VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World

Page created by Mike Dominguez
VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
              Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World

Putin vs. The World: the War in Ukraine, Russian Disinformation, Non-
     State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response
VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
May 2022                                                                                                             Vital Signs

       In This
History Rhymes: Maidan
       Alex Wong                       2
                                                           History Rhymes:
Ukraine’s Humanitarian Crisis
      Sarina Lalin
Dezinformatsiya: Past and
                              5                                Maidan
       Will Young                      7

State-Parallel Militias
       Alexander Henry               10

Resurgence of Anchorage, Alaska
      Spencer McLaughlin      12                                                                                            WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

Switzerland                                               By Alex Wong                         This attempt to rot the Ukrainian govern-
       Sasha Bauhs                   14                 War has descended on the European      ment internally was made most evident by
                                            continent once again. Many fight bravely for       the actions of President Viktor Yanukovych.
When Russia Fights                          the sovereignty of their country, while millions   Yanukovych won the 2010 Ukrainian Presiden-
     Olivia Buvanova                 16     more flee for safety. Every day, new reports       tial election and immediately began to express
                                            of the horrors of the War in Ukraine strike        his true colours as a quisling in every sense
COVID-19 in Russia                          terror and fear into the hearts of everyday        of the word. From the onset, it was clear that
     Brian Chin                      18     people around the world. Needless fighting and     Yanukovych was more interested in protect-
                                            suffering have been caused in Ukraine, Russia,     ing Russian interests rather than Ukrainian
Molotovs vs. Marching                       and across the world. However, this is not the     interests. President Yanukovych agreed to
      Jeremy Betz                    20     first time that Ukraine has had to fight for its   extend the lease on the Russian Naval base in
                                            independence…                                      Sevastopol and refused to acknowledge the
South America and Russia                                Ukraine has had a long and proud       Holodomor of 1932-1933 as a genocide by the
      Joaquin Stevenson              22     history, from the days of the Kyivan Rus and       Soviet government, in line with the narrative
                                            Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv to the present-day        from the Kremlin (Ray). Yanukovych also
Oil Crisis                                  democratic Ukrainian nation. However,              imprisoned political opponents, most notably
       Aanya Shah                    24     since the collapse of the Soviet Union in          former Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko,
                                            1991, Russian authorities, especially Russian      a pro-Western politician. The efforts by the
International Response                      President Vladimir Putin, have attempted to        Ukrainian government to sign a free trade
       Sophia Deeney                 26     undermine the Ukrainian state. This attempt to     agreement with the European Union were also
                                            rot the Ukrainian government internally was        stifled by Yanukovych in 2013, with many
                                                                                               suspecting that it was at the direction of Rus-

                         VITAL SIGNS                                                           sian President Vladimir Putin that Yanukovych
                                                                                               diverted course at the last minute (Ray). The
                        Pingry’s Journal of Issues & Opinion                                   seditious and treasonous actions of President
                     Vol. 28, NO. 2 · The Pingry School, Basking                               Yanukovych would eventually come to pass
                             Ridge, NJ 07920 · MAY 2022                                        with the anger of the Ukrainian people.
                                                            Copy Editors                                   Even before President Yanukovych
                                                            Sasha Bauhs                        shot down the European Union Free Trade
            Sarina Lalin
                                                           Olivia Buvanova                     agreement, tensions had already begun simmer-
            Alex Wong
                                                             Jeremy Betz                       ing in Ukraine, especially in the capital, Kyiv.
                                                             Aanya Shah                        On the 21st of November, 2013, a crowd of 300
          Associate Editor:                                                                    youth gathered in Maidan Square, in the centre
         Spencer McLaughlin                                                                    of Kyiv. The crowd soon swelled to a size of
                                                         Faculty Advisor:
                                                         Ms. Kathryn Smoot                     thousands, and many of all ages came from all

VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
May 2022                                                                                                                           Vital Signs
over the capital and surrounding areas to show       forces were able to retake Maidan Square            which were later changed to live ammunition.
their support for the free trade agreement with      temporarily, protestors came back en masse          The use of deadly force by the Berkut resulted
the EU (Afineevsky). The atmosphere was              into the square once again, protesting peace-       in deaths and severe injuries on the protestors’
largely peaceful, and shows of Ukrainian cul-        ful, and pushing out the Berkut (Afineevsky).       side. President Yanukovych forced a series
ture and patriotism were on full display, as the     When the special forces attempted to retake         of ridiculous laws down the throat of the
young protestors started building a community        Maidan two weeks later, all of the bells in the     Ukrainian parliament, outlawing actions such
amongst themselves. The feeling of camara-           Mykhalivs’kyi Monastary, an iconic Christian        as wearing a helmet or speaking out against the
derie among the protestors was not centred           monastery in the centre of Kyiv, rang out, an       government (Afrineevsky). Furthermore, Pres-
around race or religion, but rather around a         event that had not happened since the Mongol        ident Yanukovych frequently hosted meetings
uniquely Ukrainian identity and a desire to join     invasion of Kyiv in 1240 (Afineevsky). Whether      with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin,
the larger European community, away from             through the resounding sound of the bells, or       throughout the entire movement (New York
the tight grasp of Putin and the pro-Russian         an act of God, more people began pouring into       Times). Putin pledged almost a billion dollars
Yanukovych. As protestors marched through            Maidan, peacefully but firmly beating back          in aid to help President Yanukovych put down
the streets of Kyiv peacefully, the police largely   the Berkut Special Forces. From that day on,        the protestors. As the tactics of the Berkut and
left them alone, as political opposition leaders     protestors continued to occupy Maidan Square,       government forces became more intense, so did
made rousing speeches to the large crowds. Po-       establishing a thriving protestor community in      the resolve and determination of the protestors.
litical heavyweights such as Petro Poroshenko        the square, complete with a defence force and       Newly formed bands of the Maidan Defence
(future President of Ukraine) and Vitali Klitsc-     medical corps.                                      Corps did regular patrols around the square,
hko (future mayor of Kyiv) came out in support                  The authorities under President          ensuring no harm would come to the protestors
of the protestors in Maidan (Afineevsky). The        Yanukovych continued to try to dislodge the         inside the square (Afineevsky). Furthermore,
patriotic and peaceful protestors, fed up with       protestors from Maidan. On top of deploying         the members of the defence corps would often
the corruption of the Yanukovych regime and          Berkut special forces, President Yanukovych         clash with the Berkut and Titushky, armed with
simply wanting to become more involved with          hired Titushky to harass the protestors             iron shields, slingshots, makeshift barricades,
the larger European community, would have            (Afineevsky). The Titushky were thugs who           stones, burning tyres, and Molotov cocktails
to come face to face with the full brunt of the      were independent of any military or police          (Afineevsky). As the death toll began to climb,
rotten regime they sought to change.                 association and thus could do things that the       and Maidan’s makeshift hospitals began to be-
           On the 29th of November, 2013,            police could not do (Afineevsky). As such, the      come overwhelmed with many terribly injuried
President Yanukovych ordered the Berkut              Titushky perpetrated horrific attacks against       patients from the front line (BBC), many felt
Special Forces, an arm of the Ukrainian armed        peaceful protestors, attacking injured protestors   frustrated with the lack of progress that had
forces, to storm and take back Maidan Square         and temporary hospitals treating injured peo-       occurred. Little did the protestors know that a
(Afineevsky), coinciding with his decision to        ple, often backed up by their Berkut comrades       change would come rapidly and soon.
reject the free trade agreement with the Euro-       in arms. Furthermore, the tactics of the Berkut      Throughout the entire protest movement,
pean Union. Instead of using traditional plastic     special forces became more and more brutal as       negotiations had taken place between moder-
batons, Berkut Special Forces used iron batons       time wore on. Initially, the Berkut were limited    ates in the Ukrainian parliament and self-pro-
to beat and bloody the peaceful protestors in        to using iron batons, pepper spray, and tear        claimed protest leaders. The negotiations had
Maidan (Afineevsky). Although the special            gas. Eventually, they were given rubber bullets,    resulted in an agreement to hold elections in

