TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple

TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple
  Ohef Sholom Temple's Monthly News Publication
                                  Established 1844 • Volume 61, Issue 9 • June/July 2021

      Welcome Back!
          Our doors are re-opening June 4!
                                                      See page 6 for details

                    Confirmation Class of 2021
                                   Saturday, June 26 at 10 am
                                                                     See page 10 for details
TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple
In this Issue:

Worship........................... 2
Clergy Corner.................. 3
Presidential Address........ 4                                                                                             TORAH PORTIONS
Announcements.............. 5
Welcome Back................. 6
Sisterhood....................... 7
Men's Club...................... 7                    June&July                              June 26 | 16 Tammuz
                                                                                             Torah Study - 9:00 am
                                                                                                                                 July 17 | 8 Av
                                                                                                                                 Shabbat Chazon
Programming................... 8                                                             Parashat Balak                      Torah Study - 9:00 am
                                                      June 3 | 23 Sivan                      Numbers 22:2 - 25:9                 Parashat Devarim
Confirmation.................. 10                     Torah Study - 4:00 pm                  Haftarah: Micah 5:6 - 6:8           Deuteronomy 1:1 - 3:22
Adult Education............. 12                                                                                                  Haftarah:
Tzedakah Corner........... 13                         June 5 | 25 Sivan                      June 27 | 17 Tammuz                 Isaiah 1:1 - 1:27
LIFE & LEGACY............. 14                         Torah Study - 9:00 am                  Tzom Tammuz
                                                      Parashat Sh'lach                       Parashat Tzom Tammuz                July 18 | 9 Av
Donations...................... 15                    Numbers 13:1 - 15:41                   Exodus 32:11 - 34:10                Tisha B'Av
Yahrzeits........................ 16                  Haftarah:                                                                  Parashat Tisha B'Av
Calendar & Birthdays..... 18                          Joshua 2:1 - 2:24                      July 1 | 21 Tammuz                  Deuteronomy 4:25 - 4:40
pOST Bulletin Board...... 20                                                                 Torah Study - 4:00 pm               Haftarah:
                                                      June 10 | 30 Sivan                                                         Jeremiah 8:13 - 9:23
                                                      Torah Study - 4:00 pm                  July 3 | 23 Tammuz
                                                                                             Shabbat Mevarchim                   July 22 | 13 Av
                                                      June 12 | 2 Tammuz                     Parashat Pinchas                    Torah Study - 4:00 pm
                                                      Torah Study - 9:00 am                  Numbers 25:10 - 30:1
                                                      Parashat Korach                        maf:                                July 24 | 15 Av
                                                      Numbers 16:1 - 18:32                   Numbers 29:35 - 30:1                Torah Study - 9:00 am
                                                      Haftarah:                              Haftarah:                           Parashat Vaetchanan
                                                      I Samuel 11:14 - 12:22                 Jeremiah 1:1 - 2:3                  Deuteronomy 3:23 - 7:11
530 Raleigh Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23507                                     June 17 | 7 Tammuz                     July 8 | 28 Tammuz                  Isaiah 40:1 - 40:26
757.625.4295                                          Torah Study - 4:00 pm                  Torah Study - 4:00 pm
(F) 757.625.3762                                                                                                                 July 29 | 20 Av
ohefsholom.org                                        June 19 | 9 Tammuz                     July 10 | 1 Av                      Torah Study - 4:00 pm
                                                      Parashat Chukat                        Shabbat Rosh Chodesh
                                                      Numbers 19:1 - 22:1                    Torah Study - 9:00 am               July 31 | 22 Av
                                                      Haftarah:                              Parashat Matot-Masei                Torah Study - 9:00 am
                                                      Judges 11:1 - 11:33                    Numbers 30:2 - 36:13                Parashat Eikev
                                                                                             maf: Numbers 28:9 - 28:15           Deuteronomy 7:12 - 11:25
                                                      June 24 | 14 Tammuz                    Haftarah:                           Haftarah:
                                                      Torah Study - 4:00 pm                  Isaiah 66:1 - 66:24                 Isaiah 49:14 - 51:3

                                                                                             July 15 | 6 Av
                                                                                             Torah Study - 4:00 pm

                                                                                                                                              Morris Fine
                                                            EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE           BOARD OF DIRECTORS       PAST PRESIDENTS
                                                            President:                    Carol Brum               Terri Denison Budman       Sandra Forte-Nickenig
                                                            John Cooper                   Frank Campion            Minette Cooper             Jay M. Friedman
CLERGY                       Director of Religious School   president@ohefsholom.org      Barbara Dudley           Karen Fine                 Leslie Friedman
Senior Rabbi                 Kitty Wolf, RJE                First Vice President:         Matthew Fine             Kim Simon Fink             Mark Friedman
Rosalin Mandelberg           kitty@ohefsholom.org           Sharon Nusbaum                Tammi Foer               Linda Fox-Jarvis           Mark Hecht
rabbi@ohefsholom.org                                        Second Vice President:        Byron Harrell            Robert C. Goodman, Jr.     Andrew C. Kline
                             Engagement and                 Barb Gelb                     Deb Higgins              Steven Kayer               Steve Kocen
Cantor                       Programming Associate          Secretary: Steve Kocen        David Hirschler, II      Edward G. Kaufman          Jay Legum
Jennifer Rueben              Nina Kruger                    Treasurer: Mike Jaffe         Robert Levinson          Dr. Howard Kesser          Dr. Rachelle Luna
cantorjen@ohefsholom.org     membership@ohefsholom.org      Member-at-Large:              Amy Metzger              Edward A. Kramer           Robin Mancoll
                                                            Lawrence Steingold            Alyson Morrissey         Cathi M. Laderberg         Dr. David Metzger
Rabbi Emeritus               Office Manager
                                                            Engagement Committee Chair:   Dr. Bert Newfield        Charles S. Nusbaum         Alyssa Muhlendorf
Lawrence A. Forman           Shelley Stephens
                                                            Carol Brum                    Sharon Nusbaum           William L. Nusbaum         Dr. Abbey Pachter
rabbiforman@ohefsholom.org   shelley@ohefsholom.org
                                                            Education Committee Chair:    Paula Russel             Dr. Robert M. Rubin        Alex Pincus
                             Clergy Assistant               Deb Higgins                   Margaret Sawyer          Henry M. Schwan            Dr. Meredith Rose
Interim Executive Director   Elizabeth Vincent              Worship Committee Chair:      Neal Schulwolf           Linda Spindel              June Saks
Steven Kayer                 liz@ohefsholom.org             Jay Lazier                    Frank Scott              Alan D. Stein              Miriam Seeherman
ed@ohefsholom.org                                           Finance & Development         Leslie Shroyer                                      The Honorable Louis Sherman
                             Graphic & Web Design           Committee Chair:              Tom Snyder               HONORARY DIRECTORS         Louis D. Snyder
Music Director               Linette Bond                   Neal Schulwolf                Eliot Weinstein          Tom Bachman
Charles Woodward             graphics@ohefsholom.org        Immediate Past President:     Valeria Williamson       Terri Budman
chuck@ohefsholom.org                                        Terri Denison Budman                                   Allan Donn

                                                            Sisterhood President
                                                            Gail W. Bachman
                                                                                          OSTY Advisors
                                                                                          Robyn & Paul Weiner   Follow Us!
                                                            Men's Club President          OSTY President
                                                            Tom Bachman                   Leia Morrissey

      2                 THE TEMPLE POST                                                                                                     ohef_sholom_temple
TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple
Clergy Corner                                              WITH RABBI & CANTOR

Welcome Back!

