Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug

Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
Texas Department of Public Safety
Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division
Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
Body Parts
                                                  Parental Abductions            Living Persons
           Human Trafficking
                                   Catastrophe                               Deceased Persons
                  Hague Cases                           Amber Alerts
    Skeletal Remains            Missing Persons
 Victim/Witness Location
                                Kidnapping                       Silver Alerts
5/2/2014                          For Official Use Only (FOUO)                                    2
Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
 MPCH was established by the
  69th legislature, regular
  session in 1985

 In 1986, MPCH became

 Staff of 8
Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
Assists law enforcement, families, non-
 profit organizations, and the general
 public in handling the problem of
 missing and unidentified persons
Central repository for information
 pertaining to missing persons and
 unidentified living/dead
Publication and distribution of photos
Training for law enforcement
Analytical assistance
Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
The unit was created in 2007 to strengthen
 law enforcement’s compliance with
 requirements for documenting information of
 unidentified persons and unidentified skeletal
 remains in Texas.
In addition, UPDU is responsible for
 educating law enforcement on their
 requirement to submit DNA samples from
 unidentified human remains to the University
 of North Texas Health Center for Human
 Identification for entry into the DNA database.
Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
The text of Texas Statutes relating to missing and
unidentified persons can be found in:

  Code of Criminal Procedure (Chapter 63 and 49)
  Education Code
  Family Code
  Government Code
  Health and Safety Code
  Penal Code
Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
 Chapter 20
   • Kidnapping and Unlawful Restraint

 Chapter 25
   • Offenses Against the Family
       Interference with child custody
       Enticing a child
       Harboring a runaway
       Sale or purchase of child
       Interference with rights of guardian

 Chapter 37
   • False reporting regarding a missing child or
Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
42 USC 5779
 – Requires Federal, State, and Local law
   enforcement to report to NCIC each case
   of a missing child under the age of 21.

 * This law removes the ambiguity about 17
   year olds.
Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division - tcjiug
Attempted Child Abduction Reporting

High Risk Missing Children Reporting

Grant Funding

Missing Child Reporting Training (TCOLE / NCMEC)
  law enforcement officer or local law enforcement agency
  reporting an attempted child abduction to the clearinghouse shall
  make the report by use of the Texas Law Enforcement
  Telecommunications System or a successor system of
  telecommunication used by law enforcement agencies and
  operated by the Department of Public Safety.

 SECTION 5. Article 63.009, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:

 (a-1) A local law enforcement agency, on receiving a report of an
  attempted child abduction, shall immediately, but not later than
  eight hours after receiving the report, provide any relevant
  information regarding the attempted child abduction to the
 Except as provided by Code of Criminal Procedure Art.
  63.0016, “attempted child abduction” means an act taken
  with the specific intent to abduct a child that amounts to
  more than mere preparation to abduct a child but fails to
  result in an actual abduction. This term may include the
  attempted commission of offenses found in Penal Code
  Sections 20.02 (Unlawful Restraint), 20.03 (Kidnapping),
  20.04 (Aggravated Kidnapping), and any act of deception,
  intimidation, enticement, coercion, threat, or use of
  physical force related to those offenses.
 In such situations, a report shall be submitted to the
  department in accordance with Code of Criminal Procedure
  Chapter 63.
We are requesting:
  Force
  Threat
  Luring

We track via TxMap
Monitor for trends
Provide information for investigations
Provide statistics to Legislatures

 (a) The public safety director of the Department of Public Safety shall
  adopt rules regarding the procedures for a local law enforcement agency
  on receiving a report of a missing child who:

 (1)had been reported missing on four or more occasions in the 24-
  month period preceding the date of the current report; or

 (2) is in foster care or in the conservatorship of the DFPS and had been
  reported missing on two or more occasions in the 24-month period
  preceding the date of the current report.
CCP Article 63.009 (c)
All Texas law enforcement agencies are required
  to enter information about all unidentified
  bodies into the clearinghouse and NCIC
  unidentified person file. LE agency shall not
  later than the 10th working day after the date
  of the death is reported to the agency, enter all
  available identifying features of the
  unidentified body (fingerprints, dental records,
  unusual characteristics and clothing
  description) into the clearinghouse and NCIC.
 Amber Alert
    — Implemented on September 12, 2002. The AMBER Alert system notifies the
      public of a child abduction. The system electronically activates highway signs
      and distributes vehicle information within a 200 mile radius of the abduction.

 Silver Alert
    — Implemented on September 1, 2007. The Silver Alert system notifies the public
      of missing elderly people (age 65 and older) who are diagnosed with mental
      impairments, such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

 Endangered Missing Persons Alert
    — Implemented on September 1, 2011. The Endangered Missing Persons Alert
      system is a means to assist law enforcement in the recovery of missing persons
      with a diagnosed intellectual disability and notifies the public of a missing
      disabled person.
 Missing Persons File
Data Collection Entry Guide; NCIC Initial Entry Report Form

 Unidentified Persons File
Data Collection Entry Guide; NCIC Initial Entry Report Form

 TCIC audit requires supporting documentation for each
record entry into TCIC/NCIC. Make a copy of each of these three
documents to keep in file.
     ORI’s Initial Case Report
     NCIC Initial Entry Report Form
     NCIC Record Entry
 Checks and balances…

   – Before entry…
       Query TCIC/NCIC for the missing person
       Query the person of interest (PWI)
       Query for registration of vehicle involved

       Entry of a missing person needs to be accurate and timely.
       As information is obtained, modify the record entry.