Orthodox priests between Berkut Special Forces and Protestors during the Maidan Revolution                                               ASSOCIATED PRESS

VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
May 2022                                                                                                                       Vital Signs

Protestors during the peak of the Maidan Revolution                                                                                    WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

December of 2014 (Afineevsky). Even so, many saw this as not enough.                      At the time of the Maidan Revolution, it was hard for many
On the 21st of February, 2014, a commander of the Maidan Defence               around the world to grasp how a military and police force meant to
Corps addressed the crowd in Maidan, giving an ultimatum to the Ya-            defend its people could so barbarically and brutally subdue peaceful pro-
nukovych regime; either Yanukovych resign immediately, or they would           testors, wishing only for an end to a tyrannical regime. Fast forward eight
storm his government and force him to resign (Afineevsky). Further-            years and the world must come to grips with an even larger crisis, an
more, protestors began spilling out of Maidan and occupying government         invasion of a sovereign nation by its much larger neighbour. Putin once
buildings, grinding the Yanukovych regime to a halt. The events appeared       again seeks to install a puppet regime in Ukraine, and it is suspected that
to scare President Yanukovych, as in the early hours of the 22nd of Febru-     if successful, he will reinstall Yanukovych to the position of President of
ary, Yanukovych fled from his mansion on the outskirts of Kyiv into exile,     Ukraine (Kahn). Nevertheless, the tenacity and courage of the Ukrainian
taken in by his puppet master, Vladimir Putin, and never to step into          people will continue to stand the test of time, and face any threat that
Ukraine ever again.                                                            attempts to destroy it. Vladimir Putin, hellbent on the destruction of the
            With the departure of President Yanukovych, change came            Ukrainian culture and identity, failed in 2014, and he definitely will not
swiftly. The Parliament officially impeached President Yanukovych and          succeed this time. The world will not stand idly by and will rally the aid
removed all laws imposed by his regime (Afineevsky). Furthermore,              of the Ukrainian people. And when all is said and done, Putin will be de-
elections were called for May 2014, and Maidan leader Petro Poroshenko         feated, and Ukraine will continue to stand proudly among the sovereign
was elected President of Ukraine. Under his leadership, President Poro-        nations of the world.
shenko signed the free trade agreement with the European Union and                                              Works Cited
set Ukraine on a path toward joining the larger European community.                       Kahn, Jeremy. “Who is Viktor Yanukovych? The former
Furthermore, the Berkut Special Forces were disbanded, and there was a         Ukrainian president Putin reportedly wants to put back in power?”
renewed commitment by the Ukrainian military and police to serve the           Fortune, Fortune, 2 Mar. 2022,
people rather than the regime. Many rejoiced in the fact that the Yanu-        kovych-yanukovich-putin-put-back-in-power-ukraine-russia/. Accessed
kovych regime was over and a new era had begun in Ukrainian history            22 Apr. 2022.
(Afineevsky). The Ukrainian people also had to come to terms with the                     Ray, MIchael. “Viktor Yanukovych.” Britannica, 5 July 2021,
high price that came with the newfound freedom they gained, many from Accessed 22 Apr.
shootings by the Berkut Special Forces (Afineevsky) during the Maidan          2022.
Revolution, of about 125 fatalities and 1,800 injuries.                                   “Ukraine Protest 2014: The Divide, Explained | The New York
            The revolution in Maidan had implications that stretched far       Times.” YouTube, uploaded by New York Times, 20 Feb. 2014, www.
beyond the borders of Ukraine, influencing various protest movements  Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
around the world. The revolution in Maidan also prompted Vladimir                         “Ukraine: What happened in Kiev’s Maidan Square?” YouTube,
Putin, angered with the increasing Westernisation of Ukraine, to illegally     uploaded by BBC News (British Broadcasting Corporation), 12 Feb.
invade and annex Crimea, as well as sponsor an insurgency in Eastern           2015, Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
Ukraine (Vox). The insurgency in Eastern Ukraine has been raging for                      “Why Russia is invading Ukraine, explained in 2 minutes.” You-
the past eight years and has been a deep source of tension between the         Tube, uploaded by Vox, 2 Sept. 2014,
Russian and Ukrainian governments. Since Maidan, Putin has become              42qjShg. Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
more forthright in his attempts to destroy the Ukrainian state and iden-                  Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom. Directed by Evge-
tity, using direct military force to undermine the state instead of subtle     ny Afineevsky, Netflix, 2015.
political manoeuvres through pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine. Putin’s
efforts have culminated in his full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022,
where he has put everything on the line in order to fulfil his sick ideal of
destroying Ukraine, both as a state and a culture.
VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
May 2022                                                                                                                            Vital Signs