    ear OST Family,                                       forward through the
                                                          lens of faith, and
                                                          when they did, they
                                                          saw the potential for
In so many ways, the last year and an almost-half has     an abundant life.
felt like wandering in the desert. Life as we knew it
changed overnight, and we had to find new ways to         God was angered
meet just about every need in our lives as individuals    and disappointed by
and as a community. We just woke up one day and           the majority opinion
nothing was the same.                                     from the scouts and
                                                          the Israelites who               Contact Clergy
And so, we did what Jews do. We adapted. We               gave in to that fear.       Rabbi  Roz & Cantor Jen
tapped into our creativity, our resources, and our        After Moses begged           rabbi@ohefsholom.org
strength and remade our lives, taking each challenge      for mercy, God             cantorjen@ohefsholom.org
as it came. We pushed through our trepidation and         relented. However,
our grief and we made it work.                            it was clear to God that this generation was not yet
                                                          ready to enter the Promised Land, as their fear was
Now, just as we are becoming adept at living a
                                                          stronger than their faith. They would wander for 40
virtual life, another change; this time a positive one.
                                                          more years, until that generation died out, before
A miracle vaccine, ready years ahead of what we
                                                          the Israelites would find their peace.
thought possible. Cleansing sunshine. A society that,
for the most part, has done the collective work to        This is our challenge as we move forward. While we
drive down the COVID numbers that uprooted our            cannot discount the trauma of what we have just
lives, leading experts to relax mask and distancing       experienced, we learn from this story that we must
mandates that have come to be our way of life. We         choose to enter this new chapter in our lives with
are elated that we can see the light at the end of        faith. If we take the steps that experts in the fields
the tunnel. And yet, we know that this means yet          of science and medicine tell us we must, our lives,
another upheaval in our lives. More change, more          too, can flow with goodness -- not milk and honey,
unknowns, more challenges to overcome -- we are           perhaps, but hugs from our grandchildren, meals
thrilled to be able to see the way to a new normal,       together with friends, seeing each other’s smiles,
but we are exhausted!                                     and gathering in prayer.
Parashat Sh’lach, which we read on the first Shabbat      On June 4th, Ohef Sholom Temple will once again
in June, tells the story of the Israelites at a similar   open its doors for Friday night Shabbat services. A
moment. Having shaken the yoke of slavery in Egypt        team of dedicated congregants -- our own scouts
and experienced the miraculous parting of the Sea         -- have spent countless hours pouring over the
of Reeds, they find themselves on the brink of the        data and recommendations to determine the safest
Promised Land where God promises them a life of           way to do this, and their report is glowing. There
peace and prosperity. Moses directs twelve leaders        is a path forward. We can overcome the logistical
-- one from each tribe -- to scout out this land and      challenges and safely gather. And so we will.
report back what they find. When they return, ten
of the scouts report that while the land does indeed      For those who are ready to join us in person, you
flow with milk and honey, its inhabitants are giant       can find details of our reopening in this issue of the
and its cities strongly fortified. They insist that the   Temple pOST. We ask for your patience as we figure
way forward is too dangerous.                             all of this out together. If you are not yet ready to
                                                          join us in person, our services will always be on our
The two remaining scouts tell a different story.          Facebook page and the OST website, and we will
Joshua and Caleb report that while they know there        continue to offer many opportunities to connect
will be challenges, the land is exceedingly good.         with us virtually -- this, too, will be a part of our new
After all, God told them that God would ensure            normal.
their peace and safety there. They viewed the way
                                                                           (Continued at bottom of page 4)
                                                                                    June/JulY 2021            3
TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple
Presidential Address
                                Greetings from our New Temple President

                                      reetings          twenty B’nai Mitzvahs in the coming year which will
                                      from your         keep us busy.
                                      new Temple
                                President. I am         I hope to continue the philanthropic stewardship
                                excited to serve        which Matthew and Karen Fine have spear-headed
                                this great Reform       in recent years. We will move ahead applying our
                                congregation at         Jewish values to the important issues of the day,
                                this interesting        including environmentalism and social justice.
                                time. I hope you        One of my other goals for Ohef Sholom Temple is
                                are all doing as        adjusting the governance of the synagogue seeking
                                well as possible,       to be both transparent and effective. I ask you to
        John Cooper                                     join me and the new Board of Directors in helping
                                and perhaps even
          President                                     Ohef Sholom Temple shine as a beacon of Jewish
                                thriving, as we come
 president@ohefsholom.org                               values and living for another 178 years and more.
                                out of the pandemic.

My inspiration to serve as President of Ohef
Sholom is my aunt, Minette Cooper. She became
the Temple’s first female President of the Board        Sincerely,
of Directors in 1985. Aunt Minette is capable,
confident, and committed, and still very active in
Temple life and leadership.

Deep gratitude is due to Terri Budman and the           John M. Cooper
whole Board of Directors as well as the clergy
and staff for bringing us to the next chapter in the
life of the synagogue. Terri did an amazing job         (Continued from page 3)
through tough circumstances. Her kindness and
steadiness has been a source of strength for us all.        We, your clergy, have missed you dearly
Rabbi Roz, Cantor Jen, and Chuck Woodward have              during this time. We are so grateful to each
worked minor miracles over the past year to bring       one of you for sticking with us and for never losing
us beautiful music and meaningful worship on new        sight of the value in this remarkable Ohef Sholom
platforms.                                              community. Special thanks goes to our immediate
                                                        past president, Terri Budman, for her exceptional
I look forward to continuing to work with all of you    leadership and tireless work to achieve this goal of
as we move forward together in our congregation’s       reopening. Mostly, our hearts are full knowing that
178th year. I welcome suggestions from all of you       with faith and optimism we can finally say – THIS
about how to make our sacred relationships stronger     YEAR AT OST!
and how Temple can better serve you. The two
immediate tasks are reopening safely and finding        L’shalom,
a new executive director. As I write, both of these
projects are well underway.

There is much cause for optimism about the future       Rabbi Roz and Cantor Jen
of Ohef Sholom Temple. Our religious school and
adult education offerings have remained strong            Light the Shabbat
even through Covid. Special thanks go to Tammi
Foer, Alyson Morrissey, Kitty Wolf, and Barb Gelb         Candles with Us!
among many others for performing this key work            Volunteer today and sign up
innovatively during this difficult time. We have over     online at ohefsholom.org to
                                                          light the Shabbat Candles
                                                          with Rabbi Roz and Cantor
                                                          Jen during services!

   4          THE TEMPLE POST
TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple
JEWISH LIFE                                 JUNE&JULY

Mazel Tov!

                                 Congratulations to Ella Goodove
                                 on her upcoming Bat Mitzvah on June 5!
                                 Ella is the daughter of Amy & Scott Goodove, the sister of Drew, and the
                                 granddaugther of Sandy & Bill Sroka and Harriet & Eddie Goodove.

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Rosalin            for the benefit of humanity.            protein function always relies on
Mandelberg on receiving her           Scientists of the Royal Society         stable structure, providing a new
Honorary Doctorate on May 27          continue to make outstanding            understanding of the biophysics
from Hebrew Union College -           contributions to science and Julie      of disordered protein interactions
Jewish Institute of Religion for 25   certainly exemplifies this.             that regulate essential cellular
years in the rabbinate!                                                       processes. Her ongoing work in
                                      Julie is an international pioneer       the Forman-Kay Lab continues
Mazel Tov to Dr. Julie Forman-        in her field and the foremost           to break new ground and I am
Kay, Senior Scientist and Program     Canadian expert in developing           delighted to share today’s news.
Head, Molecular Medicine, on          and applying tools to study the
being named a Fellow of the           dynamic structure, interactions         Mazel Tov to ALL of our
highly prestigious Royal Society.     and functions of disordered             graduating Seniors! Even though
The Royal Society’s fundamental       proteins of significant biomedical      this was a crazy year to be a grad,
purpose is to recognize, promote,     relevance. Disordered proteins          we applaud you for successfully
and support excellence in             are those that don't have stable        making it through a tough year!
science and to encourage the          structures, and Julie's work
development and use of science        overturned the common view that

Condolences             Ohef Sholom offers heartfelt condolences to the following members & friends:
Todd Aftel (Lindsey) and Ross Aftel on the loss of their father, Jay Aftel.
Kenneth Bates (Mara) on the loss of his father, and McKenna, Kaden, and Makayda Bates on the loss of
their grandfather, Arthur Bates.
To the family and friends of Louis Brenner.

