meet the Tiki Man,          the new musical roots trio Gumbo, Grits &                                                            features comedy skits, gags, and vignettes
      Barrel Racing from the National High School          have to see, do, and experience in the Lone       visit one of the few full service gas stations   Gravy.                                            7:30 PM Presleys' Country Jubilee                  starring Skelton and guest performers.
      Finals Rodeo from Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, OK        Star State and a few things every Texan           around, and see which science museums are                                                          Kick off our new season with some of Cecil's
                                                           should venture out to try.                        Texas' best science museums.                     7:00 PM The Jimmy Sturr Show                      antics, and Jay Wickizer singing "Mama             8:00 PM The Carol Burnett Show
                                                                                                                                                              Doug Ferony, Cris Caffery, Matt and Elaine at
      TUESDAY NOVEMBER 3                                   5:00 PM Little Britches Rodeo                                                                      RFD-TV the Theatre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tried".                                            Barbara McNair, Sid Caesar
                                                                                                             5:00 PM Corn Warriors Dan Luepkes and
                                                           Four contestants discuss their love of rodeo      Jake Drozd pull some stalks, and Jake battles                                                      8:00 PM The Best of The Marty Stuart               8:30 PM Muletown In the Round
      8:30 AM American Farmer Learn how
                                                                                                             city slickers.                                   7:30 PM The Duttons Through the Years             Show       (2014) The 20-time Grammy                Singers and songwriters take the spotlight
      technology is helping producers create and
                                                           5:30 PM America's Heartland Dairy farmer                                                           The Duttons Honoring America's Veterans.          Award-winning artist Vince Gill and famed          for a night of music and stories "in the round"
      customize marketing strategies for improved
                                                           doubles as animal vet; a New England town         6:30 PM Gaither Gospel Hour A historical                                                           steel guitarist, Paul Franklin co-star featuring   with talent such as Paul Overstreet, Rory
      growing and see how innovative tools are
                                                           preserves its last family farm; Texas peaches.    reunion weekend of song and inspiration is       8:00 PM Country's Family Reunion                  their new album release "Bakersfield" along        Feek, Wynn Varble, Danny Green, Even
      giving farmers more control, greater success,
                                                                                                             captured with Reunited LIVE, featuring over 20   Will one or more of your favorite CFR             with Marty, Connie Smith and The Fabulous          Stevens, and more! This new weekly music
      and higher yields.
                                                           6:00 PM Simply Southern WC Handy                  members, past and present, of the legendary      moments be featured tonight? Tune in and          Superlatives                                       series is taped live at the new Marcy Jo's
                                                           Festival, artist Stephen Malkoff, growing         Gaither Vocal Band. Bill Gaither, Guy Penrod,    see, classic country music and memories,                                                             restaurant located on the square in Columbia,
      2:00 PM The One Room Schoolhouse
                                                           hemp, and Ask Sidney.                             Gary McSpadden, David Phelps, Michael            along with never-before seen footage,             8:30 PM Country Legends: Grand Ole Opry            TN … affectionately known as “Muletown.”
      A daily, one-hour educational program, filmed
                                                                                                             English, Larnelle Harris and more gathered in    photos and trivia.                                Stars of the 50's   Hosted by Little Jimmy
      and shared live from Hardison Mill Homestead
                                                           6:30 PM Mollie B Polka Party Red Ravens,          concert for the first time for unprecedented                                                       Dickens with Marty Robbins, Simon Crum, Bill       9:00 PM This Life I Live Grammy-winning
      School, a one-room schoolhouse at Rory Feek's
                                                           Big Daddy Lackowski, George Staiduhar, The        performances of classic hits. You can have a     9:00 PM Texas Country Reporter                    Monroe, Claude Sharpe, Minnie Pearl & Rod          singer-songwriter, Rory Feek, brings
      farm in middle Tennessee. Each day, Miss
                                                           Czech Lites, Brave Combo.                         front row seat to experience award-winning       Meet a woman in love with mosaics and grab        Brassfield, Cowboy Copas, Grand Ole Opry           his widely read blog to life in this new
      Rebecca and the children welcome a special
                                                                                                             harmonies, hope and encouragement from           a bite to eat at the Kind House Bakery.           Square Dancers.                                    docu-series, showcasing scenes from his
      guest "teacher" to the classroom.
                                                                                                             these longtime friends and renowned talents.                                                                                                          extraordinary, ordinary life.

28   RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                  SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2020 | RFD-TV THE MAGAZINE                    29
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