                           Ukraine’s Humanitarian


            By Sarina Lalin                         As the conflict escalates, civilian casualties and   27 have impacted supplies, and two have dam-
                                                    infrastructural damage within the country will       aged warehouses (UN News). Ukraine, like the
            Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on         only intensify. Some sources predict that up to      rest of the world, has already had to deal with
February 24, 2022, has prompted one of the          50,000 people will be killed as a consequence of     the COVID-19 Pandemic. Less than 40% of
greatest humanitarian crises since the end of       the conflict in Ukraine.                             the Ukrainian population is vaccinated against
World War II. With millions of people seeking                   Many Russian attacks have targeted       COVID-19, and the Russian Invasion is further
asylum in neighboring countries and thousands       highly populated areas, such as locations near       exacerbating the strain on the Ukrainian health
already dead, this ever-growing conflict has        schools and hospitals, making the effects of         system.
quickly become one of international concern.        the war exceedingly detrimental to Ukrainian                    Experts claim that Europe’s effort to
As the threat of another world war looms,           civilians. Within only fifteen days of the war, 47   help the Ukrainian people is the largest display
organizations across the globe are mobilizing       civilians were killed by Russian airstrikes that     of European mobilization in recent years.
to condemn Russia’s actions and put an end to       took place at two different schools in Chernihiv,    Poland has taken in more than half of all new
the strife, but the damage that has already been    leaving hundreds of additional innocent people       migrants, setting up temporary houses, hospi-
done is irreparable.                                injured. Russia’s utilization of harmful weapon-     tals, and reception centers that provide food,
            In addition to the war’s 5.1 million    ry, including artillery, missiles, and explosives,   information, and medical supplies to those who
refugees fleeing Ukraine for other countries, 7.1   has given them the ability to completely alter       need them. Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia, and
million people, almost a quarter of Ukraine’s       normal circumstances in Ukraine, obliterating        other European countries have taken in the
total population, have been internally displaced    civilians’ homes and decimating entire villages      remaining refugees. Around 271,000 people, or
within the besieged country, making this the        (UN News). The immense destruction caused            around 7.5 percent of all refugees, have made
largest war-related mass migration since the        by the Russians has forced Ukrainians to seek        their way to Russia. Ireland has declared that all
1990s. An overwhelming majority of those 7.1        refuge in the most unfavorable of conditions,        visa requirements for Ukrainians seeking asy-
million individuals are women and children          finding shelter in dilapidated buildings and         lum will be waived, while the Czech Republic
and, according to the UN, more than one of          abandoned metro stations.                            has withdrawn its entry ban and COVID-19
every two children are currently displaced                      Attacks on healthcare facilities in      limitations on entering migrants. Officials from
(IOM Survey). As of April 21st, the Office of       Ukraine have continued to endanger patients          the European Union (EU) unanimously en-
the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights           and staff in Ukraine. According to a WHO             dorsed a plan to activate the bloc’s Temporary
(OHCHR) reported a total of 5,264 civilian ca-      spokesperson, there have been 137 verified           Protection Directive, a seldom-used provision
sualties- with 2,345 people killed, including 208   attacks since February 24; 132 of them have          that would allow refugees leaving Ukraine to
children. It is speculated that the actual number   directly damaged health institutions, 16 of them     enter EU countries for up to three years without
is likely to be much higher than this estimation.   have impacted transportation such as ambu-           having to seek refuge.
                                                    lances, 24 have impacted workers and patients,
VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
May 2022                                                                                                                          Vital Signs
            The Ukrainian relief efforts do not      The Russian military cut off all food, electricity,   and one can only imagine the conditions of
stop there. The UN has recently declared $20         medical supplies, and communication networks          those who are trapped in the besieged city, cut
million in aid from their Central Emergency          as it bombed the city indiscriminately, destroy-      off from the rest of the world.
Response Fund and $2.25 billion for human-           ing houses and schools, and forcing inhabitants                  The Ukrainian population, particu-
itarian assistance (Operational Data Portal).        to spend entire days in bomb shelters. A hospi-       larly the children and elderly people, has suf-
Additionally, to deal with the rapidly changing      tal and its maternity department were among           fered immensely throughout this war. Never-
situation, the U.S.’s International Committee        the targets, as were a theater and an art school      theless, their resilience and strength in the face
of the Red Cross, or ICRC, is expanding to ten       where several hundred people allegedly sought         of conflict are inspiring. Despite the continued
various places across Ukraine, including Kyiv,       refuge (Polityuk and Person).                         attacks against their homes and communities,
Poltava, Dnipro, and Odesa. Trucks are moving        Organizations have consistently requested the         the Ukrainians have resisted every effort of the
across the country to provide medical supplies       safe transit of civilians out of these areas and      Russian forces to take their land. Their fight
and other relief, and additional convoys with        the entry of impartial humanitarian aid, urging       may be admirable, but a lack of food and neces-
critical supplies are expected to arrive in the      that the principle of humanity and internation-       sary medical assistance has put a vast majority
coming days. The World Health Organization           al humanitarian law be respected. However,            of civilians in perilous danger. In the name of
has delivered 218 metric tonnes of medical           Russia has already denied these requests twice.       humanity, it is imperative that we finally put
supplies to Ukraine and numerous diesel gener-       Since then, corridors have opened, allowing           an end to this strife, and bring the Ukrainian
ators to areas where the power supply is limited     residents to take dangerous paths out of the city,    people to safety.
or near non-existent. Once the generators are        but the need for medical assistance remains                               Works Cited
delivered, they will help with surgery, trauma       (Oliveira).                                           OCHA. “Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis |
and emergency care, internal medicine, and                      It is prohibited under internation-        Topics.” ReliefWeb, 24 Apr. 2022,
pediatrics, as well as with treating infectious      al law to target civilians and besiege them           topics/ukraine-humanitarian-crisis.
infections. Even a brief power outage could          indiscriminately during a war. It is also illegal     “Russian Attacks on Civilian Targets in Ukraine
have severe ramifications for patients, such as      to target certain locations, such as hospitals,       Could Be a War Crime: Un Rights Office | | UN
those who require medical oxygen, making             and to forcibly relocate people. Consequently,        News.” United Nations, United Nations, https://
the generators all the more necessary. A WHO         the Organization for Security and Cooperation
official stated that they “will only transfer the    in Europe (OSCE) issued a fact-finding report         “7.1 Million People Displaced by the War in
generators to their final locations when we can      on April 13 concluding that Russia violated           Ukraine: Iom Survey.” International Orga-
secure the safety of our staff and the valuable      international humanitarian law in invading            nization for Migration, https://www.iom.
cargo they are hauling” (UN News), stressing         Ukraine and that the targeting of a maternity         int/news/71-million-people-displaced-war-
that hospitals and health facilities now only had    hospital and a theater sheltering civilians in        ukraine-iom-survey.
10 oxygen plants across the country.                 Mariupol constituted war crimes. The OSCE             “Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine and Neigh-
Organizations have deployed more than 60,000         discovered “strong patterns of international          boring Countries.” International Committee of
metric tons of food across the country, enough       humanitarian law violations by Russian forces         the Red Cross, 25 Apr. 2022, https://www.icrc.
to feed two million people for two months.           in their conduct of hostilities,” according to the    org/en/humanitarian-crisis-ukraine.
Since February 24, 1.7 million individuals in        report. The International Criminal Court, the         “Operational Data Portal.” Situation Ukraine
Ukraine have been reached through in-kind            United Nations, and other governments “should         Refugee Situation,
food aid to families in surrounding and con-         investigate alleged war crimes in Mariupol,”          situations/ukraine.
flict-affected areas, as well as $3.6 million in     according to a study released on March 21 by          “Ukraine: Health Crisis in Mariupol - Ukraine.”
cash-based transfers in areas where markets          Human Rights Watch of New York. Those who             ReliefWeb,
are operating. Through four UN interagency           have been lucky enough to escape report dead          ukraine-health-crisis-mariupol.
humanitarian convoys, the UN agency has sup-         bodies and ruins filling the streets of Mariupol,     Person, and Pavel Polityuk. “Putin Claims
plied 113 tonnes of food to vulnerable families
in the surrounded cities of Kharkiv, Sumy, and
Severodonetsk, enough for 20,000 people for
ten days.
            Despite the massive aid operation
around the world, humanitarian needs in
Ukraine are still increasing exponentially.
According to UN refugee spokesperson, Mat-
thew Saltmarsh, “Food, water, medicines, and
medical care, shelter, basic household items,
blankets, mattresses, cash, building materials,
generators, and fuel are urgently needed”(Salt-
marsh). An estimated six million people need
food and money as the attacks on Ukrainian
cities across the country unfold.
            One of the most pressing issues
is the situation in Mariupol, where civilians
are in dire need of assistance. On April 21,
Putin claimed victory over Ukrainian troops,
declaring the city of Mariupol liberated. In what
is considered the biggest battle of the Ukraine
War, Putin ordered his troops to blockade the
area, telling citizens to either surrender or die.   Ukrainian refugees fleeing into Poland                                                            FLICKR

VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
May 2022                                                                                                                            Vital Signs

                                        Past and Present

                                                                                                                                               GETTY IMAGES

              By Will Young                         the Russians’ advances, grinding many Russian         ularly how it is used by Moscow. This topic
                                                    units to a halt. These logistical failures have       unfortunately receives little coverage in com-
            The Russian invasion of Ukraine is,     ensured that Russian troops often don’t have          parison to Russia’s losses or war crimes. This is
at the time of writing, rapidly approaching its     consistent access to vital supplies such as food      rather surprising, especially given the preva-
second month. Despite the slowing Russian           or fuel. Russia has also suffered massive equip-      lence of Russian disinformation in the Invasion
advance and its subsequent regrouping, the          ment losses, most notably the recent sinking          of Ukraine. It must be asked: what does Rus-
conflict shows no sign of ceasing. The conflict     of the cruiser Moskva, the flagship of Russia’s       sian disinformation look like in the first place?
has also garnered significant international at-     Black Sea Fleet. These equipment losses have          Generally, Russian disinformation has several
tention, for better or for worse. For Ukrainians,   accumulated, and when combined with the               key identifying factors. These factors are:
attention has been overwhelmingly positive.         fact that Russia has been crippled by sanctions,      1. Repetitiveness.
Ukraine received immediate Western support,         have proved costly. This, in conjunction with         2. A high volume of output that comes from
and most nations have denounced Russia’s            logistical failures, has had a massive impact on      various sources.
actions. The Ukrainians also have had successes     the morale of Russian troops, most of whom            3. No commitment to reality.
in combat, and despite being outnumbered in         are conscripts, or those called up from reserve       4. A lack of consistency.
manpower and equipment, they have been not-         forces. While the damage that the invasion has                    In other words, Russian disinforma-
ed to have shown remarkable resilience against      inflicted on Ukrainian cities and infrastructure      tion, or dezinformatsiya, relies on overwhelm-
the Russians. This includes both the stalling       has been profound, it does not compare to the         ing a target with a torrent of falsehood, with
of Russian advances on the Southern and             scale of loss of human life and the atrocities that   little regard for whether or not the informa-
Northeastern offensives, as well as a successful    have been committed against the Ukrainian             tion is coherent (Matthews & Paul). Russia
counterattack in the Kyiv Oblast, a province in     people in the process of the invasion. Russia         primarily utilizes two different methods for
Ukraine​​. In the process of thwarting Russian      has demonstrated time and time again that it          spreading disinformation: social media and
advances and executing effective counter-           is willing to go to any length to degrade the         conventional media. Russian usage of social
attacks, the Ukrainians have engendered             Ukrainian military and population, most com-          media as a weapon is fairly well known; Russia
widespread support from NATO and Western            monly targeting civilian areas, particularly with     will either pay accounts or create bot accounts
allies, including aid and direct shipments of       artillery or airstrikes. As bad as it may seem,       to spread propaganda, which is aimed at more
military hardware which have helped Ukraine         the brutality does not end there. Mariupol,           politically fringe groups. These fringe groups,
inflict significant damage on advancing Russian     after being under siege for over a month, has         on both the left and right, are susceptible to
forces.                                             been almost completely leveled. Russian troops        messages that democracy is both inefficient and
            On the other hand, the Russian          have even gone so far as to execute civilians, as     corrupt. Arguably more dangerous, howev-
Armed Forces have become known for constant         demonstrated in the Bucha massacre.                   er, is the usage of conventional media. Sites
failure, despite supposedly being a top-tier        In spite of this, an often overlooked aspect of       like RT and Sputnik have the appearance of
fighting force. Logistical issues have plagued      the conflict is the role of information, partic-      conventional media and hire those who have
VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
May 2022                                                                                                                          Vital Signs
the appearance of credible journalists to spread      that would be repeated in the 2022 conflict. To      could rape Swedish women immune from
disinformation. Additionally, both are offered        follow up on this, Moscow would claim that           prosecution. These theories would cause such a
in multiple languages, and the former was once        Tbilisi was commiting genocide against its           panic that they began to spill into conventional
offered through several U.S. cable providers.         ethnic minorities, and any subsequent military       media. The problem was so out of control that
Ultimately, the goal of the Russian government        action against Georgia would be in the name          Sweden’s now-former defense minister, Peter
is not to get a potential target to believe the       of protecting Georgia’s ethnic minorities.           Hultqvist, would be asked repeatedly about
torrent of nonsense that Russian bots, trolls         Again, this would be a move repeated in later        these theories at press conferences. Disinfor-
and media pump out, but to instead question           hostilities conducted against Ukraine. Russia,       mation regarding NATO and the West started
what they already know or believe to be true.         to further its claims of genocide and help legit-    to spread into NATO member states as well.
There isn’t an attempt to hide this either, as RT’s   imize the invasion, illegally distributed Russian    During NATO exercises in June 2016, a theory
editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan states its         passports to South Ossetians and Abkhazians.         claiming NATO made Europe a puppet of the
purpose is to provide “a perspective otherwise        Even after hostilities ceased, Russia still made     US and Germany became particularly common,
missing from the mainstream media echo                an attempt to spread disinformation; the             echoing theories that rose in Sweden. Forged
chamber” (MacFarquhar).                               Kremlin spent millions on an intensive media         articles and documents started floating around,
           Now that it’s been established what        campaign attempting to blame Georgia for the         including one that claimed Sweden greenlit
Russian disinformation looks like, its historical     war. Despite Russia’s best efforts, however, there   the illegal sale of artillery pieces to Ukraine.
use should be described. The Russian usage of         weren’t very many who believed Russia’s lies.        It is fair to say that disinformation had a pro-
disinformation is nothing new. Russia has an          The West was well aware that Russian claims          nounced effect on the beliefs of Westerners this
extensive and storied history of using disin-         of genocide were just a facade for toppling the      time around as well; one poll conducted in the
formation, dating back to Soviet times when           pro-NATO, pro-EU President Saakashvili, and          Czech Republic found that up to 51% of Czechs
theories like “CIA-made AIDS” ran amok in the         undermining Western interests in the Cau-            had a negative opinion of the United States’
West. While the export of disinformation was          cusus. However, despite ultimately failing in        role in Europe (MacFarquhar). In response,
widespread under the USSR, it eventually died         gaining support, the Russian disinformation          European nations finally realized the threat and
down with the collapse of the Soviet Union.           experiment in Georgia would prove itself to be       started to set up dedicated anti-disinformation
Disinformation remained relatively minimal            a useful framework for future conflicts.             agencies. However, the Russians would realize