                                                                                    June/JulY 2021          5
TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple
JEWISH LIFE                                JUNE&JULY

Welcome BACK: Shabbat Services Return to the Sanctuary
Friday, June 4, 2021 at 6:30 pm

    ince March 2020, Ohef Sholom’s leadership           The process to attend will be simple, but still a
    has worked diligently to make decisions, first      process, which will certainly evolve.
    on our closing, and now, on our reopening,
based on CDC guidelines, Governor Northam’s             To attend in-person Friday Night Shabbat Services at
Executive Orders, and with the Jewish value of          Ohef Sholom Temple:
Pikuach Nefesh, the preservation of life, as our
highest priority. Our Executive Committee, Crisis          • Reservations are required.
Management Team, COVID-19 Policy Committee,
                                                           • Reservations are limited (currently 85 people
and now, our Reopening Committee have been
                                                             per service).
measured and careful in creating protocols to keep
our clergy, staff, and congregants safe. Now, we feel      • Reservations will open each Monday at Noon
we’re ready.                                                 for that week’s Friday night Shabbat. A sign-up
                                                             link will be sent on Mondays and close when all
Starting Friday, June 4, evening Shabbat Services
                                                             the slots are filled.
will be in the sanctuary. Our services will also
continue to be streamed on our website and                 • Vaccinations are strongly recommended and
Facebook page.                                               preferred.

                                                           • COVID questions will be asked via email and
                                                             then confirmed in-person at Temple.

                                                           • Masks are required.

                                                           • Ushers will assist with seating.

                                                           • Seating will be in designated rows.

                                                           • Physical distance between groups will be four

                                                           • Congregants will be dismissed by rows at the
                                                             conclusion of Services.

                                                           • Food and beverages are not permitted, so no
                                                             Onegs at this time.

                                                        We’re doing our best to be safe, responsive, and
                                                        inclusive as we inch back to in-person events at
                                                        Temple. We look forward to praying together in-

                                                                                   Terri Budman
                                                                                   Re-opening Subcommittee

           We can't wait to welcome you back!

    610       THE TEMPLE POST
TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple

                                                        Our mission, as stated
                                                        on the website:
                                                        “OST Sisterhood is a
                                                        community of welcoming
                                                        women from all walks of life
                                                        who meet for spiritual,
                                                        educational, and social growth                 Gail W. Bachman
                                                        through Judaism. Our diverse                   Sisterhood President
                                                        members are all ages and come                  sisterhood@ohefsholom.org
                                                        from varying backgrounds, allowing
                                                        us to join together to serve the needs of our congregation
                                                        and community, while cultivating life-long friendships."

                                                       favorite stuff on Friday, August 6 & Sunday, August
Friday, August 6 & Sunday, August 8                    8! More details will follow in the August Bulletin!

8:30 am - 1 pm                                         For more information, contact Gail Bachman at
                                                       Cell: (757) 646-2281 | sisterhood@ohefsholom.org
Save the Dates!                                        UPCOMING MEETINGS: Jun 9 | Jul 14 | Aug 11
Since our 2020 Rummage Sale was postponed, we
are ready to have a smaller version with all of your   			                at 6 pm

Men's Club                                                UPCOMING

                                                          June 2 | July 7 |
                                                          August 4
                                                          at 7 pm                                          Tom Bachman
                                                                                                           Men's Club President

                                                          Become A
                                                          Member online:

                                                                                 For more
                                                                                 information on Men's Club
                                                                                 activities or to join, contact
Saturday, August 28 at 5:30 pm                                                   Tom Bachman at:
                                                                                 Cell: 757-635-0682
Heads up! Mark your calendars to join the OST Men's Club for their               mensclub@ohefsholom.org
Annual Tides Baseball Game & Pre-Game Picnic in August!
Details will follow in the August Bulletin.

                                                                                     June/JulY 2021                 11
TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple

                          June 3 | 7 pm
                          Anti-Racism Course with Rabbi Roz
                          Racism, White Privilege and How to be an Anti-Racist:
                          An Ohef Sholom Temple Exploration of Ourselves
                          Join Rabbi Roz in her continuing discussion and course on

                          To join this course offering, RSVP to
                          reservations@ohefsholom.org or call 757-625-4295.

                          June 8 & July 13 | 7 pm
                          Finding Happiness
                          Join us for a three part series on “Finding Happiness” with
                          Rabbi Roz, Cantor Jen, and Author Janice Kaplan. This
                          event is brought to OST through the UJFT and the Simon
                          Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Jewish Book Festival,
                          held in coordination with the Jewish Book Council.

                          Please RSVP to reservations@ohefsholom.org

                          June 8 & 22 and July 6 & 20 | 9 pm
                          D'Bar Torah
                          For young adults, ages 21-42. Please join us for our virtual
                          D'Bar Torah every other Tuesday evening. Eliot Weinstein
                          and Nina Kruger invite you to grab a beverage and join
                          them on Zoom for Torah study and adult conversation.

                          To join D'Bar Torah, call Nina at 757-625-4295 or email her
                          at membership@ohefsholom.org for the Zoom link and

                          June 19 & July 17 | 7 - 9 pm
                          Havdalah Hootenanny with Jeanne & Bob Zentz
                          On the third Saturday of the month from 7-9 pm, join
                          Jeanne and Bob Zentz on Zoom for a "Zing-along." Bring
                          your own song, request a song, read a poem, tell a story,
                          play an instrument, share some pictures... whatever you
                          like! Everyone takes a turn and participates as they wish, in
                          the style of good ol' community singing and sharing.
                          All ages and all folks are welcome!

                          Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85985484994

TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple
June 28 & July 26 | 10:30 am - 1 pm
                             Soup Kitchen
                             Our Soup Kitchen offers so much to guests and volunteers
                             alike, yet we need volunteers to continue these good
                             deeds every month. Spend a few hours helping to feed
                             and provide basic clothing and toiletry items to 75-80 very
                             appreciative folks in need. All COVID-19 precautions will be
                             followed. Are you available to fulfill this mitzvah?

                             If so, please contact Dorianne Villani at 757-617-8624
                             or dvillani@cox.net.

Live & IN Person! Family Havdalah Hootenanny (May 15, 2021)

                                                            June/JulY 2021            11
TEMPLE POST - Ohef Sholom Temple
O                                                                              Matthew Helman
     n June 26, 2021, these seven teenagers publicly
     confirm a commitment to Jewish study and
     Jewish living at Saturday morning Shabbat
services. Confirmation is a culmination of formal                              Matthew is the son of Nancy
Jewish learning for children at Temple. Please join us                         and Phil Helman and brother to
in congratulating our Confirmation teens and their                             Megan. He is the grandson of
families!                                                                      Dorothy and Edwin Salomonsky
                                                                               and Myra* and David Helman
                                                                               and is the great-grandson
                     Rebecca Doughtie                     of Evelyn Adler. Matthew is a 5th generation
                                                          member of Ohef Sholom Temple. Many of his family
                        Rebecca is the daughter of        members, including his great-grandfather, mother,
                        Glynis and Tracy* Doughtie,       aunts, and uncles can been seen on the wall of
                        sister of Savannah, and           confirmands at Ohef Sholom.
                        Nickolas, and granddaughter of
                        Eileen Colton and Lewis Miller.   Matthew became a Bar Mitzvah in 2018. He has
                        She is the first generation       been active as an OST Madrichim at the Religious
                        member of Ohef Sholom and         School for the past three years. He volunteers his
started religious school in the first grade. Rebecca      time at Jewish Family Service with a focus on the
would still like to be involved in OST by being an        Food Pantry. He began his service as a Bar Mitzvah
assistant teacher. She is currently a sophomore at        project and has been a regular volunteer ever since.
Deep Creek high school. Rebecca enjoys going to           Matthew is a 10th grade student at Princess Anne
the beach, movies, and babysitting. She is so happy       High School in the International Baccalaureate
that we are able to do this because of Covid. My          Program. He is a member of the National Honor
daughter is thankful for the OST religious school         Society, National Science Honor Society, Debate
experience.                                               Team and Leadership Workshop Participant.
                                                          Matthew enjoys playing sports and spending time
                                                          with his friends and family.
                     Andrew Goodove
                       Drew is the son of Amy and                              Caden Longwater
                       Scott Goodove, brother of Ella
                       Goodove, and grandson of                                 Caden is the son of Adam and
                       Harriet & Edward Goodove,                                Karen Longwater, brother of
                       and Sandra & William Sroka.                              Madison and Reese Longwater
                       Drew is a third-generation                               and grandson of E. Jean and
                       member of Ohef Sholom                                    the late George Heidig and
Temple. He started Religious School in the first                                Sandra and the late Marvin
grade and became a Bar Mitzvah in March of 2018.                                Longwater. Caden started
Drew has been an active member of OST Madrichim           Religious School in the first grade and became
program at the Religious School for the past three        a Bar Mitzvah in October 2018. He has been an
years. He was selected to be a page in the Virginia       active member of OST since his Bar Mitzvah, and
Senate in 2019 and has been actively helping local        enjoys working as a Madrich. Caden attends the
politicians with their elections ever since. Drew is a    Math and Science Academy at Ocean Lakes High
10th grade student at the Math & Science Academy          School where he participates in executive board and
at Ocean Lakes High School. He is a member of             the swim team. He is also a year-round swimmer
the SCA Executive Board, Dolphin Minds Matter             with Coastal Virginia Aquatic Club and this year
Club, Vice President of the Benjamin Goldberg             he participated in NASA's Virginia Space Coast
Foundation, and a two-year member of the Ocean            Scholar's program. Caden is passionate about
Lakes Swim Team. In his free time, Drew enjoys            aeronautics and the sciences. He loves skiing, surfing
water sports, watching TV and hanging out with            and hiking. He is incredibly grateful for his temple
  friends and family.                                     family and the amazing life lessons and knowledge