          * Remember - Make a copy of the modified record for file.


Scars, Marks, Tattoos and Other
Dental History
FPC (Finger Print Class)
DNA and Location of DNA
 Jewelry Type & Description
 Vision
 Image of missing person & PWI

 Supplemental Information is important
     AKA’s include
     Names, DOB’s, SOC’s, SID’s, OLN’s, ARN, etc.


 Body Parts Status
 Scars, Marks, Tattoos and Other Characteristics
 Jewelry Type & Description
 Dental
 FPC (Finger Print Class)
 Medical Examiner, Case # and Location
 DNA and Location of DNA
 Images
* These messages need to be given to the assigned investigator
 Entry and modification of unidentified persons (living or deceased)/
  human remains into NCIC.
 The modification of a missing persons record in NCIC.
 Research and review of $.M possible matches.
 Entry onto the TX DPS Missing and Unidentified Person website.
 Fingerprint submission on state and national levels.
 Coordination of NCIC fingerprint coding.
 Update NCIC entry with fingerprint code; Rerun of prints.
 Coordination of dental charting and comparisons
 Updating dental information in NCIC
 Entry of dental x-rays, models and photos into NDIR
 DPS DL Biometric facial recognition system search
 Search of state and national missing person files
 Submission of cases to various websites and publications
 Coordination with a forensic artist
 Coordination of DNA submission
CCP Art 63.008 – The Texas Education Agency
 shall develop and administer a program for
 the location of missing children who may be
 enrolled within the Texas school system,
 including nonpublic schools, and for the
 reporting of children who may be missing or
 who may be unlawfully removed from
EDC 25.002
Contact MPCH when:
  – A child is registered without a birth
  – No copy of prior school records is received
  – Child’s birth certificate appears altered
  – Any other suspicious behavior
Missing Persons Clearinghouse flags
 birth records of missing/abducted

  Children 10 and under
 The Clearinghouse works with Register Tapes Unlimited and HEB in the
  Light the Candle program which places photos of area missing children on
  the back of HEB register receipt tapes.
    Implemented in the summer of 1999
    Features one child per five stores every 90 days.

 The mission of TDCJ “Behind the Walls,” is to link law enforcement and
  incarcerated felons to solve crimes left unsolved due to lack of
    Offenders can report the information to the confidential Crime
      Stoppers address.
    Reward is placed into offender’s trust fund.
    Reward may be sent to a family member designated by the offender.
    At no time is the identity of the offender revealed.
 An international treaty governing the return
  of internationally abducted children.
 It is a civil matter only.
 Law enforcement should only locate the
  child and/or abductor
 The matter is handled in the court system.
Vital Statistics
  Birth records
  Death records
  Marriage and divorce records
 The primary function of the NDIR is to provide a place for
  agencies to voluntarily house supplemental dental images in a
  Web environment. This will allow for the information to be
  readily retrieved by qualified individuals performing dental
  comparisons between Missing/ Wanted person files and the
  Unidentified Person files in NCIC.

 A second function of the NDIR is to allow agencies who have an
  interest in having their dental coding reviewed for accurate and
  consistent NCIC coding by an experienced forensic odontologist
  to do so. Submitted records will be reviewed and compared to
  the information coded on the NCIC record. If discrepancies are
  noted, the agency will be contacted and advised of the errors.
Senate Bill 1304
High risk missing persons
  – Stranger abduction
  – Unknown or suspicious circumstances
  – Missing more than 30 days
  – If the person is believed to be
    deceased or in danger
Unidentified persons
The University of North Texas Center for
Human Identification is a national resource for
the identification of missing persons and
unidentified remains combining the services of
Laboratory of Molecular Identification with the
Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology.

For more information, submission forms
       and sample collection kits
 On March 27,2006
  the head of an
  unidentified male
  was discovered in
  a city sanitation
 The body was
  never recovered
 DNA warm hit to Kevin Thomas Walsh
 The circumstances of Walsh’s death are still
Rosa Sandoval            Bexar County
                           Sheriff’s Office
  DOB: May 8, 1992
                         DBF: December 10,
  DLC: May 27, 2004
 Rosa was abducted
                          A skull was located
   from her home.
                         in Bexar County in a
  Rosa was reported         ravine that had
missing to San Antonio   recently flooded; so
Police Department and      no other remains
     entered into            were located.
  TCIC/NCIC May 29,
                         Received DNA @ lab
                         December 20, 2004.
 Received DNA @ lab
    July 7, 2004.
TX Missing Persons Clearinghouse and                 Texas Rangers
  Unidentified Persons & DNA Unit             Crimes Against Children Center
        Direct: 512-424-5074                      Lt. Derek Prestridge
      Hotline: 1-800-346-3243                         512-424-5783

Susan Burroughs       Courtney Fowler    Lance Fuller      Carolyn Mellon
    Analyst               Analyst          Analyst             Analyst
 512-424-5043          512-424-2669     512-424-5040        512-424-7070

      Teresa Becker           Kristin Fabry      Melanie Schramm
         Analyst                 Analyst             Analyst
      512-424-2298           512-424-2819         512-424-2683
                              Heidi Prather
                           Program Supervisor
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