throughout the 1990s, as the fledgling Russian                    Russia would continue to hone its        the remarkable importance of disinformation
Federation was a relatively weak state with           skills again in the 2014 Annexation of Crimea        as well. Between now and 2014, disinforma-
significant internal problems, ranging from           and the subsequent conflict in the Donbas            tion campaigns have played an increasingly
internal rebellions to a failing economy. Yet         region. Russia, as in Georgia, would use mis-        central role in Russian military strategy, and as
once Russia began to get back on its feet, it once    information as a way to conceal wrongdoings,         a Russian political scientist explained, “Mos-
again started to exert its influence globally, and    like the downing of Malaysia Airline Flight          cow views world affairs as a system of special
with it, the amount of disinformation coming          17, or to justify military action. Yet this time     operations, and very sincerely believes that it
out of Russia rose. By the time Russian troops        around, Russian disinformation would be used         itself is an object of Western special operations”
would cross the Russo-Georgian border in              as more than just a cover; it would be a weapon,     (MacFarquhar).
2008, the Russian disinformation operation was        targeted toward foreign populations. After the                    Almost an entire decade of experi-
in full swing.                                        Annexation of Crimea, countries not previously       ence in the sphere of misinformation brings
           The Russian invasion of Georgia, and       part of NATO, particularly Sweden, started           us to the 2022 Invasion of Ukraine. Again,
the subsequent occupation of the territories of       to debate entering the alliance. Immediately,        the Russian military uses similar tactics as
South Ossetia and Abkhazia, would in many             there was a torrent of disinformation in Sweden      previously seen in history. Russia first tries to
ways serve as practice for the later invasion of      regarding NATO. Theories started floating            legitimize troop buildup, such as by claiming
Ukraine, being that the invasion of Georgia           around, including, but not limited to, theories      buildups are merely regular exercises, and that
was based on entirely manufactured pretenses.         that NATO would undermine Sweden’s sover-            troop presence will go down to regular levels
First, in order to justify the initial building up    eignty by invading Russia from Sweden, or by         shortly. This time around, many in the West
of troops, the Kremlin announced it was simply        secretly stockpiling nuclear weapons in Sweden.      bought it, saying that Russia would not be
conducting regular military exercises, a tactic       Theories would go so far as to say NATO troops       brazen enough to actually follow through with
                                                                                                           an invasion. Troops would instead continue
                                                                                                           to be built up. With the invasion nearing the
                                                                                                           same time, the Kremlin began claiming that the
                                                                                                           Ukrainian government was committing ethnic
                                                                                                           cleansing against East Ukraine’s ethnic Rus-
                                                                                                           sians. These claims would coincide with claims
                                                                                                           that Ukraine, despite having a popularly elected
                                                                                                           Jewish president, is actually run by Neo-Nazis.
                                                                                                           Disinformation about Ukraine would come
                                                                                                           from even the highest echelons of the Russian
                                                                                                           government, with President Vladimir Putin
                                                                                                           personally releasing an essay only a few months
                                                                                                           before the invasion, discussing the similarities
                                                                                                           between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples,
                                                                                                           ultimately claiming they are essentially the
                                                                                                           same. While this claim is false, it still garnered
                                                                                                           a fair amount of legitimacy in American media,
                                                                                                           particularly in more fringe circles.
                                                                                                  RFERL                 Overall, the Russian disinformation
Georgian MRLs firing on separatist positions
VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
May 2022                                                                                                                       Vital Signs

A Russian State News employee protesting the war in Ukraine
war has largely been a success. The same, however, cannot be said for                                     Works Cited
the United States. Given the closed-off nature of Russian social media
and the restricted state of Russian conventional media, attempting to                  Cornell, Svante. “Georgia Feels Russia’s Heavy Hand.” The
counter disinformation within Russia would be nearly impossible, and        Guardian, 17 June 2009. The Guardian,
that does not even take into account the poor state on the homefront. The   tisfree/2009/jun/17/russia-georgia-obama. Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
United States, while it has made efforts to slow and minimize the spread               MacFarquhar, Niel. “A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread
of disinformation, has been relatively ineffective. Responses have been     of False Stories.” The New York Times [New York City], 29 Aug. 2016,
slow, giving ample time for theories to spread. Even when a response        sec. A, p. 1. The New York Times,
occurs, Russian disinformation has already entrenched itself in far too     europe/russia-sweden-disinformation.html. Accessed 19 Apr. 2022.
many Americans. Ultimately, Russia’s successes and the West’s consistent    Office of the Spokesperson. “Russia’s Top Five Persistent Disinformation
failures paint a grim picture for the future of the war on information.                Narratives.” U.S. Department of State, United States Govern-
                                                                            ment, 20 Jan. 2022,
                                                                            tion-narratives/. Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
                                                                                       Paul, Christopher, and Miriam Matthews. The Russian “Fire-
                                                                            hose of Falsehood” Propaganda Model: Why It Might Work and Options
                                                                            to Counter It. RAND Corp., 2016. Perspectives. RAND Corporation,
                                                                   Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
                                                                                       Seskuria, Natia. “Russia Is Reenacting Its Georgia Playbook in
                                                                            Ukraine.” Foreign Policy, spring 2022,
                                                                            sia-ukraine-invasion-georgia-2008-south-ossetia-tskhinvali/. Accessed 22
                                                                            Apr. 2022.
                                                                                       Untitled. NPR, 17 Mar. 2022, www.npr.