   10         THE TEMPLE POST
Mazel Tov to the Ohef Sholom Temple
he has acquired while attending Ohef Sholom
Temple. He aspires to continue contributing as a                                John Williamson
madrich in order to assist younger students in their
Jewish education.                                                                John is the son of Valeria and
                                                                                 Matthew Williamson; brother
                                                                                 of Emmylou, Henry, Sky, Aidan,
                     Elizabeth Rachels                                           and Riley; and grandson of
                                                                                 Sally and Mikel Weber, Sharon
                      Elizabeth is the daughter of                               and Clayton Williamson, Jr.,
                      Allison and John Rachels,           and John Barber. John is a second generation
                      sister of Andrew Rachels, and       member of Ohef Sholom Temple. He started
                      the granddaughter of Susan          religious school in the fifth grade and became a Bar
                      and Alan Nordlinger, Judith         Mitzvah in November of 2018. John has been an
                      Rachels and William Rachels, Jr.    active member of OSTY since his Bar Mitzvah. He
                      Elizabeth is a fourth generation    was an OSTY board member for two years, served as
member of Ohef Sholom Temple. Elizabeth is a              an Emerging Philanthropist through UJFT, took part
Global Scholar and is on the Board of the Compass         in Better Together with residents of Beth Sholom,
Rose Coffee Company at Cape Henry Collegiate              and enjoyed meeting Jewish teens from across the
School. Elizabeth is planning on joining BBYO in the      country at Sababa Beachaway Camp for two years.
fall.                                                     John served as a madrich for younger Hebrew
                                                          students for two years and plans on continuing to
                                                          serve in this capacity until he graduates. John is very
                     Gram Sher                            active at Great Bridge High School, playing tuba in
                                                          the Great Bridge Marching Wildcats Band for two
                      Gram is the son of Dan Sher         years.
                      and Kris Worrell, brother of Ella
                      Sher, and grandson of Alice and                                        *Of Blessed Memory
                      Corson Spencer, and Penny
                      Lippman & Neil Sher. Gram has
                      been attending Ohef Sholom
                      Temple since his family moved
to the area in 2019. He became a Bar Mitzvah in
October of 2018. Gram is eager to become more
involved at Ohef Sholom, hoping to become a
Sunday School assistant in the coming years. An avid
sports fan, Gram is very active at Princess Anne High
School in Virginia Beach, playing percussion in the
Fabulous Marching Cavaliers and working with the
Young Democrats.

                                                                                   June/JulY 2021          11
Education                                 ADULT EDUCATION

                     with Rabbi Roz, Cantor Jen and Janice Kaplan

As we emerge from quarantine, how will we live differently? What
can Judaism teach us about living a life of happiness? What is the
role of gratitude in happiness? What are some meaningful ways
to move forward? Join us for a three-part series on “Finding
Happiness” with Rabbi Roz, Cantor Jen, and Author Janice Kaplan.

This event is brought to Ohef Sholom Temple through the
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the Simon Family
JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival, held in
coordination with the Jewish Book Council, the only organization in
the organized American Jewish community whose sole purpose is
the promotion of Jewish books.

Please Join Us!
Tuesday, June 8 at 7 pm
Part 2 with Janice Kaplan
The Gratitude Diaries: How Gratitude Works

Tuesday, July 13 at 7 pm                                                 Author Janice Kaplan
Part 3 with Cantor Jen
The Way Forward

To RSVP for this event, please email                   If you need to purchase the book from
reservations@ohefsholom.org.                           the office for $15, please let the office
                                                       know when you RSVP. The book is also
For more information, contact Nina Kruger at
757-625-4295 or membership@ohefsholom.org.             available on Amazon or Kindle.

   12         THE TEMPLE POST
Tzedakah Corner
Happy Summer from OST Engagement & the Caring/Outreach Group

     he weather has warmed, we are all “breathing easier” and soon
     we'll begin a “new normal” for resuming Temple community
     activities! Our dedicated Caring Committee sub-groups are
continuing and restarting their efforts to ensure our congregants
and our community feel the love and support of Ohef Sholom not
just via zoom and phone, but “live and in person”!

As on-site services resume, we seek (vaccinated) volunteers to
help us keep attendees safe and healthy, adhering to necessary
guidelines while enjoying the joy and peace that only being in the
sanctuary together can bring.

Our incredibly dedicated Soup Kitchen contingent has continued
providing meals to our homeless neighbors throughout the
pandemic and will continue to do so on the last Monday of every month all summer long. Teens, young
adults and anyone with a few hours to spare on those Monday mornings who wish to join us will be
welcomed and introduced to a true act of Tikkun Olam.

The quilting group has returned to the building; watch for meeting times in ATTT each Wednesday.

Our “Outreach Group” has developed into a well-organized core of comforting callers, card senders, and
meal train coordinators. Some of you may have already benefitted from their caring actions; if you are in
need of a friendly voice or would like to be one who provides connection to others on an occasional basis,
please don’t hesitate to call the Temple office and let us know. We are still just a phone call away!

Our “Love Thy Neighbor” outreach fulfilled the mitzvah of beginning family to family connections with
ForKids and will be working together over the summer months to assist with “back to school” provisions for
our special and deserving group of families. If you are interested in joining the group of families pitching in
together, please contact Carol Brum at carolnanroth@gmail.com or via text at (818) 614-2527.

The High Holidays will be upon us before we know it! Let’s all move toward them with a goal of refreshing
our efforts in doing good and contributing to the many mitzvot we can take part in.

I’m so thankful for this community and its ability to thrive during this past dark        Carol Roth Brum
year. I look forward to being with many of you in our positive efforts to resume          Engagement/Caring Committee Chair
our spiritual connections and communal good deeds!                                        carolnanroth@gmail.com

Our Upcoming
June & July
Soup Kitchens:
Monday, June 28, 2021
Monday, July 26, 2021