                                                                            evokes-stalinist-purges. Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
                                                                                      Untitled. Radio Free Europe, 7 Aug. 2018,
                                                                            war-gerogia-ossetia-russia-conflict/29417350.html. Accessed 22 Apr.
                                                                                      Untitled. Radio Free Europe, 25 Nov. 2021,
                                                                            russia-ukraine-war-fears/31579046.html. Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.

                                                                NBC NEWS
Police arresting a Putin critic during an anti-war protest

VITAL SIGNS - State Actors, the Maidan Revolution, International Response - Pingry Students Taking the Pulse of the World
May 2022                                                                                                                           Vital Signs

                                  State-Parallel Militias

                                                                                                                                              ATLANTIC COUNCIL

          By Alexander Henry                            support from around the world. As Donbas             makeup of Mariupol’s defenders is not entirely
                                                        Battalion Commander Semen Semenchenko                clear, it is generally understood that the Azov
            The current situation in Ukraine is         put it, “We aren’t anybody’s army, and we don’t      Battalion has been the prime factor in its suc-
multifaceted, going well beyond just a conflict         have a single sponsor. We have many sponsors,        cessful defense so far.
between two nations. The conflict is riddled            including just ordinary people who give us as                     Ukraine’s militias owe their supe-
with the influence of foreign regimes and nu-           little as food and water supplies” (Mulford).        rior rate of success to their fighters’ higher
merous non-state actors protecting their inter-                     To the Ukrainians, the fighters in       morale. Militia fighters join their respective
ests. One notable category of such influencers          these militias are heroes. Ukraine’s militias have   militias out of a patriotic desire to defend their
on the conflict is that of state-parallel militias.     been shockingly more successful than their           country’s independence, but there is a reason
State-parallel militias fall into the category of       official counterparts despite being comparative-     why militia fighters choose to join volunteer
pro-government paramilitaries; they exist to            ly underfunded. According to a 2014 poll by the      organizations instead of the country’s official
protect the ruling government and execute its           weekly Zerkalo Nedeli, Ukraine’s militias were       army. While the higher pay offered by militias
will. State-parallel militias differ from the more      more popular than the church and the army,           certainly plays a small role in attracting more
common state manipulated militias in that their         and their popularity has only risen since Putin’s    enthusiastic soldiers, it is dubious that its role
finances are independent of their host, and             2022 invasion as they have become increasingly       is a very big factor. Obviously, no soldiers go
their existence is indispensable to the surviv-         more relied upon. When war broke out with            to war to get rich, and they definitely will not,
al of their host nation. This higher degree of          Russian separatists in the Donbas region in          since both the Ukrainian militias and military
influence makes state-parallel militias essential       2014, Ukraine’s militias represented the nation’s    offer extremely low wages, even by Ukrainian
to state power, rather than a mere supplement           only capacity to resist. In the absence of any       standards. That being said, the higher morale of
to state power.                                         government armed forces, the militias managed        Ukrainian militia fighters can be attributed to
            It is estimated that a total of 30          to hold the separatists off until the government     the fact that many are motivated by more than
Ukrainian state-parallel militias exist, the most       could organize a proper defense. Additionally,       an altruistic desire to defend their motherland.
significant of these being the Azov Battalion,          the Azov Battalion in particular has achieved        Many of Ukraine’s militias, most notably the
Dnipro Battalion, and the Donbas Battalion.             shocking military successes. For instance, after     Azov Battalion, have been long known for
Although the aforementioned groups have been            Kyiv’s forces were unable to defend the strategic    harboring far-right and even Neo-Nazi ideol-
officially integrated into the Ukrainian Ministry       port city of Mariupol, allowing it to fall into      ogies. The Azov Battalion itself has no official
of Internal Affairs, they are still de facto’; almost   the hands of pro-Russian separatists, the Azov       neo-Nazi allegiances, but the organization has
completely independent, maintaining separate            Battalion became instrumental in leading its         openly allowed neo-Nazis to join its ranks. It
recruitment, training, and most importantly,            recapture. The Azov Battalion has continued          is important to note that the Azov Batallion
finances. Though initially funded by wealthy            to defend Mariupol even throughout Putin’s           has maintained no more than 20 percent of
Ukrainians, these groups now draw financial             full-scale 2022 invasion. Although the exact         its members who self identify as neo-Nazis,
May 2022                                                                                                                               Vital Signs
but even this obviously downplayed statistic         less susceptible to foreign influence and more         premise for a war against ‘Nazis’ in Ukraine.”
seems much higher than should be acceptable.         in line with Ukrainian interests. As Charles           CBS News, 22 Mar. 2022,
Addressing a particular Nazi, Alex, involved in      Colborne, who “monitors and researches the             news/ukraine-russia-war-azov-battalion-putin-
Azov leadership, Andriy Diachenko, a spokes-         far-right”, stated when describing the Azov Bat-       premise-war-vs-nazis/. Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
person for the Azov Battalion said, “I know          talion to The Washington Post, “At its core, it’s      Blond, Georges. “Philippe Pétain.” Encyclo-
Alex is a Nazi, but it’s his personal ideology. It   hostile to liberal democracy. It’s hostile to every    pedia Britannica, 20 Apr. 2022, https://www.
has nothing to do with the official ideology of      everything that comes with liberal democracy,
the Azov”, maintaining that Azov was merely          minority rights, voting rights, things like that”      Accessed 22 April 2022.
employing Alex out of a pragmatic need for           (Raghavan). The hostile attitude toward the            Clapp, Alexander. “The Maidan Irregulars.”
skilled leadership (Dorell). In response to the      democracy of Azov and other similar militias           The National Interest, no. 143, 2016, pp. 26–33,
infiltration of the Avov Batallion by neo-Nazis,     further supports the possibility of a state-par- Ac-
Congress banned US arms from going to Azov           allel militia led coup following the war in            cessed 23 Apr. 2022.
Battalion. Expressing his support for this move,     Ukraine.                                               Dorell, Oren. “Volunteer Ukrainian unit in-
Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA) stated,                          By giving support to and collabo-          cludes Nazis.” USA Today, 10 Mar. 2015, www.
“I am very pleased that the recently passed          rating with such openly hostile groups, the  
omnibus prevents the U.S. from providing             Ukrainian government is putting itself at far          ukraine-azov-brigade-nazis-abuses-separat-
arms and training assistance to the neo-Nazi         more risk than is justified by the advantage           ists/24664937/. Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
Azov Battalion fighting in Ukraine” (Kheel).         they gain from collaboration with their parallel       Golinkin, Lev. “The reality of neo-Nazis in
Khanna also articulated a desire to see Ukraine      militias. Militias like the Azov Battalion both        Ukraine is far from Kremlin propaganda.”
disassociate itself from the Azov Battalion and      threaten the position of the Ukrainian govern-         The Hill, 9 Nov. 2017,
other similar militias. With the role of Nazism      ment, with the possibility of an anti-democracy        international/359609-the-reality-of-neo-nazis-
in mind, it can be concluded that perhaps the        coup always looming, and undermine Ukraine’s           in-the-ukraine-is-far-from-kremlin-propagan-
Azov Battalion (and other militia fighters) feel     moral high ground with their neo-Nazi sympa-           da/?rl=1. Accessed 22 Apr. 2022.
that they are fighting for the role of Nazism in     thies serving as fodder for Russian propaganda.        Independence Day, Ukrainian national flags
post-war Ukraine, in addition to their country’s     With this in mind, Ukraine should follow the           flying in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence
independence.                                        advice of the United States government, and            Square), Kiev, Ukraine, Europe. Photogra-
           Although state-parallel militias have     distance itself from its state-parallel militias, on   phy. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia
been the white knights of Ukraine, they could        both pragmatic, and ethical grounds.                   Britannica, 25 May
simultaneously become the downfall of the                                                                   ch/151_2567727/1/151_2567727/cite. Accessed
current government. The fact that Ukraine’s                             Works Cited                         22 Apr 2022.
militias are independent, state-parallel or-         Aliyev, Huseyn. “Strong Militias, Weak States          Independence Day, Ukrainian national flags
ganizations, could definitely serve to entice        and Armed Violence: Towards a Theory of                flying in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence
Ukrainian patriots with subversive aspirations.      ‘State-Parallel’ Paramilitaries.” Security Dia-        Square), Kiev, Ukraine, Europe. Photogra-
As a state-parallel organization, with separate      logue, vol. 47, no. 6, 2016, pp. 498–516, https://     phy. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia
troops and independent finances, militias like Accessed 23             Britannica, 25 May
the Azov Battalion could be a potent king-           Apr. 2022.                                             ch/151_2520854/1/151_2520854/cite. Accessed
maker for post-war Ukraine. Much like how            “The Azov Battalion: Extremists defend-                22 Apr 2022.
defeated Vichy France fell to Pétain’s authori-      ing Mariupol.” DW News, Mar. 2022, www.                Jentzsch, Corinna, et al. “Militias in Civil
tarian fascism during World War II, a defeated            Wars.” The Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol.
Ukraine could fall to fascist, Nazi influences.      fending-mariupol/a-61151151. Accessed 22               59, no. 5, 2015, pp. 755–69, http://www.jstor.
Though the Azov Battalion has denied that it         Apr. 2022.                                             org/stable/24546326. Accessed 23 Apr. 2022.
has any plans to overthrow the Ukrainian gov-        “The Azov Battalion: How Putin built a false           Kheel, Rebecca. “Congress bans arms to
ernment after the war, the official position has
been contradicted by Azov fighters, who seem
to believe that they will march on Kyiv after the
war is over.
           Ukrainians are acutely aware of their
own country’s corruption, and many are openly
hostile to democracy, distrusting what they see
as a broken process that has been undermined
before. In 2014, Ukraine’s democratically
elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, was
overthrown by an (allegedly) US-backed rev-
olution, colloquially referred to as the Maidan
Revolution. The US (allegedly) chose to foment
insurrection in Ukraine after the then president
Viktor Yanukovych upset the West by rejecting
the Ukrainian-European Association Agree-
ment, which would have brought Ukraine into
the West’s sphere of influence. As a result of
Ukraine’s rocky relationship with democracy
and the West, many weary Ukrainians have
flocked to the Azov Battalion, likely feeling that
                                                                                                                                         WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
a more authoritarian form of rule would be           Maidan Square, Kyiv, Ukraine c. 2017