10:30 am - 1:00 pm

                                                                                     June/JulY 2021                13
LIFE & LEGACY: Our Past & Present

     UR PAST                                            OUR PRESENT
     Generation after generation, our heritage has      While the LIFE &
     been carefully and lovingly preserved at Ohef      LEGACY Campaign
Sholom Temple by those who came before us. The          is officially ended,
fruit of their labors has provided us a treasured       growing our
community that functions as a place of worship,         endowment is
a gathering space, a cultural learning venue, a         a never ending
center for community outreach, and a historical site    priority. It is our
all in one. This house – our house – is the legacy      obligation and
planted by preceding generations and it is up           privilege to make
to us to continue that legacy, ensuring that Ohef       sure Ohef Sholom
Sholom Temple is, and always will be, “A House of       Temple will be a
Prayer For All Peoples,” including our children, our    thriving community
grandchildren, and all generations to come.             for our children,
                                                        grandchildren and the generations to come. We
The Ohef Sholom Foundation was created in 1990          remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering a
to help us secure our long-term future. Its principal   culture of philanthropy, one conversation at a time.
mission is to raise funds to grow our endowment,
and additionally, to manage these funds in a            Our LIFE & LEGACY team is working diligently
prudent and fiscally responsible manner, meeting        to ensure that the philanthropic culture at OST is
the needs of the donors as well as the needs of the     one based on strong relationships honoring the
Foundation. The funds endowed to OSF provide            partnership between donor and organization.
for needs above and beyond general operating            We have worked closely with the Tidewater
needs in times of prosperity and especially in times    Jewish Foundation to create a Sustainability and
of challenge. Relationships are at the core of this     Stewardship Plan that will serve as a guide for
task. Cultivating and nurturing strong relationships    sustaining our legacy initiative into perpetuity.
with our congregants is vital to this endeavor. It
is important to educate our members about the           Today our Foundation has $6.5 million in
mission and the means needed to carry it out.           investments in nearly eighty specifically named
That is why it is vitally neceessary to listen to our   or designated funds. In addition, the Foundation
members when they tell us what is important to          expects to receive over $9 million in promised
them and what are the values by which they live.        gifts in the future. In the fiscal year just ended, the
                                                        Foundation contributed to the Temple's budget
Since its creation, the OSF has been successful in      $248,766 in restricted and unrestricted gifts which
building a strong foundation for OST. As a result       helped to enhance the Temple's operations in order
of The Eternal Light Society created in 2011, and       to keep the Temple relevant to current as well as
most recently the 4-Year LIFE & LEGACY Campaign         future generations.
from 2017-21 sponsored by the Harold Grinspoon
Foundation and in partnership with the Tidewater        For more information about Ohef Sholom’s
Jewish Foundation, Ohef Sholom was able to grow         Foundation and our Endowment Opportunities,
our endowment significantly. The LIFE & LEGACY          please visit our updated webpage at
Campaign on its own added 81 new legacy                 ohefsholom.org/endowment/ or reach out to the
commitments totaling an estimated $3.5 million in       following Ohef Sholom Foundation team leaders:
current and future gifts.
                                                        Matthew Fine, Ohef Sholom Foundation President
                                                        matthewfine@cox.net or 757-407-1368

                                                        Rachael Nusbaum, Development Associate

    14         THE TEMPLE POST
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support OST
                 by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.
           Donations can be submitted to Temple via mail, over the phone, or online at https://ohefsholom.org/donations/

ARCHIVES FUND                              EDUCATIONAL FUND                              *Linda & Leigh Baltuch
In Memory of:                              In Memory of:                                 MILTON SHUMAKER
DR. THEODORE ADLER                         JAY AFTEL                                     *Harold D. Shumaker
*Helen & Duke Rosenberg                    *Gail & Tom Bachman                           VIRGINIA GROSSMAN SHUMAKER
                                           LARRY GOLDRICH                                *Harold D. Shumaker
CARING COMMITTEE FUND                      *Etta & Ernie Lendman                         RABBI MALCOLM H. STERN
In Memory of:                              With Appreciation to:                         *Harold D. Shumaker
BARRY KESSER                               KITTY WOLF                                    LEAH WAITZER
*Marion, Roger, & Naomei Lidman            *Diane & Pete Brunk                           *Marion, Roger, & Naomei Lidman
EDWARD LOEB                                                                              ARLENE ZENO
*Shelley & Jeff Loeb                       SISTERHOOD FLORAL FUND                        *Linda & Leigh Baltuch
BENITA “BUNNY” MIRMAN                      In Honor of the birth of their                *Betsy & Erik Cooper & Family
*Marsha & Marty Moody                      granddaughter, Eliza:                         Wishing a Happy Birthday to:
MICHAEL ROSENBERG                          SUZANNE & DENNY GRUELLE                       NANCY LAZIER
*Carol & Lou Sherman                       Marion, Roger, & Naomei Lidman                Lynne & Sid Sward
With Appreciation to:                      In Memory of:                                 LAWRENCE STEINGOLD
TERRI BUDMAN                               HENRY ABRAHAM                                 Lynne & Sid Sward
*Marion, Roger, & Naomei Lidman            Rachel & David Abraham                        With Appreciation:
                                           MARVIN ADLER                                  *Karen Gonsman
CARING COMMITTEE FUND -                    *Evelyn Adler & Family
SOUP KITCHEN                               ALAN L. NORDLINGER, SR.                       CHUCK WOODWARD
In Memory of:                              *Susan & Alan Nordlinger                      MUSIC FUND
BELLE GARFINKEL                                                                          In Memory of:
*Suzanne & Dennis Gruelle                  TEMPLE FUND                                   MARTY EINHORN
Speedy Recovery to:                        In Honor of the Bat Mitzvah of:               *Betsy & Erik Cooper & Family
BOB HOLMES                                 SYDNEY HALPERN                                *Marion, Roger, & Naomei Lidman
*Suzanne & Dennis Gruelle                  *Susan Clayman & Frank Starks                 BENITA “BUNNY” MIRMAN
Wishing a Happy Birthday to:               In Honor of 25 Years in the                   Sally & Chuck Essreg
ED WEISBERG                                Rabbinate:                                    Wishing a Happy Birthday to:
*Lisa, Joel, Ayden & Brian Cohn            RABBI ROSALIN MANDELBERG                      STUART BUXBAUM
With Appreciation to:                      Lynne & Sid Sward                             *Suzanne & Dennis Gruelle
PAMELA BLAIS                               In Honor of Receiving the
*Marion, Roger, & Naomei Lidman            VCIC Humanitarian Award:                      LESLIE LEGUM CAMP
                                           LAWRENCE STEINGOLD                            SCHOLARSHIP FUND
RABBI ROSALIN                              Lynne & Sid Sward                             In Memory of:
MANDELBERG’S                               In Memory of:                                 BARRY KESSER
DISCRETIONARY FUND                         DR. THEODORE ADLER                            Betty Hecht
In Honor of 25 Years in the                *Marion, Roger, & Naomei Lidman
Rabbinate:                                 MARTY EINHORN
RABBI ROSALIN MANDELBERG                   *Sandra & Miles Leon
*Jay Legum                                 DR. CYNTHIA GALUMBECK
*Marion, Roger, & Naomei Lidman            *Betsy & Erik Cooper & Family
In Memory of:                              JOSEPH GOLDMAN
MARTY EINHORN                              *Linda & Leigh Baltuch
*Mary Ann & Philip Walzer                  LARRY GOLDRICH
BARRY KESSER                               *Randy & Jim Caplan
*Susan, Larry & John David Quate           *Renne & Stephen Caplan
                                           *Exquisite Custom Cabinets
OHEF SHOLOM FOUNDATION                     Amy & George Ginsburg
UNRESTRICTED FUNDS                         Sandra & Howard Gordon
In Memory of:                              Susan & Larry Quate
LARRY GOLDRICH                             *Linda & Ron Spindel
*Suzanne & Dennis Gruelle                  NORMAN OLITSKY
*Evelyn Munden                             *Heather & Jeff Cohen
                                           *Janet & William Kass

                                                                                                 June/JulY 2021            15
Yahrzeits                            JUNE&JULY                              *denotes memorial plaque

May 30 - Jun 5              I. Morton Feldman         William Goldman              Earl Jarvis
Flora Albert                Esther Fenster*           David Goldrich*              Beatrice Kagan
Frieda Berman Amelson*      Arthur Frasca             Benjamin Grossman*           David Kaufman
Goldyn Balaban              Dr. Marshall Friedman     William H. Harrison*         Henry B. Kaufmann*
Jerry Baydush*              Harold Friedman           Samuel Kaiser                Dr. Leo Kauftheil*
Samuel Blachman*            Sylvia Geffen             Dr. Bruce Kane               Richard B. Keeley
Harold I. Breit*            Rachel F. Goldstein*      Bernice Kaplan               Jack Klar
Lewis Alfred Bress          Murray B. Goldsticker     Hilda Saxon Kerpelman        Carl Lifland*
Abraham Bress               David H. Goodman*         Malvina Kirschner            Anna Lowe*
Rachel Brown*               Stanley Leigh Harrison*   Allen Kline                  Elaine Lustig
Emma Cross                  Peggy Hellner             Isabelle H. Kline*           Richard I. Miller*
Sara Joo Davidson*          Minnie B. Hollan          Naomi Karlin Laderberg       DeWitt Moody
Jennie Lohrman Dobbs*       George B. Kaufman*        A.J. Legum                   Cameron Munden*
Raymond Drummond            Albert Laderberg          Leo Levine                   Dorothy Jean Rager*
Fannie Duny                 Coralyn Lakamp            Leonard Levitan              Irving Rosen
Sarah Feldman               Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron   Simmy Sadie Levy             William Rosenfeld
Charles Joseph Foster, V    Charles P. Leavitt        Lt. David Lowenberg, Jr.     Robert Rovner
Jack Friedman               David Ari Leavitt         Bernard Lubschutz            Harry Sacks
Steven Friedman             Regina Weiss Lefkowitz    Margaret Newfield*           Morrie B. Silverstein
Ruth Basch Front            Emanuel Lester            Jeanne Reznick               Anna Smith
Marion Glazer               Elsie Leviton             Joseph Rottenberg            Shirley Sobel
Lavada Goldberg*            Jacob Levy                Jean Schepper                Rachel Steel*
Iris Goodman                Moe Levy*                 Louis Shapiro                Selma Swersky
Burton Greenberg            Lena A. Liverman          Ann Shapiro                  Solomon D. Troy
Sylvia Greenspoon           Sarah Lobock              Lester S. Sherrick*          Barbara Wells Merritt
Clara G. Harris*            David Lowenberg           Moe Aaron Snyder             Sigmund Wolf
Edwin "Buddy" Jacobson*     Dr. Eugene Lowenberg*     Ernestine Stiffman
Solomon Kaplan              Ellie M. Marx*            Elise Loemann Ullman*        Jun 27 - Jul 3
Sarah Kayton*               Sarah Meyerson            Henriette Wachsman*          Ilona Aranyi*
Joseph W. "Sonny" Kyle      Marilyn Moon              Louis Wasserman*             Samuel Ashinoff*
Edna Sara Lazaron           Ann Papier Greenberg      Patricia Wisoff              Jay D. A. Barr
Reba M. Leterman*           Murray Pikelny            Bonnie Brill Zipkin          Fannie Bass
Agatha Liebman Leventhal*   Stephen L. Preddy                                      Ethel Bass*
Sonya Levy                  Kurt M. Rosenbach         Jun 20 - 26                  Richard Bass
Anna Lee Liverman*          Rita B. Rosenberg*        Stuart Abramson              Billy Bazar
Susan Gilbert Maggiora      Maurice Sacks             Minnie Silverman Adler*      Arthur Bear
Jacob Markovitz             Felice Saks               Elisa S. Banks               Dr. Walter Berman
Harry Nicholson*            Ida Schafetz              Jennie F. Barr               Emil Brand
Bertha Reisner              Daniel Schneider          Marsha Bartley*              Walter Debs "Vevy"
Doris Roth                  Michael Shank             Philip Bass                     Budman
Roberta Schiff              Shirley Steinberg         Philip Belkov                Lynn Chapel
Jerome Smith                Bernice Stillman          Emeri Berkovitz              Shirley Charm
Harriet Solomon             Pauline Wasserman*        Jack Bodner                  Bertha (Boonkie) Glasser
Michael E. Stredler         Jerrold Weinberg*         Harry Bornstein                 Cohen*
William Waldman*            Richard Wingfield         Stella Chase*                Irene Cohen
Julia Weisel*                                         Rita Cogan                   Doris Meyer Cohen*
Belle V. Weiss              Jun 13 - 19               Charles (Charlie) Dechter*   Sara Comess*
                            Rena Myers Bartley*       Harry Echmann                Ida Goldblatt Diamonstein*
Jun 6 - 12                  Belle S. Bear             Sidney Feldman               Roth Raw Dreggors
Celia C. Altschul*          Max A. Berger*            Thomas M. Friedman*          Sonya Fine
Phillip Barr*               Jerome Breinin            Pauline Becker Galumbeck     Mamie Heller Fine*
Leo Baydush*                Sarah Rebecca Cooper*     Harry L. Gilbert*            Abe A. Forman*
Evelyn Berger               Benjamin Duny             Carl Gilbert*                Suzanne Galumbeck*
Alice Blumenson             Meyer Engelberg           Max Goldberg                 Bessie Galumbeck
Robert Broudy               Joseph S. Evans*          Ruth Kaufman Goldstein       Bonna Haywood
Priscilla Close             H. William Fink           Jacob Gurwitz                Roger A. Horne*
Arthur Paul Cohen*          Samuel H. Fried*          Sarah Yetta Hecht            James "Jimmy" Legum
Bessie P. Dozoretz*         Stephen Furst             Albert G. Isay               Jacob W. Legum
Milton Drucker*             Elsa Wallerstein Gerst    David G. Jacobs*             Goldie Levin
Minnie Eisenstein*          Edie Goldberg             Stephanie Jacobson*          Kathryn Levy

   16          THE TEMPLE POST
*denotes gifts of $25 or more

Moses Levy              Beverly Schulman          Jul 18 - 24                   Jul 25 - 31
Ben Levy                Fannie Seldes             Harris Bangel*                Barbara Alper
Frank Livingston*       Elise Simon               Ryan Barkan                   Ralph J. Berlin*
Clara Lohrman*          Sandra Slaven             Harry Bass                    Florene Feinberg Berman*
Fannye Metzger*         Shirley Smith             Celia Blum*                   Joseph Bohrman*
Eleanor Neukrug         Meyer Staub               Cecil Blum*                   Evelyn Brand
Alan Nusbaum            Lillian M. Strelitz*      Sylvia Sarlson Burg           Theodore H. Cohen*
Harry Pincus, Sr.*      Lillian Strom*            Harry Cohen*                  Esther Comess
Minna Powders           Herman Unger*             Betty Cohen                   William Cross
Harry Puritz            Helen Wasserman Van Os*   Fredric Coplon                Jennie Fass*
Dorothy Quittner*       Ruth C. Wasserman*        Larry Dagen                   Louis H. Friedman*
Peter Reisner           David Jay Weinstein       Louis Fenster*                Jennie Friedman
Andre Roberto           Miriam Weisberg           Herbert Freeman               Marcelle H. Gates*
Betty Romulus           Birdie Weitsman           Frances S. Garnher*           Margaret Glans
Joseph Rose*            Murray Wolsh              Richard Carl Geis             Etta Goldblatt
Ada Rosenfeld           Michael Wolsh             Florence W. Goldstein*        Elsa Campe Goodman*
David Saks                                        Lynn R. Goldstein             Robert Hecht
Henry Schlesinger*      Jul 11 - 17               Samuel E. Goodove             Benjamin Hofheimer*
Sarah G. Segal*         Ida Adelsdorf*            Rose S. Gordon*               Jefferson Davis Hofheimer
Florence Sherman*       Dr. Harvey L. Aftel*      Anna Ruth Gross               Leo Jacobs
Clare Siburkis          Henry S. Blumenthal       Emma Heimanson*               Alyssa Jaehne
J. Arthur Stein         Blumenthal, Jr.*          Samuel R. Heller*             Amelia Kline*
Albert Walters*         Max Comess*               Lewis D. Hirschler, Sr.*      Iosif Kosoi
Seeman Waranch          Dudley Cooper*            Elise N. Hofheimer*           Michele Krock
Samuel Weisberg         Joseph B. Cooper*         Shirley Hurwitz               Harry Legum*
Benjamin Weisel*        Alan Seth Deutsch         Fleurette Joo*                Irving Leibowitz
                        Leah W. Drew*             David Kane                    Rose Lifland*
Jul 4 - 10              Bernhard Eberson*         Eleanor Sue Kanter            Robert G. Liverman
Jack Ballan             Dorothy Flax              Charles King*                 Abraham Messenger*
Jake Barney*            Barbara Leterman          Adele H. Koster*              Junius Miller
Harry Berman*           Fletcher*                 Kenneth Levi*                 Lorin Goodman Nelson*
Jeffrey Blair           Milton L. Friedman*       Anna C. Lisner                Henry Porter
Helen Katz Bowdree      Eleanore Geringer         Solomon Loeb*                 Martha Pridgen Rogers
Ethel Brotman           Bertha Levine Gilbert     Albert Lubarsky               Joseph Rosenbaum
Max Charm               Joseph Glanzer*           Roberta Moore                 Sylvia W. Schechter*
Joe Chernitzer          Martha R. Goldin*         Charles Pributsky             Sam G. Spindel*
Raymond Israel Cohen    Barbara Lewis Haag*       Sally Rogers                  Lewis N. Strelitz*
Miriam Cohen Weisberg   Eric Hecht                Jacob Rotholz*                Salomon Wachsman*
Lewis P. Cooper*        Jack Hogen                Tybell Schub                  Gertrude B. Weisberg
Phillip Engel*          John Bennett Jacobson*    Hilda Cohen Shank             Harold Wolff
Rosabel S. Fleishman    Virgie Johns              Michael Shanker*              Mollie Zimberg
Phyllis Gilbert         Elsie Goldstein Kerley    Hy Sherman
Gertrude Rubenstein     Jeffrey Kesser            John "Jack" Simmons*
  Goldberg*             Benjamin J. Levy*         Luba Zelda R. Small
Satoris Gutterman       Robert Mccullough         Shirley Miriam Sobel*
Melvin Halpern          Dr. Henry Newfield*       Sylvia Stark
Esther Jacobs*          Henry Milton Nordin*      Pauline J. Turner*
Blanche Kaufman*        Leon Salzberg             Taylor Via*
Max Kleinfeld*          Harry C. Schapiro         Gregory Vita
Frank Laderberg*        Carolyn Schlenger         Pauline C. Whitlock*
Jean Levin              Joseph Smith              Renee Wolfson
Sidney Lutzin           Meyer Steingold*
Leon Miller             Stephen D. Unger*
Charles Moore           Eloise Ward
Murray Paster           Lucy With
Jessie Pributsky        Fannie Zittrain
Harold Rapp
Steven Reznick
Benjamin Salomonsky*
Milton G. Schloss