May 2022                                                                                                                         Vital Signs

                                       Resurgence of
                                      Anchorage, Alaska

                                                                                                                                                GETTY IMAGES

       By Spencer McLaughlin                         to no longer necessitate a stop, with the fall of     continents. Although the blockage of Russian
                                                     the Soviet Union and the opening of Russian           airspace is not as encompassing as that of Soviet
           Shortly after Russia launched a           airspace in the 1990s. As of 2020, the interna-       airspace, the northern route over the north
military invasion of Ukraine in February,            tional terminal saw little passenger traffic.         pole and over Alaska is often comparable or
many countries around the globe immediately                     Despite the lack of international          a shorter distance than flying to the south of
responded with sanctions and Russia quick-           passenger traffic via Anchorage, the Alaskan          Russia, over the Middle East. Anchorage is
ly fired back with sanctions of its own. One         airport was the busiest airport in the world for      ideally in the path between Europe and Asia on
particular industry that saw a nearly immediate      several days early in the Coronavirus pandemic.       the northern route. In addition, the distance
impact from these sanctions was the aviation         Although passenger numbers remain mod-                between Anchorage and Western Europe is ap-
industry. In response to various sanctions           est, Anchorage is a logistically ideal stopover       proximately 4,500-5,000 miles, and the distance
imposed by Western nations, Russia banned            for cargo flights between North America and           between Anchorage and East Asia is 3,500-
airlines from over 30 nations from flying in         Asia. Aircraft are most fuel-efficient flying         5,000 miles, matching the most fuel-efficient
Russian airspace. While this was a shock to          medium-length distances, as takeoff and               flight distance for large planes such as the Air-
the aviation industry and is one of the biggest      landing both consume large amounts of fuel,           bus A330. As Anchorage is the only major air-
impacts on international trade in recent years,      but carrying additional fuel is inefficient. As a     port located about halfway between Europe and
it is not unprecedented.                             result, one study found that the Airbus A330-         Asia on this northern route, it is the only option
           Prior to the fall of the Soviet Union     300 is most efficient when flying routes of about     on this route for cargo flights which wish to
in the early 1990s, Soviet airspace was open         4,350 miles, or about 8 hours. Cargo airlines         make a stop. Cargo flights which stop between
only to Russian airlines (with a few exceptions),    have determined that a stopover in Anchorage          Europe and Asia will have the advantage of
resulting in flights often needing to take lengthy   is economically efficient, as it helps prevent        being able to hold more weight on takeoff as
detours around the USSR, either far to the           excess fuel consumption on extremely long             cargo and less as fuel which will be burned later
south or over the north pole. During this time,      flights that traverse continents. Anchorage has       in the flight. Anchorage’s biggest competitors in
Anchorage, Alaska, experienced an influx of          established itself as the 5th busiest cargo airport   this space will be the large Middle Eastern hubs
passenger traffic from Europe, Asia and North        in the world, and the lack of passenger air travel    of Dubai, UAE and Doha, Qatar, which as of
America, as the airport is geographically situ-      during the pandemic allowed it to briefly be-         2018 are the 6th and 11th busiest cargo airports
ated as an ideal gateway between Asia and the        come the busiest airport in the world. As trade       in the world. These airports anchor the route
West when overflying Russia is not an option.        is expected to only increase between Asia and         between Europe and Asia that stays south of
By the 1960s, seven international carriers used      North America, cargo traffic through Anchor-          Russia, and they are typically a shorter detour
Anchorage as a layover airport between Europe        age is similarly expected to continue increasing      than connections in Anchorage. Despite this,
and Asia and it was referred to by some as the       rapidly.                                              the enormous power of the already prominent
“crossroads of the world”. In 1982, a large new                 With the closure of Russian airspace,      North American-Asian link in Anchorage pro-
international terminal was constructed to han-       could Anchorage expand to include large scale         pels it to be the 5th largest cargo airport in the
dle the increased demand. However, quicker           service from Europe? The closure of Russian           world, above both of its large Middle Eastern
than Anchorage had risen to prominence, the          airspace has effectively created a barrier which      competitors. The addition of a significant link
international terminal was effectively aban-         European and Asian airlines now must bypass           to Europe could allow Anchorage to become
doned as the range of airplanes was improved         to exchange cargo and passengers between              the “crossroads of the world” for trade.
May 2022                                                                                                                              Vital Signs
                                                                                                           for cargo planes, which would facilitate the
                                                                                                           exchange of goods between aircraft. With the
                                                                                                           closure of Russian airspace, it seems inevitable
                                                                                                           that air travel in Anchorage will increase in
                                                                                                           some way as a result, however, we have yet to
                                                                                                           see if Anchorage will return to the status it once
                                                                                                           held from passengers as the international travel
                                                                                                           hub at the top of the world.

                                                                                                                               Works Cited
                                                                                                           Airports Council International. “Preliminary
                                                                                                           World Airport Traffic Rankings Released.” 13
                                                                                                           Mar. 2019,
                                                                                                           Accessed 23 Apr.
                                                                                                           Alaska Department of Transportation and
                                                                                                           Public Facilities.
                                                                                                                      Accessed 23 Apr. 2022.
                                                                                                           Collins, Abbey. “You’ve Probably Never Been
                                                                                                           to the Anchorage Airport’s Sleepy Second
                                                                                                           Terminal. The
                                                                                                                      State Wants to Change That.” Alaska
                                                                                                           Public Media, 11 Oct. 2019, www.alaskapublic.
Anchorage’s strategic location, as seen on a globe                                          GETTY IMAGES
           International passenger travel              lower fares than the nonstop competition. With                 youve-probably-never-been-to-the-
through Anchorage has been very limited since          a large international terminal already in exis-     anchorage-airports-sleepy-second-terminal-
the 1990s, however new airline business models         tence, little new infrastructure would be needed    the-state-wants-to-change-
and the closure of Russian airspace have created       for an international hub to be established in                  that/. Accessed 23 Apr. 2022.
an opportunity for Anchorage to once again             Anchorage, all that is needed is an airline to      DeMarban, Alex. “Why Anchorage’s Interna-
become a major hub for travel between North            commit to a plan.                                   tional Airport Is Such a Big Cargo Destination
America, Europe and East Asia. Even since                          The potential for the re-emergence      — and How
Anchorage’s decline, many airlines have created        of supersonic airplanes in the future is another               It Could Get Even Bigger.” Anchorage
major hub airports with the main purpose of            interesting prospect for Anchorage. Several         Daily News, 16 May 2021,
connecting passengers to other international           supersonic jet proposals have been designed         ness-economy/2021/
destinations. These include, but are not limited       in recent years, but if these come to fruition,                05/16/
to Emirates of the UAE, Qatar Airways of               they likely will be unable to fly above populated              why-anchorages-international-air-
Qatar, Icelandair of Iceland and Copa Airlines         areas of land, similarly to the Concorde, due       port-is-such-a-big-cargo-destination-and-how-
of Panama. These airlines all almost exclusively       to the sonic boom caused by supersonic flight.      it-could-get-even-bigger
operate long haul routes bridging continents           If these jets rise in prominence, Anchorage                    /. Accessed 23 Apr. 2022.
and take advantage of the most fuel-efficient          offers an incredible location as it is surrounded   O’Hare, Maureen. “This Is Now the World’s
flight distance of most jets being significant-        by unpopulated wilderness and ocean, where          Busiest Airport... on Certain Saturdays.” CNN,
ly shorter than range. By refuelling around            supersonic jets would likely be permitted to
halfway through their journey, these flights           fly. On the Europe to Asia route, the northern                 travel/article/anchorage-air-
can save a significant amount of fuel and as a         route through the Arctic Ocean would benefit        port-world-busiest/index.html. Accessed 23
result often offer far cheaper fares, drawing in       significantly from its remoteness in comparison     Apr. 2022.
customers. These connecting itineraries also           to the southern route through the Middle East.      “Russian Flights Bans Hit Airlines from 36
allow small cities to be efficiently connected to                  In recent years, political leaders      Countries - Aviation Authority.” Reuters.
various cities on other continents, as a “hub and      in Alaska have begun to attempt to restore          Reuters,
spoke” approach easily connects small cities           Anchorage’s international hub status. As of          
over a large distance. Economically, Anchorage         late 2019, Government agencies such as the          space-defense/
appears to be a prime candidate for an airline         Alaska Department of Transportation (DOT)                      russia-imposes-sweeping-flight-bans-
to operate as a major international hub. Due           are looking for a private company to renovate       airlines-36-countries-2022-02-28/. Accessed 23
to its remote location near the North Pole,            the international terminal, and political leaders   Apr. 2022.
Anchorage has the unique distinction of being          from Alaska and China have begun to work            Steinegger, Rolf. Fuel Economy as Function
able to bridge three continents, and the airport       toward creating a nonstop flight between the        of Weight and Distance. Zurich University of
itself advertises that it is within 9.5 hours (5,000   two areas. Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy            Applied
miles) of 90% of the developed world. When             believes that Anchorage becoming an interna-                   Sciences,
once again considering the most effective flight       tional hub would lead to an influx of tourism,      bitstream/11475/1896/6/
distance of large jets, any airline operating          stimulating the local economy. Officials also                  Steinegger_Fuel_Economy_as_a_
through Anchorage should be able to offer              have planned $1 billion worth of improvements       Function_of_Weight_and_Distance_v1-1.pdf.

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