                                                                             June/JulY 2021                17
June Events VIA ZOOM                      (UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED)
      Tuesday                                  Thursday                               Tuesday
 1    5:00 pm
      House Committee Meeting
                                         10    4:00 pm
                                               Torah Study
                                                                                 22   9:00 pm
                                                                                      D'Bar Torah

      Wednesday                                Friday                                 Thursday
 2    7:00 pm                            11    6:30 pm                           24   4:00 pm
      Men's Club Meeting                       Shabbat Service*                       Torah Study

      Thursday                                 SATURDAY                               Friday
 3    4:00 pm                            12    9:00 am                           25   6:30 pm
      Torah Study                              Torah Study                            Shabbat Service*
      5:00 pm                                  10:30 am
      Executive Committee Meeting
      7:00 pm
                                               Shabbat Service**
                                                                                 26   9:00 am
      Anti-Racism Course
      with Rabbi Roz                     17    4:00 pm
                                                                                      Torah Study
                                                                                      10:30 am
                                               Torah Study                            Shabbat Service**
      Friday                                   5:30 pm
 4    6:30 pm                                  New Board Member Orientation
                                                                                      & Confirmation

      Shabbat Service*                         7:00 pm                                Monday
      Temple Doors Are Open!                   Board Meeting                     28   10:30 am
                                                                                      Soup Kitchen
      SATURDAY                                 Friday
 5    9:00 am                            18    6:30 pm
      Torah Study                              Shabbat Service*
      10:30 am
      Shabbat Service**
      & Bat Mitzvah of Ella Goodove      19    9:00 am                                To add an event to the Temple
                                               Torah Study                            calendar, please email
      Tuesday                                  10:30 am
 8    7:00 pm                                  Shabbat Service**
      Finding Happiness                        7:00 pm
      9:00 pm                                  Havdalah Hootenanny
      D'Bar Torah                              with Jeanne & Bob Zentz

      Wednesday                                Sunday
 9    6:00 pm                             20   Father's Day
      Sisterhood Meeting
                                                                                                *in-person & live stream event
                                                                                                **live stream only event

June BIRTHDAYs                           June 9
                                         Kirby Lefkowitz
                                         Sharon Shanker
                                                              June 15
                                                              Bob Kirschner
                                                              Jon Muhlendorf
                                                                                 June 21
                                                                                 Dennis Gruelle
                                                                                 Errol Lifland
                                                                                                      Abbey Pachter
                                                                                                      Sharon Rosenbaum
                                                                                                      Kenneth Weinstein
June 1                June 4                                  Victor Pickett     Ilene Snyder         June 27
Craig Derkay          Shelly Simon       June 10
                                         Terri Shapiro        June 16            June 22              Jay Lazier
Richard Diamonstein   June 5                                                                          Betty Sacks
Tracee Elwess                            Lynne Sward          Susan Cohn         Sandy Mendelsohn
                      Ken Muhlendorf     Jack Young           Cathy Eichelbaum   Penny Powders        June 28
Chris Graves          Bert Newfield
Sherry Hecht                             June 11              Angela Harris      June 23              Sharon Laderberg
Ellen Mesh            June 6             Judy Benjamin        June 17            Peter Crockin        Adam Lefkowitz
Amy Milligan          David Brown        Karen Longwater      Zaak Glasser       Kim Fink             June 29
Arlene Strelitz       Ann Nusbaum        Thomas Murphy        Junie Goldman      Dmitry Gotkis        Elise Berkowitz
Marti Wachtel         June 7             June 12              Jan Lane           Susan Hooks          Martha Colen
June 2                Jessica Julius                          Bob Zentz          Shelley Loeb
                                         Brett Gordon
                                                                                 Rona McMillan        June 30
Linda Ausch           Besianne Maiden    John Lomogda         June 18                                 Diane Muhlendorf
                                                                                 Baila Waldholtz
Betty Hecht           June 8             JoEllen Rose         Josh Kinnear                            Sarah Newfield
Ruth Legum            Jennifer Gebler    June 13              Kelly Rowell       June 24
Ina Schmidt           Jerry Golden       Sharon Goldner       Alvin Wall         Rachel Kane
June 3                Rob Goodman, Jr.   Jonathan Jacobs      June 19            Sarah Keasey
Teresa Canepa         Marja-Leena        Larry Klar           Donald Hurwitz     David Metzger
Nancy Rosenberg         Jacobson         Blanche Nusbaum      Stuart Kerner      June 26
  Henry Wolf          Jerry Meltsner     Buzzy Schulwolf                         Brian Bachman
                      Jeff Swartz                             June 20            Martin Levin
                                                              Lonny Sarfan       Brenda Lisner

     18          THE TEMPLE POST

     Thursday                                  Friday                                Tuesday
 1   4:00 pm
     Torah Study
                                          9    6:30 pm
                                               Shabbat Service*
                                                                                20   9:00 pm
                                                                                     D'Bar Torah
     5:00 pm
                                               SATURDAY                              Thursday
     Executive Committee Meeting
                                         10    9:00 am                          22   4:00 pm
 2   6:30 pm
                                               Torah Study
                                               10:30 am
                                                                                     Torah Study

     Shabbat Service*                          Shabbat Service**                     Friday
                                                                                23   6:30 pm
     SATURDAY                                  Tuesday
 3   9:00 am                             13    7:00 pm
                                                                                     Shabbat Service*

     Torah Study
     10:30 am
                                               Finding Happiness
                                                                                24   9:00 am
     Shabbat Service**
                                         14    6:00 pm
                                                                                     Torah Study
                                                                                     10:30 am
 4   Independence Day
                                               Sisterhood Meeting                    Shabbat Service**

                                               Thursday                              Monday
     MonDAY                              15    4:00 pm                          26   10:30 am
 5   Independence Day                          Torah Study                           Soup Kitchen
     (Observed)                                7:00 pm
     Office Closed                                                                   Thursday
                                               Board Meeting
                                                                                29   4:00 pm
     Tuesday                                   Friday
 6   4:00 pm                             16    6:30 pm
                                                                                     Torah Study

     House Committee Meeting
     9:00 pm
                                               Shabbat Service*
                                                                                30   6:30 pm
     D'Bar Torah
                                         17    9:00 am
                                                                                     Shabbat Service*

     Wednesday                                                                       SATURDAY
 7   7:00 pm
                                               Torah Study
                                               10:30 am                         31   9:00 am
     Men's Club Meeting                        Shabbat Service**                     Torah Study
                                               7:00 pm                               10:30 am
 8   4:00 pm
                                               Havdalah Hootenanny
                                               with Jeanne & Bob Zentz
                                                                                     Shabbat Service**

     Torah Study
                                         19    12:00 pm                                        *in-person & live stream event
                                               Security Committee Meeting                      **live stream only event

July BIRTHDAYs                           July 12
                                         Lynnda Brotman
                                         Matthew Epps
                                                             July 18
                                                             Joe Hooks
                                                             Bari Kraus
                                                                                July 24
                                                                                Talya Cohen
                                                                                Mathew Freeman
                                                                                                      July 29
                                                                                                      Paula Blachman
                                                                                                      Megan Brown
July 1              July 5               Dale Jacobs                            David Javinsky        Eric Freeman
Marsha Hirschler    George Metzger                           July 20
                                         Marc Paster         Margaret Sawyer    Bruce Longman         Bill Nusbaum
Wendy Kane          Steven Waranch       Gil Schmidt, Jr.                       Cara Novick
Linda Laibstain     Gerald Zeno                              July 21                                  July 30
                                         July 13                                Steven Taubman        Danny Coley
Michael Rosenblum   July 6                                   Beverly Fox
                                         Charles Cooper      Joe Hecht          July 25               Shari Kletz
July 2              Jon Harris           Suzanne Feldman                        Sonnie Auxier         Joash Schulman
Brian Deutsch       Barry Kayer                              Nathan Jaffe       Suzanne Freeman
                                         Lynne Hazelip       David Titus                              Sandra Tavss
Jeanette Friedman   July 7                                                      Stacie Moss
                                         July 14             July 22            Debi Stadlin          July 31
July 3              Rob Corcoran         Joanne Goldstein                                             Matthew Fischi
Roy Beskin          Allen Larar          Suzanne Gruelle
                                                             Jenna              July 26               Patricia Kayer
Seth Gilbert        Marty Moody                                Aiken-Ritzmann   James Belote
                                         July 15             Marilyn Buxbaum                          Ralph Rabinowitz
Shirley Hainer                                                                  Jerome Gold
                    July 8               Blair Belkin        Beth Campion                             Albert Solomon
Bob Kline           Josh Hobbs                                                  July 27
                                         Nina Kruger         Michael Konikoff
July 4              Heather              Carole Sacks        Roberto Luna       Traci Corcoran
Marilyn Allison       Keller -Umberger   Ingrid Samuels      Robert Pariser     Cheryl Frasca
Frieda Duny         July 10                                                     July 28
Ragan Freeman                            July 17             July 23
                    Joel Cohn            Stuart Katz         Edwin Salomonsky   Sura Goldner
Helen Margolius     Barbara Pributsky                                           Sharon Hurwitz
George Rowland                           David Pincus        Nancy Wall
                                                                                Jay Legum
                    July 11              Cathy Romash
                                                                                Eric Unger
                    Cathi Laderberg      Mimi Stein
                    Morgan Zubof         Ruth Tavss
                                           Turner-Yanofsky                            June/JulY 2021                 19
Non-Profit Org.
                                                                                         US Postage
530 Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507
(P) 757•625•4295 (F) 757•625•3762
www.ohefsholom.org                                                                       Norfolk, VA
                                                                                        Permit No. 230
Rosalin Mandelberg, Senior Rabbi
Jennifer Rueben, Cantor
Lawrence A. Forman, Rabbi Emeritus

        The post
             ost Bulletin Board
      Our TREX recycling program is
      continuing to make an impact on
      our community!
      After obtaining two TREX benches for OST, we have now given a
      bench to the Gosnold Apartments of Virginia Supportive Housing
      and to our friends across the street at Ghent United Methodist
      Church. For our fifth collection, Campbell Fox will be taking
      charge of collecting the plastic as part of his Eagle Scout project.
      Campbell’s plan is to have the bench placed along the Elizabeth
                                                 TREX Coordinator
                                                 Christina Verderosa
                                                 would like to remind
                                                 everyone to please
                                                 make sure they only
                                                 put eligible items in
                                                 the collection. All TREX
                                                 material must be clean
                                                 and dry. Please shake
                                                 or rinse all food residue
                                                 out of bags. Make sure not to include plastic
                                                 bottles, clamshells, candy wrappers or similar
                                                 items. Thank you for your continued support!
Ohef Sholom Temple Sisterhood
Uniongram Order Form for
June-July-August (2021)

***** ORDER DEADLINE IS June 20, 2021 *****

To order and pay for Uniongrams online, go to


On the following pages, please circle the number before the name
of each person to whom you want to send a Uniongram.
Then mail the form, along with a check for $3 per Uniongram made payable to:


Mail to:
Ohef Sholom Temple
℅ Mara Bates, Sisterhood Uniongram Chair
530 Raleigh Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23507

Sender Name:____________________ Sender Phone #:_______________________

Please PRINT CLEARLY on the line below how you want the Uniongrams signed
(First Name/s/, Mr./Mrs./Dr., Mom and Dad, etc.):

Or you may write any special messages of 15 words or less below:

Uniongram # ____ Message:___________________________________________________

Uniongram # ____ Message: __________________________________________________

Uniongram # ____ Message:___________________________________________________

Uniongram # ____ Message: __________________________________________________

Number of Uniongrams________ @ $3 each = $______________

If you wish, indicate here any additional donation you are including: $__________

Bill my OST account: Yes____ Check enclosed Yes ____

           The Women of OST Sisterhood thank you for your support!
UNIONGRAMS - June/July 2021 (Covering June - July - August 2021)
     ANNIVERSARIES                                    YEARS         DATE
1    Gene & Loty Albert                                     65          7/4/56
2    Jerry & Ronda Bazar                                    55         7/24/66
3    David & Heather Beloff                                 10          7/3/11
4    David & Nancy S. Embree                                50          7/4/71
5    Andy & Colleen Fox                                     25         8/10/96
6    Ed & Sandra Fraim                                      10          7/5/11
7    Jay & Celia Friedman                                   40         8/30/81
8    Bruce & Laura Gilbert                                  50         8/21/71
9    Zaak & Barbara Glasser                                 20          6/3/01
10   Phil & Nancy Helman                                    20          6/9/01
11   Ken & Joan Johnson                                     55          8/9/66
12   Robert & Carol Laibstain                               45          8/7/76
13   Michael & Rachael Nusbaum                                5        8/27/16
14   Alex & Susan Pincus                                    35         6/14/86
15   Charlie & Heidi Raymond                                  5         7/2/16
16   Tom & Mindy Retnauer                                   30         7/20/91
17   Jeff & Lynn Sachs                                      35       7/20/1986
18   Edwin & Dorothy Salomonsky                             55       8/14/1966
19   Eric & Ingrid Samuels                                    5      7/24/2016
20   Eric & Linda Sherman                                   20        6/2/2001
21   Micky & Blanche Spilka                                 55       8/14/1966
22   George & Jenny Sterns                                  25       7/13/1996
23   Brad & Terry Waitzer                                   10       6/25/2011
24   Matthew & Giselle Weinstein                            40       6/21/1981
25   Jack & Norma Young                                     30       6/2/1991

     WEDDINGS                                                       DATE
26 Melissa Erickson & Brett Gordon                                   2/20/2021
27 Klebanoff Wedding                                                 4/152021
28 Erica Friedman & Andrew Beatus Wedding                            5/22/2021

     BIRTHS                                                         DATE
29 Blair Paige Balaban                                            12/20/2020     daughter of Erin & Jody Balaban
30 Maya Esther Gamboa                                             4/7/2021       daughter of Nicole & Lester Gamboa

     B'NAI MITZVAH                                                  DATE
31 Ella Goodove                                                       6/5/2021 daughter of Amy & Scott Goodove

     CONFIRMATION                                                   DATE
32 Rebecca Lynn Doughtie                                             6/26/2021 daughter of Glynis & Tracy* Doughtie
33 Andrew Jeffrey Goodove                                            6/26/2021 son of Amy & Scott Goodove
34 Matthew Evan Helman                                               6/26/2021 son of Nancy & Phil Helman
35 Caden Quinn Longwater                                             6/26/2021 son of Karen & Adam Longwater
36 Nancy Elizabeth Rachels                                           6/26/2021 daughter of Allison & John Rachels
37 Gram Jackson Sher                                                 6/26/2021 son of Kris Worrell & Dan Sher
38 John Weber Williamson                                             6/26/2021 son of Valeria & Matthew Williamson
                                                                                 *Of Blessed Memory
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